That's twice now! Yes, I waited all the way to the "Take care." Is there a prize? I once got a "no-prize" from Stan Lee for finding an error in one of his comic books 😃🎸
That’s cool! Authentic “no-prizes” were pretty hard to come by. If I remember correctly, you had to not only point out an error, but also provide a plausible explanation for it as well.
@@myoptik3x103 It was many moons ago, but I think I still have the letter signed by Stan. I'll have to do some digging at some point. Yes, it was really cool. They were hard to come by, and I certainly didn't really expect to get one, but I thought I had a good case. I wonder if Marvel still does anything like that?
There were Jeff Loomis V-7's years ago that were pretty cool but had yellow american cheese colored maple board that just killed it. The rest was satin black. A refin guy I was talking to said he doesn't paint boards either 😂
Imagine if you could get that type of wood grained like on the Les Paul Redwood 1016 but do it to look like a Van Goh and of course call it Starry Night.
I wouldn't mind a maple fret board or even a roasted maple fretboard but it would have to have dark inlays or if it can be done inlays matching the guitars color. And yes thicker coating on the board.
Here's a thought: maple fretboard ebony custom with maple knobs, pickup bobbins, and pickup rings.. The cream pickups almost match but it'd be real slick if it all matched perfectly.
I have an Epiphone Explorer, supposedly from the 2016 NAMM show, that’s been given the ORANGE treatment, similar to that Explorer, but without the grain.
BTW, it was really cool to see Louis Cato, leader of The Late Show band, rocking a Jack White Fender Triplecaster lately instead of his usual Tuttle T-style. Loved that review!
Cool guitars , I love the 3 pickup LP Custom in faded white ( Yellow ) , too bad it's a lefty , also love the SG Special , great wood grain ... Thanks Trogly !
Wow that explorer! I wonder if they will make a version without the wrong trem system installed. I love my LP but no more Gibbies for me, too much work involved overcoming their shortfalls for my personal taste.
Blood moon explorer is awesome.
That's twice now! Yes, I waited all the way to the "Take care." Is there a prize? I once got a "no-prize" from Stan Lee for finding an error in one of his comic books 😃🎸
That’s cool! Authentic “no-prizes” were pretty hard to come by. If I remember correctly, you had to not only point out an error, but also provide a plausible explanation for it as well.
@@myoptik3x103 It was many moons ago, but I think I still have the letter signed by Stan. I'll have to do some digging at some point. Yes, it was really cool. They were hard to come by, and I certainly didn't really expect to get one, but I thought I had a good case. I wonder if Marvel still does anything like that?
Syrup, syrup, syrup.
Butter 🧈 Butter 🧈 Butter
7:37 Strange….really good! 🎸👍
I'm just not a fan of maple fret boards. Not on Fenders, not on a Gibson, and especially not on a Custom. They just look wrong to me.
There were Jeff Loomis V-7's years ago that were pretty cool but had yellow american cheese colored maple board that just killed it. The rest was satin black. A refin guy I was talking to said he doesn't paint boards either 😂
So this brings the question, did Gibson win the case against DiMarzio about the double cream bobbins?
Wait a minute.... Okay...
"Take care" confirmed. 👍🏻
Tricky with the take care tonight...... almost got me.
Imagine if you could get that type of wood grained like on the Les Paul Redwood 1016 but do it to look like a Van Goh and of course call it Starry Night.
How do everyone!!
I wouldn't mind a maple fret board or even a roasted maple fretboard but it would have to have dark inlays or if it can be done inlays matching the guitars color. And yes thicker coating on the board.
I still don’t like the yellowing of the finish! The white looks so much better than the yellowed finish.
Here's a thought: maple fretboard ebony custom with maple knobs, pickup bobbins, and pickup rings.. The cream pickups almost match but it'd be real slick if it all matched perfectly.
I have an Epiphone Explorer, supposedly from the 2016 NAMM show, that’s been given the ORANGE treatment, similar to that Explorer, but without the grain.
Greetings BikerJon✌️✌️
Somebody buy this guy some maple syrup.
@@ckelly5141Get the butter guy!
Music Zoo has some of the most ridiculous and ridiculously awesome spot models of any US store...
looks like that explorer had a heel break, can see the cracks on the front
Is someone ever going to give him a grammar and pronunciation lesson?
I’ve always thought he was homeschooled and didn’t interact with others much - he gives me that feeling if you know what I mean
Great finish on the explorer.
Just a shame it's on a big, awkward, unwieldy guitar.
They're actually really comfortable when you get used to'em
Only 2 knobs and one pickup with only 2 knobs are only volume and tone, not master.
Nit picky huh? Its like a master volume🤣👌 its half full half empty question here
ive been saying for years i wanted a single bucker floyd les paul, but in black with white binding...guess better start saving some loonies...
That black ES 175 though..
Late night Trog dog
BTW, it was really cool to see Louis Cato, leader of The Late Show band, rocking a Jack White Fender Triplecaster lately instead of his usual Tuttle T-style. Loved that review!
Bout time!
I love the maple fretboard and black body LP. That is sick!
Z is for late
Pretty sure you need help with spelling.🤔
Who the hell cares, how late it is?????
Cool guitars , I love the 3 pickup LP Custom in faded white ( Yellow ) , too bad it's a lefty , also love the SG Special , great wood grain ... Thanks Trogly !
Wow that explorer! I wonder if they will make a version without the wrong trem system installed. I love my LP but no more Gibbies for me, too much work involved overcoming their shortfalls for my personal taste.
That '11 explorer is too perfect!
Gibson should make an SG with a neck through body (ala Firebird) design with wings…I’ll take one for the idea…😂