The Sinwar code and the Fall of Edom - A Message ahead of Gog and Magog

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024
  • What is the Stunning message that left to us that is hidden in Haftarah of Ezeikel 38? Join Rabbi Dr. Shapira the Author of the Fall of Edom and The New Hamas to a epic and shocking message.
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  • @emmerentialemmer1051
    @emmerentialemmer1051 7 годин тому

    Thank you. Learning so much. I just find it diffivult to listen when you are raising your voice so much.

  • @michekids
    @michekids 2 дні тому +4

    Chag Sukkot Sameach. With Love and Echad from Seattle. Am Yisrael Chai

  • @tekeletChoi
    @tekeletChoi 2 дні тому +3

    너무나도 귀하고 놀라운 말씀 가르쳐 주셔서 감사드립니다! 랍비님과 함께 늘 수고해 주시는 미쒤님, 고맙습니다!

  • @arrond316
    @arrond316 День тому +5

    God bless you much!

  • @elishevalier5181
    @elishevalier5181 День тому +3

    Truly a revealing teaching! How incredibly amazing דבר אדוני is and that this is in the Parashah and Haftarah of Sukkot!

  • @TheMalka770
    @TheMalka770 День тому +3

    I LOVE the bible codes! Love love love

  • @devadas8048
    @devadas8048 2 дні тому +5

    Sukkot shalom brother

  • @williamcanady169
    @williamcanady169 День тому +4

    I'm a mashiah'iyim in america and I will always be for Israel. Am Yisrael Hai. Please stay safe Israel

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому +1

    Thank you Rabbi Shapira for sounding the alarm and blowing the shofar to warn His children the day of the Lord is upon us all. Wake up and share this timely information Rabbi Shapira has shared with us. The harvest is plenty and the workers are few.

  • @GaryHall-e7p
    @GaryHall-e7p День тому +3

    Come LORD JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth amen 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому +2

    Please read Obadiah and Joel for this time period to understand prophecy too. Obadiah and Joel mentions the lands and people in battle today against Israel. Psalms of Ascent 120-134 is 2020-2034. Please understand Ezekiel wheel is time within time meaning there will be patterns of different time periods. There is a 40 year pattern and a 14 year pattern, there is a 7 year pattern, etc. All are correct based on context of the bible prophecy. For example, Israelites were in captivity 210 years. However, the Torah mentions 400 years and 430 years. It was 430 years to Exodus with Abraham when he was 70 years old and made a covenant with Abraham. It was 400 years to Exodus when Issac was born. Both dates are correct, but you have to apply context in order to understand prophecy. The same goes for today. You must understand the context of scripture to see prophecy. Also, we must understand that once prophecy is fulfilled it may happen again. For example, in Esther the 10 sons of Haman who hung on the gallows. Esther prophecied that "tomorrow" may the 10 sons of Haman hang on the gallows. It was fulfilled 1946 Nuremberg trials and the 10 men of Hitler were hung on the gallows. Purim feast 1946. The same will happen again the 10 toes nations of Daniel statue will be defeated forever once and for all. The Tower of Babel and all its heads will be defeated. What was will be. All Praise and Glory to God!

  • @TheBeabaldridge
    @TheBeabaldridge День тому

    why does Amazon only have the books in kindle format? I have them in kindle, but am ordering the printed book form from your website.

  • @raptusjulius
    @raptusjulius День тому

    Shalom ve baraka! Excellent revelation indeed! But what about "NATSAL"? It is encoded in this magnificent passage! A Song of Trust in God's Provision
    …20Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed. 21For behold, the LORD is coming out of His dwelling to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth will reveal her bloodshed and will no longer conceal her slain. Isaiah 26.
    God will save His faithful from the earth, the earth of the dying and who don't trust Him. The Christian rapture is in Isaiah!

  • @TheBeabaldridge
    @TheBeabaldridge День тому

    Unbelievable. Is there going to be an edited transcript? I can't understand some of the words, even though there is a transcript it garbles them.

