This is amazing! I wasn't expecting this video to go viral and hit the media in Hungary. You people are giving us unbelievably positive feedbacks! They are all appreciated. Thank you!!
+Magyar Hunor Through a Hungarian friend of mine, I was actually aware of how popular and important this song is amongst Hungarians. Really nice song indeed!
Magyarként és az eredeti rockopera rajongójaként nagyon köszönöm nektek!Fantasztikusak vagytok,ilyen alázattal az eredeti mű iránt!Köszönjük!Ahogy a török szurkolók köszöntötték annó a 16-os foci EB-re kijutott magyar vélogatottat: mindannyian Attila király unokái vagyunk!
Sziasztok! Először is szeretném megköszönni visszajelzéseiteket és támogatásotokat. Van egy jó hírem számotokra. Július 17-e és 27-e között a Miyop nevű zenekarommal Magyarországon fogunk turnézni. Ahhoz, hogy követni tudjátok majd a városok és a koncertek helyét és időponját ne felejtsétek el követni a Miyop közösségi oldalát. ( A link a videó alatt található.) Reméljük hamarosan mindannyiótokat láthatjuk majd!!!
The highest level of respect to you, guys. Not only you've got the pronounciation down PERFECTLY, the cover was actually great, entertaining with musicians who know what they're doing on their instruments. Just wow! Greetings from Hungary :)
Srácok! Akárki, akármit mond itt, nekem,mint zenésznek, mint Magyarnak is nagyon tetszik! Büszke vagyok, hogy ilyen messzire eljutott ez a dal! Guys! Whoever, whatever you say here, for me as a musician, as well as a Hungarian love it! I am proud to have reached this far, this song! (Google translate :D )
Róbert Deák csak az a baj, hogy ez az egész szar aminek a szövegkönyvét a libelális, magyargyülölő blódijános írta, a zenéjét meg a TTT-s szölényi, egy NAGY HAZUGSÁG!!! Már az első sora is átver, mert eleink pont az ellenkezőjét gondolták. Ilyen vakert a most tünciző libsi szarháziak nyomnak...
Nagyon jó!!!! Mint minden magyar èn is ezen a zenèn nôttem fel ès kônnyeket csal a szemembe ez a csodàs feldolgozàs. Csak ìgy tovàbb sràcok!!! Kids, I grew up on these songs and you made me cry. This cover of this iconic Hungarian song is phenomenal!
This is fantastic! It is a great joy that Turkish students played this song and very well! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! The Hungarian pronunciation is also very good.
Üdvözlet Törökországból. We(Secular Turks) love Hungary so much. There is a Turkish poet about Hungarian uprising heroism against Soviet invasion in 1956; Kahraman Macarlar(Magyar hősök) Akıttılar yine kara toprak üstüne Kahraman Macarlar şanlı Turan kanını! Yazdılar yeniden Tarihe en şerefli, Yiğitlik Destanını! Yurt için ölümdür, en güzeli ölümün, Ölümler yaşatır bir ırkın vatanını. Arpad`ın Milleti elbet öldürülemez, Verse de bin canını! Bataklık Milleti Moskof sürülerine! Gösterdi Macarlar Turanlılık şanını! Binlerce öldüler... Ölmek yenilmek değil, Yüceltmektir Şanını!
@@banditatahunbetyar8639 You are do right about Ottomans. I never support Ottoman Empire even my Turkish ancestors in Anatolia, they refused pay taxes , joining army, rebel against mostly. That is a jihadist Islamist state under rule a sultan that most people in Turkey dislike it and Republic of Turkey stated Ottoman sultans abandoned our country.
@@banditatahunbetyar8639 OMG, what a clueless jerk. Thanking for a single battle? Did you know that initially we attacked them in 1396? The medieval age was full of bloody confrontations and it did not matter if either the victoms or the perpetrators were christian, jew, muslim, we all killed and died. You cannot measure a nation today based on events half a century earlier. And, just a fun fact: we, Hungarians, did not suffer 'because of the ottoman rule', but rather because the Ottomans stopped exactly at our country for centuries. Had they stopped their advance at Serbia, Hungary would be whole with 30m people. Had they advanced further to Vienna, Munich, Prague, Berlin, they would have become the frontier... Hungary would be like Bulgaria, Serbia or Greece: all these nations lived and survived until getting liberated. They weren't even forced to convert to Islam!
A raw translate, because you deserve it: (Hungarians! Men and women! Listen to chieftain Koppány!) I don't ask you, where your mother gave you birth, I don't aks you who your father was. I Just ask you, waiting for the answer: Should we be prisoners, or be free? I don't ask you, how long will we bear our fate, we could be new conquerors! I Just ask you, waiting for the answer: Should we be prisoners, or be free? Fly up to the stars, Fly on the light wings of the wind, From the rings of teh Carpathians Fly up free bird! Fly far, fly high, Fly on the light wings of the wind! Bring the words of new spring, Fly up free bird! I don't ask you, why are you orphan, I know that fate was so harsh. I Just ask you, waiting for the answer: Should we be prisoners, or be free? I don't ask you, how long the fake priests with rolling eyes walk among us? I Just ask you, waiting for the answer: Should we be prisoners, or be free? Fly up to the stars, Fly on the light wings of the wind, From the rings of teh Carpathians Fly up free bird! Fly far, fly high, Fly on the light wings of the wind! Bring the words of new spring, Fly up free bird!
