@@janicebush5685 Sorry but I feel that is a typical ostrich reaction. When ostrichs are scared, they hide their head under the soil. They don't want to face reality. You may mistreat anyone by two ways: committing or omitting. Tina has her head rubbed very frequently, they hold and kiss her. OK. But they don't let her BE a . monkey by climbing trees, running outside as a daily routine. She doesn't have friends either. She lives practically as a prisoner. Therefore she's too dependant and scared. Thui is everything for her. And that is not healthy bc the world is not only Thui. That is abuse . Tina's face shows sadness. Her life isn't stimulating, it is dull. They want her to sleep all the time. The sad thing is she has no other choice. But we have a voice for her.
@eyraclarisse144 absolutely 💯 correct.. thank you for sharing your truth. Sure Tina is happy to see her after being all alone at night. This woman not live at this awful place. It's a place to keep Tina from being conffesated from authorities they do a sweep so often n take the monkeys from ppl. N even more sad 2 to 4 years their hormones kik in n they dump them n tell lies seen it too many times. Another truth the natural mother is killed to get baby sell it.. its called poaching. Tina life sadly is doomed. When dumped ylyhy can't fend for themselves as dependant on human. The tribe is older n will kill the younger one. A monkey life expectancy is 30 years. I'm sorry sad truth Tina is an intelligent monkey n so lovely 😍. Her life is not as always wat we see. Breaks my heart. I love her n love watching her. She is better off with the aunt.
Liebe Tina du und Mama seid ein gutes Team. Es ist schön dich so spielend zu sehen, ich glaube du bist glücklich. Du bist einfach soooooo süß, wir lieben dich 😂😂❤❤❤lg aus berlin 😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Stvarno Tina u svoje okruzenje ima samo starateljicu koja vidi se da dolazi samo za snimanje , da je nahrani, promeni pelene, okupa i da se poigra sa njom, i normalno da Tina mnogo voli svoju negovateljicu, ali usamljena je, treba joj njezina vrsta. Koja razlika kad je Tina boravila kod sestre, kucnja atmosvera, dva decaka, pravi topli dom.
Snezana Jovanovikj, da la sora lui Thuy, un adevărat cămin cald în care Tina a așteptat tot timpul sa vina mama Thuy. Și s-a văzut că îi era dor de casa ei și de mama Thuy.
@@ElenaFerdinand-s2tтолько там тоже не дом. Такой же павильон, с вывесками, с рукомойником не улице. Какая-то забегаловка. Но там , где есть дети, этой макаке всё же веселее, чем одной на топчане. Помните, как Тина тянула ладошку за едой!? Здесь этого нет. Здесь скучно. И только противный голос няньки!
@@ИринаБалконныйсадовод-д8ш елена фердинанд, это помощница туи, возможно сама туи или её сестра, она зарегистрирована только в ноябре , и все её комменты, которые с места в карьер пишутся в ответ на комменты тех, кто как-то критикует туи, получают отметку владельца канала.
@@Jimena25 La place on peut toujours en trouver. Créer un endroit où elle peut grimper est indispensable pour elle, même si c'est petit. Une simple corde accrochée au plafond serait déjà très bien, et cela ne tient pas de place !
U asked what can she do? She can play more on trees, swim, play in her ball room u had for her. She could go visit ur sister with the boys n play with them. There is a lot she could do if you allow her. Use ur imagination too. She should be enjoying her childhood now before becoming an adult. Please give her more freedom n u also play more n give her more attention. She brings u money. Thx for water bottle, she seems to really like it. A good treat of water we all need. Thx for the care for Tina n wanting to do more for her. We love her dearly ❤❤❤❤
Joanmaestas, Tina este încă micuța și nu trebuie sa exagereze.Daca ar face mai mult , ar sări toți cu reproșuri, vai abuz, pus în scenă ....Tu crezi că Tina stă toată ziua în pat ? Ce să filmeze in doar 14 minute !
мадам, это макака, и она совсем не человеческий ребенок, хотя её одевают как человеческого ребенка, даже со своим ребенком человеку надо проводить очень много времени, пока он не станет самостоятельным, его водят за руку, нужен постоянный присмотр, а макака это дикое животное, которое гиперактивно по природе, но сама не может никуда пойти. ей тоже нужна нянька, смотритель, а у туи нет на это времени. вы смотрите постановочные видео с макакой, если она вам так нравится, довольствуйтесь тем, что снимается или оплачивайте няньку для макаки, оборудование для её досуга.
