How to make SLINGSHOT at home with CARDBOARD

  • Опубліковано 16 сер 2023
  • How to make SLINGSHOT at home with CARDBOARD
    To make a slingshot at home with cardboard, you will need the following materials:
    - Thick cardboard
    - Scissors
    - Pencil or bullpen
    - Rubber bands
    - Hot glue gun or strong adhesive
    - Tape, Ruler, and Paint (optional)
    Here are the steps to make a slingshot at home with cardboard:
    1. Start by drawing the shape of the slinghot onto the cardboard. You will need two identical shapes for the front and back, and a thin strip for the handle. The front and back shapes should resemble a letter "Y" with elongated legs, while the handle should be rectangular.
    2. Use the scissors to carefully cut out the shapes along the drawn lines.
    3. Take one of the front and back shapes and attach the strip for the handle. Apply a generous amount of hot glue or adhesive along one side of the handle strip and stick it vertically in the middle of the slinghot shape. Make sure it is centered and aligned properly.
    4. Place the second shape on the top of the first one, sandwiching the slinghot should now be taking shape.
    5. Apply hot glue or adhesive around the edges of the two shapes, joining them together to create a sturdy structure. Allow the glue/adhesive to dry completely.
    6. Cut two small slits near the top of the slinghot arms on both sides. The slits should be wide enough to fit the rubber bands through.
    7. Insert one end of the rubber band into each slit, making sure they are securely attached. You can tie knots on each end of the rubber band to prevent it from slipping out.
    8. Stretch the rubber bands to the desired length, making sure they are evenly tensioned on both sides.
    9. To further secure the rubber bands, you can use tape to wrap around the slinghot arms and the rubber bands, creating a stronger grip.
    10. Test the slinghot by pulling back on the rubber bands and releasing them. Make sure to aim at a safe target and follow all safety precautions.
    Remember, homemade slingshots may not be as powerful or durable as commercial ones, so use caution and always follow safety guidelines.
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    Thank you...