I'm a PIMO, just went to Friday Convention TODAY. Had to walk out of the last talk because it was ALL about being absolutely obedient to the governing body. I almost screamed in my seat.
I find it equally absurd that anyone of any religion blindly follows a "governing body" Of multi-billion dollar corporations. Whether that corporate's governing body is a priest, a rabi, a pope, A Televangelist, and so on. All are subjugating the masses via threats, or blessings of beings, none of which are physical , or proven to be real. A huge amount of mainstream religions too commit crimes, Many Have terrorist organizations. Just most are accepted in society, and most are better at hiding their crimes. Is mainstream religions ultimately better? Or are they doing the exact same thing, simply much better at hiding what they are doing? If in a religion, please ask yourself, is my own religion saying the same basic things to me? But maybe not the governing body, the God, deity, or holy person? (And ultimately it is that governing body, not them).
@Jay, I wish you were correct. As much as we don't want it to, the Watchtower organisation will continue. 😢 It may never end. They peddle most precious commodity, hope.
@@mattmurdock2868 There an old saying, 'there's a sucker born every minute.' There will always be people susceptible to a con. Jehovah’s are convinced the Watchtower is God's organisation. That delusional state is difficult to break though. There will never be a mass exodus from Watchtower organisation. Only trickles of people who wake up and leave. Some will get disfellowshiped, but still believe in the false Watchtower teaching and claims of their self appointed "governing body" It's hopeless.
@@billyroland2758 "Hope" until the poorly educated wake up. The WTS (WARLOCK'S TOWER OF SINS) may be around for some time, until the world aka governments, legal services, NGOs, with other organisations band together and destroy this despicable CULT masquerading as a religion.
Mentiranno fino a l'ultimo giorno che stanno crescendo, e che Geova sta benedicendo lo schiavo fedele e saggio, non potranno mai dire che stanno nei tribunali di tutto il mondo per pedofilia .O che fanno affari con il mondo di satana, e tutti gli sporchi intrallazzi che commettono nel buio ,da L'ITALIA SALUTI E BUONA VITA A TUTTI SECONDO I VOSTRI DESIDERI.
You pray to God? Are you aware that the High Priest also prayed to God when he engineered the death of God's son? The Pharisees prayed to God as they sought to do away with Jesus. Likely, even Judas Iscariot prayed to God as he sold out on Jesus. So, there you are. Pray harder, you are in good company. I wonder also. Since these wicked monsters achieved their murderous wishes, it must mean God answered their prayers. Maybe he will answer your prayers as well.
I left in October, after I watched some videos on UA-cam of mark Martin, the series is called watchtower against the Bible, very enlightening, it truly woke me up, it was a Friday so I kept it in case it was true about the sabbath, I prayed to God and Jesus asking for forgiveness for being a Jehovah witness and believing I was in the truth religion, the next day I was full of Holy Spirit, I was happy, peaceful, loving, peaceful I couldn’t believe it, and before I was always depressed and anxious. I was born again, I’m truly happy now, and watchtower is in the rear windows!!!!
I was at this meeting. The video was about the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38, when "Gog of Magog" attacks "Israel". "Israel" was said to represent the Governing Body and other 'anointed' ones of JW's, and "Gog of Magog" represents a 'coalition of nations' that will attack JW's just before Armageddon. Years ago, I wouldn't have questioned it. But as I have been inactive for a while, I came to the same conclusion....that it was all about the Governing Body, with no real emphasis on Jesus!! I also noticed that there was NOT ONE scripture used to prove this pre-Armageddon scenario of the nations joining together to attack JW's. Then I realised that this was just a Conspiracy Theory!!! Incidentally, JW's used to believe that "Gog of Magog" was satan himself. They only recently changed it to represent a 'COALITION (OR COMBINATION) OF NATIONS'. Well, doing a bit of research into this, I discovered that the Mormons (who have their own interpretation) have been teaching that "Gog of Magog" referred to a ''COMBINATION OF NATIONS' since the 1980's, possibly even earlier. S0, the obvious question is : Where did the Governing Body get their 'new understanding' about Gog of Magog from???? And if they are the only channel of communication from God, how come the Mormons knew before the JW's????
Thank you so much for your exposé’s of the JW’s twisting of the scriptures. I left the cult a few years ago after praying to God the Father through Jesus Christ to help me to see was I really in the true religion. I praise God that He has sent you and others into my awareness as reading the Bible in context beyond what they were saying. Keep up the good work and may you be blessed! 😊
@@WitnessForJesus Yes, I am absolutely exhausted, I've been making too many videos, now that my skype account has been lost (I only lost 2 weeks), I am taking a far more relaxed approach, as I need to recharge my batteries.
Hey, thanks for this video. During my waking up I realized that Armageddon is not an event, but the Bible describes it as a place, where the kings of the world are let to. God bless, Thomas
This is Disgusting. This will not go without punishment. Not Only Leave BUT REPENT. I Openly Confess & Apologize for having anything to do with this cult
@edytapfahl4641 no, although every sect has various errors JW are closer to the truth on the ransom sacrifice than trinitarians also they appear to have a good grasp of scripture relating to the earthly kingdom to come when the Lord's will will be done on earth as in heaven.