Tina is treated like a doll not a monkey. Tina needs daily outdoor climbing trees and foraging for a couple hours. Tina is adjusting to her very restricted life as best she can. A observe a lot of boredom. Ridiculous frilly clothing that are cumbersome.
Mamma mia quei pantaloni sino orrendi non au possono vedere sembra scema mettigli le tutine e' cosi' carina quando le indossa Tina mi fa' una tenerezza ha uno sguardo triste e malinconico alle volte mi fa' molta pena
Pratioci stalno pisu da je Tina lepa i pametna i da je odmah shvatila da starateljica nesto skriva u ruku, a ja sam primetila ne samo Tina vec i druge bebe majmuna ,dali su kucnji ljubimci ili oni u njihovo stanoviste, svi su oni mnogo slatki, prgavi, razigrani i svi oni su znatizeljni a pogotovo za hranu su malo vise halapljivi, to im je instiktivno, nije tu neka posebna pamet i inteligencija
Snezana Jovanovikj, doar asta ai văzut ? Dar când Tina se dezbracă singură, aduce coșul pentru legume, a luat pungă cu hăinuțe de la gunoi și multe altele ? Nu le-a,ai văzut ?Sau alte maimuțele deja celebre câte lucruri fac ? Iar Tina are o eleganta în mișcări ! Dar continui sa te uiți! De ce ?
@@ElenaFerdinand-s2t дрессировка макаки в ваших видео замечательная, но это только дрессировка, а не действия самой макаки, и движения макаки на задних лапах не ЭЛЕГАНТНЫ, как вы пишите, а НЕЛЕПЫ, при ходьбе демонстрируют затруднения, хотя и выглядят забавно, , ей больно так передвигаться, но вы с упрямством осла будете твердить обратное, потому что считаете, что это необходимо для таких фильмов, однако ваша элегантная макака прекрасно в ваших фильмах скачет и на всех четырех, когда это нужно по сценарию..
Tina es hermosa. Muy bien cuidada por su mamá. Pero la veo un tanto aburrida, le falta interactuar con otros de su especie o con niños. Le falta actividad en la naturaleza.
Tina minha Riqueza fofinha linda menina chique vc é boneca macaquinha brincando só mãe chegou ela fica toda feliz 😂😂😂 fofa essa menina 😂😂 ❤❤❤❤❤ Brasil Ceará 🐒🍼
I have noticed this as well but if you bring it up that Tina is silent you get a lot of criticism from Thuy's loyal viewers that we are liars and slanderers.
Тина счастлива с мамой Туей в этом доме,она никогда не скучает внсело играет и одна,она самостоятельная девочка.Летом она весь день была на улице,сейчас у них прохладно и сыро на улице,поэтому они больше дома.
Danke liebe Mama-Tuy und Tinchen , ihr seid ein Super Team! Es macht viel Spaß und Freude euch soo glücklich zu sehen! Wir haben euch lieb ! Schöne Grüße!!!👌👌🐒💖💖💋💋🙏🙏🧔🙋♀️🎆
You dhould write anything bad about tina or her huma mom as when tina was tiny baby a hunter put her in a cage to let her die. And tinas mom rescued her, ifit wasnt for her taing her ad saving her little life she would be dead by now
Tina slatka si u toj haljinici, puno si se igrala sama. Dosadno ti je. Kad dodje mama veselija si igrate se. Al su ti lepe okice tuzne. Tui stavi joj u sobu ljuljasku neke lestvice gde ce da se penje. Ona je tako slatka. ❤
Tinka mała kochana dziewczynka mamo dziękujemy że tak dobrze się opiekujesz Tinkom bardzo ją kochasz bo to widać a ona kocha ciebie fajnie się na was patrzy pozdrawiam was bardzo cieplutko i kocham ❤❤❤❤
@MonkeyTina88 si , lo sé me refiero a que quizá Tina lo confundió , aunque cuando ella lo saboreó pudo descubrir lo delicioso que está! Un abrazo Thuy 😘😘😘
Lots of videos on the bed. Unfortunately despite being a lovely monkey, Tina doesn't have a monkey life. She's not free to move.If she ever climbs a tree it is for a very few seconds. She's always carried or has to be sitting. No monkey life. She's living the same life as her owner.
