It was rigged game. We do not have basketball fan called semen. We do have one called seed. And video with ice jump every Lithuanian knows. 2 bullshit questions. And you guys were funnier with more clever humor 👏
Viskas kaip ir smagu , įdomu . Kita kartą galėtų ant video arba iš vienam iš tv būti parašyti komandų taškai, nes reliai neina suprast kas laimi ,o kas ne. Šeip tai nice ))))
Told you... This time was way better, because you guys picked very good comedians, I'm specifically talking about Katleris and Dominykas, they killed it with quick/funny responses and witty jokes. We don't have many, good comedians. Most of our comedians have that "Lithuanian" humor which is like just rude/racist/homophobic insults, If you make a joke like that It has to at least be an intelligent, witty joke (in other words have some context). The chemistry was phenomenal here, an hour and a half felt like 20 minutes, It was a smooth watch. The show host kept things in order and under control, very professional. You guys nailed it this time!
Klajumas su savo skleidžiamais garsais ir akcentais žiauriai limpa prie komedijos, ne vien dėl pačių bajerių. Super idėja, tik naujas kanalas, mažai subscriberių. Kažką reikia daryt :) Net nežinau kaip priėjau iki šito video :D
tame ir esme per k2 keliami lietuviu auditorijai o sitas naujas youtube priskirs prie uzsieno nes kalbama anglu kalba ir algoritmas ne tik lietuviam mes su laiku.
Watching Sander knowing more about LTU basketball, than lithuanians… 😃 Amazing all 2 estonians and Northern Ireland guy very funny. Way better than latvian team 😅
Tas bichas Sander's toks amazing :D Klajumas jam beveik prilygsta. Bet vistiek geresnis. Tokiu nuosirdziu, dziaugsmingu kaip jis reiketu daugiau Lietuvoje.
Most of the guys did really well and were chill but the audience was a bit tough, would be nice if they showed more appreciation in tense times like clapping and voicing. Was indeed a funny sketch
The reality show idea, gets those guys in the countryside for a weekend let them drink for a two days, and film the hangover riff afterwards. High octane content guaranteed
If Netflix doesn’t pick up a series with these guys, they’ll probably go back to Estonia and start their own TV show about drinking with former presidents. I’m already first in line to watch! 😂
I liked it very much Estonias been very funny extra applause for Sander he was my favourite! Lithuanians did very well as well just a perfect comedy show! Keep up the good work! 👌
Antanas gal serga, pradvėsęs toks, gal serga, o gal nelaimingas, kad ne diktatorius pasaulio. O pats turinys nuostabus, labai šmaikštu, galingi komedijos light saberiai, Lietuvių teamas žiauriai vieningas, Estai geruliai, ypač Sanderis, nepaprastai charizmatiškas bičas, kuris atrodo kaip iš po sprogimo.
Estonians absolutely killed it. Aleksander & Sander were phenomenal! Quick on their feet, witty, confident. Lithuanians need to step it up. Dick jokes are not cutting it anymore. Katleris came off way too arrogant here. Bad sportsmanship.
Nordich humor more ironic sarcastic only... Narrow but mature. Thats why soon it's getting bored. Neighbours 🇪🇪 cheer up😅 is nothing wrong to make a lough about yourself 😊 life is beutyfull.
Jezau galvojau Henris reinkarnaves i Esta
Aš ir, wtf🤣
Amžinaji atilsi henri
@@user-xv9ni2jj7t o rimtai kur dinges jis ?
@@user-xv9ni2jj7to ka jis mire?
I'd pay to watch next episode with Aleksandr and Henry Match
Būtų spiderman meme😅
Henris dabar 200kg sveria
@@wind-upbird7526 lieso raumens?
@@wind-upbird7526 taip gerai įmito iš onlyfans? :o
Patiko, gerai rifina estai.
Gerai, kad pastatė mūsų sunkiasvorius komikus, nes kitaip būtų gėda, Estai tikrai gerai rifina :D
Sunkiasvorius čia apie Klajumą? :D
Nežinau ar mes tą patį video žiurėjom.
@@vejasnupustas378 apie vienus netiesiogiai, apie kitus tiesiogiai :D
@@MrGruxLike humoro supratimas subjektyvu :)
@Ziza_ sutinku, todėl nesutinku su tavo pasakymu kad kiti komikai būtų gėdą padarę
Dominykas and Sander ❤ They were vibing soo much! MORE!
Love these guys from Estonia, cant wait till they come back again 😂
don't remember being there
And you were killin it 🇱🇹❤🇪🇪
It was rigged game. We do not have basketball fan called semen. We do have one called seed. And video with ice jump every Lithuanian knows. 2 bullshit questions. And you guys were funnier with more clever humor 👏
@@arnas7935 niuhink desra abugeli
@@Robertas-lk2xw Taip taip toliau pimpalu bajaraiai 😂 eik knyga paskaitysi geriau 😉
Sander is HILARIOUS, loved his jokes and energy. My utmost respect to our Estonian brothers.
