A plow could better because you would get a better return on your invest with a plow cause you just buy it and after it's free for making contrat cause you dont need buying things for your plow.
I think you do have pallet forks, in Asia, not in this series. FYI 18:50 I think your pallet forks should be able to change width, pop up the controls and check. I'm on controller so not sure what the controls are for you. Plus on the cultivator too because those contracts come up all the time and are generally nice simple jobs.
You should do some construction work to make like a pad for all the equipment and flatten out the areas around your production
A plow could better because you would get a better return on your invest with a plow cause you just buy it and after it's free for making contrat cause you dont need buying things for your plow.
I think you do have pallet forks, in Asia, not in this series. FYI 18:50 I think your pallet forks should be able to change width, pop up the controls and check. I'm on controller so not sure what the controls are for you. Plus on the cultivator too because those contracts come up all the time and are generally nice simple jobs.
Finally got planks
Cut the trees up straighter that should fix the price problem with your logs
Buy the plough seeder in one
You have pallet forks on the other save, either you confused the videos or they.