James Kaddis & Jay confront problems with MUHAMMAD & MECCA!
- Опубліковано 2 січ 2025
- This is now the 3rd talk which Jay gave a number of weeks ago when James Kaddis, the pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal Hill, in California, had him come to his church and speak for the 3 Sunday morning services on Islam.
In the first talk he did a comparison between Islam and Christianity. In the second talk he then confronted the many historical problems with the Qur'an, while James then interjected his own views and ideas.
This video follows the third talk which he gave on that Sunday morning, with James, once again adding his own ideas and background experience in support of what Jay is saying. It is obvious that both of them know and enjoy this historical material well.
Picking up where he left off in the earlier second service Jay continues his comparisons between the historical veracity for Christianity when compared to Islam, using the Bible and the Qur'an as his prime example.
At around the 14th minute into this talk Jay then turned his attention to the historical problems with Mecca, and confronted the Muslim claim that the 30 foot wide and 50 feet deep Zam-Zam well which is situated right next to the Ka'aba in Mecca is able to provide water for 1.9 billion Muslims around the world, as well as the roughly 4 million Muslims who either live in Mecca or participate in the Hajj pilgrimage, proving that the inexhaustible Zam-Zam water was not a miracle of Allah at all, but was provided by Bechtel Corporation, headquartered in Reston, Virginia, USA.
Jay also queried where the original Ka'aba as well as the original Safa and Marwa mountains came from, suggesting that their antecedants can all be found in Jerusalem.
Half an hour into this talk Jay then moved on to the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, himself, and suggested that the name itself was not a name at all, but a title which was quite common, both in Judaism and in Christianity during the 7th century, thus the reason we find it on coins and inscriptions from that time and from that place....but, Jay continued that title had nothing to do with the prophet of Islam, but was a title for someone else much more important; however, you'll have to watch the video to find out who exactly that person was.
He then ended his talk by introducing the newest research we have on the story of both Muhammad and the origins of Islam, suggesting that all of the earliest manuscripts for both Muhammad's life and sayings, as well as everything we know concerning Islam's origins do not come from what we have been led to believe at all.
We’ve been told that the stories surrounding Muhammad’s life were written by those who saw and heard him, thus either by eyewitnesses; or by others within a few generations.
Yet, Jay introduces in this talk newly uncovered research which shows that the earliest extant manuscripts for all of the Islamic Traditions, also known as the "Standard Islamic Narrative", were all created 200 - 900 years after Muhammad presumably lived. In fact the most important of them, the Sira (his biography) and the Tafsir and Tahrikh were not compiled and canonized into written texts until 1,200 - 1,270 years later by German and Dutch scholars living in Europe, suggesting that everything we now know about early Islam is possibly a fraud!
© Pfander Centre for Apologetics & Polemics - US, 2024
I never tire of seeing him present this
Here in England paranoia haunts the streets.
Ominous Islam has found fools in parliament who are happy and willing to open the gates and persecute any who challenge.
Yes, it’s so tragic and so un-necessary. Muslims arn’t even hiding their desire for Sharia, why we are letting it happen is beyond me.
Time for the natives to take back their country.
About water and Mecca.... Each day pipes bring water from a desalination plant and they sell it as from Zam zam Well..how do I know that?
Because friends of mine went to Mecca....
If the water is so powerful to heal sickness why there is 100' of death every year going to... At Mecca... And on their way back...
هذا العاده المسيحيين يكذبون ويتهمون على النبي محمد و الإسلام بكذب بدون دليل استمروا بكذب
Yep, they still lying till today.
Yes i mentioned this to a Muslim and they still believed it was a miracle (even though i worked as an engineer for Bectel.
They all still blind and can’t accept the truth. They are not allowed to ask questions and to know the truth.
Very good that dr. Jay puts this all together!
Its the scholars and imam's you need to change if not they will change keep believing the brainwashing they say
what a FANTASTIC lecture, thank you Dr Jay, your research and scholarship is much appreciated here from Israel. It's absolutely MIND BLOWING to learn that Mecca has no history, and that Islam cloned the Jewish traditions
I have been doing polemics since 2012 when I started learning about Islam and the Muslim claims and I am now focusing on the history of Islam.
Shhhh, if this Mecca thing gets around, just think of what it'll do to the tourist trade for Arabia!
As they say, without lies, Islame runs out of Zum Zum water, and few other things...😢😮
Jay talks about it in several of his videos, but he doesn't really push it, but he has pretty much shown that the origin of Islame is the result of an Arianist (non trinitarian) Christian cult that was worked over (for political reasons) and turned into it's present form. But when you get down to the basics of it, it's fundamentally much like the Jehovah's witnesses with AK-47's. But if they show up on your doorstep, they ain't handing out tracts.
Keep it up Jay! Bring 'em on home!
It's crazy to think about it that ISIS goes around destroying crosses, because in Islam, Jesus comes back to destroy the cross which islam considers as shirk. But these same terrorist groups, follow the example of the caliphates, little do they know that this same caliphate had crosses on its coin
The truth will set you free . !
