E-Flite F-16 Thunderbirds 80mm EDF BNF Basic with AS3X and SAFE Select - Model AV8R Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Gdesign959
    @Gdesign959 Рік тому +6

    It's a great time to be in the RC hobby. It's crazy that you can buy something like this and have it in the air in an hour (less). When you come in at high alpha this thing just looks like the real deal. So awesome. This thing is above my flying skill and field size right now but I could watch someone else fly this all day. Great review as well.

  • @allangrant1326
    @allangrant1326 Місяць тому +1

    F16 is my favourite jet of all time. I’ve never wanted an RC jet until now!

  • @hechtspeed
    @hechtspeed Рік тому +5

    Damn dude you got me wanting one of these! Excellent landing...and that runway..boy id love that place! Keep up the excellent reviews!

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thanks brother! Really appreciate it! Yes...Georgia Jets is a great club!

  • @jcb6713
    @jcb6713 Рік тому +2

    nice ! enjoyed your review and flight...slick landing !!! 😎

  • @odwatchguy
    @odwatchguy Рік тому +3

    Great review Adam of this really beautiful plane. My skill level doesn't extend to this F-16 Thunderbird but I love seeing it flown in the scale manor that you do so well, Solo 5 was showing what it can do.

  • @danterhune1357
    @danterhune1357 Рік тому +1

    As usual, your "scale" flights show just how good your flying skills really are, and the camera work is amazing! Most people don't realize just how hard it is to film an RC plane in flight, especially to track it so well and so close. I have been flying for about 15 years, but just recently got into EDF flying, with a Viper 90mm from E-Flite. I am now hooked, and I think this 80mm Thunderbird is going to be my next one. Thanks for all the great info, keep doing these great videos!

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Hey Dan thank you very much man! Heidi is great on the camera, wouldn't do this without her. You'll love the F-16. Don't be afraid to get the CG back a bit...it flies best then. I have 2oz in the tailpipe now. It will fly fine without it, but better with it.

    • @danterhune1357
      @danterhune1357 Рік тому

      Thank for the tip! Living in Indy we don't get as long a flying season as some, but I still hope to get it later this year. Definitely going to copy your set up tips. @@ModelAV8RChannel

  • @CliffHarveyRCPlanes
    @CliffHarveyRCPlanes Рік тому +3

    Slick review Adam and what a ship 👍

  • @ironmover5800
    @ironmover5800 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful plane , I love my 70 , Iv waited on the 80 due to a guy at the field saying he thought it flew like a tank …..
    Good flying !

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Lol...that's about the worst description I've heard of it. Needless to say I disagree with that fella. It's more powerful than the 70, but its also bigger and heavier. There are differences in the feel of a light, largely out of scale sport jet (the 70), and a scale jet with closer to accurate lines and a lot more details (weight). The scale jets like that will always take a bit more skill to fly well. They do fly well, but it is a different feel.

    • @payitfwdrcl6171
      @payitfwdrcl6171 Рік тому +1

      @@ModelAV8RChannel You think this one flys well-the full scale will blow your mind....haha... Just kiddin around. Both 70mm and 80mm got their small differences but are really nice models for sure.

  • @bluecamaross
    @bluecamaross Рік тому +3

    Great video Adam! Loving these reviews! So awesome to see the channel growing! Hope to see ya at the field soon bud!...

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      D-Rail! Hey bro! Thanks man, hope we can go fly soon as well!

  • @tlrcamp8009
    @tlrcamp8009 7 місяців тому +2

    That landing was smooth

  • @tthulsey
    @tthulsey 3 місяці тому +1

    Beautiful flight Butler landing 🛬 definitely going to be my first jet ✈️

  • @JeffinLowerAlabama
    @JeffinLowerAlabama Рік тому +2

    This is a great 80mm Thunderbird, great video Adam. Zoom zoom zoom Jeff in LA USA

  • @JustwingitRC
    @JustwingitRC Рік тому +3

    Absolute magic, great review Adam! Even though I'm not much of an EDF kinda guy, I really enjoyed this. That GEAR!!! WOW! E-flite did a super job on that landing gear, looks very cool indeed. Look like you had fun with this one, thanks for sharing!

