Would be cool but only if they made it very limited so you still have to rely on your other senses to locate food/dinosaurs. As an example having a sniff mechanic like the one in Creature of Sonaria would be pretty bad since it would make it impossible for carnivores to hide and surprise their prey, on top of completely ruin the immersion.
They should release another dino with the raptor at the same time because I do not wanna be in lobbies with 80 plus micro raptors for the next 2 weeks that will be boring AF 😅
@@joshuacaserta7626 I don’t think there are *that* many people who play tiny dinosaurs, a lot of player only care about PVP and therefore have no reasons to even try playing microraptor. There will probably be a lot of people briefly checking micro the first couple days after it was released before everyone goes back to playing their mains again 🤷♀️, just logging in a few days after its release will probably be enough to avoid seeing servers overcrowded with them.
I'm glad that it's getting better, i like how Matt adressed the matter calmly and explained thoroughly and reasonably for the futur of the game, it's just that Tyrannotitan was released not at a good time nor way when you look around it all. Now that things are cleared up and reasonable it should do all well at least that is how i hope it to be and how i see it i'm alright if they then decide to release a whole 4pack of dinos to fund the game further and as they should be the same price as others it would just be a take it or leave it for any reason type of situation based on how you like them or not. Not to forget that they shall be able to be tried in the futur to know if you like it or not
I do agree, the timing and lack of communication to the buildup and release of tyrannotitan was a really bad play. Coulda been communicated way way better prior to it releasing. I’m glad it’s all cleared up now
Are you F'ing serious? No way these clowns are trying to charge even more money for this game. I will literally uninstall and never come back if this is true. I already paid $40 for this game
I was talking to a nice person at a bar yesterday. They were acoustic, and explained that they are still pretty social, but they just really love dinosaurs and video games. I said, “Hey I love video games and dinosaurs too! I played this game Path of Titans all morning before I came up here.” This person said they had played it all morning before going into town as well. So we swapped friend codes and now I am suspicious that I am also acoustic.
@@masonharkness6437 I mean before PoT I wasn't - oh wait. Nevermind. APD is.. uhh. >:( Well at 35 years old I got diagnosed officially with ASD. THAT's uhh AFTER I played PoT! HA! Lol! Well, all jokes aside it certainly is such a beautiful story you shared. I've made such close life long friends in or around the topic of Path of Titans. I am immensely grateful to the game and the Devs.
I admit that this is disappointing. The devs do need to be CLEARER that when you purchase the """FULL""" release for yourself and a friend as I have, they don't mean that you'll get every dino. I feel like that was promised and they have gone back on that promise. I totally understand the need to keep making money, but I literally thought I purchased the whole package. Twice. Having SOME way to earn the rest of the roster AS someome who purchased the full package, however slowly, would at least be nice.
The issue is businesses change, I'm pretty sure it's probably the pressure of the consoles is the reason why they sorta went back on their word. Dealing with Nintendo, Xbox, and god forbid Sony? Yeah micro transactions are gonna come sooner or later.
Yeah I don't feel good about this. Pay to win/ to play content is scummy and it always will be. I don't care how many years it's been since this is the norm but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars just to experience a game I already paid for. Not to mention I've already put money into skins.
A small or mid sized therizinosaur like Northorhyncus or Beipiaosaurus (prob not spelt right) would be rlly cool. Small abelisaur would also be rlly unique, but I think we need a very small theropod like the Dino’s in the comment above mine. I’d also like for it to be a small herbivore like a small ceratopsian or ornithischian.
8:00 thing is stuff was already funded for that still isn't out yet, i would of respected the paid dlc after all of it came out. if they're running low on money then that's their problem, they should be focusing on the stuff that was funded for instead of putting work hours into something out of the blue.
also note I've asked matt nicely if a certain skin pack(Festive) would come back since it was the christmas season because i wanted this pack and wanted to give them money but was totally ignored.
Im still, PERSONALLY, not a fan of the idea of a playable animal being paid-especially potential future apexes, which was part of my beef about Titan feeling P2W at its release; I hated that something at the top of the food chain was going to be available only to those willing to pay for it-and I would highly prefer that paid content be cosmetic only, but ultimately it is not my game nor my company so it isnt something I can dictate and I'll respect the choice made. A DLC pack, at least, will feel a lot less shitty than having a singular apex teased and hyped up during the holidays only to have it be revealed to be paid. Id have minded it a lot less, too, if we knew from the beginning it wasnt part of the complete roster we paid for when buying the full game 😭
I hope it gonna be a herby, or omnivore, cause we gonna have too much carnivores in the official, only be fair if they add some herbys. And we don't have a new herbivore, only carnivores.
It is easier to understand now that Tyrano was meant to be a dlc dino or something, which would explain why they had a price tag on it at first, however it still was released as a Christmas Dino release, which I dont think they shouldve done. they shouldve at least gave updates on a new free playable instead
I'd love another sauropod to be added. Something unique like atlasaurus. It's below 20 meters in size per the dev's words and has a very unique look when compared to other sauropods.
@@VelocciYT I feel if the mystery Dino is still the one from your video two years ago and it’s one of the carhcars it’s mapu since tyranno has a giga sub species
Matt shouldn't have said they would never charge for dinos. Angers me that they plan on charging for future ones. They'll lose me as a player once that happens. Skins and cosmetics are fine to charge extra for. If Matt had never said they'd never charge for dinos I may have felt different. Now he's just a liar.
I just want to point out that Matt said that if he could fund the game on cosmetics alone, he would. It's hard to fund games especially a game like PoT. Plus if you have the dino pack that gives you the current and future dinos you won't have to worry about buying those future dinos
He's not a liar tho he was referring to the creatures that are planned and the one's that we know of to be released that wouldnt be a paid thing he never mentioned any dinosaurs after that so y'all who think this need to get off your high horse. Also that's anothee thing the game is already a pay to play and before you even bother arguing with that take mobile for an example 4 free dinos to play the rest you gotta buy sure its like that for mobile players see if PoT can run on their devices that's still that same concept with another part
I completely understand people's panic and fear of PoT's future, but we have to remember that stuff like this isn't free. If you really think about it, alderon having to pay their developers, artists, and team members (who probably spend a large majority of their time and own money working on the game) less because of having to remain completely funded by cosmetics would be a LOT worse for not just them, but the game and community as a whole. Sure, spending money on dinosaurs can suck, and if you dont have that cash, you could feel like your missing out. But in the long run, spending a small amount of money to help the game continue development, and have it not suddenly have to stop development because of low funds is worth it in the end I think. Trust Matt and the developers, they've done the community great thus far, they've communicated, they've given us plentiful updates, they've listened to our feedback, and I think if the developers are willing to do all of that just for us to play this game, then I think we should treat them with respect in return.
they should of communicated better what was going on with titan before it's release I'm fine paying for dinos but they really needed to communicate before titans release as doing something out of nowhere like that really messed with the community trust
NOT OUR PROBLEM. I don't give 2 shits what these devs have to say. I REFUSE to pay more money for this game. I already paid $40. I will be asking for a refund. This is actually making my blood boil I'm so angry.
as someone who has played WG games for years, its not just the example, its the precursor to whats to come if we keep letting devs walk our wallets like taking the dog out for a leak. So happy to see they are sticking with a set price for future updates to the roster
@ True, but what's next? Because there's a lot to change. Also, precise movement is weird and robotic as well as how the dinos idle animations goes. No fluidity and nothing that make them seem more animal like. Also, there needs to changes in size. There's not a size comparison chart for you to know the physical stats of the animals. Skin system needs to tone down the clown exotic colors. Make them more like something you would see in nature like birds. Make females very dull and plain. Make the males skins tone the same albeit lighter, but with brightly colored crests and fleshy appendages. Also, MAKE SNIFFING SCENT SYSTEM AN ESTABLISHED THING IN THE GAME! Using a map is boring and repetitive considering your suppose to use your instincts to navigate your environment. I know this will make you exploit players, but this makes sense. You suppose to hunt prey as a predator. PLEASE! Come-on, MATT! IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO IMPLEMENT!
