Remember that time Evola was charged in Italian court with trying to revive fascism, and his defense was "I'm not a fascist, I'm a Superfascist." And he was acquitted. Lolz.
@@arturnicaciodeandrade9861 'Superfascista' was the term he used I believe. Evola was a bawss, a straight savage, zero chill on that guy. Someone needs to make some thug life Evola memes with the spliff and sunglasses.
@@enki6676 In italian the word "super" mean "beyond" or more precisly "higher then". But it is pretty funny how he basicly just too right wing to be called a fascist truly one of the most "based" thing anyone said in court.
Fun fact: Evola was charged pre war with being anti-fascist, and post war with being a fascist. Interestingly, he was found not guilty of both charges.
I’d be interested to hear their thoughts on Ernst Jünger. He had a dislike of Fascism/Nazism for similar reasons. He’s also just a fascinating character in general.
I remember that I basically interrogated a self-proclaimed communist who actually was interested in speaking and discussing with me about the differences between communism, fascism, extremism, nationalsocialism (nazism) and the different, political ideologies. I asked him the difference between communism and fascism and his answer was, simply, that their methods were slightly different but ultimately worked for the same outcome. I noted that both outcomes were of extremity which he agreed upon. Both were of totalitarian state, both wanted a level of democracy adhering to the state, both wanted everything to be of the state, by the state and for the state, along with the entirety of the people. The only difference I could differ from him and his way of looking at it is that he basically lied to himself that communism and fascism, in their outcomes, were the exact same, just for different cause and intent. He insisted that communism was to help the overall man and that the state will always be democratic and stand in solidarity with the weak. He couldn't see that fascism promised the same. He did say that communism wants to remove the old ways and tradition in every possible terms which fascism would appeal to initially and then discard afterwards. The weird thing about him is that he never confirmed nor acknowledged that people can exist outside our visual frame of reference, for I spoke at length about a young woman of inbound creativity, innocence and passionate heart who had killed herself, whose tombstone we stood in front of, decorated with childlike glamour and with unicorn-ish theme, of whom he was so sorry to know that someone that creative would be so oppressed by society to commit suicide. I asked him if he could picture her with what I had spoken of her in front of the tombstone, and no, he absolutely couldn't and didn't see any use of such rubbish. He was a useful idiot and soulless, although I commend his willingness to clarify the differences between the extremities as a self-proclaimed communist, despite his own blindness to the commonalities between the extremities.
i've had similar conversations. i had a coworker who called himself a communist/socialist, and his brother called himself an "anarcho communist". i pointed out that fascism, communism, national socialism, etc, were all just different interpretations of the same idea, lent inspiration by karl marx, and colored by the different cultures trying to pursue the idea. also pointed out to the brother that "anarcho communism" is an oxymoron. pointed out to both that socialism is inherently totalitarian, not just authoritarian. the anarcho commie brother wasn't too bright but the plain commie was sharp enough that the analogy: neopolitan ice cream, all three flavors are still ice cream = communism, socialism, national socialism, all three are socialism, socialism is an economic/political hybrid theory. looking into his eyes, i think the ice cream got his gears turning, but the next time we spoke about it he was saying things like "i'll refine the idea and make it right!", and i pointed out that hitler literally says almost exactly that when he talks about HIS version of socialism, in mein kampf lol...
Most of the communists I've talked to have refused to admit that Fascism is from the same branch, yet they will vehemently claim that Stalin, Pol Pot, et cetera were all fascists.
Look…we’re just going to have to accept that for some people their ideology, and concept of conviction are about of in-depth as their choice of football team.
@semi-useful5178 I think fascism is a totally different branch of thought all together. The only real thing fascism and national Socialism share with communism and Socialism is having an authoritarian state. Almost every other part is the complete opposite. Fascism descends from.the pagan tribal might makes right branch of European thought where as liberalism and communism descend from the egalitarian Christian branch of European thought
The "Big Lie" is that Fascism is "Right Wing" to begin with. Fascism, Socialism and Communism are merely variations on a theme. The "Right vs Left Paradigm" with Communism on the far left and Fascism on the far right makes as much sense as a paradigm of musical genres being West Coast Hip Hop on one extreme and East Coast Hip Hop on the opposite extreme.
It depends on who you're comparing them to. The fascists were 100% to the right of the liberal allied powers, using moldbug's definition of right and left, but a traditionalist like Evola was to the right of both.
No mate. Liberalism is on the right in the west. Leftism = collectivism (socialism, communism, Faggotry) (Fascism in English is faggot) Rightism = individualism Axiomatically fascism is on the left. It was literally invented by a Marxist and a socialist......
those are ultimately meaningless terms, left means simply a marxist socialists, worldwide but right is an extremely loose term and means diffrent things in diffrent countries
A wonderful channel, wonderful subject, wonderful book, wonderful philosopher and wonderful language and accent you're talking. Thank you very much and greetings from me your German neighbour 🌹🌹🌹
There's just something right and fitting to the look of the Hairy Lotus Eater sitting in that chair, in the Library, having a nice chat with us about books. Again, that studio, is like a Hobbit hole, and a Hobbit hole, well that means comfort.
and LOTR is GLOBALIST PROPAGANDA made by a metropolitan immigrant son and academic elite to push Little England's acceptance of Globalism, and how they can be a 'key part of it'... Tolkien did untold damage to English Nationalism... Made Little Englander's subservient pawns to Globalist Elites of The West.
I adore the aesthetic they have. Harry looking old fashion in the suit and white button up (should have a tie) with the wavy old fashioned hair and the dog eared physical book and Carl with the smart black shirt and coat and iPad. Nice complement to each other.
I read Mussolini's auto biography. Another enlightening read. It's something to me to have the tale of a man of that era in his own words, the twisted truths tell you more then the truthes themselves sometimes. Rather interesting.
"...the twisted truths tell you more then the truthes themselves..." History is written by the victors. Were they true at the time is what matters, not the _revised_ truth. How many "truths" do people believe now that have no application to reality? Is diversity really strength?
Seeing Carl and Harry sat in that man cave like proper English gentleman of old while discussing Evola and fascism in nuanced detail is exquisite. The only thing missing are monocles and fake/empty wooden pipes.
Whether youre talking about a modernist or a monarchist right-wing state, what we really need is the e-word, that is, deliberately and systematically incentivizing the propagation of good genes and the opposite of the bad ones. This is the only way that the human species will survive complete and utter obsolescence at the hands of the AI singularity. We're really swimming upstream here, no matter how extreme you get with your countermeasures. This is a huge reason why the Christian right and even a sort of theocracy would just lead to a homogeneously African planet, even though their opposition to abortion is counter-Biblical (Exodus), and their arguments against IVF are weak and almost sound SJW.
Yes, but there are some incorrect facts stated, such as that Evola was not allowed to join the fascist party or that he had an aristocratic background. He didn't want to be a member of the party, not that they vetoed him. There is also no proof that he had noble blood. He certainly had a noble sensibility and worldview, yes, but without an aristocratic family, this is nothing more than a legend.
Also in the statement that Fascism had a traditionalist aesthetic, it is necessary to insert nuances in this analysis. Yes, it is true that Fascism made references to Roman elements and symbols such as the eagle and the fascio and the predominant style in painting, the Novecento, did not fit into the most up-to-date avant-garde aesthetics of those days. However, on the other side there was rationalist architecture and Futurism, started before Fascism and continued during its years, especially its development in Aeropittura. Fascist aesthetics were both traditionalist and avant-garde, celebrating the Roman influence and technological revolution represented by dymanism, speed, cars, planes and bicycles, the futurist sensibility that detested the old, ancient
To a classical liberal, all Countries in history were left wing because the government did stuff, meanwhile I’m still here wondering what are the differences between a classical liberal and communist outside of the model of the economy, you know, things like internationalism vs nationalism, tradition vs modernity, hierarchy vs egalitarianism, religion vs spiritualism vs atheism vs divinification of political ideologies themselves, model of the family structure, protection from outside threats etc etc. Search for Thomas Rowlandson’s the contrast (1793) and see how many things you agree there with a modern day communist
Communism would be anti nationalism as it promotes the eventual end of borders. It would be egalitarian as it promotes a state enforced equality. As for the rest a communist could believe either.
