Best of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST [320 kbps]

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @swayamprakashpani10froll-48
    @swayamprakashpani10froll-48 3 роки тому +69

    Fmab is the perfect example how a proper and satisfying ending can make a series masterpiece

    • @aegeuszenos6821
      @aegeuszenos6821 3 роки тому +9

      i dont think its just the ending, yes the ending adds alot but the journey following two brothers devoloping. Understanding the world and learning on it while on a quest to return things to normal. Witnessing the worst this world offer but going against it. It gives something nothing else can give, and of course the ending added a satisfying end to the journey of the two brothers >:D

    • @LulzTVx
      @LulzTVx 2 роки тому +2

      Unlike *cough, cough* Attack on Titan. The series may be a masterpiece but the ending is a contrived mess full of plot holes and last-minute ass pulls.

    • @mugenshiratori6825
      @mugenshiratori6825 2 роки тому +1

      Yup unlike the series with an A and an O and a T!

  • @DOOM8457
    @DOOM8457 8 років тому +227

    Probably the best shounen in the entire anime history

    • @njm92495
      @njm92495 8 років тому +36

      Your opinion. I prefer hxh. I see why FMAB is so well liked tho. The characters are well written. The world building is the best I've ever seen. And omg that hair animation. Story was good and had good pacing. Fights were meh though, except when mustang came in and it become way better.

    • @jordangoh4454
      @jordangoh4454 8 років тому +1

      +Astroxy hxh ? whats that

    • @njm92495
      @njm92495 8 років тому +15

      Zeraphiel 1234 hunter x hunter 2011. its not as complete as fmab, bc hxh hasnt finished or prob will ever be finished, but i find hxh to go way past the boundaries that fmab did

    • @0Bariq0
      @0Bariq0 8 років тому +8

      i agree with you. but they are both amazing.

    • @mohamedbekkar2096
      @mohamedbekkar2096 7 років тому +11

      HxH has sooo many ups and dawns unlike fma it kept engaging to the end and god it ended amazingly

  • @nilsvts4690
    @nilsvts4690 6 років тому +68


    • @kaluga6005
      @kaluga6005 5 років тому +2

      I will cry becouse this music is a most bealtifullllllll @.@ ;-:

    • @emperorlelouch5696
      @emperorlelouch5696 5 років тому +3

      Thank you, this is exactly the song I wanted to hear

    • @killuazoldyck9020
      @killuazoldyck9020 4 роки тому

      😔😢😢 i miss it sooo much

  • @rafaelnahafahik7781
    @rafaelnahafahik7781 9 років тому +16

    Every amazing anime should have amazing soundtrack, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood surely doesn't fail on this part. It just goes so well with it. The feelsy parts have equally feelsy soundtrack and the build up has that, the unraveling parts have that and the epic fights have epic soundtrack. Perfect

  • @pvp979gaming
    @pvp979gaming 10 років тому +23

    Those Ost are so amazing 1 of the reasons why i love this show :D

  • @holapeople24
    @holapeople24 8 років тому +34

    The soundtrack in general has like 20 damn good songs, so thanks for picking some without posting the whole thing (it's already on youtube)

  • @sorosh78
    @sorosh78 2 роки тому +7


  • @quaniklp2622
    @quaniklp2622 6 років тому +8

    3:19 this soundrack grips me like no soundtrack else does. Even though FMAB is not my favorite show, this soundtrack definitely is. Somehow i feel the atmosphere of that world when that song plays.

    • @takasaga2395
      @takasaga2395 4 роки тому

      QuanikLp what is your fav anime?

    • @themedivalchad
      @themedivalchad 3 роки тому

      What's the name of that OST. Even I like it a lot

  • @Ro-lx2fc
    @Ro-lx2fc 7 років тому +33

    Among all the shounen anime out there, FMAB remains my favourite. Hunter x Hunter comes close. Normally I prefer seinen anime but somehow these 2 anime really gives me the thrills

    • @yeayea8448
      @yeayea8448 6 років тому +3

      Author Numbkid I feel exactly the same, but I like hxh a little more.

    • @killuazoldyck9020
      @killuazoldyck9020 4 роки тому

      yea yea same top 3 hxh fmab death note best osts EVER

  • @tristan-hn7ih
    @tristan-hn7ih 3 роки тому +2

    17:40 “There’s something huge right here I can sacrifice!”

