12 Changes We NEED in League of Legends!

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,3 тис.

  • @OutsideJoke
    @OutsideJoke  2 роки тому +155

    Thanks for watching! I'd love to hear your thoughts and what other changes you'd like to see in League! 👀

    • @PhazedxWizard
      @PhazedxWizard 2 роки тому

      Give me a German shepherd puppy it’s been 6 days

    • @lux_max.
      @lux_max. 2 роки тому +1

      Id make a console LoL or wild rift for console

    • @dragonpanda4376
      @dragonpanda4376 2 роки тому +1

      I mean this are great ideas but the sad truth is that riot isn't going to spend money on things that will cost them money. If they fix the ranked system and give it a reset, they'll lose player count heavily since a lot of players tend to have 3+ accounts. If you really wan't a champion badly then you might buy it on impulse rather than save up blue essence. And we cant forget that 93% of riot is owned by Tencent so not only do they want your soul but also "the compartments of thy pantalones". Less accounts, less possibilty of buying the same skin/champ twice or more, less chance of getting stuck in an elo so that it may suck the living shit out of you means less league time!
      Im pretty sure that a lot of pro players and streamers been talking about more bans for sometime and thats the only thing that wouldnt lose riot any income and wouldnt really take any effort. But since they havent done anything about it then im pretty sure there are some "costs" that we dont know about. I supose if you reach the rank that you desire, why try and climb higher, you've already reached your goal right? There just might be other games out there! But god forbid if you're stuck. Then. Then it's just league. Like GODDAMIT! Sometimes you are just THAT tiny amounts LP close to your ranked goal, and you just have to lose - win - lose win til you realize the season is coming to a close and you tell yourself: Next year, new season, new me. How sad isnt that? You say new season and i highly doubt you'll even consider new me.
      Something that i really wan't fixed is a new Balancing department that actually plays the game to some degree. cause most of the changes feel like" Hmmm i wonder what would happen if we gave master yi a buff where his q deals (kinda) less dmg, but it now will aply onhit dmg." The only thing PBE is good for is finding buggs early, but other than that you just try out new champs and skins before everyone else. Its pointless if Galio comes to live servers with 300000000000% ap scaling on his passive/q/w/e. I know that there are more of this "incidents" but this are the ones that really stands out. it took them like a week to fix galio, but 3 days to fix yi, there is that. i guess.
      Just some thoughts i got watching your video and thought this might be the place to drop it. Hope you read it and make some sens out of it and if not hopefully it didn't take much of your time.

    • @mahmoudbenzarti4534
      @mahmoudbenzarti4534 2 роки тому

      Why Wild Rift is so much better in client and utility stuff is that they made the game from scratch using a different game engine (Unity), it doesn't use any of the old code league has. Thats why it is so much easier to add new stuff and why it is so much more stable, the code quality is on another level.

    • @andrewslagel1002
      @andrewslagel1002 2 роки тому

      A game mode based on points, like 500 points for your team to win, towers give points, kills give points, dragons give points.

  • @marshallneff1631
    @marshallneff1631 2 роки тому +2462

    Another problem with the honor system is that you can only honor 1 person per game. There were matches when jg, supp, and top were all really friendly, and i felt pretty guilty in the end that i needed to chose 1, because i liked them all

    • @bearlyfifa
      @bearlyfifa 2 роки тому +85

      1 in a million

    • @tiolen5463
      @tiolen5463 2 роки тому +66

      Riot, give us the old honor system

    • @buttpain171
      @buttpain171 2 роки тому +77

      Couldn't agree more and you can report multiple people, why should you be able to honor more than one person, same thing with the enemy team btw :D

    • @draenei
      @draenei 2 роки тому +42

      i like how he didn't mention mid or adc

    • @JevThatRevs
      @JevThatRevs 2 роки тому

      Might as well just remove honour system if you want to honor more than 1 person

  • @sizui1650
    @sizui1650 2 роки тому

    I still remember the good old times with Ascension, Nexus Siege, Twisted Treeline... Dominion. Good old days :(

  • @MishaXG
    @MishaXG 2 роки тому

    I think we could add few things to that list:
    - real Solo Q ranked, no more Solo / Duo where Duo have a really big advantage
    - flex Q (for solo / duo / trio players)
    - team Q (only for 5 man squad)
    - a rework of the ranked system:
    1 - Delete MMR system
    2 - 1 win = 20 pts / 1 lose = - 20 pts / 3+ win = 25 pts / 3+ lose = - 25 pts / 10+ win = win 1 free tier / 10+ lose = lose 1 free tier (and it reset back to 3+ win / lose 25 pts until the serie is broken)
    3 - Delete promo games
    4 - Each season = Elo reset for players that didn't played during 10 games a month on a 3 month period / No Elo reset for players that continue to play (except for Challenger that downgrades to Grand Master see 5)
    At the beginning of a season, people downgrade to the 4th tier they are in: ex => Gold 1 65 pts = Gold 4 0 pts // Plat 4 85 pts = Plat 4 0 pts and so on.
    5 - Once you hit Challenger, you can't fall back in Grand Master, the Ranking system becomes a points system where you gain & lose points with a separate ranking (kind of hearthstone style)
    1 - Why MMR system kind of sucks?
    First thing it's a "hidden" elo, which actually is your "real elo". Each new season it's kind of a "reset", but your MMR isn't. That means that the first 10 - 30 games you'll do will more or less makes the futur of this season (except of course if you can play 500 - 1000 games which isn't the case for many players). Basically if you lose lets say 60% - 70% of your games: unlucky (dc, inters), bad games, you weren't in the mood... those first games will impact you 10 times more than the next 100 games, cause it's really long to recover from a downgrade MMR.
    2 - This would mean that each game gives to everybody the same amount of points or more if you are in a win serie. But why?
    Cause at the end of the day, everything was made so you can't 1v5 anymore, so basically it shouldn't be you as a single player that counts but the overall team level.
    3 - Why no more promo games?
    Cause there's no reason to stay stuck at gold 4, plat 4, dia 4 and have to lose a ton of games before downgrading. It punishes players that fall with those players, cause they are tilt and probably not at their real elo anymore. (or even worse they got boosted or bought an account)
    This would results in people climbing really fast or downgrading really fast and would be 10 times more healthy for the game but also for players mind, as you could climb fast or downgrade fast but never be hard stuck.
    4 - Not playing during a long period of time should mean an account Elo reset during season or off season, BUT continue playing during offseason should mean something too! So if you manage to climb to Diamond 4 0 pts, then at the beginning of the next season you stay at that rank, but if you tryhard and fail standing at Plat 1 90 pts then you fall back to Plat 4 0 pts.
    That would change few things:
    - High ranked players Grand Master + will fight to enter Challenger once again and then play in another Rank system based of points.
    - No more mega frustration each season, being having to be downgrade and regrind once again what you previously done.
    - Offseason would have an impact on the next season, which means you could decide to sit at Plat 3 60 pts or decide to tryhard to reach Dia 4 0 pts before the new season starts.
    Overall it would be 10 times more healthy, cause the game wouldn't force you each season to start over and grind back what you allready did. Which for some players means a lot of games & time.
    5 - It should be the overall goal, making Challengers play between them and vs Grand Master 1 too (not 2 3 or 4), so succeeding to reach Challenger would be difficult and once there it should be a fight for n°1 place. But once you manage to reach Challenger it's for the entire season, you can't downgrade (ofc except if you stop playing totally and didn't do your 10 games a month on a 3 month period)
    About those 10 games a month during a 3 month period, that means:
    Each month you have to play minimum 10 games, but if for some reason you aren't able to play then a "bonus period" starts for the next 2 more months (3 months in total). Which means at the end of the 3rd months you should have played 30 games in total to respect the 10 games / month otherwise your elo is reset back to Silver 4 (the starting elo). This also applies for players in Challenger system too!
    This means with the entire system working you can't decide to sit to a specific elo for the entire season and only play 1 game every month to not get downgrade. As you can climb really fast but downgrade really fast too, you can't be stuck anymore so less frustration overall. On high elo it would mean more players will have to "risk" their rank cause of those 10 games per month, instead of reaching Grand Master and then play on alt accounts only to be able to say "hey i'm Grand Master on my main", so i bet lower queues for high rank players.
    I know this won't happen and there's probably few issue to correct, but overall i think it would be a much more healthy ranking system than the current one.
    Sorry it's a bit long to read i know.