Communism is the daughter of liberalism. It's the logical conclusion to that thought. Its Christian thinking. "All men are created equal all must have equality of opportunity ect" but when reality hits home and we see that all men are not created equal the reaction from these types is "everyone is equal but people are not reaching equal outcomes therefore someone must be preventing them from reaching equity" and there you get communism
Communism is the daughter of liberalism. It's the logical conclusion to that thought. Its Christian thinking. "All men are created equal all must have equality of opportunity ect" but when reality hits home and we see that all men are not created equal the reaction from these types is "everyone is equal but people are not reaching equal outcomes therefore someone must be preventing them from reaching equity" and there you get communism
A. James Gregor - this guy wrote few books about fascism and Marxism. In one of his books he traced exactly how Giovanni Gentile developed doctrine of fascism from Hegelian thought. "All totalitarianism of the twentieth century were predicated on a systematic, anti-individualistic collectivism. In the case of Marxist-Leninism, the source was classical Marxism. [Giovanni] Gentile had carefully dissected the neo-Hegelian roots of that collectivism. What he found missing in the collectivism of Marx was ethical concern. He sought to provide that concern to the collectivism of Fascism-a collectivism that shared a common intellectual origin with Marxism and Marxism-Leninism." A. James Gregor - Giovanni Gentile: Philosopher of Fascism
Who was then attacked for attempting to justify the intellectual background of fascism with Mussolini’s Intellectuals, because God forbid we try to understand the people who disagree with us or admit they might be right.
I unironicly feel my IQ growing watching these kind of videos. THIS, Brokenomics and Contemplations is what makes the Lotus Eaters stand far apart from everyone else. That and Callum's banter.
I've been very much interested in reading Evola but have yet to start with Metaphysics of Power. It's interesting to see other people hear about him and his works.
My nonno (grandfather) had a card, else he could not have a job. America confiscated the records of Mussolini's government and so my family was denied access to the US; hence why I'm Canadian. I liked being Canadian for most of my life, that is until Mr. Socks came along; and I'm not referring to a cat.
Julius Evola was never important to the Italians or even the Germans. Tikhistory does and amazing deep dive on this and Evola has been sighted by mainstream historians but when you look at how people of those governments actual saw Evola he was only sighted by Mussolini as a joke to scare the Catholic Church. Mussolini basically told the church to do as he asked or he would send Evola to be the new Pope. (Mussolini Sarcasm he called him the race pope) Evola was a laughing stock to axis governments. He carried no really sway or power but they let him hang around sometimes to laugh at him. The best explanation of this is the Tikhistory video here on UA-cam called "FASCISM DEFINED The Difference between Fascism and National Socialism." Tik is a WW2 historian and mostly concentrates on the battles but his political videos are some of the best researched I have seen.
Of course, he was not important to them. He was not a materialist technocrat, which were the kings of post-great war society. To the ruling men of that age, he seemed a crazy mystic ranting about such strange and arcane ideas as spirits or honor.
@@napoleonfeanor Yea it was a rebranded socialism that scaled back the internationalism to a more centralized nationalism married to trade unionism, syndicalism, and Fascism was more actualism. The National Socialists in Germany were something very different compared to the Italians. But most historians and Marxists will point to Evola and say AH-HA see its all the same thing. This is because the Marxists don't want to be closely related to the Germans. But look close to the primary sources like the H-Mans stupid struggle book and works like the Vampire Economy and you begin to see that Lenin and the Painter aren't so different. Mussolini on the other hand had 10,000 Jewish members of his party as well as a mistress Margherita Safatti until 1938. Its a tangled web the 1930s and 40s but Eovla was not as important as the Mainstream would want you to believe.
As it always is, when communists speak of fascism, it is always lies for fascism is the devil that they see in the mirror. Capitalism's child is communism but communism's child is fascism. When the idea of the "eternal revolution to end history" is embarked, communists will soon realize that time moves forward, history goes on, bricks and stones must be laid, memories must be remembered, and the sacred order - heiros archos - heirarchy continues.
tik Is intellectually dishonest he wants to draw conclusions that fascism socialism and national socialism are just one same thing when in fact they take parts of other ideologies with some ideological lineage but also distinctly cut off from each other Inside metaphysical ideas he's just a libertarian trying to play socialism is fascism and national socialism is socialist It will be much easier to view ideology as a triangle
@@ColinMurphy-v2p existence itself is binary, but all the different opposites dont map perfectly onto each other. for example, light is both feminine and male, but darkness is both masculine and female. so you have gay vs lesbian. loki/lux vs kali
Yes, the works of our side are becoming more and more common and made attention of because of the significance of the truth. They should start doing videos on works by Jonathan Bowden, Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano.
I dont think its right to concieve of solar and lunar as opposites on an axis, from what I understood both are a type of spirituality with lunar being a step down from solar and telluric being the completely profane.
A commie will always say that comparing socialism/communism to fascism is like comparing apples to oranges. That might be true, but anyone who subscribes to the ideas of individualism, meritocracy, liberty, and negative rights will just say that both are authoritarian collectivism and should be avoided. In other words, apples and oranges are different but both are fruits.
Ok? That's silly tho that's literally the one trait that they share authoritarianism. One could easily find much more similarly between communism and liberalism. Both view all men as being created equal both have equality and prosperity as their aim both are anti aristocratic and anti hierarchical both are ultimately individualist seeing people as being more divided by personal circumstance than by race or culture
@@danieldelaney1377 and just that trait alone is enough to reject them both. Liberalism is voluntary. Communism and fascism is not. You seriously think communism's attempts to force everything into being perfectly equal doesn't also include removing individuality? What is the marxist view of meritocracy or negative rights, which would also include property rights?
"anyone who subscribes to the ideas of individualism, meritocracy, liberty, and negative rights" is a liberal fool. Hope you're better today than when you made your comment. :)
For the similarity in kind of Progressivism and fascism, one can just read the early American Progressive, Herbert Croly. Upon reading his The Promise of American Life and Progressive Democracy, one sees clearly that the Progressives of the early 20th century were proto-fascists. Their sister movement and religious arm, the Social Gospel, was actually more radical and slotted into Progressivism quite smoothly. Essentially, the early American Progressives were Christian fascists. Compare Croly's "national democracy" to Adolf's "national socialism." The Progressives may have done some things for wage-labourers, the poor, and so on, but they were thoroughgoing nationalists, racists, anti-immigrationists, colonialists, and imperialists. I'd say the early American Progressives were about 2/3rds of the way between Jeffersonian constitutional republicanism and Nazism.
You might be interested in reading Michael Witcoff's book, 'Fascism Viewed From The Cross'. He's an interesting character, a Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity and former Freemason who wrote a book critiquing that organisation called 'The Masons And Their Lies'.
Not any more they don't. Their website mentioned they got a cease and desist letter from the state some time ago telling them to stop publishing books. Pretty sure they are a think-tank now.
I prefer the theme of this (almost pompous) set far more than the new (and cold/blown out) studio set.....the old (and now gone) set was ironically a well working mid point between the two.....ahhh I'm gonna go listen to Bowie!
The primary flaw of Julius Evola is that his concept of Traditionalism was entirely artificial and ahistorical. His primary motivation for his ideals is a combination of Nietzsche's philosophy with a personal hatred for the Catholic Church and Christianity at large. His prescriptive ideas boil down into returning to a state of humanity before Christianity. The problem is that its hard to know what that state exactly is and many different cultures across the world had different states. Evola ends up cherry-picking concepts for pagan Europe and India to create a way of living her personally liked in spite of the fact it never existed in history. The artificiality of his ideas is why they held such little influence during his own time. Julius Evola has seen a bit of a revival in resent times because many staunch anti-theist have seen themselves move to the right side of the political spectrum. A return to tradition would be a return to Christianity, which they abhor, so they cling to Evola's "Traditionalism" because it gives them some basis for their personal beliefs.
There's other Catholic thinkers that talk about it the same phenomena Rene Guenon' He became disillusioned with Christianity later in life but this shows that Julius Evols idea is not distinctly anti christian It is much more is personally beliefs
By your own logic you are wrong. The traditionalism Evola charges is older than christendom, that's his whole point, be it ahistorical or not. Evola attempted to distill an ultimate traditionalism, because the "traditionalism" of christendom is arbitrary, in the negative sense. Why christendom and not paganism before it? It would be far more traditional, and it did exist for longer than Christianity has. Evola tried counter that treadmill of "my tradism is older than your tradism" by finding roots of traditionality. Is it ahistorical? Yeah probably. Would Evola's traditionalism achieve worldly success just as he suggests? No, just like every other ideology. But it is *interesting*. Also I dont see what Evola has to do with anti-theism.
@@BulletRain100 Morality of Christianity? Rubbish! Many of the current problems in Europe, in the West find their origin precisely in Christianity with its sentimentalist and pacifist morality, ethics, which consists of turning the other cheek and loving one's enemies. Of egalitarianism and Christian universalism, of the idea of equality between men before god, of the dignity inherent in each person, of the so called human family, all equal, worthy and loved by their sky dad. This modern obsession with minorities is nothing other than a mutation or an application of the Christian mentality obsessed with the weak, poor, oppressed figure. Christianity and the left share this fetish for the weak individual. All these create mental structures, of thought, that paralyze minds in the face of current and future challenges and enemies, a weak, emasculating, capitulating mentality.
