Mumbai Bike Ride with THE BOYS | Bajaj Dominar 400 | India Bike Ride POV | RAW SOUND | 4K

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Jverse
    @Jverse  2 роки тому +8

    Happy Diwali to all 😇✨✨
    In this video you are seeing glimpse of Mumbai City Bike Ride.
    I will be uploading separate continuous footage vlog of Mumbai City ride in upcoming times.

    • @vasi_ted..
      @vasi_ted.. 2 роки тому +2

      Happy diwali my dude.. 😍🤗❣️

  • @sahilpatil7380
    @sahilpatil7380 2 роки тому +22

    The metro, The Local train, old classic buildings, Newly Installed traffic signal lights, Improving road markers.. woww, can't wait to see more of such videos from you man 🔥🙏😍

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому

      Glad you like it 🫶🏻

  • @El1te011
    @El1te011 Рік тому +8

    1:01 homie reacted quick to the lights 😂😂

  • @K.C.Raj.
    @K.C.Raj. Рік тому +11

    This is the content we want, No "Oh bhai Oh bhai ye kya ho gya", no unnecessary close overtaking attempt, no scripted fights for content, no cheepos public reaction to satisy ego, no aftermarket exhausts. You all are riding in the proper disciplined way, exactly as bikes are designed to be ridden, cordination is amazing and best of all, proper riding gears and with full safety. This is what India's youth should idolise rather than chappries. your driving enhance the beauty of surrounding. a big "Thank You".

  • @orion7846
    @orion7846 2 роки тому +10

    Absolutely beautiful shots man, I never seen a Mumbai like this in anyone's video.

  • @Ferix__
    @Ferix__ 11 місяців тому +1

    No talking, no bs! Straight to the point. That's what I want to see when I search for "bike pov". Thanks for the video, Jverse!

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  5 місяців тому


  • @mohsinjarnalabdin
    @mohsinjarnalabdin 2 роки тому +7

    I also stay in Mumbai I also love bike riding currently I have ns160 and enjoying my bike it's now 3 months since I am loving the performance of my bike but I seriously not happy with Bajaj engine oil i prefer motul710020w50 in my bike and it's performances like a gem

  • @mrrupam007
    @mrrupam007 5 місяців тому +2

    This is the video i wanted. ❤
    Can you make a longer video ?
    Please notify me if you do

  • @protograde2723
    @protograde2723 2 роки тому +2

    Mumbai is India's Miami.

  • @praveen_rahul7117
    @praveen_rahul7117 2 роки тому +4

    Dominar ❤️

  • @mohsinjarnalabdin
    @mohsinjarnalabdin 2 роки тому +2

    Mumbai is Mumbai bro no city can beat Mumbai

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому +1


    • @mohsinjarnalabdin
      @mohsinjarnalabdin 2 роки тому +2

      @@Jverse some day we will sure meet bro

    • @mohsinjarnalabdin
      @mohsinjarnalabdin 2 роки тому +1

      @@Jverse yes bro sure

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому +1

      @@mohsinjarnalabdin sure thing :) 🫶🏻

    • @mohsinjarnalabdin
      @mohsinjarnalabdin 2 роки тому

      @@Jverse by the way I have seen ur vlogs all the best for your youtube channel

  • @diptodas7038
    @diptodas7038 Рік тому +1

    Best of luck bro

  • @saiyedhuzef3930
    @saiyedhuzef3930 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing 🖤

  • @ridographertushar
    @ridographertushar 2 роки тому +1

    I love your Video Edits and output is fantastic. Awesome. Please teach me

  • @sayanghosh4002
    @sayanghosh4002 2 роки тому +1

    Need video of Mumbai Pune Highway ride

  • @KevinSubba
    @KevinSubba Рік тому +1

    Amazing video. What setting do you sue for the GoPro? Also, do you mount the GoPro on chest or chin? Thank you 🙏

  • @ridographertushar
    @ridographertushar 2 роки тому +2

    Happy Diwali Bro

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому

      Happy Diwali ✨❤️

  • @theknowledgeshow7056
    @theknowledgeshow7056 7 місяців тому +1

    Bro did you do any color grading through camera edits or record on normal settings

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  7 місяців тому +1

      I did color grade footages

  • @Botttl
    @Botttl 2 роки тому +1

    Bhai next time try to take care of the blown up highlights.
    Awsm videos as always.

  • @Kuku_1111_
    @Kuku_1111_ Рік тому +1

    Soothing ❤

  • @dishanksinghal3748
    @dishanksinghal3748 4 місяці тому

    bhai how are you recording the exhaust sound of the bike ? I am trying to do the same thing with my phone and there is a lot of windblast thats coming and the exhaust note cant be heard

  • @jeffreyjoel7733
    @jeffreyjoel7733 Рік тому

    Color grading which lut are u using

  • @kunalbrid6223
    @kunalbrid6223 2 роки тому +1


  • @bikoholic7634
    @bikoholic7634 2 роки тому +2

    Which camera

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому

      I am using Go Pro Hero 9

  • @ishanmajumder9516
    @ishanmajumder9516 Рік тому +1

    Jverse pls tell me the name of that place.pls

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  Рік тому

      This is Mumbai.