  • @Serajean
    @Serajean 2 роки тому

    about the Ranking: i agree completly! i made some mistakes in my early times and still get punished. i never made a new account, cause i was investing in skins.
    the mastery rank of your champs and your personal level should matter also.

  • @roberoed
    @roberoed 2 роки тому +1

    I feel attacked for playing with locked camera. I have been using it since i started playing. (Currently lvl 200 btw)

  • @Germany2000kid
    @Germany2000kid 2 роки тому

    In regards to Voice Chat. People would start flaming you if you do not want to to Voice Chat. And start flaming that the enemy has 5 people communicating and your team does not if someone refuses.

  • @Blackbr3d
    @Blackbr3d Рік тому +1

    Hey they actually gave us an exclusive Skin for being honorable this Season. Good prediction I'd say!

  • @lexel5786
    @lexel5786 2 роки тому

    I really dont understand why there isn`t a specific amount of lp you win / lose after winning / losing a game and it is the same for every one in every game.

  • @RTr-nw1fj
    @RTr-nw1fj 2 роки тому

    10:46 as for this point i was allways thinking about a system that adds bonus LP for some things you do in the game : you stole baron? Great! have +1! Kills above 10? Niceee +1... Oh its 20 kills now? Great another +1!
    Something not too broken but a nice little addition when you do good!

  • @awakendhawk7355
    @awakendhawk7355 2 роки тому

    One thing I've always wanted, was to be able to gather some friends (or randos) and play gamemodes or just to screw around with some settings.
    You should be able to start a custom game and select different settings. I'm thinking about how overwatch made theirs.

  • @JumpscareRodent
    @JumpscareRodent 2 роки тому +1

    Excuse you Medevial Twitch is a fantastic skin. Yes I am extremely biased. That is my favorite skin, and the black chroma is really dope

  • @nomiiskiir6364
    @nomiiskiir6364 2 роки тому +1

    I dont believe there should be a personal benefit to a high kda this would only make the game more and more toxic as people will try to kill steal everything and get even more mad. You want as a goal to have more team players in the game and this completely ruins that.
    Instead I would add an option to have 9 possible honors, you can honor as manny people as you want and it gives you absolutely nothing to give out more votes but it connects to the better honor system you gave and rewards you with more stuff if you receive manny.
    And more importantly I want to see "Honor que" added to the game. A ranked ladder where you gain more lp for every individual that you liked who liked you back. If someone is toxic af you just dont like them and they will drop lp because of it. So if you win and would gain 20 lp for example however none of your team mates honor you you now only win a max of 10 lp. And when you lose and would lose 20 lp if all your team mates honor you and you honor all of them you only lose 10lp.
    Obviously it should not always be 10 and 20 but it extremely harms toxic players.
    Lastly the one thing I believe should be added most is 2 reportable options at the end of the match. One is just being generally anoying/not nice. This would harm yout honor rewards if received too often and gives some satisfaction when players specifically avoid bannable offences but are still extremely anoying. The other option is just straigt up being bad at the game. Once this last option is chosen it is no longer possible to report for running it down or something like that. This would give the people that spam 9×... in chat something to do and save riot a lot of work going through all the reports that are based on nothing when someone had a bad game. It should have some sort of negative result for the person being reportedly bad often but its not bannable.

  • @coldramen27
    @coldramen27 2 роки тому

    one of the problems about lol is that it is run on the same code it was 12 years ago so there are somethings they just can't do without making a brand new game.

  • @gandrade4
    @gandrade4 2 роки тому

    6:40 dota2 did something similar to this, looks good

  • @paulverse4587
    @paulverse4587 2 роки тому

    Better rewards for honor + clash would mean less people buy RP for the stuff they want.
    MMR Reset is not a good idea, but a MMR decay would be.
    Tying MMR to KDA would be hugely imbalanced too for different roles. You could tie the KDA expectation to your role, but what if you switch role in lobby?

  • @ir0nbark31
    @ir0nbark31 2 роки тому

    10:00 YES PLEASE

  • @VictorF4387
    @VictorF4387 2 роки тому

    0:08 I think that adding more bans is gonna increase the chances of your main getting banned if its a popular champion (like example i wanna play pyke but he gets banned a lot, now he has twice teh chance to get banned)

  • @shrimperinolea4110
    @shrimperinolea4110 2 роки тому +1

    Seasonal maps? Love it! But i would also pay for custum maps!

  • @merouanebelaroussi9706
    @merouanebelaroussi9706 2 роки тому

    I feel you have a misconseption about bans, as riot actualy regret implimenting them in the first place, adding more is a big nono

  • @marinosath4099
    @marinosath4099 2 роки тому

    When you reroll 3 skin shards give me a permanent SHARD, not skin. I don't want an unlocked amumu skin that I'll never use.

  • @shlock1558
    @shlock1558 2 роки тому +828

    I always wanted a “random” option in ward selection, so every game I can look forward to seeing what my ward looks like and my skins never get stale.

    • @ryviusch.nooneid9002
      @ryviusch.nooneid9002 2 роки тому +29

      Wild rift feature be like :

    • @oz459
      @oz459 2 роки тому +2


    • @randomperson-yw1ow
      @randomperson-yw1ow 2 роки тому +8

      @@ryviusch.nooneid9002 even better, you can choose what you want to randomize and leave the ugly ones but there's no ward skins. Well bunch of other cosmetics that pc don't got are there anyways

    • @topbanana.2627
      @topbanana.2627 2 роки тому +1

      First world problems

  • @TheKevinGeee
    @TheKevinGeee 2 роки тому +307

    My friend wanted to try Wild Rift, he has no experience playing League. So we started WR together and he was really happy with all the tutorials and guides. There's even a guide on how to be a Jungler.
    He really liked it and asked if we could also try League. He hated it immediately.
    He says it is not friendly to new players at all. Old players already have their callouses, I guess that's why we don't notice it as much. RIOT needs to find a way to market the game to new players.

