Very different video today - Just experimenting. I still want to do in-depth guides (waiting for next patch to see if anything interesting shows up), but I also enjoy these challenge series where I go from unranked to masters with various comps and wanted to try uploading it here. Full VoDs available in the description of the video. This will for sure get nerfed next patch, so enjoy the free LP while it lasts. If you are below Emerald, you can open fort every game until 2-7, play best board until 3-7, then go level 8 on 4-1 and roll all in for the board every game and climb easily to Emerald or even Diamond. Once you are in Diamond, you'll have to start being more flexible with your openers since your open forts will become contested and being rich enough to 4-1 will become more difficult. P.S: Minimum gold to go lvl 8 and roll on 4-1 is lvl 7 40g on 3-5. If you are poorer than that, you are not rich enough to 4-1 it. Even lvl 7 40g is not rich enough to reliably hit on 4-1. Ideally at least lvl 7 50g on 3-5. Going on 4-1 is important for getting Ahri / Blitz before they are all out of the pool.
Thanks blue just got emerald with this, I was having trouble learning how to one trick this, what really helped was seeing how much you focus on making gold interest thresholds, I was always subconsciously playing "a little tempo" so I couldn't ever go 8 on 4-1. Seeing you doing it made me able to do it, very helpful as always = ].
I really like your content you put out, its a lot more educational than many other youtubers ive found and fits my pace pretty well. Keep up the good work!
I also rlly just like understanding strong comps indepth like this, so i think it would make for great videos if you explore the other meta comps and show how you play them (and maybe from what spot you'd look to play them
I'd say it's not the strongest comp though. It's just very overpowered right now. And is extremely overpowered for the timing that you can pull it off.
Thanks for this awesome guide! use to play punk guardian but recently kept falling from gold 1 back to gold 4. Thanks to your guide I am climbing again
I started messing around when I started and bot 4rd my first ranked. Took a couple days to get out of the crap into Silver I. One or two top 4s will get me into gold, where I tend to plateau. Looking forward to seeing how you progress.
This was so helpful coz for a new player like me i don't know what a certain champion does and what does a item do ... How to progress.... U r the best
Even as someone who plays a ton of Ahri Sentinals, I've learned quite a lot. One quick question I had was at 29:10 where you chose to get rid of the KDA trait. I thought the additional 10% health to all units on spotlights would've given more value than a lulu 2. Because health is "multiplicative" with the resistances of Sentinal, my personal choice wouldve been to switch out the Lulu 2 for seraphine 1. Does Lulu just give that much more value to the team? Or was it also because you would be less restricted on your unit placement?
Lulu is WAY better than Seraphine as a unit, so earlier in the challenge I tended to prefer her. Later in the challenge, I started playing Seraphine more because the HP on 6 sentinel is quite valuable, plus the extra health on Ahri helps her survive fully itemized Caitlyns / Ezreals. Lulu is probably better against melee comps though, even factoring in the K/DA trait. But since the comp is quite good against melee comps anyway, it's probably better to just stick with Seraphine.
iv been onetricking lux for a week and went from bronze to 2 points away from emerald. 4x bruiser 4x dazzler 3x edm 3x disco perma lose till lvl 7 , then reroll for hopefully gold lux. Vs akali comps put lux in the middle, if you have illoai, use his tentacles in the back left and back right.( 2 star illoai and the akali wont be doing nothing but clearing tentacles) items : spear of shojin, rabadons, archangle staff
I tried this and it’s sick. Went from gold to emerald in two days, not even many games. My track record was a bit worse than yours but over 50% wins through plat. In plat I noticed that upgrading your whole board at 4-1 or 4-2 wasn’t always possible and I died and went 7 or 8 a couple of times until I learned that I should play a bit stronger boards and save some heartsteel in case I hit.
I just started playing this, and started doing Ahri sentinels on my own. I thought I found a cheat code. 😂 I guess at my level, people don't know. I'm glad I found this video.
Thank you so much for this video!!! I just started playing TFT around 8 days ago, and thanks to your explanation of how to force Sentinel Ahri every game, I just got to Emerald!
New player here. So 1 think i catch here is does 3-star champion doesn't matter? the only thing that matter is your level, items, and your comps/traits?
Just a question for people that like forcing 1 comp, doesn't that take the fun out of the game if you're just playing one comp? I find its more fun just being fluid and build a comp based on what thee game is giving you.
