Jesus, that was a breathtaking version of a "Sick Sad Little World". Damn Jose and Co.! Those three plus Kilmore in the background with his samples are just atmospheric. I really need to see Incubus again, it was so cool and rare to hear just the music and the expert playing (no offense Brandon, your voice is incredible).
Barker plays all loud and fast. Some of what he plays might be tasteful. Jose actually uses dynamics, so I'd give him the edge. Also, has a bit to do with the genre, Incubus is not fast punk rock and loud all the time, so it allows Jose to expand his playing much more.
One thing I've noticed about Jose is that he's had the exact same cymbal set up for like 10 years. And I mean exact same Sabian cymbals, location, size. Its awesome.
You guys are a phenomenon!! Ive seen you guys 11 times live 2004 being my first show. Full 20 years for me this summer boston 2024!! Love yalls passion is ever lasting cheeers on morningview fck the haters. This is a celebration of life and gratitude this band exists and still lov3e to play. True blue musicians. Thank you incubus, you are "infinitely interesting "🍄💚♾
Thank you for providing one of the most intelligent, well-reasoned, and down right correct comments I have ever seen on UA-cam. Props to the grammar enthusiasts hehe.
One of my favorite drummers. I find his grooves and licks making their way into my playing all the time. I'll sit there and say, wait a minute... that's from Echo. Haha
Looks like a Shure Beta52A Bass Drum, Sennheiser e904 toms, Shure SM57 snares, if he uses Shure condensers those are probably SM27 large diaphragm condensers and SM81/SM137 pencil condensers on the hats and ride.
It's a wonder how I always see Jose using "Sick Sad Little World" as a demonstration for his stylistic choices on the drums yet I have failed to see them preform the song live. Tough break i suppose.
They're probably a one-off or a prototype they made specifically for him then.....or he put DW hardware on a different kit because of his sponsorship with DW
I love REMO drumheads and jose is amazing but the cymbals really need to be turned up and hes long curly hair was much better but thats not what we should be aiming for right :)
comparingtravis and jose is like putting mexican foos against italian, they both taste great but in VERY different ways. They are both very good drummer other wise they wouldn't be in such professional sounding bands! just a thought. peace out.xx
Funny how EVERY troll on the internet has the grammatical education of a snail. If you want your opinion to have ANY value, then learn how to talk in a respectable manner. Either way, Remo drum heads are amazing.
this mexican guy from incubus... HEY GUYS!! You dont hear his horrible stroke and pharseing ? shit... every stroke is soo unspecific....probably Jose is ALL TIME focused WHAT he playing.....not HOW !!!! What about travis barker? STROKE & PHRASEING ???
Nice to see Jose getting some attention. He is an amazingly tasteful and creative drummer.
Clean drummer ! Underrated.
Icubus is the only band where every member plays like a god! Great drums,guitar,bass,vocals and dj! They should be in the hall of fame!
Spazzsticks they will when their done my
This guy has my respect as a drummer. Being self taught he has become one of the best in his genre so Jose props to ya.
Probably the nicest hats and ride ive ever heard they compliment his style perfectly.
Jose is a phenomenal Drummer! Taking into Consideration that he had no formal Teaching of the Drums. He's a really Great Drummer. Aww Sommm!!!
I really admire Jose's nuances
to anyone that doesnt know that song: look it up! Sick Sad Little World. fucking amazing perormances when theyre live. incubus totally rocks
I do miss the older Incubus sound, but there's no denying that Jose is an awesome drummer
Jesus, that was a breathtaking version of a "Sick Sad Little World". Damn Jose and Co.! Those three plus Kilmore in the background with his samples are just atmospheric. I really need to see Incubus again, it was so cool and rare to hear just the music and the expert playing (no offense Brandon, your voice is incredible).
sick sad little world.. still a fking epic masterpiece
Barker plays all loud and fast. Some of what he plays might be tasteful. Jose actually uses dynamics, so I'd give him the edge. Also, has a bit to do with the genre, Incubus is not fast punk rock and loud all the time, so it allows Jose to expand his playing much more.
what a beautiful drum set. great drummer Jose.
One thing I've noticed about Jose is that he's had the exact same cymbal set up for like 10 years. And I mean exact same Sabian cymbals, location, size. Its awesome.
underrated drummer
Probably the closest we'll ever get to an instrumental, so enjoy it will it's here.
You guys are a phenomenon!! Ive seen you guys 11 times live 2004 being my first show. Full 20 years for me this summer boston 2024!! Love yalls passion is ever lasting cheeers on morningview fck the haters. This is a celebration of life and gratitude this band exists and still lov3e to play. True blue musicians. Thank you incubus, you are "infinitely interesting "🍄💚♾
Thank you for providing one of the most intelligent, well-reasoned, and down right correct comments I have ever seen on UA-cam. Props to the grammar enthusiasts hehe.
