The Ultimate Christianity Iceberg

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @yecksd
    @yecksd Місяць тому +86

    massive cajones to make an iceberg vid on Christianity, given all the complexities and misunderstandings. respect

    • @Himathyyy
      @Himathyyy 26 днів тому +3

      He just went into brief descriptions not anything complex or misunderstood

  • @danielpfaff1802
    @danielpfaff1802 Місяць тому +387

    Jesus Christ is somebody you always have a room for. You never know who coming over for dinner but Jesus Christ is always coming over. ❤

    • @ookie4179
      @ookie4179 26 днів тому +10

      Well I hope he like pasketti, cause we’re having pasketti tonight.

    • @joshcastro739
      @joshcastro739 26 днів тому +2

      We're having science for dinner

    • @danielpfaff1802
      @danielpfaff1802 26 днів тому +4

      @@joshcastro739 The people once called it mana 😂 but a gift is a blessing and I hope you aren't missing the point.

    • @biancadukes5311
      @biancadukes5311 25 днів тому

      Im having sleep for dinner. I hope Jesus bought an extra pillow and cover 😢

    • @danielpfaff1802
      @danielpfaff1802 25 днів тому

      @@biancadukes5311 you should give him the bed but your to good for that right?

  • @BKalldayization
    @BKalldayization Місяць тому +63

    Christ is king

    • @putt-puttjoinsthecircus2000
      @putt-puttjoinsthecircus2000 25 днів тому +5

      Amen and always will be

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

  • @thattimestampguy
    @thattimestampguy 21 день тому +79

    *Tier 1: Many people have heard something about this*
    0:20 Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism.
    1:52 The Trinity.
    2:46 Christmas Nativity.
    3:19 Jesus Embodies Divine Love.
    3:48 Anglicanism.
    4:29 Evangelism.
    5:01 The Shroud of Turin.
    5:55 Comparing The Trinity to Water.
    6:17 Satan.
    6:42 Jesus
    6:59 Jesus is The Son of God.
    7:13 Christianity is Correct.
    7:20 Adam and Eve.
    8:20 Humans Are Good.
    8:54 The Creation of The World.
    9:17 Gehenna. 10:00 Satan in Hell.
    *Tier 2*
    10:25 Plymouth Brethren
    11:53 The Baptists and Believer's Baptism.
    12:38 The Mark of The Beast. 666.
    13:24 The World is ???? Years Old.
    13:53 The World is Flat?
    14:18 Jesus was Jewish.
    14:48 Jehovah.
    15:27 The First Council of Nicea addressing The Arian Controversy.
    16:18 The Nicene Creed.
    16:41 INRI "Jesus of Nazareth: King of The Jews."
    17:23 What is Hell like? What is Gehenna? A Lake of Fire.
    17:59 Saul/Paul, The Apostle.
    19:04 The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered between 1947-1956.
    20:04 Gnosticism.
    21:15 Jesus was buried on Friday.
    21:52 Who Wrote The Gospels?
    *Tier 3*
    22:28 The World is Square?
    22:58 Genesis is Mythological
    23:28 Abram/Abraham. Genesis 12.
    25:36 King David.
    26:28 Mathusala, 969 Year Old Person.
    27:03 The Book of Enoch.
    28:09 Satan is a Fallen Archangel.
    29:01 Saul.
    29:52 Jesus Born in March?
    30:28 Gopher Wood Ark.
    31:06 Flavius Josephus. 31:53 _The Antiquities of The Jews_
    32:28 The Number of Man. The Number of The Beast.
    32:59 Mana.
    33:52 The Ark of The Covenant in Ethiopia? 34:29
    34:52 Melchizedek = Shem?
    *Tier 4*
    35:51 Thrones of Angels.
    36:41 Christianity is Polytheistic? No.
    36:58 The Ark of The Covenant found?
    37:28 Jesus did not exist? It's nearly wholly agreed upon a man named Jesus existed.
    37:44 Shellfish = Sin?
    38:35 No Rain before The Flood?
    39:02 The Flood was local?
    39:27 The Bible isn't the same as the original?
    39:56 Jesus was buried on Thursday?
    40:43 Heber and Hebrew.
    41:18 Ichthus
    41:40 Moses' Sin.
    *Tier 5*
    42:19 Biblically Accurate Angels.
    42:46 Revelation is Metaphorical.
    43:29 The Disciples Wrote The Bible?
    43:50 Jesus never said He was God?
    44:47 200 - 400 AD. The Beginning of The Early Christian Church.
    45:27 Ahmenotep II, III, IV Akanatan.
    46:23 Samson was not good?
    47:22 Number of God. 3, 7, 12, 40. 777.
    47:50 Moses was not a real historical figure?
    48:46 2nd Esdras? Apocalyptic Text?
    50:20 The Lost Tribes of Israel.
    51:20 Abraham's Bosom. A Place of Rest for The Righteous.
    51:54 7 Days of Creation.
    52:24 Noah = Gilgamesh?
    53:04 Carrying Chairs to impress the ladies.
    *Tier 6*
    53:18 Satan is Beautiful?
    53:46 Pyramids before The Flood?
    54:23 Jesus in The Old Testament? Foreshadowing.
    55:27 Isaiah Chapter 53.
    56:24 Q?
    57:04 The Cross was a T.
    57:33 Jesus Christ is Historical Fact.
    58:10 The Forbidden Fruit is not specified.
    58:41 Adam and Eve did not have a Belly Button?
    59:10 Israelite Slaves 112
    59:45 Faith and Works? Sola Fide?
    1:00:27 Demons and Mental Health Problems?
    1:00:45 Mary The Mother of God remained a Virgin throughout her life.
    1:01:34 Satan goes to Hell.
    1:01:59 Gilgamesh copied Noah?
    *Tier 7*
    1:02:37 The World is Round.
    1:02:50 Jesus "Yeshua"
    1:03:29 Satan was a Seraphim?
    1:04:38 Jesus said He was God.
    1:05:09 Paul Created Christianity? No, he was a key figure, but not the creator of Christianity.
    1:05:44 The Curse of Jechoniah.
    1:06:39 Old Testament Prophecies tell of the coming of a Messiah.
    1:07:18 All Humans = Evil? Capacity to do Evil things?
    1:07:32 Joseph had a foster father?
    1:08:25 Baal = Demon?
    1:08:51 Pyramids after Flood.
    1:09:04 7 Pairs?
    1:09:49 The Witch of Endor?
    1:11:02 Matthew 10:34-36.
    *Tier 8*
    1:11:53 The Tesseracht Analogy.
    1:12:23 The Book of Revelation.
    1:12:52 Living In The End Times.
    1:13:26 Revelation is Literal?
    1:14:44 Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by Fire and Brimstone.
    1:15:41 Lilith.
    1:16:42 Monotheistic.
    1:16:55 Other gods are Demons.
    1:17:14 Enoch never died? Enoch taken directly into Heaven.
    1:18:02 Judah and Israel.
    1:19:43 Jesus had a brother? Jesus had cousins? Jesus had step siblings?
    1:20:23 Jesus was buried on a Wednesday?
    1:20:56 Hell is Dark and Hell is Separation from God.
    1:21:41 Melchizedek, Priest of The Most High God.
    *Tier 9*
    1:23:56 Genesis is multiple books squished together?
    1:25:15 Unicorn = Rhino?
    1:26:04 Tower of Babel = Ziggurat?
    1:26:56 Enoch = Metatron?
    1:27:51 Jesus Christ's Last Words?
    1:28:44 The Behemoth?
    1:29:22 13 Tribes?
    1:30:14 Mark 6:14-26
    1:31:35 Rainbow = God's Bow, a Symbol of Peace, Reconciliation, Protection.
    1:31:57 Joseph the Israelite.
    1:32:45 Revelation is currently happening?
    1:33:03 Neon Genesis Evangelion?
    1:33:29 St. Peter Crucified upside down.
    1:34:09 Matthew 6:5, Sermon on The Mount.
    *Tier 10*
    1:34:50 Revelation has already happened?
    1:35:25 200 Foreskins?
    1:36:08 Earth's Age doesn't matter.
    1:36:25 "It Is Finished."
    1:37:09 James tried to kill Paul?
    1:37:53 "Before Abraham was I am."
    1:38:26 Demons are Real.
    1:38:55 Numbers 22:22-35.
    1:39:50 Blasphemy against The Holy Spirit.
    1:40:49 Christophany in The Old Testament.
    1:41:58 Free Will.
    1:42:59 John Calvin Absolute Sovereignty.
    1:43:15 Revelation 12.
    1:44:13 Jesus and The Barren Fig Tree. Withering, failing to bear The Fruit of Righteousness. Ingeniousness.
    1:45:13 Reverence for God.
    1:45:55 End of The Video.
    1:46:16 Joseph of Arimathea.