I've been able to get to silver 3 just by playing random boards and trying to get synergies. First game I try and force Ahri Sentinels with the advice in this video, I got my 2nd ever 1st place. lol Something that's maybe overlooked is how powerful it seems to be to actually play for economy in very low Elo. My problem before was that I'd regularly do fine until 4-3 or 5-1 ish and then just get destroyed because I didn't have the money to develop teams
I‘m always level 8 or 9 by 4-5 and yet I can never find an early Ahri, what should I do if Ahri just refuses to come home? Like even if I’m uncontested she just refuses to show up in shop or carousel, is my RNG just shit or is there a good alternative?
Shouldnt you be buying and reselling sentinel chosens that are not sentinel+ trait instead of just skipping them? Otherwise they dont show up again for four rolls
I start doing this later on in the challenge (same with spellweaver), but don't do it early on since that discovery was only recent and is not usually that relevant when playing flexibly, but is insanely important when 1-tricking.
how do you know which best augments to take is there like a website that shows you the stats if so can you link it please also thanks for the informative video. its helpful for a new player like me to understand how a high elo player plays and manage gold
These videos help a lot, thank you. I've just recently got back into this game, I'm a very casual player. Used to just do Yordle portal when I last played because it was easy. Now I'm trying to learn more than just 1 trick to expand. I've been playing Punk or rapidfire jinx depending on what I get early (I'm sorry) and Jazz Miss Fortune. I've tried Country Samira KDA Ahri and True Damage Yasuo though I struggle with them. Is Ahri sentinels still strong towards the end of set 10?
at 1:26:00 why ksante over mordekaiser ? You said you will remove mordekaiser for 5 spell weaver why not ksante ? Ty for the video, very instructive ;)
Is multi talented sents sw ekko better hl than ahri or bc? I played atleast 20 games of this comp, (made it to emerald after beaing hardstuck plat, thanks) and i think i only 3* both ahri and blitzcrank only twice. But in 3 star ekko around 30% maybe
but what if you have those games where other players are open forting and your first augment is not a good eco one? Your last game in this vid for example, your eco is completely screwed if you did not have patient study which is the best eco augment as you were open forting but did not have any losing streak. You had 60 gold after hitting lv8 at 4-1 which is the perfect scenario for this one trick, but you would be likely 8th that game if you did not have patient study. I've been playing this for the last few days, i had many 1st but also many 7th and 8th, for lots of games you had to hit lv8 even at 3-7 because other players are playing this comp as well and when you don't have eco because you could not hold your lose streak as others are open forting and you don't have a perfect augment like patient study at stage 2, in one of those games you are very likely to be the 8th place, especially when you built your item specifically for ahri and you can't change your comp at stage 4
Fairly confident that 1-tricking is the best way to learn the game. You're only ignoring one part of the game: Learning many different compositions and flexing into them. But you'll learn how to streak effectively, find alternative carries for a singular comp (e.g: several games in this Challenge I did not find Ahri on 4-1 and had to play around Lulu, Qiyana, and Jhin carry), when to level, when to roll, how much HP is enough to stabilize, augment selection for specific comps, etc. There is a reason some 1-tricks are ALWAYS Challenger or GM (e.g: Tacobell Wifi / auqaa) and others are stuck in Plat. Once you learn those fundamentals, you can get into playing the game the "right" way in terms of becoming flexible to many different lines.
@@GM_Blue Thank you! I get so sick of hearing about how one-tricking is not a good way to learn the game or can't be effective. That point about "what if you don't find what you want" still teaches flexibility, it's just not the "I can do every comp in the game" definition of it. TFT is a game influenced by randomness. You have no choice but to be flexible even if your end goal is the same because every game the path TO your end goal is going to be different. Why "flexibility" gets defined in such narrow terms idk. But practically, you're "flexible" every time you play the game. You literally can not be successful otherwise.