    • @presxdam1033
      @presxdam1033 2 роки тому +5

      You have to defend your friend from all the toxics, you can't just go and let them bully him with you not doing anything, I always defended the people I played with in LoL even if they were doing something wrong. That's why we always had fun and laughed more than getting hurt by the words of other players

    • @MuddyAxolotl
      @MuddyAxolotl 2 роки тому

      i played wild rift for a bit then switched to league and liked it wild rift was just too limited and simple

    • @KYSNYAN
      @KYSNYAN 2 роки тому

      @@MuddyAxolotl i just started wr 4 days ago and everything is going fine but, how the fuck am i supposed to learn all the champs abilities when there’s like 80+ of them😭 this is the thing that makes me not wanna even bother with this game (even tho im interested in it) cuz i always play against champs that i have no idea about what they can do lol

    • @MuddyAxolotl
      @MuddyAxolotl 2 роки тому +3

      @@KYSNYAN it takes like 2-3 weeks of watghing youtube and playing the game aka the time you need to be addicted to the game

    • @dededemanreal
      @dededemanreal 2 роки тому +2

      @@KYSNYAN it just takes time spent in the game and you can also gloss through videos just to see which one has CC which one is vulnerable at close range or this ones gimmick means he hides in bushes and then just assign small things like that so you know what to avoid in a general sende

  • @lolfreedom6254
    @lolfreedom6254 2 роки тому +55

    Something that I've been wanting for a while is being able to have multiple people in practice tool (or at least 2), making is so you could actually train interactions, or train stuf like - flashing malph R, predicting abilitys by cast animations.....

  • @Entity_1011
    @Entity_1011 2 роки тому +451

    I would absolutely love to see the LP changes you suggested to be implemented! I am Diamond 1, but a few of my friends can't get out of Silver because they still lose LP if they lose once every 5 matches.

    • @brosephstinson1297
      @brosephstinson1297 2 роки тому +33

      Problem is, if you get stomped, you lose even more LP than usual.
      League is not a game where a REALLY bad game ends with a 6/7/13 score.
      But more like 2/14/8, its especially fucked up for supports they'd literally sit on 8 deaths / 2 kills every game at some point.
      Its a great concept, but translates HORRIBLY into league.

    • @L9nexah
      @L9nexah 2 роки тому +4


    • @adelholzenerbier
      @adelholzenerbier 2 роки тому +12

      Not to mention that your stats are heavily affected by your teammates. If you just play weakside top and all you do is not die to the repeated ganks from the enemy u might aswell have carried the game, but stuff like that would be really hard to detect

    • @brosephstinson1297
      @brosephstinson1297 2 роки тому +4

      @@adelholzenerbier jungler 0/3/1
      "obviously bad"
      Enemy top and mid roam to scuttle with jungler while own teammates move way too late or not at all.
      You steal drake with a flash smite over the wall, die the second time but you got drake.
      You are behind personally but you still crack the fed Adc open with your Adc, you die for it, but your Adc gets a thicc shutdown.
      You ARE behind in cs.
      You ARE behind in Gold.
      You are still contributing and clawing yourself back up.
      There is NO way that you can implement this in league the right way.

    • @tomwiling2978
      @tomwiling2978 2 роки тому +3

      If they loose 1 out of 5 and lose LP, they MMR must be really low, so they probably shouldnt even be in Silver anyways xD … i think the MMR/LP system is fine, but should resetted more often for the lower elos, to give people the chance, to get to higher ranks in the next season, if they improved and not just get stuck the same elo, bcs their mmr is still shit

  • @designer8812
    @designer8812 2 роки тому +128

    I say for the honor system it should temporarily increase your chances of getting better skins significantly.(To a percentage where you have a decent change to get legendary/Mythics) Not give you a skin.

    • @suguchiaffu9177
      @suguchiaffu9177 2 роки тому +4

      I think that getting a skin from Honour 5 is a good incentive. It rewards player by giving them a skin that they really want, and maybe they don't want to spend money.

    • @abelboronkai448
      @abelboronkai448 2 роки тому

      similar to the idea in the vid but it has its advantages. For example if you are honor 5 you already got the skin you can be toxic. But this way you have to stay friendly to get more rewards.

    • @MangaGamified
      @MangaGamified 2 роки тому +1

      @@suguchiaffu9177 I think they didnt go with that cause in the olden days of pre-mades & duos, you can honor your duo or pre-mades, so they probably think it will be very easy to farm skins, so they just put trash skins there, A few seasons later they made it so honoring your duo or pre-made doesn't count in your honor level.

  • @sadvec6328
    @sadvec6328 2 роки тому +360

    You know what needs to comeback? The Tribunal
    The report system is kinda broken, so if we let players to check if someone was being downrigth toxic, that would help a lot

    • @critty52
      @critty52 2 роки тому +14

      If you mentioned the summoners code. Theyd quite down real fast

    • @prinzdenis
      @prinzdenis 2 роки тому +31

      yeah would be nice if it came back but i think they should only let someone into the Tribunal if they were honor level 5 not like the old one where everyone could get in to it if they wanted (should keep the toxic ones out of the Tribunal)

    • @bullphr0g489
      @bullphr0g489 2 роки тому +39

      @@prinzdenis how about, once they enter honor level 5 they *can* sign up to be a tribunal member and once someone or an algorithm accepts they then become a member

    • @prinzdenis
      @prinzdenis 2 роки тому +8

      @@bullphr0g489 thats pretty much what i wanted ^^ its just so that it would also be something that gives you benefit for being honor level 5

    • @voidazru
      @voidazru 2 роки тому +4

      honestly, is there anything left in league that ISN'T broken? ._.

  • @snideyo1493
    @snideyo1493 2 роки тому +85

    I got a neat one! What if when you got a champ to m7 you'd get a chroma for their base skin? It'd give people who can't afford skins for their favourite champions something to feel stylish with! More incentive to get to m7 besides an emote to taunt your enemies.

    • @TheChaosx1
      @TheChaosx1 2 роки тому +15

      Agree, or with more mastery point milestones like 50k 100k ect, you could unlock more colours rather then heaps at once, gives mains and one tricks a lot more unique options for their chosen champion

    • @tsunaka7804
      @tsunaka7804 2 роки тому

      I WANT THIS I'm m7 on Lux and still have no skin on her --'

    • @skyral4137
      @skyral4137 2 роки тому +2

      That would inspire league players not to get a job.

  • @lordnightingale7346
    @lordnightingale7346 2 роки тому +155

    I agree with the honor system. It really sucks to stand all that toxicity for so little.

  • @maksymiliank5135
    @maksymiliank5135 2 роки тому +23

    I think they should change the way pathing works. It's really frustrating when you click one pixel too close to the wall, and your champion goes in the other direction. They should split the walls in half, and if you click the part of the wall that's close to you, your champion would go as close to the wall as possible, otherwise they would start walking to the other side. Another thing they should change is the elevation. Some long ranged abilities look like they shouldn't hit (jhin W for example) if you stand in river and the enemy stands on the ground, but they hit anyways.