This is the proof of the hungarian and turkish friendship! I can forget personaly our bad history, I hope most hungarians feel the same way.. Exelente choice, very nice performance! Go guys!!!
En pl a daltol nem erzekenyulok el, altalanosits xd. Egy Radnoti:Nem tudhatom, vagy egy szép Mate Peter dal ezerszer tobb erzelmet valt ki belolem, mint ez... De teny, hogy nagyon jol nyomjak, ugyesek a sracok 😉
사랑해coconut Mint zenész és mint magyar mondom, hogy ez a dal nagyon “ott van”. És csak egy nemzet identitását adta meg amikor megjelent. Amiket te említesz szinten szépek de legjobb esetben is csak 10/8-as (legalább Ady Istenes verseit “hoztad” volna..) amíg ez a dal 10/10-es a magyarok többségének.
Man, I thought this going to suck. But it is GLORIOUS! It is very well known, important song, and unless you bring all the power and fire into it, you fail. Even the best Hungarian bands can butcher this song, so people only rehearse it when nobody hears them. This cover is simply righteous .Congratz!!!
Wow, this video just been recommended by youtube, my jaws are on the floor, lot of respect for you guys doing this, I think all hungarians can feel honored that you guys putted so much energy into learning the lyrics and making that song! Could listen to some more, keep up the good work!
Oh my goodness How amazing is this?! Wow I grew up listening to this rock opera and hearing this as a 42 year old is just out of this world I can't find words
Sziasztok! Pont mikor ezt a dalt keztem tanulni akadtam a videótokra. Igaz 4 évvel ezelőtti, de úgy gondoltam akkor is gratulálok nektek. Nagyon szuper a kiejtésetek, ahhoz képes ,hogy milyen nehéz nyelv. Sok sikert a továbbiakhoz! Hello! Just when I started learning this song I came across your video. True 4 years ago, but I thought I would still congratulate you. Your pronunciations are very super, capable of how difficult the language is. Good luck for the rest!
Çocuklar, harika! Onları Avusturya'daki Türk meslektaşlarıma ve komşularıma gururla gösterdim! Atalarınızın 150 yıldır Macaristan'da olması boşuna değil 😂🤣
The most important opinions have been already said by the others - so there is only one extra point of my individual view. I’m a 50 years old ex-metal-producer from Hungary and my eternal motto was during my work to my performers: a cover should be played publicly only if it’s at least so good as the original and able to give something new and fresh in sounding… You did it guys, really - congrats!
It's a very good cover, and I am so sad, because I did not find any English lyrics of this song. It is awkward... So I try to translate it to English from Hungarian, but my English is not so good. So I hope the bottom line of the song can be understandable. (I hope some other hungarian youtubers will fix it if I make a mistake) (Storyline: near 1000 AD, in Hungary the prince, Géza died, and there was a fight between his son, István and his christian allies, and the prince's oldest relative, Koppány and his pagan allies. This song is Koppány's call for fight against István and the christians. Fun fact: It was written in 1983 in the socialist era, and you can in find Koppány's songs some rebel motives against any occupation and repression, for example the "Rabok legyünk vagy szabadok" line is from a very famous poem from the rebellion of 1848, what called "Nemzeti dal" ) Lyrics (not word by word and not in poem) Koppány: I don't ask where were you born I don't ask who was your father I only ask and waiting for answer: Shall we be slaves or be free? I don't ask how long we tolerate our fate We might be the new settlers of a country I only ask and waiting for answer: Shall we be slaves or be free? Chorus: Fly up to the stars By the light wings of the wind From the ring of Carpathians Fly up free bird Fly far fly high By the light wings of the wind Bring the news of a new spring Fly up free bird Koppány: I don't ask why are you an orphan I know the fate was a bad stepmother I only ask and waiting for answer: Shall we be slaves or be free? I don't ask how long will be between us Sanctimonious liar priests I only ask and waiting for answer: Shall we be slaves or be free? Chorus: Fly up to the stars...
One little addition for the history part :) István won! :)) So he became the very first king of Hungary and founded the Hungarian State. We celebrate him on the 20th of August with huge fireworks in Budapest the capital city. It's one of our National Days in Hungary. :)
I agree with Attila❗ And Vikidàl was 75 yesterday and I just Found a brandnew video to this song Super beautiful Hungary picures❤
Merhaba! Cok tessekür ederim! Ben türk-macar erkek bebegim var. I hope my son gonna be know turkish language atleast that level how you singing in hungarian. That was amazing!
