MF 520 combine harvester

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mickmclaren3270
    @mickmclaren3270 2 роки тому +18

    The good old days ,,no cab ,no air con , no music ,just the sound of a machine doing what it was built for, retired now (73)but I still miss those days ,,happy times.,,thanks for a trip down memory lane,,( UK )

  • @stone4173
    @stone4173 Рік тому +12

    Brilliant video and a brilliant combine. Very popular during the 80s. Brings back good memories of my mate and I watching the local farmers using this combine, we both had toy ones too. Great times. Keep these machines going.

  • @susandailylife
    @susandailylife 2 місяці тому +1

    Your garden is an inspiration for all aspiring gardeners

  • @robertgoetz2678
    @robertgoetz2678 2 роки тому +8

    Thanks for bringing back memories to these combines, i started driving with a 510, then a 525, 520 and 620 end of the seventies until 1983. they were quite good, but had some weak points too, like the drive box for the cutting knive, the reel drive and the clutch for the threshing mecanism. In europe they all had 5,6 - 6,2 l 6 cylinder Diesel engines between 95 and 120 HP. The contractor wouldn t spend any money on cabs nor A/C at that time.

    • @johnwaddell7239
      @johnwaddell7239 Рік тому +2

      i had a 525 oil seal in wobble box went lost all oil but because i could not see it from seat whole thing destroyed when dry was expensive to replace complete box

    • @robertgoetz2678
      @robertgoetz2678 Рік тому

      Indeed the drve of the knive, the header clutch, the whole threshing clutch were very weak elements and were so for xxx years without mods…@@johnwaddell7239

  • @stelei2129
    @stelei2129 Рік тому +1

    I drive this a lot off years before .. nice to see all the best from germany

  • @conradolsen7600
    @conradolsen7600 2 роки тому +3

    Top video, well done, prefer to see these old machines in action any day, used to drive a Massey 585 and 587 many years ago.

  • @davidwinthrop7077
    @davidwinthrop7077 2 роки тому +6

    Fantastic video of a beautiful old and well kept combine. Throughly enjoyed watching this.

  • @laurent5585
    @laurent5585 Рік тому +4

    Magnifique, superbe, somptueux ne lâché rien messieurs !

  • @ianrobinson9565
    @ianrobinson9565 2 роки тому +3

    WONDERFUL MACHINERY. If it wasn't for this older machinery that we could afford there would not be the fancy modern gear that we can't afford to buy. It all looks good 👍 operating in the paddock. I drove a MASSEY 585 PETROL ⛽️ MACHINE many years ago.

  • @martingardener90
    @martingardener90 2 роки тому +2

    Lovely to see this great combine working - thanks Jeroen!

  • @robertallen3441
    @robertallen3441 2 роки тому +4

    Nice to see a late MF 520 Super II. Not many left in that original condition. Must have been kept inside and mollycoddled. Like the greedy boards and the extra fanning mill guard over the chopper pulley. Pushing the old girl along as well.

  • @dertheo4135
    @dertheo4135 2 роки тому

    Das ist dreschen pur, danke für das Video

  • @osvaldocarrijo79
    @osvaldocarrijo79 3 місяці тому


  • @robinboonstra107
    @robinboonstra107 2 роки тому +6

    That is a very nice combine, i would imagine it getting quite dusty for the driver though

    • @markusw484
      @markusw484 2 роки тому +1

      It is. Many many years ago my father had a much older and smaller one and we always had to wear long clothes and a dust mask. Without long clothes the skin more or less constantly itched. Especially with barley. 😂

    • @robinboonstra107
      @robinboonstra107 2 роки тому +2

      @@markusw484 that must have sucked in hot weather. On the other side those old machines look awesome. I wish i could one day drive something like that, or even a tractor as i have grown up in a town/small city and haven't had the opportunity to be around those machines much.

  • @claesmansson9070
    @claesmansson9070 2 роки тому

    Have or had a 525 that now is a tractor with platform,had several old combs.saved the engines and wheels etc.

