She’s a horrible person. But she’s laughin all the way to the bank. Absolutely DISGUSTING. I’ve been hospitalised twice for the REAL anorexic. She’s such a liar. But now l just laugh at her; coz l’m really over fat peoples whining. And it’s ALWAYS somebody else’s fault. 🙄👊🏾✨
Oh my stars..yes🔥. Whenever people are just cleaning things or are neatening things up and they say something like “Oh sorry my OCD is kicking in”. It makes me mad because first of all mental illnesses don’t “kick in” they are always there and also just because someone like things to be neat or if they are perfectionists, doesn’t mean that they have OCD. Those are not the only symptoms of OCD. Whenever ever people say that they are so OCD. I always ask them if they have been properly diagnosed by a professional doctor for OCD and the majority of the time they haven’t. Not to say that those people don’t have OCD but the majority of the time they are just neat people and it can be infuriating because they don’t understand that OCD is a serious mental illnesses that is very difficult to live with.
I have ocd and yes its a disorder where everything has to be tidy or it will eat you up inside. I also have to check the doors and over 3 or 4 times a night. If my hands are not wash i fell like i want to chop them off.
i know someone like this, they’re the worst. they also claim to have sleep paralysis, get migraine tracers, have arachnophobia, trypophobia, have ADHD, is a “questioning lesbian” with 478383 guy crushes, paegan, has a tumor, which she later said she never said was a tumor, but a cafe ole, which spans her entire head and will be a tumor (it’s a birthmark the size of a cat toe), was bullied by one of our friends growing up (she was the bully), was nearly bullied into suicide (lie), had neck surgery when she fractured her collarbone (lie). she claimed to have CANCER!!! for attention! she’s also manipulative so people believe her it’s the worst
I don't believe her because of her beliefs. HAES believes any restrictions on eating is inheritely disordered. Ergo if she ever fucking dieted, to HAES believers, that is an eating disorder. So what I hear is she started dieting and exercising and took that to be " anorexic".
@@carinaadams6797 facts like literally the biggest thing that points towards anorexia is the severe thinness that accompanies it. It’s not just her behaviors
@@katherine1304 how about that it was a portion size for like 8 people? I mean sure she didn't eat Micky D 8btimes on camera. But she may as well have.
The most ironic part about tess is she acts like she's breaking the mold, when every other aspect other than her weight is basic and fits the beauty standards.
She says “f your beauty standards” then gets cosmetic surgery, does her makeup, styles her hair, paints her nails, wears in style clothes. The only thing she doesn’t do is lose weight.
@@mummytrolls You can do those things in a way that is not just following what you believe most people want to look like. If she went full vampire gothic to the extent that people get shouted insults at in the street for, or used surgery like the extreme body mod people do to turn herself into a cat or a parrot cos that is what she as an individual found looked artistically interesting to look at in the mirror, instead of the default "pretty female human" thing, I would believe her that she doesn't care about what she thinks most other people find appealing.
@@hiitsjasper yes!! I’m on track to eating a lot better and finally am starting to exercise again and being able to control my urge to not eat or purge :)
Same with me..I suffered from anorexia from aged 15-22 and I literally got called fatphobic by one of my own friends because I tweeted that Tess was full of BS and being offensive to people who are actually terrified of every morsel of food. I wasn't even admitted to a clinic before my BMI was under 17..
Well, now she uses makeup, botox, expensive clothes and she has anorexia, I mean... like every single model since the 60s, so she's just like everybody else.
@ • Carmela Leilani • I’m sure the comment u were replying to knew this, they were just mentioning how she is now magically just like the others. (How she is just following trends and standards unlike what she says she does) ect.
@@era157 I think it is illegal, or was temporarily illegal in Spain or Brazil (I don't want to google and see the pics) to hire models below a specific weight.
I actually read somewhere ages ago that some agencies are trying to stop hiring models that have a history with anorexia. Idk how valid that is though
2 роки тому+1455
Tess Holliday wasn't even diagnosed. She straight up admitted that her dietician said "I can't give you a proper diagnosis, but I think your diet sounds anorexic?" but then she turned around and started saying it was a diagnosis.
When you look it up it does say it’s usually self diagnosable. But the main thing is that anorexia is trying to maintain a below average weight which is very clearly is a little far from
@@markeyaleeactually this is untrue to a degree, there’s a diagnosis of anorexia in which patients doesn’t meet the weight requirements of being underweight, however have anorexia due to the other symptoms. It’s medically recognised as a disorder however relatively unknown.
@markeya lee you can be overweight and anorexic. It's called atypical anorexia and is actually quite common. However, you do not need to be overweight to have atypical anorexia
Рік тому+24
@@abigailxmary no, it's not "actually quite common."
She obviously doesn’t know the definition of anorexia…as someone who actually struggled with anorexia and bulimia, I have 0 respect for her. She is delusional
And all the people who are like "WeLl YoU dOn'T kNoW sHe CoUlD HaVe It11!!" Make me roll my eyes into the back of my head. This is a woman who has been on the cover of magazines, a woman who constantly shows off her body on camera and is seen eating massive amounts of food on camera she fits ZERO of the criteria for anorexia... She doesn't have a FEAR of calories or gaining weight at all. She probably just had an INEVITABLE health scare and instead of backtracking and saying that obesity is bad for you she just came up with this anorexia story to cover her own ass. That, or this is simply just another grab for attention. The people who are entertaining this story for even a second should be ashamed of themselves, because they enable toxic people like this.
@@rabiespuddings1735 , EXACTLY!! The woman has gained at least 200lbs since 2015, that is no fear of food. She has tons of pictures/videos of her eating everything and way anorexia.
No shit. My cousin had severe anorexia. To the point her hair was falling out, she was clawing at her own skin on her face, arms, and legs to the point where she had to wear these glove thingy's, her fingernails became extremely brittle, her skin look like leather, she was in and out of clinics for long stints of time, and became incredibly fragile emotionally. It was a tough thing to see. I had anorexia, but nothing near that bad. I honestly hope Tess just succumbs to her obesity soon so that she'll A) realize just how f@#ked up she and her message are and B) so she'll quit this masquerade for attention. The only thing she struggles with is putting a fork down long enough to breathe.
As someone who used to be anorexic I agree, but we also need to understand that fat people can have that eating disorder because it’s not defined by one’s outward appearance
It's so weird because she DOES have an eating disorder, she DOES have a bad relationship with food... it just isn't anorexia. Food addiction and binge eating disorder are serious eating disorders too. I guess admitting that would be admitting that her whole "fat positive" thing isn't actual healthy.
Exactly. This announcement is unfair to both restrictive eaters and binge eaters, who ironically have incredibly similar struggles. The longer I've been in treatment and the more people I've met, the more I've realized that my food restriction and others' bingeing are both ways of weaponizing food. It's like addicts who just have different "drugs of choice." I intentionally left out bulimia because I can't speak to that experience and have noticed an enormous variability in underlying issues and symptoms in others with it. All EDs are complicated, but IMO bulimia requires more than I can give here.
I was livid until I looked up anorexia. Apparently there is an atypical type which involves restricting and binging....HOWEVER I would imagine an anorexic would spend more time restricting than binging. Tess's body suggests she binges more than restricting herself...if she even restricts at all People like her who promote being unwell/unhealthy as something to be proud of are basically just digging their own miserable grave. 🙄
@@marie2122 Bulimia is definitely different depending on the person. I suffered with it in my early teens. At first, I just wanted to be thin & found it difficult to starve myself. But, after awhile purging became a punishment to my binging. If I was "good" and starved myself I didn't have to purge but, if I wasn't then that's what I deserved. Unfortunately, for me I eventually stopped purging but continued to binge & developed a full-on binge-eating disorder / food addiction. So, in some ways ED's are all connected. It definitely comes down to control and/or lack of control & using food to mitigate that. If she's for real.....she just needs to get therapy & get off the internet.
Get it, boo🙌🏻❤️ I’m seven years healthy now from anorexia and it’s 100% possible!! I hope since it’s been a year things are going amazing for you, darlin🥰
She's basically saying "Don't talk about my weight or eating habits, I'm anorexic and you will trigger me" Woman, your entire public existence is your weight and eating habits. She's just trying to avoid criticism again. People aren't saying people her size can't be anorexic, just that her behaviour doesn't track at all.
^^^its not like she's your average "influencer" who makes content, she's literally THE FACE of the body positivity movement. It's prone to come up, she just wants to live in her own world.
I spent 17 years of my life anorexic. If I had been told that this is what “recovering from anorexia” looks like, I would have been horrified of recovery! This has certainly hurt more people than it has helped.
It really has and hearing people talk about how people who diet gain the weight back and then some extra weight makes it so much worse, or hearing overweight people say they don't care about their weight. Also when there's "fat and happy" and we wonder why we cant be "skinny and happy"
I completely agree with this. I've struggled with anorexia off and on, since I was 13. In my worst moments, if I had seen that this, as "recovering from anorexia", I probably would've restricted even more, despite how sick and weak I was feeling. It's hard to always say what can help someone struggling with an ED, but what helps keep me afloat personally is seeing how people who are at normal weights who also stay moderately active just are able to do more with their life than someone severely underweight and winded from just a tiny bit of physical exertion.
@@nataliemoraes2033 the body is quite resilient. It tries to stay alive as long as possible. The disorder is basically the equivalent of your body eating you alive. When you don’t have enough calories, the body will start with the fat. It’ll take all the nutrients from there. Then, when the body runs out of fat, it’ll attack muscles and certain organs. Then once most of that is gone, it’ll go after vital organs- including the heart. Anything to get nutrients to the body. Eventually you run out of nutrients in your body and you die from things like kidney and heart failure. It’s definitely not fun. I have permanent heart issues because of this. 8 years isn’t a short time. At one point I was eating less than 100 calories a day (and maybe 5-10 calories on the weekends). And I did that while still preforming day to day activities (including school). I’m honestly surprised I was never hospitalized because of it
My mom was down to under 70 pounds after a malpractice incident. People were AWFUL to her. They called her anorexic or a junkie. The truth was that a doctor performed an illegal gastric bypass on her when she was only 115 pounds. He was supposed to just be doing exploratory surgery. He did this to over 20 people. (Yes, he's still practicing.) There was NEVER any body positivity for her. And to this day, it angers me to no end.
Oh my god, reading this set me right. I'm 130 and was considering surgery to lose my tummy pooch, gastric was one. I hope she is doing better now. Best wishes to you and your family.
@@stephanybrown3226 unfortunately, no. Complications from this plagued her for years before, ultimately, taking her life. I'm honestly so happy that her story got to you. I'm not saying this is something that always happens or anything like that, but there *are* predatory doctors out there. So I'm glad it could give some insight to you. Thank you for your kind comment. I truly hope you are having a great holiday season. 💗
I said this in another video talking about Tess whoever and this whole thing and I was berated by probably one of her supporters telling me “you don’t get to decide what anorexia looks like just because you went through something doesn’t mean everyone experiences it the same..” like huh?
@@triggeredcat120 also there’s was a quote in the video about her dealing with it her whole life and um that’s not possible. Did you get reverse Lipo Tess?