Elitists in AA's milue hoping they make tbe cut via peddling dispondency and lack of action. Its like they are helping to prrepare us for loss of freedom and liberty. Thoughts?
Right or Left, Right, or Left. Over and Over, again and again people speak from the paradigm of this line back and forth, it is a false dichotomy and a "Matrix" which has eveyone. If drawn the figure we are really in would look like this /_\ a Trichotomy/Triumvirate l/Triquetra though disharmonious and eventually a Three-way standoff where the two bottom points which are equally shit merely from and in opposite direction reactions to one another would rather operate in a twisted sort of tag-team to defeat the top point because from their perspective the top point and their opposite point are the same, though only from the top point which is a 3d perspective is this actually accurate, from the bottom point's 2d perspective it's more willfully stupid than anything else. Now, I'm just the first guy to be heading towards and to reach the tip of the top point, and the first to give this heretofore nameless side a name, and I remain it's sole advocate. All of which essentially make me King of the North, the North being what I named this Political direction which can be distinguished rather easily from the Left and Right by the fact those in the North value Libertas over all other values, and Liberty in being fundamentally unsafe and chaotic/lacking in order is something that never can be anything other than at odds with Leftism and Rightism. Go figure that quite unbeknownst to the man, thanks to Johnathan Haight's research we have a measure of proof this Trichotomy is real, and even a test which will reveal the Northists as such. I myself played my own part in this research, an anonymous volunteer who took the test and thus offered up my data to be processed, I scored highest is value/trait Liberty and in Openness, while scoring lowest in Purity. And had I known I could score in such a category as Openness beforehand, I'd have tried to answer in a way to further maximize my score therein. It's the scoring highest in Liberty that will highlight the Northists. Why am I King, why that title? Because Autocracy, that the North shall have.
You guys are obsessed with the idea of a world view and it's really dumb, Even Yarvin shows a more dynamic understanding of this and applies it proportionately and he's a reactionary that I do not agree with his proposed solutions. He get's it's about perspective and why, As a result his analysis is far deeper and more thorough than yours as shown by his stream of consciousness on trigonometry. You have had people like myself in the comments point out these kinds of differences before and you just don't listen, you understand there are limits to worlds views sure but not a applied context as it's still abstract to most of you at a premise level and this is reflected in the commentary. At least all I am saying is do better, Could be worse.
Both elitism and equalitarianism are too extreme, failing to acknowledge the legitimate hierarchies AND equalities in man. Both/and not either/or - in this instance at least
We Europeans do because it's nationalistic and socially hierarchical. The Left/Right dichotomy in Europe excludes economics. Why can't yanks grasp that basic concept?
@@j.harrison6744 Because no one tells us that. Instead, europeans would much rather be nasty to us and make fun of us from afar rather than tell us why they believe the things they do.
"Obviously Fascism wasn't explicitly democratic." From the Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile: The Fascist state, on the other hand, is a popular state, and, in that sense, a democratic State par excellence...Every citizen shares a relationship with the State that is so intimate that the State exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the citizen. They viewed democracy as a two way street with both citizens and state affecting each other (the way every democracy works). It was most definitely explicitly democratic.
@Wicker_ ''Democracy is a system of government in which laws, policies, leadership, and major undertakings of a state or other polity are directly or indirectly decided by the “people,” a group historically constituted by only a minority of the population'' Britannica If every member of a society is part of the government, then every decision is made by the indirect participation of the entire population. Whilst no western ''democracies'' would label authoritarian states like North Korea as democratic. By the meaning of the word democracy, those who believe in those ideology have played on the world to mean that the state englobing everything is democracy to its fullest. Just like the Fascist have defined identity has being a national identity and that no other identity could exist. Therefore it meant that individuality could not exist without a national identity and that the nation's identity is the individual's identity. (Essentially defining collectivism as individualism by rejecting the notion that individuals aren't entire products of their groups and can be framed as separate entities(But from previous comments, i think you may be in agreements with the fascists, so we'll see)) There's plenty of ways to play around the words and its important to understand how those who do believe in theses uses of the word frame their worldview to properly propose a criticism and make it understandable for those that would be blinded to what they know.
@Wicker_ I don't see how your reply is actually connected to anything i have said. I didn't say they tried to justify themselves in anyway. I said, that is how they see democracy, it is not justification. That would require that they recognize their own words to be lie. Which i don't think they do. Some may but the believers don't and those are the ones that will be the most difficult to convince. My point is that the definition of democracy actually works with their vision of practicing democracy. It would be like saying that Marxist are liars for saying that the value of things is dependent on the labor of the people who makes them because that's not how we value things. Yes, it isn't how value works but they believe it is and to properly argue against that position than one must understand it and approach it from good faith. You won't convince a believer of Korean communism that it isn't democracy by just saying that's not how it is practiced. As for democracy being a bad system, i don't completely disagree. I would much rather have a good monarch over a good democracy. I think has a system it produces worst average society than average monarchies but it produces less extremes. A great democracy will never be as good as a great monarchy and a terrible democracy will never be as bad as a terrible monarch but it will also never be better on average for the reasons you spoke of.
I felt Evola hard to read because of the peculiar style of Romanic writing. Evola is popular among the extreme right and I cannot understand this. I feel it is not extreme enough. Your judgement of Fascism based on how it actually worked should be applied to all ideologies. Sadly, Democracy and Capitalism do not come out smelling of roses if you do this. I do not know of any country that has tried Liberalism, but it instinctively sounds like a bad idea. If your main complaint about Fascism is that it is involved in every aspect of the citizen's life, I fail to see how much more controlling it can be than liberal/socialist democracy. There is not a fucking thing in my life that the Democratic state does not stick it's controlling nose into.
I don't know of any country that has capitalism or democracy. You can't have capitalism AND centralized banking that just makes up money out of nothing all the time for the government to direct at will, especially at such scales that even experts are hard pressed to find investments that can keep up with inflation. Technically most places are democratic republics not democracies, but they aren't really that either because you can't have a democracy of any kind without an informed population, and the representatives don't really represent the public but special interests. The media manufacturers consent and manipulates perception rather than informs citizens, and candidates are pre filtered before the public even gets to vote and aren't obligated to fulfill any promises made to the public while campaigning, giving only the illusion of participation to the masses while in reality it appears to be an oligarchy of international elitists financial interests.
@@TheJeremyKentBGross"we've never had capitalism" is the same dumb gobshite as "wasn't real communism". This is utter buffoonery and why so many people don't take you "capitalists" seriously. You're a bleeding hypocrite.
I do wonder what it would have been like without the Soc, without the collectivist ideas, without the poison of Marxism. There would have been no idea of 'group justice', for example, so no death camps? But would they still have killed off all the infirm? Would they have done that more like Canada, where they metaphorically give ill people a gun and let them make the "choice" themselves?
Interesting comments… such energy and quick wit. As we ALL in the West see the hostile soft takeover of our nations and we debate and argue amongst ourselves.. take a moment and just consider utilizing some of that energy to at least attempt to change minds on the other side, which is one of the ways we can actually make a difference and fight back.. that said, I am incredibly taken by world history, ancient history, etc and being of European descent I am partial to by origins in particular.. it’s odd to me how a people could allow themselves to get beaten down in the manner Europeans have, in America we too have suffered the same, however it appears much more advanced for you all.. to be clear I am speaking to the current situation pertaining to this radical leftist movement, Marxist ideologies, and the like.. I don’t see the point in clapping back at the unnecessary name calling or references of of Yank, and what have you, not sure what that’s all about.. just a quick note , Americans are insufferable and ignorant in large numbers , however in any such case with people, it’s wise to keep in mind obviously there are going to be betters among them, who are quite aware of the idiocy and are hard pressed to refrain from initiating beatings daily. The harsh truth of the matter is the same fate lies ahead for us all if we do not succeed in thwarting these communist traitors.. so do your duty, dispense a backhand to a Marxist everyday.
