What's Inside These Barn Find Toolboxes: Toolbox Tour!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


    @R0GUEC0BRA 13 годин тому

    The Orange tool that you had no idea about is a zip tie Tincher and cutter! At 4:38

  • @Donthetoolman
    @Donthetoolman 23 години тому +1

    Nice haul you did good that palm ratchet in the free bucket was made by jh Williams and co that was a nice score thanks for sharing my freind

  • @timrankin8737
    @timrankin8737 16 годин тому

    Same thing happened at a yard sale. 5 bucks for the whole tool box. I actually took stuff out of it. Cause i knew i would never use it. All i wanted was 1 vinyl siding tool. Still found some good stuff.

    • @thenkgarage
      @thenkgarage  39 хвилин тому

      Sounds like you got a great deal!

  • @gypsydildopunks7083
    @gypsydildopunks7083 7 годин тому

    Great deal on that. You lucked out

    • @thenkgarage
      @thenkgarage  40 хвилин тому

      Thanks! It was a fun find.

  • @bigfootscave445
    @bigfootscave445 22 години тому +1

    Good pile of fixable and hardware.. a good number of those i would work on and get looking better.

  • @gypsydildopunks7083
    @gypsydildopunks7083 7 годин тому

    You should turn the railroad spike into a knife.

  • @paulhunt598
    @paulhunt598 14 годин тому

    The furst Craftsman box had plumbing tools/supplies. The brushes are tubing/fitting cleaning prep brushes, not battery terminal brush.

  • @Uwannawatch
    @Uwannawatch 12 годин тому

    You never know what you'll get in a bulk buy. You got a lot of stuff for the price you paid. Take it easy and I'll catch up with ya later.

    • @thenkgarage
      @thenkgarage  40 хвилин тому

      You’re right, it’s always a gamble. It’s a fun gamble though!

  • @cliffordmaynard6559
    @cliffordmaynard6559 День тому

    I would not say junkie screw drivers, I always look for American made tools, but screw drivers do what they do, you can always repair them.