This comp is super contested in Emerald.. Emerald aint shit anymore. Emerald is the new Plat hell. This comp is strong but if you dont hit at least ahri 2 or blitz 2 you going fast 8
There really isn't a rapidfire composition in my opinion. If you're talking about Caitlyn / Ezreal AD Flex though (especially with TD spat), I am going to wait until next patch to see what changes about it. There are a few excellent videos that cover AD flex on this patch though: Dishsoap's Explanation: Prestivent's Explanation:
when the first game is about to end youre rolling for 3 star ahri and 2 star sona but you dont hold epics from the shop as u roll ? just lazy right obviously ik u already had the game won etc but best to show that
Lazy is the wrong word - It's a purposefully eliminated habit. You'll notice a lot of Challenger / GM players stopped doing this several sets ago. The reason is simple: It barely improves your odds, but increases the amount of time required to do your rolldown AND increases the mental energy required to keep track of your bench. The extra time committed to barely increase your odds of finding a specific unit is rarely ever worth it. As such, it's a bad habit. There are exceptions, of course, like rolling for 5-cost 3 stars where you absolutely should buy every 5-cost you see. If you have the extra time, you can also consider picking up similar cost units. But generally speaking, I recommend not even thinking about it as it will grief you more often than not.
In first game, it was just an oversight. I wanted weaker board to lose initially since I knew the boards would be weak in unranked, but I should have put it in once I won.
mans exaggerating how bad seraphine is lol ive itemized her and she is basically fightig ahri for top dmg when i couldnt find sona/qiyana but had to run spellweavers
I''m sorry but you can not 1trick Ahri Sentinels as of right now, people are literally open forting to save as much econ as possible to get the earlierst chance to roll at level 8 and literally everyone is hording Ahri and Blitz.
You absolutely can 1-trick it and that was the whole point of this (I heard a lot of sentiment similar to yours). It got much more difficult at the end for precisely the reason you mentioned, but you really only need 1 Ahri for Stage 4 and sometimes even Stage 5 and you can play without Blitz as well for a while in Stage 4 if your board is upgraded enough or if you hit Illaoi / Qiyana during your rolldown. There are so many substitutes that it's fairly low roll to not hit anything. Occasionally this did happen and I'd go bot 4, but if you want to truly just 1-trick it, you'll still climb as long as you know how to econ effectively to 4-1 it most games.
People on the internet have absolutely to chill/ sense of embarrassment. Dude doesn't watch the video, goes "Excuse me but i know better", proceeds to write basically what he says in the first minute, and says he doesn't have time to watch the video. Letting it play while writing this useless comment would've stopped you from pressing send lmao 😂 the same amount of time it took you to type that shit would've saved looking a bit dumb 😂 love you to bits tho youre funny 😊
In this meta it is game-losing. Playing for winstreak and throwing because of bad positioning on 2-2 when I scouted this guy having his tanks separated and purposefully moved my Senna over to attack his Ksante, but not moving it over far enough is horrible play at my elo. Losing that round would have cost a minimum of 9g and 2 HP to a completely avoidable mistake. That 9 gold likely allowed me to make certain intervals so it compounds to more than 9. In this meta where you need as much gold as possible to roll at start of stage 4, it is a game losing mistake (and by game losing, I mean at least 1 or 2 placements lost). I get why it's annoying to hear someone bitch, but at least trust the fact that it would have been a colossal mistake.
@@GM_Blue Pretty sure it was same game you spent like 5 minutes saying its impossible to beat this guy theres nothing you can do its gg, and then you win the round haha
I have peaked challenger and finished GM last season, it is easier to get masters when you're already a masters player on a fresh account, as you said, your mmr is huge by the time you get to diamond.
yeah I mean nothing impressive here. Just like the kids who are challenger in rift and go 30-0 on smurfs, nothing impressive. You're better than everybody else. thought it was impressive till i got high elo myself
@@Jaheim-x1r Also specifically, there is a difference when you already know the set , so your first rank up on a new set is harder than if you make a smurf for 1, you're playing with higher elo people on the climb at the beginning also, 2, you're learning the builds from fresh.
The point isn't to ego everyone. I still consider myself dogshit compared to consistent, top Challenger players (as in, top 10 players, not the bottom tier of Challengers) and continue to strive for that skill level. There is a huge difference between League and TFT though. My understanding is that while knowledge-based skill in League is huge and there is a noticeable difference in game knowledge between a Challenger player and even a Masters player, there is also a huge mechanical gap between high level players and lower level players. In TFT, there is almost zero mechanical skill required. It is entirely a knowledge-based game. I think that inherently increases the value of seeing higher elo players in lower elo from an informational standpoint.@@Jaheim-x1r
@@GM_Blue I don't have a problem with the video, not even a little bit, i was just making the comment that unless you're already a masters player, or even a masters player on this specific set already then you probably can't 1 trick this build as easy as you did.
