STAR WARS The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire - “Sacrifice” Trailer - REACTION

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @SuperRaidin
    @SuperRaidin 6 років тому +175

    A lot of people when they watch StarWars have no idea what happens when the DarkSide takes over them or even how the Sith works.

    • @Abygoneage
      @Abygoneage 6 років тому +15

      Robert Turi
      A lot of it is based on real world philosophies. You either submit to your fear of being weak and go to any lengths to become strong for yourself . Or you destroy your ego and give everything you have to the world to only have blinding faith for something better after life. Your pick.
      Essentially when you think of the world, it's main philosophy is power. Only the strong survive while the weak suffer. So we're pretty much a sugar coated Sith empire.
      Heck, even the Galatic Republic in Star Wars wasn't perfect. Senators would support drug dealers and commit heinous acts, like our world :P

    • @petrgalko4152
      @petrgalko4152 6 років тому +10

      Robert Turi
      The main problem actually is, that there is no Dark or Light side. There is only the force. The force it self doesnt pick sides. Only the individuals who have connection to it decide HOW theire going to use it. Its not parts of the force that corrupt people, its the people who are corrupting and twisting the purity of the force. Force it self has no influence nor will. It doesnt have any agenda. Its simply there, connected to the life it self. Its not only the humanoid (self conciouse, thinking) creatures that can use the force, even animals can use it, although most of the time its not intentional. Many creatures/animals were capable of using the force simply because they lived near places where the force was highly concentrated. This connection made them stronger, faster and more durable. They were literarly infused with high doses of the pure force and this power was changed when faced with the animals primal insticts and lvls of aggressivity.
      Sith and Jedi are bassically the same thing with the difference of opinions and points of view. None of these 2 are corrupted nor guided by these so called ''SIDES'' of the force. They are simply people with with different kind of thinking and different thoughts about the future.
      When it comes to this trailer. Its not the ''DARK SIDE'' that takes over Arcan (the guy in white) that forces him to lash out and atempt to kill his father. Its just Arcans anger and hatered after sacrificing so much, in hopes to impress his father and receive his approval (and LOVE). And when he realised that no matter what he's going to do or how much he's going to sacrifice, its never going to be enough for his father, he explodes in rage and tries to end the cause of all his pain. And when Thexan (the guy in black - his brother) stops him from killing his father, Arcan is not really trying to kill his twin brother, he is simply SO overwhelmed by anger and the need to stop his pain that he accidently unleashes these emotions towards the person standing right infront of him, the person who stopped him from ending his own suffering. His brother Thexan.. If you look more closly on the trailer right after Arcan slices thru Thexan his glowing yellow eyes turn back to sky blue as his emotions and anger starts to fade away. He holds his dying brother in his arms filled with pitty and sadness including hatred towrds himself and suddenly he is himself again.
      Force changes with the individual that uses it. Neither of these so called sides is strictly GOOD and BAD. Both aspects can be used for healing and destroying. The main key is how we think and how we act. Force is an energy and we are its conduit that will decide its finall form. There is no Light and Dark, there is only the prime nature of individuals who uses it.

    • @corruptangel6793
      @corruptangel6793 6 років тому +1

      It honestly ticks me off because of the crap Anakin gets for "falling so suddenly". I mean, it's essentially a drug. The more you use, the harder it is to stop and the easier to use again.

    • @corruptangel6793
      @corruptangel6793 6 років тому +1

      @@petrgalko4152 they literally make a point in the movies about the "will of the Force" being a thing. Kinda like destiny or fate.
      And yes, the dark side has a curruptive affect. It follows (more or less) the philosophies of Nietzsche.
      I mean this is blatantly shown with Anakin and how he changes from obsessing over saving Padme to obsessing over his new power.
      "The boy you trained, gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader."

