Alreet Tazo brother been listen to this music since abot 1995 and ur def one ov the best oot there m8 u burty and the king stomping GOD BLESS HIS SOLE thought little patter was quality let know when ur live up the TOON m8 UP THE FUCKIN TOON NUFC4LIFE 😛
And there goes your signal T A Z O style 🎤🎤🔥🔥
Alreet Tazo brother been listen to this music since abot 1995 and ur def one ov the best oot there m8 u burty and the king stomping GOD BLESS HIS SOLE thought little patter was quality let know when ur live up the TOON m8 UP THE FUCKIN TOON NUFC4LIFE 😛
droping e after e after e #double dunter season lmAO GLORY DAYS
Class mate
What a combination man! 🎉