  • @sadvec6328
    @sadvec6328 2 роки тому +66

    For the second one
    I recall that back when the "Teamwork OP" initiative started, they said that people with high honor points during that time would get Justicer Syndra for free...
    It's been years, and I'm yet to meet the first person who got it

  • @agigglingturtle1754
    @agigglingturtle1754 2 роки тому +9

    Personally, I disagree with implementing voice chat for three reasons. One, you stated that it would result in less toxicity since people wouldn’t say that kind of stuff in voice, but that’s simply not true if my experience in CSGO and Overwatch have taught me anything. People have no problem being voicing their “frustrations” in voice chat, especially because there wouldn’t be any chat logs for riot to monitor.
    Second, if joining voice became the norm in League, you wouldn’t be able to “just not join because you’re antisocial” unless you’re willing to become a deficit to your team. The game would inherently change in such a way that not joining voice would be considered griefing, essentially.
    Last and certainly not least, there’s already quite a bit of sexism present in the community. The amount of sexual harassment and other behavior would rise exponentially if women were to communicate through voice chat. Again, seen it in Overwatch to the point where female gamers simply wouldn’t use it to avoid being exposed to such harassment. The same goes for people of sexual orientations other than straight, or ethnicities other than white, both of which can have clear indicators in their speech of such things. Nobody who’s ever interacted with the league fanbase would ever truly refer to it as tolerant or open minded.
    Voice chat is not a safer space than text. In some ways, it’s far worse because of the added pressure to utilize it. Does it have it’s upsides? Yes. Should we ignore the enormous amount of data we have suggesting that the most toxic fan bases only get worse when you’re stuck in a voice call with them for prolonged periods of time, especially for minorities in gaming? No. I should mention as well, my intention with this comment is only to offer a different point of view to the one in the video, which seemed to be mainly covering the positives of voice chat. You cannot have a balanced perspective without considering the potential consequences of a change as well.

  • @luis_leitao
    @luis_leitao 2 роки тому +72

    Honestly we also need better game modes because I can't stand rotating from urf to one for all to nexus blitz and repeat and as a new player who knows about Star Guardian, Twisted Treeline and Odissey maps and game modes it just breaks my heart that everything we're left with is urf

    • @maksymiliank5135
      @maksymiliank5135 2 роки тому +7

      i would really like Twisted Treeline to come back. I didn't get a chance to play it, because i'm relatively new player. Also, gamemodes with different maps would be cool, not just the Summoners Rift or The Howling Abyss

    • @magapiff1
      @magapiff1 2 роки тому +7

      Everyone who played Twisted Treeline wants it to come back, the problems it had where due to Riot simply neglecting it. It had a small but active Ranked community and it was less toxic than the main game

    • @lennartbkmn20
      @lennartbkmn20 2 роки тому +3

      @@magapiff1 it would also fix the issue of three people partys clotting flex queue

    • @mandarynkowyryz
      @mandarynkowyryz 2 роки тому

      Me and my friends were devastated when they removed it. I loved this mode.

  • @Serenity23582
    @Serenity23582 2 роки тому +11

    They seriously gotta add comprehensive optional scenarios for all of the 5 roles.
    I started out with League again recently and I can only say that I am getting more hate and toxicity thrown at me than I have even come close to experiencing in any other game. Like it's very shocking to me how every game has at least two people blaming each other consistently. Part of that problem is that new players wont know what their role needs to do and then they will get ?-spammed for last hitting minions as a support or not ganking as a jungle or not pinging as mid-
    And like without watching guides (and even with), new players literally just get thrown into a burning field without a whole lot of direction.

  • @rajder656
    @rajder656 2 роки тому +380

    Switching champions in practice tool is harder than it seems. It would require riot to rewrite how the game works which could cause A LOT of problems. Wild rift was coded with that in mind. For example there could be a bug where you can change your champion in ranked q

    • @jei3419
      @jei3419 2 роки тому +30

      I can very agree to this, I think this would really cause them a lot of time and effort to make this work, it was programmed so you have to go through the process of champ select and be that champion for the rest of the game, unlike Valorant and Wild Rift where this idea already exists, since this is only a practice tool, it isn't really worth it for them to fix it

    • @Jones_Bond
      @Jones_Bond 2 роки тому +23

      @Xaryop i am pretty sure hat you know, that all league codes are pretty old? they would have to wewrite the whole code

    • @rajder656
      @rajder656 2 роки тому +34

      @@Jones_Bond and the code is kinda of a mess which riot admitted themselves

    • @patrickstar3293
      @patrickstar3293 2 роки тому +5

      @@Jones_Bond No? Why would they have to rewrite the whole code? They could add the change without changing the whole code… Why don’t they have to rewrite the whole code when they add new champs, drakes, items, runes etc. Those are core parts but you don’t have to rewrite the whole base code…

    • @Ichigoeki
      @Ichigoeki 2 роки тому +9

      @@patrickstar3293 I'm sure that the sum total that's done to make Viego work is closing in on the entirety of League's code...

  • @bladeofazrael3466
    @bladeofazrael3466 2 роки тому +78

    Maybe adding a spectate mode for a specific champ would be good as well. What I mean is that you can select your favourite champ, and then have the option to spectate challengers who main that champ or played it recently. That would be cool and time-saving. In addition to that maybe also having the option to chose a specific matchup for that champ, like if you main for example Veigar and can't play against a Katarina, then you can spectate challengers who had the Katarina matchup.

    • @KramerDesu
      @KramerDesu 2 роки тому +5

      we have "challenger replay" channels for that purpose

    • @Germany2000kid
      @Germany2000kid 2 роки тому +16

      @@KramerDesu we also used to have that directly in the old client. That you could spectate high ELO games from home screen.

    • @bladeofazrael3466
      @bladeofazrael3466 2 роки тому

      @@Germany2000kid that's what I mean yeah. So that you don't lose time on YT searching for games to spectate.

    • @KramerDesu
      @KramerDesu 2 роки тому

      @@Germany2000kid oh, that's really nice! cs:go has a similar device, that doensnt only allow u to see high elo games but also competitive games too. it could be a great change in league!

    • @ghstprncss
      @ghstprncss 2 роки тому +1

      or spectate friends

  • @ksbvideomaker803
    @ksbvideomaker803 2 роки тому +101

    More Funmodes. Urf and the other modes are fine and fun, but more Variety would be great. In permanent and time restricted modes.

    • @sparklekitty02
      @sparklekitty02 2 роки тому +6

      Honestly I miss twisted treeline for this reason. Granted it was... old... and no one played it very often, but it was a better environment for people to chill and possibly try new champions outside of blind and bots. The only problem I think with a permanent gamemode is that people would get tired of it (excluding aram and SR of course), but it'd still be cool to see nonetheless. Adding to this, for the rotating gamemodes, I think we should be able to vote on which mode we see next (unless this already exists?).

    • @orbitrons6731
      @orbitrons6731 2 роки тому

      the problem is that, from riots side, its really hard to justify. remember nexus blitz? personally i played it a lot, but the stats showed a really low playrate. the only gamemodes besides rift and aram that get playtime are like one for all and urf, sadly

    • @AmiN-tl2lc
      @AmiN-tl2lc 2 роки тому +3

      @@orbitrons6731 i honestly didn't like that as much
      I liked modes with the newer concept such as bloodmoon, void, star guardian

    • @cho9171
      @cho9171 2 роки тому

      No because if that were to happy, expect a longer wait time just to get a game started in each mode.