    • @petrgalko4152
      @petrgalko4152 6 років тому +1

      The will of the force is a bullshit as its actually the will of the highly placed jedi and sith. The fact that members of the jedi council keep talking about this so called ''Will of the force'' is to hide the fact that its theire decisions/will. If the decision goes well it helps people and them aswell, it will only strenghten peoples believes in theire cause, and if it goes sideways they can put the blame on this ''Will of the force'' and get away with it. Not to mention that the whole Chosen one prophecy is fake. It was developed by palpatine (emperor) and his now long dead master darth plagueis. They created anakin, they came up with the whole taking over the republic thing and and they started this whole Chosen ones destiny thing. Anakin was always ment to to turn dark as thats how palpatine and plagueis designed him. Anakin was suppose to be the perfect weapon, his mind even his connection to the force all artificialy created and designed by these two.
      When Anakin was being created there was no way of manipulating the connection to the force that was given him and both palpatine and pagueis knew that. And if you cant shape the force to your likeing than how do you make sure that he will eventually turn dark? By adjusting his mind and personality.
      The fact that anakin was intoxicated by his power wasn't by the influence of Dark Side it was done by himself because he liked it. He liked to be the hero, he liked to be the one to safe the day and he liked being strong.
      Both Padme and his power were his connections to the primel predatorial nature within him. And it was his mind and his emotions that shaped the power within him.
      Anakin was this way ever since he was implated into Shmi Skywalker by Palpatine and Plagueis. Her presence and love kept him grounded but as soon as she was taken away from him, he connected to his original directive. Become powerfull and when the time comes find us. Not to mention that Palpatine is actually responsible for Shmi's death. The whole Tusken Raider thing? All his work. So that Anakin would finally fullfill his vision and took his place and palpatines side.
      The only corruptive power in SW universe are the people themselves. The force only brings theire true nature to the surface.
      When it comes to Yoda. I think of him as a devoted religion believer. He truly believes in what he's saying but the fact that he says it doesn't necesearly make it all true. It was his decision to believe in this, and he simply shares his views with other like minded individuals. Some without question believe this to be true, while others prefer to question and ask.
      ''The boy you trained, gone he is'' -> Before and after Shmi Skywalker. Young idealistic boy -> Weapon designed to do masters bidding.
      ''Consumed by Darth Vader he is'' -> Over taken by his emotions and choices. -> Returns to his original directive of becoming a powerfull weapon.
      The fact still remains that every time there was some kind of a destiny or foces will, it was purpousfully placed there by a figure or figures hidden in the shadows.

  • @kevinnorwood8782
    @kevinnorwood8782 6 років тому +135

    It WAS an accident, Jon. The old man is the Emperor Valkorion, and he wanted his sons to fight each other, but they never did at first. When the white brother (Arcann) lost himself to the Dark Side and attacked his father, the black brother (Thexan) tried to stop him from making a mistake. But in Arcann's rage, he lashed out at Thexan and killed him, and didn't realize what he had done until it was already too late. But by striking down his brother, he inadvertently passed his father's test, and only then does Valkorion acknowledge him as his son.

    • @gustavocabraldesacadura4121
      @gustavocabraldesacadura4121 6 років тому +17

      And Not to forget that he is the former Sith Emperor Vitiate

    • @kevinnorwood8782
      @kevinnorwood8782 6 років тому +2

      Gustavo Sacadura Yeah, I know. I didn't mention that in my previous comment because I didn't want to spoil that for Ashton and/or Jon.

    • @Gfcp100
      @Gfcp100 6 років тому +1

      Agreed his rage in the dark side blinded him and in a fit of rage attack any one who stood in his way and unfortunately it was his brother

    • @Gfcp100
      @Gfcp100 6 років тому +1

      See like what a lot of people don't understand is that you don't have to be evil to be in the dark side. There were tons of sith who studied the dark ways of the force and they weren't evil in fact dark side users had there own planet even which was attacked by light side users. You see when studying the dark arcane arts. You don't hide your emotions instead embrace it let it mold you make you grow. Hate,love,happiness, etc passion is key deep passion. Although accessing hate and anger would be a way you can make your dark force using more potent. You don't have to be angry 24/7 it can be a happy feeling as well just make it stronger but never let it over take you or blind you

    • @kharilane1340
      @kharilane1340 5 років тому +1

      But the Darkside is all about amassing personal power at the expense of others and it physically corrupts its users. The Lightside, on the other hand, is about using the power to aid others and it extends the life of the user with no ill effects. Users of the Darkside, while they use its power to deceive, are deceived by that very power. Blinded by it. They only see their own personal gains when they should be looking at the bigger picture and helping the universe.

  • @humberto_productions
    @humberto_productions 6 років тому +26

    At the end pay attention to the eyes of the brother in white. He gets the dark side eyes. And the dark side clouded his mind.

  • @vnsin4250
    @vnsin4250 6 років тому +18

    I hate that y'all don't even know how the darkside works, no he didnt want "more power" he looked at his hand cause what he had to sacrifice and it still wasnt enough for his father, so he got briefly consumed by the darkside and accidently killed his brother, jeez.