@@oete9259 What are you Smoking ???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The JW have a good grasp of scripture, even though they let their children die in hospitals for no blood and they shunn their friends and family. I don't see the Child Sex Abuse as a major problem because every major religion has to deal with that. Their GB is a little misguided but not satanic in any way. Why they keep adding demonic subliminal images in their literature for decades is just a conspiracy , the JW are really nice people
@Vukf1 I understand why you believe in trinity, jesus is closely associated to God in creation, also during his earthly sojourn and in his exaulted spiritual reward, so close is jesus to God that many make him one with God. Jehovah created through him, pronounces judgment through him, ministers and forgives sin through his merit etc etc and yet if jesus was unfaithful to God as was satan all these meritorious works would not have occurred through jesus, God would then have had to work through another. Ultimately salvation is of God alone in the sense that without his authorisation there could be no salvation--no hope for adam and mankind "besides me (my authorization) there is no saviour" God granted jesus the opportunity to become his "instrument" of salvation. God "sent" him into the world as a willing sacrifice To suggest any part of God's nature can experience pain much less die is to make mockery of the ransom sacrifice (the core doctrinal teaching of the entire bible) "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, "Life for Life"-- the perfect balance of justice illustrated under the mosaic law (nature for nature) -- a false balance is an abomination to God but a just weight his delight"
Sheesh; very well done. This is the definition of indoctrination & mind control. Also, I find it interesting that JWs forget how unorganized matters were during The Pandemic; I would know since I was a COBE at the time. As the world was shutting down, we had zero directions, and as Elder Bodies, we had to come up w/ our own solutions. Our congregation made the decision to meet over Zoom, in which a brother who worked in IT had his own Zoom account, & was gracious to let us use his. One congregation continued to meet at the KH, while another decided to just advised personal study. We were completely unorganized & didn’t receive any formal directions until like 2 months later, and those directions continued to change. Then afterwards, The Branch was like w/e local government says, follow that. Lol Anyways, solid video, but very VERY dangerous teachings. I left willingly after Lett called babies “enemies of God”, however I can see their teachings have become even more gross & unscriptural.
By George that's poor leadership. I served as an Elder for 2 years. Our PO couldn't lead...he was deleted years before I moved in and had a chip and a vendetta. The qualifications are " sound in mind". How sound is the CSA elephant in the room? Truly a narcissist, arrogant based culture from Rutherford's Cadillacs and Canadian whiskey to Caesars law making WT obey and use the " Golden Rule" and common sense.
I asked my mom to pray over me to heal me from back pain. I was so astonish on what she said, I was like no no please heal me now father I believe that you will heal me now not until paradise. 😢 I believe in you that you will take my pain away… A couple of minutes later my pain started to go away slowly. Thank you Father TMH . I think that my mom doesn’t believe that we can heal people by praying over them….
When we surrender to God, we are blessed with holy spirit which gives us personal direction from God to do the right thing in our own individual lives. When we have a personal connection to God we receive guidance that helps us in our journey to help bring god's kingdom to earth. Thanks Dawn for exposing this false religion that worships the devil, the father of lies.
Thank you Dawn! Its wonderful to hear you again to your channel.I hope everything is well with you. Take care and may the Lord bless you, keep you and protect you. All glory to our great God & Saviour Jesus Christ. 🙏🏻🩷✝️📖🌸
I was raised a Jehovahs Witness and it’s been so difficult to deprogram my mind. Iv been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and used to get Delusions that Armageddon was happening right now. That’s how they kept my mind in their doctrine through fear. I need to add that most Jehovahs witness are good people that truly don’t know their being lied to and the organization forbids looking anywhere else for material about the truth. Thanks for your video.
When you said all the comments sounded monotone, it hit me! They train everyone to speak this way, it’s a form of Hipnosis. They can’t allow anyone to speak with deep emotion and passion and love or speak from their hearts because it would draw away from Watchtower’s teachings. Emotions are very powerful. M.K.-Ultra-mind-kontrol-programming😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫Creating robots -non-thinkers🤓.
Disclaimer; Since I escaped this cult after 51 years, I found as a mechanical engineer science is what I believe in. As it has been said, 'spirituality is a personal thing, religion is just crowd control.' But you're a very switched on and intelligent human being, and you made some awesome points. Thank you for your work!
I’m so pleased you covered this! I still look at the program on the app to see what I’m ‘missing’ and couldn’t believe it! It seems to be the overriding message they are pumping out at the moment.
You took the words out of my mouth. They never or very seldom mention Jesus and the Salvation, but concentrate on Scriptures that cause fear amongst the members. Hebrews 13 verse 17 does not mean Obey. Obey in Greek = To be pursuaded, to have confidence !
I watched a talk on j w o r g and Stephen Lett said the 144,00 would have the ability to raise the dead and perfectly judge mankind with absolutely no mistakes…. That’s just 2 of the several superhuman abilities he said they would have.
The judgment of slave class and 144 000 comes in the end of tribulation. There's no guarantee for anyone that they have fulfilled requirements for governing as kings and Priest
2 Tim 3 12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
@MrChinchilla_hn God has fashioned him thus, there is none righteousness (actually righteous without his merit) as you say so true...rom 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” our righteousness without jesus would be like filthy rags isaiah 64:6 none could be made actually righteous under the mosaic law even despite the day of atonement sacrifices.
@MrChinchilla_hn all is not lost as he has appointed a day in which he shall judge the world in righteousness and we may notice in the type Israel did well in battle after they were judged in other words judgement is not necessarily a thing to be associated to dread
It's chilling and sinister; what instructions are they being set up to obey from mere men instead of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? We need to pray for them.
Jesus is never mentioned. Not even when praying, not saying through our Lord Jesus, just praying straight to God and always mentioning the governing body. It's blasphemous!!
Oh Dawn, this is so alarming! I'm trying to do everything to get my mom to see. I'm so desperate to get the truth to her. She is trying to save me. And I can see it so clearly, I have been buying all these publications back from when I was growing up, trying to build a logical case to gently help her see. Praying for all our dear friends who are Jehovah Witnesses and being deceived.