    • @hiprox
      @hiprox 20 днів тому +6

      Absolutely goated from you bro

    • @InsomniacNaz
      @InsomniacNaz 8 днів тому

      Thank you!

    • @theoriginaltoba
      @theoriginaltoba 4 дні тому

      Joseph didn’t have a foster father. If these things aren’t mentioned in the Bible, then they’re not true. It’s like how people say that Adam and Eve had daughters, they didn’t. They had children: Abel, Cain and Seth. Just clarifying in case anyone’s confused.

  • @Nebias498
    @Nebias498 Місяць тому +190

    Christianity is the only Truth✝️✝️✝️
    The Lord Jesus Christ is God✝️✝️✝️
    God is real✝️✝️✝️

    • @Imahuckleberry
      @Imahuckleberry Місяць тому

      Jesus said that referring to him as the Christ Is the DECEPTION
      Matthew 24:4-4
      For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.
      Why? Because the LORD is the devil
      John 8:44

    • @nataliamundell6266
      @nataliamundell6266 Місяць тому +25

      ​@@Imahuckleberryerm no he said people will come in his name not that he himself is a deception and you should read John in context rather than Chery picking one verse and trying to make it say whatever you want, John never made the claim you say it does

    • @Pulsar76th
      @Pulsar76th 29 днів тому +2

      Facts ✝✝✝

    • @Pulsar76th
      @Pulsar76th 29 днів тому +13

      @@Imahuckleberry So much is wrong with this comment.
      1. Jesus says to be aware of OTHER people who claim divinity, not him. There are so many verses in the Bible where Jesus claims divinity. (John 1:1, John 14:9, John 10:30, Isaiah 9:6, John 8:58, the list goes on)
      2. If you read the rest of John 8 for context of this verse, it shows Jesus talking to people who call themselves Children of God but are actually sinners. John 8:44 mentions a father, but if you read the rest of John 8 (something you clearly didn't do), it shows that the father in question is Satan. When it mentions God the Father in the rest of John 8, it is indicated with a capital F. In John 8:44, Jesus calls the fake Jews children of Satan, for Satan is a liar and murderer from the beginning.
      I usually ignore these comments, but this one is just THAT dumb.

    • @surrealpsalms
      @surrealpsalms 28 днів тому +2

      @@ImahuckleberryThere are literally verses where people talk about “The Christ” and He outright says “I am He.”

  • @insertnamehere_262
    @insertnamehere_262 Місяць тому +163

    5:57 "That's modalism, Patrick!"

    • @NicoTheCheese
      @NicoTheCheese Місяць тому +31

      “That’s heresy, excommunicate him!”

    • @Jiujitsuspecialist
      @Jiujitsuspecialist 22 дні тому +1

      Trash meme, that ruined how we see the trinity in examples.

    • @insertnamehere_262
      @insertnamehere_262 21 день тому +12

      @@Jiujitsuspecialist heresy is heresy

    • @gaelbrah1419
      @gaelbrah1419 16 днів тому

      @@insertnamehere_262that’s not what the heresy is tho. The heresy of modalism is to say that there aren’t personal differences between the 3 persons

    • @reverence6140
      @reverence6140 15 днів тому

      ⁠@@gaelbrah1419there aren’t any differences/distinctions. Except human flesh.
      The Holy Spirit is of the Father and is the Father.
      Jesus is the word of the Father in flesh, but existed before his earthly conception so of the Father and is His literal image.
      The Father author of both, the beginning of thought, those above who he works through literally by scripture.
      (Edit) Modalism is NOT true (I don’t agree with the three masks idea, he can be in spirit and in flesh at the same time, he’s God) so Oneness belief I relate more to and not in breaking of the 1st and 2nd command by making them three distinct but co equal beings/deities like the Trinitarians or Unitarians. Instead of just a ONE TRUE God.

  •  Місяць тому +53

    @2:16 Eastern Churches celebrate Christmas on December 25th aswell! However, Eastern Churches use Julian calendar and convertimg from Julian to Gregorian calendar results in Christmas being celebrated on January 7th. But if you ask an Orthodox christian what date it is on Christmas they will say December 25th according to old calendar(Julian).

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  Місяць тому +11

      Ah thank you for clarifying that!

    • @Donald_Trump_2024
      @Donald_Trump_2024 Місяць тому +3

      yes it is true i am Conservative Orthodox Christian

    • @kkr6es
      @kkr6es Місяць тому +2

      @@Blue_SquidI’m an orthodox Christian and there are 2 different calendars used and it’s about half and half the amount that use each respectively. The Julian calendar and the revised Julian calendar. For those on the Julian calendar Christmas is January 7th and for those on the revised it’s December 25th we have the same calendar every year when it comes to pascha (Easter) because it changes every year unlike the Gregorian.

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 28 днів тому

      The eastern churches are just a split from the original apostate church that mixed paganism into it.

    •  28 днів тому +8

      @@joshportie No, what you just wrote is wrong on so many levels.

  • @Blackwingsss
    @Blackwingsss 22 дні тому +34

    He is the way, the truth and life.

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

    • @robertosantibanez
      @robertosantibanez 9 днів тому


  • @LazyChillZone
    @LazyChillZone Місяць тому +49

    These are always an instant watch for me. Watched all your content multiple times now and always learn something new. Thanks brother.

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  Місяць тому +6

      Thank you so much!

    • @LazyChillZone
      @LazyChillZone Місяць тому +2

      @@Blue_Squid btw can you enable supers or something? I wanna support your work lol

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  Місяць тому +4

      Maybe in the future but I don’t wanna take anyone’s money, it’s just for fun. I truly appreciate it though

    • @skitzonyt6738
      @skitzonyt6738 18 днів тому +1

      @@Blue_Squid I wish u the best bro you seem like an awesome guy

  • @Denva304
    @Denva304 Місяць тому +17

    Didn't expect wendigoon to get mentioned here

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  Місяць тому +9

      lol just in reference to his angels video he did explaining them

  • @isaacpfeiffer4347
    @isaacpfeiffer4347 20 годин тому +3

    Imagine a the church schisming over the argument on if Adam and Eve had belly buttons.

  • @Colddirector
    @Colddirector Місяць тому +35

    I want to believe the references to unicorns in the Bible are literal unicorns. The way it describes their strength and might makes me think of a crazy roided up white horse and that’s a really funny mental image.

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  Місяць тому +3

      That’d be awesome

    • @PrototypeScope
      @PrototypeScope Місяць тому +4

      I haven't watched the video yet, but I want to say it is indeed a rhino. But I have a feeling he mentions this in the video. If so, disregard this please!

    • @Colddirector
      @Colddirector Місяць тому +4

      @@PrototypeScope Yeah he does mention it, but it will always be an angry roided horse in my heart.

    • @DooDoo-f4v
      @DooDoo-f4v Місяць тому

      ​@@ColddirectorThis actually makes me curious in regards to Rhino's physiology over the centuries. Perhaps they weren't as wide and fat as we know them now. Just food for thought to keep that belief in you going! I'm probably wrong, but look at how we've been shrunken over time through all the gunk in our food and cramped up living spaces.

    • @Colddirector
      @Colddirector Місяць тому +2

      @@DooDoo-f4v In all seriousness it probably just is a matter of linguistics and words changing meaning over time, but medieval European bestiaries are quite famously wildly inaccurate because they're working off second/third-hand accounts of what these animals looked like. It could also be a similar telephone game that turned what was likely an ox or an auroch to a unicorn.

  • @Joker22593
    @Joker22593 Місяць тому +19

    "It is finished" also signifies the end of the passover meal that Jesus started on Holy Thursday

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

    • @robertosantibanez
      @robertosantibanez 9 днів тому +3

      @@ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1Jesus Christ is no messenger. He is God. None ever claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. None ever accepted reverence that belongs to God, but He did. None ever claimed to forgive sin, but He forgave sin. None has died and resurrected, but He did.
      Jesus Christ is the right path, and only though Him will you have salvation.

