Me when I come within 1 minute: Don’t know what to say So since people get likes from saying something random so I will too: Stick *Ur Videos are the BEST BRi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love u!! ❤️❤️❤️
Preston and bri are a really good couple they do basically everything together they give each other gifts it’s just so adorable 🥰 bri and Preston please have a good life keep up the great work I’m a huge fan of you guys YOUR LIKE DA BEST if you would reply I would scream to death love you guys tysm for the videos 🥰🥰🥰😊
Um hello I am a god at minecraft I even have a hotel that is so cool but it is not finished yet it is like going to be tall and I am a filipino in the Philippines.
OMG this is the best video ever # Brianna playz 💗 and Preston playz🔥 4ever # cutest couple ever # fire nation 4ever and I was your # 1 fans in your yt channel
I laughed like nonstop when Brianna and Preston were like: Brianna: Hey Preston! Preston: Hey Brianna~! Also Brianna: Ok so we didnt- That was unnecesary- Like xD And can someone tell me how do you let the emoji's show in a laptop when your typing a comment or something?
HahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah your right it so funny do you want me to do in again ok I will HahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah.
Hello 👋 Brianna I wach your video ever day wat are you doing❤️ I am watching your vidyo naw you are so pridy can you make a try not to laugh 😄 challenge in canada 🇨🇦 with Preston and unspeakable ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟
Preston : respect the drip karen 😒 " bri : STOP CALLING ME KAREN👹👹
Love your vids ❤️ there so funny
i loves seeing bri and Preston doing videos together 💖💖💖💖💖💖
First 60 minutes! Love ur vids Preston and Bri keep making people’s day with your content!
Y’all are amazing and the 2 best youtubers 😁
So true
So true
So true
So true
So true
LOVE your videos Brianna!
You two couples are so cute❤️❤️
I love your videos and my favorite part of this video was the beginning lol
Me: “you will be a perfect friend for my cousin, he is sooo into naruto 😏”
i love these vids please do more like them
Love your videos keep up the good work BRI
the amount of likes in this video is the amount of love Brianna and Preston have to give the editor/s.
Bri your so amazing!!!! God bless you! ❤️
Green manga
Brenengen John John John
Bring my God........
Who else loves seeing bri and Preston doing videos together ♥️♥️♥️
Yoriichi is that you?
I love your videos your videos are like so cool🤩
Me when I come within 1 minute: Don’t know what to say
So since people get likes from saying something random so I will too: Stick
*Ur Videos are the BEST BRi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love u!! ❤️❤️❤️
You love your dates bri
Stick is the word you think of lol
This will be the best video ever made by you I can feel it kidding all of the videos you make are amazing I have been subbed for 2 years
Omg 😂😂😂😂😂 preston is so funny
I love your videos every day I get home from school I watch your videos you are the best UA-camr
I thought you mentioned you did this in real life
Bri and Preston I love your videos I watch them all the time and when I’m sad you cheddar me up 😁
Really? Cheddar
I love your videos they are the best
Bri, your soo amazing! I love your content so much! Keep up the good work and stay safe! :D
@Cosybook yeah
And funny
TBNRfrags X 👩🏼
@@nikkicruz8801 ,
Preston:I think this is Sasuke
Bri:is it a am or a woman?
Preston:its sasuke
Don’t worry, date nights are always disaters 👍🏻
Great video though!
I loveeee you guys thank you so much for making so many people happy have fun with what you are doing and stay safe ❤
Francsca Marzano
I watch your vids all day.✌✌
Awee your such a cute couple! 🖤
Preston and bri are a really good couple they do basically everything together they give each other gifts it’s just so adorable 🥰 bri and Preston please have a good life keep up the great work I’m a huge fan of you guys YOUR LIKE DA BEST if you would reply I would scream to death love you guys tysm for the videos 🥰🥰🥰😊
1-3-5 3-7-10
I really love you're comment. I really do😊☺️😁
I love this episode 😍 ❤
I love seeing you and Preston together it’s so romantic
Yea they look so cute together
Hi Bri, just wanted to say thank you for the amazing videos you have made and that you have helped me through so much. ❤️❤️
That is wrong
I hate bri!!!
Um hello I am a god at minecraft I even have a hotel that is so cool but it is not finished yet it is like going to be tall and I am a filipino in the Philippines.
And I am pretty new at minecraft ok so she is a real noob and Philipines is a friend of America ok
You're the best I watch all your videos and I always subscribe and like
Great video! I love it!
I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS BRIANNA AND PRESTON! Your the best UA-camrs you know Unspeakable Gabe and James?
Yes they do unspeakables real name is Nathan
of course yes
Preston: I think this is sasuke
Bri: is this a boy or a girl?