    • @MangaGamified
      @MangaGamified 2 роки тому +2

      Even far better.. *Permanent* different modes! :3

  • @ShadowAngelS2K
    @ShadowAngelS2K 2 роки тому +10

    6:52 The only reason the shop recommends Thornmail against Evelynn is because there is no MR tank item which gives grievous wounds

  • @EA...
    @EA... 2 роки тому +5

    About voice chat, I dont want to hear aphelios yelling at thresh in botlane when im trying to time my dragon smite right or win the 1v1 against zed. MOBA's arent the same as FPS's

  • @breezybuster2174
    @breezybuster2174 2 роки тому +18

    Great suggestions! I think the most important thing to add would be the Runescape type polling. If Riot just crowd sourced to figure out what they need to do with their game, they would get it right so much more often. Crowd sourcing doesn't always pick the best option, but at least then if we dislike an update, its our fault, and we can even just vote to revert it right after.

  • @ILCEM-Y
    @ILCEM-Y 2 роки тому +10

    As someone who switched from Dota to League, voice chat is a curse and a blessing. Trust me, whatever people are saying in text they will say in voice 90% of the time.

  • @magiicarpe3950
    @magiicarpe3950 2 роки тому +3

    We definitely need a way to get our role without risking an autofill.
    Like a check box that guarantees your role but the game takes longer to find

  • @Orroset
    @Orroset 2 роки тому +22

    An option to turn off sweat mode would be great for when I just want chill games.. But that's the only thing that's improbable to implement. The rest are viable improvements.
    Truly, we do need all of these..

    • @buwumet
      @buwumet 2 роки тому +2

      I'd play the hell out of that, I mostly play Aram with friends by now, so that would be exactly what we need. Even normals are too sweaty and stressful to just have a good time playing League with friends

    • @miserepoignee9594
      @miserepoignee9594 2 роки тому +2

      They already have that, it's called normal q with /mute all

    • @saki453
      @saki453 2 роки тому +5

      Here is an idea.
      Summoners rift, boosted gold and XP income, all random (champs with high mastery will not get selected).

    • @simonkausch6012
      @simonkausch6012 2 роки тому

      I'm pretty sure drunk mode already exists... They just call it flex queue

    • @yonki2694
      @yonki2694 2 роки тому

      Hidden selection (?

  • @clairechaxel8070
    @clairechaxel8070 2 роки тому +8

    Erhm... as a girl who couldn't hide being a girl if I were to have a voicechat (or just be disadvantages forever because people wouldn't neither type or ping useful informations such as flash timers and so cause they just could see it) I highly doubt the toxicity would go down through voicechat...

    • @joannelabanane342
      @joannelabanane342 2 роки тому +3

      Same, I'm really afraid of that and afaik this already happens in other games with voicechat...

  • @EmiyaRedfield
    @EmiyaRedfield 2 роки тому +14

    The best change about the bans would be to bring back the old system but i little bit different (not each player banning one per one i mean).
    That means we keep the 5 bans per team but you see what the opponents are banning during the ban phase so you can't choose the same champ.
    So there's really 10 champions banned in every games =D
    PS: love from France

  • @menacingbread7909
    @menacingbread7909 2 роки тому +14

    After experiencing ranked in Valorant, I highly doubt League having a team voice comm is a good idea. I literally got trolled, burned alive in a pool of acid by own teammates just because I didn't use voice comm

    • @2bestlel837
      @2bestlel837 2 роки тому +6

      kinda kills the point of playing a team based game with vc if you don’t use it, especially if it’s a tac shooter. not saying you deserve it but you should expect it even more in higher ranks

    • @bbrot
      @bbrot 2 роки тому +4

      Voice comms are a necessity in ranked tac shooters. People been flaming people who dont use mics since source

  • @nguyenanhpham6094
    @nguyenanhpham6094 2 роки тому +7

    The voice chat one sounds dangerous. Really dangerous.

  • @PsQueak2
    @PsQueak2 2 роки тому +10

    I think the reason honorable opponent got taken away was because people only honored good gameplay, and paid no attention to whether or not the player was actually honorable. You would have some person 14/2/6 in all chat talking about how bad his teammate is, and he'd get honorable opponent just because he was playing well. But he was being a jerk.

    • @Maddogg500
      @Maddogg500 2 роки тому +2

      okay but if your bad your bad sorry

    • @ehyzen
      @ehyzen 2 роки тому

      bruh just mute them who cares if they talk shit

    • @PsQueak2
      @PsQueak2 2 роки тому

      @@ehyzen This comment is about why honorable opponent got removed. Muting a shit talker doesn't change that the person doing the shit talking probably doesn't deserve any accolade with "honorable" in the title. It's not about whether or not you _care_ about them shit talking.

  • @blank8528
    @blank8528 2 роки тому +2

    Tbh I'm not agree with adding voice chat and I don't think everyone want to talk to others also the solution you brought up to "mute all the people if you don't want to talk" is not a good one either because then you're gonna be the only person who can't communicate with other members of your team which is big downside. Also in general adding voice chat defeats the purpose of "solo queue" itself but idk, maybe I'm wrong
    And as always great video, keep up the good work

  • @NoktakkVT
    @NoktakkVT 2 роки тому +4

    "Literally typed EZ" hahahaha I may or may not do this at the end of nearly every game c:

  • @Novagats
    @Novagats 2 роки тому +3

    the thing about your idea for ranked adjustments is that it’s kind of already possible without changing much. If the ranked system were more tied to the grading system, that would be awesome. If you get an S in a game, then you are objectively doing a great job as it accounts for vision score, map control, CS, and doesn’t account as much for KDA (although that can still be a factor). So yeah, I think tying LP to both wins and grading would be a smart decision.

    • @lovemusicbandchorus
      @lovemusicbandchorus 2 роки тому

      I see why you said this, but I also think this would have a side effect of reducing instances of strategic deaths, kind of the same with the KDA, cause they heavily take the KDA into account. (At least with supports.)
      For example, I play a lot of healing supports, so I pretty much always have a global taunt on me. Sometimes its helpful to the team for me to abuse that and die early on in a team fight, cause I'll end up getting a lot of ults and sums. Depending on how early that is, I may or may not end up getting assists for that.
      Or for example split pushing. If you've got someone at enemy base, sometimes its worth to die in a fight just to prevent the enemy from backing.

  • @mr.boomguy
    @mr.boomguy 2 роки тому +3

    Hornestly, the way the koreans abused the hornor system was really creative. I'd wish instead of removing it, they did a simular thing but with reports.
    That way, the good and the bad are seperated.

  • @hahayes8649
    @hahayes8649 2 роки тому +4

    they should add a more regular cycling of the extra modes for casual players along with something to earn/show off beyond mastery or amount of skins !

  • @famura7660
    @famura7660 2 роки тому +2

    They should stop getting new champs for a bit and fix problems of champions thath now exist.