I agree too. Anorexia is a cruel and vicious disorder that does not discriminate. I watched a documentary that HBO did called "Thin" and I think it may be uploaded here on UA-cam. Watching these women struggle really made me so sad and heartbreaking 💔 I don't know really anything about Tess so I should really do a bit of Google to find out her controversy.
@@Saturn890 I'm sorry that you got berated like that. I said something once about how all of Donald Trumps children have similar teeth. I got shredded. I just said they just had similar teeth, it wasn't an insult just an observation. So I feel you Saturn!! Much luv ❤
I nearly lost my sibling to anorexia nervosa, Tess claiming to have it to save her dying "career" is disgusting. But considering who Tess is, and what she's done in the past, I'm not surprised
Sending you lots of good thoughts and love for your sibling to be ok and happy again!!! I'm so sorry they had to go through that and I hope they're OK along with you!
Same here... Yea you can have atypical anorexia nervosa without being underweight. But she isn't even close to any sort of anorexia. Maybe she has binge eating disorder but definitely not anorexia
How do you think a***xia starts? You think people are all of a suddenly very skinny. You are all very nieve & actually really damaging. Regardless of if you like her on not (I have no opinion on that as I barely know her), but I will say that it is totally unfair for people struggling to have to come across videos and comments like this.
@@ebonyrose5501 It's been a couple months since her statement, but conditions don't magically appear after diagnosis. After 2+ months of barely eating, you'd be able to see the effects. Not sure what was up with me in Jan, but I lost a stone in a month due to eating issues, and on a heavier person, weight is lost more easily.
ive been suffering with anorexia since i was 13, since im male, no one batted an eye or noticed when i stopped eating, no one noticed the weight loss until i was 90 lbs at 5'8. i cant believe she wants to call herself anorexic, i wouldnt wish anorexia on my worst enemy. im now 18, just spent all of october 2023 in residential, missed halloween with my girlfriend & sisters because of my disorder.. but yeah tess....go devor a cake on camera...
Beauty at every size: Yes Worth at every size: Yes Dignity at every size: Yes *Mental* health at every size: Yes *Physical* health at every size: I'm sorry. No.
I would also say that mental health is very much affected by your physical health. Not being able to walk because of your size will definitely make you feel depressed
As a former anorexic who literally almost died from my disorder, this made me so angry. I’ve been waiting for you to make a video on it because I knew you would understand
Why are you angry your not Tess. Just cause someone claim there anorexia doesn’t mock your own problem. Don’t shift issue on someone cause you don’t believe them.
I'm so sorry her toxicity reached you but please dont let people like this hinder you. I hope you are going so much better now!🙏❤ I know how you feel, not with anorexia but I did have an ED (body dysmorphic) and I feel like I do still have something wrong mentally when it comes to food & I know this. I just cant stop being obsessed with losing weight and when I dont I freak out and cry. I gained weight with my pregnancies and not being able to loose it like I used to is giving me horrible relationship not only with food but with my body. Its really hard and I truly applaud you for working hard on yourself!❤
@@Dbby888 It is though. It almost as if shes mocking those who do have anorexia. We all know she doesnt. Months ago she was promoting obesity like its something to strive for and now shes claiming that because of that she realized shes anorexic? What? ...its all very odd. Anyway, anyone is allowed to be angered by her claiming this, shes using it in the wrong sense -- there are people who actually struggle with various eating disorders.
I paused at 3:38 to read Tess's tweet, and she says she's "feeding [her] body regularly for the first time in her life" that pissed me off so bad. As someone who has spent their entire life (including childhood) underweight and is now dealing with real anorexia, it enrages me that someone that fat can have the audacity to claim she's never fed her body regularly in her life. Like seriously, you do not reach 300 lbs by starving yourself, it just doesn't happen, like what the actual fuck?
Yeah, it's really irritating. I'm only in my teenage years and I've had Anorexia ever since I was 11 years old (I'm 14 btw) and it is hell! People who are overweight or obese do not get there by starving, it doesn't work like that and it never has. They clearly eat unhealthy. And one thing that people have been leaving out constantly is over exercising, when you have Anorexia you over exercise to lose weight. So if she wasn't eating properly and over exercising, she would be at least at a normal weight, especially if she's been like this her WHOLE life, like she said.
@@vent_here_lovely I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. You and so many other people in this comment section are brave for opening up about something so personal. I truly wish you the best. 💖 And I agree. This person shouldn’t be using such a personal and dangerous disorder for personal gain. It’s disgusting of her to pretend to have a severe disorder when it is clear that she has never had it.
My theory is that she's (inevitably) had a health scare, and after all these years of saying that fat isn't unhealthy and ostracizing people for losing weight she's had to come up with a story about why she's having to lose weight.
I have OCD, GAD, and don't know what else. I think it's all worthless because technically you can claim to be anorexic at her size because it's just symptoms. Not a blood test.
I LOVE that you addressed the fact that she has an entire campaign about not fitting into beauty standards when she check like 9/10 boxes. She is conventionally beautiful, shes just overweight
One of my issues with the body positivity movement, they think they're so inclusive cause they have overweight people but then the people have faces like her full of botox and fillers and even surgery and veneers
Tbh, i might even argue that women like Tess who are obese with pretty faces actually are treated better than a lot of skinny women with ugly faces lmao
@@mixedviews3536 no, stop recommending her because it’s just a bunch of overweight people in the comments agreeing with her. A lot of her Ana suffering subscribers unsubbed from her after that video because she was being disrespectful. Just stop it
When I was overweight with a restrictive eating disorder I lost 60lbs in 3 months then was no longer overweight. It felt awful because I was constantly congratulated on getting healthy. All this to say this is a complicated topic bc overweight people can struggle with EDs, but not Tess Holiday.
@@magnarcreed3801 please don't call something like that "basic weight loss". losing 60 lbs in 3 months requires someone to lose at least 20 pounds per month, which is very rapid and unhealthy.
@@rascalfy Honestly as long as they stop within the healthy bmi they are usually good. Besides you’re more than “overweight” if you got an extra 60+lbs to loose. Now if part of that 60 was actually necessary weight then yeah, huge difference. But if you’re that huge you can drop weight easily. Had a roommate do it, still eating a normal amount, and dropped 100+lbs. stopped at 190lbs. Just cut out all the excessive snacks.
@@magnarcreed3801The problem is the mindset that accompanies it. I have a similar story I went from a bmi of 35 to 25 in maybe six months. I hated myself and spent hours upon hours focusing on my body, weighing myself, crying, and feeling nauseous. Now I feel horrible because instead of doing it the right way it's because I hated myself and my life so much that I neglected my needs.
@@beefromm1953 That’s fine. People always say “love yourself no matter what” but that’s bs. Sometimes getting angry at yourself is great motivation. I sure as hell wouldn’t love myself if I lost myself like that but I’d sure as hell work to earn that love back. Just make sure to pick the love up at the door to success. And also remember progress isn’t always linear. Keep that fight in you sister!
Plot twist: I think that Tess doesn’t believe her own lies anymore and is hugely uncomfortable and wanting to lose weight. But how can she make an effort to lose weight without being able to hide it and still keep her $$ and fan base? Oh yes, I can just create another ED so I get to keep the sympathy but can try lose weight so I can spend my huge wealth my huge body earned me, but in a skinny body. I think she’s going to have a gastric bypass and lose weight. Watch this space
I agree with you. If this was only about attention, she would’ve said she had Bulimia. Patients of bulimia can appear to be of normal weight or even overweight, in contrast with those suffering with anorexia, who as part of the diagnosis have to be underweight. She’s looking for an acceptable out of the hole she herself dug.
As someone who is "recovered" from anorexia, it doesn't just go away like she implied. She's basically telling people the cure to anorexia is to just eat. As someone who started sobbing over being given a waffle, it's not about just eating.
As a person who recovered from anorexia, I feel that because of people like Tess, it is getting harder for others to take actual anorexic people seriously. I hope people understand that this eating disorder is actually quite severe. Edit: thank you so much for your kind and educational replies
Same. Tess is degrading the diagnosis of anorexia and making it meaningless. Anyone remember how one diagnosis that began with an "r" was turned into an insult? That's what I perceive as beginning to happen to the diagnosis of anorexia in no thanks to Tess...
Yes I agree. Anytime people say these things for clout it takes the attention away from those that need it 💔horrible selfish individuals that do these things. I pray all continues well for you 💕
You can be over weight and have the eating disorder anorexia, now that they’ve changed the criteria for the mental illness. I don’t think Tess has it but it’s important to acknowledge people with EDs that aren’t extremely thin, because when I was average weight and didn’t eat for months I almost died, but wasn’t able to be treated for an eating disorder due to my weight..
@@AzuraFallen True, I ate very little, pretty much lived off two food items, and one was calorie free and drugs/OTC meds to curb my appetite... and I purged. At 5'1, I only ever got down to 98 lbs at my lowest, which still appeared normal. Pretty thin, but not dying. But I was. My heart would freak out often from the effort of keeping me going on nothing. I couldn't think, sleep properly or stay fully conscious at times. Only the people who loved me were worried, everyone else thought I just looked good. My Dr. wasn't even worried, because I was chubby before.
As someone recovering from anorexia binge/purge subtype, here are my thoughts: 1. I can confirm that the “anorexia community” which includes other EDs as well, is definitely a thing. I am a part of it and we are quite prominent online. Let me tell you it blew up with this news about Tess 2. Tess doesn’t have anorexia binge/purge subtype either. Actually the symptoms are the same as bulimia, the only difference is that AN/BP involves more restriction of calories resulting in being underweight, while people with bulimia can be normal weight to obese. So if anything she has bulimia. However, she never said that she was purging. 3. It’s entirely possible for someone who is obese to have an EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified) that has traits of both binge eating disorder and anorexia. In fact, the two can feed into each other; that is, the restriction from anorexia leads to your brain thinking you are starving, which causes the binges to become out of control. Then you starve again to make up for the binge and it’s a vicious cycle. That is probably what happened with your anorexic client who became obese, binging is a jacked up survival mechanism. Recovery from that does mean feeding your body regularly with healthy meals like Tess mentioned. So to me this seems to be the most likely ED that Tess Holliday has. But like you said, she doesn’t want to acknowledge the binging part of her disorder because it doesn’t work with her narrative. 3. If she actually wanted to help herself and help others and inspire people with her recovery, she would talk about her struggle with BED, Bulimia or EDNOS. These disorders are actually more common than anorexia (at least in the US) , and are very much underrepresented in conversations about eating disorders. She would be able to bring more awareness to these disorders. However, she chose anorexia because it’s the one everyone knows, it has the shock value, and it was going to be controversial because she’s a plus size model. 4. It’s actually pretty harmful that the only representation for anorexia is the very thinnest. Someone like Eugenia, or even your client who was 56 pounds. It makes people like me who are only “mildly” underweight feel like i don’t really count as an anorexic, even though most anorexics fall into that category. The very very thin people are actually pretty rare because most people develop health problems before that point, and it’s even more rare for someone to maintain an extremely low weight for as long as Eugenia has. People who reach a weight that low will eventually either gain weight or pass away so she is probably not long for this world. Also the representation for EDs is almost always very thin or very fat. People who are a “normal” weight are most likely to have their EDs ignored because their weight is “healthy” and not a problem although they are dying inside. My ED was at it’s worst when i was a normal weight.