@thunderzilla3521 I can't help but to criticize a bit of your post here. The biggest being "Tone down the clown color and make them more like birds "-- Who are EXTREMELY colorful. Most skins have realistic muted colors with only a few having colorful options- usually in species which it's more expected from. I wish they had more colorful options to be honest, as majority are diluted. Some creatures are too small or big but they fit the game well in their niches so the sizes aren't such a big deal. The females are also already the duller ones with colors. Seriously.
@ I understood the majority of your post, but the sniffing mechanic is where I draw the line. Sniffing needs to be exploited. Only the environment can help play a crucial role in losing your scent to predators. Rain and mud are your 2 best options to rub off scent and blood so you can lose your attackers. I would like it if your tracks tell what species you're hunting, how small or large it is, how old are the tracks, and how much time has passed as the animal was on its own way traveling.😒
See I think everyone's issue with the paywall was people who bought the most expensive full version of the game which could cost anywhere from 30$ all the way up to nearly 100$ depending on what version you play on and where you live that's meant to give you everything currently in the game and upcoming for free had to still pay for it
Yeah these devs just royally screwed us. I want a full refund. This makes me want to never play this game again. I feel like I've been stabbed in the back by these scumbag greedy devs.
To be honest if they do make a free Demo they should only make it accessable for official servers. Comunity servers especially semi realism servers struggle with rulebreakers already and a person playing a Demo wont care about a ban either
This feels kinda messed up, I’m really disappointed that we are gonna have microtransactions in the game. All microtransactions can be predatory, not to mention with saying that buying the game fully isn’t actually free. I want full dinosaur rosters in the game that I bought fully. I’m kinda mad.
You are. All dinosaurs that were planned to be in the game are free when you buy the game. It's after the game is released and new dinosaurs come, is when you have to pay.
The problem is, nobody is going to spend money on post release dinosaur when more than likely modders will release their own playable versions of them after each release to bypass it
Due to what happened with tyrannotitan, I really hope that all future releases are free (especially for those who bought the version that unlocks every dinosaur already) and instead come with a skin pack for the dino instead of playwalling the playable.
Super great video! Its so cool how you go into all this detail and explain it so well, your videos are abselutly fantastic and whenever I need to know something about path of titans look for you! Thankyou so much for all of the spectacular videos you make and so often! I really appreciate you velocci
I hope they add something like a "PoT roster: season 2" pack. Something like paying the same cost as we did for the base game for the next few groups of dinos together as they release, rather than each 4 pack individually.
I’m still confused about pot not being complete. I bought pot on PlayStation and it’s saying it’s a beta but it gave me the full game like community servers etc. but when they “fully release” the game, will I have to buy it again or?
My issue still with paid Dinos is that they say weak or strong all dinos will cost the same but will those weak/strong dinos be better than the base game roster for their size. Because it feels tricky with Matt say weak or strong what they probably mean is 5 slot or 1 slot just feels like clever and sneaky wording rather than a genuine take on potential dino strength vs the base roster.
@@myusonballfire5213 Most people can afford that much, but you are clearly missing the point. It is the fact that you have to waste money to have a chance against others.
None of the things mentioned are gonna be apart of the base game. The game you bought gives you access to the original promised roster. (40+ Dino roster + 100’s of mods) You won’t have to buy dlc content if you don’t want to it’s just extra content.
@@Inferno999k WRONG. The original purchase of the game includes all planned dinos and ALL FUTURE dinos. Stop posting false information. These developers are lying to us.
@@kenshinhimura9387 The game is $30. As I said you gain access to a roster of 40+ and 100’s free to play mods. I know you’re inconsiderate, however you must understand that a game that is actively pumping out updates literally cant survive without monetization. They have to pay their staff for quality models and updates. The game isn’t gonna go bankrupt for you to stop complaining. The only reason they were able to keep up with updating this consistently is because of crowd funding Which is coming to an end.
My personal issue with the future of PoT is the fear that certain dinosaurs who are behind a paywall become "meta" plus the new animals being promoted AS FREE on the trailers(Titan was showcased as some sort of christmas gift)so in the future i hope they let ppl know beforehand the animals that are upcoming will be free/pay so people can prepare for it. That or either add other ways of microtransactions(homecave decorations,special emotes,special effects maybe when doing a kill,etc...)as some ideas
People's reaction to this was terrible. Yes Alderon should have been more clear one hundred percent. But the angry twitter mob reaction in backer chat was a joke. Then the complete 180 everyone of them had after they bullied Matt into giving it to them for free was sad.
The reaction was justified considering they: Teased the "mystery dinosaur" for weeks, only to try and SELL it to us 3 days before Christmas, then Matt tried to backtrack on a comment made years ago about how they didn't want to be a game that uses microtransactions or lies to their players AND that there would be no paid content until the game was complete. and when you consider the fact that they were perfectly happy to let the decision stick (that is SELLING a dinosaur 3 days before Christmas in an incomplete game) *until* they got yelled at AND AND they said there was and I quote "another Christmas surprise" that never came. They also lied about that thing being the "strongest theropod in the game" when it isn't. Rex, EO and anything the size of it's toe tail shits all over it. The point is, they've made a lot of *really* stupid decisions for this game, but this was by far one of the dumbest things they've done.
@@blobbertmcblob4888 Saying death threats, harassment, bullying and outright slander was justified over something that cost $7 for all of an hour is insane. There were a very small percentage of people who approached it like adults while the rest acted like children who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas. I watched the chat explode in real time and it was one of the worst displays of entitlement I've seen from a community. Nothing was justified besides the very few who were expressing their disappointment or concern in a constructive way. They never said it was the strongest, they said its size competed with the likes of Rex and Spino. Yes, we've all accepted and said that they could've approached this better, communicated it better, etc. But to say that the devs, and Matt himself, deserved to be talked to and treated the way they did that night is a disgusting statement and everything you say after that is completely null and void due to your lack of empathy for those people. They said we would get another update this holiday season but I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed it back to focus on bug fixes after the insane backlash they received.
@@blobbertmcblob4888so death threats are justified of a 7$ dinosaur in a GAME and for the micro transactions that was years ago things could change and last but not least tryannotitans strength depends on skill like every dinosaur.
@blobbertmcblob4888 Nothing justifies death threats. It's only a dinosaur game. I think the criticism is fair and valid, but it should remain rational and not escalate towards harassment. Otherwise, no one on either side will come out happy. Sure, the dino ended up being free, but only because the devs felt threatened. What does that make the community, then?
@@mrt1ckleclown445 It doesn't matter. Games in early access or not still have to make money somehow lol This game isn't gonna survive 10 years by giving away everything that's not in the crowdfund for free.
4:40 on the mobile version you could also just use the same login you use for the console or pc version, and you'll get everything you have with no need to buy those packs
I'm willing to support this team with that being paying for dinosaurs or skins or future maps whatever the case as long as they keep communicating with the community and developing their game I love it so much
I am extremely excited for the mystery dino but I have always been wondering,what is the current progress on dragons that are being worked on like maligantus or bristlewing? Could you maybe do a segment in the next mod news about it?
Wow I really love the development team for sticking to there principles regarding the game. Might make the games content come out a bit slower, but for it’s cause I’m okay waiting if it means everyone gets to play the same experience. I worry that someone will end up buying the rights or something to the game, and it will all go turn side up. Fingers crossed all stays great 😊
I despise the way the community handled everything. Although Matt is claiming the DLC dinosaurs will all be the same price. Which really confuses me, it’s still pay to win (at least with titan), a apex dinosaur that is still cheap but stronger than base game playable doesn’t seem fair to people who already spent the money buying the game. ***In my opinion DLC dinosaurs should still have a unique flair but should not be better or overpowered than base game dinosaurs. It’s additional content***. The fact that titan was better than rex made it feel much less than an “equal opportunity” and more pay to win.
