See Vang zoo siab peb hmoob xov txhoj tau nloog kwj tij hmoob nyob tuam txhoj ntuj qub qab hu nkauj peb cov ncaim mus nyob txawv teb chawg tseem nco lub neej hmoob nyob ntuj qub qab nej puas nco peb thiab peb nco nco nej os
peb tseem nco nco nej cov nyob ntuj qub qab uas yog peb cov laug li qub teb qub chaw yuav tav tws nej thiab peb mam tau nyob ua ke li thaum ub cov laug mam li tsi sib ncaim li niaj hnub nim no hnov nej tej suab nkauj suab tsuj nco nco tsog peb hmoob lub neej thaum ub
Nej cov hmoob suav mas hais lus txawv22 tshaj nplaws li lub npe hu hais tias yog hmoob tsi hais nyob lub teb chaw twg yus yuav tsum hais yus cov lug hmoob kom meej22 li peb cov hmoob nyob meka thiab nyob thaib teb thiab cov nyob nplos thiab cov nyob fabkis los sis Lwm lub teb chaw lub npe hu tias yog hmoob yeej hais lus hmoob tau meej22 Tsi zoo li cov hmoob nyob suav teb thiab nyab laj teb vimnaas uas nej yuav xyaum hais lus hmoob kom Zoo2 es nej yuav hais ib cov lus Zoo li peb hmoob meka mloog tes zoo nkaws li nej nyav2 cov neeg tuag xwb av tabsi nej 3 lub teb no mas hais lus sis zaj sis zag xuab22 nkaws li os cov mloog suav Aws
Hmoob Koob Pheej Kv tsi yog nrog nws sib ceg os cov neeg no tsi nkiag siab xwb kv qhia kom lawv hais lus kom meej22 xwb tabsi tos lawv hais zoo li no los lawv tsi yog hmoob os lawv yog suav xwb os
Phooj ywg koj xaav yuam kev lawm. I'm not sure if you have a college education or not, but if you took sociology 101 you would realize that people who migrate away from their homeland are usually the ones who change culturally and linguistically. So, we H/Mong-Americans and S.E. Asian H/Mong are likely the ones who have deviated from true H/Mong vernacular. I hate to say this, but your ignorance speaks volumes about your intellectual dwarfism.
Zoo nkauj kawg li os
See Vang zoo siab peb hmoob xov txhoj tau nloog kwj tij hmoob nyob tuam txhoj ntuj qub qab hu nkauj peb cov ncaim mus nyob txawv teb chawg tseem nco lub neej hmoob nyob ntuj qub qab nej puas nco peb thiab peb nco nco nej os
peb tseem nco nco nej cov nyob ntuj qub qab uas yog peb cov laug li qub teb qub chaw yuav tav tws nej thiab peb mam tau nyob ua ke li thaum ub cov laug mam li tsi sib ncaim li niaj hnub nim no hnov nej tej suab nkauj suab tsuj nco nco tsog peb hmoob lub neej thaum ub
Hai zaus xov tooj hais lus hmoob ma hais lus suav peb tsis paub lis
Zooheev lao
hmoob txuj ci zoo heev
Yog lus hmoob lawm tiag tab sis cas yuav txawv ua luaj li.
Chinese language mixed with our language for 5000 years with no changed....hmong in china is clueless too on how to develop our language...
Cov khiav tawm hauv Suav teb ces yog cov neeg txuam tsoov ruam zoo li koj ces hais mov blaum xyaw mov txua, pais pais, mas mas, pais hoob nab thia ua rau koj yog neeg vwm xyaw neeg bab.