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 9 днів тому

      @@robertosantibanez As far as I know, God knows everything and almighty don't have anything similar.
      My question here does Jesus knows when the hour will come? if he is a god then he shall know everything!
      how come god get sick, died, go to the bathroom!! these aren't act of God.
      indeed, God aren't a human, and human isn't a god.

    • @robertosantibanez
      @robertosantibanez 9 днів тому

      @@ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 Such is the mystery of Christ. Regardless of Biblical explanation , you do not believe in it. The gospels and the letters of Paul emphasize on the divinity of Christ. There is not other gods beside the one true God. Jesus is known as The Son of Man, and the Son of God. He was fully human , but also fully divine.
      I believe in the Trinity. Such is the nature of The Father , that He is the only one that knows the hour. In the Old Testament God made it clear that they’re things he keeps from us , because He wishes to. The mystery of Divinity of Christ and also the Godhead (The Trinity) is not something man can entirely explain.
      You are a man, and you think you can understand the nature of God? None but Him , can understand h the extent of His nature and divinity. You are wise to consider that Christ welcomed and accepted the Honor and Glory that only belongs to God. No prophet or disciple , was ever found guilty of such heresy because only Jesus dared - because Jesus IS God.

    • @RobertOnYoutube.
      @RobertOnYoutube. 8 днів тому

      Christ God has two natures. He is fully human and fully God. “God became man so that man might become god." - St. Athanasious

  • @GonkVR
    @GonkVR 15 днів тому +3

    at 42:16 to give more context to Abrahams sin, he said something along the lines of “have WE not done enough for you” (implying that he is not a servant of God but rather an equal) which is what caused Abraham to not lead the israelite’s into the promise land

  • @marshmellow777-
    @marshmellow777- Місяць тому +7

    This video helped me regain my fire for reading the Bible, very edifying and informative thank you 🙏

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

  • @darkempire6050
    @darkempire6050 Місяць тому +14

    Wow im Catholic myself and im surprised how well and factual you presented this 👏

  • @alr1462
    @alr1462 Місяць тому +15

    Great video!
    Clarification: Isiah 53 was never taken out of the TaNaCh, and it is NOT forbidden for jews to read it

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 28 днів тому

      But they did remove Daniel from the prophets when he's THE prophet.

    • @alr1462
      @alr1462 28 днів тому

      @@joshportie remove him from what?

    • @alr1462
      @alr1462 28 днів тому

      @joshportie he's in the "Ch" section of TaNaCh

    • @Kamilxd
      @Kamilxd 19 днів тому +1

      ive heard by many that rabbis often try to either hide the chapter as a whole or never go into detail about it, with some jewish people not even knowing about its existence as a result

    • @LactatingFly
      @LactatingFly 14 днів тому

      @@KamilxdI think I read that this is due to the spiritual complexity of the book and that it may hinder those who are not ready

  • @xx_soul52_xx97
    @xx_soul52_xx97 Місяць тому +12

    The Jesus in the Old Testament section is referring to Jesus being in the Old Testament in person. There is an angel of god a lot of people believe to be Jesus before his incarnation in human form as well as him being the one in the garden of Eden, the one that walked with Abraham, the one that wrestled Jacob. I’m sure there are more but those just the ones off the top of my head

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  Місяць тому +2

      Yeah I tried to separate it a bit but there was an entry titled christophany on the last tier so I tried to focus the first entry just on like prophecies and the like

    • @LoveAndBoxingWW
      @LoveAndBoxingWW 24 дні тому

      The Bible doesn’t say so best to make no assumptions, if it’s in the Bible then you can interpret but if it’s not then don’t try to make things up

    • @muxeng977
      @muxeng977 18 днів тому

      He isn't making things up, the angel of the lord is constantly referred to as God and as one that holds all the power. Have you ever read an exegesis of theophanies?​@@LoveAndBoxingWW

    • @User4567u8
      @User4567u8 15 днів тому +1

      That one time david saw the angel of the Lord, and reffered to him as God

    • @User4567u8
      @User4567u8 15 днів тому

      ​@@LoveAndBoxingWWdid you know that the bible doesnt mansion a trinity, so technically the angel of the Lord could be seen as the forth person of the trinity

  • @RionaClancy
    @RionaClancy Місяць тому +9

    I loved your Abrahamic religion videos. This deserves more views! Great work 👏

    • @joshportie
      @joshportie 28 днів тому

      Did he explain there's only one Abrahamic religion? The bible.

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

  • @AmericanaNinja
    @AmericanaNinja 16 днів тому +7

    Christ is King

  • @tristinbihn9691
    @tristinbihn9691 27 днів тому +43

    Please don’t use the water and clover analogy for the trinity. The water analogy describes Modalistic heresy, while the clover analogy describes Partialistic heresy

    • @vsr5557
      @vsr5557 22 дні тому +3

      It is not the truth but it is a way you can use to warp your head around Trinity
      You take the example of water
      Understand why they used water to explain Trinity
      Understand why some Christians disagree with that example
      Now you have a rough idea of Trinity as we can never comprehend it in this life

    • @tristinbihn9691
      @tristinbihn9691 22 дні тому

      @@vsr5557 My friend holds to this thought and we were talking about it the other day. I understand the sentiment but I don’t believe you should introduce people to correct doctrine by using heresies. What if they picture that for the rest of their lives? Then they’re lifelong Trinitarian heretics. I think the Triangle is simple enough

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

    • @tristinbihn9691
      @tristinbihn9691 10 днів тому

      “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.”
      ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬-‭9‬
      Jesus says put your faith in his death and resurrection for the forgiveness of his sins. This is only possible because He who knew no sin took the wrath that we deserve for our sins on the cross. That passage is simply incorrect, we do not believe that God spawned Jesus or that Jesus was created. Jesus Christ is the one true God, he is the Word, he is the truth, in him is eternal life
      “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬
      “So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.””
      ‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭57‬-‭58‬ ‭
      “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ ‭
      At least understand what we believe before you start challenging me on things I DO NOT BELIEVE

    • @slik_sean6346
      @slik_sean6346 8 днів тому +5

      @@ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1did you really think this was gonna convert people

  • @ctswag4204
    @ctswag4204 День тому +1

    Describing the Trinity using the analogy of water is the heresy of modalism and using a clover is the heresy of partialism. No analogy accurately portrays the Trinity.

  • @jndvs95
    @jndvs95 6 днів тому +1

    My adhd brain trying to pick out as many from the opening scroll as possible and seeing malchezidek = shem blew my mind. OK back to the video

  • @joshportie
    @joshportie 28 днів тому +6

    The metatron is a modern Jewish thing when they were forced to change after Jesus. The word of God is Jesus not an angel. Theres only one arch angel and its Michael, satan wasn't an arch angel.

  • @ldmtag
    @ldmtag Місяць тому +4

    16:55 they even marked the long vowels in Latin, so nice of them!😮

  • @somuchpi2916
    @somuchpi2916 27 днів тому +1

    I really enjoyed how well researched and presented this video was, I just wish the Iceberg was more "out there" as even the deeper tiers weren't too out of beaten path

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  26 днів тому

      Thank you!! And Yeah true I love those entries

    • @LactatingFly
      @LactatingFly 14 днів тому

      May I recommend Umberto Eco’s The name of the rose and Focault’s pendulum for something that will scratch that itch like nothing else

  • @qpnnio
    @qpnnio Місяць тому +3

    Actually, in the NLT Lilith is mentioned 1 time.
    The footnote of the verse says she may have been some type of reference to an old demon creature or something along those lines.
    Its in the Book of Isaiah.
    Isaiah 34:14 (ESV) the words "night bird" are rendered as "Lilith" in some translations.

  • @irnarcticA
    @irnarcticA 16 днів тому

    Hey this video is really cool , thanks for covering this iceberg

  • @Urfavigbo
    @Urfavigbo Місяць тому +1

    The Church of the East(Nestorians) would definitely not agree to your claim that they're proto protestants. They tend not to use icons, but that was not always the case. They have just been surrounded by Islam for too long. They believe in the intercession of saints and have an ecclesiastical polity (which some protestants do have) And though I'm not protestant, trust, you guys don't want to be related to the Cathars.
    Eastern orthodox Christmas is on the 25th December on the Julian Calendar.
    The water, ice and vapour analogy is an excellent way to fall into modalism and the clover is partialism.