I am actually really happy with Titan. Maybe it is slightly too strong, but it is also quite skill-dependent, which I like. Bad players don't perform well with it, while good players really shine. The only time a dino should be slightly stronger than its counterparts is if it's locked behind skill. For newer players, you have rex and spoon, and for experienced players, they have the Tyrannotitan.
@ my point was less of the fact that titan isn’t fun or a good new playable, but more of the fact that on release titan was a paid dinosaur, it’s stronger than rex the other land apex. That is the “pay to win” part.
Question, at 6:31, does he mean like graphics and foliage and stuff like that? if so, id be very happy bc ima stealth player and i know the people who play against me be mad asf cuz they cant see me😂😂😂
@@VelocciYT Yea that makes most sense, since paid graphic packs would possibly give advantage to players that bought extra packs. I am ok with a few paid dinos, since you know, we have tons of "free" ones (you know, in the price of game) + mods, but if they meant that graphic updates will be free, that is reasonable.
All the devs need ro say in black and white is yes all the dinos plus micro tylo leeds ans mystery dino are all included in full purchased game but some dinos not yet released will be in paid packs
I think it's pretty hard for the crearors of path of titans to think about dinosaurs. They are definetly aware of the dinosaur mods and how good they become and i think some dinosaurs were dismissed because there are either mods for them out there or information about upcoming dinosaur mods and i think that might be keeping them on hold some times. But maybe i'm wrong.
I'm gonna be honest and this is going to be an exceptionally long comment so you don't have to read all of this if you don't want to. I'm still against the mere concept of selling entire playables as DLC, especially when it really feels like AG did a rug pull by suddenly using terms like "base game cast" and saying things like "Oh yeah you own all of the BASE GAME dinos with your $30+ purchase but nothing else after". I know why they're doing this - they don't think cosmetics are sustainable - but I'm sat here scowling because I know both in terms of MMOs and dinosaur games, that just isn't the case at all (lots of people like making their character pretty, actually!) and that the reason of unsustainability isn't just that skins aren't viable in terms of keeping your game afloat, more that the cosmetics they sell typically don't align with the price tags. Depending on who you ask, a lot of the seasonal skinpacks we've gotten are hit or miss, typically having at least one skin seen as a stinker due to being boring or pale in comparison to other skins in the pack. The Pangea skinpack is the only one I've seen an almost universal praise for, while others are a lot more divided, and I think a reason for this is the amount of diversity that comes from that skinpack alone. They need to carefully evaluate the price tag of these skins and make the skins LOOK like you paid for them instead of having almost no pattern variations or having the dullest color palette to select from (hi Murre Iggy). There are also a lot more avenues in cosmetics they could take the game in besides skins. Emotes would be an option, as I've seen a lot of F2P games like Team Fortress 2 go this route and be quite successful - you just need to ensure the emotes are interesting enough for the price tag. Don't expect anyone to pay $7 for your dinosaur to look around. Getting crazier, you could even invent a "cosmetic" system, items that could be attached to and overlay your dinosaur like bone armor or some form of hat. Free ones could be earned through certain quests, but paid cosmetics would also likely be decently successful in stores as well. Lastly, in every MMO game I've played with a housing system, I've found that quite a few people will put in the money to make their houses look as pretty as possible (decoration packs or entire interiors), but this only happens IF the housing system is good. Home caves in Path of Titans, are not, and if they wanted an idea like this to be successful, they'd need to rework how home caves are implemented (which even ignoring potential sales they still do). They just aren't well designed as they're scattered all over the map, usually frustrating to get up to (most are uphill on cliffs and mountains on Gondwa), inconvenient since they're the only place you can change something as mundane as your diet unless you have a nest, and are painfully exploitable due to having one entrance/exit. At the end of the day, it is irrefutably true that some people just don't care for cosmetics, and that's fine, but to dismiss the opportunity in raising them to a higher standard and adding variety in what kind of paid cosmetics the game could have without impeding gameplay, in favor of something that definitely will, is so immensely disappointing to me, especially as a player of four years now and someone who followed PoT closely for years before making a purchase because I wanted proof this game would not make the same mistakes as its competitors. Unfortunately, it seems they're making entirely new ones that I would argue are just as bad. I have had no reason to believe Matt when he says that the paid dinos will be balanced when PoT's balance has always been hit or miss (even Tyrannotitan now is over performing in some aspects which is alarming considering they originally planned for this to be paid). I don't think paywalling creatures is the play. Game balance, community discourse (you know people are gonna be aggressively targeting people who paid for their dinosaur), and entire niches of a playable are just too big of a thing to gamble on, and even if there's a free work around of "Those who own the thing can nest you in as one", all that seems to do, to me, is provide clans a loophole so all of their friends can have the paid, likely pretty powerful, dinosaur. TLDR; I don't think paywalling dinosaurs is healthy for Path of Titans long term and it disappoints me to see them shut down the idea of adding more variety in non-gameplay intrusive, paid cosmetics.
I do believe that it is a good thing. They have been working on this game during 5 years only with the money obtained during the crowdfunding and the people who bought the game. But it's a pretty niche game with not a very big targeted audience, and there is probably the majority of this audience who own the game. If they want to keep developing the game for a decade, they will need microtransactions to survive. It's better than they are honest about it, and don't make anything abusive with it, rather than not putting microtransactions and letting the game sink because of budgetary issues, or just going full gacha
Honestly its understandable that a company needs to make a profit to function regardless if its a passion project or not alot of people dislike having to buy dinos in a game about playing dinos but at the same time how else would you make money in a game like this? I had some ideas an example being active cosmetics examples being glowplume and nycta where the skin emits boi luminescence Another idea was a dlc thats seprate from the main game that focuses around fantasy creatures and ads a fantasy twist to current maps or a fully unique fantasy map and the community servers have the option too allow for them to be playables in their servers or not But with these suggestions they have their own drawbacks like how bio luminescence may detract from the realistic aspect for some community servers and how a dlc seprate from the base game may not work if the demand isnt there
Putting aside the mess of everything with Tyranotitans release- Regarding the entire Dino dlcs, etc etc. I will admit I understand, but I can’t help but have mixed feelings about it. I’m not surprised per se, especially with the game being cross console compatible, but the fact that they claimed to not want a pay to win set up, yet the tyranno is indeed one of the fastest, bleediest apex’s to come to game is just not an accurate statement in my opinion. And I know they plan on releasing Dino’s in packs, and that they want to keep them as equal as possible. But from just a, basically gameplay standpoint, I don’t really see how that could be the case. Because every Dino so far has had its own unique play style, abilities, and such alike. And if you want Dino’s to be equal, that just means you’re throwing the same abilities with different names, and these Dino’s are no longer unique, they just have a different shape. Which puts aside the charm it had in the first place. Again, no hate, I understand this game being cross compatible is going to be quite difficult to fund, and it’s still in progress. And I understand not everyone is into cosmetics so I know exactly where they are coming from. But that’s just my take on the direction the game is going. Regardless of intention, that’s just where I see the game headed in the coming future.
I don't understand why they don't relaunch the Kickstarter. I backed this game in full but didn't get all my rewards due to a misunderstanding (my husband and I BOTH backed, but we used the same credit card, so even though we both backed the same things, we only got one copy of a lot of the skins. They let us divide up the skins and offered me a refund on my backing (which I didn't take), but like... I wanted everything I backed for? I'd back again to get some of the things I "missed" and also AS a Backer, I wouldn't mind them opening up some of the Kickstarter only things to get some extra funds if it was for a limited time (every few years through a Kickstarter to fund extra development). Let me get my pink flamingo duck skin, damn it! This would also mean no additional promises or work for the team, so they could continue to focus on the promises they've already made and are actively working to fulfill. I'd rather than reopen the Kickstarter rewards than overload themselves making new (not very good) dinosaurs (TT, sorry... it's not very good imo) and they can focus on doing great things.