  • @prispalos
    @prispalos 2 роки тому +17

    Props to the editor, the edits in this one are fire 🔥🔥🔥

  • @ZealousSpark
    @ZealousSpark 2 роки тому +3

    They should also make a tutorial especially for Junglers. I feel like they do not take the normal one serious

  • @장미-z2j
    @장미-z2j 2 роки тому +4

    That would be great if they also taught how to jungle in the tutorial. The first time I played a real match in the summoners rift as a jungler, I remember being completely lost, not knowing where were the blue and red buffs, what I was supposed to do, how and when I could gank.. 😩

    • @lordpaulphilippfernandez9904
      @lordpaulphilippfernandez9904 Рік тому

      Not knowing where the red and blue buff i pretty sus to me. Like I could understand if it's the first 10 or so games in League, but even if it's your first time playing Jungle in ranked, you have to play multiple games to first reach Level 30, which should be enough yo tell you their locations

    • @장미-z2j
      @장미-z2j Рік тому

      @@lordpaulphilippfernandez9904 i simply didn't pay attention to it, which is why i wasn't sure where they were depending on the blue side and red side. Also, that was not long after i began playing league so how the hell is that sus to be confused about certain things?

  • @multiagustin2
    @multiagustin2 2 роки тому +1

    Hey, Riot here. We just wanted to tell you we love the video, and will definitely check things out. In the meantime, why not checking out the new Lux skins?

  • @callmeandoru2627
    @callmeandoru2627 2 роки тому +8

    The one thing that sucks about voice chat is a server that spans multiple countries. Riot can just copy Wild Rift and give players a menu of premade phrases and sentences. Phases like "take Baron," "be careful," "clear lanes," "farm, don't fight." That way, you can translate between multiple languages.
    Also, add more pings. Wild Rift has 6, but League, for some reason, still stucks at 4.

    • @xdokaydokay571
      @xdokaydokay571 2 роки тому +1

      Pings or text chat can do all those things. Also there are 6 pings in league.

    • @buwumet
      @buwumet 2 роки тому

      In every other game that's no problem. There is a language that we all use regularly to communicate on the internet

  • @Xadadadron
    @Xadadadron 2 роки тому +2

    The problem with voice chat is (and afaik is the reason they are hesiatant to implement it) that it makes it easier to single out players based on who they are. If you are a woman or ever played a game with voice chat with one you probably know what I mean. But not only that, also people with heavy accents or speech difficulties would also be easier targets for bullies.
    Also idk about people not being any less toxic with voice chat, maybe I just had bad experiences, but I don't think it would be much better. Also it would prob be worse on the mental to get flamed over voice chat for 30 minutes instead of text.

    • @ouroborus6951
      @ouroborus6951 2 роки тому

      I am not a women but i think that the viggest problem with voice chat is not what is spoken to you as minority just mute all chat then and then the player gets a lifban if hes really using speech that is offensive, istead it is I think the lnguage barrier.
      For example I play eu west and what tzhe fuck do ido when ther are on ukrainian one spanish and french guy who all do not know how to speak english on my team.

  • @bartoszsokolowski5116
    @bartoszsokolowski5116 2 роки тому +3

    I actually really REALLY hope riot sees this video as some of these changes are really nice

  • @damat17
    @damat17 2 роки тому +5

    Unfortunatly it would not "drop" toxicity in league, careful on statements, its a bold statements but not everything thinks practically like that, other factors such as personal issues, moments in individual lives, or just random days, people are not always at their most sane, they can lash out or straight up be a dick just because they want to, and if you added it, then yes the easier answer is to "just mute them" well now let me tell you why that is a problem, by muting someone you are directly giving yourself a disadvantage by having less information than the enemy team. Because x person can talk they wont ping as much and when you mute them you wont receive crucial info throughout the game, and this holds true even if you muted your whole team. The state of the game it doesnt need mics, not for solo queue, and if you want organized games riot already have this, its called flex queue, solo queue would become 100x worse with voice coms, if you want voice play flex. (but dude, i dont have any friends?... easy, people you had a good game with, add them after the game, play flex queue and slowly build more and more friends" its not hard. Dont look for changes that dont need it, just adapt to what you actually looking for and fix the issue yourself

  • @sakaom
    @sakaom 2 роки тому +10

    6:14 yesss! legends of runeterra has that, they have a tutorial for each new keyword they add in the game, and the begginer tutorials explain well, i even got some of my friends that don't play games into it without them thinking it was complicated!

  • @benyseus6325
    @benyseus6325 2 роки тому +2

    We don’t need 12 bans, what we need is no over lap bans so no bans are wasted on the same champ.

  • @Jan_Iedema
    @Jan_Iedema 2 роки тому +7

    Voice chat would 100% increase toxicity. It would the change the game so that playing with VC would be necessary or you’d just be trolling because the other team has a full 5 man team. So not using it would cause your team to get angry with you. Plus I’ve seen enough videos of “funny” VC clips that are just screeching into their mics.

  • @nolifedudestv5330
    @nolifedudestv5330 2 роки тому +6

    I agree with almost everything except the tutorial and the voice chat. A tutorial that explains so much whould be overwhelming for new players. Probably they can add it at level 30 and make people play it before starting ranked. And the voice chat, some people like me just don't want to talk. And I can see it becoming a problem for alot of 12 yo, spamming in the chat: report him for not using the voice chat

    • @jeremyfan2197
      @jeremyfan2197 2 роки тому

      Your 2nd point just mute yourself or the entirety of the voice chat function it's a choice not a necessity.

    • @sinaruden9280
      @sinaruden9280 2 роки тому

      @@jeremyfan2197 no man when they put it in the game some people just get upset if you dont talk. it's a lose/lose situation for people who for whatever reason don't want to talk

    • @GeodesicBruh
      @GeodesicBruh 2 роки тому

      @@sinaruden9280 so? Your argument is invalid because text chat already exist and people barely use it to comm info especially below master lol
      You can always mute yourself both in voice and in text chat

    • @NightmarAkashi
      @NightmarAkashi 2 роки тому

      @@GeodesicBruh Are you comparing text and voice lmao ?
      No one use text not because no one cares about communication. But because it's not good for communication in the action. It makes you unable to do something until you finished the message and after that the other player need to read it.
      Voice is different, you can listen while playing, you can talk while playing and it's fast.
      Competitive game with voice chat, it's common to be flamed because you don't use voice chat.
      But even without that. It's a bold statement to say that there will be less toxicity because people wouldn't dare say it.
      It's the league community we are talking about. Same for female, the harassment y'know.
      Just need overwatch VC to see that in action.
      And muting yourself like wtf ? Theses people won't stop flaming just because you can hear them. They will think you're a deadweight because you give 0 information.
      TBH, VC could add a lot because it's a team game. But the downside of this fcking community is probably not worth