Very different video today - Just experimenting. I still want to do in-depth guides (waiting for next patch to see if anything interesting shows up), but I also enjoy these challenge series where I go from unranked to masters with various comps and wanted to try uploading it here. Full VoDs available in the description of the video.
This will for sure get nerfed next patch, so enjoy the free LP while it lasts. If you are below Emerald, you can open fort every game until 2-7, play best board until 3-7, then go level 8 on 4-1 and roll all in for the board every game and climb easily to Emerald or even Diamond. Once you are in Diamond, you'll have to start being more flexible with your openers since your open forts will become contested and being rich enough to 4-1 will become more difficult.
P.S: Minimum gold to go lvl 8 and roll on 4-1 is lvl 7 40g on 3-5. If you are poorer than that, you are not rich enough to 4-1 it. Even lvl 7 40g is not rich enough to reliably hit on 4-1. Ideally at least lvl 7 50g on 3-5. Going on 4-1 is important for getting Ahri / Blitz before they are all out of the pool.
Immediately tried it in rank, and wreck like a tank. 😅 Thanks for the guide. Also insta subscribe
I notice you slur the last syllable in every sentence you say lol
I like this video! I would love to see more videos like this, where you show off and explain a certain team comp. Very helpful video!
ythe 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😮😅😮😅 oh i 😢😮oo😢or else ill cry again later tonight when when my 😢😢😢you know how much of
Thanks blue just got emerald with this, I was having trouble learning how to one trick this, what really helped was seeing how much you focus on making gold interest thresholds, I was always subconsciously playing "a little tempo" so I couldn't ever go 8 on 4-1. Seeing you doing it made me able to do it, very helpful as always = ].
I really like your content you put out, its a lot more educational than many other youtubers ive found and fits my pace pretty well. Keep up the good work!
I also rlly just like understanding strong comps indepth like this, so i think it would make for great videos if you explore the other meta comps and show how you play them (and maybe from what spot you'd look to play them
TFT is at it's worst when a boring comb is reliable and the strongest.
I'd say it's not the strongest comp though. It's just very overpowered right now.
And is extremely overpowered for the timing that you can pull it off.
The comp is highly contested tho, and there is ways to play against it, I’ve seen more op comps in TFT
Thanks for this awesome guide! use to play punk guardian but recently kept falling from gold 1 back to gold 4. Thanks to your guide I am climbing again
Thanks for the guide! Love your content. Just got to Diamond with this, hopefully more soon.
I started messing around when I started and bot 4rd my first ranked. Took a couple days to get out of the crap into Silver I. One or two top 4s will get me into gold, where I tend to plateau. Looking forward to seeing how you progress.
Thank you, because of you're video i climbed out from Plat and im now close to Emarald 2, trying to reach master ! :=)
This was so helpful coz for a new player like me i don't know what a certain champion does and what does a item do ... How to progress.... U r the best
I just hit emerald spamming Ahri Sentinels. Highest I've gotten in TFT. Your streams helped. Thanks!
Even as someone who plays a ton of Ahri Sentinals, I've learned quite a lot. One quick question I had was at 29:10 where you chose to get rid of the KDA trait. I thought the additional 10% health to all units on spotlights would've given more value than a lulu 2. Because health is "multiplicative" with the resistances of Sentinal, my personal choice wouldve been to switch out the Lulu 2 for seraphine 1. Does Lulu just give that much more value to the team? Or was it also because you would be less restricted on your unit placement?
Lulu stun is incredibly good
Lulu is WAY better than Seraphine as a unit, so earlier in the challenge I tended to prefer her. Later in the challenge, I started playing Seraphine more because the HP on 6 sentinel is quite valuable, plus the extra health on Ahri helps her survive fully itemized Caitlyns / Ezreals. Lulu is probably better against melee comps though, even factoring in the K/DA trait. But since the comp is quite good against melee comps anyway, it's probably better to just stick with Seraphine.
iv been onetricking lux for a week and went from bronze to 2 points away from emerald.
4x bruiser 4x dazzler 3x edm 3x disco
perma lose till lvl 7 , then reroll for hopefully gold lux.
Vs akali comps put lux in the middle, if you have illoai, use his tentacles in the back left and back right.( 2 star illoai and the akali wont be doing nothing but clearing tentacles)
items : spear of shojin, rabadons, archangle staff
I tried this and it’s sick. Went from gold to emerald in two days, not even many games. My track record was a bit worse than yours but over 50% wins through plat. In plat I noticed that upgrading your whole board at 4-1 or 4-2 wasn’t always possible and I died and went 7 or 8 a couple of times until I learned that I should play a bit stronger boards and save some heartsteel in case I hit.