Honestly not a great direction to go, they already said previously they wouldn't do paid dinosaurs, so going back on that sets a bad precedent. I would not be surprised if they go back on the promise of making all playable the same price as well, we have already began the journey down the P2W slope with the attempt to making the only competitive apex behind a paywall.
Not really, while I do think them adding Tyrannotitan was kind of a p2w. After playing it, surprisingly it's not that hard to beat. And honestly we already have a good amount of Apexes so really what can possibly be a p2w?
@@dextergzslasher4402 Because it's the only apex that can actively persue other creatures, others have to wait for fights to come to them, while Titan actually has the speed and stamina to start fights. This by far makes it the most useful apex in the game, not to mention the most fun.
@@PapaFlame Eh yeah it's speedy but like I said before it's pretty weak. A Rex can easily kill it and while it can catch up to some dinosaurs it's still not a guaranteed win. Honestly there are no p2w dinosaurs, if the balance is good enough then it can be countered by playables.
I don’t think you understand that Alderon doesn’t just focus on making one thing the entire team works on multiple things at once modders only have to focus on one thing The reason micro hasn’t released is because it’s supposed to release along with the foliage update they have to create entire new assets just for micro and other future dinosaurs to interact with properly
Also it's better to work on dinos longer then quickly put them out sense ppl like it working and not having any issues so longer release = better textures ability's, animation, and ect
Modders are usually full teams focused on just adding dinos, while Alderon are also developing the full game, pushing bug fixes, approving all the mods, helping support community servers etc
I still want to see Thal get a TLC, I personally think concs need a new slot because choosing between the kick or dive is dumb. Id say it needs a new slot where you choose between dive and more of a land based skill.
I personally don't mind this whole model for future releases, i am in full support of PoT and would be more than happy to buy dlc dinos. Every other game has dlcs why should PoT be any different? I think people's perception of dinosaur survivals being without dlcs has caused alot of the uproar which i think is completely unwarranted aside from the tyrannotitan controversy. Alderon need funding to continue with the supposed 10 years of development, why are people so opposed to that demanding everything be free.
Was the 20 dollars for the game not enough ? Charging someone just to play a dinosaur is criminal considering the developers have only released garbage ones since
NOT OUR PROBLEM. I don't give 2 shits what these devs have to say. I REFUSE to pay more money for this game. I already paid $40. I will be asking for a refund. This is actually making my blood boil I'm so angry. How dare these scumbag devs start asking for more money for a game I already paid $40 for. The game isn't even finished yet. This would be like you buying a game on Steam then playing halfway through only to find out the game isn't finished and the devs want you to pay yet another $40 for the second half of the game and you can't get a refund because you've played more than 2 hours. I wish this game was on Steam so I could review bomb it right now.
I figured the reaction would be so. I was not suprised. Hell i'm suprised Matt and his family are still okay considering the Tism the dino community has.
@@thomaseverett6924 there were actual death threats? We know what a death threat is don't we? saying "I hope you...," or "why don't you..." isn't a threat.
One of my friends is making a dinosaur game on Roblox that features you playing as retro style dinosaurs from the early 20th century. I got some leaks yesterday for 3 dinosaur models, that being Dynamosaurus(T-rex), Brontosaurus, and Agathaumus. I’m so hyped!!!
To think that when pot was on early development and at best we had the discord they banned me for asking for the game to be free, and now they do have the availability and plan for a proper demo version of the game for not just mobile but pc too
See you all next year 😉
No I will be eaten
I haven’t showered since last year
@@VelocciYT bye see you next year
I haven't breathed since last year
Happy new year bro 😉
The mystery dinosaur is Velocci himself.
@@VelocciYT What are your special abilities?
Well hi there
@@DraconiaGame yellow teeth. reduces all americans damage by 50% after seeing british dentistry
Glad the developers are at least getting things clear. The community may not like it, but at least they know now, and that’s good.
I want a sniff mechanic tbh
They sniff mechanic that allows you to detect predator or prey, especially if they’re running off into a forest you can smell them bleeding
It’s not planned
@@lilymiller1046 exactly what I’m thinking
Would be cool but only if they made it very limited so you still have to rely on your other senses to locate food/dinosaurs. As an example having a sniff mechanic like the one in Creature of Sonaria would be pretty bad since it would make it impossible for carnivores to hide and surprise their prey, on top of completely ruin the immersion.
@@noirenard_ I’m thinking like a legacy isle way where it shows foot prints blood and water
The fact that this wasn’t the only/isn’t the mystery dinosaur is insane. I couldn’t believe that there are more coming than just the dinosaur packs. 😱
i had a feeling more were coming!
Hey velocci
When is procoptodon gonna be a mod? @@VelocciYT
i want Micro raptor so bad so i can be the little terror in the trees XD
same 😭
They should release another dino with the raptor at the same time because I do not wanna be in lobbies with 80 plus micro raptors for the next 2 weeks that will be boring AF 😅
@@joshuacaserta7626 I don’t think there are *that* many people who play tiny dinosaurs, a lot of player only care about PVP and therefore have no reasons to even try playing microraptor. There will probably be a lot of people briefly checking micro the first couple days after it was released before everyone goes back to playing their mains again 🤷♀️, just logging in a few days after its release will probably be enough to avoid seeing servers overcrowded with them.
Me as a titan: ...
**shadow appears**
Me: **looks up**
You: >:)
I'm glad that it's getting better, i like how Matt adressed the matter calmly and explained thoroughly and reasonably for the futur of the game, it's just that Tyrannotitan was released not at a good time nor way when you look around it all.
Now that things are cleared up and reasonable it should do all well at least that is how i hope it to be and how i see it i'm alright if they then decide to release a whole 4pack of dinos to fund the game further and as they should be the same price as others it would just be a take it or leave it for any reason type of situation based on how you like them or not.
Not to forget that they shall be able to be tried in the futur to know if you like it or not
I do agree, the timing and lack of communication to the buildup and release of tyrannotitan was a really bad play. Coulda been communicated way way better prior to it releasing.
I’m glad it’s all cleared up now
Basically we brought a season pass and have the option to buy another if you want everything
actually thats a good point
Man that’s so lame. No other survival game does this
Are you F'ing serious? No way these clowns are trying to charge even more money for this game. I will literally uninstall and never come back if this is true. I already paid $40 for this game
I was talking to a nice person at a bar yesterday. They were acoustic, and explained that they are still pretty social, but they just really love dinosaurs and video games. I said, “Hey I love video games and dinosaurs too! I played this game Path of Titans all morning before I came up here.” This person said they had played it all morning before going into town as well. So we swapped friend codes and now I am suspicious that I am also acoustic.
As a person on the spectrum I give you permission to say "Autistic".
@@ZBirDEveryday Yeah we all are
@@ZBirDEveryday you're ignorant af
Any of us who play POT got something going on up there let’s be honest 😂
@@masonharkness6437 I mean before PoT I wasn't - oh wait. Nevermind. APD is.. uhh. >:( Well at 35 years old I got diagnosed officially with ASD. THAT's uhh AFTER I played PoT! HA!
Well, all jokes aside it certainly is such a beautiful story you shared. I've made such close life long friends in or around the topic of Path of Titans. I am immensely grateful to the game and the Devs.
That means the mystery Dino could still be a sauropod or at least a herbivore! Yay!
I would love a dreadnaughtus
@@SpecialSoldier109 YES we need a BIG sauropod!!
An apex sauropod would be cool. As an herb main there needs to be more options
A sauropod would be the best
I admit that this is disappointing. The devs do need to be CLEARER that when you purchase the """FULL""" release for yourself and a friend as I have, they don't mean that you'll get every dino. I feel like that was promised and they have gone back on that promise. I totally understand the need to keep making money, but I literally thought I purchased the whole package. Twice.
Having SOME way to earn the rest of the roster AS someome who purchased the full package, however slowly, would at least be nice.