  • @richardneunteufel554
    @richardneunteufel554 2 роки тому +3

    Tolle alte Technik

  • @aparecidonogueira6536
    @aparecidonogueira6536 Рік тому +1

    Até hoje é um grande sucesso

  • @lordofhowell7158
    @lordofhowell7158 2 роки тому +1

    Brilliant video 💪🏻 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

  • @daipigeon7561
    @daipigeon7561 Рік тому +2

    Brilliant just brilliant

  • @arvintatlall2163
    @arvintatlall2163 2 роки тому

    I have my dad one on track it's a beast we do lots of modifications

  • @aparecidonogueira6536
    @aparecidonogueira6536 Рік тому +1

    O futuro sempre anda na frente da realidade e esse a máquina era muito boa

    @DRONEALD 2 роки тому +1

    Pwoah 😄 mooi speulgoud 👍🏻

  • @danielrigot1785
    @danielrigot1785 2 роки тому +4

    Très belle machine dans un super état de conservation . Amitié 💯👋👋✌👍👍

  • @aparecidonogueira6536
    @aparecidonogueira6536 Рік тому

    Monark produzir muito aquela época era um sucesso até hoje sucesso

  • @antonyfarming
    @antonyfarming 2 роки тому +2

    Awesome 👍 have used a 525 they are good machine and engine sounds really good underload😁👍👍

  • @rolandaushilfstrucker2385
    @rolandaushilfstrucker2385 2 роки тому

    Tolle Aufnahmen 🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🚜👌

  • @alfredfleming3289
    @alfredfleming3289 2 роки тому +1

    Seen lots of 510’s never heard of a 520. 510 had a Chevy V8 with dual straight pipes out the side.

  • @danne77sthlm
    @danne77sthlm 2 роки тому +3

    When I was a kid (like 35 years ago) we had one of these type of models, and they where dangerous, they had wooden blocks like things instead of bearings, 2 times that stupid combine caught on fire, last time my dad got so angry despite always keep them closely watched and greased, that he let the combine burn down and bought a new one instead
    We ran it many years, then we bought a Deutz-Fahr 2385H with AC and cab, and spill indicators, man that felt like we bought a technological wonder for us 😁

    • @robertallen3441
      @robertallen3441 2 роки тому +3

      Many combines of that era had wooden straw walker bearing blocks. Perfectly fine if checked regularly. Any combine will burn if not cleaned properly, keep the engine bay and the exhaust manifold clean and the separator clutch adjusted and they are no worse than any other make. At least the engine is beside you, so if anything does start to smoke, you soon know about it. Worked on MF combines for over 30 years.

    • @paulbrankin9712
      @paulbrankin9712 2 роки тому


  • @GijsRupert
    @GijsRupert 2 роки тому +1

    Ik heb nog een instructie boek liggen van de MF 525/625 is een boekje van aantal pagina’s. Mocht de bestuurder interesse hebben

  • @johnmitchell7767
    @johnmitchell7767 2 роки тому +1

    Absolutely love this

  • @kellykopsa384
    @kellykopsa384 2 роки тому +1

    This looks just like the field on Farm Sim practice level.

  • @merlinjust4753
    @merlinjust4753 2 роки тому +1

    Are these the ones that had a 327 Chevrolet in them?

  • @vedran9969
    @vedran9969 4 місяці тому +1

    being an old and fast combine

  • @tommo01
    @tommo01 Рік тому +1

    Lovely combine - but slow the real down!!

  • @SpringeChristian
    @SpringeChristian 2 роки тому +1

    Welches Baujahr ist der Mähdrescher?

  • @Tobias-bs5hc
    @Tobias-bs5hc 5 місяців тому +2

    Cool ich glaub da war ich 4 oder 5 als ich auf dem 1985 mitgefahren bin

  • @yurizhivago4848
    @yurizhivago4848 2 роки тому +4

    Great Video. I wonder if GPS is a option with that model.😊
    My Dad had a old Massey Harris tractor that we used on our small acreage and it was a Canadian company. They joined with the (UK) Ferguson company and the rest is history.

  • @hardipsingh5824
    @hardipsingh5824 2 роки тому +1

    Nice bro 👌 👌👌

    @AGROHUTA82 2 роки тому +1

    Super 👌👍😉

  • @NielsvdBoom
    @NielsvdBoom 2 роки тому +1

    Mooie MF combine en video Jeroen!