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Thanks brother John! I had a blast with it! That gear is fire!

  • @purcellrcaviationchannel
    @purcellrcaviationchannel Рік тому +4

    Another scale flying master class from Model AV8R! And what a classy F-16 that is. E-flite really are one of the best RC manufacturers out there (IMHO) and seeing how this was engineered just supports that. But then I'm a total E-flite/HH fangirl and don't mind admitting it. Top Model. Top review. Top RC Gun...

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Hey Gina! Thanks! I get it. They really do make some cool stuff. This is my favorite jet they've made so far. I'm a big F-16 fan anyway, they just look so good!

  • @dutchloveRC
    @dutchloveRC Рік тому +2

    GR8 review guys!!! Out of SlowJo's league... dut I can still dream! ; )

  • @mikessi
    @mikessi Рік тому +1

    Very well flown. Smooth and graceful on the sticks. The camera work was excellent too.

  • @CR5rc
    @CR5rc Рік тому +3

    Another nice video with some great flying Adam.
    Nicely done, you've pushed me closer to buying one.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thanks brother! Dude it is an awesome jet. I do love F-16's. Best looking 4th gen jet IMO.

    • @CR5rc
      @CR5rc Рік тому

      @@ModelAV8RChannel I've flown the 80mm on RF Evolution and it's a really sweet EDF, not sure how it compares to real life but I really enjoyed it on the sim.

  • @Noncenx
    @Noncenx Рік тому +1

    Perfect timing on this review. I got one a couple of weeks ago and planning to maiden it this weekend. It's a beautiful plane but I had to put gloss polyurethane on it to get that Thunderbird shine on it. The 70mm T-Bird looks sharp in the sun with it. Good to know about the flight time, no 7000 but have a few 6000 batteries so that should put me in the 4:30 range.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Awesome Kent...you'll love it! Your 6000's will do fine, just put them all the way back.

  • @SunriseRCAviator
    @SunriseRCAviator Рік тому +1

    Fantastic scale flying Adam!

  • @noelboyd4827
    @noelboyd4827 Рік тому +1

    I don't know if anyone knew this, but, you CAN set up your SAFE switch on your retracts. I did it on mine and also did it on my Eflite P-51. When the gears are down, SAFE is active, when the gears are up, SAFE is off and it's just AS3X. I did this because it helps with take offs and landings with SAFE being active on the gear switch

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Yep. You can assign multiple things to one switch.
      When it comes to SAFE I think it is important to remember pilots misuse it often. Now, when I say that I realize there are caveats and exceptions to everything. Firstly, if it is your plane you can do whatever you want, but what you do may hold you back in developing as a pilot. Second, there are some with medical conditions like bad eyesight, severe arthritis, etc. that may need to use SAFE far more often than others. That accounted for, SAFE is intended to be a teaching tool that you learn past the need for, and that should happen with your trainer. Once you master (truly, master) a trainer, each step up should be merely an adjustment of some sort. I say "truly master" because all too often pilots go to the next step way to fast. They barely get to where they are surviving their trainer, and then get a P-51, and barely survive that, etc. At the point of flying F-16's and Mustangs we need to have developed our landing skills to be able to do it on our own. If you haven't, using SAFE, you won't. You won't learn the nuances and subtle corrections that need to be made by you, the pilot.
      I'm not saying this to pick at you Noel, just trying to help. I have no issues landing F-16's and Mustangs...or anything else without SAFE. In most cases I don't even activate it. Engaging in truly useful practice without using it, is why I can do this.
      Certainly you don't have to develop confidence with an expensive 80mm F-16, but in my humble opinion you need to develop it with something. With my students, I tell them to get everything they can out of their trainer first before they go to a step up in airplane. An Apprentice (off SAFE) will do an inverted pass, a 4 point roll, a hammerhead stall, and it can be greased in for a landing 20 times in a row in the center of the runway fairly easily on a calm day...again, off SAFE. When a pilot can do those things on their own with a trainer...now they have mastered it. Now the next step up is not so intimidating. It is just an adjustment of skills they have already learned with their trainer.
      SAFE is great technology, and when used properly it can save you some money learning to fly. Used improperly, it can hold your development as a pilot back tremendously. All this said, if becoming a really good RC pilot isn't something you're interested in, it's your journey, and you can do it however you want. If you do, this process is how I've helped many students become great pilots.