Estonia, you're cool. Especially Sander!
Estai taip pat turi savo Klajuma :)
Glad we have at least one cool Baltic brother 🇪🇪
Superb, Baltics thrive
Butu dar smagiau, kad nuotraukas su irodymais dar parodytumet visiems dalyviams, butu dar smagiau. Siaip ziauriai smagus komiku susidurimas 😂 aciu!
Love it love it love it! Don't stop, waiting for the second round! This was amazing 🇪🇪🇱🇹
Lucky enough to see this on youtube randomly. Would like to see more of this kind of content! Lithuanian brothers are hilarious! :D
The chemistry!
Antanas daro viską, kad tik sunkiau būtų rasti jo video. Kiekvienas video naujas kanalas. Bus stebuklas jeigu 20k pažiūrės šitą video.
Grynai. As maciau kad sitas yra. Rode po kitu video. Paskui norejau rast ir nepavyko. Radau nuejes ant vtp podkesto ir tada ismete.
kas toks?
2 dienos, 10k yra.
Nu ir pažiūrėjo
@zymantasgud bybi laimėjai į burną. Sveikinub
Viskas kaip ir smagu , įdomu . Kita kartą galėtų ant video arba iš vienam iš tv būti parašyti komandų taškai, nes reliai neina suprast kas laimi ,o kas ne. Šeip tai nice ))))
laimi ziurovas- visa kita px :D
Ir galėtų klipų kontekstui būt, kai pasako atsakymą. Pvz. parodyt atsakius sėklą, Valujavičių
I hopes it geta viral international. Props too Antanas
Geriausias sąstatas koks galėjo būt. 🙏🏻
P.S. Estukai beleka👌
Told you... This time was way better, because you guys picked very good comedians, I'm specifically talking about Katleris and Dominykas, they killed it with quick/funny responses and witty jokes. We don't have many, good comedians. Most of our comedians have that "Lithuanian" humor which is like just rude/racist/homophobic insults, If you make a joke like that It has to at least be an intelligent, witty joke (in other words have some context). The chemistry was phenomenal here, an hour and a half felt like 20 minutes, It was a smooth watch. The show host kept things in order and under control, very professional. You guys nailed it this time!
Sander was magnificent! Good job, very nice collab, please do more!
A-ma-zing! All four comedians - top tier! Backup bench comics Antanas and Tim were also ok!
Amazing for both sides!! ❤❤ I will pay money for seeing the revenge for these two teams! 😂😂😂 well done, really hilarious!!🎉🎉🎉
Katleris and Sander, hands down, best dynamics and vibes!
The Estonian guy in white is the funniest and has a the best sense of humor and good sarcasm but needs the right crowd
Sanders was funnier for me,
Klajumas su savo skleidžiamais garsais ir akcentais žiauriai limpa prie komedijos, ne vien dėl pačių bajerių. Super idėja, tik naujas kanalas, mažai subscriberių. Kažką reikia daryt :) Net nežinau kaip priėjau iki šito video :D
tame ir esme per k2 keliami lietuviu auditorijai o sitas naujas youtube priskirs prie uzsieno nes kalbama anglu kalba ir algoritmas ne tik lietuviam mes su laiku.
Estai pasiskolino Henry Match ir Makėjevą?
Darykit roastus su estais :D
jau yra sitam video
Watching Sander knowing more about LTU basketball, than lithuanians… 😃
Amazing all 2 estonians and Northern Ireland guy very funny. Way better than latvian team 😅
Gera projekto idėja. Tik va puikiai pasimatė skirtumas tarp subtilių bajerių ir lietuviškų bajerių... Reikės daugiau pasidomėti estų komikais.
Antanai, darkart ačiū už šitą projektą ❤🎉
Both teams matched each others vibes👏👏
estai geri
Aleksander seems like lithuanian comic Henry Match, the fanniest guy 100% 😅 steal the show
Perfect! Such characters at one place with brilliant sense of humour! We need more!!! Please keep on creating such content! Baltic men rock! 🎉❤😊
Musu humoras neblogas, bet apie bybius ir pyzdas jis per daug, estai net pastebejo :D ir dauguma nauju komiku taip pat juokauja.
Lygiai ta pati pastebejau, pas lietuvius toks labai harsh. Idomu kaip lietuviai pries ispanus pavarytu.
@@Oelsania pries ispanus? Jie angliskai nekalba :D
Belekas❤ estai belekai faini, o mūsiškiai labai suvibe'ino
This is a good format, and actually funny. Greetings from Estonia.
Amazing more shows, please 🎉😊❤
Sadauskas atrodo užsipisęs vesti ir nori greičiau baigti 🤔
Bet šiaip labai geras ir įtraukiantis produktas 👌
Komentuoju, kad daugiau žmonių pamatytų, nes labai prasta strategija kelt į kanalą, kurio neįmanoma surast youtube
Bring them here to a show. They are good!
