Listen for yourself. ALWAYS.

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @laurelhardy4064
    @laurelhardy4064 2 роки тому +28

    After being married for over 40 years, trust me John, hi-fi doesn't just serve as an entertainment, it becomes a life saver.

    • @GuiltyRocker
      @GuiltyRocker 2 роки тому +1


    • @sidvicious3129
      @sidvicious3129 Рік тому +2

      You are so right, I have been married for 32 years. Hifi has gotten me through sickness, death and other personal losses in the market, 2008 anyone.

  • @martyjewell5683
    @martyjewell5683 2 роки тому +2

    I got into component hifi after military service in 1975. Living in Brooklyn I had access to some swell stores for audio. Tech Hifi, Harvey Sound, Audio Graveyard, Churchill Audio, Crazy Eddie, The Wiz, Great Sounds and Stereo Warehouse. Excellent magazines too. Stereo Review, Consumer Reports, The Complete Buyers Guide to Stereo/Hifi Equipment, High Fidelity, Audio and FM Guide. Stores back then had listening rooms where you'd bring your own records (or tapes) to audition/compare speaker systems. Tech Hifi had a one year "speaker trial" where you could exchange a system if you didn't like them. Pretty freakin' sweet. Knowledgeable staff in these stores really helped. I got Ohm L's in 1978 and still use them.

  • @marjconnelly8079
    @marjconnelly8079 2 роки тому +7

    I absolutely agree with your approach to researching and purchasing hi-fi equipment. It's funny, though, back in the early 90's in NYC I would save my tax refund check to specifically buy myself new piece of hi-fi equipment. I loved going to the shops and looking at gear and speaking to salesman but I was often dismissed because I am a female and they assumed I didn't know what I was looking for or listening to.....Those salesman never got my business. But the ones who understood that my ears were as experienced and nuanced as any other audiophile did get my business. I must admit, the hunt for gear is almost as joyful as bringing a prized piece of gear home.

    • @johnpischedda6951
      @johnpischedda6951 2 роки тому

      Hi Marj I could never get my head around why HiFi is so male dominated ! there must be some psychology at play here but it has always perplexed me . Would be a good topic for John D to cover.

  • @deputy3690
    @deputy3690 2 роки тому +1

    What a fantastic video. A lifestyle more than hobby is what I think.
    My brain is so refreshed after I watch your videos!

  • @peterbriggs2771
    @peterbriggs2771 2 роки тому +2

    Great presentation reminds me of the hours listening in show rooms. In London, Newcastle, Sheffield etc. I always take the opportunity to pop into a local hifi when visiting new cities. Your reviews are insightful, and humorous and approachable. Carry on up the Audio file 😎😅

  • @ianp9086
    @ianp9086 2 роки тому +1

    This is the very best advice! I started back in the pre internet age too and a good hifi store was key. But also, listening for yourself is the only way to learn what you like.

  • @apollohifiandvideocentre7701
    @apollohifiandvideocentre7701 2 роки тому +8

    Thanks for the kind words, John! Great to see some past customers in the comments, too. - John

  • @peterwrigley5678
    @peterwrigley5678 2 роки тому +2

    Apollo Hi-fi is my local store, still going strong. Great to see you mention Krix speakers. Some great speakers made here in Aus. I don't have Krix speakers myself but mine are locally made in Sydney. Orpheus Apollo

  • @jedrus1085
    @jedrus1085 2 роки тому

    In Poland if you buy online you can send your gear back within 14 days. On the other hand, if you go to a local dealer, most probably they will allow you to rent the gear of your choice for a few days for the retail price. Of course, some shops don't have such policy, but I don't even consider buying stuff from them, because I won't spend such big money risking that I will have to live with peace of gear that does not suit the acoustics of my room. Thanks John for this video!

  • @sheerkhanful
    @sheerkhanful 2 роки тому

    I think there is also a rare and unacknowledged part of hifi and that is a hifi dealer who uses their knowledge to help customers leap years ahead in the journey that is this hobby. Of course I'm not talking about the standard hifi salesperson. For example, my current dealer did an extraordinary thing for me. He brought an entire system to my home and left it with me for two weeks. The system he brought was what he felt would best suit me after listening to my history and likes/dislikes and it turned out to be a home run for me. For months after he came to collect it, I bought it right back piece by piece. I don't expect to ever have another experience like that again.

  • @megmilesringo
    @megmilesringo 2 роки тому

    Hi John,
    you took the words right out of mouth. I recently spent £7000+ on new hi fi. Your videos gave me some idea of how much is available. I decided on several things. Contacted Audio T, they put all my ideas together. I went with a friend and I took vinyl, cds, singles and streaming music with me. Spent 90 minutes listening in their demo room. Made my choices. Changed my mind on one thing. I took music I was really familiar with. All genres.

  • @RJ_Chicago
    @RJ_Chicago 2 роки тому

    Good video John. Thanks! I have used your technique of the extended home trial and selling on the used market. I buy used or buy when I get a discount or special. Same as you described. Sometimes I make money. Sometimes not. It evens out in the wash in the long haul. But I enjoy it because it gets me exposure to lots of different products, different colleagues who I am having transactions with. It also helps me build my system, which seems to be an ever evolving thing with no clear final endpoint. This therefore puts emphasis on the audiophile journey with destination to be determined.