    • @noelboyd4827
      @noelboyd4827 Рік тому +2

      When I had the SAFE set on my gear switch was probably close to 3 1/2 years ago. I've been flying for 4 years and now I have everything from 50cc gas 3D style planes to gliders, to EDF jets. I used SAFE for about 4 months when I first got soloed and I absolutely HATED SAFE. Now...I haven't used ANY type of gyros in any of my planes in 3 1/2 years. I said that about putting SAFE on a gear switch because that's what a few of the guys at our club do that are just getting into planes with retracts and still use SAFE. They also know that if they need help in the air, they can flip the gear switch just to recover from the situation and put the gears right back up. And....when I did have SAFE on my gear switch, it was on my Mustang and my F-16 over 3 years ago and, they were both flown on a Spektrum DX6 transmitter. Now I have NX10.

  • @payitfwdrcl6171
    @payitfwdrcl6171 Рік тому +1

    Adam, just amazing how HH made this version so scale. Not far off from the real deal. Superb review my friend. Love to come and check out your flying field someday. 👍👍😊

  • @insurancemann1
    @insurancemann1 Рік тому +2

    Great review as always Adam. I own this model and it is a blast to fly for sure. It's nothing like the Eflite 70mm F-16 that I love to fly as well. I've never met an F-16 I didn't like. Thanks for all you do!

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Thank you David! I own both as well, and love them both, but you're right...very different planes.

  • @jayaustin3096
    @jayaustin3096 Рік тому +2

    You have a uncanny ability to review a rc plane like no other. I want to buy every plane you review. Now stop that. My wife is pissed. I have no more room. Lol. Love your scale looking videos. Great presentation of every plane.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Ha! Sorry to get you in trouble with the boss! Thank you Jay!

  • @RedNinjaGaiden
    @RedNinjaGaiden 3 місяці тому +1

    Beautiful flying!

  • @keithrinehart809
    @keithrinehart809 Рік тому +1

    Another excellent review Adam! That's a really nice model. Derik has the 70mm one and really likes it too. Loved the flight demo, even got the 9g turn in there!😎👍

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thanks Keith! It really is something special, and the 70mm is a blast too!

  • @GearUpRc
    @GearUpRc Рік тому +1

    Nice scale flying!! I also fly the same way. It looks and sounds great in the air!!

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thanks! It really does...adding a KM afterburner to it!

  • @SteffenRC
    @SteffenRC Рік тому +2

    Adam, Outstanding model review. So complete and detailed. The quality of the video content is so well done (great job Heidi).. Really enjoyed watching this video. I few comments.. One: Great shirt Adam, who doesn't love Bruce Lee... Two: "Jam up and Jelly tight". that a first for me, and I'm old.... Love that term, I'm going to use that someday... - Will

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Will! Heidi is great! Bruce was the man. Your comment is Jam up and jelly tight...Lol. I've heard that a long time. My brother got that from flying in the Marine Corps.

  • @73cdi
    @73cdi Рік тому +1

    Great Video!! Nice Flight...

  • @GazzaJollyRoger8152
    @GazzaJollyRoger8152 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful Jet, lots of detail to it! Sounds nice, you should put one of those after burner light kits to it! Nice flight! ☠Semper Fi God Speed

  • @IansRCExploits
    @IansRCExploits Рік тому +1

    A great review Adam and Heidi, I've always been a big fan of E-flite planes and that's one very nice big EDF Jet!! They really are making their planes very easy to put together and set up 😀👍

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thank you Ian! They really do make some wonderful jets!

  • @guillermogonzalez5148
    @guillermogonzalez5148 4 місяці тому +1

    That"s a Great looking bird!!!!

  • @davehrcfpv
    @davehrcfpv Рік тому +2

    Another great review of an iconic warbird Adam. Looks amazing on the ground and in the air.
    But. Those scale wheels are so damn dinky! For those of us stuck with flying off grass strips I doubt that this plane would be successful. I am sure that if you had flown off grass you would have included a clip and a comment.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Dave. This one isn't suited for, or intended for grass. The scale wheels and low hanging gear doors make grass a no go unless its golf fairway short, flat, and smooth. That is scale though, full scale F-16's need paved runways too.