  • @user98344
    @user98344 5 днів тому

    I think by saying that Paul created Christianity they mean that he made it a religion while before was mostly a philosophical movement. 1:05:10

  • @richardwaltz7878
    @richardwaltz7878 8 днів тому

    28:30: The thing with Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-15 is that it was a mistranslation of a name for the Planet Venus (morningstar) by early Christians, which descended in the sky as a bad omen. No Jewish scholar ever believed in or told of Satan being a fallen angel. It is completely atypical for the Old-Testament narrative of Satan. We should listen to the Jewish scholars in this case, since 1. they literally wrote Isaiah and 2. understand the original Hebrew version way better than us.

  • @akitsushima-no-hizen_emissary
    @akitsushima-no-hizen_emissary 29 днів тому +3

    I'm glad that I learned some stuff from this like the part about Samuel 53, the origin of Metatron, the fig tree; but a lot of what you said is wrong too unfortunately~ :(
    Pre-Flood pyramids actually refers to 2 things. One is that the pyramids were pre-Flood given their dating, but it's unlikely given the lack of water damage. The second is that the Flood is 650 years older than Ussher places it (based on the potentially more accurate dates of the Septuagint). The 400 years from Shem to Peleg goes into this as well as shown in your image, it is viewed by Ussher and the Masoretic Text as about 100 years while under the Septuagint, it'd be 400 years~ :) This is a separate entry because Peleg was named for the fact that the Earth was divided (the Tower of Babel failed).
    Shem=Melchizedek is a theory proposed by the Jews to propose that Melchizedek's priesthood is not eternal as he is merely a human and not a Christophany. This theory is already built on shaky ground but can be definitively disproven by the 650 years.
    The 112 and Egyptian slavery is likely a typo, instead being 215 years, the potentially more accurate dating for how long the Israelites were in slavery based on how people like Stephen talked about it in the time of the New Testament and geneologies~
    These 4 are based on videos by NathanH83, videos which you unfortunately didn't watch given your cluelessness on all 3 topics~ :(
    Anyways, random other stuff I remember:
    The Cathars are gnostics and the Nestorians are Oriental Orthodox, neither being Proto-Protestants. Proto-Protestants are more like the Hussites and Waldensians.
    You made Samson sound better than he actually was. There's a theory on Judges saying they're ordered by how good they were, and Samson was last. You claimed all humans are evil refers to propensity to do evil and not being actually evil~ >_< sucks because I actually believe in the latter~ :(
    There's also a lot more you can add for many of these categories like the theory that "Lucifer" may actually be a reference to the Baal Cycle and not Satan. This is especially true for a lot of these theories that are based on others like Jesus being vs. not claiming to be God where you really just say they exist rather than explaining the reasons behind them~ ngl, I kinda want to make a remake of this video iceberg, altho I invite you to do so instead because I hate making commentary videos! xD
    altho, I will compliment you on the Game Theory joke~ 'twas funny~ ;3

  • @theskykeeper8476
    @theskykeeper8476 18 днів тому +1

    36:57 I think this entry refers to a video that had that exact title and it was kind of a found footage, i remember seeing the thumbnail that consisted of the ark buried in a cave wall, I tried looking for it but I was surprised I didn't found anything

  • @Grandmababybunny
    @Grandmababybunny Місяць тому

    Thank your so much for this video

  • @jonlannister345
    @jonlannister345 27 днів тому

    Interesting thing with no rains before the flood really come out when you look into how having two giant ice caps with a habitable zone in between affects the way weather works. Though there was still rain, it was much rarer, and it's understandable people at the time would take heavy rain as a surprising thing.

  • @ty_d_al
    @ty_d_al 16 годин тому

    & this entire iceberg is the just tip of the multiverse iceberg.

  • @PrototypeScope
    @PrototypeScope Місяць тому +4

    That Josephus writing about Jesus was likely doctored by early Christians. It is unlikely he would proclaim Jesus as Christ. But it is still a good historical reference.

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  Місяць тому +3

      I’ve heard about that, I’ve heard there were also rumors that he converted to Christianity but I think they come from the Middle Ages iirc

    • @PrototypeScope
      @PrototypeScope Місяць тому +2

      @@Blue_Squid I would like it to be true, for sure. Nevertheless, he did write about Jesus. The fraudsters only added some parts. So, in the least, it's further proof of Jesus's existence.

    • @joshuaparsons887
      @joshuaparsons887 Місяць тому +3

      He did write about Jesus and described what his followers believed (we have a pre-edit version in Arabic) but didn't proclaim him Christ or anything like that.

    • @PrototypeScope
      @PrototypeScope Місяць тому

      @@joshuaparsons887 That's right

    • @dicegamez8216
      @dicegamez8216 Місяць тому +2

      most scholars agree that Josephus's writings on Jesus were authentic, it was just edited later by Christians

  • @BG_SIRE
    @BG_SIRE 29 днів тому

    God bless you man thanks for the vid ✝️👍💪🔥

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

  • @Evan.280
    @Evan.280 Місяць тому +7

    As a Christian I love this type of stuff. There's so much from Christ's time and of the Bible that we still dont know

    • @whosflair3716
      @whosflair3716 Місяць тому +1

      We know what we need, and thats enough 🙏

    • @Evan.280
      @Evan.280 29 днів тому

      Helps us learn more too from theories from different denominations. Will never know everything. But every branch has its place

    • @user56233
      @user56233 29 днів тому


    • @Dawoeium
      @Dawoeium 16 днів тому

      @@Evan.280 not branch. We are Christians united by Scripture, 1 Corinthians 1:10-13
      "Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." and 2 Timothy 2:14
      "Use God's authority and warn them not to quarrel about words. To quarrel about little things does not help anyone. Instead, it destroys those people who listen."

      @ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 11 днів тому

      In Quran Surah an-Nisa'
      O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. Jesus Christ, son of Mary, is the Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Trinity.” Refrain, for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a child. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and on earth, and Allah is a sufficient Protector. [171]

  • @GoldenTV3
    @GoldenTV3 27 днів тому +1

    I think I heard this somewhere else that the number 7 in the ancient world often meant "fullness" or "completeness" or "to the max" and wasn't literal. Such as the phrase sevenfold

    • @disnagburnazog9552
      @disnagburnazog9552 27 днів тому

      Thats gotta be Religion for Breakfast video about that number

  • @TheGymBroSkii
    @TheGymBroSkii Місяць тому +3

    Underrated fs

  • @disnagburnazog9552
    @disnagburnazog9552 27 днів тому

    I think "humans are good/evil" entries might be renaissance humanist outlook on humans (made in image of god means inheriting Lord's dignitas and all that entails) vs medieval church view (wretched thing of sin ever bearing the burden of Adam's disobedience)

  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 28 днів тому

    Fun fact: did you that a Jeroboam is a unit of measurement for a bottle of wine which is one bottle made up of four smaller bottles of wine.

  • @nick-apologetics
    @nick-apologetics 3 дні тому +1

    Cathars are not proto protestant theyre gnostic

  • @Halengar
    @Halengar Місяць тому

    Great video

  • @TheChadmiral
    @TheChadmiral Місяць тому +1

    Angelology and or Demonology next 👀

  • @Ractiox
    @Ractiox 21 день тому +2

    what religion are you?

  • @joerogastan6825
    @joerogastan6825 Місяць тому +2

    I thought that 2 Esdras is just Nehemiah. I also own a Catholic Bible and there is no 2 Esdras 1:30, it goes up to 11 verses like Nehemiah in the Protestant Bible. Am I missing something?

    • @DANtheMANofSIPA
      @DANtheMANofSIPA Місяць тому +2

      1 and 2 Esdras are different than 1 Esdras (Ezra) and 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) in Catholic Bibles. Greek 1 Esdras is 3 Esdras in the Vulgate and I dont believe Greek 2 Esdras is in the Vulgate.

    • @kkr6es
      @kkr6es Місяць тому

      ⁠@@DANtheMANofSIPAthis is true I’m an orthodox and in our Bible it goes 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Nehemiah in that order 2 Esdras is Nehemiah in the Catholic canon same as sirach being wisdom in the Catholic Bible, same book different name

  • @user-gz8gy3jv1r
    @user-gz8gy3jv1r Місяць тому +1

    This day is indeed very P O G

  • @DerBurgerAmOst
    @DerBurgerAmOst 4 дні тому

    Christianity iceberg? On REDDIT??