Thank you for this video and the outrageous news. So, it's not Jesus Christ alone who saves us from sin and gives us ever-lasting life, it's the Governing Body, a group of men, sinners and imperfect men, that are hiding cases of sexual abuse on children in their religion, that want to replace the Christ Jesus... Of course, the saints who are with Christ in Heaven, will judge the world ( '' Don't you know that the saints shall judge the world'' ? ( 1 Corinthians 6 :2 ) but I doubt that these men are amongst the '' saints '' referred to in the Bible, and will '' judge '' the world. I remember a few years ago, some Watchtower publication saying that if some average rank and file JW , member of the '' great crowd '' as they say, believes he or she is annointed by Holy Spirit, '' then, they must be mentally ill '' because the number of 144 000 has almost been completely sealed, amongst which, the men of the GB count... And all of this has been supposedly taught by God and Jesus to the GB... By doing that, the men of the GB give themselves the best role ever !
The ones staying behind on earth are not even sure about their Salvation. Whats mind boggling is that they dont believe in Jesus as part of the Trinity and they downgrade Him but continually refer to Him. The same for the Holy Spirit says He is a force . We know He is a person and part of the Godhead. But they refer to Him in some cases and contradict their belief that He is a just a force.
Thankyou,I totally agree with you.I am concerned about the mental health of members of this organisation.We remember Gods covenant with Noah,he would not destroy humanity or the earth ,that is why he put the rainbow in the sky,as a reminder.
I'm trying to understand the Watchtower theology, do they believe the next prophecy is Millineal Kingdom? I've learnt pre trib rapture the Jabocs trouble 7yr trib then Armoggedon. Therefore have they bypassed this teaching? I'm still learning sister, just trying to understand. I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Grace through faith. God bless.
I studied with them and was told the anointed will be raptured at Armageddon, those whom have already died will be ressurected to help Jesus with Armageddon and then will reign in heaven with him. . What a load if crap. Cant believed i listened to and believed. Seems so whacky now.
I don’t think their plan is to have their followers sent to the kingdom halls for safety. They clearly showed in that video about Africans running to camps and giving up everything to do it. Those camps are not set up by watchtower. Those were government camps, i.e. concentration, or FEMA camps. Watchtower would’ve been so proud to put their kingdom halls and assembly halls as safe places for everyone to go and guided by Jehovah’s spirit, if that were truly the case. It blew my mind when I saw that because growing up, we were always told that Jehovah’s people would be taken care of. We didn’t realize that the whole time they meant the government. Maybe it’s because they are part of it. 🥷🏼💥⚔️
So... Back in 1844... And later in 1892 - a man, going by the title 'Baha'u'llah' had that many followers and they are spreading a faith which is still available today...!! :). Baha'i.. There was this guy born in 1914....
How would JWs in a remote area where all outside communications may be down due to the world gone mad, even get to hear instructions from anyone? Total unscriptural nonsense! May God grant them repentance and meet their true deliverer, Jesus, the Christ, the Coming One!
We have all the “Life Saving Instructions” already from Jesus, Gods word. He as told us everything we need to know to have everlasting life. Where does it say in scripture we need to wait for such instructions to be saved in the end?
@@rebeccabacalso4536Not in the original scriptures, this was added by your organisation. Mar 12:28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? Mar 12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: Mar 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
There is no salvation in anyone else , for there is not another name Under haven that has been given among men, By which we must get saved. It’s only Christ who’s our savior, The Almighty gave him authority in heaven and on earth. Acts 4 : 12. .
Thank you, dear friend. The org are prepping jws to sell their properties to the org and they are building complexes with cheap accommodation for jws to live in during armageddon. Like communes the cult leaders will get them to give up all their assets/ homes to go to these complexes
these ones who claim to be annointed were foretold by Jesus the first instruction by Jesus is see to it that you are not deceived . these of the watchtower are liars for they have said 1914 and that is false and many other things are not scriptural and they refuse to repent . revelation 14:1-5 acts 5:29 1 thess 5:21
Love your reasoning points! Too bad you are a woman lol & most JWs won't accept this for that reason alone. Good teaching. As I listened to you, love for Jesus overwhelmed me and I could feel his love.
revelation 2:2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 2 thessalonians 2:1-12
That JW guy , he’s talking about the Great tribulation that is about to come. It actually starts after the Saints are raptured when Jesus removes us so we aren’t for this wrath or Jacobs trouble
The goal is not to survive Armageddon or to be alive after Armageddon. Jesus will resurrect His people. If we are alive during the Great Tribulation, the goal is to ensure we do not taoenthe Mark of the beast, at all cost
if you are a slave of christ you are obedient to Christ and his God . therefore you must prove all things as the bible says you do not just obey humanoids. you make sure that what they say you can prove in the bible. that allows you to make sure that you in the truth. when you have the truth no one can defeat you . 2 cor 13:8
Rev. 17:14 These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.” This is the scripture they have recently started using to support the idea of 144,000 riding with Christ at Armageddon.
romans 2:6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” matthew 16:27 For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. John 5:29 and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.
Are not the 144,000 made up of men and women? Are all the 144,000 brothers to the rescue in addition to women? If so, then there are more than 144,000! Unless of course, I have it wrong and women are not among the anointed. I'm confused! And of course Jesus was not mentioned because the governing body has replaced Jesus with themselves. Unmitigated arrogance! And this coming from a group that constantly preaches humility, etc. Great video!
Revelation book 5.9 And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10 and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.” Revelation book 14 Then I saw, and look! the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.
So this obedience is key to crowd control. Since Jesus died for all why worry about survival whatever happens were ever people are God be incontrol. Didn't they say sometime ago that all anointed had to die and resurrected before armageddon started.
“The person who is ready to obey is quick to change his opinion when presented with facts that correct his thinking”. Hmmmm. Obey based on facts. Just as the Bible teaches. Obey those taking the lead over the congregations. Based on facts.
Rev 17:14 NIV "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”...