Поэтому Тина всегда грустная, целыми днями сидит взаперти в одиночестве, только на время съёмки хозяйка даёт ей свободу, а эта свобода на 10 минут пока идет съёмка.... посюсюкается с ней на камеру и всё,,, а зритель ничего не замечает и пишет в комментариях про любовь, а у хозяйки вся любовь к деньгам, а не к Тине....😮
@@ЕкатеринаБелоголова-р4м Si , muuuuuy triste , se la ve tristísimaaaa. .. 🤣🤣🤣 . Será que los tristes sois vosotros , los que criticáis por todo . ¿Tan aburridos estáis??? Dais vergüenza 😂😂😂
@@miguelaller3208 Peras era lo que les habría que lanzar a estos 😏 A ver , yo paso de esta gente , pero es que a veces no me aguanto porque ya creo que están delirando y quizá tengan que hacérselo mirar . La envidia es muy mala . . . 😜
Amo a macquinha Tina, ela é muito fofa. Faz as mesma coisas que o filhotes que vivem com as mães na natureza fazem, pulam, brincam, saltam e sobem e aprendem a subir em árvores. 😘🥰😇🫶🙏
I would like to know about Tina 1. Is she with your sister yet ?? Your sister, the one who uses to travel abroad for working .. Tina 1 was also kind and clever ..
@@anamarianoro8660 da, chiar m-am uitat la clipul când mama Thuy săpa aplecată iar Tina 1 stetea agățată pe spatele mamei Thuy. Mi-au dat lacrimile.! Mama Thuy, a dat răspuns lui Angel Jasmin " Tina 1 este cu familia surorii mele " . Vezi 16 ianuarie când Tina scăpa din curte și se cațără prin pomii vecini.vezi ultimul comentariu unde Angel Jasmin întreabă "unde este baby Tina 1 ???" Verifică răspunsul.! ❤
Ursulețul meu frumos, te joci frumos cu mami și mănânci bomboane cu fructe, cu vitamine .Mami are grija să nu exagerezi cu nimic, pentru ca ești încă micuța de 10 luni ,fata de celelalte maimuțele. Văd că mami a cumpărat lenjerie nouă si-ti place ! Sărutări cu multă dragoste pentru tine și mami ! ❤❤❤ 🐒 💋💋💋
I totally agree. It seems she doesn't have any ideas for a video and it is always the same: Tina is kept captive without a bit of freedom. She ALWAYS ends sleeping Tina. Tina just can't have a monkey life. The caregiver is always cuddling, kissing , hugging, or rubbing Tina's head. She won't even let her walk because she holds Tina tight against her chest. Would that also be abuse ? Sickening!
Tina przez większość czasu jest samotna i smutna .Rozwesela się gdy Thuy poświęca jej czas, mam nadzieję że nie jest to tylko przed kamerą.
Hello guys, thank you very much
Yes only in fro t of camera sad 😢
I don't see a sad 🙊 monkey. I see a happy monkey who loves her care giver very much. You go Tina. We love you. USA. ❤❤❤❤
Sorry but I feel that is a typical ostrich reaction.
When ostrichs are scared, they hide their head under the soil. They don't want to face reality. You may mistreat anyone by two ways: committing or omitting. Tina has her head rubbed very frequently, they hold and kiss her. OK. But they don't let her BE a . monkey by climbing trees, running outside as a daily routine. She doesn't have friends either. She lives practically as a prisoner. Therefore she's too dependant and scared. Thui is everything for her. And that is not healthy bc the world is not only Thui. That is abuse . Tina's face shows sadness. Her life isn't stimulating, it is dull. They want her to sleep all the time. The sad thing is she has no other choice. But we have a voice for her.
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
@eyraclarisse144 absolutely 💯 correct.. thank you for sharing your truth. Sure Tina is happy to see her after being all alone at night. This woman not live at this awful place. It's a place to keep Tina from being conffesated from authorities they do a sweep so often n take the monkeys from ppl. N even more sad 2 to 4 years their hormones kik in n they dump them n tell lies seen it too many times. Another truth the natural mother is killed to get baby sell it.. its called poaching. Tina life sadly is doomed. When dumped ylyhy can't fend for themselves as dependant on human. The tribe is older n will kill the younger one. A monkey life expectancy is 30 years. I'm sorry sad truth Tina is an intelligent monkey n so lovely 😍. Her life is not as always wat we see. Breaks my heart. I love her n love watching her. She is better off with the aunt.