  • @malcatron
    @malcatron 2 роки тому +8

    The problem with buying HiFi based on listening is that you may end up with something that has 2 dB less SINAD than what's available.

  • @JamesHawkeYouTube
    @JamesHawkeYouTube 2 роки тому +1

    In heaven they have their audio sorted.

  • @1229tedwilson
    @1229tedwilson 2 роки тому

    Great video, you covered a lot of bases that are always good to be reminded about. There is no substitute for one's one ears when making decisions about audio equipment. Your video touches on a subject you've alluded to before many times, and Steve Guttenberg recently touched on in his video on how loud one should listen to music: namely that all of our feelings about a particular piece of kit or an audio system are largely, if not completely, subjective. The pursuit of a perfect system will never end, because there is no such beast. Granted, there can be a consensus that some systems or pieces of gear do some specific things better than others (tonality, sound staging, dynamic response, transparency, etc.) But whether or not an individual likes a particular system's mix of those qualities is up to them. So I thank you for teasing out those differences as just that - differences - rather than absolutes, to help those of us with an interest in audio get a look at the entire landscape of what is happening with audio so we can map the direction we'd like to take next.

  • @BartgEU
    @BartgEU 2 роки тому +1

    For me it started with headphones. During pandemic I was up to very specific use case, which ended up with one match (Audeze Penrose)... but i fell in love with planars. Year after I decided on upgrade to proper planar, this time listening Hifimans, Audezes in the spotlight, ended up with LCD-X (21). My new headphones led me to hate to my home cinema speakers... lot of rentals at home listening for myself (and wife) we've gone after KEFs R3, still powered by amplituner.
    Next up will be streaming amp, with M10, Evo150 and TDAI1120 shortlisted, as I already tested powernode at home (no noticeable improvement over current amp). This will be tested next up. Last step would be looking for ultimate EIMs, which I think will be most difficult to try&buy as I persume - in Poland most dealers limit options for EIMs returns... so lot of exciting testing ahead of me.
    Channels like yours are pretty good space to hear opinions and learn if something may be fit, especially that you are not "specs wanker" :) sharing mostly very subjective opinions that i find really useful even more than scientific approach which is not going to tell me if listening to particular gear may be FUN or not :)

  • @peterbuckley9731
    @peterbuckley9731 2 роки тому

    A very thoughtful take. Loved it.

  • @Krell666
    @Krell666 2 роки тому

    Completely agree. The only exception to this rule (IMHO) is where you have experience with a brand over many years and gel with their 'house sound', it lowers any risk. A case in point for me is Rega turntables, and to a lesser degree Dynaudio speakers.

  • @rcpmac
    @rcpmac 2 роки тому +1

    I’m into, now classic, Energy speakers. I have 2 pairs of Canadian made connoisseur c-8 towers. They suit my ears and I’ve found them on the local (Seattle) used market at a very reasonable $500 a pair. Large speakers seem to be going out of fashion and are quite a bargain.

  • @improvedgarage
    @improvedgarage 2 роки тому +1

    Generous return policies make it easier to not be stuck wiht a poor choice, but ive found it difficult to accept that in order to have the best option I now need to buy a few choices and listen to them in my room and return all but one. Ive seen manufacturers pulling out of stores that offer generous return policies like crutchfield, as well. I would love to experience Buchardt for example but struggle with the restocking fees if i decide they arent for me (although i guess its better than being stuck with a poor choice).

  • @rolandlickert2904
    @rolandlickert2904 2 роки тому

    Fully agree sometimes the choice was limited depending on where you leaving (which country) particularly in the 70/80/90 . However, extending listning at the HIFI stores and at home was essential. I start to read Absolute Sound very early on that helped a bit however it boils down to what you prefer-like never mind what the HiFi magazines recommend. I was lucky most of the time I was exposed to knowledgable HIFI stores (staff) that gave you time to listen and presented a choice of speakers etc within your budget.

  • @santosfibonacci9023
    @santosfibonacci9023 2 роки тому +3

    @Darko i shop at Apollo hifi too

  • @bryceallan523
    @bryceallan523 2 роки тому

    Good video as always John.

  • @audioexperience
    @audioexperience 2 роки тому

    this is a fundamental truth in hifi - well done sir!

  • @thelawman4684
    @thelawman4684 2 роки тому +4

    I never trusted Whathifi, which I always felt was more like a fashion mag for hifi, and each new month, there was a new "best" floorstander under £1000, etc, which was frustrating. I preferred the reviews in Hifi Choice, which were far more in depth, including technical testing - I'm talking way back in the 80s and 90s. Even with listening in shops one can make mistakes, it's generally too short a time, one get's impressed by detail, loudness, etc, that may be fatiguing at home in the long term.

    • @Z-u-m-a
      @Z-u-m-a 2 роки тому +2

      Spot-on John. Pretty sure WHF just insert collection of randomly chosen cliched paragraphs for their reviews.

    • @johnpischedda6951
      @johnpischedda6951 2 роки тому

      Thing is there was a heavy biased toward British brands in those mags! but to be fair the Brits were probably leading the way !

  • @EarphonesFin
    @EarphonesFin 2 роки тому +1

    Man you really have to try AKG K712 Pro! Amazing soundstage!

  • @paulf.5261
    @paulf.5261 2 роки тому

    I think a great piece of info I got in the mid 90s when I was looking for a CD player, was to take my headphones and a cd I knew really well and try a few out..... still use that ( Pioneer ) player today.
    🤔 I think it’s about to turn 30😬🥳

  • @orwhat24
    @orwhat24 2 роки тому +1

    At least around here, there are precious few places to listen.