Exactly❗ Jesus' *_name_* is Lord of lords and King of kings Revelation 19:16 ESV On his robe and on his thigh he has a *_name_* written, *King of kings and Lord of lords.* And we only have one Lord (Jude 1:4). And this Lord is ... Drum roll 🥁 ... Deuteronomy 10:17 ESV *For the LORD your God is God of gods and **_Lord of lords,_** the great, the mighty, and the awesome God,* who is not partial and takes no bribe. Astute observation 🙂
@@DM-he1ug so your your Bible says you have only 1 Lord (Jude 1:4) but you actually have many Lords? 🤨 In my Bible the one Lord is always YHWH. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They're all the one Lord because 'one Lord' 🟰 'YHWH' *_exclusively_* in LXX, which disciples quote from most often 🙂
@@DM-he1ug looks like you found a contradiction in JW theology 2 persons who are Lord's yet we only have 1 Lord? 🤔 Perfectly expected for classic Christianity. The Father is Lord. The Son is Lord. The Spirit is Lord. We only have one Lord 🟰 'YHWH' 🙂
Sola Scriptura ( Latin) is a Christian Theological Doctrine--it posists the Bible as the Sole infallible source of Authority for Christian faith and practice. The 5 Solas of the Reformation which distinguished the Reformers from the teachings of Rome. Includes. 1. Sola Scripture ( Scriptura alone ) 2. Solus Chritus ( Christ alone) 3.Sola Fide ( Faith Alone ) 4. Sola Gratia ( Grace Alone) 5. Soli Deo ( Glory to God alone) 2 Tim 3 : 16
Revelation 7:9 says the great multitude (NWT: "crowd") is standing before the Throne. Where is the Throne? See Revelation 4:2. The Throne is in HEAVEN! So the "non-144,000" are in Heaven. The JW concept of an "anointed class" only in heaven is a LIE! The Watchtower is a LIE!!
Im an exjw, now muslim (alhamdulilah), and i find it disgusting how these men can bold face lie about being chosen by god. THEY KNOW they aren’t yet they sit there and act like they’re going to rule in heaven, the arrogance…
Well your difficulty is a rejection of the Bible and acceptance of quran that has compounded your obstacles to God ie "they killed him not nor crucified him" you chose to believe this rather than jesus when he foretold of his killing. Unitarianism is the way through jesus not islam....God bless
@ren.8137 I will try to clarify, the quran opposes the words of Jesus, it denies the death and resurrection narrative saying "they killed him not nor crucified him" it supposedly only appeared that they did. Jesus stated clearly that he would be killed and for exactly that purpose he came to offer himself as a ransom sacrifice for adam so that God could be both "just" and the justifier of all who discern the merit of jesus at this time. Quran also contradicts God suggesting he could lie and simply forgive adam with no consideration of justice yet we see clearly it was Satan that lied "thou shall not surely die" satan directly contradicted God and has upheld that lie ever since eden with false ghostly appearances of supposed dead relatives....we believe God not Satan quran does not deny the unitarian Christians doctrine (the belief that Jesus is not God) yet uses this truth to lure many into a myriad of deceptions.
@@oete9259 Can you prove to me that the words found in the current canon of the bible truly are the words of jesus (peace be upon him) as opposed to any of the other gospels not chosen as canon?
I'm a PIMO, just went to Friday Convention TODAY. Had to walk out of the last talk because it was ALL about being absolutely obedient to the governing body. I almost screamed in my seat.
I find it equally absurd that anyone of any religion blindly follows a "governing body" Of multi-billion dollar corporations. Whether that corporate's governing body is a priest, a rabi, a pope, A Televangelist, and so on. All are subjugating the masses via threats, or blessings of beings, none of which are physical , or proven to be real.
A huge amount of mainstream religions too commit crimes, Many Have terrorist organizations. Just most are accepted in society, and most are better at hiding their crimes.
Is mainstream religions ultimately better? Or are they doing the exact same thing, simply much better at hiding what they are doing?
If in a religion, please ask yourself, is my own religion saying the same basic things to me? But maybe not the governing body, the God, deity, or holy person? (And ultimately it is that governing body, not them).
I know... just staying there is such a tormenting thing...
Now you're awake. Go and spread the real thruth.
@@MrChinchilla_hn it's a process... gradually we will pass through this and be totally free!
Watchtower is crumbling before our eyes. So exciting!!
I wish you were correct.
As much as we don't want it to, the Watchtower organisation will continue. 😢
It may never end.
They peddle most precious commodity, hope.
A house divided cannot stand.
Watchtower will fall, it is under the judgement of Christ.
There an old saying,
'there's a sucker born every minute.'
There will always be people susceptible to a con.
Jehovah’s are convinced the Watchtower is God's organisation.
That delusional state is difficult to break though.
There will never be a mass exodus from Watchtower organisation.
Only trickles of people who wake up and leave.
Some will get disfellowshiped, but still believe in the false Watchtower teaching and claims of their self appointed "governing body"
It's hopeless.
"Hope" until the poorly educated wake up.
The WTS (WARLOCK'S TOWER OF SINS) may be around for some time, until the world aka governments, legal services, NGOs, with other organisations band together and destroy this despicable CULT masquerading as a religion.
Mentiranno fino a l'ultimo giorno che stanno crescendo, e che Geova sta benedicendo lo schiavo fedele e saggio, non potranno mai dire che stanno nei tribunali di tutto il mondo per pedofilia .O che fanno affari con il mondo di satana, e tutti gli sporchi intrallazzi che commettono nel buio ,da L'ITALIA SALUTI E BUONA VITA A TUTTI SECONDO I VOSTRI DESIDERI.
Thank you, you are a wonderful teacher. This cult is becoming more horrifying everyday.
I pray to God to deliver my Husband from this cult
Oh I totally understand. I'm in the same position 😮😢
Prayers for you both
My wife prayed for me and I woke up 3 years ago and left as a full-time pioneer. Prayer is key.