  • @jonoedwards4195
    @jonoedwards4195 Рік тому +2

    Hot stuff already!
    Beauty Adam, Yumm Mate, gimme some.

  • @andyschiffer6682
    @andyschiffer6682 Рік тому +1

    Nice review. I have the 70mm and the 80mm and I definitely agree with you on the high alpha. Even a Cuban-8 is easy on the 70mm, not so much on the 80mm. I found that on both models increasing the elevator travel by 20% gave me more options to better suit my flying style.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thanks Andy! I thought about a bit more elevator to hold the nose up and ride the mains landing.

  • @CVHvisuals
    @CVHvisuals Рік тому +1

    Thanks for another great review. You should have an affiliated purchase👍 looking forward to getting this bird.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Christopher thanks very much! We appreciate you man. You'll love it. My favorite jet to fly at the moment.

  • @theELiTEboarder
    @theELiTEboarder 2 місяці тому +1

    I really love the grey version of this plane but it's limited by the 6 channel receiver. Couldn't you use the spare afterburner channel as a right aileron channel and then just wye the afterburner ring into the throttle channel to achieve flaperons and afterburner on the 6ch receiver?

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  2 місяці тому

      You Y most afterburners to the throttle so I would think that would work...I know it will with a KM RC afterburner or a RC Geek afterburner.

  • @heyjackfpv5469
    @heyjackfpv5469 11 місяців тому +1

    another great review . I fly my f-16 80mm today for its maiden and I was a bit disappointed with the top speed and acceleration. I'm not sure I have an issue with mine or is just not powerful enough

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  11 місяців тому +1

      Thanks! It should be able to perform the way ours did. If it can't it could be a number of factors... Battery, temperature, altitude, esc calibration, etc.

  • @DadsRCHangar
    @DadsRCHangar Рік тому +1

    Superb built F-16, love all the details. A pro scale flight from you Adam, always a pleasure to see. Really love the reverse function. 🫡

  • @davidgerlach1132
    @davidgerlach1132 Рік тому +1

    Very nice, and once I'm proficient with my little E-flight Viper 70mm, this 80mm or the E-flight F-16 Thunderbird 70mm will be next. Although, I strangely enough, I have a feeling that the 70mm Thunderbird is more "fun" to fly is scale isn't 100% of your objective. The high alpha I see guys accomplish with the 70mm is impressive.
    As for the reverse thrust at 19:47, there's no concern of the internal blast from the EDF harming any of the wiring or electronics inside the fuselage?

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thanks David! Yes the 70mm F-16 is easier to high alpha and mess around with if scale isn't your huckleberry.
      No issues with reverse thrust, all other components are sealed off. Gear bays are separate, and all the internal wiring is contained within the fuse. The only place the thrust goes is out the cheater vents and the front intake.

    • @davidgerlach1132
      @davidgerlach1132 Рік тому +2

      @@ModelAV8RChannel Very good, this is very good information. So, for now the Viper 70mm is going to be my jelly and jam tight.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1


    • @davidgerlach1132
      @davidgerlach1132 2 місяці тому +2

      @@ModelAV8RChannel Just a follow-up. Since I've acquired the E-fight F-16 80mm and I'm loving it, very much. However, the new Freewing F-16 V2 High Performance 90mm is out, and I'm liking the larger bird motor, the plane is just cropped a little. Any plans on a video analysis of this new Freewing F-16 V2 High Performance 90mm?

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  2 місяці тому

      @@davidgerlach1132 Hey man glad you are enjoying it. I updated mine to AS3X+ and changed the balance a bit. Love it even more. I have flown the OG Freewing 90mm F-16 but not the new one. The lines are so out of scale on that one it kind of bothers me, Lol.