This comment is fantastic. I also suffer from an ED and I’m also “mildly underweight” so I felt the last part very strongly. Psychiatrists refused to treat (even though I was already diagnosed!) because they said my weight wasn’t a problem YET. It made me spiral much much deeper. Also, I was in a clinic for some months (for other mental health issues) and a woman there who was as sweet as it gets suffered from BED. It was heartbreaking every time she had a relapse. She was a complete mess when it happened. I agree EDs can happen at any size, but this story just doesn’t make sense… and after over a decade of my own an***xia battle and seeing other people fighting other EDs… It hardly makes sense, if any. Edit to add that yes, an***xia is the deadliest mental illness out there in numbers. But if you look at the causes of the deaths, the vaaast majority are from su***de, not related to the body weight and it shutting down. Those cases are very low. It’s extremely dangerous at ANY weight. Thanks for your comment. I hope you’re doing better nowadays, truly.
Being anorexic doesn't always make someone extremely skinny but people like tess make it harder for people who actually suffer from anorexia to get help
Yes, but she doesn't even meet the criteria for this ED. Unless she's been lying the whole time about how she loves her body and loves eating. My sister has this ED and is very visibly underweight, and she counts her calories and becomes ill at the smell of food (she leaves the room if I'm eating) and talks often about how "obese" she is.
Yup. She's a real piece of work. Even at my heaviest, there's no way I'd accept her as a representation of myself. Now that she's milked Morbid Obesity dry, she's now trying to leech off of Anorexia Nervosa. I wish she would go away. She doesn't represent anyone, except maybe other narcissistic tools who crowd the lime light.
It does make you skinny though if you do it long enough. I was anorexic for 5 years and lost 75lbs (although it was maintained for many years). I lost a ton of weight the first 6 months. Has she lost significant weight over the last few months?? If not, she is not anorexic... I am sure she does worry about weight and have disordered eating because everyone does but not anorexic.
@@sjstinson0488 I had eating disorders, basically I would binge eat for a couple of months and than do the opposite: excessive sport, watch calorie intake, throw up the food and quite some of the things from the atypical anorexia list. I was miserable. And it took me years to admit my problems, because I just wasn't skinny. And when I heard about her and what she did I started crying out of frustration. There are girls out there really struggling, having probably some form of anorexia and not daring to admit it, because they are not skinny and others would never notice how much they struggle. And so into this mess of insecurity and teenage angst enters what you get when you cross a gator with a bar of butter and dash it with a pinch of egotism that calls herself Tess Holiday. And she makes it worse for them. She manages to make a shitty situation so much more terrible for struggling people and she has an army of minions who enthusiastically support her. Not giving a dog's turd about people with the ACTUAL disease. The disrespect she shows towards them is sickening.
I know this video is old, but im glad michelle brought this kind of behavior to light. My old friend was just as big as Tess, and she claimed to be anorexic. She claimed this because i was starving myself at the time due to depression and other factors. Suddenly, after i opened up about my problems with eating and the fear of food, suddenly she "understood because she was anorexic." Whilst in the same day bragging that she could eat a whole XL pizza all by herself in one sitting. It felt like a kick in the face. No, i wasnt anorexic, but it hurt me that what i considered a friend tried to one-up me. She thought it made her more "special."
I would say she has a binge eating disorder but she’d never admit that. It doesn’t give the same ring and affect as saying, “I have anorexia,” so she chooses to avoid that all together. As someone who suffered from anorexia in my youth, I find her antics despicable.
There is such a stigma about bed and she ADDS to that stigma. bed is still a mental illness and it's not as simple as just eating. But people are assholes about bed. Someone told me to just put food down and go for a walk today...
That's what fucks me up so much, these girls could be the key to getting BED taken more seriously and start a conversation about how to actually fix the obesity epidemic in America but because they're so focused on "NO! I eat HEALTHY and I DON'T overeat and I'm just like this so shut up!" that they're suppressing conversation about their own ED.
@@frightmareswithfoster1111 maybe if someone famous with a huge platform like Tess Holiday were more open about it then it would take some of the negativity away and help more people
The primary reason she doesn’t meet the diagnosis for atypical anorexia is because she does not have a fear of being or becoming fat. Is it possible for someone her size to have atypical anorexia? Yes! Absolutely! But she has clearly expressed loving her body for so long.
Exactly! You are so right. She has established over and over that being fat makes her happy and she wants to support the fat community. If she was had anorexia she would be scared of being fat not happy about it.
@@Cat-mn9zh is it maybe a case of "the lady doth protest too much"? She's been very vocal about being okay, but still can be not okay. Not saying that she's actually anorexic, but her lies about being okay with her size might have snowballed, and now she needs to find a way to lose weight without alienating her fans.
That part!!! I never once said that I love my body and I really always complain about my fatness even tho people tell me I am wrong after my weight loss. I hate her hypocrisy. And when she has always claimed she is healthy but suffers an ED, she was lying to us about that all the time.
@@Raya-ir4tm That’s where you’re wrong, there’s atypical anorexia, which is a condition characterized by the paralyzing fear of weight gain, loathing their body, and restricting their food without being underweight. It’s there to stop people who are developing anorexia and help them before they end up severely underweight and hospitalized.
Thank you so much for bringing up atypical anorexia! I'm overweight and was diagnosed with this by my psychologist. Trying to recover while still overweight has been painful, especially when trying to explain it to others 😔 Having someone like Tess bring A.A. to the public's attention is just going to make the whole stigma around EDs so much worse
I feel like Tess is just one of those people that are so tiring and unpleasant to be around. I could honestly never be friends with her or people like her.
She's like that one friend who always wants to one up you with their problems For example: "i have anorexia " Tess- "this is the only thing I've eaten all day HALF a banana" She just makes it abt her. Its always just ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME
@@NoelRuut My old friends were litteraly like: 'Yeah we can talk about our problems Or the problems about our mutual friend But not about yours' That's how they treated me And when I did try to talk about my stuff They did not wanna listen to me Did not want to waste any of their energy And when I got upset about it or angry Then it was all my fault And I was to blame Like for fuck sake! I've got so used to it that I did not realise That it was all só wrong ;/ But luckily I do now! I deserve just as much dedication As I give to all my friends♡
It's physically impossible to be that size and eat the correct amount. Shit, I'm half her weight and could still stand to lose 15-20 lbs. If she's anorexic then I'm actually Abraham Lincoln back from the grave.
@@MarmaladePeaches she doesn't fit the bill because of her behaviors that are the exact opposite from those of an*rexics. Such as filming herself eating, modeling in skimpy clothing, flaunting her binges on junk food, etc. This is simply a publicity stunt imo.
I had anorexia nervosa for years but I couldn’t even admit that I have it. If I opened up to somebody and said “I don’t think you do”, I would start hesitating myself and agree that I don’t. It took starving my way to hospital to finally admit it. The way she keeps claiming she has anorexia nervosa makes me really uncomfortable.
god, THIS. it was only after half a year of stimulant abuse that had me unable to sit in one place due to nerve damage to think something is wrong, and a series of accidental events to do something about it, JUST because i never hit like, critically low numbers. hope you're recovered and well btw 🖤
Don't make your case a generality! You are doing exactly the thing you are reproaching your friend to do. Some people do reach for help really early in the diagnostic whatever there size is. Thanks God good doctors don't shut down patients like you just did!
@@somethingaboutsomeone Anorexia is a psychological disorders that sits so deep that the patient *has* to be in denial about their situation for the disorder to develop in the first place. It is a very serious disorder that takes time to develop, which is why it is so hard to catch and treat. Tess is abusing this serious condition.
I definitely was still anorexic when I got to a healthy weight. My body was at a healthy weight but I was still obsessing over food, weighing everything, weighing and measuring myself after every meal, controlling every bite that went into my and having huge meltdowns and panic attacks over food. I realised that I needed to get healthy and my family was a huge reason why, and after hospital stays and feeding tubes and a lot of dedication I managed to get my body there, but my mind was still in the exact same space it was before. It took years of therapy to get out of "eating disorder brain". So I understand that anorexia, nor any other ED, isn't a body type. But what Tess Holiday is doing is ridiculous. She's delusional and hurting other people with EDs, weighed that's overeating or undereating.
As someone who dealt with bulimia and anorexia, I can’t believe someone can get away with lying about struggling with something like this. Life with an eating disorder was so tiring and I never had a period, was always sick feeling and very depressed, and was so unhappy. This woman definitely doesn’t have anorexia
3 роки тому+49
This! I had to replace teeth because of my fight with ED. She's really hit a new low. This is very triggering to me.
YES! I agree. I would starve myself and I did sports so I would black out. I also would chew and spit out food if I ate it from middle school until about 11th grade. I would see it if she had binge eating disorder MAYBE but not anorexic at all.
As an anorexia surviver, this is so frustrating to me. The pain I caused my family. The fact I had a hard time even gaining ANY weight through my pregnancies and after. Ugh
I have so much guilt about everything that I put my parents and siblings through. I couldn’t see it then but I can now. Mental illnesses can have such a huge effect on entire families. 😔🤍
Yeah, anorexia is pretty a lifetime struggle ... it's not just a one time battle. I feel you so much, because I was pregnant three times and of the 9 months I was sooo anxious when getting on the balance ... last pregnancy I even had a terrible liver disease that could have caused my baby's death but when I eventually gave birth I couldn't help myself but saying "wow, this time I even lost weight". This disease is fucked up. Nothing to be proud or funny of .... I'm not triggered because I'm aware of all this and it's not a tabou anymore, I think it's better to speak freely of all this, so relieving. BUT, I found it so inappropriate. Anyway, thank you so much for this testimony because before this day, I thought I was the only mother that struggled with anorexia during her pregnancy. I would have prefered you never experienced that, but I feel less alone and less ashamed like "I must be a terrible person for being like this". At least mother nature is an amazing machine, our babies are healthy despite this.
It’s even more layers of infuriating because the idea that restrictive eating disorders are not exclusive to thin people (just like addictive eating disorders are not exclusive to overweight people btw) is a really complex and important discussion to have and it literally could not have found a worse messenger.
"Oh my god, I am anorexic because I've only had 5000 calories a day, instead of 10000. It is really seeerious and I want to be validaated by my ED. My ED is sooo bad I make Eugenia look like Kim K. West." Tess inside her head.
I used to struggle with anorexia in highschool. At this time I'm 5'6 and 115 lbs. I usually eat less than 1000 calories per day because My depression also does not help. Its litterally hard for me to eat more than that. I force myself to. This bch got me fucked up. I'm sorry
That day she posted about only eating half of banana she probably consumed upwards of 80,000 calories the rest of the week. She also probably didn't post about what she had for dinner which I'm sure was a massive amount of food.
@@theewildrose Right like she always says "this is the first thing I've had all day" and it's like so? You can continue to eat afterwards... and you'll probably binge because you didn't eat all day
Wait, wait. Apart of her being fat or not. Anorexia is not body positive, because anorexic person does NOT accept his/hers body. So is Tess lying now (because she is not anorexic and she loves her big body and is not afraid to gain weight) or was she lying before (declaring, that she loves her body and is 'body positive' whatever it means today)?