You pray to God? Are you aware that the High Priest also prayed to God when he engineered the death of God's son? The Pharisees prayed to God as they sought to do away with Jesus. Likely, even Judas Iscariot prayed to God as he sold out on Jesus. So, there you are. Pray harder, you are in good company. I wonder also. Since these wicked monsters achieved their murderous wishes, it must mean God answered their prayers. Maybe he will answer your prayers as well.
Occultist Twister of words @@daviesngwenya9689
I left in October, after I watched some videos on UA-cam of mark Martin, the series is called watchtower against the Bible, very enlightening, it truly woke me up, it was a Friday so I kept it in case it was true about the sabbath, I prayed to God and Jesus asking for forgiveness for being a Jehovah witness and believing I was in the truth religion, the next day I was full of Holy Spirit, I was happy, peaceful, loving, peaceful I couldn’t believe it, and before I was always depressed and anxious. I was born again, I’m truly happy now, and watchtower is in the rear windows!!!!
Our powerful heavenly father and his son will continue to expose and crush this cult with truth amen thank you truth seeker
I was at this meeting. The video was about the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38, when "Gog of Magog" attacks "Israel". "Israel" was said to represent the Governing Body and other 'anointed' ones of JW's, and "Gog of Magog" represents a 'coalition of nations' that will attack JW's just before Armageddon.
Years ago, I wouldn't have questioned it. But as I have been inactive for a while, I came to the same conclusion....that it was all about the Governing Body, with no real emphasis on Jesus!! I also noticed that there was NOT ONE scripture used to prove this pre-Armageddon scenario of the nations joining together to attack JW's. Then I realised that this was just a Conspiracy Theory!!!
Incidentally, JW's used to believe that "Gog of Magog" was satan himself. They only recently changed it to represent a 'COALITION (OR COMBINATION) OF NATIONS'. Well, doing a bit of research into this, I discovered that the Mormons (who have their own interpretation) have been teaching that "Gog of Magog" referred to a ''COMBINATION OF NATIONS' since the 1980's, possibly even earlier. S0, the obvious question is : Where did the Governing Body get their 'new understanding' about Gog of Magog from???? And if they are the only channel of communication from God, how come the Mormons knew before the JW's????
Their troubles in courts is their fount of inspiration.
Thank you so much for your exposé’s of the JW’s twisting of the scriptures. I left the cult a few years ago after praying to God the Father through Jesus Christ to help me to see was I really in the true religion. I praise God that He has sent you and others into my awareness as reading the Bible in context beyond what they were saying. Keep up the good work and may you be blessed! 😊
They claim they are mediators but the Bible says only one savior and mediator!
Thank you for exposing this Dawn.
Been thinking of you Robert. Let’s chat soon
@@WitnessForJesus Yes, I am absolutely exhausted, I've been making too many videos, now that my skype account has been lost (I only lost 2 weeks), I am taking a far more relaxed approach, as I need to recharge my batteries.
Wonderful Dawn, thank you.
Watchtower crumbles daily.
Hey, thanks for this video. During my waking up I realized that Armageddon is not an event, but the Bible describes it as a place, where the kings of the world are let to.
God bless, Thomas
Very Well presented from a Biblical .perspective. Jesus is King of Kings. Jw,s need Jesus Christ alone! Again,. thank you.
Thats right Jesus's is our saver not the governing body. So I beg you please leve this organisation before it's to late.❤
This is Disgusting. This will not go without punishment. Not Only Leave BUT REPENT. I Openly Confess & Apologize for having anything to do with this cult
No need to apologise they had some truth but now you believe in trinity will you apologise twice?
@edytapfahl4641 no, although every sect has various errors JW are closer to the truth on the ransom sacrifice than trinitarians also they appear to have a good grasp of scripture relating to the earthly kingdom to come when the Lord's will will be done on earth as in heaven.
@@oete9259 What are you Smoking ???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The JW have a good grasp of scripture, even though they let their children die in hospitals for no blood and they shunn their friends and family. I don't see the Child Sex Abuse as a major problem because every major religion has to deal with that. Their GB is a little misguided but not satanic in any way. Why they keep adding demonic subliminal images in their literature for decades is just a conspiracy , the JW are really nice people
@@oete9259 Why would anyone apologise for beliving in Trinity? Its the central doctrine of Bible...
@Vukf1 I understand why you believe in trinity, jesus is closely associated to God in creation, also during his earthly sojourn and in his exaulted spiritual reward, so close is jesus to God that many make him one with God.
Jehovah created through him, pronounces judgment through him, ministers and forgives sin through his merit etc etc and yet if jesus was unfaithful to God as was satan all these meritorious works would not have occurred through jesus, God would then have had to work through another.
Ultimately salvation is of God alone in the sense that without his authorisation there could be no salvation--no hope for adam and mankind "besides me (my authorization) there is no saviour"
God granted jesus the opportunity to become his "instrument" of salvation. God "sent" him into the world as a willing sacrifice
To suggest any part of God's nature can experience pain much less die is to make mockery of the ransom sacrifice (the core doctrinal teaching of the entire bible) "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, "Life for Life"-- the perfect balance of justice illustrated under the mosaic law (nature for nature) -- a false balance is an abomination to God but a just weight his delight"
Sheesh; very well done.
This is the definition of indoctrination & mind control. Also, I find it interesting that JWs forget how unorganized matters were during The Pandemic; I would know since I was a COBE at the time. As the world was shutting down, we had zero directions, and as Elder Bodies, we had to come up w/ our own solutions. Our congregation made the decision to meet over Zoom, in which a brother who worked in IT had his own Zoom account, & was gracious to let us use his. One congregation continued to meet at the KH, while another decided to just advised personal study.
We were completely unorganized & didn’t receive any formal directions until like 2 months later, and those directions continued to change. Then afterwards, The Branch was like w/e local government says, follow that. Lol
Anyways, solid video, but very VERY dangerous teachings. I left willingly after Lett called babies “enemies of God”, however I can see their teachings have become even more gross & unscriptural.
