hi guys! this is my first time not using indo subtitle on video so if you'd prefer i have one you can try the automated closed caption! but if it doesn't work the same way just lmk and if there are too many people who have the same opinion about this i'll consider putting back the subtitle on my next vids hehe thank you for being here xx
Nyari komenan orang indo😅 ,kaa kapan yaa ngmngnya campur indo juga biar gasemua video atau vlog inggris semua kadang suntuk suka mals baca sub apalagi ini gada subnya ya emang sambil belajar ,tapi apa salahnya buat campur" gitu ngomongnya pasti yang subscribe jga makin banyak ,orng ngira pasti orng luar bukan orng indo :( waktu itu vlog terakhir ngmng indo katanya mau pake b inggris aja biar makin mengasah kemampuan b inggris ,tapikan sekrng semakin lancar kaa apalagi kuliah diluar (saran aja ya) ❤
thank you! i use sephora's lip liner to go (shade 18 - deep brown) and l'oreal matte resistance (shade 115 - snooze your alarm) PS: i bought the lipstick literally mid last year before i found out that we should boycott i literally was just wondering how's this not empty yet 😅
Assalamualaikum, I found your Channel yesterday. Really like your content. I want to move to Australia for study. Wishing in 2026. Oh and I'm from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🧕🏼
hi guys! this is my first time not using indo subtitle on video so if you'd prefer i have one you can try the automated closed caption! but if it doesn't work the same way just lmk and if there are too many people who have the same opinion about this i'll consider putting back the subtitle on my next vids hehe thank you for being here xx
kalau bisa eng sub aja bisa ga ka? jadi kalo ada kata asing, bisa cari tw..
loving how your vlogs are getting more and more exciting
love your consistency in using english 🥰
Enjoying your video lately bcs my brother will be going to Canberra for Uni,,,
Ah finally new vlog ❤
loveeee ittt
Nyari komenan orang indo😅 ,kaa kapan yaa ngmngnya campur indo juga biar gasemua video atau vlog inggris semua kadang suntuk suka mals baca sub apalagi ini gada subnya ya emang sambil belajar ,tapi apa salahnya buat campur" gitu ngomongnya pasti yang subscribe jga makin banyak ,orng ngira pasti orng luar bukan orng indo :( waktu itu vlog terakhir ngmng indo katanya mau pake b inggris aja biar makin mengasah kemampuan b inggris ,tapikan sekrng semakin lancar kaa apalagi kuliah diluar (saran aja ya) ❤
Love it!!❤️🇵🇭
I love your vlog,
Hii, just want to say that i looove ur videooos! and also your accent 🥹💖
aww thank you sm 🤍
Ardina Rani
what is the name of the restaurant if you don't mind share with us . i want to try the duck leg
Which lip tint are you using? It's so pretty
thank you! i use sephora's lip liner to go (shade 18 - deep brown) and l'oreal matte resistance (shade 115 - snooze your alarm)
PS: i bought the lipstick literally mid last year before i found out that we should boycott i literally was just wondering how's this not empty yet 😅
it IS good omg i shouldve tried it sooner
hey! can you please refilm your clean girl makeup look video in english
Assalamualaikum, I found your Channel yesterday. Really like your content. I want to move to Australia for study. Wishing in 2026. Oh and I'm from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🧕🏼
waalaikumsalam, thank you! good luck on your study journey 🥰
hi, wanted to ask did u go to unimelb with a scholarship or did u pay for the tuition fees? im an incoming freshman next year! insyaallah
she got LPDP's scholarship, I think