She's lying both times. If she could buy a topmodel figure the way she bought her hair, make-up and botox, she would do it in a second. She does not love her "big body". She loves food and money, and she doesn't love hard work. So she's making it work with what she's got. Besides that, there's also a 0.1% chance an actual licensed physician diagnosed her with anorexia. So basically, whatever Tess says is probably a lie in some way.
To be fair if you usually eat 10+ McDonald's meals that is actually a very large cut and it probably feels like starving yourself, that said i still think it's a pr stunt
I’m not a anorexia survivor but I am a bulimia survivor and to see this woman straight up lying to others about her being anorexic is disgusting. It pains me to see how someone can be that cruel to fake a eating disorder
Yeah my grandma passed I went without eating for like a week I was subsisting off of vodka and water and I dropped like 20 lbs. Now if someone actually had an eating disorder they're going for a lot longer without food their weight is going to melt off like ice cream in the Florida Sun. She's full of shit
So glad you’ve recovered! Proud of you. It isn’t easy. I am a recovered anorexic but I had deeper anxiety issues that caused it. Anyone out there struggling, it IS possible for complete recovery.❤️
Crazy intelligent ✅ Unabashedly real ✅ Extremely hilarious✅ Insanely gorgeous ✅ YOU are literality the whole package. Just found your channel. Love you already
My husband saw this story on the morning news and couldn’t wait to tell me... he was like “I bet you can’t wait until that buff woman on UA-cam makes a video about it”
When I told my husband about Tess‘ claims, he made fun of it and said, she probably really believes she starves herself when she doesn’t eat every 20 minutes. I was amused at first, but then I realized that this could actually be accurate. I do have three obese friends. And each of them has deluded themselves that they are on a crash diet after skipping only one proper meal. I don’t know anymore if Tess really believes her lies or if she lies on purpose for fame and money.
I'm not obese but I am overweight and I can deff say that even tho I eat all the time I get concerned I'm "starving myself" because I'm not eating the amount a healthy person should when really I'm just a binge eater which could be from my own mental issues with wanting to eat more or because I used to actually starve myself kinda when I was younger so I'm like, I'm eating to much I'm eating to little blah blah blah just stressing myself to the point I give up trying to do anything and just feed the earges
I want anyone who is suffering from an ED to know, please don't let this trigger you. She is doing this for attention. You are valid, you are loved, and you are incredibly strong. You can do it and you will make it out of this. If I can beat it, you can. Please don't give up on yourself. ❤
It's wonderful of you to be supportive of people who have suffered with EDs...I just found Michelle and I adore her and all the wonderful people who follow her!!!❤❤
Thank you! I was afraid to watch this but I trust Michelle after having been watching her content for over a year. It’s oddly comforting to see everyone commenting who also suffers from EDs. Thank you for your reassurance.
Thank you. Tess has really upset me, and it hasn't been good for my *actual* restrictive eating (which is *on me* yes, but gawd Tess Holliday is really upsetting *actual* anorexics)...
As someone who was classified as an extreme anorexic with a BMI of 14.3, and had been threatened to have a feeding tube inserted if I didn’t start eating, this kind of feels like when you get hit in the ankles with a shopping cart
But obese people can become anorexic qs it's a mental illness, not weight? So I don't know why you don't just criticize tess for misrepresenting it grossly.
What seems sadder to me is that Tess is a genuinely beautiful woman, (look at that gorgeous face!) and she could've made her brand about that, "Beauty at every size" not "Health at every size". But she chose to brand herself as this messiah for people with BED, becoming their Savior and enabler. As a fat woman myself, I genuinely would look up to someone who was happy with the way they looked no matter their size, but the moment they start calling themselves healthy when they're actually obese, it turns me off.
There's a phenomena in the body positivity cult that if you try to lose weight to become more healthy, you're completely dragged and insulted for being "fake" like bruh it's not healthy and slamming people for trying to be more healthy is the dumbest shit i've seen, on g.
Ayo, that's what it should be. Everyone is beautiful, not everyone is healthy. It's really delusional when someone overweight makes the case that they are healthy and fine, because anyone that's been in that position knows that is a lie and it just so painful to see them stick next to that claim. Not only that, but it's spreading misinformation and bigger people that maybe would have lost the weight now think it's ok to stay like that!
Perfect example of the "self-righteous" narcissism that's all over social media. She's using an eating disorder for online clout and validation, yet she has no idea the hell people with actual eating disorders go through daily.
@@TheVeek192 It's a lot, she makes many videos debunking nonsense and it helps people not to succumb ridiculous cancel culture mentality which actually helps people. :)
I'm a recovering anorexic, this disease has caused me so much pain and it's almost killed me several times. People like this who pretend to have it disgust me because they will never know the feeling of insane gnawing hunger after not eating for days, seeing the scale go lower and lower yet it's never low enough, passing out randomly during the day and pretending your perfectly fine. This disease ruined my health and the fact she'd say this shit about having makes me physically ill.
"I have an eating disorder" Oh, I am so glad you are finally realizing this, and now you can work to loosi... " I have anorexia!" That's, that's not, ok I give up...
My disordered teenage self would definitely be triggered in the literal sense. My body dysmorphia would just see her and hear “anorexia” and the dots it would connect would be “shes anorexic and fat, you’re anorexic and fat” even though I was clearly underweight.
THIS!!! I’ve been “recovered” for about 3 years and of course I still struggle with the control and dysmorphia and had I heard Tess spew this shit a decade ago I would be in such a spiral. She is absolute trash, seeking attention using a disorder that is essentially a long drawn out de*th for so many of us. My god, the fact that she has ‘fans’ that stand up for her... I have no faith in humanity
Okay conspiracy theory here. Tess is planning some major weight loss and reconstruction surgeries and is setting the stage for her drastic weight loss transformation. 🧐 Don't mind me and my tin foil hat
YES! I've been waiting for this. Her doing this is so offensive to people like me who have actually dealt with ANA. I truly believe she did this to justify criticizing people for commenting on her weight/health, and that's disgusting.
I jumped for joy just a little when I saw the headlines....only because I knew Michelle would take her down. I relished this video coming out with glee, Michelle is just about my favorite person on youtube. Keeps it REAL
Exactly! I immediately messaged Michelle the second the headlines dropped because I knew she'd get on it. Yes..obese people can have a subset of anorexia, but when they have it for the period of time that Tess is claiming to..they don't walk around at her weight because they've lost it consistently over the years. If she said she's just developed it I would be a LITTLE more understanding, but she's claiming that she's just NOW for the FIRST TIME in her life acknowledging her ED and fueling her body regularly..and that's simply not logical. You don't become super morbidly obese by not feeding yourself regularly. It's just literally IMPOSSIBLE. She needs to stop clinging to all of these different groups and just be in the one that she belongs to..the BED group, because I don't see anyone getting to her weight unless they have a serious binging/overeating problem. You're not really supposed to question a person's disorders, but this is a major exception for me because it's just so laughable. It'd be like me saying that I have heterochromia even though my eyes are the same color. I simply don't fit the requirements. 🤷🏻♀️
I have a neighbor who has been recovering from that disorder and this is just so insulting to everyone who actually suffers from it. Tess is disgusting.
We people with eating disorders don’t like to brag about it. We’re ashamed and embarrassed. It’s like if an alcoholic constantly posted about how much alcohol they drink. We don’t Stan for Demi or Tess. Ugh 🤦♀️
What there were few ppl on UA-cam that brag how little they eat an on show intervention they had a couple of anorexic ppl they also did that . Maybe u didn’t
As someone who deals w anorexia and has had “Ana buddies”, trust me. People do brag about it. It’s not the same alcoholism, bc alcoholism is way more stigmatized where as anorexia has been considered “trendy” in the past.
This is so stupid. Some people with EDs do talk about it, just like some people with addictions talk about it. You're just shaming people for coming forward. Bot everyone with an ED is ashamed and embarrassed because- surprise - we are all different people
I think tess wants to lose weight but knows that the body positive community would be angry if she does so now she can use this anorexia "diagnostic" to say it's the reason why she lost weight
I thought the same. She'll get burned at the stake. It's like the Kardashians. They make their money from being fake and plastic. They will go broke if they actually admit they're all surgically altered and enhanced and filtered and photoshopped 😭🤣
Actually funny enough she's claiming that the weight started coming off after recovery. This was a way for her to lose weight without being criticized for it though.... Astounding levels of narcissism.. she made a post on one of her social media accounts about how now that she's actually nourishing and feeding her body that the weight just came off magically. LMAO I swear to fucking God...
I've been diagnosed with atypical anorexia, and also have some issues with binging, and am just over the line of obese according to bmi. At my heaviest I was 235, and by starving myself, I dropped about 60 lbs in about 2-3 months. The praise from people was addictive. I knew it wasn't healthy, but it didn't matter. It worked. And people congratulated me, and told me how good I looked, and asked how I did it, and I would just say "diet and exercise" with a smile, because you can't tell people you are barely eating and are a nervous wreck. I hated food, hated eating, would find excuses to skip meals at work, and benefitted from having a schedule where no one was around to see me eat (or not eat). When I talked with doctors about my concerns about my relationship with food, it was actually ignored because I was still considered overweight. It wasn't until last year that I had a doctor take me seriously, diagnose me, and get me referred to a nutritionist who specializes in eating disorders. Now I'm in recovery and doing much better. I eat regular meals mostly and don't break down thinking about exercise and fitness. I don't think Tess has anorexia, her constant videos showing her eating don't really mesh with that mentality. She might have another eating disorder, but I don't think it's that one. If she was eating as little as she says on a regular basis, it would be apparent, and quickly. I don't like her coopting the LGBT community for her promotional benefit, like being obese is part of being LGBT or discriminated against in the same way. It's just annoying to see her excuses.
I'm happy you're getting better! When you struggle with your weight skipping meals can feel so easy, even when you know it's not healthy. I know the feeling. "Luckily" I'm Hypoglycemic, so when I don't eat I can faint, so thinking about being such an inconvenience helps me get myself to eat. You're doing so much better!
My sister was chubby all her childhood. She started anorexia in her teens and was dead of complications of anorexia at age 30. She had a huge ball shape due to liver failure . Her thigh was only 8 inches in circumference. She was 5 ft 6 inches and weighed #70 at her death. Tess doesn't have anorexia. I am greatly offended by her statements.
I used to be anorexic for years. It was never that I thought I was fat or scared of food. I also never took laxatives or tried to lose weight. The problem was that I felt completely unworthy of food because I felt unworthy of nourishment and felt that I deserved to feel hungry at all times.
Sometimes when I remember how hard was my life with anorexia, and how much people compliment me and how nobody know what was happening, I cry. Because this hurts and Tess doesn't care about none of this.
Yes I never had a bad anorexia but I just had some symptomes but I never felt happy when someone complimented me. I was always scared that people will ask me how do you do it or are you eating.
Lift heavy and love yourself 💪😤 just pick a style, school of fitness that.fits your goals. I prefer aesthetics so I do mainly bodybuilding and some powerlifting. And want to learn how to shuffle for cardio hehe.
Kiana Docherty brought up the idea of: a teenage girl with anorexia nervosa sees tess say that shes been & is in recovery from anorexia...disordered thoughts kick in & the young woman thinks to herself “this is what recovery looks like,” making her fear treatment all the more Just thought id leave that here, it stayed with me.