Preston: IT’S SASUKE
Preston: Naruto Sasuke, me: yass, where's Kakashi,Itachi,Hinata and more
@@altheagonzales2717 yass
Yeah I LOVE anime
@@breezy.bracelets me to
i love it when preston says 'meenooo'
octopus;i have your basket
bri;give my basket back
Why did you have an underwater date that’s so cool
I love the way Brianna talk Japanese
OMG this is the best video ever # Brianna playz 💗 and Preston playz🔥 4ever # cutest couple ever # fire nation 4ever and I was your # 1 fans in your yt channel
The way Preston said “ Hello Brianna” made me laugh so hard
Same lol
Rìi ghi ghi chú
i love your video and like your video 👍😍🤩
Preston so funny!
Brianna so sweet!
Hi brik you make me feel better when I’m sad,mad, or board. And thank you for all the videos they are so amazing you’re my favorite
I mean bri
I love when they date in minecraft
That was so cute 💖
Presyon: we need dramatic/scary music
Brie: dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun
Preston: Brie carefull copy right music
You’re so amazing Bree love all your videos love everything you do keep up the amazing
3 = 7 1 = 4
Quick question
@@darren.ensell Talk to me what’s up
You made me laugh the living shake of me Preston is sooooo funny
I love your videos I’m a big fan🤩
I laughed like nonstop when Brianna and Preston were like:
Brianna: Hey Preston!
Preston: Hey Brianna~!
Also Brianna: Ok so we didnt- That was unnecesary-
Like xD
And can someone tell me how do you let the emoji's show in a laptop when your typing a comment or something?
Haha its funny isn't it
HahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah your right it so funny do you want me to do in again ok I will HahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahHahhahahahahhahahahhahahahah.
Stop doing
Ahh love it! And the way Preston was doing Sasuke's voice was really funny :D
BLINKY! Ok that last part when the oger destroyed that cat thingy was pretty funny
Who wants them to do a Minecraft underwater date in real life in their pool ??? 🤩
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody
Late, but you to!
Me to
Awesome video
the crusty crab restaunt is shaped like a crap traper, i just wanna see yall reactions
If the crusty crab was a sushi shop I swear to God sponge SpongeBob’s friends will be dead
Awwww you both are such a cute couple 🥰🥰🥰
They are
No not really
No not really
No there’s not
Brianna: hello Preston
Preston: HeLlo bRiAnNa
(I love u guys I hope u get more subs like yk)
Edit: thank u guys for the likes:)
Hello 6 mins ago ,
Love you Bri ang Preston
Be safe everybody!!
Who loves Bri and Preston as much as I do?
I love them a lot 😉
I loved it when Preston found math and you found A TALKING FISH BAHAHAHHAHA
I hate yuo bri
@@jonasluciano9377 hEY
@@jonasluciano9377 HEY
@@jonasluciano9377 heyyy That rude tho
I like when you found the talking fish
Bri: sigh* Preston
Preston: hello Brianna
It's so funny when Preston says 'Jerry give me the je- Jerry cmon JERRY' I loved them
Here in one minute!
Here in one sencd
The hello briana made me laugh so hard🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hehe hahah
This is my favourite part. 8:54 the both was so so funny🤣
Preston", give me the fish give it Jerry JJJJEEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYYY",
Please don’t put the choking part in there that scares me
@@NotSxgeee sorry it was just a metaphor
that is funny me: hahahaahahahahahahaha
Me too lol 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😅😅🤣🤣
It's really funny how preston was telling jerry to give him the fish and jerry would not
I like how Preston said "hellow briyana!"
Preston: I’m made of lava
Also Preston: Cannonball!!!!
R.I.P Preston
Bri you’re the best. You got this
Hello 👋 Brianna I wach your video ever day wat are you doing❤️ I am watching your vidyo naw you are so pridy can you make a try not to laugh 😄 challenge in canada 🇨🇦 with Preston and unspeakable ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟
Omg Hi I’m actually early this time
I love how preston says *fasat lavista baby* that soo funny
Cool video I love it
Hoi dis reminds me off the Water park date °^°.
I didn’t watch that 1
Cuz u said hoi
when you were in the cave looking for the guardian I got so anxious cause I have a phobia of small spaces😭
Bri: hello Preston
Preston: hello Brianna
Bri: that was not necessary
9:03 I laughed so hard
Preston: *tries to kill a fish*
Chill BRUH
Ya fish are friends not food I was fishing and since I do not eat dish I returned it to the water
great Video!
Bri said Takoyaki perfectllllly
I see know
Does anybody else wish they could subscribe more than once
Your vids are the best
Preston needs to turn into a real life mermaid!!
do this like 2 years ago
I already like the video
Brianna:this makes me feel really bad
Preston:Close your eyes don't look it's too sick
i luv the the part preston said" babe " so sweet couple, 4:26
You guys so good on that video I knew the answers to the combinations today because I was at school today
I laughed so hard when Preston said “Hello Brianna!”. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
the whale rlly scared me in the beginning 🤣
I love this video so much
I like your painting and preston said *gimme the fish jerry* so thats it!!
gggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggg❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Breanna in one of unspeakable’s videos he trapped Preston in his Lego house and he’s back one of your chuckle
Preston and bri: AhHhH Preston: I hAvE bEeN kidnapped by a WaLe
@@fathersongaming1298 thank you for support and i love you with all my heart
Why is preston one punch man in the starting
I dont now