  • @brettclawson
    @brettclawson 2 роки тому +1

    Oh yeah I bought an audiolab cd player from Apollo, still have it.

  • @volkhardruhs7662
    @volkhardruhs7662 2 роки тому +2

    When I was buying my first real gear (VTL, LINN, MERIDIAN) the good dealers came to our home. To listen in my room. Nowerdays? Ok, when you are prepared to spent more than 10.000 Euro….

  • @bobe3250
    @bobe3250 2 роки тому

    I've pretty much kept everything I have ever bought. 😁

  • @marknielsen8977
    @marknielsen8977 2 роки тому +6

    Since when is wearing trousers essential ?

  • @philsavory4728
    @philsavory4728 2 роки тому

    Great video. Would be interesting to hear more about the gear you purchased for yourself? Just curious did you end up buying the KEF LS50 Meta’s or did they hear sent back?

  • @jdekong3945
    @jdekong3945 2 роки тому +2

    Jeez John, after allthese years you`re really growing on me ! 😸

  • @christopherhenry3194
    @christopherhenry3194 Рік тому +3

    what are the acoustic panels in the background?

  • @kayurbach5182
    @kayurbach5182 2 роки тому

    But I bought everything based on your opinion... (I actually didn't, I even had the Marantz 40n before you reviewed it) - 100% honestly though, I personally, run on the 40n with the Metas, but I neither listened for or by myself. Reason: I wanted a qualitative upgrade from the 1k into the 5k bracket without going full idiot and not knowing at all what to do. So I was looking for something between a safe bet, low efforts and what many of my trusted experts on the interwebs said.
    And I am happy. I don't need A-B comparisons - because I can't do them every day anyway, and I believe you also get "used" to the sound, aside from your preferences.
    I even looked at the buchardts or LS50WL, but running power was even more repelling than speaker cables, which (socket placements) is an often overlooked factor in smaller spaces.
    Thanks for your insights, without getting to test so many new products, you're part of our eyes and ears (assuming you have similar tastes as I, which I, to a certain degree assume, judging by your interior, your attitude towards music and choices of music over the years)

  • @andrehb
    @andrehb 2 роки тому +1

    I live in a fairly large city (population 800k) and I prefer to give a local shop my audio $$, but the shop that carries the speaker I was considering purchasing charges s $250 "demo fee". It's non-returnable but you can apply it to any $1000+ purchase within 9 months. Is this common? I understand their desire to weed out the window shoppers . . . but I declined. Crutchfield in the US seems to have a good reputation for giving purchasers a 60 window return policy, I think they pay for return shipping too.

    • @danielhesse5311
      @danielhesse5311 2 роки тому

      that's not common that I know of, but other retailers have their own criteria. I was not offered an in home audition until I was a repeat customer or they believed I was a serious customer. this was Chicago for reference.

    • @andrehb
      @andrehb 2 роки тому

      @@patrickchampagne7894 thanks

    • @andrehb
      @andrehb 2 роки тому

      @@danielhesse5311 thanks

  • @James_Ryan
    @James_Ryan 2 роки тому +2

    6:50 Do audio/video rental places still exist? Seems to me that renting your dream gear for a few months would be more cost-effective than buying and selling...

    • @eddents
      @eddents 2 роки тому

      I think the super reputable stores will let you return if dissatisfied, or at least trade to something else. Be sure they have a strong contender for a " B" choice in those instances. In ATL, there are a couple of very nice stores I'd recommend.

    • @flohmann
      @flohmann 2 роки тому

      Buying used is essentially the same as renting, except that it ties up your money between sales. But yes, I'd love to see an audio gear leasing service, as for cars. Especially for the high priced stuff, where the depreciation and prices look a lot like they do for leased luxury cars!

  • @shemsureshot
    @shemsureshot 2 роки тому +1

    If you do home demo audio equipment I would suggest you don’t always do it with the same retailer. I had a large UK audio specialist tell me not to shop with them anymore after trying and returning 3 things and one of them was returned for cosmetic damage from the factory!
    On the other hand, some other retailers have been really accommodating.

  • @antonstute5837
    @antonstute5837 2 роки тому


  • @kenbrown4904
    @kenbrown4904 2 роки тому

    Slightly off topic but related to LFY......I assume you're a busy dude, heck I watch your videos twice a week. However, may I make a suggestion/request. Would you consider doing a music review video series in addition to the hardware reviews. I realize your taste and exposure is to a limited group of genres as a result of taste developed by LFY. I am sure there are many viewers like myself whom enjoy the music components of your videos. I think you may even increase your subscriber base by diversifying in this way. Lots of words to say thank you for all the content, ideas , information and reviews you humbly provide. Bit of a fan tbh......LFY Ken

    @KITFLETCH1 2 роки тому

    I’m lucky enough to have a Richer Sounds near me and there are some speakers I’d love to try - but it’s a little embarrassing to ask them to fetch them for me to listen to in the shop only to say no. Any tips?

  • @josephchamberlain3681
    @josephchamberlain3681 2 роки тому

    Ok, hear me out- If all tastes were individual and there were no aspects of sound that were appreciated more than others the Harman target curve for headphones would have no real world applicable value. It clearly does have value for headphone manufacturers. So I guess my point would be that there must be at least some communicable value statements which hold true across majorities.