Thiiiiiiiis. I remember seeing a video of a woman struggling through recovery and when they showed her 2 years in, she wasn't obese but a bit overweight, like a size 12UK, and it immediately made me terrified of recovery because in refused to look like that again. I literally said I would rather die than risk gaining all the weight back.
I can’t eat king cake or cheesecake bc then I’ll cry. Eating disorders suck and aren’t something to take lightly I don’t know why people can’t grip that.
@@britney8884 yo. Fat ppl can have it and pretend to live their fat. That’s what I did when I lost 40kg then I gained again and pretended I love it but I was still struggling w anorexia
@@ninameneao2378 ya but im saying something doesn't add up. If she is struggling with anorexia and truly does hate her body and has a fear of being fat, then her entire online presence is a lie. It would also completely contradict the career she's built off of loving herself for being fat. I'm not saying fat people can't have anorexia I'm saying if she does, then some things don't add up and would actually be a lie, like her online presence.
Yeah that’s what sets me off. She literally posts pictures of herself in bikinis? And she makes money from people watching her eat? Meanwhile I would get physically hit if I ate chips or cereal… Edit to clarify I’m no longer in that situation and it was years ago, stay safe ladies
Living with an ED is different for everyone, but personally, I strongly relate to feeling imposter syndrome. Because I was never as severely anorexic as shown in pictures, though I have been below 18 BMI, I didn't feel comfortable talking about my own problems with food restriction and exercise, until I was forced to. It was only after I was getting treatment for depression and dropped more than 5 kg in a month that I was able to be honest with my psychiatrist about my current and past actions. I was literally weighing everything I ate to calorie count to ensure I was eating less than 1500 calories a day, but I still didn't "feel like" I was an anorexic. Now, I am more able to see how ridiculous that probably appears, but back then, I 100% did not believe I had a problem.
Tess takes things that are pure and turns them sour. Body positivity is about accepting yourself and loving yourself despite your appearance, including disability, gender identity, and weight. You can love yourself and know that you need to learn how to look after your body better. It’s not about loving yourself for being fat, it’s about loving yourself enough to acknowledge you need to change and learn how to. The same goes for very under weight people. The cognitive dissonance is real.
This really frustrates me….. being a former competitive figure skater, I have been very close to people with Ed. We lost girls to Ana. It is a brutal, lonely life. Ana has the highest death rate out of ANY psych issue. It kills people and destroys families. People flippantly claiming they’re Ana are insensitive.
Specifically, diabulimia is the most deadly psychiatric disorder, but anorexia causes more deaths because there are just more people who are not diabetic than people who are. I'm not in any way trying to contradict you I'm just trying to spread awareness because so few people know what diabolimia is and I have a friend who suffers from it and I just I don't know if he's going to live very long.
I've been recovered from anorexia for about 2 years now, but when Tess announced this bs my brain immediately gave me the "SEE THATS WHAT YOU LOOKED LIKE" speech. Scary shit, man.
Exactly. This is damaging af for people who actually go through those thoughts. It's like wait, I'm labeled as the same thing as her?? I must look like that, I need to not eat or purge etc.
Just discovered this channel and I love it and you!! You deserve way more of a following. Calling out her toxicity and a message of cut the crap. You're such a queen
I love this comment on so many different levels. As someone who has battled anorexia nervosa since I hit puberty, as someone who is tired of people's shit, and as someone who loves Dr. Now more than what may be an appropriate level for a television personality, and so many more. I would pay whatever price to see those two interact.
Literally when this anorexia news came out, I turned to my fiance and said.."Man..I can't wait to hear what Michelle says about this next week." I CALLED IT. lmao.
@@GameOn71213 Who is the next group that she will follow? Hispanics? Is she going to claim shes oppressed like Hispanics are? Idk man I am so so over her BS.
@@ssonjax8831 yeah i know. I just cannot believe the way she mocks Anorexia. It is such a terrible condition to live with and it really does not seem she is living terribly
I used to be anorexic and it still affects me today, I was buying pants like two weeks ago and almost started crying when I realized I wasn’t a size 0 anymore. In middle school I would gag myself so I could throw up after meals when my parents made me eat. I used to cry at dinner because the thought of getting bigger was so terrifying. That woman isn’t anorexic she’s attention seeking and I bet her next move will be to get so big she’s disabled and then start speaking for disabled people.
Update: I got copyright claimed so I had to cut out a lot of the video.... -_- but we got tons of video on our girl Tess Mama
Ugh youtube is so stupid.
This is obsession at this point….you are literally being tess
@@emygunter4572 no.
She’s a horrible person. But she’s laughin all the way to the bank. Absolutely DISGUSTING. I’ve been hospitalised twice for the REAL anorexic. She’s such a liar. But now l just laugh at her; coz l’m really over fat peoples whining. And it’s ALWAYS somebody else’s fault. 🙄👊🏾✨
Tess claiming to have anorexia reminds me of people who claim to have OCD because they like things to be tidy.
Oh my stars..yes🔥. Whenever people are just cleaning things or are neatening things up and they say something like “Oh sorry my OCD is kicking in”. It makes me mad because first of all mental illnesses don’t “kick in” they are always there and also just because someone like things to be neat or if they are perfectionists, doesn’t mean that they have OCD. Those are not the only symptoms of OCD.
Whenever ever people say that they are so OCD. I always ask them if they have been properly diagnosed by a professional doctor for OCD and the majority of the time they haven’t.
Not to say that those people don’t have OCD but the majority of the time they are just neat people and it can be infuriating because they don’t understand that OCD is a serious mental illnesses that is very difficult to live with.
I have ocd and yes its a disorder where everything has to be tidy or it will eat you up inside.
I also have to check the doors and over 3 or 4 times a night.
If my hands are not wash i fell like i want to chop them off.
i know someone like this, they’re the worst. they also claim to have sleep paralysis, get migraine tracers, have arachnophobia, trypophobia, have ADHD, is a “questioning lesbian” with 478383 guy crushes, paegan, has a tumor, which she later said she never said was a tumor, but a cafe ole, which spans her entire head and will be a tumor (it’s a birthmark the size of a cat toe), was bullied by one of our friends growing up (she was the bully), was nearly bullied into suicide (lie), had neck surgery when she fractured her collarbone (lie). she claimed to have CANCER!!! for attention! she’s also manipulative so people believe her it’s the worst
Or those who claim to have depression when they’re just sad
Tess has to understand that we don't believe she's not anorexic because of her weight, we don't believe that she's anorexic because of her behavior.
I don't believe her because of her beliefs. HAES believes any restrictions on eating is inheritely disordered. Ergo if she ever fucking dieted, to HAES believers, that is an eating disorder. So what I hear is she started dieting and exercising and took that to be " anorexic".
It’s both.
@@carinaadams6797 lol!!!!
@@carinaadams6797 facts like literally the biggest thing that points towards anorexia is the severe thinness that accompanies it. It’s not just her behaviors
You are killing me with the "I don't even eat McDonald's" "I'm eating McDonald's for breakfast" transition
I made the same edit! lol Tess makes it easy for us to call out her inconsistencies 🥴
Fr! I saw that and sent it to her on Instagram, but she already saw it I’m sure 😂😂
to be fair eating it once doesn’t negate the statement so like more clips of her eating it would make more sense but i get it
@@katherine1304 how about that it was a portion size for like 8 people? I mean sure she didn't eat Micky D 8btimes on camera. But she may as well have.
I cracked up when she just threw it in at the end one last time. 🤣
The most ironic part about tess is she acts like she's breaking the mold, when every other aspect other than her weight is basic and fits the beauty standards.
She says “f your beauty standards” then gets cosmetic surgery, does her makeup, styles her hair, paints her nails, wears in style clothes. The only thing she doesn’t do is lose weight.
Because that's the only hard thing out of those
Oh she's breaking the mold alright... wait until she gets older.
Tess looks like if Lindsay Lohan went on a Golden Corral bender instead of coke and plastic surgery.
@@mummytrolls You can do those things in a way that is not just following what you believe most people want to look like. If she went full vampire gothic to the extent that people get shouted insults at in the street for, or used surgery like the extreme body mod people do to turn herself into a cat or a parrot cos that is what she as an individual found looked artistically interesting to look at in the mirror, instead of the default "pretty female human" thing, I would believe her that she doesn't care about what she thinks most other people find appealing.
I’ve suffered with anorexia for half a decade, and seeing Tess mock my own disorder that I’ve been getting treated for years is so irritating
I feel you, I hope you're doing better nowadays
I hope it keeps getting better, you can do it!
@@hiitsjasper yes!! I’m on track to eating a lot better and finally am starting to exercise again and being able to control my urge to not eat or purge :)
Same with me..I suffered from anorexia from aged 15-22 and I literally got called fatphobic by one of my own friends because I tweeted that Tess was full of BS and being offensive to people who are actually terrified of every morsel of food. I wasn't even admitted to a clinic before my BMI was under 17..
@@InktoEcho I'm so proud of you (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
This feels like a terrible joke.
“Tess Holiday has anorexia!
Ah but she kept her appetite at least, God bless her” 🙄🙄
Fucking dead
Ok. I was legit mad till I read this. Lmfao. Thanks for the laugh.
I was waiting all week for you to do this video!!!
OMG 🤣😂🤣😂
If she has anorexia it would be wrong to hire her as a model right?
Well, now she uses makeup, botox, expensive clothes and she has anorexia, I mean... like every single model since the 60s, so she's just like everybody else.
They'll just make the stories about her recovery. Count on seeing it soon. I'm calling it
@ • Carmela Leilani •
I’m sure the comment u were replying to knew this, they were just mentioning how she is now magically just like the others. (How she is just following trends and standards unlike what she says she does) ect.
@@era157 I think it is illegal, or was temporarily illegal in Spain or Brazil (I don't want to google and see the pics) to hire models below a specific weight.
I actually read somewhere ages ago that some agencies are trying to stop hiring models that have a history with anorexia. Idk how valid that is though
Tess Holliday wasn't even diagnosed. She straight up admitted that her dietician said "I can't give you a proper diagnosis, but I think your diet sounds anorexic?" but then she turned around and started saying it was a diagnosis.
When you look it up it does say it’s usually self diagnosable. But the main thing is that anorexia is trying to maintain a below average weight which is very clearly is a little far from
@@markeyaleeactually this is untrue to a degree, there’s a diagnosis of anorexia in which patients doesn’t meet the weight requirements of being underweight, however have anorexia due to the other symptoms. It’s medically recognised as a disorder however relatively unknown.
@markeya lee you can be overweight and anorexic. It's called atypical anorexia and is actually quite common. However, you do not need to be overweight to have atypical anorexia
@@abigailxmary no, it's not "actually quite common."
She obviously doesn’t know the definition of anorexia…as someone who actually struggled with anorexia and bulimia, I have 0 respect for her. She is delusional
And all the people who are like "WeLl YoU dOn'T kNoW sHe CoUlD HaVe It11!!" Make me roll my eyes into the back of my head. This is a woman who has been on the cover of magazines, a woman who constantly shows off her body on camera and is seen eating massive amounts of food on camera she fits ZERO of the criteria for anorexia... She doesn't have a FEAR of calories or gaining weight at all. She probably just had an INEVITABLE health scare and instead of backtracking and saying that obesity is bad for you she just came up with this anorexia story to cover her own ass. That, or this is simply just another grab for attention. The people who are entertaining this story for even a second should be ashamed of themselves, because they enable toxic people like this.