The issue is businesses change, I'm pretty sure it's probably the pressure of the consoles is the reason why they sorta went back on their word. Dealing with Nintendo, Xbox, and god forbid Sony? Yeah micro transactions are gonna come sooner or later.
Finally someone in the comments who realizes they went back on their word...
Yeah I don't feel good about this. Pay to win/ to play content is scummy and it always will be. I don't care how many years it's been since this is the norm but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars just to experience a game I already paid for. Not to mention I've already put money into skins.
These devs are scumbag liars and this will 100% come back to bite them in the ass. I want a full refund
I would like the mystery Dino to be either a small abelisaurid or a therezinosaur (I really want the ancient armadillos too)
Honestly I want a small theropod cuz we need tiny official characters
Edit: preferably sinosauropetrix or mononychus
A small or mid sized therizinosaur like Northorhyncus or Beipiaosaurus (prob not spelt right) would be rlly cool. Small abelisaur would also be rlly unique, but I think we need a very small theropod like the Dino’s in the comment above mine. I’d also like for it to be a small herbivore like a small ceratopsian or ornithischian.
Tylosaurus with ocean / slight map changes for easier access to waterways? Anyone?
Yes 🙌🙌🙌
It's only small but I want waves 🌊 in game it could help with ambushing people especially when tylo comes out
8:00 thing is stuff was already funded for that still isn't out yet, i would of respected the paid dlc after all of it came out. if they're running low on money then that's their problem, they should be focusing on the stuff that was funded for instead of putting work hours into something out of the blue.
also note I've asked matt nicely if a certain skin pack(Festive) would come back since it was the christmas season because i wanted this pack and wanted to give them money but was totally ignored.
Least theyre not pulling a Respawn. I can respect that. I love that actually. Its a beautiful thing to witness.
Im still, PERSONALLY, not a fan of the idea of a playable animal being paid-especially potential future apexes, which was part of my beef about Titan feeling P2W at its release; I hated that something at the top of the food chain was going to be available only to those willing to pay for it-and I would highly prefer that paid content be cosmetic only, but ultimately it is not my game nor my company so it isnt something I can dictate and I'll respect the choice made. A DLC pack, at least, will feel a lot less shitty than having a singular apex teased and hyped up during the holidays only to have it be revealed to be paid. Id have minded it a lot less, too, if we knew from the beginning it wasnt part of the complete roster we paid for when buying the full game 😭
I hope it gonna be a herby, or omnivore, cause we gonna have too much carnivores in the official, only be fair if they add some herbys.
And we don't have a new herbivore, only carnivores.
It is easier to understand now that Tyrano was meant to be a dlc dino or something, which would explain why they had a price tag on it at first, however it still was released as a Christmas Dino release, which I dont think they shouldve done. they shouldve at least gave updates on a new free playable instead
I truly hope it is the little aetosaur you mentioned. Having a small armored reptillian walking about sounds great!
I wish people would have payed attention to the release video for Tyrano because they even exsplain that it was a DLC and not a part of the base game.
I'd love another sauropod to be added. Something unique like atlasaurus. It's below 20 meters in size per the dev's words and has a very unique look when compared to other sauropods.
Velocci make a new mystery dinosaur video as now it’s been narrowed down a lot more
@ I say go for it i think it may be gigantoraptor
@@VelocciYT I feel if the mystery Dino is still the one from your video two years ago and it’s one of the carhcars it’s mapu since tyranno has a giga sub species
It didn't really narrow down that much, we just know that it isn't tyrannotitan and most likely not giga or mapu either but that's about it.
@AKayani559it’s for sure gigantoraptor
Matt shouldn't have said they would never charge for dinos. Angers me that they plan on charging for future ones. They'll lose me as a player once that happens. Skins and cosmetics are fine to charge extra for. If Matt had never said they'd never charge for dinos I may have felt different. Now he's just a liar.
I just want to point out that Matt said that if he could fund the game on cosmetics alone, he would. It's hard to fund games especially a game like PoT. Plus if you have the dino pack that gives you the current and future dinos you won't have to worry about buying those future dinos
The server's alone is lots of money to keep up and potentially more in the future
The choice is either - make pay to play dinos - or PoT shuts down, and we never get a finished game. I would rather have the first, wouldn't you?
He's not a liar tho he was referring to the creatures that are planned and the one's that we know of to be released that wouldnt be a paid thing he never mentioned any dinosaurs after that so y'all who think this need to get off your high horse. Also that's anothee thing the game is already a pay to play and before you even bother arguing with that take mobile for an example 4 free dinos to play the rest you gotta buy sure its like that for mobile players see if PoT can run on their devices that's still that same concept with another part
I was wondering what kind of pure unadulterated ahole was attacking Matt for this perfectly reasonable decision-guess I found one.
I want a Panjura map remake
I completely understand people's panic and fear of PoT's future, but we have to remember that stuff like this isn't free. If you really think about it, alderon having to pay their developers, artists, and team members (who probably spend a large majority of their time and own money working on the game) less because of having to remain completely funded by cosmetics would be a LOT worse for not just them, but the game and community as a whole.
Sure, spending money on dinosaurs can suck, and if you dont have that cash, you could feel like your missing out. But in the long run, spending a small amount of money to help the game continue development, and have it not suddenly have to stop development because of low funds is worth it in the end I think.
Trust Matt and the developers, they've done the community great thus far, they've communicated, they've given us plentiful updates, they've listened to our feedback, and I think if the developers are willing to do all of that just for us to play this game, then I think we should treat them with respect in return.
This is a great way to put it honestly! 👏
they should of communicated better what was going on with titan before it's release I'm fine paying for dinos but they really needed to communicate before titans release as doing something out of nowhere like that really messed with the community trust
NOT OUR PROBLEM. I don't give 2 shits what these devs have to say. I REFUSE to pay more money for this game. I already paid $40. I will be asking for a refund. This is actually making my blood boil I'm so angry.
Listen if they made Path of Titans merch as a way to make money I would be down for it--
as someone who has played WG games for years, its not just the example, its the precursor to whats to come if we keep letting devs walk our wallets like taking the dog out for a leak. So happy to see they are sticking with a set price for future updates to the roster
I bet the game will look a WHOLE LOT DIFFERENT when post-production launches! I hope so.
Well we know the plants will be a lot different as well as so much more to come so I think that's a very safe bet.
@ True, but what's next? Because there's a lot to change. Also, precise movement is weird and robotic as well as how the dinos idle animations goes. No fluidity and nothing that make them seem more animal like. Also, there needs to changes in size. There's not a size comparison chart for you to know the physical stats of the animals. Skin system needs to tone down the clown exotic colors. Make them more like something you would see in nature like birds. Make females very dull and plain. Make the males skins tone the same albeit lighter, but with brightly colored crests and fleshy appendages. Also, MAKE SNIFFING SCENT SYSTEM AN ESTABLISHED THING IN THE GAME! Using a map is boring and repetitive considering your suppose to use your instincts to navigate your environment. I know this will make you exploit players, but this makes sense. You suppose to hunt prey as a predator. PLEASE! Come-on, MATT! IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO IMPLEMENT!
@thunderzilla3521 I can't help but to criticize a bit of your post here.
The biggest being "Tone down the clown color and make them more like birds "-- Who are EXTREMELY colorful. Most skins have realistic muted colors with only a few having colorful options- usually in species which it's more expected from. I wish they had more colorful options to be honest, as majority are diluted.
Some creatures are too small or big but they fit the game well in their niches so the sizes aren't such a big deal.
The females are also already the duller ones with colors. Seriously.
@ I understood the majority of your post, but the sniffing mechanic is where I draw the line. Sniffing needs to be exploited. Only the environment can help play a crucial role in losing your scent to predators. Rain and mud are your 2 best options to rub off scent and blood so you can lose your attackers. I would like it if your tracks tell what species you're hunting, how small or large it is, how old are the tracks, and how much time has passed as the animal was on its own way traveling.😒
See I think everyone's issue with the paywall was people who bought the most expensive full version of the game which could cost anywhere from 30$ all the way up to nearly 100$ depending on what version you play on and where you live that's meant to give you everything currently in the game and upcoming for free had to still pay for it
Yeah these devs just royally screwed us. I want a full refund. This makes me want to never play this game again. I feel like I've been stabbed in the back by these scumbag greedy devs.