  • @James_Ryan
    @James_Ryan 2 роки тому

    0:24 Is Apple store a good place to audition audiophile gear? ;)

  • @KM-wl1tp
    @KM-wl1tp 2 роки тому

    We keep wanting to change the flavour though. I think the pursuit of HiFi has become a mugs game, for buyers

  • @batterytestchannel-v4v
    @batterytestchannel-v4v 2 роки тому +6

    Apollo is a real survivor - still going while so many have fallen by the wayside.

    • @johnpischedda6951
      @johnpischedda6951 2 роки тому

      Agree ! while there are far more swanky shops around with lots more space, I like the choice of gear and the staff are great

  • @guycord
    @guycord 2 роки тому +4

    We are all conditioned by HiFi magazines of old and Wi-Fi magazines of today. We are taught to listen to a well-advertised product and told it is good. We describe soundstage, blacker than black, musicality based on these publications. There is no way on earth we can each find an optimal HiFi solution without blowing through cash to find audio nirvana. We follow the dram of the magazines for the products we should buy and love. When we listen…in store…or home how do we know what is good or bad for audition?? Especially when the recording and home/room acoustics makes so much difference. I like B&O. I like the sound. Many poo-poo it because the mags tell many of us that is what what we should do. (Better bang for buck etc…) but you will never read that in the press. Buying and selling to optimise is in short order is a good way to become poor. quod erat demonstrandum.

    • @martyjewell5683
      @martyjewell5683 2 роки тому

      Good point, Any hifi "system" will sound different from room to room. Size, shape, furnishings, standing waves and room nodes all take a toll on sound. Using magazine reviews as guides can help. Live classical has helped tune my ears to what instruments should sound like. In the 1970's the better audio shops wouldn't dare disparage or push a product. Not in NYC anyway. I've read interesting/educational articles and reviews from some respectable publications. My favorites were Consumer Guide and The Complete Buyers Guide to Stereo/Hifi Equipment in later 1970's early 80's. Audio is a personal thing, good/bad taste not withstanding, fuhgeddaboudit.

  • @ThomasZander
    @ThomasZander 2 роки тому +6

    John's videos have a strange effect on me: Every time I listen to the tracks he mentions in his videos on my own Hifi, I feel like "Wow, this sounds great. I don't need new stuff yet."

  • @Gammelsmxlf
    @Gammelsmxlf 2 роки тому +6

    The HIFI Klubben aesthetics are so very recognizable. Looks almost exactly like the stores here in Copenhagen.

  • @paulhewitt6953
    @paulhewitt6953 2 роки тому +3

    Recently got my ls 50 meta from Apollo Hifi . Great store still going strong

    @GSNLYT 2 роки тому +3

    Last year I bought my first ever Hi-Fi setup. After Listening for hours for 4 days I finally got myself the setup I like. First I listened to the LS50 Meta, didn't understand the hype because they sounded horrible to me. Monitor Audio speakers which were €600 a pair sounded better. Didn't go with those tho😂 After those 4 days I walked out with a NAD amp+streamer, Dali Opticon series and some cables for connecting everything I already had. Now a year later and I'm still digging the setup! Using it every day and I don't regret a cent (or penny) I spent on it!

  • @Nicholas-db5sl
    @Nicholas-db5sl 2 роки тому +2

    Bullseye! You’ve hit the centre mark there and your right! Listen to it; love it and then enjoy living with it! I certainly enjoy being enlightened by the “Future-Fi” lifestyle products, of which I’m an admirer, and owner, of the Power Node and Vault 2 units. Like any hobby it should be fun, enjoyable and not a contest to see who can become “Bankrupt” with the vain pursuit of chasing audio Nirvana with one’s own disposable income. Well done! Another informative Video.

  • @syanhc
    @syanhc 2 роки тому +6

    Like you, What HiFi was the go to magazine in the day. Then, it was Richer Sounds where you could audition equipment as is still the case. Luckily they are still in most UK cities whereas Seven Oaks is practically just an online store now.

  • @barbalabros1266
    @barbalabros1266 2 роки тому +3

    My comment is out of topic but I think you'll be happy to know that Play-Fi now supports gapless playback.Also I noticed that connectivity issues have been resolved (I use ethernet cable).
    I'd like to thank you for making public with your videos all the problems Play-Fi had because I believe it's a major factor why the devs decided to fix them.You are the only youtuber who said the whole truth about the Audiolab 6000A Play amp.
    That's why I strongly believe that "negative reviews" (I prefer to call them truthful reviews) are more useful than positive ones.
    Thank you and take care 👍

  • @djsouthpaw3811
    @djsouthpaw3811 2 роки тому +2

    John, this (in my opinion) is not only the best advice, but was also one of your best videos. (Not that they aren't all great) Thanks for your continued stellar content.

  • @jinvid
    @jinvid 2 роки тому +3

    Sorry John, I buy things exclusively on the back of your opinions. Because I trust your opinion…A LOT! I cannot afford a hifi system because I’m a family man so my foray into hifi had to be through the avenue of Head Fi. I’ve purchased about six items based on your knowledgeable opinions and Johnisms. I find your approach to audio refreshing and I’m very happy I came across your channel. Add to the fact that your music recommendations over the years have made my library more eclectic and cool! You made hifi seem approachable and most importantly, possible for a guy like me. So thank you so much. Love the Channel and keep up the amazing work!