@@vandagrizner155Tudod mi elég szomorú? Az, hogy a lakosság több, mint fele szófogadó szolgaként kussolt a sarokban maszkkal a fején, aztán utasításra egyként oltatta be magát, csak mert a kormánya valami kamuvírussal riogatta. Ez valóban elég szomorú. Hol vannak a kemény legények, a nagy harcosok, akiknek akkora a pofája, mint a bécsi kapu, ha szájkaratézni kell, mégis, összeszarják magukat egy náthától? Na menj szépen vissza a karanténodba bégetni a birkatestvéreiddel, ne itt okoskodj nekem. Holnapra felrobban az internet ? :)
Teljesen tök mindegy. Amíg az ember Windows-t használ vagy csak az internetszolgáltatást vásárol egy ismeretes szolgáltatótól, vagy éppen még 6000 egyéb ok, addig így is, úgy is azt tudnak amit akarnak. Lényegtelen hogy van a Facebook-ja az embernek vagy nincs. Szinte teljesíthetetlen védelmet képezni, alapból speckó Linux kell hozzá, az az alja a dolognak. UA-cam se hinném hogy épp ne lenne nyitott könyv egy hozzáértőnek. Nem kötözködni akarom, csak gondolom leírom.
Great job guys! In Hungary media picked up your performance, I am guessing within hours you'll have quiet many views with nice comments to follow :) ... Even the pronunciation of the song is really good, Love it, Thank you! Next stop hopefully Sziget festival... ;)
OK then, let me rephrase my last sentence :D -Next stop hopefully ANY festival in Hungary YOU would ENJOY to play and would feel the appreciation from the audience. Wether it be the Sziget, Rockmaraton or jászkarajenői cirmos cica fesztivál ... ;)
I have no problem with them playing on Sziget festival, but when I saw their video I immediately thought of Rockmaraton festival in July. As this song is from our famous rock opera.
Wow, ez mekkora király :-) Guys, thats amazing! :-) When the girl sings the refrain that sounds like if she had has a Transcarpathian dialect, not a Turkish accent. It's an important song for Hungary. The refrain is about a bird who breaks free from the tyranny of the emperor, who forces a religion on her. I wish you all: to be free birds!
Hello! I just heard this cover... Very well done. Moreover... fantastic! I really liked it, just like the original! Thank you from Hungary! Sziasztok! Most hallottam ezt a feldolgozást...nagyon jól sikerült. Sőt... fantasztikus! Nagyon tetszett, akárcsak az eredeti! Köszönet Nektek Magyarországról!
*Guys, this is the best cover what i've ever heard, congratulation! It's amazing, and we're very grateful to you all. We would be so happy if you could come to Budapest and have a concert. All the best: Your Hungarian brothers!*
I really dont belive how good this cover is. The hungarian language is one of the most difficult of all and you have done a heartbreakingly professional job! Thank You!!!
Sziasztok! Nagyon jóeső érzés, hogy hozzátok is eljutott ez a dal! Én még csak most bukkantam rátok! Eredetiben a kedvenc énekesem adtaelő 1983-ban. Jó hallani a hangotokat, szépen énekeltek és jól jatszotok mindannyian! Jártam már az országotokban és jó lenne ha ti is eljönnétek magyarorszagra és adnátok egy szuper koncertet! Meghallgattam a többi dalaitokat is . Jók! 🙂
Sizi çok seviyoruz çocuklar burada Macaristanda! Çocuklar yazdım çünkü ben artık tam 50 yaşındayım. Ama Sizlere Saygım Sonsuz! Türkiye'yi seven kişi bizde çok, ve bu şarkı için teşekkür ederiz! Gönül Dolusu Sevgiler ve Selamlar Janos Kovacs
@Kevin Merhaba Sevgili Kevin! Türkçem canımdan geliyor, ama onu kitaptan ve radyodan da öğrendim. Ama Sevgi en önemli şeydir! Çok işim vardı, cevap vermediğimden dolayı özür dilerim!
Köszönöm Janos Bey! 😊 Avrupa'da bir çok ülke gezip gördüm ve hatta Almanya, Avusturya'da dahi yaşadım ama en çok evim gibi hissettiğim yer Macaristan olmuştur ❤️ ilk defa Türk olduğum halde dışlanmadığımı hissettim, bu yüzden size ve sizin halkınıza çok teşekkür ediyorum. Özellikle Bugac'ta ve Budapeşte'de çok yakın Macar dostlarım oldu. Birlikte Kurultaj'a bile katıldık 😊 kesinlikle bende Macarca öğrenmek istiyorum. Şu ana kadar 6 dil biliyorum acaba bana Macarca öğrenmek için bir kaç tüyo verebilir misiniz? teşekkürler 😊
@@shhhark9614 ikisi ayrı şey gibi anlatmak doğru değil. Bizlerde Atillanın torunlariyiz.. Türk ismi bir soyadi gibi düşün macarlarda Türk. Bizans kaynaklarında zaten batı Türkiye diye geçer.