By George that's poor leadership. I served as an Elder for 2 years. Our PO couldn't lead...he was deleted years before I moved in and had a chip and a vendetta. The qualifications are " sound in mind". How sound is the CSA elephant in the room? Truly a narcissist, arrogant based culture from Rutherford's Cadillacs and Canadian whiskey to Caesars law making WT obey and use the " Golden Rule" and common sense.
I asked my mom to pray over me to heal me from back pain. I was so astonish on what she said, I was like no no please heal me now father I believe that you will heal me now not until paradise. 😢 I believe in you that you will take my pain away… A couple of minutes later my pain started to go away slowly. Thank you Father TMH . I think that my mom doesn’t believe that we can heal people by praying over them….
When we surrender to God, we are blessed with holy spirit which gives us personal direction from God to do the right thing in our own individual lives. When we have a personal connection to God we receive guidance that helps us in our journey to help bring god's kingdom to earth. Thanks Dawn for exposing this false religion that worships the devil, the father of lies.
Thank you Dawn! Its wonderful to hear you again to your channel.I hope everything is well with you. Take care and may the Lord bless you, keep you and protect you. All glory to our great God & Saviour Jesus Christ. 🙏🏻🩷✝️📖🌸
This "ready to obey life saving instructions" is super creepy.
All the court cases they are definitely expecting to be shut down soooooon !!! Creepy
I was raised a Jehovahs Witness and it’s been so difficult to deprogram my mind. Iv been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and used to get Delusions that Armageddon was happening right now. That’s how they kept my mind in their doctrine through fear. I need to add that most Jehovahs witness are good people that truly don’t know their being lied to and the organization forbids looking anywhere else for material about the truth. Thanks for your video.
Armageddon is far from us. We haven't passed from chapter 4 of Apocalipsis.
Psychiatry is a racket and a snare
When they get told to drink the coolaid 😮 game over
When you said all the comments sounded monotone, it hit me!
They train everyone to speak this way, it’s a form of Hipnosis. They can’t allow anyone to speak with deep emotion and passion and love or speak from their hearts because it would draw away from Watchtower’s teachings. Emotions are very powerful.
M.K.-Ultra-mind-kontrol-programming😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫Creating robots -non-thinkers🤓.
Armaggeddon+Obedience = CSA
Great video. And you are correct..they sound monotone/tired.
Thank you very much, GOD bless you
Disclaimer; Since I escaped this cult after 51 years, I found as a mechanical engineer science is what I believe in. As it has been said, 'spirituality is a personal thing, religion is just crowd control.' But you're a very switched on and intelligent human being, and you made some awesome points. Thank you for your work!
I’m so pleased you covered this! I still look at the program on the app to see what I’m ‘missing’ and couldn’t believe it!
It seems to be the overriding message they are pumping out at the moment.
You took the words out of my mouth. They never or very seldom mention Jesus and the Salvation, but concentrate on Scriptures that cause fear amongst the members.
Hebrews 13 verse 17 does not mean Obey.
Obey in Greek = To be pursuaded, to have confidence !
I watched a talk on j w o r g and Stephen Lett said the 144,00 would have the ability to raise the dead and perfectly judge mankind with absolutely no mistakes…. That’s just 2 of the several superhuman abilities he said they would have.
The judgment of slave class and 144 000 comes in the end of tribulation. There's no guarantee for anyone that they have fulfilled requirements for governing as kings and Priest
Have you ever heard of Simon Toko. I advise you to look him up.
I listened to this yesterday over zoom - I was shocked
It is fulfilling Matt 24:5 and Luke 21:8
DO NOT FOLLOW THEM!!! - Jesus warned
'Lose that protection . . ' wow, sounds like the Mafia.
Disfellowshipped in 2012. So Glad
Jesus is our salvation our mediator and Savior period!
Thank you for this reminder, sister. I prayed and read Jeremiah 12. The whole chapter in context. And wow! God bless you.
Funny how they're not mentioning ''when nations are saying peace and security'' anymore
Thankyou Dawn God Bless xxx
Hi sister I'm glad you are back I haven't heard from you in quite awhile I miss your accent I can just listen to you for days hope all is well 🙏
2 Tim 3
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Excellent video
Dawn, you should do an audio of you reafing the Bible, you have a lovely northern voice.
Maybe I could pick a small book and see if ppl like it. I have lots of other ideas too
@WitnessForJesus yes, good I idea any book would do I guess, I personally only read children's books because there are a lot easier to understand🥳🥳
God has appointed a day in which he shall judge the world in righteousness
And our rightousness is He, the Lord Jesus.
@MrChinchilla_hn yes true, he is "made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and deliverance.
@MrChinchilla_hn God has fashioned him thus, there is none righteousness (actually righteous without his merit) as you say so true...rom 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” our righteousness without jesus would be like filthy rags isaiah 64:6 none could be made actually righteous under the mosaic law even despite the day of atonement sacrifices.
@MrChinchilla_hn all is not lost as he has appointed a day in which he shall judge the world in righteousness and we may notice in the type Israel did well in battle after they were judged in other words judgement is not necessarily a thing to be associated to dread
Wow!!🤦 Thankyou Dawn,
They have long "training" sessions scheduled tomorrow, 22 July. Damage control!
It's chilling and sinister; what instructions are they being set up to obey from mere men instead of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? We need to pray for them.
Jesus is never mentioned. Not even when praying, not saying through our Lord Jesus, just praying straight to God and always mentioning the governing body. It's blasphemous!!
They only pray to the god they have created for themselves.
They are simply not a Christian group
"Earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints" jude 1:3
Did he ever quote the scripture in James? He keeps going on and on
Great video.
Where can i find the full video of the jehovah witness talking??