    • @dropthehammer1360
      @dropthehammer1360 2 роки тому

      It’s also cool that his music recommendations aren’t your typical “audiophile” recordings.

  • @3582jj
    @3582jj 2 роки тому +1

    Circa 1986 aged 16 i had a similar journey into hifi. I live in London and what hifi was my bible, with a friend i used to go on Saturdays to Tottenham Court Road and listen and look at various separates.
    My 1st buy was a Nad 3020e, but took it back and bought a 2nd hand Quad 33/303 from a 2nd hand store off Edgeware Road.
    Years later upgraded through brands etc. Divorce and now aged 52 I'm looking at getting into hifi again, but with covid no shows to see and hear components.
    That's why I love UA-cam channels like this but cannot jump back in without never hearing anything on my possible list.
    Cannot see me buying direct like from Buchardt even with the shipping cost return. Perhaps I'm too old school.
    (Exchange and Mart was the ebay in those days)
    Great channel !

  • @allansr100
    @allansr100 2 роки тому +2

    As ever - a breath of fresh air.
    I live in a remote (ish) rural area in Scotland, and am a proud Buchardt owner thanks to their returns policy.

  • @assai74
    @assai74 2 роки тому +1

    I am not a youtuber, but the rest is pretty much my story to this day. Drove 550km to Berlin to purchase my speakers and even to our neighbourcountry Netherlands to buy my amp. Audition is key.
    Most critical is the match of the room and the speaker you like. Then the amps. Choosing a source for your linking is more independent. A good source let you identify the differences down the line more easily. But the room could ruin it all.

  • @60zeller
    @60zeller Рік тому +2

    Online reviews are a waste of time. Watched a review of the same speaker,two prominent
    ( in hi fi anyway) they had opposite openions. They were both right,for them.

  • @mischief2168
    @mischief2168 2 роки тому +3

    I bought a system from Sevenoaks Hifi in 1992. I loved the sound but the CD player skipped a lot, so I returned it, but armed with a bit more thought and knowledge, and yes I'd been buying What Hifi and other mags too. I got the salesman to set up the same amp and speakers that I'd already bought from them, and then asked him to plug in CD players one after the other in price order in a blind listening test until I said stop. I maybe exhausted their patience a bit, but I came away with a Marantz CD10 (£1200) and thirty years later it is still my source. I dread ever having to replace it because I've never heard another player that to my ears sounds so effortlessly 'musical'. I even bought a new replacement mech for it thinking that one day it would break (it hasn't). I now think this gem of a player will outlive me - and I hope it does.

  • @MattJoyce01
    @MattJoyce01 Рік тому +3

    I would love to hear more about how you audition, what music you use, what you listen for, the type of listening. Similarly, when you listen for pleasure, are you doing other things or just staring at your gear?
    Listening to music, to sounds, or to gear?

  • @bpalpha
    @bpalpha 2 роки тому +2

    I feel like I need to show up in a Bentley with a three piece suit on before I walk into the one true hi-fi store near me. Not going to happen. There's audiophile snobs, then there is the professional hi-fi salesperson level of snobbery. Due to economic constraints, I'm stuck in the used markets anyhow.

  • @jongottesman1263
    @jongottesman1263 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks John for another refreshing, sane commentary on hifi. Your channel feeds my enjoyment of equipment, even though I am not buying/selling gear. Your videos provide me a vicarious tour through the ongoing/changing world of what is out there for listeners.

  • @johnpischedda6951
    @johnpischedda6951 2 роки тому +1

    Cracker of a video John ! So relatable i think I've been down all those paths. I really hope it doesn't get to the stage where we lose the dealer distributor. This would be a tragedy as they are a major part of the HI FI experience ! Love the shout out to John at Apollo, great people to deal with !

  • @lekmannen9990
    @lekmannen9990 2 роки тому +1

    Why not check out some Canton speakers? They’re pretty local.

  • @geraldmcmullon2465
    @geraldmcmullon2465 2 роки тому +2

    In the 80s (even before PC and Mac computers) and 90s I bought and sold a lot of gear on the user groups - via dial in bulleting boards. Easier online and easier moving to forums than the e-mail lists but basically the same thing.
    I bought a system for my parents. Four years later I get my first system. It was based on reviews and the three way split of turntable, amp and speakers. Whilst each turned out to very good purchases a slightly different matching would have been more enjoyable. I discovered this when a dealer invited to bring in my gear for an A/B with their choice at different price ranges. So I was mixing and matching with similar speakers, amplifiers and turntables. This was a long demonstration - not all shops could do this. I then spent months of Saturdays in Hi-fi shops listening to various equipment and was allowed to switch in the combinations I wanted to list to my own LPs on. Spent 5 months salary (equivalent about 2.5 years salary now). The reviews helped to get a short list but covered only a fraction of what was on display at hi-fi shows. I think it harder now. Fewer dealers and next to none carrying more than one product that I would be interested in. With the current costs I would only buy new when too difficult (long wait) to get second hand. Getting one time £4K speakers for £400 is a gamble but they have always been running perfectly.
    If you can get second hand and the buyer is not too far away you might be able to book a day to go and listen to them. I got a B&W PV1, Meridian G55 power amp, Devialet Phantom Gold and Meridian D600 speakers that way. Let you ears judge for you but you do have to train your expectations or perhaps be left thinking could I swap this for that and get a better sound instead of just enjoying the music.