@@janicebush5685 love youTina, And mom.
Liebe Tina du und Mama seid ein gutes Team. Es ist schön dich so spielend zu sehen, ich glaube du bist glücklich. Du bist einfach soooooo süß, wir lieben dich 😂😂❤❤❤lg aus berlin 😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Stvarno Tina u svoje okruzenje ima samo starateljicu koja vidi se da dolazi samo za snimanje , da je nahrani, promeni pelene, okupa i da se poigra sa njom, i normalno da Tina mnogo voli svoju negovateljicu, ali usamljena je, treba joj njezina vrsta. Koja razlika kad je Tina boravila kod sestre, kucnja atmosvera, dva decaka, pravi topli dom.
Snezana Jovanovikj, da la sora lui Thuy, un adevărat cămin cald în care Tina a așteptat tot timpul sa vina mama Thuy. Și s-a văzut că îi era dor de casa ei și de mama Thuy.
@@ElenaFerdinand-s2tтолько там тоже не дом.
Такой же павильон, с вывесками, с рукомойником не улице.
Какая-то забегаловка.
Но там , где есть дети, этой макаке всё же веселее, чем одной на топчане.
Помните, как Тина тянула ладошку за едой!?
Здесь этого нет. Здесь скучно.
И только противный голос няньки!
Absolutely 💯 thanks
@@ИринаБалконныйсадовод-д8ш елена фердинанд, это помощница туи, возможно сама туи или её сестра, она зарегистрирована только в ноябре , и все её комменты, которые с места в карьер пишутся в ответ на комменты тех, кто как-то критикует туи, получают отметку владельца канала.
Se entretiene con cualquier cosa, que linda es .
Ya but sad for her
В этой комнате для Тиночки надо установить лазалки,чтобы она могла двигаться и лазать по лесенкам и качаться на качелях.
No es mala idea!!!👍
¡Si no hay sitio!
La place on peut toujours en trouver.
Créer un endroit où elle peut grimper est indispensable pour elle, même si c'est petit.
Une simple corde accrochée au plafond serait déjà très bien, et cela ne tient pas de place !
Tá linda demais
Tina ya no puede volver a la naturaleza!!! Por favor, no la abandones 😢!!!
Oh she will
Tina und mama❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
U asked what can she do? She can play more on trees, swim, play in her ball room u had for her. She could go visit ur sister with the boys n play with them. There is a lot she could do if you allow her. Use ur imagination too. She should be enjoying her childhood now before becoming an adult. Please give her more freedom n u also play more n give her more attention. She brings u money. Thx for water bottle, she seems to really like it. A good treat of water we all need. Thx for the care for Tina n wanting to do more for her. We love her dearly ❤❤❤❤
Joanmaestas, Tina este încă micuța și nu trebuie sa exagereze.Daca ar face mai mult , ar sări toți cu reproșuri, vai abuz, pus în scenă ....Tu crezi că Tina stă toată ziua în pat ? Ce să filmeze in doar 14 minute !
мадам, это макака, и она совсем не человеческий ребенок, хотя её одевают как человеческого ребенка, даже со своим ребенком человеку надо проводить очень много времени, пока он не станет самостоятельным, его водят за руку, нужен постоянный присмотр, а макака это дикое животное, которое гиперактивно по природе, но сама не может никуда пойти. ей тоже нужна нянька, смотритель, а у туи нет на это времени. вы смотрите постановочные видео с макакой, если она вам так нравится, довольствуйтесь тем, что снимается или оплачивайте няньку для макаки, оборудование для её досуга.
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Rozkošná Tina maminku miluje. Ona se jí věnuje opravdu pečlivě. Tina má vše co potřebuje...❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Que lista es ,no se le escapa ni una ,en cuanto ha visto ha mamá meterse la mano en el bolsillo ya sabía que tenía algo en la mano.Es genial .
Hello guys, thank you very much
Дверь ещё можно заклеить клейкой бумагой😊
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tina is such a doll baby❤❤❤❤❤
Tina needs a friend to play with.❤🐒
Pametna lepotica.❤❤💋🌺🦋🫠💎🧚🤗👋👌👍
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Туи, да купите вы и поставьте ей тренажёр, у всех в доме установлены, она у вас по дивану и прыгает....
