comedyflu - The Evolved Math

  • Опубліковано 22 вер 2024
  • Lyrics:
    Imagine waking up scared for the masses; but the doctors keep telling you you're one more scare tactic away from a massive; I'm not tryina fail the people; but too many of you wanna act like weak n sickly sheeples; it's so sickenin'
    [Verse 1]
    I'm alone; I lye alone, in my bed in this darkest room; Because, the light is too bright for my eyesight; but just cause light makes my eyes hurt; don't mean I can't see into a future; a future; your future that can be so bright I need to wear shades; but in steady we waste time with the ignorance of wasted hatred disgrace the wasted; lookin' down your nose. Your eye sight might be twenty-twenty; but it's sad you can't see how they got you trapped and running circles; Dumb! But, maybe I'm just as much as the whole and the sum; Because it only will keep getting harder to try to solve this evolving equation; Uncle Sam doesn't play fair; even when told you; you won. He'll be the snake that still bites you with his toxic venom. Because, he truly does have many heads in states; states of wait; I'm just now understanding why this was going to be my toughest fight to fight for what's right; the rights of freedom and the people and face all that are evil...
    [Verse 2]
    Why does seeing this all turn my stomach more n more; but even worse; or worse of all my opening eyes feel like burning;bleeding from this thoughts I'm seeing; these masses; being held by fascists in chains; please wake up sheep peoples and stop being sheeples; please help make my eyes not keep seeing red; or feeling this epic painful throbbing in my head; or the empty sickness in my stomach that I only feel in my bed; when I feel weak n only wanna rest my head; I'm tired of the world scaring n scarring me; mentally terrified terrifying me; it's only scarier when you add the factors of factors of how many people in the world I blindly care for; these same people who would lie to me; people in power lie to me n lie to u; people who live; live with a supposed mindset of best intentions; should have my best intentions set; not let'em forget and them get; get'em a fortune n their set; because they get paid for the job of protecting the public; publics welfare!
    Its sad; to see that; that the sands of time; can hurt in the eyes; as well as the salt water in the seas; be it's also sad when we people rather stay blind and unwanting to read n see, hear or speak; on how we the people; can free the people; continue to live and do no evil; the answer is easy to see if you only open your eyes too see!
    [Hook x2]
    I'll fight this fight and continue to want to believe; because I can't afford to go easy on you or try to play fair; God know you won't!
    Stop making me sick; when all the masses be actin' like sheep people; sheeples...
    No real voice (bah-bah) just followin tail in the masses; bah-bah until you hear the blea-blea; screams sceamin' n bleep bleepin'; maybe the curse; cursed; cursing; cursings... we'll make it through to you