Christianity is the axiological antecedent of all egalitarian ideologies. Marxism is derived from Christian ethics, specifically the doctrine of soul equality; the innate value and intrinsic worth of all who bear a human (or semi-human) countenance. Wokeness is Marxism with a shift in focus from economics (as conventionally understood) to culture, race, and sex. In truth, though, it was never about the welfare of the working class. That was a superficial garnish. In genetic terms, Marxism is the revolt of spiteful mutants against civilization. The Left is a coalition of genetic refuse, as Professor Edward Dutton has emphasised repeatedly. It always has been, but the recent waves of woke insanity have made this more obvious than ever. If germs and parasites were sentient, I imagine they would express anger at being identified for what they are and purged by the host's immune system. Similarly, the woke mob are angry when their mind virus is identified as a threat by healthy, sane people. It is unsurprising, then, that SJWs think the mind virus they subscribe to is harmless and that the healthy immune response against it is the true pathology. Spandrell's bioleninism thesis is the best analysis out there, by far. In short, the egalitarian Left is quantity and the hereditarian Right is quality. Healthy human behaviours, like ethnocentrism and aversion to abnormal things like homosexuality and the transgender cult, have been pathologised as “racism” and “phobia” by Christian ethics and the atheist liberals (secular creationists) who, though they disavow institutional Christianity, are still running the Christian software that Western man has internalised over the past two millennia. It has been entrenched in Western culture for so long that many people regard egalitarian values and human rights as self-evident truths. Over the course of 2000 years, it became axiomatic in the Western mind. Nietzsche was the first to make the connection and denounce Christian slave morality as the original psych-op, but many conservatives and reactionaries who oppose wokeness still don't understand that Christianity is where the egalitarian poison comes from. It has always been a Trojan horse for introducing Levantine malware into the European mind. It inverted the values of classical civilization, which would have been an immense task in a time before mass communication. Unless we successfully extract the Christian cancer in its entirety, we will never traverse the psychological Rubicon. Christianity is the nemesis of the hereditarian, eugenic, meritocratic Right, because Christian ethics (soul equality) are antithetical to evolution, a merciless process of elimination. Because evolution is synonymous with life itself, Darwinian explanations for our behaviour are indeed the primary explanations. If that makes you uncomfortable, remember that life is nothing more than a ruthless gladiatorial tournament of genes. The Nazis were the abandonment of Christian ethics and the revaluation of all values that Nietzsche prophesied. Some people wonder why, despite having a considerably higher death toll, communism is not reviled like Nazism. The reason is because communism is not a departure from Christian axiology; it deifies the lower classes and demonises the strong. “The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.” It is Darwinism in reverse. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. are moral indictments based in Christian ethics (soul equality). It has no bearing on the brutal Darwinian reality, which has no obligation to be pleasant. Humans are animals, men and women are evolutionarily divergent, and ethnocentrism is adaptive and healthy. Egalitarian ideology has pathologised these things, as it pathologises everything normal, because the Left is a coalition of individuals with high mutational load. Junk DNA, or what we now call “spiteful mutants.” The Nazis were an immune response to the unparalleled degeneracy and debauchery of the Weimar era, which bears an astonishing similarity to the current woke insanity. Indeed, the woke mutants today revere disgusting perverts like Hirschfeld. Same pathology, same nefarious group of people responsible for it, and if we can abandon Christian ethics, the same response to it. Perhaps now the gears will start to turn in normie brains. Perhaps they will start to understand why Hitler fumigated these freaks. They are hostile organisms, and our immune system needs to flush them out like the filthy germs they are. _Christianity's Criminal History_ by Carlheinz Deschner, _The Darkening Age_ by Catherine Nixey, _Dominion_ by Tom Holland, _The Jesus Hoax_ by David Skrbina, and _On the Historicity of Jesus_ by Richard Carrier are invaluable resources. César Tort, a self-described exterminationist, is the foremost authority on the Christian psych-op. Two seminal texts, _Judea vs Rome_ and _Why The White Man Must Abandon Christianity_ by Ferdinand Bardamu, are available on his site. My own essay _On the Aetiology of Wokeness_ is now nearing completion. If all of this literature, and the combined scholarship of Kevin MacDonald, Andrew Joyce, Thomas Dalton, Tobias Langdon and Brenton Sanderson, ever becomes public knowledge, it will be catastrophic for world Jewry.
Agreed, the nature of Christian ethics, and if i may argue, Christianity itself, is a precursor to the madness we see today with the "woke" sect, or wing, of the faith. If ever the west is to recover, we must look further back. To the ancients and their religions who are native to the european people and their land.
Where does the New Testament describe a soul equality? It merely encourages the pursuit of redemption, which seems individualized. Also, it was in pagan Rome that they first initiated the transition of Castrato.
@@basilbaby7678 They are proclaimed equal in the sense that all are children of god. Christianity doesn't care about race. It has always blessed mixed-race marriages. Latin America is the inevitable result. _Communism is Neo-Christianity_ by Wesley Lysander is a good place to start.
Socialism was am reaction to the capitalist world. As was fashism. Both try to react to the same misgoings. That does not mean they are related or mean the same. Like water and sand can both kill fire, but are very different Things
@@_XR40_ It's a safe assumption. They typically all repeat the same fake and out of context quotes that are of no relevance to anyone. It's pretty lame.
I don't know why it would be controversial to critique fascism from the right. Fascism is as left-wing as communism and often co-exists with it. China, North Korea, Vietnam, Israel, all fascist and communist countries.
@@SomeCaninethen your definition of left-right is solely economic authoritarianism VS economic liberstion, which is beyond moronic and you should be laughed at for that. By that logic Evola is hard left, because he believed In a complete lack of economic freedom and mobility.
Looking at ancient mythology, and ascribing it esoteric and philosophical principles, instead of understanding it as a human misunderstanding of the very real physical events......... what a dumb movement.
Remember that time Evola was charged in Italian court with trying to revive fascism, and his defense was "I'm not a fascist, I'm a Superfascist."
And he was acquitted.
Didn't he say he was a "hyperfascist" ? As in "beyond fascism" ?
@@arturnicaciodeandrade9861 'Superfascista' was the term he used I believe. Evola was a bawss, a straight savage, zero chill on that guy. Someone needs to make some thug life Evola memes with the spliff and sunglasses.
Literally Gigachadded his way out of a conviction.
@@enki6676 In italian the word "super" mean "beyond" or more precisly "higher then". But it is pretty funny how he basicly just too right wing to be called a fascist truly one of the most "based" thing anyone said in court.
@@arturnicaciodeandrade9861 You mean Fascist 3?
Interviewer: "Did Fascism ruin Italy?"
Evola: "No, Italy ruined Fascism."
The is a great talk by Jonathon Bowden on Evola.
Fascism in leftspeak means "I can't argue against your ideas, but I don't like you."
It's 93 IQ stuff
Orwell's essay Politics and the English Language contains almost exactly that line lol
No it isn't.
Well, fascism is leftists ideology.
"'s a modernist state, with traditionalist a e s t h e t i c."
- Carlton Benjamin, fashwave theorist
Fun fact: Evola was charged pre war with being anti-fascist, and post war with being a fascist. Interestingly, he was found not guilty of both charges.
I’d be interested to hear their thoughts on Ernst Jünger. He had a dislike of Fascism/Nazism for similar reasons. He’s also just a fascinating character in general.
"On Pain" is a good read
Good call. A sorely neglected figure in the Anglosphere. 'Eumeswil' is my favourite work by Junger.
And, oddly, he also wrote one of the most prescient depictions of the future from 60s sci-fi. The Glass Bees
Did he write “Storm of Steel”? If so I wanna take a read on that (I’d probably read that regardless lmao)
@@sandalogaming6766 yep he did, Storm of Steel is an incredible read.
Most stimulating conversation. Our thanks.
12:50 To be honest the ghost of Evola gatecrashing a discussion on his work and just saying "no" to every point would be a very Evola thing to do.
I remember that I basically interrogated a self-proclaimed communist who actually was interested in speaking and discussing with me about the differences between communism, fascism, extremism, nationalsocialism (nazism) and the different, political ideologies. I asked him the difference between communism and fascism and his answer was, simply, that their methods were slightly different but ultimately worked for the same outcome. I noted that both outcomes were of extremity which he agreed upon. Both were of totalitarian state, both wanted a level of democracy adhering to the state, both wanted everything to be of the state, by the state and for the state, along with the entirety of the people. The only difference I could differ from him and his way of looking at it is that he basically lied to himself that communism and fascism, in their outcomes, were the exact same, just for different cause and intent. He insisted that communism was to help the overall man and that the state will always be democratic and stand in solidarity with the weak. He couldn't see that fascism promised the same.
He did say that communism wants to remove the old ways and tradition in every possible terms which fascism would appeal to initially and then discard afterwards.
The weird thing about him is that he never confirmed nor acknowledged that people can exist outside our visual frame of reference, for I spoke at length about a young woman of inbound creativity, innocence and passionate heart who had killed herself, whose tombstone we stood in front of, decorated with childlike glamour and with unicorn-ish theme, of whom he was so sorry to know that someone that creative would be so oppressed by society to commit suicide. I asked him if he could picture her with what I had spoken of her in front of the tombstone, and no, he absolutely couldn't and didn't see any use of such rubbish.