@@rabiespuddings1735 , EXACTLY!! The woman has gained at least 200lbs since 2015, that is no fear of food. She has tons of pictures/videos of her eating everything and way anorexia.
She does but she's just another attention whore she just wanted people to talk about her and it worked
No shit. My cousin had severe anorexia. To the point her hair was falling out, she was clawing at her own skin on her face, arms, and legs to the point where she had to wear these glove thingy's, her fingernails became extremely brittle, her skin look like leather, she was in and out of clinics for long stints of time, and became incredibly fragile emotionally. It was a tough thing to see. I had anorexia, but nothing near that bad. I honestly hope Tess just succumbs to her obesity soon so that she'll A) realize just how f@#ked up she and her message are and B) so she'll quit this masquerade for attention. The only thing she struggles with is putting a fork down long enough to breathe.
As someone who used to be anorexic I agree, but we also need to understand that fat people can have that eating disorder because it’s not defined by one’s outward appearance
Hopefully a future episode of South Park will have Cartman join the body positivity movement then claim to be anorexic.
Good pitch😂
For some reason this feels like it's so correctly South Park that I've already seen this episode.
I think that I've seen some episode that it's similar 🤔😂
It’s definitely good follow up to the beefcake episode.
It's so weird because she DOES have an eating disorder, she DOES have a bad relationship with food... it just isn't anorexia. Food addiction and binge eating disorder are serious eating disorders too. I guess admitting that would be admitting that her whole "fat positive" thing isn't actual healthy.
That's exactly it.
Yeah, and it reinforces her desire to make it seem like everyone who watches what they eat and exercises are the real unhealthy ones...
Exactly. This announcement is unfair to both restrictive eaters and binge eaters, who ironically have incredibly similar struggles. The longer I've been in treatment and the more people I've met, the more I've realized that my food restriction and others' bingeing are both ways of weaponizing food. It's like addicts who just have different "drugs of choice."
I intentionally left out bulimia because I can't speak to that experience and have noticed an enormous variability in underlying issues and symptoms in others with it. All EDs are complicated, but IMO bulimia requires more than I can give here.
I was livid until I looked up anorexia. Apparently there is an atypical type which involves restricting and binging....HOWEVER I would imagine an anorexic would spend more time restricting than binging.
Tess's body suggests she binges more than restricting herself...if she even restricts at all
People like her who promote being unwell/unhealthy as something to be proud of are basically just digging their own miserable grave. 🙄
Bulimia is definitely different depending on the person. I suffered with it in my early teens. At first, I just wanted to be thin & found it difficult to starve myself. But, after awhile purging became a punishment to my binging. If I was "good" and starved myself I didn't have to purge but, if I wasn't then that's what I deserved. Unfortunately, for me I eventually stopped purging but continued to binge & developed a full-on binge-eating disorder / food addiction.
So, in some ways ED's are all connected. It definitely comes down to control and/or lack of control & using food to mitigate that. If she's for real.....she just needs to get therapy & get off the internet.
I’m overweight and I love your channel. I’m recovering from binge eating disorder and trying to get healthier
Hell yeah! We. Gon. Get. Healthy.
Get it, boo🙌🏻❤️ I’m seven years healthy now from anorexia and it’s 100% possible!! I hope since it’s been a year things are going amazing for you, darlin🥰
hope it's still going well!
I hope you've been doing well!
hey i know it’s been a year but i’m really curious how you’re doing rn
I’m surprised she hasn’t lost weight from the energy expenditure that it must take to cling onto any tiny bit of relevancy. Grip strength AF
If only all those mental gymnastics burned calories!
Right. Arm wrestlers are gonna get jealous. 😂😂😂
BHAHAHAHA 3rd degree burn over here
Lmao I fuck with this comment hard
She's basically saying "Don't talk about my weight or eating habits, I'm anorexic and you will trigger me"
Woman, your entire public existence is your weight and eating habits. She's just trying to avoid criticism again. People aren't saying people her size can't be anorexic, just that her behaviour doesn't track at all.
^^^its not like she's your average "influencer" who makes content, she's literally THE FACE of the body positivity movement. It's prone to come up, she just wants to live in her own world.
Too bad no one cares 😂 people are gonna make fun of her no matter what she does lmal
reminds me of amberlynn reid sans anorexia. "this is my first meal of the day" especially lol.
@@shelbyj1433 I'm counting the days until she says she has it now. Chantal too
"Talk about me but noooo don't talk about me," the Tess Holiday story.
I spent 17 years of my life anorexic. If I had been told that this is what “recovering from anorexia” looks like, I would have been horrified of recovery! This has certainly hurt more people than it has helped.
It really has and hearing people talk about how people who diet gain the weight back and then some extra weight makes it so much worse, or hearing overweight people say they don't care about their weight. Also when there's "fat and happy" and we wonder why we cant be "skinny and happy"
I completely agree with this. I've struggled with anorexia off and on, since I was 13. In my worst moments, if I had seen that this, as "recovering from anorexia", I probably would've restricted even more, despite how sick and weak I was feeling. It's hard to always say what can help someone struggling with an ED, but what helps keep me afloat personally is seeing how people who are at normal weights who also stay moderately active just are able to do more with their life than someone severely underweight and winded from just a tiny bit of physical exertion.
How can u live that ling without food or barely any calories?!!
@@nataliemoraes2033 the body is quite resilient. It tries to stay alive as long as possible. The disorder is basically the equivalent of your body eating you alive. When you don’t have enough calories, the body will start with the fat. It’ll take all the nutrients from there. Then, when the body runs out of fat, it’ll attack muscles and certain organs. Then once most of that is gone, it’ll go after vital organs- including the heart. Anything to get nutrients to the body. Eventually you run out of nutrients in your body and you die from things like kidney and heart failure.
It’s definitely not fun. I have permanent heart issues because of this. 8 years isn’t a short time. At one point I was eating less than 100 calories a day (and maybe 5-10 calories on the weekends). And I did that while still preforming day to day activities (including school). I’m honestly surprised I was never hospitalized because of it
There's some picture out there of some guy who's like 700 lbs wearing a T-shirt that says I BEAT ANOREXIA.
My mom was down to under 70 pounds after a malpractice incident. People were AWFUL to her. They called her anorexic or a junkie. The truth was that a doctor performed an illegal gastric bypass on her when she was only 115 pounds. He was supposed to just be doing exploratory surgery. He did this to over 20 people. (Yes, he's still practicing.)
There was NEVER any body positivity for her. And to this day, it angers me to no end.
Why on Earth did he do that? What were his claims?
Oh my god, reading this set me right. I'm 130 and was considering surgery to lose my tummy pooch, gastric was one.
I hope she is doing better now. Best wishes to you and your family.
@@claudiadelicato2976 I was a child still when all this happened. I would honestly have to ask my dad.
@@stephanybrown3226 unfortunately, no. Complications from this plagued her for years before, ultimately, taking her life.
I'm honestly so happy that her story got to you. I'm not saying this is something that always happens or anything like that, but there *are* predatory doctors out there. So I'm glad it could give some insight to you.
Thank you for your kind comment. I truly hope you are having a great holiday season. 💗
@@candacestamper6769hello just to say I'm really sorry for you and your mom, have hugs 🤗 🫂
This is a slap in the face for people who actually have dealt with anorexia.
I said this in another video talking about Tess whoever and this whole thing and I was berated by probably one of her supporters telling me “you don’t get to decide what anorexia looks like just because you went through something doesn’t mean everyone experiences it the same..” like huh?
@@Saturn890 Nah, you do get to decide because anorexia is not morbid obesity. Sheesh. How deluded can people be?
@@triggeredcat120 also there’s was a quote in the video about her dealing with it her whole life and um that’s not possible. Did you get reverse Lipo Tess?
I agree too. Anorexia is a cruel and vicious disorder that does not discriminate. I watched a documentary that HBO did called "Thin" and I think it may be uploaded here on UA-cam. Watching these women struggle really made me so sad and heartbreaking 💔
I don't know really anything about Tess so I should really do a bit of Google to find out her controversy.
@@Saturn890 I'm sorry that you got berated like that. I said something once about how all of Donald Trumps children have similar teeth. I got shredded. I just said they just had similar teeth, it wasn't an insult just an observation. So I feel you Saturn!!
Much luv ❤
I nearly lost my sibling to anorexia nervosa, Tess claiming to have it to save her dying "career" is disgusting. But considering who Tess is, and what she's done in the past, I'm not surprised
Sorry to hear that hun 😞 hope your sibling is ok now ❤️
sending happy thoughts 🙂🌷 I wish your family the best. I also almost lost my life to it as well. I’m grateful your sibling is here
Sending you lots of good thoughts and love for your sibling to be ok and happy again!!! I'm so sorry they had to go through that and I hope they're OK along with you!
Same here... Yea you can have atypical anorexia nervosa without being underweight. But she isn't even close to any sort of anorexia. Maybe she has binge eating disorder but definitely not anorexia
It’s literally disgusting
Skips breakfast ONE DAY “OMG I’m anorexic!”😩
Skips dinner, totally worse and SOOOO TOXIC OMG 😂
Like, girl
It's great you've skipped a meal
Let your stomack rest a bit, lol
How do you think a***xia starts? You think people are all of a suddenly very skinny.
You are all very nieve & actually really damaging.
Regardless of if you like her on not (I have no opinion on that as I barely know her), but I will say that it is totally unfair for people struggling to have to come across videos and comments like this.
@@ruxi289 You're all so cruel.
I've never seen such a large group of bullies & misinformed people coming together.
@@ebonyrose5501 It's been a couple months since her statement, but conditions don't magically appear after diagnosis. After 2+ months of barely eating, you'd be able to see the effects. Not sure what was up with me in Jan, but I lost a stone in a month due to eating issues, and on a heavier person, weight is lost more easily.
ive been suffering with anorexia since i was 13, since im male, no one batted an eye or noticed when i stopped eating, no one noticed the weight loss until i was 90 lbs at 5'8. i cant believe she wants to call herself anorexic, i wouldnt wish anorexia on my worst enemy. im now 18, just spent all of october 2023 in residential, missed halloween with my girlfriend & sisters because of my disorder.. but yeah tess....go devor a cake on camera...
It's hard, but I promise. It will get better. If you feel like God doesn't have a plan, make one yourself. You can do it. ❤
Beauty at every size: Yes
Worth at every size: Yes
Dignity at every size: Yes
*Mental* health at every size: Yes
*Physical* health at every size: I'm sorry. No.
this comment is perfect
Seen way too many depressed people due to messed up hormones caused from obesity to believe that you can have good mental health at every size
@petty crocodile Absolutely agreed! There have been cases of depression due to sheer malnourishment, hence why I too believe the same
Absolutely. 👏🏻
I would also say that mental health is very much affected by your physical health. Not being able to walk because of your size will definitely make you feel depressed
As a former anorexic who literally almost died from my disorder, this made me so angry. I’ve been waiting for you to make a video on it because I knew you would understand
I hope you’re doing well now hon💕
Hope you're OK now 💗❤
Why are you angry your not Tess. Just cause someone claim there anorexia doesn’t mock your own problem. Don’t shift issue on someone cause you don’t believe them.