  • @oneoftheclones
    @oneoftheclones 6 років тому +20

    Watch the eyes when he realizes he killed his brother. Go from Sith yellow to blue, no one hardly notices it

    • @christhenerdfreak9167
      @christhenerdfreak9167 4 роки тому +2

      oneoftheclones it’s a shame that some people didn’t realise that his left eye changed yellow. I spotted that straight away when I first watched the trailer

  • @tanninkline
    @tanninkline 5 років тому +8

    He DID kill his brother on accident. The neglect of their father drove the lesser brother to the Dark Side throughout the years, and when he turned his back on them again, the anger took over. If you notice, he recognizes that he killed his brother after it's too late. The iris in his eye is yellow, meaning Dark Side corruption.

  • @ilo2224
    @ilo2224 6 років тому +16

    Star Wars: The Old Republic: (in this order)
    Then there is *Betrayed*

  • @MsKeylas
    @MsKeylas 3 роки тому +2

    4:22. It was accident for which Arcann never forgave himself. He lashed at father for neglecting them for their whole life. For not showing even a ghost of appreciation, for just taking everything as granted. And he kiled Thexan in a fit of blind rage,

  • @beaurichards7277
    @beaurichards7277 6 років тому +67

    The top donation is a joke, right? No way anyone is donating to this lifeless duo.

  • @MikeyLan
    @MikeyLan 6 років тому +61

    your reactions seem so scripted and unnatural. and I honestly think you're probably better off reacting to things that you guys are interested in. especially Ashtyn, she's just...not there

  • @Gfcp100
    @Gfcp100 6 років тому +4

    4:26 yes it was an accident his rage in the dark side blinded him

  • @dwnkaomwn3953
    @dwnkaomwn3953 6 років тому +4

    The emperor made his sons kill each other. He was going to acknowledge one of them(not both) as his son.

  • @wolfeegy388
    @wolfeegy388 2 роки тому

    I liked to clarify that it was an accident at the same time it wasnt. the darkside tends to mess with the users head the more anger you feel the more the lust for power you feel the more influence the dark side has take count dooku for example his motives where more noble therefore he wasnt consumed by rage or even had the sith eyes since he wasnt fueld by hatred or a lust for power. So he wasnt influenced by the darkside as much but the brother was full of rage and anger form all the suffering he felt and then to be given nothing from his dad snapped and thats when the dark side took over. It got into control when the anger of the brother reached its peak.

  • @noahmasi9368
    @noahmasi9368 6 років тому +4

    Well, technically he did kill his brother on purpose but was in the midst of rage induced madness. He immediately regretted it. You actually kind of see the moment of horrified realization.

  • @CRAZYHORSE19682003
    @CRAZYHORSE19682003 4 роки тому +1

    What made the Empire of Zakuul so dangerous is they embraced both the light and dark sides and used them both making them more powerful than a Sith or Jedi. You could say they were Revenites.

  • @Zentron
    @Zentron 6 років тому +6

    A great game, waayyyyy better plots than any of the reboot movies!

    • @huamenger6799
      @huamenger6799 5 років тому

      This video is better than the game

  • @AspieMediaBobby
    @AspieMediaBobby 4 роки тому

    It wasn`t an accident. It was a Dark Side haze like Anakin had when he killed the Tusken Raiders,Jedi Younglings and Separatist leaders.

  • @IBeCursedOfficial
    @IBeCursedOfficial 4 роки тому +1

    It was an accident if you seen his eyes it changed when he realized he killed him

  • @Mieknara
    @Mieknara 6 років тому +8

    You'll have to watch "Betrayed".

  • @VNM-di9fi
    @VNM-di9fi 4 роки тому +2

    Him killing his brother was an accident

  • @Will008
    @Will008 2 роки тому

    This is so much better than watching those Disney movies of Star Wars!

  • @Mastermind9206
    @Mastermind9206 5 років тому +20

    ok... Jon - you got no idea what you're actually looking at! Ashtyn - you don't even GIVE A DAMN... what exactly am i supposed to find entertaining here?

    • @MsKeylas
      @MsKeylas 3 роки тому

      then move along and dont watch their reaction. simple as that.

  • @nekobakaful
    @nekobakaful 5 років тому

    reaction channel with this kind of description: """""If there is a video you want to make SURE we see, click our stream labs link below and donate $5 for any video and it will be posted within 24 hours (unless we get backed up). Thanks, love you guys!"""" is a lost cause brothers lets just not waste our time on this lifeless couple and turn the page.

  • @princehadesplayz9160
    @princehadesplayz9160 5 років тому +1

    He did kill his brother by mistake. The Darkside took him over so in his anger he was blind and screwed up when he killed his twin brother

  • @slightgrinful
    @slightgrinful 6 років тому +2

    Darkness rules all will consume all, in it be blessed by victory and no hesitation.

