Never Seen One Like This!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @sgt.grinch3299
    @sgt.grinch3299 5 годин тому +7

    Blood moon explorer is awesome.

  • @gibgibGG
    @gibgibGG 5 годин тому +10

    That's twice now! Yes, I waited all the way to the "Take care." Is there a prize? I once got a "no-prize" from Stan Lee for finding an error in one of his comic books 😃🎸

    • @myoptik3x103
      @myoptik3x103 5 годин тому +2

      That’s cool! Authentic “no-prizes” were pretty hard to come by. If I remember correctly, you had to not only point out an error, but also provide a plausible explanation for it as well.

    • @gibgibGG
      @gibgibGG 3 години тому +1

      @@myoptik3x103 It was many moons ago, but I think I still have the letter signed by Stan. I'll have to do some digging at some point. Yes, it was really cool. They were hard to come by, and I certainly didn't really expect to get one, but I thought I had a good case. I wonder if Marvel still does anything like that?

  • @B__Mer
    @B__Mer 6 годин тому +6

    Syrup, syrup, syrup.

  • @Intheflesh79
    @Intheflesh79 5 годин тому +5

    Butter 🧈 Butter 🧈 Butter

  • @ckelly5141
    @ckelly5141 5 годин тому +2

    7:37 Strange….really good! 🎸👍

  • @jonkerr2050
    @jonkerr2050 4 години тому +4

    I'm just not a fan of maple fret boards. Not on Fenders, not on a Gibson, and especially not on a Custom. They just look wrong to me.

    • @infinidominion
      @infinidominion Годину тому

      There were Jeff Loomis V-7's years ago that were pretty cool but had yellow american cheese colored maple board that just killed it. The rest was satin black. A refin guy I was talking to said he doesn't paint boards either 😂

  • @ejd715
    @ejd715 4 години тому +2

    So this brings the question, did Gibson win the case against DiMarzio about the double cream bobbins?

  • @supersonicnomad8437
    @supersonicnomad8437 5 годин тому +2

    Wait a minute.... Okay...
    "Take care" confirmed. 👍🏻

  • @DutchVai
    @DutchVai 5 годин тому +1

    Tricky with the take care tonight...... almost got me.

  • @clarkbabin9799
    @clarkbabin9799 2 години тому +1

    Imagine if you could get that type of wood grained like on the Les Paul Redwood 1016 but do it to look like a Van Goh and of course call it Starry Night.

  • @jameshughes6049
    @jameshughes6049 6 годин тому +2

    How do everyone!!

  • @clarkbabin9799
    @clarkbabin9799 2 години тому +1

    I wouldn't mind a maple fret board or even a roasted maple fretboard but it would have to have dark inlays or if it can be done inlays matching the guitars color. And yes thicker coating on the board.

  • @hectormutton2542
    @hectormutton2542 6 годин тому +4


  • @Kahuna54
    @Kahuna54 4 години тому +1

    I still don’t like the yellowing of the finish! The white looks so much better than the yellowed finish.

  • @felonyx5123
    @felonyx5123 2 години тому

    Here's a thought: maple fretboard ebony custom with maple knobs, pickup bobbins, and pickup rings.. The cream pickups almost match but it'd be real slick if it all matched perfectly.

  • @buzzbomb67
    @buzzbomb67 5 годин тому

    I have an Epiphone Explorer, supposedly from the 2016 NAMM show, that’s been given the ORANGE treatment, similar to that Explorer, but without the grain.

  • @bikerjon8934
    @bikerjon8934 6 годин тому +5


    • @sgt.grinch3299
      @sgt.grinch3299 6 годин тому +3

      Greetings BikerJon✌️✌️

    • @ckelly5141
      @ckelly5141 5 годин тому +4

      Somebody buy this guy some maple syrup.

    • @JohnnyArtPavlou
      @JohnnyArtPavlou 3 години тому

      @@ckelly5141Get the butter guy!

  • @russellzauner
    @russellzauner 2 години тому

    Music Zoo has some of the most ridiculous and ridiculously awesome spot models of any US store...

  • @opatt02
    @opatt02 4 години тому

    looks like that explorer had a heel break, can see the cracks on the front

  • @harlequingr
    @harlequingr 4 години тому +7

    Is someone ever going to give him a grammar and pronunciation lesson?

    • @We-all-watched-the-video
      @We-all-watched-the-video 3 години тому +7

      I’ve always thought he was homeschooled and didn’t interact with others much - he gives me that feeling if you know what I mean

  • @georgeoh-well8116
    @georgeoh-well8116 3 години тому +1

    Great finish on the explorer.
    Just a shame it's on a big, awkward, unwieldy guitar.

    • @infinidominion
      @infinidominion Годину тому +3

      They're actually really comfortable when you get used to'em

  • @Steve.Cutler
    @Steve.Cutler 6 годин тому +2

    Only 2 knobs and one pickup with only 2 knobs are only volume and tone, not master.

    • @jonnyf9049
      @jonnyf9049 Годину тому +1

      Nit picky huh? Its like a master volume🤣👌 its half full half empty question here

  • @Moremetal..
    @Moremetal.. 41 хвилина тому

    ive been saying for years i wanted a single bucker floyd les paul, but in black with white binding...guess better start saving some loonies...

  • @mr.timebombman2230
    @mr.timebombman2230 5 годин тому +3

    That black ES 175 though..

  • @adrianr2312
    @adrianr2312 6 годин тому +3

    Late night Trog dog

  • @michaelsmilek2404
    @michaelsmilek2404 5 годин тому +2


  • @davidapharry4680
    @davidapharry4680 5 годин тому +1

    BTW, it was really cool to see Louis Cato, leader of The Late Show band, rocking a Jack White Fender Triplecaster lately instead of his usual Tuttle T-style. Loved that review!

  • @Photognick521
    @Photognick521 6 годин тому +2

    Bout time!

  • @stop736
    @stop736 6 годин тому +1

    I love the maple fretboard and black body LP. That is sick!

  • @sgt.grinch3299
    @sgt.grinch3299 6 годин тому +7

    Z is for late

    • @ckelly5141
      @ckelly5141 5 годин тому +6

      Pretty sure you need help with spelling.🤔

    • @kevinleighton7255
      @kevinleighton7255 11 хвилин тому

      Who the hell cares, how late it is?????

  • @ethanhitchcock5431
    @ethanhitchcock5431 5 годин тому +1

    Cool guitars , I love the 3 pickup LP Custom in faded white ( Yellow ) , too bad it's a lefty , also love the SG Special , great wood grain ... Thanks Trogly !

  • @wheeljork
    @wheeljork 5 годин тому +1

    Wow that explorer! I wonder if they will make a version without the wrong trem system installed. I love my LP but no more Gibbies for me, too much work involved overcoming their shortfalls for my personal taste.

  • @jfoust7945
    @jfoust7945 4 години тому

    That '11 explorer is too perfect!

  • @nbenning25
    @nbenning25 6 годин тому +1


  • @thefred8481
    @thefred8481 5 годин тому

    Gibson should make an SG with a neck through body (ala Firebird) design with wings…I’ll take one for the idea…😂