  • @osliverpool
    @osliverpool 2 роки тому +2

    I do a lot of buy/sell using the famous auction site, not only audio gear but also photo equipment and all sorts of things. By being strict on buying prices, I probably break even overall while getting to try lots of stuff. I think of it as eBay free rental.

  • @starbase218
    @starbase218 2 роки тому +2

    Amid things like nitrogen free cables made by elves in moonlight and sold for 10000 pounds per meter, at least we can agree on this. :)

  • @pauljameson6935
    @pauljameson6935 2 роки тому +2

    I love your attitude towards hifi and hifi snobbery. There's definitely a touch of the "Emperor's New Clothes" about hifi, and as you say, the capital investment involved is considerable, so a mistake is going to be a disaster. I didn't think my ears were good enough to appreciate "good" hifi so I was reluctant to invest much in a system, as I didn't think I'd be able to fully appreciate it. Then I heard a system that absolutely blew my socks off. This has taught me to trust myself. If you listen to a lot of music you like, you will know when it sounds right!

  • @philippefenain4405
    @philippefenain4405 2 дні тому

    Can I say this is your best video ever ? Or maybe I said it already under other videos !!
    Transparency, humility, professionalism. I am amazed !

  • @dal2258
    @dal2258 2 роки тому +2

    Choice anxiety, choice overload 😵‍💫

  • @Crustycon23
    @Crustycon23 2 роки тому +3

    Finally! An audiophile drinking game video! 😂👍🏻

  • @corymarcotte5853
    @corymarcotte5853 Рік тому +3

    Thank god… more and more manufacturers are selling direct and offer at home testing.😮

  • @adambrown8867
    @adambrown8867 2 роки тому +1

    I think about comparing something like a Gustard X26 with a Topping E50. Huge price difference but will it sound different? I've got an E50 on the way.

  • @David-Ellis
    @David-Ellis 2 роки тому +3

    Great video John. Thankfully I live near a number of hifi shops in London and I’ve really enjoyed the times I’ve been to buy pieces of hifi. Getting together half a dozen favourite albums and spending an afternoon just listening. I can’t imagine doing it any other way. Plus recently a few of my local stores are offering 30 day returns. Perfect if it sounds very different once you get it home.
    Sadly they don’t seem keen to demo cartridges - is that common? Can you return a cartridge having listened at home? 🤔

    • @markcarrington8565
      @markcarrington8565 2 роки тому

      I took the biggest punt ever recently when I bought my new cartridge. Like you, I couldn’t find a dealer willing to keep moving coil cartridges in stock. In the end, I relied upon multiple reviews, both written and video, to choose a cartridge.
      As the dealers couldn’t be bothered to assist me, I chose to go the tinterweb route and find someone selling on minimum margins. Imagine my surprise when they offered to ship a demo version of my chosen cartridge, with an offer to give me a full refund or ship my brand new cartridge, which ever I wanted.
      I pondered this for a while, then decided to take the plunge on the new one. Crackers, I know, but luckily it paid off. The price was fantastic too.
      Oh, in case you’re interested, the cart was an Audio Technica AT OC9XSL. It works brilliantly on my vintage LP12 with the Akito arm feeding an ifi Zen Phono. The impedance and level matching are spot on and the sound is superb.

  • @amarichalprego
    @amarichalprego Рік тому +3

    Thanks for your video. Sadly I am obliged most of the times to buy gear based on reviews, I know that sometimes (with a little lucky) things could work, but actually my Hi-fi journey was a bumpy road because of the way I can decide about buying new gear. I live in Uruguay, the market here is really narrow, we can access to maybe 4-5 brands for electronics and 3-4 for speakers. So, your channel an others around the web are very helpful to me, more than narrowing the options to make a list of possible gear. Because of that my journey it is like baby steps, every purchase had months of web surfing behind. I am very happy right now with my system by the way.
    Particularly in my case the opportunity of buying gear directly form the manufacturer is a bless, but always are people envolved in the distributors chain that have to make a living too. I know that during the pandemic all of us (as human being) had to cut expenses in one way or another, and maybe for some manufacturers it was a legitimately way to save money during the pandemic and beyond it.
    Again, thanks for your videos. Take care of yourself John

  • @petem7059
    @petem7059 2 роки тому +1

    So hear me out here, but... I have a different approach. I believe that the more time and effort and cognitive energy one spends in the run-up to making a decision, the more likely one is to regret that decision afterwards. And I apply that logic to hifi. Other than my current headphones, each and every piece of hifi gear I've got around the place (and there's some good stuff, across three linked-by-Roon setups), I've bought blind¹. And you know what? I don't have buyer's remorse for any of it, and I'm very happy with all it. I rest easy, knowing that at each point, I made the best decision I could at the time, with the information available to me. It's an approach that's successfully gotten me off the audiophile upgrade-itis treadmill; it's got rid of the concept of 'what if?'. Are there other audio flavours out there I might prefer? Maybe. But we're talking marginal gains at best, and the maths underpinning 'time + energy + cognitive effort + stress = possible improvement' just doesn't add up for me.
    ¹to clarify: 'blind' = I'd read online reviews / researched feature set / etc, but I hadn't listened to it before I bought it.
    [edit: changed 'I kinda disagree' to 'I have a different approach']

  • @luke78333
    @luke78333 2 роки тому +1

    Wow, we auditioned speakers in the same area and time, so cool! I remember the first hi-fi audition as a teenager back in 2003 that really impressed me and that was from Krix, which were A-B'd against some B&Ws. The B&W's sounded dry and flat compared with the Krix which sounded rich and full-bodied.