I'm so sorry her toxicity reached you but please dont let people like this hinder you. I hope you are going so much better now!🙏❤ I know how you feel, not with anorexia but I did have an ED (body dysmorphic) and I feel like I do still have something wrong mentally when it comes to food & I know this. I just cant stop being obsessed with losing weight and when I dont I freak out and cry. I gained weight with my pregnancies and not being able to loose it like I used to is giving me horrible relationship not only with food but with my body. Its really hard and I truly applaud you for working hard on yourself!❤
@@Dbby888 It is though. It almost as if shes mocking those who do have anorexia. We all know she doesnt. Months ago she was promoting obesity like its something to strive for and now shes claiming that because of that she realized shes anorexic? What? ...its all very odd. Anyway, anyone is allowed to be angered by her claiming this, shes using it in the wrong sense -- there are people who actually struggle with various eating disorders.
“I should have known better than to hire a white cis gender male” 💀😩 you kill it every time Michelle 👌
So funny
I choked on my smoothie lol
😂😂😂 this absolutely sent me
She's not anti white cisgender male. She is laughing at the ridiculousness of people who are.
😁😁😁😁 Right! I spit my drink out!
I paused at 3:38 to read Tess's tweet, and she says she's "feeding [her] body regularly for the first time in her life" that pissed me off so bad. As someone who has spent their entire life (including childhood) underweight and is now dealing with real anorexia, it enrages me that someone that fat can have the audacity to claim she's never fed her body regularly in her life. Like seriously, you do not reach 300 lbs by starving yourself, it just doesn't happen, like what the actual fuck?
Yeah, it's really irritating. I'm only in my teenage years and I've had Anorexia ever since I was 11 years old (I'm 14 btw) and it is hell! People who are overweight or obese do not get there by starving, it doesn't work like that and it never has. They clearly eat unhealthy.
And one thing that people have been leaving out constantly is over exercising, when you have Anorexia you over exercise to lose weight.
So if she wasn't eating properly and over exercising, she would be at least at a normal weight, especially if she's been like this her WHOLE life, like she said.
I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. You and so many other people in this comment section are brave for opening up about something so personal. I truly wish you the best. 💖
And I agree. This person shouldn’t be using such a personal and dangerous disorder for personal gain. It’s disgusting of her to pretend to have a severe disorder when it is clear that she has never had it.
She was actually right, though. She's never fed her body regularly in her life. If she had, she wouldn't be obese.
Tess is the type to tell people “just be happy “ to people with depression
100% 😂😂
Yeah... people like her seem to be saying, " Delude yourself. It s easier than putting in the real work '
As a person who suffers from depression... i just might smack someone who tells me to be happy.
“Honey it’s just depression, just be happy, I CAN’T because oF AlL THeSe PeOPle OnLiNE consider yourself lucky”
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride.
Classic 😆😆😆 I read that in his voice
Best comment haha
Well done! 😂
I literally just re watched this 😂
My theory is that she's (inevitably) had a health scare, and after all these years of saying that fat isn't unhealthy and ostracizing people for losing weight she's had to come up with a story about why she's having to lose weight.
Which any person with a 5yr lifespan diagnostic would (besides tammy)
There’s no theory. She is clearly a narcissist.
That makes indeed a lot of sense. First anorexic ever to loose weight in recovery...
I have OCD, GAD, and don't know what else. I think it's all worthless because technically you can claim to be anorexic at her size because it's just symptoms. Not a blood test.
She's a grifter, looking for any chance to stay relevant and sell her image.
I LOVE that you addressed the fact that she has an entire campaign about not fitting into beauty standards when she check like 9/10 boxes. She is conventionally beautiful, shes just overweight
Plus I remember her pictures were edited to also fit those standards plus lip injections.
She has a very pretty face too bad her personality doesn’t match!
One of my issues with the body positivity movement, they think they're so inclusive cause they have overweight people but then the people have faces like her full of botox and fillers and even surgery and veneers
@@science3816 also, body positivity movement is just for fat people..if u are anorexic, "we don't give a shit bout u, bye"
Tbh, i might even argue that women like Tess who are obese with pretty faces actually are treated better than a lot of skinny women with ugly faces lmao
The second she came out about this, I was like “Oh, I can’t wait for Michelle to just educate everybody about this bunch of bullshit”
Of herbs and alters has a good video about it. Probably a different take since she was actually diagnosed with that ED
Saaaame!!!! I just knew one was coming out! 😂
Me too!!!
Same ❤
@@mixedviews3536 no, stop recommending her because it’s just a bunch of overweight people in the comments agreeing with her. A lot of her Ana suffering subscribers unsubbed from her after that video because she was being disrespectful. Just stop it
Same lmao
Intro was fkg hilarious 😂🤣😆
The hands holding the dogs was amazing!!
I read the comment before that happened and still laughed even though I was warned lol. The close up made it even funnier.
When she said 'I knew I should've never hired a white, cis male' I ⚰️⚰️☠️
When I was overweight with a restrictive eating disorder I lost 60lbs in 3 months then was no longer overweight. It felt awful because I was constantly congratulated on getting healthy. All this to say this is a complicated topic bc overweight people can struggle with EDs, but not Tess Holiday.
So basic weight loss.
@@magnarcreed3801 please don't call something like that "basic weight loss". losing 60 lbs in 3 months requires someone to lose at least 20 pounds per month, which is very rapid and unhealthy.
Honestly as long as they stop within the healthy bmi they are usually good. Besides you’re more than “overweight” if you got an extra 60+lbs to loose.
Now if part of that 60 was actually necessary weight then yeah, huge difference.
But if you’re that huge you can drop weight easily. Had a roommate do it, still eating a normal amount, and dropped 100+lbs. stopped at 190lbs. Just cut out all the excessive snacks.
@@magnarcreed3801The problem is the mindset that accompanies it. I have a similar story I went from a bmi of 35 to 25 in maybe six months. I hated myself and spent hours upon hours focusing on my body, weighing myself, crying, and feeling nauseous. Now I feel horrible because instead of doing it the right way it's because I hated myself and my life so much that I neglected my needs.
That’s fine. People always say “love yourself no matter what” but that’s bs. Sometimes getting angry at yourself is great motivation.
I sure as hell wouldn’t love myself if I lost myself like that but I’d sure as hell work to earn that love back.
Just make sure to pick the love up at the door to success.
And also remember progress isn’t always linear.
Keep that fight in you sister!
Plot twist: I think that Tess doesn’t believe her own lies anymore and is hugely uncomfortable and wanting to lose weight. But how can she make an effort to lose weight without being able to hide it and still keep her $$ and fan base? Oh yes, I can just create another ED so I get to keep the sympathy but can try lose weight so I can spend my huge wealth my huge body earned me, but in a skinny body. I think she’s going to have a gastric bypass and lose weight. Watch this space
I think you're on to something here
And when she continues to lose weight it’ll be because she’s ‘feeding her body regularly’
This is exactly what I think too
I agree with you. If this was only about attention, she would’ve said she had Bulimia. Patients of bulimia can appear to be of normal weight or even overweight, in contrast with those suffering with anorexia, who as part of the diagnosis have to be underweight. She’s looking for an acceptable out of the hole she herself dug.
@finleywantsskinny I too, will be screenshoting.
As someone who is "recovered" from anorexia, it doesn't just go away like she implied. She's basically telling people the cure to anorexia is to just eat. As someone who started sobbing over being given a waffle, it's not about just eating.
Yes thank you!
Agreed. There’s way more to it than not eating and telling people to just eat is definitely not the cure.
I cried over a salad.
If someone with ED tell u it get cute just eating, that’s BS, I remember too eating just a sandwich a crying my heart out in from of my family
Everyone in this thread, hope you're better now 🖤
As a person who recovered from anorexia, I feel that because of people like Tess, it is getting harder for others to take actual anorexic people seriously. I hope people understand that this eating disorder is actually quite severe.
Edit: thank you so much for your kind and educational replies
Congrats on recovering
Same. Tess is degrading the diagnosis of anorexia and making it meaningless. Anyone remember how one diagnosis that began with an "r" was turned into an insult? That's what I perceive as beginning to happen to the diagnosis of anorexia in no thanks to Tess...
Yes I agree. Anytime people say these things for clout it takes the attention away from those that need it 💔horrible selfish individuals that do these things. I pray all continues well for you 💕
You can be over weight and have the eating disorder anorexia, now that they’ve changed the criteria for the mental illness. I don’t think Tess has it but it’s important to acknowledge people with EDs that aren’t extremely thin, because when I was average weight and didn’t eat for months I almost died, but wasn’t able to be treated for an eating disorder due to my weight..
@@AzuraFallen True, I ate very little, pretty much lived off two food items, and one was calorie free and drugs/OTC meds to curb my appetite... and I purged. At 5'1, I only ever got down to 98 lbs at my lowest, which still appeared normal. Pretty thin, but not dying. But I was. My heart would freak out often from the effort of keeping me going on nothing. I couldn't think, sleep properly or stay fully conscious at times. Only the people who loved me were worried, everyone else thought I just looked good. My Dr. wasn't even worried, because I was chubby before.
As someone recovering from anorexia binge/purge subtype, here are my thoughts:
1. I can confirm that the “anorexia community” which includes other EDs as well, is definitely a thing. I am a part of it and we are quite prominent online. Let me tell you it blew up with this news about Tess
2. Tess doesn’t have anorexia binge/purge subtype either. Actually the symptoms are the same as bulimia, the only difference is that AN/BP involves more restriction of calories resulting in being underweight, while people with bulimia can be normal weight to obese. So if anything she has bulimia. However, she never said that she was purging.
3. It’s entirely possible for someone who is obese to have an EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified) that has traits of both binge eating disorder and anorexia. In fact, the two can feed into each other; that is, the restriction from anorexia leads to your brain thinking you are starving, which causes the binges to become out of control. Then you starve again to make up for the binge and it’s a vicious cycle. That is probably what happened with your anorexic client who became obese, binging is a jacked up survival mechanism. Recovery from that does mean feeding your body regularly with healthy meals like Tess mentioned. So to me this seems to be the most likely ED that Tess Holliday has. But like you said, she doesn’t want to acknowledge the binging part of her disorder because it doesn’t work with her narrative.
3. If she actually wanted to help herself and help others and inspire people with her recovery, she would talk about her struggle with BED, Bulimia or EDNOS. These disorders are actually more common than anorexia (at least in the US) , and are very much underrepresented in conversations about eating disorders. She would be able to bring more awareness to these disorders. However, she chose anorexia because it’s the one everyone knows, it has the shock value, and it was going to be controversial because she’s a plus size model.
4. It’s actually pretty harmful that the only representation for anorexia is the very thinnest. Someone like Eugenia, or even your client who was 56 pounds. It makes people like me who are only “mildly” underweight feel like i don’t really count as an anorexic, even though most anorexics fall into that category. The very very thin people are actually pretty rare because most people develop health problems before that point, and it’s even more rare for someone to maintain an extremely low weight for as long as Eugenia has. People who reach a weight that low will eventually either gain weight or pass away so she is probably not long for this world. Also the representation for EDs is almost always very thin or very fat. People who are a “normal” weight are most likely to have their EDs ignored because their weight is “healthy” and not a problem although they are dying inside. My ED was at it’s worst when i was a normal weight.
