Otsu holoL3 uhuk² holoH3ro maksudnya Makasih stream nya ya, seru bet dengan cool nya Ela, semangat nya Kobo dan pon nya jeta Di tunggu kolep selanjutnya
Congrats on finishing this game! It’s been a long time since you girls do a collab together!! Indeed if you three do a collaboration, everything becomes chaotic and out of control, but inside that, you girls always made a lot of fun and make us can’t stop laughing watching you all! Thank you so much for all you do for us! I am truly very grateful to know and to have Holoh3ro in my life! It’s been a great 5 month on all your journey, thank you so much for all the time and effort for us! Can’t wait for next Holoh3ro collaboration, I believe it will be more chaos and more fun! OtsuH3ro!!
Nah gitu dong, saling asah saling asuh, yang kompak, jalan kalian masih panjang, yg besar (dalam hal apapun) merawat yang kecil, yang kecil mendukung yang besar, yang punya kelebihan menshare kelebihannya kepada yang lain, jangan ada rasa iri, saling sayang, karena kalian masing-masing ada kelebihan ada kekurangan, rejeki udah ada yang ngatur yang penting berkah, kalian satu kesatuan, satu bendera, harus seperti keluarga, the best untuk kalian semua kedepannya, ayok raih pencapaian besar bersama di masa depan, look at the big picture on the future
Selamat udah namatin Overcooked 2! Teori mengundang zeta biar cepet tamat ternyata berhasil. Sama melatih kekompakan para member holoh3ro. Seru banget, harus sering sering collab nih bertiga. Terima kasih streamnya. Otsuh3ro~
OtsuH3ro, I really like when three of you are stream together, I hope there will be another collab, I suggest you can try phasmopbopia. I can imagine only kobo that will be scared and ela zeta be like chill dude haha cant wait.
OtsuH3ro ~ Thanks for the live stream collab.. Kobo very chill today, Kaela so cool as always, and Zeta,, thank you for join the party, that help a lot.
Otsukaeru Kobo ☔Makasi buat stream hari ini, keren collap HoloH3ro yak Tetap jaga kesehatan Bo, jangan lupa makan, istirahat yang cukup dan jaga mood tetap bahagia Buat stream hari ini Bintang 5 Kejora Bo 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Ayok 50K Subs, lagi. Anda ingin mendengarkan Live Karaoke Archived? Tunggu apa lagi, sebarkan channel ini keseluruh keluarga kalian. Channel ini sangatlah family friendly, cocok ditonton bersama keluarga, teman, dan sahabat. Ayo tunggu apa lagi.
Thank you for this wonderful collab stream, Kobo! It was an absolute blast watching you play Overcooked 2 with Zeta and Kaela! Entering the kitchen today felt all the more exciting and chaotic as the three of you went on an epic culinary adventure to save the onion kingdom! Tossing ingredients around and whipping up lots of delicious food before the time ran out! Just like chefs in a lunch rush, our trio showed some impressive teamwork! On top of that, listening to your shared commentary gave us a good laugh and the jovial energy brought warmth to the atmosphere! Turning up the heat! Congratulations on reaching the ending! You even managed to complete the secret levels too! Nice! We’re glad that everyone had so much fun! Perhaps the real secret ingredient was the friends you made along the way! It would be great to see you and your genmates try out more co-op games in the future! OtsuH3ro! 💙💛🤍
thanks for the stream koboooo this much fun stream karena kita kedatangan bintang tamu yang amat sangat PON yg mana membuat game overcooked! 2 menjadi sangat amat amat AMAZING OtsuH3roo kobo, zeta, kaela ☔🐱🐧
Makasih Kobo,Zeta,Kaela Buat Collab Streamnya hari ini , seru,lucu,dan yang paling utama Game nya Tamat YGC 😆, Seneng Juga Liat Gen3 kumpul bareng lagi 👍, I Will Wait Another Stream Further ~~~ OtsuKaeru~~ OtsuZeta~~ OtsuEla~~ OtsuH3RO~~~
kaela : i'm not a penguin
zeta : i'm not a cat
kobo : i'm Slime !
Emmmmmm i see
Watashi wa rimurudesu
Holoh3roes lores are weird
humu humu
otsu guys, seru banget streamnya. sering² collab dah wkwkwkwk. main game horror asik tuh keknya
Main DBD atau Phasmaphobia bisa sih
Phasmo a6 g c
Phasmo kayaknya kurang seram buat mereka bertiga,, butuh yg jumpscare nya kuat.
Pecah ntar streamnya wkwkwkwk
Cobain main epep bo,siapa tau bisa jumpa d global 😋
thank you for the collab stream
it's really fun to watch~
Looking forward for more holoh3ro collab in the future~
Terimakasih atas stream collab nya, semangat terus kalian dan jangan lupa istrahat
Otsu holoL3 uhuk² holoH3ro maksudnya
Makasih stream nya ya, seru bet dengan cool nya Ela, semangat nya Kobo dan pon nya jeta
Di tunggu kolep selanjutnya
Otsu for three of them ~ sampe ketiduran aku nontonnya btw. Seru banget si collab kali ini, holoh3ro solid solid solid
otsu holoh3ro thanks for the stream , congrats udh tamatin gamenya... collab streamny seru abiss, moga aja bisa lebih sering stream barengnya...