  • @tee-jaythestereo-bargainph2120
    @tee-jaythestereo-bargainph2120 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks John your on the money !!
    Everyone is different and thiers no perfect hifi system only the right hifi system for you ! 😃 Great Job John !

  • @DarkFire515
    @DarkFire515 2 роки тому +1

    Agree 100% about the need to personally audition equipment before buying. There are very few bits of objectively bad hifi equipment but personal audio taste varies a lot and is entirely subjective.

  • @DeanVRS20VT
    @DeanVRS20VT 2 роки тому +1

    Off-Topic: I’d really like to see you revisit Roon and their new 2.0 version. Talking about - requiring internet 24/7 to use local files. Exploring ARC and what you’d like to see and your impression so far.

  • @robertdavis5714
    @robertdavis5714 2 роки тому +1

    Late 1970's to early 1980's was my favorite time for buying and seeing/hearing new equipment, Stereo stores were plenty and on every corner in my area. Would love to spend a Saturday afternoon at Pacific Stereo, just walking thru the doors and the smell and sound of new equipment was Heaven.

  • @glazzarus
    @glazzarus 2 роки тому +1

    In all HIFI magazines, in all reviews, each item is recommended. So why does anyone need to look at any of that ??? We can't miss whatever we take that was ever reviewed, sound logical right???. No, not right because all these reviews do not have a sense. We do not have the same room as the audio showroom, we do not have the same room as reviewers, and often we do not like the "sound signature" that is declared as the right one. So we buy very low-level performance devices for a lot of money, that even do not give critical performance information, and then start to believe that is how should sound. If you know how real natural source sounds you will never find HIFI that will be able to reproduce properly that sound, simply no one is making that. So does not matter what we choose, as long we like it.

  • @vparikh08
    @vparikh08 2 роки тому +2

    First great channel and love your open, helpful and non judgmental attitude towards hi-fi. I go started into Hi-Fi 2 years ago right at the beginning of the pandemic - working from home gave me the perfect excuse to get into this crazy hobby! I listened to your reviews and several others (Audiophilliac, Andrew Robinson to name a few) to narrow down my choices to two systems - a Cambridge Audio CXA81 + CXN and an Audio Lab 6000a + BlueSound Node -- these were in my price range listening to features/comments from people I felt like I was comfortable that one of them would be for me. I decided to go with a pair of Elac Debut Reference for both speakers.
    Here in the United States many vendors give us a 60 day trial period for equipment - so I called up World Wide Stereo spoke to them and they agreed to ship me both systems for me to audition - I hooked them up and was able to A/B them on a regular basis. And after a month and a half of listening to both units for an hour or more each day, I returned the Cambridge CXA81 + CXN and went with the Audio Lab 6000a + Blue Sound Node. I won't get into the reasons why but the at home trial period was amazing - we get to leave with the equipment over a long period of time, really put it through their passes with the music we listen to and the environment we are using them in. I couldn't be happier. I am so happy with my AudioLab 6000a + BlueSound Node that I really have no reason to buy another one - it is simply amazing.
    As you said - the Internet is really allowing this to happen due to the the shut downs. And now that the genie is out of the bag, I don't think we are going to go back. I don't know how it is in Germany but here in the US just about every vendor who sells budget to mid level Hi-Fi allows at least a 60 day trial - as long was the vendor does not feel like you are abusing their policy. Which I think is great - however - I do miss the in person community that would gather at the local hi-fi stores to discuss and give their thoughts / experiences on equipment, setup, and new music to really appreciate / test out our systems. And I think it would seriously cut down on the hate/abuse/snobishness that we see on the net. I doubt someone would tell me I am an idiot as I am handing over my payment for an audio system ( I am 6' 5'' 229 lbs :).
    The flip side to this is that I am really content with my system - I just don't know any better I guess. Don't really see why I would need to upgrade. Although you channel as me thinking about some stuff - but its more like when I come across it, I'll check it out. I don't feel the urge to run out and order one to check out. So this could be a detriment to sales of the industry long term.
    As they say may you live in interesting times....
    Keep up the great work!

  • @nunofernandes4501
    @nunofernandes4501 2 роки тому +1

    So that's how an audiophile doorbell sounds like! On topic, I was able to compare my Dali Oberon 5 with a pair of Q Acoustic 3050 at the dealer and went with the Dalis for their mango/pistacchio flavour. I also bought an amp to go along with them and compared the Cambridge AXA35 with the NAD C316bee v2 and thought the NAD's zingy lemon taste would tire my taste buds more quickly than the AXA35's creamy vanilla/chocolate combo. So it was a very good thing to be able to taste the components at the dealer, I took home what I liked most. Two years later I went over there to have a taste of the Rega Elex-R and took it home knowing I'd enjoy it for a long time with no regrets.

  • @rondickinson8741
    @rondickinson8741 2 роки тому +1

    You are so right about the nastiness of just the whole world and you can get a taste of that online but I also really miss the ability to go into a store and have a knowledgeable nice salesperson give you an honest opinion and be able to hear what you were buying.
    Those days are done in areas that I live in Arkansas Midwest America. So I've only been watching your videos for a couple months now it's a breath of fresh air I think you're honest and pleasant about the whole thing it's really makes your channel worth a watch. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into it sincerely, Ron.