  • @davide.schiaffino
    @davide.schiaffino 2 роки тому +19

    The thing about the problem when it comes to personal performance ranking system can easily be fixed like this:
    Loss still equals negative LP.
    Victories still equals positive LP.
    Doing well on a loss does not give you positive LP, but it gives you LESS negative LP. Up to 40% less.
    Doing bad on a victory does not give you negative LP, but it gives you LESS positive LP. Up to 40%.
    >Additionally, you could also make it so that the one who inted the game gets a +bonus LP loss on losses and the ones who carry get a +bonus LP gain on victories. (How OP.GG and U.GG check MVP and ACES and all that.)
    Done. People will still want to win, and they will ALSO try their best not to feed even in weaksided games, so they get the juicy LP loss reduction. And we all know: less deaths = higher chance of coming back.
    All in all, the whole "personal performance", more than a "new system", should be a "tool" for the current ranked system.
    And we KNOW this can be implemented, because the API HAS THE TOOLS to recognize performance. Such as comparing your game to your lane's elo's average (and champion's average) when it comes to Kill Participation, Objective Control, Vision Score, KDA, CS per Minute and Total CS, Gold per Minute and Total Gold, Total Damage Output and Damage per Minute, Healing Done and Healing per Minute, Mitigation Done, Early-Game/Mid-Game/Late-Game advantages in gold/cs both against your lane opponent and the entire team, how prone you are to die or survive to ganks, how much you solo-die or solo-kill during lane, how many plates you got, what's the gold leverage and where does the team's gold funneled if someone carried to give a +bonus lp to that person or persons. All of this, and more, is already implemented in the API of the game, and it's already implemented to applications like OP.GG, u.GG, Blitz.gg, etcetera. Literally just use all of this information to determine the LP losses and gains of people.
    I'm sorry for Babus, he has incredible macro, but that doesn't excuse the fact he feeds every lane and gets carried long enough to come back through macro. That isn't how you're supposed to win games. But in the end he won't have his LP reduced because KDA is not all there is to the personal performance chart. Babus does magnificent in everything EXCEPT kda, which won't be a problem to the system.

    • @Goofen
      @Goofen 2 роки тому

      Then again, if you go 10/2 or something with an adc or assasin (someone with high damage) you can just kill the weakest on the other team over and over again. cuz if you are someone like zed or yas who is insanely strong when ahead/fed its easy to get much more fed. so you could just play a broken champ like yas and int 3 games, but the one game you get fed you make it all up cuz u go from 7/2 to 17/2 in a few minuets. but if u get fed on galio u should not go for kills, but rather tank for the team and frontlie/set up for kills, so the meta would only be assasins that can 1v9 when a little ahead like kata, yas, zed, akali, kha zix etc. cuz they can easily get more kills if they get the tiniest lead. this would also make camping lanes as a jungler with your duo much more common and even if objective damage aces etc. would help, a fed yas would just tell the team to defend towers against someone like yorick and sion while they roam and get more kills, so the team can only win through playing safe ahd defending while the fed assasin gets the kills

    • @davide.schiaffino
      @davide.schiaffino 2 роки тому

      @@Goofen Did you actually not read what I said in my comment O.O

    • @miyakothug3142
      @miyakothug3142 2 роки тому

      an actually good idea...too bad you dont have a 200 years of gaming experience so I doubt they will listen to this :D

  • @Hoologramek
    @Hoologramek 2 роки тому +5

    As mostly Smite player that recently transferred into League i was absolutely stunned that practice tool doesn't unlock you all the champions and all the skins. It is not only an amazing way to test out champs and skins but also you get the possibility to try out some of the exclusive stuff and get dopamine rush from feeling exclusive yourself. Such as looking in game on Black Alistar. Moreover in Smite you do actually get exclusive skin for honor and not only that but also a bunch of other rewards. AND you also get bonus mastery points and currency if you haven't been AFK nor gotten reported too much. (There is also the possibility of buying all the current and future champions for like 30$ but that's something I don't ever accuse Riot of being able to do XD). There is also a specific menu of keyboard combinations that plays globally voicelines like "enemy missing middle" or "attack middle tower" which reaaaally helps with communication. They aren't spamabble too much too. So yeah, those are changes that are proven to work in other game, I don't see any reason for them not to work in League. (Also the lack of possibility of buying announcer packs is atrocious, I am so bored of the same voice over and over again)

  • @leandrodonoso4137
    @leandrodonoso4137 2 роки тому +1

    I am from Latin American server (LAS), I play and have played enough CSGO and VALORANT to say that adding a voice chat is not a good idea
    I don't know what the voice chat of these games will be like in your countries, but here, nobody uses voice chat to communicate, only to insult. They insult you for going last, for not knowing how to play, for being in a bad streak, and they not only insult you, but also your whole family, death threats, etc.
    in other words
    40% do not speak (possibly they do not have a microphone), 20% insult, 20% insult but with a bad microphone, and 10% contribute something
    and it may be that no one speaks at all, but 1 insults, and the rest also turn on the microphone to insult

  • @warichkanchai9434
    @warichkanchai9434 2 роки тому +7

    Instead of or in addition to voice chat, I'd also add something like Smite's VGS chat system, which will make communication much more precise and clear.
    VGS is basically you pressing V, then a menu pops up on the side showing categories (for example: Objectives, Ganking, Vision) then it would split again into more specific categories until you get a clear message, then a voice says the message out loud for you.
    For example, press V E M T in order, then a voice says Enemy Mid is missing from lane.

  • @sadge6873
    @sadge6873 2 роки тому +1

    13 bring back old Lol forum
    14 let players vote every patch what they think should be buffed/nerfed make an quiz like this one that sometimes you see in your client of "how league of legends was working for u recently " idk how it's exactly called
    15 Make better penalty system (god i swear i've never played a game that has worse penalty system than league)
    16 Fix MMR (LP) system cause it's so easy to fuck up your own MMR but hard as fuck to fix it and it's not even like it depends on you... Sometimes you can just get unlucky and fall into losers queue.

  • @Ailamuda
    @Ailamuda 2 роки тому +6

    they actually have the personal performance in valorant depending on how well you play you can earn almost double then someone else on your team

  • @slendydie1267
    @slendydie1267 2 роки тому +1

    Honors and Client are one of the biggest problems in league for sure. I loved honoring enemies. Also honoring 1 person is just dumb. I can report everyone not just the most toxic so why cant i honor everyone not just the most friendly? Also the blue essence system is the worst thing that could've replaced IP. I can get only 50 a day whereas you could get that every game with the IP system and I've gotten like 300 IP with first win of the day. They made more champions and made them harder to get. Also idk if you've played CSGO but including me there are at least 3 people every game that call you anything you can imagine.

  • @huthaifazeidan6184
    @huthaifazeidan6184 2 роки тому +3

    0:17 i disagreee
    5 bans is enough its just that we need a sytem where 1 champ can only be banned once, coz too many times both teams ban same champs, plus sometimes people dont even ban a champ, so 5 is enough bans

  • @Sergote12
    @Sergote12 2 роки тому +1

    I personally believe that voice chat isn't a great idea. Just looking at FPS games, the toxicity will just transfer from chat to voice chat. It will also be harder to catch toxicity in voice chat for AI. LoL is already bad at detecting toxicity on chat and gameplay, voice chat will just add a complicated layer to it.
    Maybe voice chat works when playing in a party or maybe adding voice call in-game if you are friends on the same team.