Congrats on finishing this game! It’s been a long time since you girls do a collab together!! Indeed if you three do a collaboration, everything becomes chaotic and out of control, but inside that, you girls always made a lot of fun and make us can’t stop laughing watching you all!
Thank you so much for all you do for us! I am truly very grateful to know and to have Holoh3ro in my life! It’s been a great 5 month on all your journey, thank you so much for all the time and effort for us! Can’t wait for next Holoh3ro collaboration, I believe it will be more chaos and more fun! OtsuH3ro!!
OtsuH3ro~ kangen banget ngeliat kalian bertiga, seru banget streamnyaa
Moga kalian selalu bersama yaaa makasih Kobo, Zeta, Ela streamnyaa
Otsu holoh3roo akhirnya menamatkan overcook setelah sekian purnama
Nah gitu dong, saling asah saling asuh, yang kompak, jalan kalian masih panjang, yg besar (dalam hal apapun) merawat yang kecil, yang kecil mendukung yang besar, yang punya kelebihan menshare kelebihannya kepada yang lain, jangan ada rasa iri, saling sayang, karena kalian masing-masing ada kelebihan ada kekurangan, rejeki udah ada yang ngatur yang penting berkah, kalian satu kesatuan, satu bendera, harus seperti keluarga, the best untuk kalian semua kedepannya, ayok raih pencapaian besar bersama di masa depan, look at the big picture on the future
bacot bet bang
Otsukare Holoh3ro~
Thank you for the fun and GG gaming stream!
See you the next holoh3ro collab stream!!
Selamat udah namatin Overcooked 2!
Teori mengundang zeta biar cepet tamat ternyata berhasil. Sama melatih kekompakan para member holoh3ro.
Seru banget, harus sering sering collab nih bertiga. Terima kasih streamnya. Otsuh3ro~
nearly 4 hours of Overcooked 2! great cooking tonight HoloID Gen 3! have a good evening!
Otsu Herooo
Terimakasih untuk streamnya Kobo & Kaela + Bintang tamu kita yg Pon Zetaaa
terimakasih atas stream nya Kobo, Kaela, dan Zeta selaku HoloL3mao alias 3 komedian
Makasih Kobo, Zeta, Kaela.
Streamnya Seru sangat menghibur
Thumbnail sumps up Gen 3 accurately.. lol
Thank you for the fun collab!
OtsuH3ro, I really like when three of you are stream together, I hope there will be another collab, I suggest you can try phasmopbopia. I can imagine only kobo that will be scared and ela zeta be like chill dude haha cant wait.
5:33 stream starto
OtsuH3RO! Makasih buat HoloH3ro streamnya!
Seru bet sih streamnya gakerasa udah 4 jam
Never believe a gamer when they say last game.
More than likely,
It will NOT be the last game.
Thanks for the stream Kobo!
Sering2 Collabnya Seru Banget
BTW info ngantemi Kepin..
otsukaeru, thankyou for the stream kaela zeta kobo
Good job guys... You doing great job . Nice stream 🤍💛💙
Thanks for the collab stream!
Makasih zeta udah bantu kobo & ela namatin gamenya
OtsuH3ro ~
Thanks for the live stream collab.. Kobo very chill today, Kaela so cool as always, and Zeta,, thank you for join the party, that help a lot.
OTSUH3ROOO!! Sering sering collab lah, seneng banget nonton nya klo rame kyk gini. 🤣👍
OtsuH3ro Kobo,Zeta dan Kaela!
Thanks for the collab stream!
5:36 start
Seru parah sih, di tunggu collab holoh3ro selanjutnya
Makasih collabnya h3ro, love you guys
Otsu kobo☔ Kaela👨🔧 and Zeta🐱, Terima kasih untuk streamnya, such fun gameplay you got there😊, I Will Wait for Another Stream Further ☔
hello bunny
3:54:45 Kobo nyanyi lagu safe and sound( backsound windah basudara)
Keren thumbnailnya
Suka banget kalo mereka bertiga kumpul. Hatiku tidak siap Kaela dan Kobo satu streammmm aaaaaaaa zeta kawai juga aaaaaaaa
otsu Holoh3ro~
Thanks for the stream!
Ditunggu collab selanjutnya
15:50 Zeta Jadi Hyper
40:45 Setelah 3x percobaan
41:37 Zeta DC
56:06 nitip
Thank you for the holoh3ro collab stream!
Otsukaeru Kobo ☔Makasi buat stream hari ini, keren collap HoloH3ro yak
Tetap jaga kesehatan Bo, jangan lupa makan, istirahat yang cukup dan jaga mood tetap bahagia
Buat stream hari ini Bintang 5 Kejora Bo 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Otsu, terimakasih Bo.