  • @markwillems4826
    @markwillems4826 2 роки тому +1

    Why did you not started a hifi store? All the toys you can play all day with and at the end of the day you earned Some money ;)

  • @paulf.5261
    @paulf.5261 2 роки тому +1

    😯 I have a little pair of Krix Equinox 2 way speakers that I bought from my local opshop 🤯 perfect condition and very much worth the $10 😬😉👍

  • @wric01
    @wric01 2 роки тому +1

    Listen to the younger audiophile that has yet to have hearing damage that comes with this hobby and age. Samsung smartphone custom tailored hearing profile gives you an idea of your hearing ability.

  • @scottmelneal
    @scottmelneal 7 місяців тому

    You still enjoying the Monitor Audio Silver Anniversary edition?

  • @andreasmaximus6116
    @andreasmaximus6116 2 роки тому +1

    Like you I was a regular reader in the early 90's of What HiFi. My first CD player was a Technics SL-PG340. It didn't come with a remote. I look after my gear like it's made of porcelain. I still have the Technics and it plays perfectly. I honestly can't say if streaming a Tidal master track is better than a well-mastered disk on that 30-yr-old player.

  • @overnightdelivery
    @overnightdelivery 2 роки тому +2

    I'm 41 now and have found it's a silly waste of time and money to search for 'perfect' sound. Sound is so complex and will be different in ANY room. Adding/removing any furniture or literally any object can effect how sound bounces around the room and what you ultimately hear. And if you want to have great sound anywhere in the room, you have entered mission impossible.
    You will need to accept there will be compromises because of physics. The bigger the room, the bigger the speakers needed and the more complicated and expensive it gets.
    Pick some reasonably sized speakers with good output for the room size. Place them a little ways from the back wall. Listen near the middle of the room where there will be optimum sound quality and the least sound wave reflections. EQ the sound if necessary for your listening position. If you are feeling excited when the music is playing and bobbing your head with nearly any song that plays.. you are done. Even a 100,000 dollar setup will have massive flaws in it. It does not pay to try and chase perfection. If you are enjoying the music, nothing more needs to be done.

    • @ewoutbuhler5217
      @ewoutbuhler5217 2 роки тому +2

      I tend to agree however let's not forget the joy there is in fiddling around, tweaking this and that and being on a path of continuous improvement. If tweaking like that is your passion, you simply do not accept the status quo, you keep on trying new things. And if your time and budget allows this, why not? It's a great hobby!

    • @overnightdelivery
      @overnightdelivery 2 роки тому

      @@ewoutbuhler5217 I agree it's fun to experiment with different setups and learn in the process. Just saying people should have realistic goals on what they hope to achieve. I'm sure there are some super depressed people out there that spent a fortune only to realize the sound wasn't really much better than when they started. But if you are building a dedicated studio room or something, then you have more control over it. 🙂

  • @stephenwriter
    @stephenwriter 2 роки тому +1

    Hi John, When making your review videos how about recording the sound from the products? We might not hear exactly what you are hearing but, and I know this from experience, with a decent pair of headphones (and headphone amp) you get a good indication and, most importantly, you can hear the DIFFERENCE in sound between products - especially speakers. Just a thought.

  • @telmoCuenca
    @telmoCuenca 2 роки тому +1

    Yes, I totally agree with the idea of "listen for yourself", since the audio quality that we perceive depends a lot on the sensitivity of each ear and personal tastes.
    But, in many countries and cities like the ones I live in, there is no possibility to test audio equipment (speaking of HiFi level), most of the brands and models that you have reviewed are not available in my country and they have to be bought online without having tried and heard them for oneself.
    So that's when we should be guided only by opinions and reviews from people like you with more experience and access to testing HiFi audio equipment. (thanks for that)

  • @GuiltyRocker
    @GuiltyRocker 2 роки тому +1

    I finally found my sound, it's a Chord DAC with M Scaler, Parasound JC-5/JC-2 and Paradigm Personas tower speakers.

  • @clk25120
    @clk25120 2 роки тому +2

    Apollo is still around..

  • @googleaccount7483
    @googleaccount7483 2 роки тому +1

    More hypes coming... in hype-end products market.

  • @wikdwizz
    @wikdwizz 2 роки тому +4

    Absolutely. I've just purchased a pair of PMC 25 22i after demoed lots of speakers at hifi dealers and at home. It's very important that you buy what you like.

    • @rog86
      @rog86 2 роки тому +1

      I like these speakers, very impressed in my deno. What amplifier are you using them with?

    • @dilbyjones
      @dilbyjones 2 роки тому +1

      PMC seems nice

    • @wikdwizz
      @wikdwizz 2 роки тому +1

      @@rog86 Naim Uniti Atom. Though it’s only 40w per channel, but it can rock many speakers.

    • @rog86
      @rog86 2 роки тому

      @@wikdwizz nice....

  • @anthonyhopkin
    @anthonyhopkin 2 роки тому +1

    Hi John. Your point is well made - and 'Listen for myself' is something that I would do in the 60's, to the 90's. Not that many people can now. Try finding a place that can compare Open baffle speakers or electrostatic - or even. Ohm Walsh - against boxes. Good advice but we don't all live in or near to Berlin. ;¬D. Greetings to you and yours.