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому +1

    I definitely believe we are in the period of Gog and magog, but the last main battle will not take place until 2037-2039. The timeline is Ezekiel. The last 40 years in the desert began Sept 11, 2001. It was the World Trade Center that was attacked. The tower of Babel. The final 40 years in the desert before entering the Promised land and Earth Promised and Prophecied to Abraham in Torah when covenant was made through Issac, Jacob, and all the tribes of Israel. Sept 11, 2001 event was like the gun going off at a track meet to alert runners this is the last lap to the end of the race.

    • @spaceman9877
      @spaceman9877 День тому

      HaShem bless your soul. Only dust would remain if youre looking at 2037 😂

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому

    Tribe of Judah Symbol-Lion
    From National Geographic
    "For all of their roaring, growling, and ferociousness, lions are family animals and truly social in their own communities. They usually live in groups of 15 or more animals called prides."
    "While the females usually live with the pride for life, the males often stay for only two to four years. After that they go off on their own or are evicted by other males who take over the pride. When a new male becomes part of the pride it is not unusual for him to kill all the cubs, ensuring that all future cubs will have his genes. The main job of males in the pride is defending the pride's territory. A male's loud roar, usually heard after sunset, can carry for as far as five miles (eight kilometers). The roar warns off intruders and helps round up stray members of the pride."
    The roar of the lion depicts the Blowing of the Shofar going into battle and gathering the people of Israel to return.

  • @RobortRo
    @RobortRo День тому

    You are to late judgement starts first at the house of God.Yeshua has judged and brings your trouble.

  • @dorcasvillacorta5697
    @dorcasvillacorta5697 День тому

    Should translate those book in spanish.

    • @AhavatAmmi
      @AhavatAmmi  День тому

      been translated long ago and available at

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому +1

    This was written by David Atten borough.
    "When a wolf loses a fight with another wolf and realizes that there is no chance of winning, he calmly offers his jugular vein to his opponent as if to say, 'I lost, let's end it!" However, at this moment, something incredible is happening: the wolf that won becomes kind of paralyzed.
    For thousands of years, irresistible forces prevent him from killing the one who has the mind to humbly admit defeat.
    A basic mechanism embedded in DNA or more stops the winning wolf and reminds him that species is more important than pleasure than eliminating an opponent.
    In the world of wolves, no one calls a wolf who has dealt with defeat, a coward. No one condemns the one who could have killed but refrained himself.
    There is simply no winner.
    Two wolves part ways and the circle of life goes on.
    If only people learned from wolves instead of killing each other for self-assurance, pride, money and power!
    All answers can be found by observing the language of nature.”
    Credit: David Attenborough

    • @sharoncarolbrand1645
      @sharoncarolbrand1645 День тому

      How does that tie in with Israel fighting for survival since the state was formed. Take a look at the old testament.....Attenborough never did.

  • @sharoncarolbrand1645
    @sharoncarolbrand1645 День тому +2

    Gog is Obama R Kessin

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому +1

    The Pharisees and Sadducees was looking for Messiah ben David. They were not looking for Messiah ben Joseph so that is one of the main reasons they missed seeing Yeshua. They expect the Messiah to defeat the Romans, and that wasn't the time yet because Yeshua came as Messiah ben Joseph. When Yeshua returns, He will return Messiah ben David. Yeshua comes to destroy evil once and for all as Messiah ben David. Please don't jump to Gog and magog first when the nations will go through judgment ie tribulation first then judgment will come for House of Judah with the battle of Gog and magog. The war in Israel now God is using this event to judge the heart of each nation to measure out judgment. Measure for measure. Each country will reap what they sow. This war in Israel and how each country helps and stands beside Israel will be judged and rewarded, and each country that is against Israel will be judged and rewarded based on each countries actions. Each individual in each nation heart will be judged at the same time and will receive reward for good and evil intentions. Then at the end House of Judah will go through judgment and tribulation at the battle of Gog and magog war and Yeshua will reveal Himself. The House of Judah the House of Israel and the House of Joseph the House of Israel, the two sticks will come together. Ezekiel 37:15-28 to battle Gog and magog war. Then both Houses of Israel together will restore the Temple, like during Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