Tisztelt Kovacs ur. Szivemmel nagyon örülök latni maga kommentet. Ha maga jön Isztambulra csak ir nekem kerem szepen. Hajra Török-Magyar Baratsag. Hiszek egy Istenben, Hiszek egy Hazaban, Hiszek Magyarorsazag es Törökorszag Feltamadasaban. Amin!
This is amazing! I wasn't expecting this video to go viral and hit the media in Hungary. You people are giving us unbelievably positive feedbacks! They are all appreciated. Thank you!!
+Magyar Hunor Through a Hungarian friend of mine, I was actually aware of how popular and important this song is amongst Hungarians. Really nice song indeed!
Dear Hunor,
Please do not forget to mention that your opinion and viewpoint is shared by a thin part of the Hungarian society.
Kaan Yazıcı +55k view in 1 day :) not bad :)
Great performance, can't stop hearing/watching it :)
Just ignore Magyar Hunor. He is a crazy and criminal extreme right-wing nut.
The song however is metal as fuck! Great job guys! \m/
Ez a magyar dal - török fiataloktól- ilyen szenvedéllyel: különleges, szívmelengető élmény. .
Egy jó dalt az álmában is meghall az ember! Ugyanúgy a törökök is, mégha magyar is az!
Magyarként és az eredeti rockopera rajongójaként nagyon köszönöm nektek!Fantasztikusak vagytok,ilyen alázattal az eredeti mű iránt!Köszönjük!Ahogy a török szurkolók köszöntötték annó a 16-os foci EB-re kijutott magyar vélogatottat: mindannyian Attila király unokái vagyunk!
Azért ez így merész megfogalmazás, de a mondanivaló hibátlan!
Először is szeretném megköszönni visszajelzéseiteket és támogatásotokat.
Van egy jó hírem számotokra.
Július 17-e és 27-e között a Miyop nevű zenekarommal Magyarországon fogunk turnézni.
Ahhoz, hogy követni tudjátok majd a városok és a koncertek helyét és időponját ne felejtsétek el követni a Miyop közösségi oldalát. ( A link a videó alatt található.)
Reméljük hamarosan mindannyiótokat láthatjuk majd!!!
Szeretettel várunk benneteket!
Kaan Yazıcı
Kaan Yazıcı szuper !!! Congrats 👍🏻♥️
Let us know when you know the date and place !
The highest level of respect to you, guys. Not only you've got the pronounciation down PERFECTLY, the cover was actually great, entertaining with musicians who know what they're doing on their instruments. Just wow! Greetings from Hungary :)
Srácok! Akárki, akármit mond itt, nekem,mint zenésznek, mint Magyarnak is nagyon tetszik! Büszke vagyok, hogy ilyen messzire eljutott ez a dal!
Guys! Whoever, whatever you say here, for me as a musician, as well as a Hungarian love it! I am proud to have reached this far, this song! (Google translate :D )
Róbert Deák az utolsó mondat /thr last sentence is: Im so proud this song have reached this far de a google fordítótól nem vártam többet 😉
Valóban örömteli. :)
Róbert Deák csak az a baj, hogy ez az egész szar aminek a szövegkönyvét a libelális, magyargyülölő blódijános írta, a zenéjét meg a TTT-s szölényi, egy NAGY HAZUGSÁG!!! Már az első sora is átver, mert eleink pont az ellenkezőjét gondolták. Ilyen vakert a most tünciző libsi szarháziak nyomnak...
@@zsozso2122 ezt a vakert Koppány nyomta, meg az ő hívei. hallgasd meg az egész operát, ne csak egy dalt belőle.
Nagyon jó!!!! Mint minden magyar èn is ezen a zenèn nôttem fel ès kônnyeket csal a szemembe ez a csodàs feldolgozàs. Csak ìgy tovàbb sràcok!!!
Kids, I grew up on these songs and you made me cry. This cover of this iconic Hungarian song is phenomenal!
This is fantastic! It is a great joy that Turkish students played this song and very well! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! The Hungarian pronunciation is also very good.
Üdvözlet Törökországból. We(Secular Turks) love Hungary so much.
There is a Turkish poet about Hungarian uprising heroism against Soviet invasion in 1956;
Kahraman Macarlar(Magyar hősök)
Akıttılar yine kara toprak üstüne
Kahraman Macarlar şanlı Turan kanını!
Yazdılar yeniden Tarihe en şerefli,
Yiğitlik Destanını!
Yurt için ölümdür, en güzeli ölümün,
Ölümler yaşatır bir ırkın vatanını.
Arpad`ın Milleti elbet öldürülemez,
Verse de bin canını!
Bataklık Milleti Moskof sürülerine!
Gösterdi Macarlar Turanlılık şanını!
Binlerce öldüler... Ölmek yenilmek değil,
Yüceltmektir Şanını!
Thanks for 1526...