He was a useful idiot and soulless, although I commend his willingness to clarify the differences between the extremities as a self-proclaimed communist, despite his own blindness to the commonalities between the extremities.
i've had similar conversations. i had a coworker who called himself a communist/socialist, and his brother called himself an "anarcho communist". i pointed out that fascism, communism, national socialism, etc, were all just different interpretations of the same idea, lent inspiration by karl marx, and colored by the different cultures trying to pursue the idea. also pointed out to the brother that "anarcho communism" is an oxymoron. pointed out to both that socialism is inherently totalitarian, not just authoritarian. the anarcho commie brother wasn't too bright but the plain commie was sharp enough that the analogy: neopolitan ice cream, all three flavors are still ice cream = communism, socialism, national socialism, all three are socialism, socialism is an economic/political hybrid theory.
looking into his eyes, i think the ice cream got his gears turning, but the next time we spoke about it he was saying things like "i'll refine the idea and make it right!", and i pointed out that hitler literally says almost exactly that when he talks about HIS version of socialism, in mein kampf lol...
Most of the communists I've talked to have refused to admit that Fascism is from the same branch, yet they will vehemently claim that Stalin, Pol Pot, et cetera were all fascists.
Look…we’re just going to have to accept that for some people their ideology, and concept of conviction are about of in-depth as their choice of football team.
I wouldn't trust a communist to give tou the definition of fascism.mate
@semi-useful5178 I think fascism is a totally different branch of thought all together. The only real thing fascism and national Socialism share with communism and Socialism is having an authoritarian state. Almost every other part is the complete opposite. Fascism descends from.the pagan tribal might makes right branch of European thought where as liberalism and communism descend from the egalitarian Christian branch of European thought
The "Big Lie" is that Fascism is "Right Wing" to begin with. Fascism, Socialism and Communism are merely variations on a theme. The "Right vs Left Paradigm" with Communism on the far left and Fascism on the far right makes as much sense as a paradigm of musical genres being West Coast Hip Hop on one extreme and East Coast Hip Hop on the opposite extreme.
Pretty much.
It depends on who you're comparing them to.
The fascists were 100% to the right of the liberal allied powers, using moldbug's definition of right and left, but a traditionalist like Evola was to the right of both.
No mate. Liberalism is on the right in the west.
Leftism = collectivism (socialism, communism, Faggotry) (Fascism in English is faggot)
Rightism = individualism
Axiomatically fascism is on the left. It was literally invented by a Marxist and a socialist......
those are ultimately meaningless terms, left means simply a marxist socialists, worldwide but right is an extremely loose term and means diffrent things in diffrent countries
A wonderful channel, wonderful subject, wonderful book, wonderful philosopher and wonderful language and accent you're talking.
Thank you very much and greetings from me your German neighbour 🌹🌹🌹
We're so going to make it.
There's just something right and fitting to the look of the Hairy Lotus Eater sitting in that chair, in the Library, having a nice chat with us about books.
Again, that studio, is like a Hobbit hole, and a Hobbit hole, well that means comfort.
and LOTR is GLOBALIST PROPAGANDA made by a metropolitan immigrant son and academic elite to push Little England's acceptance of Globalism, and how they can be a 'key part of it'... Tolkien did untold damage to English Nationalism... Made Little Englander's subservient pawns to Globalist Elites of The West.
Waistcoats for everyone!
I adore the aesthetic they have. Harry looking old fashion in the suit and white button up (should have a tie) with the wavy old fashioned hair and the dog eared physical book and Carl with the smart black shirt and coat and iPad. Nice complement to each other.
I read Mussolini's auto biography. Another enlightening read. It's something to me to have the tale of a man of that era in his own words, the twisted truths tell you more then the truthes themselves sometimes. Rather interesting.
"...the twisted truths tell you more then the truthes themselves..." History is written by the victors. Were they true at the time is what matters, not the _revised_ truth. How many "truths" do people believe now that have no application to reality? Is diversity really strength?
Seeing Carl and Harry sat in that man cave like proper English gentleman of old while discussing Evola and fascism in nuanced detail is exquisite. The only thing missing are monocles and fake/empty wooden pipes.
Whether youre talking about a modernist or a monarchist right-wing state, what we really need is the e-word, that is, deliberately and systematically incentivizing the propagation of good genes and the opposite of the bad ones. This is the only way that the human species will survive complete and utter obsolescence at the hands of the AI singularity. We're really swimming upstream here, no matter how extreme you get with your countermeasures. This is a huge reason why the Christian right and even a sort of theocracy would just lead to a homogeneously African planet, even though their opposition to abortion is counter-Biblical (Exodus), and their arguments against IVF are weak and almost sound SJW.
Very confy to watch indeed
Yes, but there are some incorrect facts stated, such as that Evola was not allowed to join the fascist party or that he had an aristocratic background. He didn't want to be a member of the party, not that they vetoed him. There is also no proof that he had noble blood. He certainly had a noble sensibility and worldview, yes, but without an aristocratic family, this is nothing more than a legend.
Also in the statement that Fascism had a traditionalist aesthetic, it is necessary to insert nuances in this analysis. Yes, it is true that Fascism made references to Roman elements and symbols such as the eagle and the fascio and the predominant style in painting, the Novecento, did not fit into the most up-to-date avant-garde aesthetics of those days. However, on the other side there was rationalist architecture and Futurism, started before Fascism and continued during its years, especially its development in Aeropittura. Fascist aesthetics were both traditionalist and avant-garde, celebrating the Roman influence and technological revolution represented by dymanism, speed, cars, planes and bicycles, the futurist sensibility that detested the old, ancient
3:28 he was actually not an aristocrat by blood, the Baron thing was just a nickname given to him for his bearing.
To a classical liberal, all Countries in history were left wing because the government did stuff, meanwhile I’m still here wondering what are the differences between a classical liberal and communist outside of the model of the economy, you know, things like internationalism vs nationalism, tradition vs modernity, hierarchy vs egalitarianism, religion vs spiritualism vs atheism vs divinification of political ideologies themselves, model of the family structure, protection from outside threats etc etc.
Search for Thomas Rowlandson’s the contrast (1793) and see how many things you agree there with a modern day communist
Based woman?
Communism would be anti nationalism as it promotes the eventual end of borders. It would be egalitarian as it promotes a state enforced equality. As for the rest a communist could believe either.
Communism is the daughter of liberalism. It's the logical conclusion to that thought. Its Christian thinking. "All men are created equal all must have equality of opportunity ect" but when reality hits home and we see that all men are not created equal the reaction from these types is "everyone is equal but people are not reaching equal outcomes therefore someone must be preventing them from reaching equity" and there you get communism
Communism is the daughter of liberalism. It's the logical conclusion to that thought. Its Christian thinking. "All men are created equal all must have equality of opportunity ect" but when reality hits home and we see that all men are not created equal the reaction from these types is "everyone is equal but people are not reaching equal outcomes therefore someone must be preventing them from reaching equity" and there you get communism
A very similar thing was literally written by Evola in Revolt Against the Modern World!
Hans Herman Hoppe is good reading, democracy the God that failed.
Interesting conclusions from him but he is just a libtard
Ah a very based day indeed at The Office of the Lotus Eaters
The current regime that we live under isn’t capitalist or socialist, it’s anti-fascist.
When you begin seeing fashism in a positive light this antufa agenda geta even more develish.
A. James Gregor - this guy wrote few books about fascism and Marxism.
In one of his books he traced exactly how Giovanni Gentile developed doctrine of fascism from Hegelian thought.
"All totalitarianism of the twentieth century were predicated on a systematic, anti-individualistic collectivism. In the case of Marxist-Leninism, the source was classical Marxism. [Giovanni] Gentile had carefully dissected the neo-Hegelian roots of that collectivism. What he found missing in the collectivism of Marx was ethical concern. He sought to provide that concern to the collectivism of Fascism-a collectivism that shared a common intellectual origin with Marxism and Marxism-Leninism." A. James Gregor - Giovanni Gentile: Philosopher of Fascism
Who was then attacked for attempting to justify the intellectual background of fascism with Mussolini’s Intellectuals, because God forbid we try to understand the people who disagree with us or admit they might be right.
Harry is become based, the destroyer of woke.
This young man's orientation towards the higher order of things has been a pleasure to witness
I unironicly feel my IQ growing watching these kind of videos. THIS, Brokenomics and Contemplations is what makes the Lotus Eaters stand far apart from everyone else. That and Callum's banter.
God bless Callum's bants.
We live in a period
In which politicians
@@Oliver-b7jare not particularly popular
@@revisionreader1922 and believe me
Lotus eaters is downstream from AA
The texture and intellectual depth of this video is great
I've been very much interested in reading Evola but have yet to start with Metaphysics of Power. It's interesting to see other people hear about him and his works.
Harry is on point as always.
I must state you both presented brilliant aspects of the works from the mind of J. Evola
My nonno (grandfather) had a card, else he could not have a job. America confiscated the records of Mussolini's government and so my family was denied access to the US; hence why I'm Canadian. I liked being Canadian for most of my life, that is until Mr. Socks came along; and I'm not referring to a cat.