To be honest if they do make a free Demo they should only make it accessable for official servers. Comunity servers especially semi realism servers struggle with rulebreakers already and a person playing a Demo wont care about a ban either
We already have this setup for the free version of mobile to help protect the community servers.
That was something I should’ve specified, but the free version I believe is limited to officials and like 4 base dinosaurs
@@VelocciYT Yep! Campto, Struthiminus, Deinonychus, and lavenatrix.
This feels kinda messed up, I’m really disappointed that we are gonna have microtransactions in the game. All microtransactions can be predatory, not to mention with saying that buying the game fully isn’t actually free. I want full dinosaur rosters in the game that I bought fully. I’m kinda mad.
You are. All dinosaurs that were planned to be in the game are free when you buy the game. It's after the game is released and new dinosaurs come, is when you have to pay.
@@dextergzslasher4402 STOP. Stop making excuses for greedy devs. This is not acceptable to charge money for dinos.
The problem is, nobody is going to spend money on post release dinosaur when more than likely modders will release their own playable versions of them after each release to bypass it
And that's fine, most people who would probably buy the packs are mobile players who don't have access to community servers.
GOOD. These greedy scumbag devs don't deserve any money after we already paid $40 for this game and it's not even finished yet
This video looks cool velooci w video and I can’t wait for the future of path of titans!
thank you!
No problem velooci
Due to what happened with tyrannotitan, I really hope that all future releases are free (especially for those who bought the version that unlocks every dinosaur already) and instead come with a skin pack for the dino instead of playwalling the playable.
I’m hoping that the next Dino release is micro raptor. And still waiting and hoping for for mobile replay
the real mystery dinosaur is the friends we made along the way
Super great video! Its so cool how you go into all this detail and explain it so well, your videos are abselutly fantastic and whenever I need to know something about path of titans look for you!
Thankyou so much for all of the spectacular videos you make and so often! I really appreciate you velocci
Thank you for the lovely comment!
I appreciate your support greatly and I’m super glad you enjoy the videos :)
where is my microraptor man lol
I hope they add something like a "PoT roster: season 2" pack. Something like paying the same cost as we did for the base game for the next few groups of dinos together as they release, rather than each 4 pack individually.
you know what dino i wish they add? Fasolasuchus that guy was a menace well is not a dinosaur but its....something like that lmao
I’m still confused about pot not being complete. I bought pot on PlayStation and it’s saying it’s a beta but it gave me the full game like community servers etc. but when they “fully release” the game, will I have to buy it again or?
My issue still with paid Dinos is that they say weak or strong all dinos will cost the same but will those weak/strong dinos be better than the base game roster for their size. Because it feels tricky with Matt say weak or strong what they probably mean is 5 slot or 1 slot just feels like clever and sneaky wording rather than a genuine take on potential dino strength vs the base roster.
Rex is stronger then titan. Dont worry about op dinos
Each Dino with have their strengths and weaknesses and to be fair to the entire community each Dino pack / Dino with skins will be 7 dollars
If you can’t afford $7 you got bigger problems than weak and strong Dino’s
@@myusonballfire5213 Don't broke shame people.
@@myusonballfire5213 Most people can afford that much, but you are clearly missing the point. It is the fact that you have to waste money to have a chance against others.
Didnt we already pay for the game?
None of the things mentioned are gonna be apart of the base game.
The game you bought gives you access to the original promised roster.
(40+ Dino roster + 100’s of mods)
You won’t have to buy dlc content if you don’t want to it’s just extra content.
@@Inferno999k Beat me to it
@@Inferno999k WRONG. The original purchase of the game includes all planned dinos and ALL FUTURE dinos. Stop posting false information. These developers are lying to us.
@@Inferno999k It's not just "extra content" it's literally paywalling playable characters in a $40 game
@@kenshinhimura9387 The game is $30.
As I said you gain access to a roster of 40+ and 100’s free to play mods.
I know you’re inconsiderate, however you must understand that a game that is actively pumping out updates literally cant survive without monetization.
They have to pay their staff for quality models and updates.
The game isn’t gonna go bankrupt for you to stop complaining.
The only reason they were able to keep up with updating this consistently is because of crowd funding Which is coming to an end.
My personal issue with the future of PoT is the fear that certain dinosaurs who are behind a paywall become "meta" plus the new animals being promoted AS FREE on the trailers(Titan was showcased as some sort of christmas gift)so in the future i hope they let ppl know beforehand the animals that are upcoming will be free/pay so people can prepare for it.
That or either add other ways of microtransactions(homecave decorations,special emotes,special effects maybe when doing a kill,etc...)as some ideas
We need more aquatic creatures, sauropods and ankylosaurs( i hope as the mystery dino). We are tired of giant CARNIVORES
Since the titan isn't our mystery dino. It does make it all that more exciting to see it one day
People's reaction to this was terrible. Yes Alderon should have been more clear one hundred percent. But the angry twitter mob reaction in backer chat was a joke. Then the complete 180 everyone of them had after they bullied Matt into giving it to them for free was sad.
i do agree the reaction was quite insane, not something i expected to go so low
The reaction was justified considering they: Teased the "mystery dinosaur" for weeks, only to try and SELL it to us 3 days before Christmas, then Matt tried to backtrack on a comment made years ago about how they didn't want to be a game that uses microtransactions or lies to their players AND that there would be no paid content until the game was complete.
and when you consider the fact that they were perfectly happy to let the decision stick (that is SELLING a dinosaur 3 days before Christmas in an incomplete game) *until* they got yelled at AND AND they said there was and I quote "another Christmas surprise" that never came.
They also lied about that thing being the "strongest theropod in the game" when it isn't. Rex, EO and anything the size of it's toe tail shits all over it.
The point is, they've made a lot of *really* stupid decisions for this game, but this was by far one of the dumbest things they've done.
@@blobbertmcblob4888 Saying death threats, harassment, bullying and outright slander was justified over something that cost $7 for all of an hour is insane. There were a very small percentage of people who approached it like adults while the rest acted like children who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas. I watched the chat explode in real time and it was one of the worst displays of entitlement I've seen from a community. Nothing was justified besides the very few who were expressing their disappointment or concern in a constructive way. They never said it was the strongest, they said its size competed with the likes of Rex and Spino. Yes, we've all accepted and said that they could've approached this better, communicated it better, etc. But to say that the devs, and Matt himself, deserved to be talked to and treated the way they did that night is a disgusting statement and everything you say after that is completely null and void due to your lack of empathy for those people. They said we would get another update this holiday season but I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed it back to focus on bug fixes after the insane backlash they received.
@@blobbertmcblob4888so death threats are justified of a 7$ dinosaur in a GAME and for the micro transactions that was years ago things could change and last but not least tryannotitans strength depends on skill like every dinosaur.
@blobbertmcblob4888 Nothing justifies death threats. It's only a dinosaur game. I think the criticism is fair and valid, but it should remain rational and not escalate towards harassment. Otherwise, no one on either side will come out happy. Sure, the dino ended up being free, but only because the devs felt threatened. What does that make the community, then?
Honestly cant blame them a game needs money to run no debate
Fr I wouldn't have minded paying the $8 bc a game needs support for more content
Other indie survival games never asked for more money…day z, the forest, the isle and subnautica as well as many more that were in early access
@@mrt1ckleclown445 Yes but DayZ asks you to pay for new maps, so you're technically wrong on that.
@@derpy_j if you read my comment again, I stated “early access”
@@mrt1ckleclown445 It doesn't matter. Games in early access or not still have to make money somehow lol This game isn't gonna survive 10 years by giving away everything that's not in the crowdfund for free.