@@banditatahunbetyar8639 You are do right about Ottomans. I never support Ottoman Empire even my Turkish ancestors in Anatolia, they refused pay taxes , joining army, rebel against mostly. That is a jihadist Islamist state under rule a sultan that most people in Turkey dislike it and Republic of Turkey stated Ottoman sultans abandoned our country.
@@banditatahunbetyar8639 OMG, what a clueless jerk.
Thanking for a single battle? Did you know that initially we attacked them in 1396?
The medieval age was full of bloody confrontations and it did not matter if either the victoms or the perpetrators were christian, jew, muslim, we all killed and died. You cannot measure a nation today based on events half a century earlier.
And, just a fun fact: we, Hungarians, did not suffer 'because of the ottoman rule', but rather because the Ottomans stopped exactly at our country for centuries. Had they stopped their advance at Serbia, Hungary would be whole with 30m people. Had they advanced further to Vienna, Munich, Prague, Berlin, they would have become the frontier... Hungary would be like Bulgaria, Serbia or Greece: all these nations lived and survived until getting liberated. They weren't even forced to convert to Islam!
Thanks bro! I appriciate your comment.
Nagyon jó feldolgozás! Köszönöm ennek a kedves török együttesnek! Bravó!
Köszönet nektek Magyarországról
I am a Hungarian and I feel honored. More like this, please. You are really good!
Hungarian here from USA.....BRAVO! I agree with the others: Turkish brothers and sisters. Much much respect to you and all Turkish people.
This is very nice, from USA, thank You!!
The misprononciation and dialect just makes it so unique and in my opinion so much better, thank you so so much for making this 🥲
Macaristan'dan dostça selamlar ve size büyük saygı. Arkadaşların arkadaşlıkları vardır. 🇭🇺🇹🇷
As a hungarian all i have to say: Tesekür ederim!!!
Hibátlan! Imádom!
Örülök nagyon! A szemem könnybe lábad!
Ugye?? Akkor nem velem van a "baj"🤗
Nagyon tetszik CSODÁLATOS ,Sírva hallgatom KÖSZŐNŐM,KÖSZŐNŐM Törökök!!!!
im a hungarian girl and i think this song is fantastic. All hungrians love this cover😍😍😍
I am from Hungary and I am very proud of you ❤
A raw translate, because you deserve it:
(Hungarians! Men and women!
Listen to chieftain Koppány!)
I don't ask you, where your mother gave you birth,
I don't aks you who your father was.
I Just ask you, waiting for the answer:
Should we be prisoners, or be free?
I don't ask you, how long will we bear our fate,
we could be new conquerors!
I Just ask you, waiting for the answer:
Should we be prisoners, or be free?
Fly up to the stars,
Fly on the light wings of the wind,
From the rings of teh Carpathians
Fly up free bird!
Fly far, fly high,
Fly on the light wings of the wind!
Bring the words of new spring,
Fly up free bird!
I don't ask you, why are you orphan,
I know that fate was so harsh.
I Just ask you, waiting for the answer:
Should we be prisoners, or be free?
I don't ask you, how long the fake priests
with rolling eyes walk among us?
I Just ask you, waiting for the answer:
Should we be prisoners, or be free?
Fly up to the stars,
Fly on the light wings of the wind,
From the rings of teh Carpathians
Fly up free bird!
Fly far, fly high,
Fly on the light wings of the wind!
Bring the words of new spring,
Fly up free bird!
mind = blown
every word is understandable. very good performance :)
This is the proof of the hungarian and turkish friendship! I can forget personaly our bad history, I hope most hungarians feel the same way.. Exelente choice, very nice performance! Go guys!!!
Jó párszor meghallgattam már! Ez a dal a magyarok számára nagyon fontos, szerintem nincs magyar, aki ettől nem érzékenyül el!
En pl a daltol nem erzekenyulok el, altalanosits xd. Egy Radnoti:Nem tudhatom, vagy egy szép Mate Peter dal ezerszer tobb erzelmet valt ki belolem, mint ez... De teny, hogy nagyon jol nyomjak, ugyesek a sracok 😉
사랑해coconut Mint zenész és mint magyar mondom, hogy ez a dal nagyon “ott van”. És csak egy nemzet identitását adta meg amikor megjelent. Amiket te említesz szinten szépek de legjobb esetben is csak 10/8-as (legalább Ady Istenes verseit “hoztad” volna..) amíg ez a dal 10/10-es a magyarok többségének.
@@attilakovacs6366 bizony !
@@attilakovacs6366 pontosan. Szó szerint.
6/10, ha engem kérdezel.
Perfect! I really like it! Hello from Felvidék (Slovakia) :)
BIZ DE ATILLA’NIN TORUNLARIYIZ ! Greetings from Hungary !
A big LIKE from Hungary! You are great! You made my day!!!
Man, I thought this going to suck. But it is GLORIOUS! It is very well known, important song, and unless you bring all the power and fire into it, you fail. Even the best Hungarian bands can butcher this song, so people only rehearse it when nobody hears them. This cover is simply righteous .Congratz!!!