Qhias tus xov tooj hais ua hmoob hmoob txawv chaws think paub
Kuv tau koomkoj lawm esthovoabkuvthiab os
Zoo kawg
Vem koj kuv peb puav leej yog hmoob thooj ntuj puj ywam twam tuab tug yug lug
Nej cov hmoob suav mas hais lus txawv22 tshaj nplaws li lub npe hu hais tias yog hmoob tsi hais nyob lub teb chaw twg yus yuav tsum hais yus cov lug hmoob kom meej22 li peb cov hmoob nyob meka thiab nyob thaib teb thiab cov nyob nplos thiab cov nyob fabkis los sis Lwm lub teb chaw lub npe hu tias yog hmoob yeej hais lus hmoob tau meej22 Tsi zoo li cov hmoob nyob suav teb thiab nyab laj teb vimnaas uas nej yuav xyaum hais lus hmoob kom Zoo2 es nej yuav hais ib cov lus Zoo li peb hmoob meka mloog tes zoo nkaws li nej nyav2 cov neeg tuag xwb av tabsi nej 3 lub teb no mas hais lus sis zaj sis zag xuab22 nkaws li os cov mloog suav Aws
Koj yog tus dev raws kauv uas khiav tawm hauv lub tebchaws Suav mus ua dev thawj thiab poob phem lawm. Koj mus noj ntses lwj xyaw ntse qaub, lawv hais lus koj thia tsis paub.
Saichen yang
Tsi yog lawv hais lus kv tsi paub kv paub tshaj koj tabsi kv kom hais yus cov lus hmoob kom Zoo2 xwb koj mloog saib lawv puas yog hais lus hmoob maj cov neeg hais lus no yog neeg khav theeb yus cov hmoob nyob lub teb chaw twg los yus yuav hais lus hmoob tes hais kom yog lus hmoob xwb koj thiaj yog tus tseem22 tus dev ntag los maj kv nyob lub teb chaw twg los yog thaum kv hais lus hmoob kv yuav hais kom meej22 thiab kom Zoo2 xwb zoo cov hmoob meka ua ca lawv twb hais lus meka thiab tabsi lawv tseem tuav peb cov lus hmoob kom meej22 cov thaib teb lawv twb hais lus thaib tabsi lawv tseem tuav peb lus hmoob kom meej22 thiab cov nyob nplog teb lawv twb hais lus nplog tabsi lawv tseem tuav peb cov lus hmoob kom meej22 fabkis teb lawv hais fabkis tabsi lawv Yuav hais peb cov lus hmoob lawv twb hais kom meej22 tib yam nkaws no naj niag dev liam txwv koj puas hmov naj txawm yog peb feej muaj cov zoo li koj tus dev
saichen yang kov es cov hmoob no thiaj liam tag lawm los maj
Txhob sib ceg tsuav koj los koj hais tias koj yog Hmoob, kuv los hais tias kuv yog Hmoob xwb ces twb zoo lawm, nyob li luag lwm haiv neeg koj xav kom lawv lees hais tias lawv yog Hmoob los xyov lawv puas kam lees thiab.
Hmoob Koob Pheej
Kv tsi yog nrog nws sib ceg os cov neeg no tsi nkiag siab xwb kv qhia kom lawv hais lus kom meej22 xwb tabsi tos lawv hais zoo li no los lawv tsi yog hmoob os lawv yog suav xwb os
Phooj ywg koj xaav yuam kev lawm. I'm not sure if you have a college education or not, but if you took sociology 101 you would realize that people who migrate away from their homeland are usually the ones who change culturally and linguistically. So, we H/Mong-Americans and S.E. Asian H/Mong are likely the ones who have deviated from true H/Mong vernacular.
I hate to say this, but your ignorance speaks volumes about your intellectual dwarfism.
Hello friend it's a beautiful video
Lub dhos video no zoo nkj heev lub no zoo li cas ne
Muajzoo txujci Moobsib ni Moobsib thovMej tuamtxhij tuamcuab sawv koomtxoog cogcoj Moob yogMoob Paatawgteb Txhajcoj tau Moob moog vaammeej peevpheej Moog gimtxaj muajchaw txoog muajchaw teemtum ua Moobtug yog Moob suavteb txhajmuaj lubpeevxeeb cogcoj xํhobJeeg Moob pejkum ncaujntau Gi zoo