  • @frankefftink2580
    @frankefftink2580 2 роки тому +3

    I agree on everything here, what i miss the most are the events you were talking about.
    idk what it was called but i remember the gamemodes Assention and the gamemode where there were waves of different mobs spawning like little velkozes or reksais where you had to dodge attacks and kill them to get to the new level,
    that was so fun! i think almost everyone enjoyed it but it is i think over 4 years since it has been live

    • @nunubot9825
      @nunubot9825 2 роки тому

      It had massive optimization issues and most people couldnt play it because it always ran at 2 fps

  • @udyrbot2g
    @udyrbot2g 2 роки тому +1

    MMR reset isn't needed, I was in bronze for 4 years straight, learnt how to play the fucking game went to gold s7 diamond s8 > masters s9. If you're good, you'll carry.

  • @Jellyfishbube00
    @Jellyfishbube00 2 роки тому +3

    Ya know what would be cool with the honor system. Lets say you play alot of lulu support and u get to lvl5 honor you are able to buy the skin for ur main, it encourages the players more and i think i be better than just getting something that u wont use.

  • @Kostypl
    @Kostypl 2 роки тому +1

    MMR is such an insane problem in LoL i am Diamond 4 atm gaining 14-15lp but losing 17-18lp, i have no idea why when my wr is about 52%

  • @waskl2343
    @waskl2343 2 роки тому +1

    I agree with most of your points. But number 10 bothers me a bit. You see, innovation doesn‘t come from community votes and majorities. Sometimes companies have to make tough or even bad decisions. Take Apple as a prime example. They are the richest company on earth right now, and lets be honest when the first iPhone was released back in 2007, who would have thought that a device without big buttons and with a touch screen would be so well received? Even though I agree that companies should definitely incorporate user feedback, I think that it is not yet time for Riot to rely on loud minorities…

  • @Minute_Sniper
    @Minute_Sniper 2 роки тому +1

    I dont understand this blue essence is hard to get struggle everyone keeps complaining about. I have so much blue essence im dying to find a way to spend them. Personally, i would just convert all the champion shards into essence and in the end of the day, if you're not looking to collect all champion, you honestly have more blue esssence than you can chew on! Stop hording those useless champions shards you probably wont use for the next few months!

  • @tntfreddan3138
    @tntfreddan3138 Рік тому +1

    Also when a lvl 35 player queues for a normal draft, he doesn't get matched with lvl 200+ who will then bash him for being trash.

  • @QuirrelSquad
    @QuirrelSquad Рік тому +1

    honor level could be so much better if the orb/capsule gave you a guarenteed skin for maybe the champion youve been honored the most with

  • @evanluck1229
    @evanluck1229 2 роки тому +1

    You know how they ban in tournaments? What if that was the default? Cause on average at least 1-2 bans are wasted from personal experience so it would make it like there's more bans.

  • @ΣωτοςΛυμπέρης
    @ΣωτοςΛυμπέρης 2 роки тому +1

    The only real problem in this game is ages.it needs a system based in ages.a 30 years old person can't communicate with 13 years old it's obvious that they have another structure of brain

  • @tickylittletock7831
    @tickylittletock7831 2 роки тому +1

    bro i isually dont comment on anything on youtube. but!!
    the memes
    the puns
    the sus
    i loved it all GOOD VID

  • @hurleycapetown8420
    @hurleycapetown8420 Рік тому +1

    Let them unban accounts that have been banned for over 2 years for an RP price and a 1 strike policy that if you are toxic in anyways its perma banned.

  • @khanhhuynh5434
    @khanhhuynh5434 2 роки тому +1

    Removing the fact that you can only honor 1 out of 9 players in the game was really fucking stupid

  • @KI19Lp
    @KI19Lp 2 роки тому +1

    implementing voice chat makes me disgusted to be honest its fine on us korean servers but sad me on eune had to learn polish greek romanian slovak serb etc and deal with all of the racism and hate between our countries

  • @imbigbilly1352
    @imbigbilly1352 2 роки тому +1

    Also in wild rift all the champs cost the same. There is no currency discrepancy between champs like there is in pc.

  • @lexolus1308
    @lexolus1308 2 роки тому +2

    When i play topside of the map with a skillshot champ its so infurating to have your hud on the bottom of the screen , it feels very akward and i end up clicking the hability tab or the map instead of shooting the hability, we should be able to move everything in our hud or have an addon that lets you personalize the hud

  • @jkae4795
    @jkae4795 2 роки тому +1

    People who say league voice chat wont be toxic have never played valorant...

  • @morspugnator
    @morspugnator 2 роки тому +1

    me lvl 286 on my second acc because i lost my first and still there is a rent option x d

  • @vilhelmarnesen3878
    @vilhelmarnesen3878 2 роки тому +1

    I totally agree with 7 was just thinking about it couple of days ago

  • @mitchellconner6928
    @mitchellconner6928 2 роки тому +1

    Me, who actually like my medieval Twitch skin: oh...ok

  • @Robert-qw9hp
    @Robert-qw9hp 2 роки тому +1

    Isn't lack of voice chat more for game-strategic reasons? As in, Solo/Duo players are meant to be isolated from each other and cooperate through the game, whereas the massive strategic benefits from voice comms are reserved for teams?

  • @IsaacOwusurealmadrid
    @IsaacOwusurealmadrid 2 роки тому

    i have a name for drunk queue. call it the "its just norms" q so people who dont want to rank but also want to take norms serious can play.

  • @randomizednamme
    @randomizednamme 2 роки тому +1

    We don’t need more bans, bans are a bandaid solution, we need better balancing

  • @mythmage8231
    @mythmage8231 2 роки тому +1

    As a newer player, I one change I would LOVE is for Ghost to actually get a soft rework to reduce the duration but make you move through walls. For most champions, it wouldn't do too much, since Flash already does that better, but Junglers would have to choose between Flash/Smite and Ghost/Smite, which I think would be interesting. Either you get the good instant versatility of Flash or you get better camp rotations

    • @dededemanreal
      @dededemanreal 2 роки тому

      Imagine if youre chasing some stupid fed adc whos trying to kite and and then you jump on them only for them to press the blue button and just escape for free unless you burn flash and try to chase someone down who also has inflated movespeed
      Also that would lead to some of the most bullshit ganks of all time
      This would just make everyones default setup ghost/flash and anyone who needs a summoner spell to fight better is just dead

    • @nunubot9825
      @nunubot9825 2 роки тому


    • @mythmage8231
      @mythmage8231 2 роки тому +1

      @@nunubot9825 Pretty much like that, yes. After playing against him for a bit, however, I realize that Ghost being able to ever so briefly remove your collision to the environment would be actual hell. I can just see a fucking Mord pop out of the wall and pull you into Brazil

  • @Smortboi20
    @Smortboi20 2 роки тому

    bruh that was the worst attempt ever at justifying adding voice chat to league, first of all there would be WAYYY more toxicity(because guess what, certified gamers are sexist af sometimes, and you can easily tell a persons gender through their voice, but that's just one of the points), people without mics literally won't be able to comunicate because nobody would give enough of a shit to type in chat if they can just use vc, and pings are enough to express anything you would want already, it's in shooters because shooters are much more reliant on instant communication, also you can't ping