Wow, this video just been recommended by youtube, my jaws are on the floor, lot of respect for you guys doing this, I think all hungarians can feel honored that you guys putted so much energy into learning the lyrics and making that song! Could listen to some more, keep up the good work!
Tebrikler Gencler! Macaristan'dan geldim, Izmir'de yasiyorum. Bu sarki en sevdigimden biri. Siz mükemmel calisitiniz, harika söylediniz.
This cover was awesome!
Greetings from Hungary! ;)
This is so good that... I am shocked. Mates, brilliant! (From a Hungarian.)
Come on man, imma tear up xD
Love from Hungary 🇭🇺♥️🇹🇷
BRAVO guys ! Hugs from Hungary.
Fantasztikusak vagytok, gyerekek! Köszönjük!!!!
Congratulations! Greetings from Hungary!
Wow, I am out of words for this, I would never thought that Turkish students would be doing such an accurate cover of this legendary song, well done
A könnyeim jönnek. Reszpekt. Fantasztikus.
Oh my goodness
How amazing is this?! Wow
I grew up listening to this rock opera and hearing this as a 42 year old is just out of this world
I can't find words
Első hallásra imádlak :) Végü is így, vagy úgy, közös a történelmünk. Drága török barátaim.... nagyszerűek vagytok...
Sziasztok! Pont mikor ezt a dalt keztem tanulni akadtam a videótokra. Igaz 4 évvel ezelőtti, de úgy gondoltam akkor is gratulálok nektek. Nagyon szuper a kiejtésetek, ahhoz képes ,hogy milyen nehéz nyelv. Sok sikert a továbbiakhoz!
Hello! Just when I started learning this song I came across your video. True 4 years ago, but I thought I would still congratulate you. Your pronunciations are very super, capable of how difficult the language is. Good luck for the rest!
mondjuk kicsit hasonlít a nyelvünk ajakállásunk, leejtésmentalitásunk egy részben..
You're amazing! :) Greetings from Transylvania!
Çocuklar, harika! Onları Avusturya'daki Türk meslektaşlarıma ve komşularıma gururla gösterdim! Atalarınızın 150 yıldır Macaristan'da olması boşuna değil 😂🤣
The most important opinions have been already said by the others - so there is only one extra point of my individual view. I’m a 50 years old ex-metal-producer from Hungary and my eternal motto was during my work to my performers: a cover should be played publicly only if it’s at least so good as the original and able to give something new and fresh in sounding… You did it guys, really - congrats!
Well said.
It's a very good cover, and I am so sad, because I did not find any English lyrics of this song. It is awkward... So I try to translate it to English from Hungarian, but my English is not so good. So I hope the bottom line of the song can be understandable. (I hope some other hungarian youtubers will fix it if I make a mistake)
(Storyline: near 1000 AD, in Hungary the prince, Géza died, and there was a fight between his son, István and his christian allies, and the prince's oldest relative, Koppány and his pagan allies. This song is Koppány's call for fight against István and the christians. Fun fact: It was written in 1983 in the socialist era, and you can in find Koppány's songs some rebel motives against any occupation and repression, for example the "Rabok legyünk vagy szabadok" line is from a very famous poem from the rebellion of 1848, what called "Nemzeti dal" )
Lyrics (not word by word and not in poem)
I don't ask where were you born
I don't ask who was your father
I only ask and waiting for answer:
Shall we be slaves or be free?
I don't ask how long we tolerate our fate
We might be the new settlers of a country
I only ask and waiting for answer:
Shall we be slaves or be free?
Fly up to the stars
By the light wings of the wind
From the ring of Carpathians
Fly up free bird
Fly far fly high
By the light wings of the wind
Bring the news of a new spring
Fly up free bird
I don't ask why are you an orphan
I know the fate was a bad stepmother
I only ask and waiting for answer:
Shall we be slaves or be free?
I don't ask how long will be between us
Sanctimonious liar priests
I only ask and waiting for answer:
Shall we be slaves or be free?
Fly up to the stars...
very well done
One little addition for the history part :)
István won! :)) So he became the very first king of Hungary and founded the Hungarian State. We celebrate him on the 20th of August with huge fireworks in Budapest the capital city. It's one of our National Days in Hungary. :)
Szerintem ügyes fordítás. :)
Forced the Hungarian history. I. Stephen was a Saint. He created our independent state.
As a hungarian I can say: good job! :)
I agree with Attila❗ And Vikidàl was 75 yesterday and I just Found a brandnew video to this song
Super beautiful Hungary picures❤
WOW! Great! Respect from Hungary!!
That was an iconic song of my childhood. You guys brought tears to my eyes. Well done and thank You!
Wow, I never thought this song would be known outside my country, this was heartwarming. Thank you, great work!
Egyszerűen,fenomenális! Köszönjük!