Ayok 50K Subs, lagi.
Anda ingin mendengarkan Live Karaoke Archived? Tunggu apa lagi, sebarkan channel ini keseluruh keluarga kalian.
Channel ini sangatlah family friendly, cocok ditonton bersama keluarga, teman, dan sahabat. Ayo tunggu apa lagi.
otsuh3rooo, seneng bgt liat kalian mabar lagi. ditunggu mabar holoh3ro yang lainnya!!
Makasih strimnya kobo..
Thanks for the stream!
thanks Holoh3ro buat streamnya, seru banyak pon moment yang terjadi
otsukare holoh3ro... thank you for amazing for collaboration stream..
we will wait for another holoh3ro collab stream...
Otsu HoloH3ro Kobo,Zeta & Kaela...
Terimakasih streamnya hari ini...
Semoga kedepannya makin banyak lagi stream kalian main bertiga ya ☺️
brharap main game horor yg bisa collab🙏
@@rahmadalhafidz8497 game horror apa aja ya yg bisa dimainin lbh dr 2player selain dbd.
Ehmm phasmophobia, left4dead2, terus apa lg ya
@@odaduding pacify,pamali apalagi yah 🤔
Itu game yg ada jason nya, friday apa gitu gw lupa
@@rahmadalhafidz8497 ya dia nanya balik 🤣
Kesampingkan bintang 1 bintang 2 di stage gamenya
Stream kalian hari ini bintang 5
Otsuh3ro~ thanks for the stream
komen sebelum badge ilang
thank you for the collab stream
Thank you for this wonderful collab stream, Kobo! It was an absolute blast watching you play Overcooked 2 with Zeta and Kaela! Entering the kitchen today felt all the more exciting and chaotic as the three of you went on an epic culinary adventure to save the onion kingdom! Tossing ingredients around and whipping up lots of delicious food before the time ran out! Just like chefs in a lunch rush, our trio showed some impressive teamwork! On top of that, listening to your shared commentary gave us a good laugh and the jovial energy brought warmth to the atmosphere! Turning up the heat!
Congratulations on reaching the ending! You even managed to complete the secret levels too! Nice! We’re glad that everyone had so much fun! Perhaps the real secret ingredient was the friends you made along the way! It would be great to see you and your genmates try out more co-op games in the future! OtsuH3ro! 💙💛🤍
Makasih streamnya guys
Have a nice rest, lads
thanks for the stream koboooo
this much fun stream karena kita kedatangan bintang tamu yang amat sangat PON yg mana membuat game overcooked! 2 menjadi sangat amat amat AMAZING
OtsuH3roo kobo, zeta, kaela ☔🐱🐧
12:14 aku sabar ☝️😳
Gils 4 jam
Makasih ka Kobo dan teman teman ny karena udh ngelive
Terima Kasih buat kalian bertiga, GG HoloH3ro. Akhirnya bisa menamatkan game ini, yay!
Ditunggu ya kolab HoloH3ro lainnya
1:58:55 ketawa zeta adalah candu 😍
3:53:31 nice, nice try maksudnya
Thank you for the fun collab Holoh3ro! Akhirnya bisa liat kalian mabar lagii wiww
Makasih Kobo,Zeta,Kaela Buat Collab Streamnya hari ini , seru,lucu,dan yang paling utama Game nya Tamat YGC 😆, Seneng Juga Liat Gen3 kumpul bareng lagi 👍, I Will Wait Another Stream Further ~~~
Otsuh3ro ~
Otsuh3ro. Terima kasih streamnya
Otsuh3ro kalian 💥💥💥
musik ritual kalo dah tamat 3:54:48
Tinggal 3 Live stream lagi yg blm ditonton harus ditonton nih
Otsu H3ro seru sekali ya main bertiga
Langganan trending 🎉
Thanks for today Elaaa Kobooo Zetaa 😁
13 Trending. Omedetooou
otsukaeru kobo~~~
baru pulang, tim vod :')
Semangat jadi bocil replay nya
@@vchan4686 nasib jadi bocil replay
配信𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
Otsu H3ro, makasih ya streamnya
Kerandoman Holoh3roes
Otsuh3ro thanks for the stream
Trending 13 in Game
thank you for the stream holoh3ro
Seru banget streamnya princess kobo
Otsuhero seru sekali ,kapanw main bertiga lagi dong
2:30:52 Zeta left to get sum food, Kobo has an idol meeting in the middle of a stream lmao, Kaela hijacking the stream
Kobo, uda 1,5 jt subscribe nih
Di tampilan gw masih 1,45 jt bang
Baru 1,45 JT kak
Belum kocak
Haha.. Hoax itu, cuman becanda
mantaffff trending lort...
Anime ini keren, selalu trendingz
Pertamaxxx yeeeeey 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks for the stream!