@InsaneActual my computer is ok I have 4070. And don’t care about fps. Rdr2 I can play 60 fps 2k + I don’t want to set settings for best fps but lose quality of picture. I’m only worry that if I will have less fps than hertz of monitor I will lose quality of picture, than if I had monitor with less hertz? . I saw video about aoc monitor 165 hertz and the guy told that if you play 60 fps there pic of game loooks bad
Looks good. If I may suggest a monitor that looks awesome. The Benq Mobiuz is a good pick if you want visuals and not worry about PC gameplay. I think you will do yourself a disservice if you get this monitor and only get 1080p. www.amazon.com/BenQ-EX2510S-FreeSync-optimization-Adjustable/dp/B09BJVGK92/ref=asc_df_B09BJVGK92/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=546144295672&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16253336792969057470&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9025851&hvtargid=pla-1431147612906&psc=1
I just bought it from Best Buy for 360 i pick it up tomorrow can’t wait!
Got mine today it’s amazing
@@Alfredoflores.r6 it sure is
@InsaneActual my computer is ok I have 4070. And don’t care about fps. Rdr2 I can play 60 fps 2k + I don’t want to set settings for best fps but lose quality of picture. I’m only worry that if I will have less fps than hertz of monitor I will lose quality of picture, than if I had monitor with less hertz? . I saw video about aoc monitor 165 hertz and the guy told that if you play 60 fps there pic of game loooks bad
Hey have you used this on ps5? I know ps5 doesnt support 1440p but how does it look? Is it upscaled?
Looks good. If I may suggest a monitor that looks awesome. The Benq Mobiuz is a good pick if you want visuals and not worry about PC gameplay. I think you will do yourself a disservice if you get this monitor and only get 1080p.
Looks good, but please don't keep that pc on the floor.