That one with crazy hair and beard is the best 😂 had so much fun, thank you, guys ❤️
Tas bichas Sander's toks amazing :D Klajumas jam beveik prilygsta. Bet vistiek geresnis. Tokiu nuosirdziu, dziaugsmingu kaip jis reiketu daugiau Lietuvoje.
Sander and guy in white were awesome!
Klajumui ačiū kad atstovėjo prieš užsieniečius geru humoru
Sander kaip Klajumas, Tim kaip Jankus, Aleksander kaip Henris😂
Nice Domantas Sabonis shoutout 🤣🤣
Most of the guys did really well and were chill but the audience was a bit tough, would be nice if they showed more appreciation in tense times like clapping and voicing. Was indeed a funny sketch
blem, ziauriai geras reikalas :D verkiau :D didelis laikas :) more of this please :D
Can people not sense the passive agressive energy the whole time?
The reality show idea, gets those guys in the countryside for a weekend let them drink for a two days, and film the hangover riff afterwards. High octane content guaranteed
žiauriai gerai!
Dominykas Klajumas cant keep getting away with wearing that tshirt
Estukai profai! 👌🏻
come on dode :D
Negalima taip... per daug juokinga :D
If Netflix doesn’t pick up a series with these guys, they’ll probably go back to Estonia and start their own TV show about drinking with former presidents. I’m already first in line to watch! 😂
top tier chemistry, i’d watch these guys argue for 10 more hours 💝
Great people Estonians, I personally liked Sander 😂🎉
Teades kolme keelt ja meelt on see 3x naljakam! ❤❤❤
I liked it very much Estonias been very funny extra applause for Sander he was my favourite! Lithuanians did very well as well just a perfect comedy show! Keep up the good work! 👌
It’s my first comment on youtube ever: Estonians were amazing😂🎉 ❤
This was brilliant!!!🙌🙌😍😄😄👏👏👌
Aleksanderis žiauriai panašus i Henrymach :))
Uz Antana Antana Antana - nuzude 😁
žiauriai gerai! Puikiai parinkti Lietuvos atstovai.
Komentuoju del algoritmo ❤
Pirma like o paskui žiūrim💯
Blia jaučiu apsimyšiu iš juoko 🤣🤣
Sander MVP! So funny!
Crazy that none of lithuanians know that Rudy was attacked by brothers maciai
Klajumas, Katleris ir Kisliakas, nu nereali komanda, killino 👌
I loved Sanders! :D
And the winner is LATVIA
Kada savaitės rifas?
We need romanians with Dragos Giugula!
Aleksander is an Estonian version of Henry Match.
lietuviai tiesiog vienas per kita pasakoja, net aklam matos, kada tiesa🤪kaip darzelinukai
Cia labiausiai Antanas :d
Tai kad kaip tik kai apie politiką apgaudinėjo ir pagavo ant tų faktų
gerai butu dar titrai , tokiem durniam kaip man
Antanas gal serga, pradvėsęs toks, gal serga, o gal nelaimingas, kad ne diktatorius pasaulio. O pats turinys nuostabus, labai šmaikštu, galingi komedijos light saberiai, Lietuvių teamas žiauriai vieningas, Estai geruliai, ypač Sanderis, nepaprastai charizmatiškas bičas, kuris atrodo kaip iš po sprogimo.
Estonians absolutely killed it. Aleksander & Sander were phenomenal! Quick on their feet, witty, confident. Lithuanians need to step it up. Dick jokes are not cutting it anymore. Katleris came off way too arrogant here. Bad sportsmanship.
Ar man vienam tas su melyna maike estas uznesa i Roka Jama Grajauska? Tik su plaukais. :D
Pabandom Įsivaizduoti lietuvius su italais ir Gian Luca Demarco mūsų komandoj
Semen is ''sperma'', sekla is more used for seed, like in fruits
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD the joke wrote it self
@@biciukasxD tai, kad nelabai, skaityk is naujo grybas
It was actually a latvian guy who suports Lithuania national team who beat up Rudy Fernandes
two Latvian brothers :)
@@remuksthey father was lithuanian and mother latvian, but they count themselves as lithuanians.
Labai gerai👏
cia buvo geras :D
We need Ari Matti in Lithuania !
Nordich humor more ironic sarcastic only... Narrow but mature. Thats why soon it's getting bored. Neighbours 🇪🇪 cheer up😅 is nothing wrong to make a lough about yourself 😊 life is beutyfull.
Antanas matosi, kad tik atidirbt atėjo, nepatenkintas savo gyvenimu kažkoks...😂
1:20:54 Antanas, i think since 1940 Estonians call them who, not what
Estonians, can you send a link where to read about that weird woman? xD
kastmeproua on jutt ainult suu kaudu 👀
Lets go!!
Psichas buvo nesenai gerakaro sou :) superinis muzikantas
End Dominykas looks like he doesn't have nothing to do with ☃️
Geras 🎉
Why not to change Tim's name to Alek?
It would be Alek, Sander Aleksander? 😂
Nice one, was thinking about two names only :D
Koks gerulis video! ❤😂
Love it ❤