  • @ProphetCire
    @ProphetCire 21 день тому

    This stuff is incredible

  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 28 днів тому

    I first heard about that Ethopian chapel that housed the ark from the show Ancient Aliens

  • @Repentance13
    @Repentance13 Місяць тому +2

    26 Is The Number Of GOD It Is The Numeric Value Of YHWH יהוה

  • @yecksd
    @yecksd Місяць тому +4

    im a nerd so imma put all my "umm actually"s in one comment
    2:58 🚨 ‼️ eastern Churches also celebrate in December, although because most are on different calendars, it would be January for Westerners.
    3:22 1st John says that God is Love, and since Christ is God - Christ is therefore Love
    6:14 you forgot to mention that this is called Modalism, and is a super condemned super heresy
    7:16 its true!!
    9:03 ermmm actually its 6 days and one day of rest ☝️🤓
    10:25 very good explanation of the devil my man
    13:14 666 is a code that translates to the name of Emperor Nero, who persecuted the Church during the time that Revelation was written. 666 is used elsewhere in the Bible in connection to the pride of kings, and humans in general. the implication is that Nero is an antichrist, as he accepted worship instead of Christ, and tormented the Church just as the ultimate antichrist will. its a whole thing, but telosbound made a great YT short about it.
    22:09 this shouldn't be such a scandal, St Paul himself stated in one of his epistles that he had a scribe write for him.
    28:12 its possible that he was an archangel, although it's also possible he was a cherub as the scriptures do seem to label him as. that would explain how he was high-ranking, as the cherubim are at God's throne
    32:18 im pretty sure the part "He was the Christ" was added by Christians in later manuscripts or something idk

    • @kkr6es
      @kkr6es Місяць тому +1

      I’m assuming you’re orthodox because you mentioned telosbound right?

    • @yecksd
      @yecksd Місяць тому

      @@kkr6es yep

    • @Dawoeium
      @Dawoeium 16 днів тому

      I can match your "umm actually's" if you let me throw my hat in the ring. Ok. Nero. Was one of the Anti-Christs. We have had many Anti-Christs in history who oppose Jesus, his followers and his teachings, but there is 1 "ultimate" Anti-Christ who is the final Anti-Christ. 666 comes from this verse "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
      and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." -Revelation 13:16-18. now when we calculate Nero's name, it is 666, and that's using Gematria. As for the M4rk of the B3ast. It says. "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and he he provides that NO ONE will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark" Now when Nero persecuted Israel during the 70 ad war and trampled it. We can not find historically something like a mark of that happening to Israel. FURTHERMORE. the verse says "ALL" and this means the entire world, and this verse does not say this mark will happen just in Israel where Rome trampled, and Rome did not own the whole world then as we know. So this mark has to happen across the world and mandate every accounted for Human on earth to do this. In Hebrew right hand and forehead means what you do (your hand) and what you think (your mind). So this mark (when it comes) may or may not be a literal implant, but instead a clause, a clause in which you have to follow to participate in civilization that would go against biblical values. So i don't know if I've convinced you yet, but let me reference you over to a youtube channel called "M3ssiah 2o30" replace the 3 with an e and the o with a 0 (C3nsorship and all that). It gives an in depth analysis of multiple scriptures and ultimately proves when our M3ssiah will return . There is no such reason for there to be such centered focus on 2030. with "Ag3nda 2o30" with the "global SDGs by the U.N." (and research SDGs but if you know already then let me tell you this every country on earth has agreed to move towards them) with the main hitter "the gr3at r3set" and that's not a theory. That name was publicly announced for the first time in June 2020, by the W.3.F (replace the 3 with an E) and none of this will make sense unless you already know it. so PLEASE research the names of the things i just said. But let me say this. In June 2020, as i said. the "Gr3at R3set was announced, by Prince Charles of Wales, and Prince Charles of Wales in Hebrew, using gematria for his title translated to Hebrew, we find a number, and the number of Charles' former title (he is king now not prince but he FOREVER holds that title as Prince Charles of Wales) is 666. Please go check out M3ssiah 2o30 on youtube. GOD BLESS!

  • @roughrambo1000000
    @roughrambo1000000 16 годин тому

    I think the Christianity=Polytheistic coild be looked at from one of two ways, either they're trying to say that Satan is also a god, which he's not, or that they're talking about how it seems that the Abrahamic God seems to have roots in EL, a Canaanite god, and Yahweh, an old god of war from the Levant region.
    If anything else jumps out at me in this video I'll either edit this comment or just reply to myself like w weirdo

  • @alanreyes28
    @alanreyes28 20 днів тому +1

    6:11 just a note, this comparison isnt too good as it can lead to a modalistic view of the trinity. Water cant be ice and gas at the same time, god is the son the father and the spirit at the same time.

    • @ConnerDiamond
      @ConnerDiamond 12 днів тому

      Im not being on of those “actually ☝️” kind of people but i just wanted to give you a cool fact i just learned last year in general chemistry which is water can actually be solid, liquid, and gas at the same time at this thing called a triple point where water is held at a certain pressure and temperature. I looked it up before hand to double check that I wasn’t giving you false information. Its actually really cool and a testament to God. Water is actually the perfect example bc not only can it exist in all states at the triple point but the temperature and pressure have to be absolutely perfect like God/Jesus and also water is the number 1 necessity for our physical survival. Also the verse about living water is cool to meditate on with this context. Also the body is majority water and God said “let Us make man in Our image” im not saying this is why He said that but its just a cool little tidbit bit and piece to it. Water is the key compound that supports every living thing which holds true also for God. Sorry if i went on a tangent there. I just think its so neat and interesting.

  • @vashthecowboy98
    @vashthecowboy98 28 днів тому +1

    Is that castlevania 4 in the background?

  • @eupioeupio9496
    @eupioeupio9496 8 днів тому

    right after this vieo science proved the shroud was the actually cloth

    • @notoriousbagel2486
      @notoriousbagel2486 22 години тому

      What is your source? I’m not trying to start a fight, I’m genuinely curious.

  • @user-id6nc2qk3n
    @user-id6nc2qk3n 28 днів тому

    You're such a boss.

  • @jeannebouwman1970
    @jeannebouwman1970 Місяць тому

    22:20 correct me if I'm mistaken, but Mark and Luke were indeed not eyewitnesses, being secretaries of apostles and writing the Gospels based on the testimony of y'the apostles and other eye witnesses

  • @ada1
    @ada1 Місяць тому +2

    6:54 I dont know why you felt the need to specify "before the arab conquest" as if they settled en masse and replaced the original population 😂

    • @308enjoyer
      @308enjoyer Місяць тому +5

      Because that's what happened, the Arabs weren't native to that area until the Arab migration

  • @tjxwheel7812
    @tjxwheel7812 29 днів тому +1

    1:36 you got Sola Scriptura wrong the Bible isn’t the only authority over the church it is just the only inherently flawless one Protestants good theologically sound Protestants at least still respect and learn from the early church fathers oke 6:16 by comparing the trinity to earthly things you always commit heresy hereby the ice water steam comparison you claim they are all the same which can lead to heresy

  • @Malytboyxd
    @Malytboyxd 9 днів тому

    i love u bluesquid blesses u with my Holy powers

  • @zeulim309
    @zeulim309 28 днів тому +1

    What's the name of the music ?

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  28 днів тому +2

      It’s from castlevania iv, it’s the secret room song but an extended version

  • @cwpv2477
    @cwpv2477 22 дні тому

    greek and roman dominated areas before and while he lived, likely he looked alike

  • @feltongailey8987
    @feltongailey8987 Місяць тому

    My dude, please slow down and ENUNCIATE! Great content....I think, perhaps.

    • @Imahuckleberry
      @Imahuckleberry Місяць тому +1

      I'm southern and even I think he sounds just fine. You must sound like a turtle

  • @trevorstevenson4038
    @trevorstevenson4038 Місяць тому

    A squidboy!! No way.
    This was predicted by Jay Dyer.

  • @rafaelluciano5596
    @rafaelluciano5596 12 днів тому

    The neon genesis evangelion entry is mostly in reference to its title being a reference to its intention of a third testament of the Bible. The major story event, "the third impact" details and event in which the world is created anew after the completion of a gnostic prophecy, allowing humans the opportunity to be free from suffering, or retain their humanity. The Evas are as the name suggests, built from Eve. The English neon genesis or the Japanese shin Sekai both reference the birth of a new world with the series evangelizing this new gospel. Crazy stuff.

  • @Di_yay
    @Di_yay 27 днів тому

    It is nice that you explain it in a simple way but it would be better if you pronounced words more clearly.

    • @PinkieJoJo
      @PinkieJoJo 25 днів тому +1

      His pronunciation was just fine.