No jkoke bro this is the best TFT video I watched my whole life on YT! So please brother, could you make another video like this for this set?
I just started playing this, and started doing Ahri sentinels on my own. I thought I found a cheat code. 😂 I guess at my level, people don't know. I'm glad I found this video.
The play on 2:04:41 was insane
Actually good😂
Super educational, thanks!
Thank you so much for this video!!! I just started playing TFT around 8 days ago, and thanks to your explanation of how to force Sentinel Ahri every game, I just got to Emerald!
hey not sure if you notice later on in the video but a full stage in you didnt, why play the set > kda with seraphine at 15:00
New player here. So 1 think i catch here is does 3-star champion doesn't matter? the only thing that matter is your level, items, and your comps/traits?
Just a question for people that like forcing 1 comp, doesn't that take the fun out of the game if you're just playing one comp? I find its more fun just being fluid and build a comp based on what thee game is giving you.
💯💯💯 Completely agree
forcing a comp every game is soulless boring gameplay
Do a 14.1 One Trick guide plz
Where do you look up Augments is there a spreadsheet or something that u can link us to? Also new to TFT so this was a really great video
When trying to play this comp earlier this week, somebody got a 2* ahri when they were level 6...
I've been able to get to silver 3 just by playing random boards and trying to get synergies.
First game I try and force Ahri Sentinels with the advice in this video, I got my 2nd ever 1st place. lol
Something that's maybe overlooked is how powerful it seems to be to actually play for economy in very low Elo.
My problem before was that I'd regularly do fine until 4-3 or 5-1 ish and then just get destroyed because I didn't have the money to develop teams
Got emerald 3 to this comp. Thanks, fam ❤
Video Summary: “I think we are going to lose oh wait another top 4 lolz nevermind”
I‘m always level 8 or 9 by 4-5 and yet I can never find an early Ahri, what should I do if Ahri just refuses to come home? Like even if I’m uncontested she just refuses to show up in shop or carousel, is my RNG just shit or is there a good alternative?
you open forting - 69 hp 3-1
me trying to save hp - 65hp 3-1
game is 95% pure luck
First few games trying this. Ive lost all my lp. In regret my decisions.
I've been Spamming Ahri Sentinels before it gets nerfed. It's free LP
Shouldnt you be buying and reselling sentinel chosens that are not sentinel+ trait instead of just skipping them? Otherwise they dont show up again for four rolls
I start doing this later on in the challenge (same with spellweaver), but don't do it early on since that discovery was only recent and is not usually that relevant when playing flexibly, but is insanely important when 1-tricking.
how do you know which best augments to take is there like a website that shows you the stats if so can you link it please also thanks for the informative video. its helpful for a new player like me to understand how a high elo player plays and manage gold
Spammed ahri sent, smashed to emerald easy then boom, contested every game. From being 1st 2nd every game to bottom 4 in literally 1 tier.
These videos help a lot, thank you. I've just recently got back into this game, I'm a very casual player. Used to just do Yordle portal when I last played because it was easy. Now I'm trying to learn more than just 1 trick to expand. I've been playing Punk or rapidfire jinx depending on what I get early (I'm sorry) and Jazz Miss Fortune. I've tried Country Samira KDA Ahri and True Damage Yasuo though I struggle with them. Is Ahri sentinels still strong towards the end of set 10?
at 1:26:00 why ksante over mordekaiser ? You said you will remove mordekaiser for 5 spell weaver why not ksante ? Ty for the video, very instructive ;)
The augment "Little Buddies" gives bonuses to your 4&5 cost units for each 1&2 cost unit on your board, so I valued that
@@GM_Blue I completely forgot that, thank you !
what webstie do you use for stats?
great video, bro. hahahaha. the Emerald rank really did a scar on you, huh? hahahaha.
damn this comp is too good.
I love your pure hate to Seraphine haha
Thanks I gained 100+ lp today one tricking this comp
Is multi talented sents sw ekko better hl than ahri or bc? I played atleast 20 games of this comp, (made it to emerald after beaing hardstuck plat, thanks) and i think i only 3* both ahri and blitzcrank only twice. But in 3 star ekko around 30% maybe
what website do you use to determine which augment is best? great video btw!