  • @eunkyungpark8738
    @eunkyungpark8738 9 років тому +68

    i love all your works with all quality complication of anime ost,,,keep it up bro!!!!

    • @HeckeyRicsi
      @HeckeyRicsi  9 років тому +3

      +eunkyung park thank you!! :)

    • @jackhilton4285
      @jackhilton4285 3 роки тому

      Which one is the track played at E28 when scar got angry aboat truth and using his hand to destroy humonculses?
      Plz answer me🙏🙌🙌😬🥺🥺
      It's been so long I am looking for this

  • @nnpeaeddebey
    @nnpeaeddebey 5 років тому +6

    The best shonen anime and one of the best soundtracks ever

    • @parker8784
      @parker8784 4 роки тому +1

      Best anime period imo

  • @bricehoarau8889
    @bricehoarau8889 9 років тому +13

    Thank you Guy ! With you i finally found my favorite ost of this epic Anime ! T~T

    • @HeckeyRicsi
      @HeckeyRicsi  9 років тому +3

      +Brice Hoarau i'm not a random guy, i'm called Richard :D

    • @bricehoarau8889
      @bricehoarau8889 9 років тому +2

      +Heckey Ricsi Thank you Richard ! :D xDD

  • @clairedex
    @clairedex 5 років тому +7

    Lapis Philophosorum deserves to be on here.
    It reminds me a lot of Mozart's requiem in D minor.

  • @Archeon0
    @Archeon0 10 років тому +2

    Great work mate.
    Thank you a bunch for all of your comilations.

  • @NithinMSV
    @NithinMSV 5 років тому +1

    9:54 Best Part. Emotional Part. Any Stone-Hearted listening to this will make sense.

  • @ToxicSouls
    @ToxicSouls 5 років тому +24

    I would give my Arm, my leg or my heart to get more episode of this show or a game of it !

    • @aceves_
      @aceves_ 4 роки тому +4

      yeah, I feel like a game similar to dbz kakarot would really fit the universe

  • @TenebiCenturion
    @TenebiCenturion 6 років тому +14

    Im confused, as some of the themes in this list, I've never heard before, and I've rewatched Brotherhood many times.

    • @sutogora
      @sutogora 3 роки тому

      Prb unused themes

  • @swiftkickboyface8470
    @swiftkickboyface8470 9 років тому +22

    Fullmetal Alchemist has the most beautiful OSTs by far

    • @leodaweeb6969
      @leodaweeb6969 7 років тому +3

      SwiftKickBoyFace nope not a chance

    • @thehllw
      @thehllw 7 років тому

      um. Yes,a chance

    • @leodaweeb6969
      @leodaweeb6969 7 років тому +1

      In my opinion no it hasn't...

    • @Momo-zi7sp
      @Momo-zi7sp 7 років тому

      SwiftKickBoyFace Agreed but fairytail has Some Nice ones to

    • @BeowulfUnwahn
      @BeowulfUnwahn 7 років тому

      Together with Code Geass... But there are more beautiful songs in FMAB though...

  • @jonmartin43
    @jonmartin43 6 років тому +2

    Xing symphony gives me chills every time

  • @cassiecassis5354
    @cassiecassis5354 9 років тому +9

    My favourite anime ❤❤❤

  • @maikiavel
    @maikiavel 7 років тому +3

    wow 00:17:13 The Fullmetal Alchemist

  • @tohhsakarin
    @tohhsakarin 4 роки тому +6

    Was looking for the track title that played at 0:00... didn't expect it to be the first to play

    • @torresoso
      @torresoso 3 роки тому

      you have good taste crisis in the north is one of my favorites

    • @bintavi7034
      @bintavi7034 2 роки тому


  • @buggybo7288
    @buggybo7288 5 років тому +2

    God, this is beautiful

  • @PomZila
    @PomZila 8 років тому +8

    00:20:55 Trisha's Lullaby , Where do I find this version ? I find different version of this song but not this exact one. Please inform me.

  • @Alex-Maker
    @Alex-Maker 8 місяців тому +1

    this shit is too good lowkey

  • @emperorlelouch5696
    @emperorlelouch5696 3 роки тому +2

    Some of the AOT soundtrack remind me of this soundtrack so I came over here.