One hell of a drummer.
Jose is a REALLY musical and awesome player who obviously knows creativity and has alot of cool tricks and ideas. Self-taught or not, this guy rocks!
soo cool and smooth, precise and yet powerful, he's got the whole thing going on. jose rocks, top drummer of the 21st century, bar-none.
+martin alfonso iglesias Yeah, and what's amazing is that he never actually had any formal training!
anyone who attemps stewart copeland's playing, has all the formal education ever needed, ❤️
One of my favorite drummers. I find his grooves and licks making their way into my playing all the time. I'll sit there and say, wait a minute... that's from Echo. Haha
Beautiful, Sick sounding snares.
Pure bliss.
love this guy
Very enjoyable! Thanks for the behind the scenes look(and sound:)
He's Far better than Travis Barker.. Agree?
Fabulous! I'm a big fan!
hope i get to see this guy in action tonight in PA
One of the most Cleanest drummer..
I love how Brandon comes along and Mike is playing also
Thanks you!
Very talented drummer!
his hi hat work is great on this track
Man do i want those hi hats.Too bad they're some frickin' expensive hats. Toms sound awesome. Love remo.
what a beautiful fucking setup
this is soo good
One of the most musical drummers of all time?
epic totally gold hardware
Their sound guy did a great job!
I think it's Greg Nelson still. I've met him before. He's also done sound for Pearl Jam.
Jose is SO technical and fluent and dynamic on a kit, its not even funny....
My dream DW kit :P
Looks like a Shure Beta52A Bass Drum, Sennheiser e904 toms, Shure SM57 snares, if he uses Shure condensers those are probably SM27 large diaphragm condensers and SM81/SM137 pencil condensers on the hats and ride.
kickin' wing!!
It's a wonder how I always see Jose using "Sick Sad Little World" as a demonstration for his stylistic choices on the drums yet I have failed to see them preform the song live. Tough break i suppose.
Rip Remo
His drumkit looks extremely comfortable to play with. I'd just lower the hi-hat to fit my style, otherwise it's very ergonomic
True trolls purposely use poor grammar... and I agree with you, Remo heads are excellent.
Damn those heads to sound good! I frankly prefer the CS black dots though.
needs more UM
can anyone tell me if the instrumental he plays is on a record or what the name of it is
I liked his longer curly har :(
nice drumset!
rocket shells snare drum!! The best brand for snares
What is the first song?
@311Vision I desagree with you, he isn't that technical, but he compensates with energy and dinamics, and of course he is very creative.
Not Technical. But makes up for it with Dynamics and CREATIVITY. WTF??? 😂😂😂😂😂
Evans ..Forever
solid as fuck!
They're probably a one-off or a prototype they made specifically for him then.....or he put DW hardware on a different kit because of his sponsorship with DW
DW will put their hardware on an acrylic shell if you supply it to them.
He is god.
That's one weird splash. Kinda looks like a Zildjian K Hybrid splash mixed with a Paiste Wild Splash. Anybody can correct me?
From left to right He uses Sabian 8" and 10" AAX and 12" HHX splashes
I love REMO drumheads and jose is amazing but the cymbals really need to be turned up and hes long curly hair was much better but thats not what we should be aiming for right :)
From DW.....
what song did he play??
sick sad little world, in the description.
Mi amigo José es el mas cabrón!
O saçlar ne öyle süperman
look alike moment
Mike Mangini + Johnny Depp = Jose Pasillas!
those Sabian splahes
Says the one with Tre Cool in his name...
1:51 U're welcome
1:00 did he just say, Bitter side?.. Lol..
comparingtravis and jose is like putting mexican foos against italian, they both taste great but in VERY different ways. They are both very good drummer other wise they wouldn't be in such professional sounding bands! just a thought.
peace out.xx
lel those look like pearts snakes and arrows 747's
Dat hair.. Looks like a Ken doll
Haha he said Beater
Funny how EVERY troll on the internet has the grammatical education of a snail. If you want your opinion to have ANY value, then learn how to talk in a respectable manner. Either way, Remo drum heads are amazing.
travis barker is waaaay out of his league.
this mexican guy from incubus... HEY GUYS!! You dont hear his horrible stroke and pharseing ? shit... every stroke is soo unspecific....probably Jose is ALL TIME focused WHAT he playing.....not HOW !!!! What about travis barker? STROKE & PHRASEING ???
One does not simply compare Jose to Travis Barker. Jose is leaps and bounds better.
+keithred92 noice