Well said, Dawn. 🎯
Jesus is the Master and no one is to deny his God
He sounds like a certain Austrian born WW2 leader but more frightening. 😡😡
1 cor 6:3 "Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?”
@oete9259 Jesus is God. If you deny this, you will die in your sins (John 8 :24) and will not have eternal life.
Oh Dawn, this is so alarming! I'm trying to do everything to get my mom to see. I'm so desperate to get the truth to her. She is trying to save me. And I can see it so clearly, I have been buying all these publications back from when I was growing up, trying to build a logical case to gently help her see. Praying for all our dear friends who are Jehovah Witnesses and being deceived.
WOW WOW! Only Jws that were loyal in service and support and obedient to gb will be saved by them ,what BLASPHEMY at its core. Great work thank you ❤
Thank you for this video and the outrageous news. So, it's not Jesus Christ alone who saves us from sin and gives us ever-lasting life, it's the Governing Body, a group of men, sinners and imperfect men, that are hiding cases of sexual abuse on children in their religion, that want to replace the Christ Jesus... Of course, the saints who are with Christ in Heaven, will judge the world ( '' Don't you know that the saints shall judge the world'' ? ( 1 Corinthians 6 :2 ) but I doubt that these men are amongst the '' saints '' referred to in the Bible, and will '' judge '' the world. I remember a few years ago, some Watchtower publication saying that if some average rank and file JW , member of the '' great crowd '' as they say, believes he or she is annointed by Holy Spirit, '' then, they must be mentally ill '' because the number of 144 000 has almost been completely sealed, amongst which, the men of the GB count... And all of this has been supposedly taught by God and Jesus to the GB... By doing that, the men of the GB give themselves the best role ever !
The ones staying behind on earth are not even sure about their Salvation.
Whats mind boggling is that they dont believe in Jesus as part of the Trinity and they downgrade Him but continually refer to Him.
The same for the Holy Spirit says He is a force .
We know He is a person and part of the Godhead.
But they refer to Him in some cases and contradict their belief that He is a just a force.
Thankyou,I totally agree with you.I am concerned about the mental health of members of this organisation.We remember Gods covenant with Noah,he would not destroy humanity or the earth ,that is why he put the rainbow in the sky,as a reminder.
Woe to those who put their trust in earthling man 😂
these governing body are not who they say they are revelation 2:2
I'm trying to understand the Watchtower theology, do they believe the next prophecy is Millineal Kingdom? I've learnt pre trib rapture the Jabocs trouble 7yr trib then Armoggedon. Therefore have they bypassed this teaching?
I'm still learning sister, just trying to understand.
I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Grace through faith.
God bless.
None of the teachings from Watchtower cult can be found in scripture.
All of the teachings from Watchtower can be easily debunked with scripture.
if any one gives unquestioned authority to human leaders or leaders they are not obeying Jesus at matthew 24:4-5
a christian proves they dont just make claims
Armageddon mentioned once in bible, a Place name. not an event.
Come out of that cult!
You are right. Please carry on.
I studied with them and was told the anointed will be raptured at Armageddon, those whom have already died will be ressurected to help Jesus with Armageddon and then will reign in heaven with him. . What a load if crap. Cant believed i listened to and believed. Seems so whacky now.
I don’t think their plan is to have their followers sent to the kingdom halls for safety. They clearly showed in that video about Africans running to camps and giving up everything to do it. Those camps are not set up by watchtower. Those were government camps, i.e. concentration, or FEMA camps. Watchtower would’ve been so proud to put their kingdom halls and assembly halls as safe places for everyone to go and guided by Jehovah’s spirit, if that were truly the case. It blew my mind when I saw that because growing up, we were always told that Jehovah’s people would be taken care of. We didn’t realize that the whole time they meant the government. Maybe it’s because they are part of it. 🥷🏼💥⚔️
Very Good presentation dear sister you really pointed out the narrative of these false profits thank you so much 😊
So... Back in 1844... And later in 1892 - a man, going by the title 'Baha'u'llah' had that many followers and they are spreading a faith which is still available today...!! :). Baha'i.. There was this guy born in 1914....
amen glory to god jehova
He said stinking , he was right it definitely is stinking B.S. fantastic video ,WE ARE GLAD WE ESCAPED..Well done ❤
How would JWs in a remote area where all outside communications may be down due to the world gone mad, even get to hear instructions from anyone? Total unscriptural nonsense!
May God grant them repentance and meet their true deliverer, Jesus, the Christ, the Coming One!
We have all the “Life Saving Instructions” already from Jesus, Gods word. He as told us everything we need to know to have everlasting life.
Where does it say in scripture we need to wait for such instructions to be saved in the end?
Absolutely right ON! And! When did Jesus ever called on his FATHER, BY THE NAME Jehovah or Yahweh or by any other name?
Read Mark 12:28-30 Jesus said Hear O Israel Jehovah our God is one Jehovah
@@rebeccabacalso4536Not in the original scriptures, this was added by your organisation.
Mar 12:28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
Mar 12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
Mar 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
Life saving instructions: what is he saying, did he hear about the JW in Germany attack? Who saved them?
There is no salvation in anyone else , for there is not another name
Under haven that has been given among men,
By which we must get saved.
It’s only Christ who’s our savior, The Almighty gave him authority in heaven and on earth.
Acts 4 : 12.
Thank you, dear friend. The org are prepping jws to sell their properties to the org and they are building complexes with cheap accommodation for jws to live in during armageddon. Like communes the cult leaders will get them to give up all their assets/ homes to go to these complexes
these ones who claim to be annointed were foretold by Jesus the first instruction by Jesus is see to it that you are not deceived . these of the watchtower are liars for they have said 1914 and that is false and many other things are not scriptural and they refuse to repent . revelation 14:1-5
acts 5:29
1 thess 5:21
Great video ❤️
Love your reasoning points! Too bad you are a woman lol & most JWs won't accept this for that reason alone. Good teaching. As I listened to you, love for Jesus overwhelmed me and I could feel his love.
revelation 2:2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.