Hang in there. He will be out very soon. Where in Canada?
@@SneakySteevy I'm near to Billy Bishop airport.
You can always go to a sanctuary state like California
@@ganjagank4787 Besides the plethora of paper work, I don't see the point as California seems to be Canada with just a bit more sunshine.
@@RichardDanielli I meant illegally
Julius Evola was never important to the Italians or even the Germans. Tikhistory does and amazing deep dive on this and Evola has been sighted by mainstream historians but when you look at how people of those governments actual saw Evola he was only sighted by Mussolini as a joke to scare the Catholic Church. Mussolini basically told the church to do as he asked or he would send Evola to be the new Pope. (Mussolini Sarcasm he called him the race pope) Evola was a laughing stock to axis governments. He carried no really sway or power but they let him hang around sometimes to laugh at him. The best explanation of this is the Tikhistory video here on UA-cam called "FASCISM DEFINED The Difference between Fascism and National Socialism." Tik is a WW2 historian and mostly concentrates on the battles but his political videos are some of the best researched I have seen.
Of course, he was not important to them. He was not a materialist technocrat, which were the kings of post-great war society. To the ruling men of that age, he seemed a crazy mystic ranting about such strange and arcane ideas as spirits or honor.
Gentile was also just tasked to create a post-hoc philosophical justification
@@napoleonfeanor Yea it was a rebranded socialism that scaled back the internationalism to a more centralized nationalism married to trade unionism, syndicalism, and Fascism was more actualism. The National Socialists in Germany were something very different compared to the Italians. But most historians and Marxists will point to Evola and say AH-HA see its all the same thing. This is because the Marxists don't want to be closely related to the Germans. But look close to the primary sources like the H-Mans stupid struggle book and works like the Vampire Economy and you begin to see that Lenin and the Painter aren't so different. Mussolini on the other hand had 10,000 Jewish members of his party as well as a mistress Margherita Safatti until 1938. Its a tangled web the 1930s and 40s but Eovla was not as important as the Mainstream would want you to believe.
As it always is, when communists speak of fascism, it is always lies for fascism is the devil that they see in the mirror. Capitalism's child is communism but communism's child is fascism. When the idea of the "eternal revolution to end history" is embarked, communists will soon realize that time moves forward, history goes on, bricks and stones must be laid, memories must be remembered, and the sacred order - heiros archos - heirarchy continues.
tik Is intellectually dishonest he wants to draw conclusions that fascism socialism and national socialism are just one same thing when in fact they take parts of other ideologies with some ideological lineage but also distinctly cut off from each other Inside metaphysical ideas he's just a libertarian trying to play socialism is fascism and national socialism is socialist It will be much easier to view ideology as a triangle
Solar and lunar = Apollonian and Bacchanalian
= hot and cold = light and dark = masculine and feminine. All the natural dichotomies reflect the same fundamental relationship.
@@ColinMurphy-v2p existence itself is binary, but all the different opposites dont map perfectly onto each other. for example, light is both feminine and male, but darkness is both masculine and female. so you have gay vs lesbian. loki/lux vs kali
Yes, the works of our side are becoming more and more common and made attention of because of the significance of the truth.
They should start doing videos on works by Jonathan Bowden, Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano.
The last 2 are idiots
I dont think its right to concieve of solar and lunar as opposites on an axis, from what I understood both are a type of spirituality with lunar being a step down from solar and telluric being the completely profane.
A commie will always say that comparing socialism/communism to fascism is like comparing apples to oranges. That might be true, but anyone who subscribes to the ideas of individualism, meritocracy, liberty, and negative rights will just say that both are authoritarian collectivism and should be avoided. In other words, apples and oranges are different but both are fruits.
Ok? That's silly tho that's literally the one trait that they share authoritarianism. One could easily find much more similarly between communism and liberalism. Both view all men as being created equal both have equality and prosperity as their aim both are anti aristocratic and anti hierarchical both are ultimately individualist seeing people as being more divided by personal circumstance than by race or culture
@@danieldelaney1377 and just that trait alone is enough to reject them both. Liberalism is voluntary. Communism and fascism is not.
You seriously think communism's attempts to force everything into being perfectly equal doesn't also include removing individuality? What is the marxist view of meritocracy or negative rights, which would also include property rights?
"anyone who subscribes to the ideas of individualism, meritocracy, liberty, and negative rights" is a liberal fool.
Hope you're better today than when you made your comment. :)
Somehow, the Lotus Eaters never give YOU an "Ay Up".
For the similarity in kind of Progressivism and fascism, one can just read the early American Progressive, Herbert Croly. Upon reading his The Promise of American Life and Progressive Democracy, one sees clearly that the Progressives of the early 20th century were proto-fascists. Their sister movement and religious arm, the Social Gospel, was actually more radical and slotted into Progressivism quite smoothly. Essentially, the early American Progressives were Christian fascists. Compare Croly's "national democracy" to Adolf's "national socialism." The Progressives may have done some things for wage-labourers, the poor, and so on, but they were thoroughgoing nationalists, racists, anti-immigrationists, colonialists, and imperialists. I'd say the early American Progressives were about 2/3rds of the way between Jeffersonian constitutional republicanism and Nazism.
The green tuft wingback chair is perfect.
Tell us what he thought about Zionism.
You might be interested in reading Michael Witcoff's book, 'Fascism Viewed From The Cross'. He's an interesting character, a Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity and former Freemason who wrote a book critiquing that organisation called 'The Masons And Their Lies'.
He sounds very cringe
He sounds very cringe.
Arktos certainly make a nice quality book.
Not any more they don't. Their website mentioned they got a cease and desist letter from the state some time ago telling them to stop publishing books. Pretty sure they are a think-tank now.
Oh really. That sucks. I should have purchased more books from them while I had the chance. @@CheckUnderYou
Stop publishing new books or any type of printing of their already published books?
@@CheckUnderYou Arktos are fine, doing great work
i hope you guys get TIK History someday, as he would love to talk about this, lol.
I like tik but his weird libertarian theories really cloud his judgement about national Socialism and economics
tik has some of the worst, most objectively false opinions possible
TIK will not do debates or interviews, only his narrated stuff.
I feel the conspicuous absence of one Roland Rat.
I prefer the theme of this (almost pompous) set far more than the new (and cold/blown out) studio set.....the old (and now gone) set was ironically a well working mid point between the two.....ahhh I'm gonna go listen to Bowie!
Can't even pronounce his name correctly. Like Vaush. Embarrassing. Are Conservatives grifting off Fascism now?
Yes, their own ideas are so lame they have to grift off of stronger ideologies.
@@aristocraticrebel Java yep
Do Gottfried Feder next.
he wasn't an aristocrat - he obtained his baron title - evola grew up in modest family
You’re going off of an economical position, to evola, the ‘aristocrat’ was more spiritual.
Fascism and nazism are subtlety different things.
The primary flaw of Julius Evola is that his concept of Traditionalism was entirely artificial and ahistorical. His primary motivation for his ideals is a combination of Nietzsche's philosophy with a personal hatred for the Catholic Church and Christianity at large. His prescriptive ideas boil down into returning to a state of humanity before Christianity. The problem is that its hard to know what that state exactly is and many different cultures across the world had different states. Evola ends up cherry-picking concepts for pagan Europe and India to create a way of living her personally liked in spite of the fact it never existed in history. The artificiality of his ideas is why they held such little influence during his own time. Julius Evola has seen a bit of a revival in resent times because many staunch anti-theist have seen themselves move to the right side of the political spectrum. A return to tradition would be a return to Christianity, which they abhor, so they cling to Evola's "Traditionalism" because it gives them some basis for their personal beliefs.
There's other Catholic thinkers that talk about it the same phenomena Rene Guenon' He became disillusioned with Christianity later in life but this shows that Julius Evols idea is not distinctly anti christian It is much more is personally beliefs
The school Traditionalism doesn't propose reverting back to some materialist state in the past.
It's purely concerned with the spiritual.
By your own logic you are wrong. The traditionalism Evola charges is older than christendom, that's his whole point, be it ahistorical or not. Evola attempted to distill an ultimate traditionalism, because the "traditionalism" of christendom is arbitrary, in the negative sense. Why christendom and not paganism before it? It would be far more traditional, and it did exist for longer than Christianity has. Evola tried counter that treadmill of "my tradism is older than your tradism" by finding roots of traditionality. Is it ahistorical? Yeah probably. Would Evola's traditionalism achieve worldly success just as he suggests? No, just like every other ideology. But it is *interesting*. Also I dont see what Evola has to do with anti-theism.