Cool video, thanks for the informative gameplay. Just one question, does true damage counter this comp?
Yes. It also counters every other comp in the game because it is broken (with a spatula), but it especially counters this one.
1:10:30 slam the JG?
Totally new to TFT. Why is it you did not want to Lillia to 2 stars? So confused by that.
I'm falling short in stage 3 i cant get any win what should i play on this stage?
@@PrimaryDye thanks bro
Upload more videos bro!
Did this get nerfed already or still viable?
Ok, now I want a counter comp for this😅 Its all over the place
but what if you have those games where other players are open forting and your first augment is not a good eco one? Your last game in this vid for example, your eco is completely screwed if you did not have patient study which is the best eco augment as you were open forting but did not have any losing streak. You had 60 gold after hitting lv8 at 4-1 which is the perfect scenario for this one trick, but you would be likely 8th that game if you did not have patient study. I've been playing this for the last few days, i had many 1st but also many 7th and 8th, for lots of games you had to hit lv8 even at 3-7 because other players are playing this comp as well and when you don't have eco because you could not hold your lose streak as others are open forting and you don't have a perfect augment like patient study at stage 2, in one of those games you are very likely to be the 8th place, especially when you built your item specifically for ahri and you can't change your comp at stage 4
Why every second second an ad-play ???
lillia can solo creep rounds just like renekton in set 9
make another vid for the next patch
Idk how to feel about this comp, or just one trick climbing, it feels like I'm ignoring so much of the game for just some quick lp
Fairly confident that 1-tricking is the best way to learn the game. You're only ignoring one part of the game: Learning many different compositions and flexing into them. But you'll learn how to streak effectively, find alternative carries for a singular comp (e.g: several games in this Challenge I did not find Ahri on 4-1 and had to play around Lulu, Qiyana, and Jhin carry), when to level, when to roll, how much HP is enough to stabilize, augment selection for specific comps, etc. There is a reason some 1-tricks are ALWAYS Challenger or GM (e.g: Tacobell Wifi / auqaa) and others are stuck in Plat. Once you learn those fundamentals, you can get into playing the game the "right" way in terms of becoming flexible to many different lines.
@@GM_Blueyou're right, I just have some weird standards I have to get over, thanks for the content.
@@GM_Blue Thank you!
I get so sick of hearing about how one-tricking is not a good way to learn the game or can't be effective. That point about "what if you don't find what you want" still teaches flexibility, it's just not the "I can do every comp in the game" definition of it.
TFT is a game influenced by randomness. You have no choice but to be flexible even if your end goal is the same because every game the path TO your end goal is going to be different.
Why "flexibility" gets defined in such narrow terms idk. But practically, you're "flexible" every time you play the game. You literally can not be successful otherwise.
This comp is super contested in Emerald.. Emerald aint shit anymore. Emerald is the new Plat hell. This comp is strong but if you dont hit at least ahri 2 or blitz 2 you going fast 8
You are so good
Omg I just tried it out and I was lucky enough to make blitz 3-star!!! Unbeatable😈😈😈
Hello i really love your guide can you make on for caitlyn rapidfire comp?
There really isn't a rapidfire composition in my opinion. If you're talking about Caitlyn / Ezreal AD Flex though (especially with TD spat), I am going to wait until next patch to see what changes about it. There are a few excellent videos that cover AD flex on this patch though:
Dishsoap's Explanation:
Prestivent's Explanation:
As grateful as I am for some of the insight, you complain a *lot* bro
when the first game is about to end youre rolling for 3 star ahri and 2 star sona but you dont hold epics from the shop as u roll ? just lazy right obviously ik u already had the game won etc but best to show that
Lazy is the wrong word - It's a purposefully eliminated habit. You'll notice a lot of Challenger / GM players stopped doing this several sets ago. The reason is simple: It barely improves your odds, but increases the amount of time required to do your rolldown AND increases the mental energy required to keep track of your bench. The extra time committed to barely increase your odds of finding a specific unit is rarely ever worth it. As such, it's a bad habit. There are exceptions, of course, like rolling for 5-cost 3 stars where you absolutely should buy every 5-cost you see. If you have the extra time, you can also consider picking up similar cost units. But generally speaking, I recommend not even thinking about it as it will grief you more often than not.
I’ve been spamming AD Flex
its a good comp.
why not use KDA 3 in stage 3?