Im still praying we get a mapusaurus
4:40 on the mobile version you could also just use the same login you use for the console or pc version, and you'll get everything you have with no need to buy those packs
@@ShnarkNarc4 yup that's exactly what I did.
@ same
I'm willing to support this team with that being paying for dinosaurs or skins or future maps whatever the case as long as they keep communicating with the community and developing their game I love it so much
I appreciate the honesty of the devs and fully support their decision. I had no idea mat takes no salary and only makes me respect them more.
Omg microraptor!!?
microraptor mentioned
As someone that doesn't enjoy the apexes, I've been enjoying the tyrano
I am extremely excited for the mystery dino but I have always been wondering,what is the current progress on dragons that are being worked on like maligantus or bristlewing? Could you maybe do a segment in the next mod news about it?
Im totally fine with it and more than happy to pay a bit here and there for the game I love & enjoy so much. 😊
i just want more water dinos man
Wow I really love the development team for sticking to there principles regarding the game. Might make the games content come out a bit slower, but for it’s cause I’m okay waiting if it means everyone gets to play the same experience. I worry that someone will end up buying the rights or something to the game, and it will all go turn side up. Fingers crossed all stays great 😊
I despise the way the community handled everything. Although Matt is claiming the DLC dinosaurs will all be the same price. Which really confuses me, it’s still pay to win (at least with titan), a apex dinosaur that is still cheap but stronger than base game playable doesn’t seem fair to people who already spent the money buying the game. ***In my opinion DLC dinosaurs should still have a unique flair but should not be better or overpowered than base game dinosaurs. It’s additional content***. The fact that titan was better than rex made it feel much less than an “equal opportunity” and more pay to win.
I am actually really happy with Titan. Maybe it is slightly too strong, but it is also quite skill-dependent, which I like. Bad players don't perform well with it, while good players really shine. The only time a dino should be slightly stronger than its counterparts is if it's locked behind skill. For newer players, you have rex and spoon, and for experienced players, they have the Tyrannotitan.
@ my point was less of the fact that titan isn’t fun or a good new playable, but more of the fact that on release titan was a paid dinosaur, it’s stronger than rex the other land apex. That is the “pay to win” part.
Question, at 6:31, does he mean like graphics and foliage and stuff like that? if so, id be very happy bc ima stealth player and i know the people who play against me be mad asf cuz they cant see me😂😂😂
im pretty sure graphics upgrades and core game upgrades will be free if thats what you were asking!
@@VelocciYT Yea that makes most sense, since paid graphic packs would possibly give advantage to players that bought extra packs. I am ok with a few paid dinos, since you know, we have tons of "free" ones (you know, in the price of game) + mods, but if they meant that graphic updates will be free, that is reasonable.
What about the people who paid for the full game anyone ask them about that?
I think it’s a mixed bag, some are happy and supportive of it, some are not.
I will see everyone in new year😉
The only one im still waiting for only is the titanboa! Come on already! 😅
All the devs need ro say in black and white is yes all the dinos plus micro tylo leeds ans mystery dino are all included in full purchased game but some dinos not yet released will be in paid packs
PLEASE LET IT BE Micro Raptor!! 😀😓🤞🏻
Thanks for covering and clearing this up Velocci
Yep it was very appreciated!
I hope it clearly helped explain things!
Alderon is really trying to make the game as balanced as possible for the heavy majority of the playerbase, and I gotta respect it.
I hope we won’t need to pay for updates.
microraptor chance
I'm praying it's next
@@Pumpkin-272 same
@@mursik987 Microraptor is already guaranteed as it is not the mystery dino but was instead one of the original crowdfunded ones.
@@TimEriksson-w2n Maybe the mystery one is a Herby, only to be fair we have enough carnis that coming, and we need a new herby too.
I think it's pretty hard for the crearors of path of titans to think about dinosaurs. They are definetly aware of the dinosaur mods and how good they become and i think some dinosaurs were dismissed because there are either mods for them out there or information about upcoming dinosaur mods and i think that might be keeping them on hold some times. But maybe i'm wrong.
I just wish they communicated it better because everyone was very concerned
happy new year!!🎉
some of the best damn devs out there
I'm gonna be honest and this is going to be an exceptionally long comment so you don't have to read all of this if you don't want to.
I'm still against the mere concept of selling entire playables as DLC, especially when it really feels like AG did a rug pull by suddenly using terms like "base game cast" and saying things like "Oh yeah you own all of the BASE GAME dinos with your $30+ purchase but nothing else after". I know why they're doing this - they don't think cosmetics are sustainable - but I'm sat here scowling because I know both in terms of MMOs and dinosaur games, that just isn't the case at all (lots of people like making their character pretty, actually!) and that the reason of unsustainability isn't just that skins aren't viable in terms of keeping your game afloat, more that the cosmetics they sell typically don't align with the price tags.
Depending on who you ask, a lot of the seasonal skinpacks we've gotten are hit or miss, typically having at least one skin seen as a stinker due to being boring or pale in comparison to other skins in the pack. The Pangea skinpack is the only one I've seen an almost universal praise for, while others are a lot more divided, and I think a reason for this is the amount of diversity that comes from that skinpack alone. They need to carefully evaluate the price tag of these skins and make the skins LOOK like you paid for them instead of having almost no pattern variations or having the dullest color palette to select from (hi Murre Iggy).
There are also a lot more avenues in cosmetics they could take the game in besides skins. Emotes would be an option, as I've seen a lot of F2P games like Team Fortress 2 go this route and be quite successful - you just need to ensure the emotes are interesting enough for the price tag. Don't expect anyone to pay $7 for your dinosaur to look around. Getting crazier, you could even invent a "cosmetic" system, items that could be attached to and overlay your dinosaur like bone armor or some form of hat. Free ones could be earned through certain quests, but paid cosmetics would also likely be decently successful in stores as well.
Lastly, in every MMO game I've played with a housing system, I've found that quite a few people will put in the money to make their houses look as pretty as possible (decoration packs or entire interiors), but this only happens IF the housing system is good. Home caves in Path of Titans, are not, and if they wanted an idea like this to be successful, they'd need to rework how home caves are implemented (which even ignoring potential sales they still do). They just aren't well designed as they're scattered all over the map, usually frustrating to get up to (most are uphill on cliffs and mountains on Gondwa), inconvenient since they're the only place you can change something as mundane as your diet unless you have a nest, and are painfully exploitable due to having one entrance/exit.
At the end of the day, it is irrefutably true that some people just don't care for cosmetics, and that's fine, but to dismiss the opportunity in raising them to a higher standard and adding variety in what kind of paid cosmetics the game could have without impeding gameplay, in favor of something that definitely will, is so immensely disappointing to me, especially as a player of four years now and someone who followed PoT closely for years before making a purchase because I wanted proof this game would not make the same mistakes as its competitors. Unfortunately, it seems they're making entirely new ones that I would argue are just as bad.
I have had no reason to believe Matt when he says that the paid dinos will be balanced when PoT's balance has always been hit or miss (even Tyrannotitan now is over performing in some aspects which is alarming considering they originally planned for this to be paid). I don't think paywalling creatures is the play. Game balance, community discourse (you know people are gonna be aggressively targeting people who paid for their dinosaur), and entire niches of a playable are just too big of a thing to gamble on, and even if there's a free work around of "Those who own the thing can nest you in as one", all that seems to do, to me, is provide clans a loophole so all of their friends can have the paid, likely pretty powerful, dinosaur.
TLDR; I don't think paywalling dinosaurs is healthy for Path of Titans long term and it disappoints me to see them shut down the idea of adding more variety in non-gameplay intrusive, paid cosmetics.
I do believe that it is a good thing. They have been working on this game during 5 years only with the money obtained during the crowdfunding and the people who bought the game. But it's a pretty niche game with not a very big targeted audience, and there is probably the majority of this audience who own the game. If they want to keep developing the game for a decade, they will need microtransactions to survive. It's better than they are honest about it, and don't make anything abusive with it, rather than not putting microtransactions and letting the game sink because of budgetary issues, or just going full gacha
I like how no matter the strength or size they will remain the same price unlike other games❤
Didn’t the developers say that all dinosaurs will be accessible for all? Or is not true and I miss remembered something?