  • @themiraldo
    @themiraldo 6 років тому +14

    “How to get view’s without much effort Volume 1”

  • @seanplaczkowski7438
    @seanplaczkowski7438 6 років тому +30

    you two seem to have very little knowledge on some things with a few of your videos and remain semi-closed minded, which sometimes with videos like this can take analysis while watching such as in this video which the white brother kills the black brother he shows a facial expression showing he didn't realize what he had done until it was too late since the dark side of the force took over.

  • @Rockofthebodom
    @Rockofthebodom 5 років тому +1

    Yes that was an accident for the brother ... That was not one for the father.

  • @alphanicksin9678
    @alphanicksin9678 5 років тому

    It was a accident he did not control him self that’s why he he started to get worried about his brother after his fight

  • @ladiesmanincredibledjssj5155
    @ladiesmanincredibledjssj5155 4 роки тому

    It wasn't his fault. he was consumed by the dark side and it was messing up his mind, he didn't mean to do it

  • @justuswarren8965
    @justuswarren8965 5 років тому +1

    Yes it is an accident he embraced the dark side, when you embrace the dark side you're blind with anger and kill hungry

  • @tonyyul703
    @tonyyul703 4 роки тому


  • @JayStephens8
    @JayStephens8 6 років тому

    This takes place 3 thousand years before the movies

  • @SilverSurgeGamin
    @SilverSurgeGamin 6 років тому +6

    You pretty much didn't pay attention to what it was about at all and of course do this for probably views

  • @JamesWiseMagic
    @JamesWiseMagic 6 років тому +1

    React to the Star Wars The Old Republic Knights of the Eternal Throne: Betrayed trailer . Its hella good!!

  • @WeirdHieroglyphicSymbol
    @WeirdHieroglyphicSymbol 6 років тому +2

    Yes it clearly was an accident.

  • @nekobakaful
    @nekobakaful 6 років тому +10

    Please, this is a request. Dont react to it if you dont want to.

  • @andrewtreichel8128
    @andrewtreichel8128 5 років тому

    Wow...just wow...

  • @chaseavila5749
    @chaseavila5749 5 років тому +1

    Im all for the SITH i know this is a old video but still

  • @ifoundmemallet3394
    @ifoundmemallet3394 6 років тому

    You’re just now reacting to it yet it came out like a year or two ago?

  • @csaadelbo
    @csaadelbo 6 років тому

    You really should watch the rest of the cinematics.

  • @mikeybello5531
    @mikeybello5531 6 років тому +1

    You should react to Heroes Fan Production's star wars videos.

  • @silver6356
    @silver6356 3 роки тому

    He bought a free to play game?

  • @heavenlyking8386
    @heavenlyking8386 6 років тому

    It was an accident he just let the dark side control him

  • @brosprodutionproductions3114
    @brosprodutionproductions3114 6 років тому

    0:33 oof

  • @1forest120
    @1forest120 5 років тому

    Oh he just killed his brother, wait no he didn't, that's not cool. One minute later.......

  • @Fatal_N_Felony
    @Fatal_N_Felony 5 років тому

    this guy must be high

  • @jaison-yr5cg
    @jaison-yr5cg 6 років тому

    Watch the old republic return

  • @TheRadex27
    @TheRadex27 5 років тому

    Imagine it's better the movies :D

  • @saintjames1718
    @saintjames1718 2 роки тому

    Popped up on my algorithm and made me realize that these two should really do some basic research before reacting to the vid. Like others have pointed kinda annoying

  • @SpartanOli
    @SpartanOli 6 років тому

    How to start a video with Ashtyn and Jon: Yawn

  • @volleyballfanatic808
    @volleyballfanatic808 5 років тому

    Look, I like your guys’ reaction vids and all... but you guys don’t pay attention at all to what’s going on. You don’t have to know the details of the game to know what’s going on lol just pay attention.

  • @revan_247am6
    @revan_247am6 4 роки тому

    You know nothing about the old republic to react to it

  • @picturamovens
    @picturamovens 4 роки тому

    This is a joke of a reaction.

  • @sroRAGE
    @sroRAGE 3 роки тому

    Lol do you guys not sleep are is the trailer you watch that boring all you do is yawn

  • @krisa990
    @krisa990 4 роки тому

    I just dont get it,when watching youtube reactions over the board there are many that request and ask for cartoons. I dont get it..I really dont get it...its made up..its 10.000 times more made up then movies with real human beings..whats the fun with that..and its not like you can say,hey..look at that guys acting..its a cartoon...if I was doing reactions I would be TOTALLY bored with doing reactions on a freaking, or whatever its called..