  • @SuperMagnum2011
    @SuperMagnum2011 4 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Adam .
    Excellent review as usual.
    (How is your brother 🙂)

  • @Bellairvideo
    @Bellairvideo Рік тому +3

    Goodness, what a great jet Adam. She looks beautiful & so well engineered . I wonder how it would come up against the 90mm Viper.
    Many thanks Adam👍👍🇺🇸🇦🇺

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Thanks Noel!
      Different animals all together. The Viper is better suited for rough runways and a bit easier to fly. With it's low hanging gear doors and low cheater intake vents (that the fan can suck debris into) the F-16 is better suited for a smooth runway.

    • @Bellairvideo
      @Bellairvideo Рік тому

      Great explanation from an expert. Thanks mate. If i ever decide to get a larger jet, i think it would be the Viper for my conditions. Strange though that it is available as an AFR as well ( Viper 80mm)
      Looks like great spring weather there. Keep safe & well… hi Heidi!

  • @notbadgerbutrich
    @notbadgerbutrich Рік тому +1

    Hi do you know anything about the new updated wheels for this ?

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      I don't Rich, what have you heard about that?

    • @notbadgerbutrich
      @notbadgerbutrich Рік тому

      @@ModelAV8RChannel I have no idea, apparently the plastic ones split?? Here’s the part number of the updated ones EFL87906

  • @TomShull-v4h
    @TomShull-v4h 6 місяців тому

    Great job you do well I'm sold

  • @johnkelley4874
    @johnkelley4874 Рік тому +1

    I have flown yellow aircraft's f16c with scale landing gear and ducted fan os91 and dynamax tuned pipe with no problems except for the unreliable engine and fan unit. Haven't flown in 10 years and now getting back into the hobby. Would this be a good starting place where I left off or would you recommend another EDF thanks!

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Man if you could fly the YA F-16 you can fly this one. 10 years off has to be considered though. If you get tuned up with something else fast and pretty responsive this will be no problem.

    • @johnkelley4874
      @johnkelley4874 Рік тому +1

      @@ModelAV8RChannel thanks much!

  • @collinmccallum
    @collinmccallum Рік тому +1

    awesome video!

  • @JustEnoughRC
    @JustEnoughRC Рік тому

    Great video guys👍👊👍

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Jude! Hope all is well with you, Em, and family.

    • @JustEnoughRC
      @JustEnoughRC Рік тому +1

      @Model AV8R we are all doing much better. Thank you Adam. Not much time for flying. Gotta focus on recouping my finances for a while. Was living on savings for months. Emily and I both have great new jobs and are on the mend. Things are looking up 😁👍👊

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      @@JustEnoughRC Outstanding Jude! Great to hear!

  • @RcCanberra
    @RcCanberra Рік тому +1

    Like #131
    Great review and awesome flight. Thank you for posting.

  • @davidansalvish894
    @davidansalvish894 Рік тому +1

    Did you ever add the afterburner ring to your plane? I went to setup the mix in the manual and it doesn't work. Hoping you might be able give me some insight or point me to a video. All the videos online are for the old grey version not this new T-Bird and they don't translate over to this configuration.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Hey David. Sorry man I haven't. I actually have a V2 KM RC Models afterburner I plan to use. It is adjustable (Color, blue and orange or combinations as you throttle up) and a bit brighter so I'm going with that. I would go to the RC Groups thread on the TB F-16 and ask there. There is a good chance somebody has used the ring on the new TB version.

    • @davidansalvish894
      @davidansalvish894 Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the information. Will you plug in KM RC models afterburner into AUX3 and create a mix? Also, will you still have reverse thrust? As for Regroups I asked in the TB thread. All I got was follow the instructions. However, to me the instructions don't make sense and I can not figure how HH did what they state. Anyway, thanks for the replay. Keep up the good work.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      With the KM, it doesn't need a channel unto itself. You Y harness it to the throttle, and program it through its own board. It gets it's power from the battery balance lead. Reverse thrust is not affected. Very cool, light weight piece of kit. Sorry I can't help you with the ring. I actually have 2oz of weight back there were the ring would go.

    • @davidansalvish894
      @davidansalvish894 Рік тому +1

      @@ModelAV8RChannel Thanks for the information. Can you send me a link to the KM afterburner? Have a good weekend. Keep'em flying.....

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Here ya go David!