  • @user-vm2ye5qu8n
    @user-vm2ye5qu8n Місяць тому +8

    im in this weird place where I love jesus, he is my king and savior.
    But i do not relate with or find belonging with the average christian.
    I went to a church and went outside to hit my vape (not even weed, just normal nicotine) and I got like. a bunch of dirty judgmental looks.
    How hard it is to lead others to christ when the path is strewn with such regrettable people

    • @Matt_Hew
      @Matt_Hew Місяць тому +8

      Literally, everything you put inside your body is "damaging" it in some way. So don't worry, brother

    • @user-vm2ye5qu8n
      @user-vm2ye5qu8n Місяць тому +1

      @@Matt_Hew i wish i could encounter christians like you in real life.
      I grew up in a christian household and it drove me away from christ

    • @SEDATEDSlothRecords6083
      @SEDATEDSlothRecords6083 Місяць тому

      @@user-vm2ye5qu8n Im a christian that also cant relate to church and the stereotypical free churches are even more creepy as the big churches are more to old people. I smoke weed and take other thigns since Im young and its just lifestyle but also believe in Jesus examples. I also have some believes that are not accepted in Christianity like I dont believe in a hell and i believe in reincarnation as a more fair imagination. Idk what to say more that was some explanation about me I just can say forget the other chistians as theyre not that important but stick to Jesus and humans as a whole. Dont be an A-hole. I think thats it

    • @user-fm2gz5gb7g
      @user-fm2gz5gb7g Місяць тому +7

      As you grow in the faith you will end up dropping the vape or at least try to. Your ypung in your walk. Do not fear those who can hurt your flesh, fear the Lord who has your soul.

    • @RobertSumey
      @RobertSumey Місяць тому +4

      You will learn it’s more about your relationship with Christ than religion or denomination. I’m non denominational because I have mixed views and things I do from multiple denominations. A lot of Christians focus too much on the religion aspect when they need to be focusing on their relationship with Christ. When this happens they can be judgmental at times. But we’re not supposed to judge, even Jesus sat with sinners.
      Matthew 7:1-5
      "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
      By focusing on our repentance, we shouldn’t be judgmental. That is Gods job. We can pray that someone can repent or help them with love like Christ. But judging is not our job, we are not God. I hoped this helped you in someway, the Holy Spirit made me feel like it’s something you needed to hear. I pray your walk with Christ is going well, God bless you my brother in Christ 🙏

  • @zachprice355
    @zachprice355 29 днів тому +1

    islam ice berg next?

  • @tramberg1972
    @tramberg1972 Місяць тому +1

    Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him... But he had time to author publish print and distribute a Book.
    Makes sense.
    Kinda like Moses was still writing after he died too.
    Imagine what you can😂😂😂

    • @yecksd
      @yecksd Місяць тому +1

      i dont think it has to be written by Enoch for it to be important for us to read. it isnt scripture, but it explains to us how second-temple Jews interpreted parts of the Old testament

    • @AveChristusRex33AD
      @AveChristusRex33AD 15 днів тому

      It wasnt written but spread by word of mouth as did the new testament until it was written down

    • @tramberg1972
      @tramberg1972 15 днів тому +1

      @@AveChristusRex33AD so it IS a book of astrology like the Bible, that could have been written by anyone.

    • @AveChristusRex33AD
      @AveChristusRex33AD 15 днів тому +1

      @@tramberg1972 no it was written down by the apostles and their disciples, it was written down later on and the canon was recognized in the early ecumenical councils if i recall and i dont see how you related that to astrology

    • @tramberg1972
      @tramberg1972 15 днів тому

      @@AveChristusRex33AD because they are the oldest oral traditions ever recorded.
      I will open my mouth in a parable, I will utter dark sayings of old.
      Speaking of ecumenical councils. Did you read Canon 82, council at Trullo?
      Yeah, it's where the Church Fathers changed the icon of the saviour of the world, the Lord our God from the ancient Lamb ♈ to be represented in human figure.
      So yes, it's astrology, well Astrotheology not the bs we have today.
      Mark 3:17 the sons of thunder are referring to Scorpio and Aqulla, the Eagle.Boanergies

  • @JakeTheTrouserSnake
    @JakeTheTrouserSnake 11 днів тому +3

    Gnosticism has always confused me, somebody genuinely looked at Christianity, saw that the original sin was directly linked to a desire for forbidden knowledge and said "ill have some of THAT!".

    • @omomon
      @omomon 11 днів тому +1

      The forbidden fruit is the tastiest

    • @Deusvult28024
      @Deusvult28024 10 днів тому +3

      Too much knowledge (pointless and false) can be detrimental

    • @Seven_of_sixes
      @Seven_of_sixes 8 днів тому +1

      If you read Gnostic texts, they sound like the mind of an edgy teen. Just look at the fans of the anime Devilman Crybaby series or Neon Genesis Evangelion who are heavily inspired by Gnosticism. As a rebellious teen I think we all had that edgy thought after learning about scripture “Dude what if God was the devil and the devil was god.” We do it historically too like “What if Hitler was actually good and the Jewish people were bad.” And the pendulum keeps swinging in the collective unconscious pulling the young in opposite directions each generation.

    • @Deusvult28024
      @Deusvult28024 8 днів тому

      @@Seven_of_sixes i agree with everything you said, however, Hitler vs. the jews is a lot more complicated. Most of the Jews who died in concentration camps were ghetto Jews called “Yekkes”, whereas the wealthy ones were safe over in Western countries pulling strings (as we see today). They sacrifice their own to get their narrative across. On top of all that, Hitler himself was Jewish!! He was also being funded by the Jews. Jews today are not the same as the ones from the Old Testament, they follow the Talmud, which is more akin to the Pharisee’s teachings, (which ironically, was what Jesus was trying to stop). But you are right, Gnosticism has been a thorn in the Church’s side for the last 2000 years (and every religion that rejects The Holy Trinity adopts Gnostic elements).

    • @omomon
      @omomon 8 днів тому

      @@Seven_of_sixes God of the Old Testament still killed loads of people on the regular

  • @EveningSwan83
    @EveningSwan83 29 днів тому +1

    Wasn’t his name Jesus of Nazareth, not Jesus Christ. (Doesn’t Christ mean appointed one in Hebrew?) Wasn’t “Jesus Christ” just what Christian’s after his death would call Him?

    • @EveningSwan83
      @EveningSwan83 29 днів тому +1

      I am a Christian, I just want to see if this is true or not

    • @disnagburnazog9552
      @disnagburnazog9552 29 днів тому +1

      From what i heard "christ" is indeed a title, meaning appointed or anointed
      and i think it's also a greek word?

    • @Blue_Squid
      @Blue_Squid  29 днів тому +1

      Yeah the Christ part was ultimately added from Greek im pretty sure, you’re correct

    • @HighCarbDiabeticV
      @HighCarbDiabeticV 26 днів тому +1

      Where you read ‘Christ’, read ‘Messiah’

    • @EveningSwan83
      @EveningSwan83 26 днів тому +1

      Thanks for all the info guys, trying to learn more of my faith every day

  • @SpeedyGz_
    @SpeedyGz_ Місяць тому

    W video

  • @OZcomingFRoo
    @OZcomingFRoo 28 днів тому

    Son of Panthera?

  • @jovanjones5422
    @jovanjones5422 Місяць тому

    God created the Earth within a period of 6,000 to 7,000 years a day with God as a thousand years and a thousand years as if a day

    • @Silent_Shinobi12
      @Silent_Shinobi12 Місяць тому

      So when will it come to an end?

    • @HighCarbDiabeticV
      @HighCarbDiabeticV 26 днів тому

      A day doesn’t mean 1,000 years though else that would mean a cycle of 500 years of darkness and 500 years of light, it would mean life was only possible in a small, shifting Goldilocks zone.

  • @adrianpadilla2748
    @adrianpadilla2748 23 дні тому +1

    Number one question. Why was there a little naked boy when Jesus was arrested? Look up Naked Fugitive.

    • @royjenkins4715
      @royjenkins4715 23 дні тому +5

      The Roman’s tried to grab him and ripped his clothes off and he ran into the night…why not actually read the scripture it comes from instead of listening to whatever told you that

    • @adrianpadilla2748
      @adrianpadilla2748 21 день тому

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@royjenkins4715Thats a lie. The Ancient Greek (the original) is the real scripture which the church miss translated it.