денег на это отвалите туи, она купит
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
나에 소중하고 귀하고 사랑스러운 티나야 사랑한다😍🥰🐒❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕
Hello guys, thank you very much
Тина,очевидно грызет известь или мел,это не краска.
Nipon -San, despre ce băiat vorbești, sau umbli cu zâzania ?
@@ИринаБурова-ю4дWhatever it is it is not good for her to be ingesting. Does the owner not care about her investment?
Тина, ты маленький кукленок, люблю тебя❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello guys, thank you very much
Es preciosa Tina la Ropa es de Primera 👍 Pero no Toma Aire ,??? Nunca esta afuera corriendo y Trepando árboles Porque ??
Ce să arate mai întâi? Sa redea în 14 minute, ce face în 24 de ore ?
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Туи нужно помыть дверь Тина скоблит известь, пожалуйста❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tina is treated like a doll not a monkey. Tina needs daily outdoor climbing trees and foraging for a couple hours. Tina is adjusting to her very restricted life as best she can. A observe a lot of boredom. Ridiculous frilly clothing that are cumbersome.
Mamma mia quei pantaloni sino orrendi non au possono vedere sembra scema mettigli le tutine e' cosi' carina quando le indossa Tina mi fa' una tenerezza ha uno sguardo triste e malinconico alle volte mi fa' molta pena
Fa pena a molti di noi..., almeno a tutti quelli che vanno oltre le scene "pre-confezionate" per esigenze di ripresa !
Musette, mai precis ! Pe unde te doare ?
Pratioci stalno pisu da je Tina lepa i pametna i da je odmah shvatila da starateljica nesto skriva u ruku, a ja sam primetila ne samo Tina vec i druge bebe majmuna ,dali su kucnji ljubimci ili oni u njihovo stanoviste, svi su oni mnogo slatki, prgavi, razigrani i svi oni su znatizeljni a pogotovo za hranu su malo vise halapljivi, to im je instiktivno, nije tu neka posebna pamet i inteligencija
Snezana Jovanovikj, doar asta ai văzut ? Dar când Tina se dezbracă singură, aduce coșul pentru legume, a luat pungă cu hăinuțe de la gunoi și multe altele ? Nu le-a,ai văzut ?Sau alte maimuțele deja celebre câte lucruri fac ? Iar Tina are o eleganta în mișcări ! Dar continui sa te uiți! De ce ?
@@ElenaFerdinand-s2t дрессировка макаки в ваших видео замечательная, но это только дрессировка, а не действия самой макаки, и движения макаки на задних лапах не ЭЛЕГАНТНЫ, как вы пишите, а НЕЛЕПЫ, при ходьбе демонстрируют затруднения, хотя и выглядят забавно, , ей больно так передвигаться, но вы с упрямством осла будете твердить обратное, потому что считаете, что это необходимо для таких фильмов, однако ваша элегантная макака прекрасно в ваших фильмах скачет и на всех четырех, когда это нужно по сценарию..
@@ElenaFerdinand-s2tIt is all training for the videos.
Тіна ти така гарненька, такі в тебе виразні очі. Ти дорослішаєш. ❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
❤❤❤Tina she needs to stop eating the paint off the wall ❤❤❤USA ❤️
Hello guys, thank you very much
Hello guys, thank you very much
Et le deuxième singe qui a été suggéré ?
Ce serait le moment, elle ne serait plus seule, même quand vous êtes occupée dans une autre pièce.
туи больна, видимо поэтому ей и за одной макакой тяжело ухаживать, подгузник всегда переполнен, а две макаки поставят весь её уклад жизни вверх дном.
Tina es hermosa. Muy bien cuidada por su mamá. Pero la veo un tanto aburrida, le falta interactuar con otros de su especie o con niños. Le falta actividad en la naturaleza.
She is really cute!!❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
¡qué pequeñita es, y qué rica! es dócil y cariñosa
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Amo a Tin❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tina minha Riqueza fofinha linda menina chique vc é boneca macaquinha brincando só mãe chegou ela fica toda feliz 😂😂😂 fofa essa menina 😂😂 ❤❤❤❤❤ Brasil Ceará 🐒🍼
Hello guys, thank you very much
Tanta belleza y dulzura mi Tina hermosa cariños a mamá 🥰😘💐💖
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tina ti amo immensamente ! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Nemá hlas opice 😢😢😢
As a rule when younger vocal cords get cut. But she can't speak up she is only told 🤷 very little or taught very little
I have noticed this as well but if you bring it up that Tina is silent you get a lot of criticism from Thuy's loyal viewers that we are liars and slanderers.