  • @kyqx
    @kyqx 7 місяців тому +1

    How about the CG on this thing? Horizon calls for 95 mm back and it won't rotate at that figure. Many pilots use 105 mm and you're using 140 mm! Is this an avenue for more nose gear replacement sales after runway overruns?!

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  7 місяців тому

      You saw the landings and takeoffs. What do you think. Almost all manuals are conservative...some very. This is where I like the cg, get a good rotation, and smooth flares on landings. You put it wherever you want to.

    • @kyqx
      @kyqx 7 місяців тому +1

      @@ModelAV8RChannel Yes, great flying and great info! Thanks for the content. I'm frustrated that Horizon publishes a value that is inaccurate. I've noticed that the Thunderbirds edition has a different value in the manual and I don't know if the locations are the same as I'm not near my model. From my experience, and at least one reviewer on the Horizon website, the 95 mm CG location is pretty far off, even in conservative terms, of being nearly unflyable.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  7 місяців тому +1

      Ahh I see. Sorry, thought you were suspect of my CG, lol. So it will fly with the CG that far forward, but not well in my opinion. Also the farther forward it is, the more it leaps of the ground on takeoff...almost impossible to be smooth about it. Much more predictable with the CG back.

  • @ricardopr54
    @ricardopr54 5 місяців тому +1

    I noticed that you placed your 5000mAh battery all the way to the back of the plane. Are you flying her tail heavy intentionally? I'm asking because if I do that in mine, my plane gets extremely tail heavy, according to my CG machine... In order to get a balanced CG, my battery needs to be placed all the way to the front, and on top of that, it needed a few extra ounces of nose weight. Am I missing something, or am I doing something wrong?

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  5 місяців тому +1

      Often manual CG's are very conservative. This is to deaden how responsive planes are for less skilled pilots. Keep in mind the manual "Set-Up" is always just a suggested staring point, its not gospel. I fly the planes, feel what they are doing, and adjust the set up to my preferences. This one flew very nose heavy to me and handles much better with the CG back further than the manual suggests. I actually added 2oz. of weight to the tail pipe later. Many folks get the CG back on this one.

    • @ricardopr54
      @ricardopr54 5 місяців тому +1

      @ModelAV8RChannel Thank you very much for your response to my inquiry. I really appreciate it. I just completed the maiden flight of mine today, and thankfully, the plane flew beautifully well. I'm now working on editing the video to post later today.
      Have a great rest of your day. Greetings from Douglas, Arizona 🌵 😁 👍🏾 🇵🇷

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  5 місяців тому +2

      Glad it went well! You'll find as you get the CG back a bit that the tendency it has to leap off the ground on takeoff diminishes somewhat. You'll also be able to slow it down easier and get a good flare for landing better. The plane remains stable as well although it is a bit more responsive...you can increase expo to counter that if need be.

  • @SlowFlyer85
    @SlowFlyer85 Рік тому +1

    Good job on review and flight real nice looking edf jet be nice future investment I need alot more flight time 🙃

  • @gooniac33
    @gooniac33 Рік тому

    2mm driver…. Thats all that is needed!! Need to get another one….

  • @gwrrolan
    @gwrrolan Рік тому +2


  • @markhyde43
    @markhyde43 Рік тому +1

    140mm back from leading edge for CG? That's insane!! Even the most on the edge pilots with this plane fare only 120mm. The majority fly comfortably at around 110-115mm. 140mm should be bordering uncontrollable.

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому +1

      Well Mark clearly it isn't insane. That is where it is, and you saw the flight. It wasn't movie magic, Lol. Keep in mind we measured with the gear down, the CG moves forward when the gear is retracted.

  • @boazbadihi4505
    @boazbadihi4505 Рік тому +1

    wow Bruce lee

    • @ModelAV8RChannel
      @ModelAV8RChannel  Рік тому

      Entire video on a super cool F-16 and you're into the T-shirt. Lol. Awesome.

  • @wayneschriver638
    @wayneschriver638 Рік тому +2

    Another BUBBA tutorial! Excellent! How’s the lawsuit going from hitting the wife in the head last Christmas?🎄🎄🎄🤕🤒😂😂😂😂😂