  • @petergardner2334
    @petergardner2334 2 роки тому +2


  • @bernardniesen8694
    @bernardniesen8694 2 роки тому +1

    What is the age of the combine? Where is the farm located? What is the name of the farm?

  • @astonmcleod5344
    @astonmcleod5344 Рік тому

    about 105hp, the same 6 cylinder engine as the 2620

  • @lolo-ep4qk
    @lolo-ep4qk 2 роки тому +1

    Je me souvenais plus qu’il y avait des moissonneuse cabriolet…😂

  • @alanstrong55
    @alanstrong55 2 роки тому +1

    Massey Ferguson equipment is good. Sorry that the company closed its Des Moines factory a long time back. The economy often forces such things to occur. Ouch@

    • @jamesbarbour8400
      @jamesbarbour8400 Рік тому +1

      MF made tractors at its De Moine factory, closed in 1983 or thereabouts. They built their combines in Brantford, Ontario factory in Canada. This is a European built combine however - don't think this range were ever built in Canada.

  • @BesimArifi-h1j
    @BesimArifi-h1j 9 місяців тому

    How much would you sell it

  • @pasquale27
    @pasquale27 Рік тому +1

    Une vraie moiss batt, on mangait la poussière, c'était bruyant, ça c'était être paysan.

  • @jmgagri5961
    @jmgagri5961 2 роки тому +1

    le mec une fusée sur la batteuse a fond de buse on sème le champ pour l'année prochaine 😅😅🤣🤣

    • @pzorba7512
      @pzorba7512 2 роки тому +1

      C'était la machine star quand Aldrin a posé ses pieds sur la Lune! Le temps passe vite, comme les records!

    • @jmgagri5961
      @jmgagri5961 2 роки тому

      @@pzorba7512 elle fonctionne a merveille en tout cas

    • @pzorba7512
      @pzorba7512 2 роки тому

      @@jmgagri5961 Ces machines ne tombaient quasiment jamais en panne et demandaient un minimum de soin pour être productives et au top des performances à leur époque. Mises entre bonnes mains, c'était le jackpot assuré pour les moissons.

    • @Indian0467
      @Indian0467 2 роки тому

      3m50 6 secoueur elle doit semer moin que les dernières vérole avec leur 10 m

  • @derramonderic4514
    @derramonderic4514 Рік тому

    Moi j'ai une SOMECA M120
    C'est le meme moteur PERKINS 6 cylindres.
    la massey a un meilleur rendement mais elle ne trie pas aussi bien .
    La est enorme avec la surface de grille de separation
    La massey est plus basse et meilleure dans les coteaux
    pour moi c'est la massey

  • @alexthomas637
    @alexthomas637 2 роки тому +2


  • @Eric-wr2hd
    @Eric-wr2hd 7 місяців тому +1

    J'ai la même collection

  • @frantisekleiterman2082
    @frantisekleiterman2082 2 роки тому +1


  • @BesimArifi-h1j
    @BesimArifi-h1j 6 місяців тому +1

    Super ist for sale

  • @deutzd
    @deutzd 2 роки тому +1


  • @marcinsikora6951
    @marcinsikora6951 2 роки тому

    Dobry kombajn? Dlugo kosisz? Polecasz taki?

  • @hasnainalimbd6469
    @hasnainalimbd6469 2 роки тому

    Sir where are u from.your cntry nam plz?

    • @Azzyos
      @Azzyos 2 роки тому +3

      Netherlands 🇳🇱

  • @JDog4976
    @JDog4976 2 роки тому +1

    It's so TINY 😂

  • @BesimArifi-h1j
    @BesimArifi-h1j 9 місяців тому +1


  • @philippebenteyn-gk9lr
    @philippebenteyn-gk9lr Рік тому


  • @mickmclaren3270
    @mickmclaren3270 Рік тому

    To much health & safety rules,,now took all the fun out of farming ,,??

  • @AlexLindley-u5f
    @AlexLindley-u5f 3 місяці тому

    FFP3 Paper mask may save yur lungs
    Era Tongs may save you from Tinnitus ( PERMANENT RINGING IN THE EARS)

  • @SaraJawar-pi8ec
    @SaraJawar-pi8ec Рік тому