  • @motocruiser97
    @motocruiser97 2 роки тому +1

    Jverse your doing great work.....And one thing more please try to make your audio more crisp its little cramped audio. Little crisp audio would be great 👍❤️

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому +1

      I definitely agree to that ❤️ will work on it

    • @motocruiser97
      @motocruiser97 2 роки тому +1

      @@Jverse Awesome...Happy Diwali bud 🙏🎉

  • @jayeshgosavi5098
    @jayeshgosavi5098 2 роки тому +1

    HI Jverse i too own a Dominar 400 2022 version just bought it on Dussera and I love your vidoes. I would love to ride with you and will love to get into community.

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому

      Congratulations, Happy for you😃
      I mostly ride with Motowanderers
      DM them on Instagram they'll add you to the WhatsApp group.

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому

      For Dominar specific group rides you can join Dominar Expedition
      DM them on Instagram they'll add you to their WhatsApp community.

    • @jayeshgosavi5098
      @jayeshgosavi5098 2 роки тому +1

      @@Jverse Thanks maan... Appreciated

  • @shiwangsingh3871
    @shiwangsingh3871 2 роки тому +1

    Great content man, different from the usual highway runs. Btw how did you feel the D400’s handling and cornering was in this tight urban environment?

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому +2

      Dominar is all good for me, No complaints 💯❤️

    @THEFLYINGWOLF 2 роки тому +1

    It looks like some foreign city dude... fuckkk ✨🔥🔥

  • @94_prateek
    @94_prateek 2 роки тому +2

    Amazing quality brother. Interested in Dominar 400, would like to know few things. How are the vibrations at 120-130 and how is your service experience with bajaj service centres?

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому +1

      Hi Prateek, In my experience the thrill of going on triple digits so quickly and doing 120-130 with so easy is so wonderful that I was never bothered to care about any vibrations as such to a level its annoying. I'd even say I didn't notice any vibrations but that's my experience :) Likewise you should get a test ride of whichever bike you are interested in, find out your comfort zone and likings and get yourself a bike that you would always want to turn your head back and look at it as you park.

    • @94_prateek
      @94_prateek 2 роки тому +1

      @@Jverse thanks for the info, will surely get a test ride soon. Be safe out there and keep the vlogs coming brother, may the horse power be with you! 😄

  • @omkarkhillar5989
    @omkarkhillar5989 2 роки тому +1

    Happy diwali fam 💕

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  2 роки тому

      Happy Diwali my man 🫶🏻✨

  • @rounakdeogharia9812
    @rounakdeogharia9812 Рік тому +1

    Proper responsible riding. True rider riding his beast, else these days its all chapris around.

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  Рік тому +1

      Hey Rounak,
      How you doing?
      I am glad you liked what you saw.
      Do check out new uploads on the channel 😇🙌

    • @rounakdeogharia9812
      @rounakdeogharia9812 Рік тому +1

      Hi @@JverseI'm doing great, thanks. Hope you are good too. Yeah I do follow your vlogs regularly. Keep making such raw sound videos, they are great.

  • @amitpanchal397
    @amitpanchal397 Рік тому

    Just want you suggestion is it good to ride daily in Mumbai??
    What's the Kmpl it gives
    Planning to buy Dominar 400😊

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  Рік тому +1

      are you thinking this one for office commute?
      Mostly in Mumbai traffic is bad
      and if you are thinking of a daily commute vehicle and do care about Avg of bike then you can opt for some other lower cc bike

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  Рік тому

      Dominar gives around 28-36 avg
      depending on how we ride.

    • @amitpanchal397
      @amitpanchal397 Рік тому

      ​@@Jversethank you 😊

    • @amitpanchal397
      @amitpanchal397 Рік тому

      ​@@Jverseokay with 30 35kmpl

  • @sainathpatil2
    @sainathpatil2 Рік тому +1

    Boss mereko dominar ka group joined karna he ???

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  Рік тому

      Konsei city mein rehte ho?
      Mumbai Ka group join karna hai?

    • @sainathpatil2
      @sainathpatil2 Рік тому +1

      @@Jverse ha boss

    • @sainathpatil2
      @sainathpatil2 Рік тому

      Any update

    • @Jverse
      @Jverse  Рік тому

      @@sainathpatil2 Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

    • @sainathpatil2
      @sainathpatil2 Рік тому

      Ty Bhai 💯❤️