  • @WhiteWolfGuild
    @WhiteWolfGuild 9 років тому +4

    Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST

  • @jjschnyder
    @jjschnyder 6 років тому +3

    dude your compilations are amazing its a shame that you stopped making them

    • @HeckeyRicsi
      @HeckeyRicsi  6 років тому +5

      yeah well uni started, and i lost my passion to collecting and curating music (sad). Also initially i stopped because i got so many copy strikes i was scared the channel was going to be deleted. I am very grateful for your appreciation, enjoy listening to them :)

    • @jjschnyder
      @jjschnyder 6 років тому

      @@HeckeyRicsi oh damn yeah i know how you feel uni started for me as well... what are you studying?

    • @chrisyj4564
      @chrisyj4564 Рік тому

      @Jan Schnyder fortnite battle royale economics..

  • @YakiOnigiriZoro
    @YakiOnigiriZoro 9 років тому +10

    How is Fanfare for the Brave not here??

  • @EmilyCouturiere
    @EmilyCouturiere 6 років тому +2

    Does anybody know the specific names of the songs from 10:00 and 11:45? Or do they not have names?

    • @kaluga6005
      @kaluga6005 5 років тому

      sorry i know :/

    • @kurby8496
      @kurby8496 5 років тому

      @@kaluga6005 then why don't you tell it?

  • @madelinehonig6875
    @madelinehonig6875 9 років тому +7

    Great compilation! I love this music, but I don't think the "best" of FMAB is complete without "Fanfare for (to?) the Brave."

  • @Dyonesasuke
    @Dyonesasuke 9 років тому +1

    Anakin Skywalker, i like this anime Jedi, full metal alchimist.

  • @EmperorNefarious1
    @EmperorNefarious1 9 років тому +3

    suggestions/requests, Hellsing, fairy tail

  • @jackhilton4285
    @jackhilton4285 3 роки тому

    Which one is the track played at E28 when scar got angry aboat truth and using his hand to destroy humonculses?
    Plz answer me🙏🙌🙌😬🥺🥺
    It's been so long I am looking for this

  • @DL-nl6rj
    @DL-nl6rj 5 років тому


  • @rileywendover8620
    @rileywendover8620 8 років тому

    hey does anybody know the name of the song that starts at 15.50?

  • @wistfulbreeze2025
    @wistfulbreeze2025 9 років тому

    I can't find this version of "Laws of Alchemy" anywhere, any ideas?

    • @zezow2003
      @zezow2003 8 років тому

      +WistfulBreeze this vid 10/10

    • @HeckeyRicsi
      @HeckeyRicsi  8 років тому

      +KiritoAsuna thanks m8 :)

  • @frozenarrow8887
    @frozenarrow8887 4 роки тому

    _You would understand if you knew what they are doing!_ 18:30

  • @nthez
    @nthez Рік тому

    X4Pub Ahhhhhhh

  • @bluruse244
    @bluruse244 8 років тому

    i don't find a song, it's seems like trisha lullaby but with more voices.. the song it play when very epic time...

  • @otaklik9222
    @otaklik9222 9 років тому

    trop cool

    • @HeckeyRicsi
      @HeckeyRicsi  9 років тому

      +Amakasi Naru サミュエル merci :)

    • @otaklik9222
      @otaklik9222 8 років тому

      +Heckey Ricsi dr ^^

  • @akiofurukawa2263
    @akiofurukawa2263 8 років тому


  • @Guenbok
    @Guenbok 8 років тому +13

    only hunter x hunter to compete.

    • @chickensguys
      @chickensguys 7 років тому +4

      FMAB is better because it doesn't suffer from the pacing problems that HXH has.

    • @Shadowcu
      @Shadowcu 7 років тому +4

      *I like HxH more, personally.*

    • @flickyy6342
      @flickyy6342 7 років тому

      Shadow ._.

    • @doctoroctopus1900
      @doctoroctopus1900 6 років тому

      Without a doubt fmab stomps hxh

    • @iyas7779
      @iyas7779 6 років тому

      FunkyFodãoCat both are the best for me ❤
      Though, HxH still haven't finished

  • @brotogerisversicolurus9939
    @brotogerisversicolurus9939 5 років тому +14


    • @fluffycam2997
      @fluffycam2997 3 роки тому

      "Take my arm! Take my leg, take my heart I don't care! He's my little brother, he's all I have left!"

    • @darkksoul207
      @darkksoul207 3 роки тому +1

      @@fluffycam2997 and in the end..
      "Even if I lose alchemy I'll still have my friends."
      "Correct, alchemist! You've defeated me. Take everything you want! The back door is over that way, Edward Elric!"