Morality of Christianity? Rubbish! Many of the current problems in Europe, in the West find their origin precisely in Christianity with its sentimentalist and pacifist morality, ethics, which consists of turning the other cheek and loving one's enemies. Of egalitarianism and Christian universalism, of the idea of equality between men before god, of the dignity inherent in each person, of the so called human family, all equal, worthy and loved by their sky dad. This modern obsession with minorities is nothing other than a mutation or an application of the Christian mentality obsessed with the weak, poor, oppressed figure. Christianity and the left share this fetish for the weak individual. All these create mental structures, of thought, that paralyze minds in the face of current and future challenges and enemies, a weak, emasculating, capitulating mentality.
Evolas only mistakes are that he takes too much from platonism.he is anti materialistic and surprisingly individualist which is a bad thing
It would not be out of place, in the slightest bit
With how Harry dresses, the theme from either Maverick or Have Gun Will Travel.
My spouse has been in asmr overload with this set.
Come on, Carl…at least spring for some pipes and smoking jackets.
Where's Mr Sunglasses?
He was completely crazy, as crazy were the esoteric nazis, like Lanz von Liebenfels, Eckart and Hans Horbiger.
11:31 based Sargon
what's Beau's&Stelios' opinion ah this??
The one thing fascism was NOT, was mediocre.
Didn't Evola say that to criticize Fascism is to criticize all politics?
Elitists in AA's milue hoping they make tbe cut via peddling dispondency and lack of action. Its like they are helping to prrepare us for loss of freedom and liberty.
If you're so clever won't be too much of an issue with typos
@@markstokes3685 I know what you said and agree with your point, but you should probably fix that.
I can't believe you passed by the opportunity to say "missed me".
Your chairs look comfortable
Let me ask... why is he showing up in my feed over and over from Memorial Day Weekend? Why is he being pushed?
1:30 hee hee! Go on Harry!!
Right or Left, Right, or Left. Over and Over, again and again people speak from the paradigm of this line back and forth, it is a false dichotomy and a "Matrix" which has eveyone.
If drawn the figure we are really in would look like this /_\ a Trichotomy/Triumvirate l/Triquetra though disharmonious and eventually a Three-way standoff where the two bottom points which are equally shit merely from and in opposite direction reactions to one another would rather operate in a twisted sort of tag-team to defeat the top point because from their perspective the top point and their opposite point are the same, though only from the top point which is a 3d perspective is this actually accurate, from the bottom point's 2d perspective it's more willfully stupid than anything else.
Now, I'm just the first guy to be heading towards and to reach the tip of the top point, and the first to give this heretofore nameless side a name, and I remain it's sole advocate. All of which essentially make me King of the North, the North being what I named this Political direction which can be distinguished rather easily from the Left and Right by the fact those in the North value Libertas over all other values, and Liberty in being fundamentally unsafe and chaotic/lacking in order is something that never can be anything other than at odds with Leftism and Rightism.
Go figure that quite unbeknownst to the man, thanks to Johnathan Haight's research we have a measure of proof this Trichotomy is real, and even a test which will reveal the Northists as such. I myself played my own part in this research, an anonymous volunteer who took the test and thus offered up my data to be processed, I scored highest is value/trait Liberty and in Openness, while scoring lowest in Purity. And had I known I could score in such a category as Openness beforehand, I'd have tried to answer in a way to further maximize my score therein. It's the scoring highest in Liberty that will highlight the Northists.
Why am I King, why that title? Because Autocracy, that the North shall have.
You guys are obsessed with the idea of a world view and it's really dumb, Even Yarvin shows a more dynamic understanding of this and applies it proportionately and he's a reactionary that I do not agree with his proposed solutions. He get's it's about perspective and why, As a result his analysis is far deeper and more thorough than yours as shown by his stream of consciousness on trigonometry. You have had people like myself in the comments point out these kinds of differences before and you just don't listen, you understand there are limits to worlds views sure but not a applied context as it's still abstract to most of you at a premise level and this is reflected in the commentary. At least all I am saying is do better, Could be worse.
Go away, schlomo.
Lmao I was just looking for videos on Evola, and the Sargon of Akkad appeared out of nowhere. Gamer gate veterans incheckning!
Wasnt Evola deeply evolved with Holy Grail mysthicism?
**Get BOOK DARTS they are more professional than paper markers.**
Both elitism and equalitarianism are too extreme, failing to acknowledge the legitimate hierarchies AND equalities in man. Both/and not either/or - in this instance at least
This mis pronunciation of 'Evola', which I believe Carl started, is unacceptable.
why do we even consider "fascism" a right wing phenomena
We Europeans do because it's nationalistic and socially hierarchical. The Left/Right dichotomy in Europe excludes economics. Why can't yanks grasp that basic concept?
Because it's master morality. The left is slave morality.
@@j.harrison6744 Because no one tells us that. Instead, europeans would much rather be nasty to us and make fun of us from afar rather than tell us why they believe the things they do.
Fascism = when Liberal, Social or National Democracies fail
Capitalism in decay :(
"Obviously Fascism wasn't explicitly democratic."
From the Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile: The Fascist state, on the other hand, is a popular state, and, in that sense, a democratic State par excellence...Every citizen shares a relationship with the State that is so intimate that the State exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the citizen.
They viewed democracy as a two way street with both citizens and state affecting each other (the way every democracy works). It was most definitely explicitly democratic.
@Wicker_ ''Democracy is a system of government in which laws, policies, leadership, and major undertakings of a state or other polity are directly or indirectly decided by the “people,” a group historically constituted by only a minority of the population''
If every member of a society is part of the government, then every decision is made by the indirect participation of the entire population. Whilst no western ''democracies'' would label authoritarian states like North Korea as democratic. By the meaning of the word democracy, those who believe in those ideology have played on the world to mean that the state englobing everything is democracy to its fullest.
Just like the Fascist have defined identity has being a national identity and that no other identity could exist. Therefore it meant that individuality could not exist without a national identity and that the nation's identity is the individual's identity. (Essentially defining collectivism as individualism by rejecting the notion that individuals aren't entire products of their groups and can be framed as separate entities(But from previous comments, i think you may be in agreements with the fascists, so we'll see))
There's plenty of ways to play around the words and its important to understand how those who do believe in theses uses of the word frame their worldview to properly propose a criticism and make it understandable for those that would be blinded to what they know.
@Wicker_ I don't see how your reply is actually connected to anything i have said.
I didn't say they tried to justify themselves in anyway. I said, that is how they see democracy, it is not justification. That would require that they recognize their own words to be lie. Which i don't think they do. Some may but the believers don't and those are the ones that will be the most difficult to convince. My point is that the definition of democracy actually works with their vision of practicing democracy.
It would be like saying that Marxist are liars for saying that the value of things is dependent on the labor of the people who makes them because that's not how we value things.
Yes, it isn't how value works but they believe it is and to properly argue against that position than one must understand it and approach it from good faith.
You won't convince a believer of Korean communism that it isn't democracy by just saying that's not how it is practiced.
As for democracy being a bad system, i don't completely disagree. I would much rather have a good monarch over a good democracy.
I think has a system it produces worst average society than average monarchies but it produces less extremes.
A great democracy will never be as good as a great monarchy and a terrible democracy will never be as bad as a terrible monarch but it will also never be better on average for the reasons you spoke of.
I felt Evola hard to read because of the peculiar style of Romanic writing. Evola is popular among the extreme right and I cannot understand this. I feel it is not extreme enough.
Your judgement of Fascism based on how it actually worked should be applied to all ideologies. Sadly, Democracy and Capitalism do not come out smelling of roses if you do this. I do not know of any country that has tried Liberalism, but it instinctively sounds like a bad idea. If your main complaint about Fascism is that it is involved in every aspect of the citizen's life, I fail to see how much more controlling it can be than liberal/socialist democracy. There is not a fucking thing in my life that the Democratic state does not stick it's controlling nose into.
I don't know of any country that has capitalism or democracy.
You can't have capitalism AND centralized banking that just makes up money out of nothing all the time for the government to direct at will, especially at such scales that even experts are hard pressed to find investments that can keep up with inflation.
Technically most places are democratic republics not democracies, but they aren't really that either because you can't have a democracy of any kind without an informed population, and the representatives don't really represent the public but special interests. The media manufacturers consent and manipulates perception rather than informs citizens, and candidates are pre filtered before the public even gets to vote and aren't obligated to fulfill any promises made to the public while campaigning, giving only the illusion of participation to the masses while in reality it appears to be an oligarchy of international elitists financial interests.
socialism is by definition illiberal.
@@TheJeremyKentBGross Nice to see you are awake ;)
This is all a giant scam and they will pay the highest price for their deception.
@@TheJeremyKentBGross"we've never had capitalism" is the same dumb gobshite as "wasn't real communism". This is utter buffoonery and why so many people don't take you "capitalists" seriously. You're a bleeding hypocrite.