Can't wait to watch!
Dr Kaddis…..I am along time follower of Jay Smith, and am so glad that YOU, from a younger generation, will continue caring the torch to get those Muslims BACK TO CHRISTIANITY where they originated. Informing and “converting” them is a monumental task, and you are at the right place at the right time! I have a different topic to bring to ou but will do so via a second Comment. Love ou, Brother.
Powerful! How can islam explain this. They tend to ignore what they don't like.
They don't ignore, they keeel those telling the truth and label them islamophobia to shut them up, Death threats, telling more lies and violence.
Dr Jay’s presentation was fantastic. The introduction was deafening loud and not a nice experience, James is screaming in the mic during the intro, while he has a good and pleasant speaking voice if he is not shouting.
This is James' culture. He is not yelling. He talks loudly due to excitement when he is passing on important. I just turn the volume down when he speaks.
How can I pay attention if you keep interrupting?
I’ve been on the journey of learning about Christianity and just as important Islam.Its important to learn about both so as to be able to dismiss the Muslim claims and beliefs
God bless you and protect you both!
Thanks !
Let’s goooo ☝🏽🔥✝️
If the facts show there were none of these characters, then a clever person would realise theyve been lied to. However these coins are worldwide so they cant melt them all down. Best to accept the facts.
Yet, just like the Pharisees dealing with Jesus, His miracles were undeniable, but allowing themselves to believe Him would destroy their power in the religious structure. So, they allow their cognitive dissonance to blind them.
Funny that Muslim destroyed false Gods but pray 5 times a day Towards an old satanic ( from their beliefs) site, if this is not paganism, what is?
Cult members always believe their version of reality ...
Will you stop using the word pagan it's Latin it means the one who grows our food find another, please.
Read "The Etymology of the word Pagan"..
@toledomarcos70 well from my knowledge, the word is used as I wrote it but if you have a better one please tell...
😂هذا يدل المسيحيين مايعرفون شي عن دينهم بس يستخدمون سخريه و سب و شتم على الإسلام فقط بدون دليل المشكلة تستخدمون شبهات قديمه عشان تثبتون نفسكم انكم انتصرتم على الإسلام 😂
2:56 I have duel Australian and British citizenship and a degree in Theology. Student loans for Australia only cover Australian universities, I’m not sure about the UK.
Are there any students doing the program from Australia or the UK who know the best way to fund an American Masters degree? As I’d love to do this course and make videos on my channel. Thank you and God bless.
That's a good question. You can e-mail Eliott at edavis@ves.edu and he can answer your question.
@ thank you
As best as you can, keep track of Muslims buying and destroying coins.
So historically when was it first recorded of the Shia and Sunni split in Islam?
Is there one person in the first 6 centuries AD who believed that Jesus was a muslim? 😅
Daniel 7:13. 2Corinthians 12::1-4?! Philippians 2:6-7?!. Hebrew 1:2?!. Isaias 1:18?!. Psalms 44:21
Matthew 12:36-37. Luke 19:9-12. Luke 15:11-18?!. Isaiah 62:1-2?!. Jeremiah 23:5-6?!.. Isaiah 53:6?!. Matthew 11:25. Matthew 3:15. Matthew 7:21-23. Matthew 6:33. Filipos 2:6-7?!. Matthew 11:26-30?!. Isaias 1:18?!. Proverb 28:9. Hebrew 10:31?!..Hebreo 4:12.
Are there videos sent in Arabic and Farsi?
The only Arabic/English videos I know is Christian Prince.
The Farsi language guy that talks about Islam, name is Parsa Irani. Good luck.
A stool with no legs is a chopping block.
Interesting. But why get the Arabic pronunciation so wrong? It's not 'muKHmed'. It's 'muHmed'! Don't confuse two different Arabic letters and their different pronunciations as it undermines the prestige of your scholarship when you don't know the difference.
Good work Jay. I sent you an email from JETS
Please, where can I download Dr Jay's powerpoints? I've been a long time fan and repost his teachings on tikT and twit, but I really could use the powerpoint he usually uses.
Exodus 20:1-20. Deuteronomy 1:11. Proverb 30:4?!
They will force us call Al Lah , the Godfather. So?
@ 15:19 did this guy really say muhammad(police be upon him) was poisoned by his wife?
the wife of a man he had killed
Nothing shows up until the 1100s. And just take the authorship at face value!
What's crazy is if the dome of the rock is the sight where muhammad landed on his flying donkey and ascended to heaven to get the 5 daily prayers, why is it there are no inscriptions on or in it referencing this story? It might be that story was invented years later just to make it a holy sight for islam.
who took Jerusalem in 637 AD?
Could someone ask Mel Gibson, Dallas Jenkins or other to produce a film version of the thriller "The TOPKAPI SECRET?"
It's a fictional adventure - but what it exposes about the origin and corruption of the Qu.ran is accurate. In other words, it is a true Da Vinci Code of the Qu.ran!