@@Georgasurs_ they did say that back around 4 years ago u believe!
@ ah, I see
2024 was the best year dang bruh it was so fast
Honestly its understandable that a company needs to make a profit to function regardless if its a passion project or not alot of people dislike having to buy dinos in a game about playing dinos but at the same time how else would you make money in a game like this?
I had some ideas an example being active cosmetics examples being glowplume and nycta where the skin emits boi luminescence
Another idea was a dlc thats seprate from the main game that focuses around fantasy creatures and ads a fantasy twist to current maps or a fully unique fantasy map and the community servers have the option too allow for them to be playables in their servers or not
But with these suggestions they have their own drawbacks like how bio luminescence may detract from the realistic aspect for some community servers and how a dlc seprate from the base game may not work if the demand isnt there
I need you man I can’t wait a year. Joking im not dumb
I’ll see you in 2025 :P
Putting aside the mess of everything with Tyranotitans release-
Regarding the entire Dino dlcs, etc etc. I will admit I understand, but I can’t help but have mixed feelings about it. I’m not surprised per se, especially with the game being cross console compatible, but the fact that they claimed to not want a pay to win set up, yet the tyranno is indeed one of the fastest, bleediest apex’s to come to game is just not an accurate statement in my opinion. And I know they plan on releasing Dino’s in packs, and that they want to keep them as equal as possible. But from just a, basically gameplay standpoint,
I don’t really see how that could be the case. Because every Dino so far has had its own unique play style, abilities, and such alike. And if you want Dino’s to be equal, that just means you’re throwing the same abilities with different names, and these Dino’s are no longer unique, they just have a different shape. Which puts aside the charm it had in the first place.
Again, no hate, I understand this game being cross compatible is going to be quite difficult to fund, and it’s still in progress. And I understand not everyone is into cosmetics so I know exactly where they are coming from. But that’s just my take on the direction the game is going. Regardless of intention, that’s just where I see the game headed in the coming future.
Tbh.. i want sniff mechanic and like a full tlc for all out-date creatures
I don't understand why they don't relaunch the Kickstarter.
I backed this game in full but didn't get all my rewards due to a misunderstanding (my husband and I BOTH backed, but we used the same credit card, so even though we both backed the same things, we only got one copy of a lot of the skins. They let us divide up the skins and offered me a refund on my backing (which I didn't take), but like... I wanted everything I backed for? I'd back again to get some of the things I "missed" and also AS a Backer, I wouldn't mind them opening up some of the Kickstarter only things to get some extra funds if it was for a limited time (every few years through a Kickstarter to fund extra development).
Let me get my pink flamingo duck skin, damn it!
This would also mean no additional promises or work for the team, so they could continue to focus on the promises they've already made and are actively working to fulfill. I'd rather than reopen the Kickstarter rewards than overload themselves making new (not very good) dinosaurs (TT, sorry... it's not very good imo) and they can focus on doing great things.
Honestly not a great direction to go, they already said previously they wouldn't do paid dinosaurs, so going back on that sets a bad precedent. I would not be surprised if they go back on the promise of making all playable the same price as well, we have already began the journey down the P2W slope with the attempt to making the only competitive apex behind a paywall.
Not really, while I do think them adding Tyrannotitan was kind of a p2w. After playing it, surprisingly it's not that hard to beat. And honestly we already have a good amount of Apexes so really what can possibly be a p2w?
I mean.... the smallest creatures can take down the titan so I'm not sure if it's even a Pay2Win scenario at all.
@@dextergzslasher4402 Because it's the only apex that can actively persue other creatures, others have to wait for fights to come to them, while Titan actually has the speed and stamina to start fights. This by far makes it the most useful apex in the game, not to mention the most fun.
@@PapaFlame Eh yeah it's speedy but like I said before it's pretty weak. A Rex can easily kill it and while it can catch up to some dinosaurs it's still not a guaranteed win. Honestly there are no p2w dinosaurs, if the balance is good enough then it can be countered by playables.
@@PestilentAllosaurusis PAY TO PLAY , no Pay to Win
It's weird that modders make dinosaurs faster than the developers
I don’t think you understand that Alderon doesn’t just focus on making one thing the entire team works on multiple things at once modders only have to focus on one thing
The reason micro hasn’t released is because it’s supposed to release along with the foliage update they have to create entire new assets just for micro and other future dinosaurs to interact with properly
Developers have many other things not only dinosaurs
Also it's better to work on dinos longer then quickly put them out sense ppl like it working and not having any issues so longer release = better textures ability's, animation, and ect
Modders are usually full teams focused on just adding dinos, while Alderon are also developing the full game, pushing bug fixes, approving all the mods, helping support community servers etc
@ couldn’t have said it any better
does anyone know how to fix battle eye error on path of titans?
So the only thing well have to pay for is the dinos that release once the games launched?
Pretty much yeah.
Pretty much’
I still want to see Thal get a TLC, I personally think concs need a new slot because choosing between the kick or dive is dumb. Id say it needs a new slot where you choose between dive and more of a land based skill.
Surprisingly, my biggest “wants” are a thal rework and for them to give campto a kangaroo type kick.
I personally don't mind this whole model for future releases, i am in full support of PoT and would be more than happy to buy dlc dinos. Every other game has dlcs why should PoT be any different?
I think people's perception of dinosaur survivals being without dlcs has caused alot of the uproar which i think is completely unwarranted aside from the tyrannotitan controversy. Alderon need funding to continue with the supposed 10 years of development, why are people so opposed to that demanding everything be free.
Was the 20 dollars for the game not enough ? Charging someone just to play a dinosaur is criminal considering the developers have only released garbage ones since
Your comments are my thoughts exactly
@@thomaseverett6924 Are you seriously crying about spending 7$?
Soooo i dont have to buy the game again do i?
Just those unplanned Dino dlc
I wonder what the mystery dino will be. I need to re-watch your other Video as well.
Maybe Micro?
Any news on the tyrannotitan hunger?
It's shit... It starves very easily..
NOT OUR PROBLEM. I don't give 2 shits what these devs have to say. I REFUSE to pay more money for this game. I already paid $40. I will be asking for a refund. This is actually making my blood boil I'm so angry. How dare these scumbag devs start asking for more money for a game I already paid $40 for. The game isn't even finished yet. This would be like you buying a game on Steam then playing halfway through only to find out the game isn't finished and the devs want you to pay yet another $40 for the second half of the game and you can't get a refund because you've played more than 2 hours. I wish this game was on Steam so I could review bomb it right now.
I just want a way to earn the premium money in game in some way
I figured the reaction would be so. I was not suprised. Hell i'm suprised Matt and his family are still okay considering the Tism the dino community has.
Yeah it was sad too see. General chat was one thing on the discord but the backer chat is what really bothered me.
it definitely was really sad to see
I'm not surprised to see the Alderon butt kissers are also ableist lol
It’s never right to give someone death threats but the rest of the hate is deserved for this crazy scam
@@thomaseverett6924 there were actual death threats? We know what a death threat is don't we? saying "I hope you...," or "why don't you..." isn't a threat.
Once again they said the will only do it as a four pack so that means we still got 2 mystery Dino’s
Hopefully you get new creatures for free when you buy the all dinosaurs bundle
One of my friends is making a dinosaur game on Roblox that features you playing as retro style dinosaurs from the early 20th century. I got some leaks yesterday for 3 dinosaur models, that being Dynamosaurus(T-rex), Brontosaurus, and Agathaumus. I’m so hyped!!!
To think that when pot was on early development and at best we had the discord they banned me for asking for the game to be free, and now they do have the availability and plan for a proper demo version of the game for not just mobile but pc too
Mom im famous, im in velocci video, (IM DARTH_TYRANNO) 0:37