Abraham Did Know the Name YHWH

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024


  • @brotherarnoldbowen8323
    @brotherarnoldbowen8323  7 місяців тому +1

    Many say that until Moses no one knew the name YHWH, which is also a mistake.

    Abraham, Issac, and Jacob knew God’s name YHWH.
    Genesis 22:14 says,
    “And “Abraham” called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the “LORD” it shall be seen.”
    Abrham was called a friend of Goa, he knew his friends name, and so did Isaac and Jacob!

    Gen 27:20 says,
    “And “Isaac” said unto his son (Jacob), How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, my son? And he said, Because the “LORD “thy” God” brought it to me.” This verse shows that both Isaac and Jacob New, the name YHWH!

    Gen 28:16 “And “Jacob” awaked out of his sleep, and “he said”, Surely the “LORD” is in this place.”

    How do we then harmonize this next verse?
    Exodus 6:3
    “And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH “was” I not known to them.”

    First of all, it does not say “I “was not” known to them, but rather, “was” I not known to them???

    The word “was” I not known” is asking a question, and therefore a question mark belongs after the question, instead of a period!

    It obviously should read, “And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH (YHWH) “was” I not known to them???
    Sorta a rhetorical question.

    Here is more scripture proof that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew the name YHWH.
    Genesis 15:2 says,
    “And “Abram” said, Lord “GOD” (YHWH), what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?

    Genesis 15:7
    7 “And he said unto him (Abram), I am the “LORD” that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.” We do not need any more evidence to show that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew the name YHWH, but I will give a little more.
    More evidence
    Israelite children are named after the SOUND of the God of Israel and the sound of that name is Yuh as in Hallelu Yuh, which name went into all the earth as Yuh!

    If people want to find out what the sound of the name of the true God of Israel is, just look and see what the SOUND of the name of God is, that they are naming their children after!

    If the name of God that is in their children’s names, makes the sound of Yuh, then that is the name of the God of Israel, NOT Yah or Yeh.

    All the nations were religious but they were calling on names that did not represent the Self Existing One, some worshiped Baal, etc, just like today, all denominations are religious, but all do-not call on the true name of the God/Elohim of Israel, for he alone made the heavens.

    His name Yuh went into all the earth in Hallelu Yuh. If the SOUND of the name of the God of Israel was sounded Yah, as in Yahweh or Yeh, as in Jehovah, that SOUND would have come forth at some point in scripture, the SOUND of those names certainly don’t show up in the name of Mount Moriah or in any of the names of the Israelites children.

    1 Kings 18:24 KJVS says,
    [24] “And call ye on the “name” of your gods, and I will call on the “name” of the LORD: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken.”

    I know of no evidence, where the SOUND of the name Yahweh or Jehovah was ever in the mouth of Israelites, and if that was the sound of the name of their God, you would think it would show up somewhere in scripture.

    I challenge anyone to show one place where those sounds were ever in their mouth, they certainly did not name Mount Moriah, or their children by the sound of those names, or that sound would still be present today, but it is the Yuh sound that is present in their names, which is the same sound of his name that went into all the earth in Hallelu Yuh.

    It was not only natural, but was a common thing for different nations to name their children after the sound of the name of their God, and Israel was no exception.

    When Daniel and the three Hebrew children were in captivity, their names were changed from Hebrew names, to other names like Baal.

    Two of the children had the name “iah” (Yuh), at the end of their names, which is the name of God, and Daniel and the other child has the title God (El) in their names. Names are important.

    Daniel’s name was changed to Belteshazzar, after their God Baal and the other three Hebrew children’s names were changed from their Hebrew names, which contained the name of their God iah (Yuh) etc.

    All Israelites are called children, but it appears from Daniel 1:3-4, that these 4 Hebrews from the tribe of Judah, were very young men and were really considered children of the children of Israel, and were named after the the name of the God of Israel.

    They were so many Israelite parents that named their children after the SOUND of the name of Israel’s God which has the YH in their names, and in EVERY one of them it is SOUNDED Yuh. Therefore the name of the God of Israel is Yuh!