Ez igen gyerekek!!👏👏
Masallah Turkish brothers. Selam ve sevgiler Macaristandan! :)
Eyvallah bro
Török testvérek. 🥰👋👍
I was 17 when István, a király was played for the first time. :) You are great, kids!
Merhaba! Cok tessekür ederim! Ben türk-macar erkek bebegim var. I hope my son gonna be know turkish language atleast that level how you singing in hungarian. That was amazing!
Hey Brothers! Great cover!!! Really proud of you, thanks and wish you all the best! Greetings from Hungary!
Very powerful, great job!
Greetings from Hungary, guys!
Çok güzel çalmış ve söylemişsiniz çok beğendim
Tesekkür ederim Turkish brothers, this was amazing, respect! Greetings from Hungary!
ha neked testvéreid, akkor költözz oda
@@smartgamerai8680 Kussolsz, hitvány maszkviselő kutya!
@Lengyel István Tojok rá, milyen uralom alatt voltunk.
@@sol3cito33 Elég szomorú...
@@vandagrizner155Tudod mi elég szomorú? Az, hogy a lakosság több, mint fele szófogadó szolgaként kussolt a sarokban maszkkal a fején, aztán utasításra egyként oltatta be magát, csak mert a kormánya valami kamuvírussal riogatta. Ez valóban elég szomorú. Hol vannak a kemény legények, a nagy harcosok, akiknek akkora a pofája, mint a bécsi kapu, ha szájkaratézni kell, mégis, összeszarják magukat egy náthától? Na menj szépen vissza a karanténodba bégetni a birkatestvéreiddel, ne itt okoskodj nekem.
Amazing! Well done! :) Respect turkish brothers. Greetings from Hungary.
Amazing!! Just sharing it on my fb page, well done, Turkish brothers!
I just discovered your cover... you guys are amazing. Congrats.
Rock music forever! :) Greetings from Bulgaria.
Holy F! That was so cool! That is my favourite track of the "István a király"!
This is awesome! Greetings from Hungary.
this is fantastic, very good , greetings from Hungary
Tesekkürler! Guys, you're truly amazing, this is going viral at Hungarian metal scene right now :D
sakaali69 nice!!
And also on hungarian facebook! :)
Holnapra felrobban az internet ? :)
Magyar Hunor, neked sok nehézséged lehet. Sajnállak. :-)
Teljesen tök mindegy.
Amíg az ember Windows-t használ vagy csak az internetszolgáltatást vásárol egy ismeretes szolgáltatótól, vagy éppen még 6000 egyéb ok, addig így is, úgy is azt tudnak amit akarnak. Lényegtelen hogy van a Facebook-ja az embernek vagy nincs.
Szinte teljesíthetetlen védelmet képezni, alapból speckó Linux kell hozzá, az az alja a dolognak.
UA-cam se hinném hogy épp ne lenne nyitott könyv egy hozzáértőnek.
Nem kötözködni akarom, csak gondolom leírom.
Végre teszi a youtube akgoritmus a dolgát. Tökéletes!!!
Greatings from Hungary! It is my favorit song. Brothers, Sister perfect music and speaking. It is fantastic!!! Thank you very much!
Hi, I'm from Hungary, and this cover was amazing:)
Thanks a lot :D
Máté létedre elég cuki lánynak tűnsz. xd
+Martin S lányos arc, hosszú haj, és sajnos még nem akar nőni a szakállam, de ha lesz, egyből lesz új képem is xDD
Bocsi, csak így kicsiben a profilképeden tényleg kicsit lányos vagy ^^"
+Martin S már megszoktam:D
Great job guys! In Hungary media picked up your performance, I am guessing within hours you'll have quiet many views with nice comments to follow :) ... Even the pronunciation of the song is really good, Love it, Thank you! Next stop hopefully Sziget festival... ;)
adjunktus thanks a lot!
Épp ezért adott a Csík Zenekar hatalmas koncertet pár évvel ezelőtt a Nagyszínpadon.
You should rather go to Rockmaraton festival, it will be in July. Here is their fb-page:
OK then, let me rephrase my last sentence :D -Next stop hopefully ANY
festival in Hungary YOU would ENJOY to play and would feel the
appreciation from the audience. Wether it be the Sziget, Rockmaraton or
jászkarajenői cirmos cica fesztivál ... ;)
I have no problem with them playing on Sziget festival, but when I saw their video I immediately thought of Rockmaraton festival in July. As this song is from our famous rock opera.
It is a fantastic performance!
Ennek a zenének van egyfajta lüktetése,és nagyon jó!
In 2020 is still one of the best adaptations of "Stephen, the King" -- congratulations, friends! :)
Kral Attila veya torunlar! - Attila király unokái vagyunk!
Respect! :)
You have managed it in our very difficult language.
Music is also like the original.
Greeting from a Hungarian in Germany.
Csodálatos 😍🎉
It is great, thank you Turan Brothers!
Óriásiiiiii, nagyon tetszett!!! Çok teşekkürler!!!