In first game, it was just an oversight. I wanted weaker board to lose initially since I knew the boards would be weak in unranked, but I should have put it in once I won.
Very nice video but with bloody thumbnail XD !!
I sharpened the Ahri in the thumbnail just for you :P
Why does he buy champs just to sell it after?
olaf without belt can actually win 1-4
Now this interest me :)
mans exaggerating how bad seraphine is lol ive itemized her and she is basically fightig ahri for top dmg when i couldnt find sona/qiyana but had to run spellweavers
Getting masters in tft is like getting Silver in solo q
#just hit
Why teaching people to play the most toxic comp of this set ? What is the meaning of this game if you play only one comp ?
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I''m sorry but you can not 1trick Ahri Sentinels as of right now, people are literally open forting to save as much econ as possible to get the earlierst chance to roll at level 8 and literally everyone is hording Ahri and Blitz.
You absolutely can 1-trick it and that was the whole point of this (I heard a lot of sentiment similar to yours). It got much more difficult at the end for precisely the reason you mentioned, but you really only need 1 Ahri for Stage 4 and sometimes even Stage 5 and you can play without Blitz as well for a while in Stage 4 if your board is upgraded enough or if you hit Illaoi / Qiyana during your rolldown. There are so many substitutes that it's fairly low roll to not hit anything. Occasionally this did happen and I'd go bot 4, but if you want to truly just 1-trick it, you'll still climb as long as you know how to econ effectively to 4-1 it most games.
Watch the video for fucks sake, literally the first thing he's talking about.
@@alerixv im not watching a 3:34 hour long video i only have mixed interest in, lol
@@acekun6493he says that in the first 30 seconds of the video...
People on the internet have absolutely to chill/ sense of embarrassment. Dude doesn't watch the video, goes "Excuse me but i know better", proceeds to write basically what he says in the first minute, and says he doesn't have time to watch the video. Letting it play while writing this useless comment would've stopped you from pressing send lmao 😂 the same amount of time it took you to type that shit would've saved looking a bit dumb 😂 love you to bits tho youre funny 😊
oh, and none of the necessary items
Cool games but you moan way too much, 3-2 you target a tahm kench - "thats game losing"
In this meta it is game-losing. Playing for winstreak and throwing because of bad positioning on 2-2 when I scouted this guy having his tanks separated and purposefully moved my Senna over to attack his Ksante, but not moving it over far enough is horrible play at my elo. Losing that round would have cost a minimum of 9g and 2 HP to a completely avoidable mistake. That 9 gold likely allowed me to make certain intervals so it compounds to more than 9. In this meta where you need as much gold as possible to roll at start of stage 4, it is a game losing mistake (and by game losing, I mean at least 1 or 2 placements lost). I get why it's annoying to hear someone bitch, but at least trust the fact that it would have been a colossal mistake.
@@GM_Blue Pretty sure it was same game you spent like 5 minutes saying its impossible to beat this guy theres nothing you can do its gg, and then you win the round haha
Okay fair lmao@@sakkiebasson2052
I have peaked challenger and finished GM last season, it is easier to get masters when you're already a masters player on a fresh account, as you said, your mmr is huge by the time you get to diamond.
yeah I mean nothing impressive here. Just like the kids who are challenger in rift and go 30-0 on smurfs, nothing impressive. You're better than everybody else. thought it was impressive till i got high elo myself
@@Jaheim-x1r Also specifically, there is a difference when you already know the set , so your first rank up on a new set is harder than if you make a smurf for 1, you're playing with higher elo people on the climb at the beginning also, 2, you're learning the builds from fresh.
The point isn't to ego everyone. I still consider myself dogshit compared to consistent, top Challenger players (as in, top 10 players, not the bottom tier of Challengers) and continue to strive for that skill level. There is a huge difference between League and TFT though. My understanding is that while knowledge-based skill in League is huge and there is a noticeable difference in game knowledge between a Challenger player and even a Masters player, there is also a huge mechanical gap between high level players and lower level players. In TFT, there is almost zero mechanical skill required. It is entirely a knowledge-based game. I think that inherently increases the value of seeing higher elo players in lower elo from an informational standpoint.@@Jaheim-x1r
@@GM_Blue I don't have a problem with the video, not even a little bit, i was just making the comment that unless you're already a masters player, or even a masters player on this specific set already then you probably can't 1 trick this build as easy as you did.