2 thessalonians 2:1-12
That JW guy , he’s talking about the Great tribulation that is about to come.
It actually starts after the Saints are raptured when Jesus removes us so we aren’t for this wrath or Jacobs trouble
Wow unbelievable
The goal is not to survive Armageddon or to be alive after Armageddon. Jesus will resurrect His people.
If we are alive during the Great Tribulation, the goal is to ensure we do not taoenthe Mark of the beast, at all cost
if you are a slave of christ you are obedient to Christ and his God . therefore you must prove all things as the bible says you do not just obey humanoids. you make sure that what they say you can prove in the bible. that allows you to make sure that you in the truth. when you have the truth no one can defeat you . 2 cor 13:8
Rev. 17:14 These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.”
This is the scripture they have recently started using to support the idea of 144,000 riding with Christ at Armageddon.
romans 2:6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”
matthew 16:27 For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds.
Revelation 22:12
“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.
2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
John 5:29
and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.
Are not the 144,000 made up of men and women? Are all the 144,000 brothers to the rescue in addition to women? If so, then there are more than 144,000! Unless of course, I have it wrong and women are not among the anointed. I'm confused! And of course Jesus was not mentioned because the governing body has replaced Jesus with themselves. Unmitigated arrogance! And this coming from a group that constantly preaches humility, etc. Great video!
Revelation book 5.9
And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10 and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”
Revelation book 14
Then I saw, and look! the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.
notice the ring on the right finger. why is he grinning thru all of this. i dont see anytthing 2 grin about. chloexjw hello from the usa.
So this obedience is key to crowd control. Since Jesus died for all why worry about survival whatever happens were ever people are God be incontrol. Didn't they say sometime ago that all anointed had to die and resurrected before armageddon started.
“The person who is ready to obey is quick to change his opinion when presented with facts that correct his thinking”.
Obey based on facts.
Just as the Bible teaches.
Obey those taking the lead over the congregations.
Based on facts.
Worked for Jim Jones and David Koresh.
What the men was supposed to say is, humans need to obey in order to survive the great tribulation.
Rev 17:14 NIV "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”...
Exactly❗ Jesus' *_name_* is Lord of lords and King of kings
Revelation 19:16 ESV
On his robe and on his thigh he has a *_name_* written, *King of kings and Lord of lords.*
And we only have one Lord (Jude 1:4).
And this Lord is ... Drum roll 🥁 ...
Deuteronomy 10:17 ESV
*For the LORD your God is God of gods and **_Lord of lords,_** the great, the mighty, and the awesome God,* who is not partial and takes no bribe.
Astute observation 🙂
@@DM-he1ug is that his name or a title? For Jesus it's his name 🙂
@@DM-he1ug so your your Bible says you have only 1 Lord (Jude 1:4) but you actually have many Lords? 🤨
In my Bible the one Lord is always YHWH. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They're all the one Lord because 'one Lord' 🟰 'YHWH' *_exclusively_* in LXX, which disciples quote from most often 🙂
@@DM-he1ug in my Bible same Lord as Jude 1:4 YHWH 🙂 in your Bible a 2nd Lord? 🤨
@@DM-he1ug looks like you found a contradiction in JW theology 2 persons who are Lord's yet we only have 1 Lord? 🤔
Perfectly expected for classic Christianity. The Father is Lord. The Son is Lord. The Spirit is Lord. We only have one Lord 🟰 'YHWH' 🙂
Sola Scriptura ( Latin) is a Christian Theological Doctrine--it posists the Bible as the Sole infallible source of Authority for Christian faith and practice.
The 5 Solas of the Reformation which distinguished the Reformers from the teachings of Rome.
1. Sola Scripture ( Scriptura alone )
2. Solus Chritus ( Christ alone)
3.Sola Fide ( Faith Alone )
4. Sola Gratia ( Grace Alone)
5. Soli Deo ( Glory to God alone) 2 Tim 3 : 16
Revelation 7:9 says the great multitude (NWT: "crowd") is standing before the Throne. Where is the Throne? See Revelation 4:2. The Throne is in HEAVEN! So the "non-144,000" are in Heaven. The JW concept of an "anointed class" only in heaven is a LIE! The Watchtower is a LIE!!
Im an exjw, now muslim (alhamdulilah), and i find it disgusting how these men can bold face lie about being chosen by god. THEY KNOW they aren’t yet they sit there and act like they’re going to rule in heaven, the arrogance…
And before someome tries to preach to me, ive heavily looked into the subject already. You can believe whatever you want
Well your difficulty is a rejection of the Bible and acceptance of quran that has compounded your obstacles to God ie "they killed him not nor crucified him" you chose to believe this rather than jesus when he foretold of his killing. Unitarianism is the way through jesus not islam....God bless
@@oete9259 I have no idea what you said but may Allah guide you my brother in humanity
@ren.8137 I will try to clarify, the quran opposes the words of Jesus, it denies the death and resurrection narrative saying "they killed him not nor crucified him" it supposedly only appeared that they did. Jesus stated clearly that he would be killed and for exactly that purpose he came to offer himself as a ransom sacrifice for adam so that God could be both "just" and the justifier of all who discern the merit of jesus at this time. Quran also contradicts God suggesting he could lie and simply forgive adam with no consideration of justice yet we see clearly it was Satan that lied "thou shall not surely die" satan directly contradicted God and has upheld that lie ever since eden with false ghostly appearances of supposed dead relatives....we believe God not Satan quran does not deny the unitarian Christians doctrine (the belief that Jesus is not God) yet uses this truth to lure many into a myriad of deceptions.
@@oete9259 Can you prove to me that the words found in the current canon of the bible truly are the words of jesus (peace be upon him) as opposed to any of the other gospels not chosen as canon?