Férfiak és asszonyok!
Ügyesek a gyerekek, elismerésem! ;)
Greetings from Budapest to our Türkish brothers!
This is truly awesome !!!
Wow, ez mekkora király :-) Guys, thats amazing! :-) When the girl sings the refrain that sounds like if she had has a Transcarpathian dialect, not a Turkish accent. It's an important song for Hungary. The refrain is about a bird who breaks free from the tyranny of the emperor, who forces a religion on her. I wish you all: to be free birds!
Szívzugba találva! 💗
Hello! I just heard this cover... Very well done. Moreover... fantastic! I really liked it, just like the original! Thank you from Hungary!
Sziasztok! Most hallottam ezt a feldolgozást...nagyon jól sikerült. Sőt... fantasztikus! Nagyon tetszett, akárcsak az eredeti! Köszönet Nektek Magyarországról!
WOW!!!!!! Good job guys! Thanks and respect! From Hungary. :)
*Guys, this is the best cover what i've ever heard, congratulation! It's amazing, and we're very grateful to you all. We would be so happy if you could come to Budapest and have a concert. All the best: Your Hungarian brothers!*
You are brilliant, great job
Great, what a lovely performance! 👍
Thank You and congrats from Hungary 🙏.
CSODÁLATOS! Köszönöm! olağanüstü! teşekkürler
Thank you dear Turkish kardeslerim! Tessekür ederim! We are brothers and good and hard times as well! God bless and save Turkey!
Greatings from Hungary! Well done, and keep it up sisters and brothers in music!
Magyarként Nekem sokat jelent ez a dal! Fantasztikusak vagytok! Köszönöm! 😢🤗❤️
I really dont belive how good this cover is.
The hungarian language is one of the most difficult of all and you have done a heartbreakingly professional job!
Thank You!!!
Still great in 2021!
Sziasztok! Nagyon jóeső érzés, hogy hozzátok is eljutott ez a dal! Én még csak most bukkantam rátok! Eredetiben a kedvenc énekesem adtaelő 1983-ban. Jó hallani a hangotokat, szépen énekeltek és jól jatszotok mindannyian! Jártam már az országotokban és jó lenne ha ti is eljönnétek magyarorszagra és adnátok egy szuper koncertet! Meghallgattam a többi dalaitokat is . Jók! 🙂
Your hungarian is really good!!!
Sizi çok seviyoruz çocuklar burada Macaristanda! Çocuklar yazdım çünkü ben artık tam 50 yaşındayım.
Ama Sizlere Saygım Sonsuz! Türkiye'yi seven kişi bizde çok, ve bu şarkı için teşekkür ederiz!
Gönül Dolusu Sevgiler ve Selamlar Janos Kovacs
@Kevin Merhaba Sevgili Kevin!
Türkçem canımdan geliyor, ama onu kitaptan ve radyodan da öğrendim.
Ama Sevgi en önemli şeydir!
Çok işim vardı, cevap vermediğimden dolayı özür dilerim!
János Kovács Türkçe öğreniyor olmanız beni çok gururlandırdı. Ben de Macarca öğrenmeye çalışıyorum ♡
Köszönöm Janos Bey! 😊 Avrupa'da bir çok ülke gezip gördüm ve hatta Almanya, Avusturya'da dahi yaşadım ama en çok evim gibi hissettiğim yer Macaristan olmuştur ❤️ ilk defa Türk olduğum halde dışlanmadığımı hissettim, bu yüzden size ve sizin halkınıza çok teşekkür ediyorum. Özellikle Bugac'ta ve Budapeşte'de çok yakın Macar dostlarım oldu. Birlikte Kurultaj'a bile katıldık 😊 kesinlikle bende Macarca öğrenmek istiyorum. Şu ana kadar 6 dil biliyorum acaba bana Macarca öğrenmek için bir kaç tüyo verebilir misiniz? teşekkürler 😊
@@shhhark9614 ikisi ayrı şey gibi anlatmak doğru değil. Bizlerde Atillanın torunlariyiz.. Türk ismi bir soyadi gibi düşün macarlarda Türk. Bizans kaynaklarında zaten batı Türkiye diye geçer.
Tisztelt Kovacs ur. Szivemmel nagyon örülök latni maga kommentet. Ha maga jön Isztambulra csak ir nekem kerem szepen. Hajra Török-Magyar Baratsag. Hiszek egy Istenben, Hiszek egy Hazaban, Hiszek Magyarorsazag es Törökorszag Feltamadasaban. Amin!
They show us, why we are relatives! I understand the words!
Respect to you!
Thank you for your kind words gergö 😊🇹🇷❤️🇭🇺 long live to our Hungarian brothers and their beautiful country ❤️
Turk is surname of all of us. According to Byzantine sources Hungaria was western Turkey , Khazaria was Eastern Turkey..Greetings from Istanbul 🇹🇷🇭🇺
Damn this is good. Well done!
Sincere greatings from Hungary