  • @CraigOppenlander-vb2cv
    @CraigOppenlander-vb2cv 6 годин тому

    According to the Torah you are edom… Rome/Esav…any spiritual belief in a son man god… spiritual progeny of edom… citations: artscroll commentary to genesis 32: the angel was the guardian angel of Esav…HaSatan…

  • @jeanthornton2441
    @jeanthornton2441 2 дні тому +3

    Edom is Rome , the christianity pagan , Ishmael is Islam

    • @AhavatAmmi
      @AhavatAmmi  2 дні тому +3

      indeed, i wrote a lot about it. Have you read The Fall of Edom and The New Hamas?

  • @valeriesotiropoulos9720
    @valeriesotiropoulos9720 День тому +1

    Yes I think it is Obama for quiet awhile so does my friend

    • @angelashort1331
      @angelashort1331 День тому

      Obama is orchestrating with mus ., lim., bro,hood. , Watch his comments to Biden, he has a plan, it's NOT GOOD , Pentagon , lethal force on usa citizens ,

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому

    Gog and magog war is coming much later. Ezekiel is the timeline. The House of Israel went through judgment first when it fell in 721BC. Then the House of Judah went to war and was attacked 701 BC. That is the order. First, the nations and the scattered House of Israel will go through judgment first. Secondly, the House of Judah will go through judgment at the Gog and magog war and Yeshua will reveal who He is to the House of Judah. What was will be. There is nothing new under the sun. God is a God of order. Before Ezekiel 38 the Gog and magog war is the judgment of the nation's Ezekiel 25-32 Ammon, Moab, Philistia, Tyre, Sidon, and Egypt. 2025-2032. Then judgment comes hope for Israel 2032-2036. Then 2037-2039 then Gog and magog war and Yeshua will reveal Himself to the Jews like Joseph revealed himself to his brothers. Then finally 2040-2048 The New Jerusalem and Temple will be restored together, like during Ezra and Nehemiah. The timeline is all in Ezekiel. What was will be. God does not change. Time and the Hebrew calendar is cyclical. Judgment comes to nations first, then House of Judah in Israel in that order.

    • @spaceman9877
      @spaceman9877 День тому +1

      Moedim, never Chronos, never Sequential.. it is appointed times...

  • @gaillee5747
    @gaillee5747 День тому

    The tribe of Joseph symbol is Wheat. When Yeshua came first, he said I have only come here for the lost tribe of Israel Ephraim. Yeshua first came for the scattered wheat to restore them back to the Kingdom of God. Now when Yeshua returns He returns as Messiah ben David to save the tribe of Judah and gather all of His wheat children who are from the lost House of Israel. The parable of the wheat and tares. House of Judah has the symbol of the Lion. Please study the behavior of lions. Lions not only kill his adversary, but he will also kill the cubs of the adversary too. King Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin tribe symbol was a wolf. Research the behavior of the wolf. The wolf will fight and sometimes kill his adversary, but many times, after defeat, the wolf will let his adversary go free, which is what King Saul did. That is why Yeshua will return as Messiah ben David to destroy the adversary and his clubs, i.e.,hasatan and his people, i.e., children. That is why God regretted making Saul king because Tribe of Benjamin nature is not to always kill his adversary but sometimes let them go. That is another reason Benjamin allowed evil people to stay in their land and because they didn't destroy evil in their land the tribe of Israel was almost destroyed. It was the evil children of Belial who were evil who lived amongst them. Tribe of Benjamin kept silent like Joseph's brother Benjamin kept silent when falsely accused of stealing golden cup. History repeats itself. What was will be.