Mom hug baby Tina please 😢😢😢
😂wish i had my conductors co hoodrums on😅
Lovely dress and monkey 😊😊😊
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Thuy kalau tina pakai dress mini tak usah pakai celana pendek, cukup pampers saja, kalau ada celana pendek seperti monyet kampung
Și cum sânt maimuțele din satul tau ? E și una cu nume Anny ?
Tina luces divina con tu vestido.
Hello guys, thank you very much
Тиночка красавица и умница....просто прелесть!!!💋🌹🌺🥀🌺🧚🧚🧚💐🪅🌺🥀...❤...🥀
Hello guys, thank you very much
Cosa sono quelle cose colorate nella bottiglietta?
Good question you wont get an answer
She replied the other day that they are vitamins and the header said candy when criticized for giving monkey candy.
Poor monkey Tina is sooo bored. No stimulating life.
Sweet happy little jumping jack! Such a pleasure to watch her play!❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Vedervi gicare insieme, è una vera delizia per i miei occhi ❤️❤️❤️🌸🤍🌸🐒🐒🐒🌸🤍🌸🏡🏡🏡❤️❤️❤️⭐⭐⭐
All n only for filming
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Que gozada ver a Tina tan bonita le falta hablar que delicia ❤está en una casa que se la quiere ❤ mamá la trata súper bien ❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tina cariño cada dia estas mas bonita y mas inteligente , te quiero CHIQUITITA ,ggracias mama por compartir .
Hello guys, thank you very much
Pretty girl
Hello guys, thank you very much
Тина счастлива с мамой Туей в этом доме,она никогда не скучает внсело играет и одна,она самостоятельная девочка.Летом она весь день была на улице,сейчас у них прохладно и сыро на улице,поэтому они больше дома.
Buenos tarde tina esta jugando con la madre un saludo grande para ti y tu familia cogar video para que lo veamos
Hello guys, thank you very much
Danke liebe Mama-Tuy und Tinchen , ihr seid ein Super Team! Es macht viel Spaß und Freude euch soo glücklich zu sehen! Wir haben euch lieb ! Schöne Grüße!!!👌👌🐒💖💖💋💋🙏🙏🧔🙋♀️🎆
Hello guys, thank you very much
You dhould write anything bad about tina or her huma mom as when tina was tiny baby a hunter put her in a cage to let her die. And tinas mom rescued her, ifit wasnt for her taing her ad saving her little life she would be dead by now
Tina slatka si u toj haljinici, puno si se igrala sama. Dosadno ti je. Kad dodje mama veselija si igrate se. Al su ti lepe okice tuzne. Tui stavi joj u sobu ljuljasku neke lestvice gde ce da se penje. Ona je tako slatka. ❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Va fin är Tina idag
Hello guys, thank you very much
Olá Tina onde está a mamãe ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤tens um vestido muito lindo
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Hello beautiful Tina. It looks like mom made another dress 👗. Love you both. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tina è felice e allegra , la sua casetta è in paradiso
Tina very good ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Ποσο χαιρομαι να σας βλεπω ..Η Τινα μας είναι τοσο χαρούμενη κοντα στην μανουλα της ❤❤❤❤Σ'αγαπω πολυ!!🥰🥰🥰
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Милашка ты моя❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tinka mała kochana dziewczynka mamo dziękujemy że tak dobrze się opiekujesz Tinkom bardzo ją kochasz bo to widać a ona kocha ciebie fajnie się na was patrzy pozdrawiam was bardzo cieplutko i kocham ❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Tina.Admiro tu fantasía para entretenerte!!En qué piensas??
Ohh your so sweet Tina baby❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Creo que se pensaba que era un medicamento 😊
no it's fruit vitamin candy
@MonkeyTina88 si , lo sé me refiero a que quizá Tina lo confundió , aunque cuando ella lo saboreó pudo descubrir lo delicioso que está! Un abrazo Thuy 😘😘😘
Lots of videos on the bed. Unfortunately despite being a lovely monkey, Tina doesn't have a monkey life. She's not free to move.If she ever climbs a tree it is for a very few seconds. She's always carried or has to be sitting. No monkey life. She's living the same life as her owner.