    • @royjenkins4715
      @royjenkins4715 21 день тому

      @@adrianpadilla2748 you say “the church” but even modern scholars don’t agree with you….what you’re trying to state has been thrown out the window in countless debates and arguments…do some research

    • @royjenkins4715
      @royjenkins4715 21 день тому

      @@adrianpadilla2748 it’s not a lie….my oh my how the misinformation flies nowadays

    • @theuniverse5173
      @theuniverse5173 12 днів тому

      Me when i lie

  • @oelruof5816
    @oelruof5816 27 днів тому

    Now do ISLAM ☪️ I want to see all of Islam covered (nitty gritty).

  • @OGMilkbone-t5h
    @OGMilkbone-t5h 14 днів тому

    56:40 😂

  • @arkadiuszjuszczak565
    @arkadiuszjuszczak565 Місяць тому

    Does this count as sunday service?

    • @putt-puttjoinsthecircus2000
      @putt-puttjoinsthecircus2000 25 днів тому

      No not at all friend. Watching a video about something related to Christianity in no way counts as attending mass or the liturgy that would be kind of delusional. I used to think like that at one time.

  • @rafaelluciano5596
    @rafaelluciano5596 12 днів тому

    Minor correction, but Lilith is indeed a biblical figure, though a controversial one. She is mentioned in the Bible though later scribes would willfully misinterpret her name to be an owl as to draw less attention to her.

  • @TheFreeThought
    @TheFreeThought 29 днів тому

    I wish this was true

  • @loganstrait7503
    @loganstrait7503 22 дні тому

    Include an entry: "Acheiropoieta first and true image of Jesus."

  • @JazzMaster01
    @JazzMaster01 23 дні тому


  • @CheekyHaggis
    @CheekyHaggis 5 днів тому

    ngl this screams "I read the first thing that popped up on google"

    • @CheekyHaggis
      @CheekyHaggis 5 днів тому

      either that or you are just mega biased/ignorant against Protestantism

  • @azraelseraphim777
    @azraelseraphim777 25 днів тому

    Are you Christian? If not, then why don't you accept the tons of historical evidence there is? Just curious.

  • @democraticrepublicofsprout7263
    @democraticrepublicofsprout7263 Місяць тому +39

    As a gnostic, you basically need a degree in quantum physics to figure what's going on 💀

    • @bobSeigar
      @bobSeigar Місяць тому +8

      Which kind?

    • @Commandosoap777
      @Commandosoap777 Місяць тому +23

      How do you interpret “i am the father are one” as a gnostic?

    • @jahiliya_enjoyer2837
      @jahiliya_enjoyer2837 Місяць тому +18

      Why did Paul reference the old testament if gnosticism is true?

    • @ZenNeonRazor
      @ZenNeonRazor Місяць тому

      As a Christian you are a heretic and ill informed.

    • @shoheiohtaniofficial
      @shoheiohtaniofficial Місяць тому

      ​@jahiliya_enjoyer2837 why did God command people in the Old Testament to pillage and rape, amongst countless other objectively horrible acts and commands that christians wave away?

  • @baysingerfam4
    @baysingerfam4 26 днів тому +3

    Actually its the other way around, people are inherently evil, but have the ability to choose good

    • @mueezadam8438
      @mueezadam8438 25 днів тому +7

      If people were inherently evil, the first town would have been sacked before one brick could be laid upon another. If people were inherently evil, everyone would test a doorknob when no one was looking. We are not inherently evil, but when our ability to feed and house ourselves is denied, we do evil things to return to comfort. And if we were evil, we would not invent excuses afterwards to say why it was not bad. I think people are inherently good, and the existence of a few, truly evil humans by sheer chance, is all it takes to undo the good of the many

    • @Mr_._Violet
      @Mr_._Violet 23 дні тому +1

      It all depends on your definition of good and evil.

    • @Dawoeium
      @Dawoeium 16 днів тому +1

      @@mueezadam8438 I'm not sure if you're a Christian or not so what I'll say kind of only applies to if you believe the bible "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me." -Psalm 51:5

    • @Dawoeium
      @Dawoeium 16 днів тому +1

      @@Mr_._Violet "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me." -Psalm 51:5

  • @raymondhartmeijer9300
    @raymondhartmeijer9300 25 днів тому

    The gospels were written a few decades after Jesus died, by followers of Paul, that's why they were originally in Greek. Mark was the first written and the others took that as basis. Safe to say these men were not eyewitnesses during Jesus life

    • @AveChristusRex33AD
      @AveChristusRex33AD 15 днів тому +2

      Saint John was an eye witness and he had his disciples who helped write down his account because it was only really spread by word of mouth

    • @raymondhartmeijer9300
      @raymondhartmeijer9300 14 днів тому

      @@AveChristusRex33AD That may be a nice thought, but there is no evidence for it. Also, almost nobody was literate back then, only the top elite administrative or clergy classes could read and write, Paul for example. That's why it is believed that the Gospels were written by followers of him, and not by eyewitnesses

    • @AveChristusRex33AD
      @AveChristusRex33AD 14 днів тому +1

      @@raymondhartmeijer9300 thats what im saying saint John and his disciples helped write down the accounts years after the events as if you look into the early saints backgrounds they were very intelligent and literate saint clement of rome for one, saint Ignatius, saing john Chrysostoms etc

    • @isaacpfeiffer4347
      @isaacpfeiffer4347 21 годину тому

      Everyone in Israel spoke Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Hebrew was the religious, ritualistic language, Aramaic was the language you spoke to your family and friends, and Greek was the language you spoke to strangers, a common tongue of sorts. The Gospels were written in Greek, because everyone in the Mediterranean world spoke Greek.
      Matthew was written by Matthew who was a direct eye witness.
      Mark was written by Mark several years later, but he was writing down what Peter told him.
      Luke was written several years later by Luke, who wrote it by going around and interviewing people who were direct witnesses.
      John was written by John who was a direct eye witness.

  • @theriveroffaith852
    @theriveroffaith852 18 днів тому

    James 1:5

  • @jg7923
    @jg7923 19 днів тому +2

    Taking the mark of the beast and worshipping the beast is another sin that can't ever be forgiven.
    Read Revelation 4:9-11.

    • @Dawoeium
      @Dawoeium 16 днів тому

      It's an unforgivable sin that only has a period of possibility for 3.5 years in history

    • @Dawoeium
      @Dawoeium 16 днів тому

      and those 3.5 years will begin spring 2027 when Charles desolates the soon to be temple in Jerusalem

    • @Dawoeium
      @Dawoeium 16 днів тому

      (reference Messiah2o30 youtube channel)

  • @HaosCosmic
    @HaosCosmic Місяць тому

    Why nobody tells how shitty are his decisions..😂😂😂
    Not that honest, reading one book doesn't mean that is real or truly understand it, you people make it as best buds with god. 🎉😂

    • @AveChristusRex33AD
      @AveChristusRex33AD 15 днів тому

      That's why the Church saints writes understandings and interpretations of the scripture and Church itself the early Church saints would be a good starting point

    • @HaosCosmic
      @HaosCosmic 14 днів тому

      @@AveChristusRex33AD yes, i understand the desperation to prove something false as being right! Having in mind the "fathers" of this religion, used steal and fire as to bring this god on his sit!
      You're god is like Ted Bundy.

  • @kanzzon
    @kanzzon 28 днів тому +2

    This video is so wrong that all I can say is don’t judge the followers for their faith since we all fall short, read the bible and then make your case against what is written.

    • @littlebodybigheart888
      @littlebodybigheart888 26 днів тому

      As a muslim, I agree. People are not perfect but our holy books are 💞

    • @mueezadam8438
      @mueezadam8438 25 днів тому +1

      Source criticism is necessary to discern where verses come from and what was removed. I for one am sceptical of Roman influence and so I view any passages which attempt to shirk culpability or proscribe morals not found in the gospels as suspect.
      For posterity sake: I am an ex-Muslim atheist, and yet I keep Bible commentary on my shelf because it remains important to me personally and intellectually.
      I think the greatest swindle in history was framing the first council of Nicaea as anything but a blatant power grab by the secular state to ensure the new popular faith wouldn’t try to establish this ‘kingdom of God’ in place of the empire.
      Constantine the Great was the one to choose which church got full communion and which was excommunicated, he was never given the lay on hands and yet he made these ecclesiastical moves nonetheless. I sincerely doubt he planned convening a meeting whose conciliar doctrine deemed his particular ‘katholica’ faith heretical.
      More direct, was Arius’ really heretical? Or was the fact that his image was popular amongst the ever recalcitrant Germanic tribes the _real_ danger to Roman authority?
      This is all my own conclusions but I hope you can see how source criticism is important for anyone who seeks to follow canon.