NatSoc weren't right wing enough for him
I do wonder what it would have been like without the Soc, without the collectivist ideas, without the poison of Marxism. There would have been no idea of 'group justice', for example, so no death camps? But would they still have killed off all the infirm? Would they have done that more like Canada, where they metaphorically give ill people a gun and let them make the "choice" themselves?
They weren't right wing at all, so...
@ChrisWilliams-lf8ex correct we are third positionist
Interesting comments… such energy and quick wit. As we ALL in the West see the hostile soft takeover of our nations and we debate and argue amongst ourselves.. take a moment and just consider utilizing some of that energy to at least attempt to change minds on the other side, which is one of the ways we can actually make a difference and fight back.. that said, I am incredibly taken by world history, ancient history, etc and being of European descent I am partial to by origins in particular.. it’s odd to me how a people could allow themselves to get beaten down in the manner Europeans have, in America we too have suffered the same, however it appears much more advanced for you all.. to be clear I am speaking to the current situation pertaining to this radical leftist movement, Marxist ideologies, and the like..
I don’t see the point in clapping back at the unnecessary name calling or references of of Yank, and what have you, not sure what that’s all about.. just a quick note , Americans are insufferable and ignorant in large numbers , however in any such case with people, it’s wise to keep in mind obviously there are going to be betters among them, who are quite aware of the idiocy and are hard pressed to refrain from initiating beatings daily. The harsh truth of the matter is the same fate lies ahead for us all if we do not succeed in thwarting these communist traitors.. so do your duty, dispense a backhand to a Marxist everyday.
so, then the gentlemen's club threw y'all out...
yeah, no club would hav you boys.
My god Harry, get shorter book marks.
As per a leftist, racism comes from the right and fascism come from the right.
It’s literally the opposite.
Christianity is the axiological antecedent of all egalitarian ideologies. Marxism is derived from Christian ethics, specifically the doctrine of soul equality; the innate value and intrinsic worth of all who bear a human (or semi-human) countenance. Wokeness is Marxism with a shift in focus from economics (as conventionally understood) to culture, race, and sex. In truth, though, it was never about the welfare of the working class. That was a superficial garnish. In genetic terms, Marxism is the revolt of spiteful mutants against civilization. The Left is a coalition of genetic refuse, as Professor Edward Dutton has emphasised repeatedly. It always has been, but the recent waves of woke insanity have made this more obvious than ever. If germs and parasites were sentient, I imagine they would express anger at being identified for what they are and purged by the host's immune system. Similarly, the woke mob are angry when their mind virus is identified as a threat by healthy, sane people. It is unsurprising, then, that SJWs think the mind virus they subscribe to is harmless and that the healthy immune response against it is the true pathology. Spandrell's bioleninism thesis is the best analysis out there, by far. In short, the egalitarian Left is quantity and the hereditarian Right is quality.
Healthy human behaviours, like ethnocentrism and aversion to abnormal things like homosexuality and the transgender cult, have been pathologised as “racism” and “phobia” by Christian ethics and the atheist liberals (secular creationists) who, though they disavow institutional Christianity, are still running the Christian software that Western man has internalised over the past two millennia. It has been entrenched in Western culture for so long that many people regard egalitarian values and human rights as self-evident truths. Over the course of 2000 years, it became axiomatic in the Western mind. Nietzsche was the first to make the connection and denounce Christian slave morality as the original psych-op, but many conservatives and reactionaries who oppose wokeness still don't understand that Christianity is where the egalitarian poison comes from. It has always been a Trojan horse for introducing Levantine malware into the European mind. It inverted the values of classical civilization, which would have been an immense task in a time before mass communication. Unless we successfully extract the Christian cancer in its entirety, we will never traverse the psychological Rubicon.
Christianity is the nemesis of the hereditarian, eugenic, meritocratic Right, because Christian ethics (soul equality) are antithetical to evolution, a merciless process of elimination. Because evolution is synonymous with life itself, Darwinian explanations for our behaviour are indeed the primary explanations. If that makes you uncomfortable, remember that life is nothing more than a ruthless gladiatorial tournament of genes. The Nazis were the abandonment of Christian ethics and the revaluation of all values that Nietzsche prophesied. Some people wonder why, despite having a considerably higher death toll, communism is not reviled like Nazism. The reason is because communism is not a departure from Christian axiology; it deifies the lower classes and demonises the strong. “The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.” It is Darwinism in reverse.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. are moral indictments based in Christian ethics (soul equality). It has no bearing on the brutal Darwinian reality, which has no obligation to be pleasant. Humans are animals, men and women are evolutionarily divergent, and ethnocentrism is adaptive and healthy. Egalitarian ideology has pathologised these things, as it pathologises everything normal, because the Left is a coalition of individuals with high mutational load. Junk DNA, or what we now call “spiteful mutants.” The Nazis were an immune response to the unparalleled degeneracy and debauchery of the Weimar era, which bears an astonishing similarity to the current woke insanity. Indeed, the woke mutants today revere disgusting perverts like Hirschfeld. Same pathology, same nefarious group of people responsible for it, and if we can abandon Christian ethics, the same response to it. Perhaps now the gears will start to turn in normie brains. Perhaps they will start to understand why Hitler fumigated these freaks. They are hostile organisms, and our immune system needs to flush them out like the filthy germs they are.
_Christianity's Criminal History_ by Carlheinz Deschner, _The Darkening Age_ by Catherine Nixey, _Dominion_ by Tom Holland, _The Jesus Hoax_ by David Skrbina, and _On the Historicity of Jesus_ by Richard Carrier are invaluable resources. César Tort, a self-described exterminationist, is the foremost authority on the Christian psych-op. Two seminal texts, _Judea vs Rome_ and _Why The White Man Must Abandon Christianity_ by Ferdinand Bardamu, are available on his site. My own essay _On the Aetiology of Wokeness_ is now nearing completion.
If all of this literature, and the combined scholarship of Kevin MacDonald, Andrew Joyce, Thomas Dalton, Tobias Langdon and Brenton Sanderson, ever becomes public knowledge, it will be catastrophic for world Jewry.
Agreed, the nature of Christian ethics, and if i may argue, Christianity itself, is a precursor to the madness we see today with the "woke" sect, or wing, of the faith. If ever the west is to recover, we must look further back. To the ancients and their religions who are native to the european people and their land.
Where does the New Testament describe a soul equality?
It merely encourages the pursuit of redemption, which seems individualized.
Also, it was in pagan Rome that they first initiated the transition of Castrato.
@@basilbaby7678 “For there is no Greek or Jew, man or woman. All are one in Christ.”
@@ArnoldTohtFan, the concept of judgment disproves “soul equality”.
Purgatory also defies that assertion, if want to go the Catholic route.
@@basilbaby7678 They are proclaimed equal in the sense that all are children of god. Christianity doesn't care about race. It has always blessed mixed-race marriages. Latin America is the inevitable result. _Communism is Neo-Christianity_ by Wesley Lysander is a good place to start.
Fascism come from socialism.
No. Socialism come from. Liberalism
@@danieldelaney1377 liberalism --> socialism ---> facism
Socialism was am reaction to the capitalist world. As was fashism. Both try to react to the same misgoings. That does not mean they are related or mean the same. Like water and sand can both kill fire, but are very different Things
Isms are cringe
Says the follower of the Talmud.
What's wrong with the Talmud?
@@sheldoniusRex Actually genius most israelis do not follow it. Even if they did, you have no clue whats in it.
@@themossad Why do proponents always assume that others have no idea what's in the various volumes of the Talmud? Ever heard of _estate sales?_
@@_XR40_ It's a safe assumption. They typically all repeat the same fake and out of context quotes that are of no relevance to anyone. It's pretty lame.
I don't know why it would be controversial to critique fascism from the right. Fascism is as left-wing as communism and often co-exists with it. China, North Korea, Vietnam, Israel, all fascist and communist countries.
I swear, if I hear another midwit claim Fascism and Communism are the same, I'm going postal!
It's not as left-wing as communism but it's definitely at least at the center instead of being right-wing.
@@andyfriederichsen It uses the government as a form of redistribution. It's just as left-wing as communism.
@@SomeCaninethen your definition of left-right is solely economic authoritarianism VS economic liberstion, which is beyond moronic and you should be laughed at for that. By that logic Evola is hard left, because he believed In a complete lack of economic freedom and mobility.
@@antonchilinski9729 That is all the left-wing and right-wing are based on, economics. That is the entire purpose of having the wings.
Looking at ancient mythology, and ascribing it esoteric and philosophical principles, instead of understanding it as a human misunderstanding of the very real physical events......... what a dumb movement.
It is unwise to euhemarise pagan myths
@@danieldelaney1377 It is unwise to be so terrified of god's wrath, to mentally shut down and never think freely again.
Yeah bro fascism are democratic
You guys clearly don’t like each other,
Or you got in a fight that day
Fascism Muhnism