Поэтому Тина всегда грустная, целыми днями сидит взаперти в одиночестве, только на время съёмки хозяйка даёт ей свободу, а эта свобода на 10 минут пока идет съёмка.... посюсюкается с ней на камеру и всё,,, а зритель ничего не замечает и пишет в комментариях про любовь, а у хозяйки вся любовь к деньгам, а не к Тине....😮
@@ЕкатеринаБелоголова-р4м Si , muuuuuy triste , se la ve tristísimaaaa. .. 🤣🤣🤣 . Será que los tristes sois vosotros , los que criticáis por todo . ¿Tan aburridos estáis??? Dais vergüenza 😂😂😂
Elisabet!!Has puesto el dedo en la llaga!!Quizás algún día veamos caer peras de un olmo injertado!!!
@@miguelaller3208 Peras era lo que les habría que lanzar a estos 😏 A ver , yo paso de esta gente , pero es que a veces no me aguanto porque ya creo que están delirando y quizá tengan que hacérselo mirar . La envidia es muy mala . . . 😜
Clarisse, crezi că un sportiv e performant stand în pat ? Tina este expertă la cățărat în copaci și a exersat de când era micuța !
Amo a macquinha Tina, ela é muito fofa. Faz as mesma coisas que o filhotes que vivem com as mães na natureza fazem, pulam, brincam, saltam e sobem e aprendem a subir em árvores. 😘🥰😇🫶🙏
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Очень милая маленькая девочка❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Beautiful pants according to the dress !! You are so kind and funny !! Once again congratulations !!!!!!!!😊
Hello guys, thank you very much
I would like to know about Tina 1. Is she with your sister yet ?? Your sister, the one who uses to travel abroad for working .. Tina 1 was also kind and clever ..
@@anamarianoro8660 da, chiar m-am uitat la clipul când mama Thuy săpa aplecată iar Tina 1 stetea agățată pe spatele mamei Thuy. Mi-au dat lacrimile.!
Mama Thuy, a dat răspuns lui Angel Jasmin " Tina 1 este cu familia surorii mele " . Vezi 16 ianuarie când Tina scăpa din curte și se cațără prin pomii vecini.vezi ultimul comentariu unde Angel Jasmin întreabă "unde este baby Tina 1 ???" Verifică răspunsul.! ❤
@@anamarianoro8660 Tina 1 e la familia surorii lui Thuy . A spus în episodul din 16 ianuarie 2025.
Un LOGO, cu multă dragoste ,iubire și cu un sărut !
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Ursulețul meu frumos, te joci frumos cu mami și mănânci bomboane cu fructe, cu vitamine .Mami are grija să nu exagerezi cu nimic, pentru ca ești încă micuța de 10 luni ,fata de celelalte maimuțele. Văd că mami a cumpărat lenjerie nouă si-ti place ! Sărutări cu multă dragoste pentru tine și mami ! ❤❤❤ 🐒 💋💋💋
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
Why are you letting her eat the chips off the wall??? 😠
Tina yur eyes are so sad. Spend all nite alone? 😢
Tina ma sei bellissima con quei pantaloncini abbinati al vestitino. Tu sei un tesoro grande come mamma Thuy🤍🩷🤍🩷🐒🐒🐒🤍🩷🤍❤️❤️❤️🌺🌺🌺💐💐💐💯
Hello dear friend, thank you very much
А где котенок?
Stăpânul adevărat al pisoiului , a venit și l-a luat . Mai bine , că era bolnav și plin de purici.
Lot of massaging going on.
I totally agree.
It seems she doesn't have any ideas for a video and it is always the same: Tina is kept captive without a bit of freedom. She ALWAYS ends sleeping Tina. Tina just can't have a monkey life. The caregiver is always cuddling, kissing , hugging, or rubbing Tina's head. She won't even let her walk because she holds Tina tight against her chest. Would that also be abuse ?
Tina.Admiro tu fantasía para jugar y entretenerte.Con poco te conformas!!En qué piensas pequeñita??
Mejor darle masajes que no ninguno No te parece??
What do you want Tina to do when Tina is still younger than the other monkeys?
Má minimálně rok@@MonkeyTina88
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