    • @kanzzon
      @kanzzon 25 днів тому +1

      As an atheists, what are your objections to the Bible? Because if I take a look at the theories founded on those who’s faith is in what science has said I can also argue that being an atheist is also a religion. As said before, lets find arguments about the source (Bible) because if we come to find shortcomings on humans it would not matter in what area we are judged we only have an history full of mistakes. The Bible said that we are ALL born sinners and that based on our own strength we cannot ever reach salvation. Thats a good place to start. Whats your take on this?

    • @mueezadam8438
      @mueezadam8438 25 днів тому +1

      @@kanzzon I can only speak on my own beliefs and why I hold them. I think western atheism is a faction more than a belief. (Although I agree, the statement that ‘there is no god’ is a belief as it is a positive assertion of knowledge)
      ‘Factions’ in geopolitics is the tendency for certain geographies to produce independent groups whose prerogatives do not necessarily align.
      So while _most_ modern Germans are Lutheran and _most_ modern French are Protestant:
      There was a time when Germans were Arian and French were Catholic
      There was a time when Germans were Norse pagans and French were Celt pagans.
      Despite being close to each other and despite each previous set of beliefs being incongruent with the next set they each adopt, the geography lends itself to factions dividing themselves across the same age old lines.
      So back to my point, atheism in the west, particularly the US, is a manifestation of factionalism rather than the simple belief in no god, it has additional baggage attached.
      Catholics were never popular in America, mainly due to ‘White Anglican Saxon Protestant’ culture getting there first and firmly establishing itself as the dominant faction on the continent. The second largest would be the evangelicals, which include most African Americans and rustic southern communities.
      Despite ‘WASPs’ and Evangelicals both being Christian, their other factional traits prevent them from, say, seeing Mexicans from across the border as allies since they are naturally misaligned with Catholicism.
      Anyways, in the North secularism took root and later that manifested as atheism to be the substrate of the faction. I think this secular attitude occurred in the North rather than the south because the North was home to most of the western shores which received European immigrants, who were spiritually diverse. An Irish Catholic may butt heads with a WASP but find it easy to pray in peace in large cities like Chicago next to Protestants.
      So that is why atheism in the west comes off as a belief, it has this historical baggage. Atheism in the East has its own connotations but then places like Oceana and Africa, Middle East, etc do not have a faction of atheists.
      As to why me personally I make the positive statement that “there is no God”, I am being honest that my gut feeling is guiding my position rather than what an empiricist would most likely say “if there is evidence for God, I will believe”.
      My first principles for morality are biological, as I am a materialist. I assert that humans are a social and communal species, and that behaviour which rewards internal aggression is maladaptive and against our nature, which is the definition of ‘human morality’ I subscribe to since it is analytic rather than synthetic. Whatever we agree is ‘human nature’ is the starting point for ‘human morality’. I can have meaningful discussions with theists with this definition.
      This belief that humans are a social and communal species also goes into why I dislike Constantine the Great and the Quraysh for what they did to Christianity and Islam respectively.
      Both were anti-imperialistic but were co-opted by materialistic (as in the normative value, not ontological like I used ‘materialism’ earlier) powers.
      The Quraysh invented the idea of a Caliphate, the idea of a caste society.
      The Romans invented the idea of blood libel, that they were the good guys and that the poor group of Nazerenes that showed their emperor compassion were somehow from a cursed race.

    • @kanzzon
      @kanzzon 25 днів тому +1

      @@mueezadam8438 materialism and the social structure of morality is a construct that decays as you can see. To have moral values that are established because the majority find good is how society implodes. The theories that compete with God as a source of creation, life and guidance for a healthy life and society have been proven to be weak and without sound foundation. The more we study life, astronomy, history, geology, math and social construct the more evidence towards a smart creator. You seem well educated, just hope you can attach the dots from all the fields of science to come to a similar conclusion.

  • @loganstrait7503
    @loganstrait7503 22 дні тому +1

    36:40 Actually, all Saints, all saved persons, are gods. Not capital-G God, but, indeed gods. Refer to Psalm 84 (I think it's 84?)

    • @Chickennuggets8282-h4l
      @Chickennuggets8282-h4l 17 днів тому +1

      But they aren’t. They’re just saved. They are not even close.

    • @loganstrait7503
      @loganstrait7503 17 днів тому +1

      @@Chickennuggets8282-h4l Mary the Mother of the Lord is more hon'rable then the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim. (The Lord hath said that His)Saints are gods, the Sons of the Most High.
      If you're an evangelical then do your mental gymnastics and cope. If you're Cath/Ortho, then study up on it cause it's wild and it's true.

    • @Chickennuggets8282-h4l
      @Chickennuggets8282-h4l 17 днів тому

      @@loganstrait7503 Mary is a human like us she has fallen from the glory of God she was forgiven by grace alone

    • @loganstrait7503
      @loganstrait7503 16 днів тому +1

      @@Chickennuggets8282-h4l She was forgiven because she abstained from all sins.

    • @Chickennuggets8282-h4l
      @Chickennuggets8282-h4l 16 днів тому

      @@loganstrait7503 she was forgiven by the grace and mercy of God as I said we have all sinned and fallen short she never stopped sinning because for humans that is impossible

  • @Baboji..
    @Baboji.. 15 днів тому +1

    Jesus was NOT jewish

    • @AveChristusRex33AD
      @AveChristusRex33AD 15 днів тому +4

      In flesh He was both Mary and Joseph were jews of a jewish tribe Jesus fulfilled judaism as mentioned in the bible He was not there to destroy the Law but fulfill it

    • @Deusvult28024
      @Deusvult28024 10 днів тому +3

      He was not ****Talmudic jewish**** (very important you make this distinction)

    • @dumpsterpsycho2894
      @dumpsterpsycho2894 7 днів тому

      He literally was. Born and raised Jewish, he even followed the customs

    • @Deusvult28024
      @Deusvult28024 7 днів тому

      @@dumpsterpsycho2894 you don’t even know what a Jew is.

  • @a.verosa8228
    @a.verosa8228 5 днів тому

    love this kind of stuff, so interesting. load of nonsense obviously but interesting nonetheless

  • @albertyoung3025
    @albertyoung3025 24 дні тому

    bro your trinity definition is super heretical.

    • @Sabaoth_Horaios
      @Sabaoth_Horaios 23 дні тому +1

      Not his definition. He didn't create the iceberg. And I doubt the person of the iceberg did as well. I've heard it mentioned years ago before the rise in popularity of iceberg charts.

    • @isaacpfeiffer4347
      @isaacpfeiffer4347 21 годину тому +1

      He didn't say he agreed with it, he was just explaining what was on the iceberg.

  • @GeofferyFisherman
    @GeofferyFisherman 8 днів тому

    the dead sea scrolls are fake

  • @TheLastOutlaw289
    @TheLastOutlaw289 Місяць тому

    Well ofcourse Moses and David didn’t exist😂

    • @theflyingcircle1647
      @theflyingcircle1647 Місяць тому +2

      Why don't you think they could have existed?

    • @TheLastOutlaw289
      @TheLastOutlaw289 Місяць тому

      @@theflyingcircle1647 The date the exodus supposedly happened was during the rain of Pharaoh Ramses( the Bible doesn’t even specify which Ramses) but there is no record in Egypt of any supernatural plagues affecting the area from that time period.
      Also as a side bar Egypt had what is called a kings list which has an unbroken list of kings who ruled even during Noah’s flood??? So the flood was definitely not global otherwise there would have been a gap in the kings list.
      As for David there have been a coin with name on it that says David but there is no evidence he accomplished any of the feats of the supposed real David. David was also a common name. It’s also possible that David if he was a real person was just exaggerated in literature which is still common today to exaggerate historical figures.

    • @Mr_._Violet
      @Mr_._Violet 23 дні тому +1

      @@TheLastOutlaw289For the no evidence statement, what about the Ipuwer Papyrus?

    • @TheLastOutlaw289
      @TheLastOutlaw289 23 дні тому

      @@Mr_._Violet there’s was no Moses in Egypt. There was no Red Sea splitting. There was no fire tornado by day and cloud tornado by night grow up.

    • @Mr_._Violet
      @Mr_._Violet 23 дні тому +3

      @@TheLastOutlaw289 Did you find any evidence that says there is? And provides it?