One noted Hollywood producer is interested in it but doesn't have the funding.
Now, the second topic, and this is something that even Dr Jay completely either misses, or ignores, which pains me. The topic is the Covenant that goes through Abraham, Issac, etc. BUT, the actual story must be included…and that is Sari becomes Sarah, just like Abram becomes Abraham. Who cares, one might say. Well, remember in the Genesis story, first Abram and Sari go to Egypt, he tells her that since she is so beautiful, the Egyptians might kill him, and take her…..so just tell them that we are Brother and Sister. Then, years later when they, and Lott have moved closer to another “kingdom” (which is not really big, big), once again they agree to say to the King that they are brother and sister (just like when in Egypt). But he seizes her anyway (but has not had sex with her). God sends him a famine, and he calls Abraham to question him about it. He tells Abraham he can have her (the sister) back. Abraham tells the king that they are actually married, BUT ARE ACTUALLY BROTHER AND SISTER FROM THE SAME FATHER !! They both are from the same blood line, making the Covenant pure, and the birth of Issac is the result of that Covenant. Dr Jay does say that Abraham gets God’s Covenant, but the truth is THEY BOTH (Abraham and Sarah) are equal partners with God, AND THE FAMILY BLOOD LINE IS PURE FROM THEIR BIOLOGICAL FATHER. There is no such Covenant relationship between Abraham and Hagar. Please explain the actual story when you continue with Dr Jay. Thank you again, from the bottom of this 78 year old grandfather’s heart.
Praise the Almighty God of Israel in the name of Jesus Christ.
Ask AI about Islam.😊
My father cannot die,can he?
You know that Zubaida aqueduct.Mel mentioned that it was an advanced construction feat/achievement.
How can it be known,if that structure was not constructed well before persay the 8th century.Claims are about that Makkah Saudi spot was a Shiva place,and the Indian world seem to have expertise when it comes to construction working.
I love watching Christians making nonsensical claims about Islam... 🤣 Desperate times I know right ?😂😂 Anyway thank you for helping in making Islam the fastest growing religion in the world.
You fool it's because the muslimas are baby making machines !
Jesus or Emmanuel who is your Savior?!? Proverb 28:9. Leviticus 5:17. Hebreo 10:31.
Do you know the meaning of Emmanuel..?😂😂
Having listened to the quran and looked into his early life. I see the same misinterpretation said by man as do Popes and preachers. Talk about the eschatology in the quran. Head covering aka nuns. His religion was Catholicism, Judaisum/Rome was killing Christians by the 1000s . The trauma caused by the crusades the murder and killings in the name of Christ is horrific. None of that was/is scriptural to do. In fact its the opposite. Yet here we are picking apart mans traditions and customs non scriptural yet dont look at our own misinterpretation of the Word.
If that's your mission, get on with it. It is not Jay's mission.
BTW, the Crusades, while they were mixed with politics, were a defensive campaign against the Islamic conquest of Judea and Samaria (aka Roman Palestine province). Battles were conducted as battles were conducted in those times. If you want to see how that played out. ISIS was doing exactly the Saracen playbook. Islam has always been a politico-religious supremacist cult. Meanwhile Islamic armies wiped out the Christian communities in North Africa, Asia Minor and the Middle East.
What misinterpretation? There is no firsthand, second, or third hand account of any mohammed who lived in mecca during the 6th century. Its all hearsay.
And to add, the crusades was to liberate Christians from over 4 centuries islamic of subjugation and slavery.
I was NOT responsible for the Crusades, and neither were you. Let's avoid the whataboutism nonsense and stick to the subject.
Don't forget crusades were defensive wars againts centuries of islamic violence and brutality. If crusaders had not stopped the muslims, they would have drowned Europe in blood. Thanks God crusaders stopped this evil.
ياصاحب قناة اذا فيك خير تعال تناقش مع المسلمين متعلمين اذا انت مو خايف بدال ماتتكلم عن دين الإسلام من أشخاص جهلاء مايعرفون الإسلام، مش😅نفس شبهات مليون مره
Jay Smith is not an ignorant person. You have not offered a single fact to refute anything that he has out forward.
@@TMOC1977😂😂وانت مثل الأحمق تصدق اي شي بدون ما تبحث
why dont you go and find and see where the sun sets according to the koran it sets in a muddy pool where some people live so go find it and take pictures also did you know that sperm comes from the ribs thats according to your so called perfect book also did you know that the universe was created first and in another place the earth was made first and it all came from smoke and yes i have a koran and have read it and there are alot more of this stuff in it
When a plane malfunctions, everyone on board depends on the pilot's quick thinking and expertise to survive. But when we encounter flawed information, especially about important things like religion, we're each responsible for making our own choices. The consequences of a wrong decision might not be as immediate as a plane crash, but they can still be very serious.
Wow this is some powerful stuff. I'm an Orthodox Christian where can I buy these coins?
Wow. Stop yelling
Just talk in a regular voice.