Is anorexia binge/purge subtype different than bulimia?
@@externaldriver yes, the main difference is how much a person restricts and if they are underweight
@@NekoCat999 ah. That makes sense to me as a formerly bulimic fat person. What I did definitely could not be called anorexia.
This comment is fantastic. I also suffer from an ED and I’m also “mildly underweight” so I felt the last part very strongly.
Psychiatrists refused to treat (even though I was already diagnosed!) because they said my weight wasn’t a problem YET. It made me spiral much much deeper.
Also, I was in a clinic for some months (for other mental health issues) and a woman there who was as sweet as it gets suffered from BED. It was heartbreaking every time she had a relapse. She was a complete mess when it happened.
I agree EDs can happen at any size, but this story just doesn’t make sense… and after over a decade of my own an***xia battle and seeing other people fighting other EDs… It hardly makes sense, if any.
Edit to add that yes, an***xia is the deadliest mental illness out there in numbers. But if you look at the causes of the deaths, the vaaast majority are from su***de, not related to the body weight and it shutting down. Those cases are very low. It’s extremely dangerous at ANY weight.
Thanks for your comment. I hope you’re doing better nowadays, truly.
@@MorellaReborned Why are you censoring anorexic and suicide?
My fiance asked me last night if I heard about Tess Holiday's news and I stared at him and said, "I bet Michelle's already making a video about it." 😂
You know Michelle gotta add her two cents and that's why we love her brutal sarcasm!
@@michaelfireheart8300 100% and I am always here for it 😂
Glad you were right Hahaha
Tess is the reason why people don't take folks with actually identity struggles seriously. How can she be so narcissistic and sadistic
And it's frustrating because there are actual fat people out here often very ill from atypical eating disorders and she's just like 🖕🖕🖕
@@frightmareswithfoster1111 honestly tho. It's so disrespectful
Tess is nasty inside and out .
Why do so many throw around the term narcissism like it just means someone is full of themselves? There is sooo much more to it than that.
@@JadedChameleon hm yeah you are right, I do use it in a ill informed way. Will work on that
Being anorexic doesn't always make someone extremely skinny but people like tess make it harder for people who actually suffer from anorexia to get help
Yes, but she doesn't even meet the criteria for this ED. Unless she's been lying the whole time about how she loves her body and loves eating. My sister has this ED and is very visibly underweight, and she counts her calories and becomes ill at the smell of food (she leaves the room if I'm eating) and talks often about how "obese" she is.
She doesn't even meet the criteria of the atypical diagnosis.
I think she's lying for clout, and it's sickening.
Yup. She's a real piece of work. Even at my heaviest, there's no way I'd accept her as a representation of myself. Now that she's milked Morbid Obesity dry, she's now trying to leech off of Anorexia Nervosa. I wish she would go away. She doesn't represent anyone, except maybe other narcissistic tools who crowd the lime light.
It does make you skinny though if you do it long enough. I was anorexic for 5 years and lost 75lbs (although it was maintained for many years). I lost a ton of weight the first 6 months. Has she lost significant weight over the last few months?? If not, she is not anorexic... I am sure she does worry about weight and have disordered eating because everyone does but not anorexic.
@@sjstinson0488 I had eating disorders, basically I would binge eat for a couple of months and than do the opposite: excessive sport, watch calorie intake, throw up the food and quite some of the things from the atypical anorexia list. I was miserable. And it took me years to admit my problems, because I just wasn't skinny. And when I heard about her and what she did I started crying out of frustration. There are girls out there really struggling, having probably some form of anorexia and not daring to admit it, because they are not skinny and others would never notice how much they struggle. And so into this mess of insecurity and teenage angst enters what you get when you cross a gator with a bar of butter and dash it with a pinch of egotism that calls herself Tess Holiday. And she makes it worse for them. She manages to make a shitty situation so much more terrible for struggling people and she has an army of minions who enthusiastically support her. Not giving a dog's turd about people with the ACTUAL disease. The disrespect she shows towards them is sickening.
I know this video is old, but im glad michelle brought this kind of behavior to light. My old friend was just as big as Tess, and she claimed to be anorexic. She claimed this because i was starving myself at the time due to depression and other factors. Suddenly, after i opened up about my problems with eating and the fear of food, suddenly she "understood because she was anorexic." Whilst in the same day bragging that she could eat a whole XL pizza all by herself in one sitting. It felt like a kick in the face. No, i wasnt anorexic, but it hurt me that what i considered a friend tried to one-up me. She thought it made her more "special."
please tell me you called her out.
She sounds like a wonderful person
I would say she has a binge eating disorder but she’d never admit that. It doesn’t give the same ring and affect as saying, “I have anorexia,” so she chooses to avoid that all together. As someone who suffered from anorexia in my youth, I find her antics despicable.
Definitely B.E.D.
There is such a stigma about bed and she ADDS to that stigma. bed is still a mental illness and it's not as simple as just eating. But people are assholes about bed. Someone told me to just put food down and go for a walk today...
That's what fucks me up so much, these girls could be the key to getting BED taken more seriously and start a conversation about how to actually fix the obesity epidemic in America but because they're so focused on "NO! I eat HEALTHY and I DON'T overeat and I'm just like this so shut up!" that they're suppressing conversation about their own ED.
Because she's fine with the binging addiction for some reason. She's only saying so to get more people on her side n' stuff
@@frightmareswithfoster1111 maybe if someone famous with a huge platform like Tess Holiday were more open about it then it would take some of the negativity away and help more people
The primary reason she doesn’t meet the diagnosis for atypical anorexia is because she does not have a fear of being or becoming fat. Is it possible for someone her size to have atypical anorexia? Yes! Absolutely! But she has clearly expressed loving her body for so long.
Exactly! You are so right. She has established over and over that being fat makes her happy and she wants to support the fat community. If she was had anorexia she would be scared of being fat not happy about it.
@@Cat-mn9zh is it maybe a case of "the lady doth protest too much"? She's been very vocal about being okay, but still can be not okay. Not saying that she's actually anorexic, but her lies about being okay with her size might have snowballed, and now she needs to find a way to lose weight without alienating her fans.
That part!!! I never once said that I love my body and I really always complain about my fatness even tho people tell me I am wrong after my weight loss. I hate her hypocrisy. And when she has always claimed she is healthy but suffers an ED, she was lying to us about that all the time.
@@Raya-ir4tm That’s where you’re wrong, there’s atypical anorexia, which is a condition characterized by the paralyzing fear of weight gain, loathing their body, and restricting their food without being underweight. It’s there to stop people who are developing anorexia and help them before they end up severely underweight and hospitalized.
Thank you so much for bringing up atypical anorexia! I'm overweight and was diagnosed with this by my psychologist. Trying to recover while still overweight has been painful, especially when trying to explain it to others 😔 Having someone like Tess bring A.A. to the public's attention is just going to make the whole stigma around EDs so much worse
I feel like Tess is just one of those people that are so tiring and unpleasant to be around. I could honestly never be friends with her or people like her.
She reminds me of demi Lovato for some reason, they're so annoying
She’s almost as bad as peta activists.
She's like that one friend who always wants to one up you with their problems
For example:
"i have anorexia "
Tess- "this is the only thing I've eaten all day HALF a banana"
She just makes it abt her. Its always just ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME
My old friends were litteraly like:
'Yeah we can talk about our problems
Or the problems about our mutual friend
But not about yours'
That's how they treated me
And when I did try to talk about my stuff
They did not wanna listen to me
Did not want to waste any of their energy
And when I got upset about it or angry
Then it was all my fault
And I was to blame
Like for fuck sake!
I've got so used to it that I did not realise
That it was all só wrong ;/
But luckily I do now!
I deserve just as much dedication
As I give to all my friends♡
Literally starved myself for 2 years because i was so so scared of eating. How dare she.
This woman is so refreshing after seeing and listening to all these karens all day that get offended by everything in life
I love her vids.
Yesss.. its reassuring to know that there are still A few people out there with common sense and logic .
It's physically impossible to be that size and eat the correct amount. Shit, I'm half her weight and could still stand to lose 15-20 lbs. If she's anorexic then I'm actually Abraham Lincoln back from the grave.
Someone her size could have anorexia but they wouldn't seek help unless they lose loads of weight because they're not valid
@@MarmaladePeaches she doesn't fit the bill because of her behaviors that are the exact opposite from those of an*rexics. Such as filming herself eating, modeling in skimpy clothing, flaunting her binges on junk food, etc. This is simply a publicity stunt imo.
@@sb-tb1oh I don't think they meant tess tho
If you were half her weight, i think that you could still lose like 50lbs and still have a belly ...
I had anorexia nervosa for years but I couldn’t even admit that I have it. If I opened up to somebody and said “I don’t think you do”, I would start hesitating myself and agree that I don’t. It took starving my way to hospital to finally admit it. The way she keeps claiming she has anorexia nervosa makes me really uncomfortable.
god, THIS. it was only after half a year of stimulant abuse that had me unable to sit in one place due to nerve damage to think something is wrong, and a series of accidental events to do something about it, JUST because i never hit like, critically low numbers.
hope you're recovered and well btw 🖤
Exactly! I loved when people told me I looked sick
Don't make your case a generality! You are doing exactly the thing you are reproaching your friend to do. Some people do reach for help really early in the diagnostic whatever there size is. Thanks God good doctors don't shut down patients like you just did!
@@somethingaboutsomeone Anorexia is a psychological disorders that sits so deep that the patient *has* to be in denial about their situation for the disorder to develop in the first place.
It is a very serious disorder that takes time to develop, which is why it is so hard to catch and treat.
Tess is abusing this serious condition.
I definitely was still anorexic when I got to a healthy weight. My body was at a healthy weight but I was still obsessing over food, weighing everything, weighing and measuring myself after every meal, controlling every bite that went into my and having huge meltdowns and panic attacks over food. I realised that I needed to get healthy and my family was a huge reason why, and after hospital stays and feeding tubes and a lot of dedication I managed to get my body there, but my mind was still in the exact same space it was before. It took years of therapy to get out of "eating disorder brain". So I understand that anorexia, nor any other ED, isn't a body type. But what Tess Holiday is doing is ridiculous. She's delusional and hurting other people with EDs, weighed that's overeating or undereating.
"HoW dARe YoU CalL mE HEaltHy!? I aM a FaT qUEen!!!!!" "I'm anorexic" Thanks Tess🙄
Shes giving me whiplash
☆BeSt AnOrExIc FaT qUeEn☆
As someone who dealt with bulimia and anorexia, I can’t believe someone can get away with lying about struggling with something like this. Life with an eating disorder was so tiring and I never had a period, was always sick feeling and very depressed, and was so unhappy. This woman definitely doesn’t have anorexia
This! I had to replace teeth because of my fight with ED. She's really hit a new low. This is very triggering to me.
@ hope you’re doing well now❤️
It makes me so upset too to see all these media outlets and interviewers literally take her seriously!!!!
@ I had fucking nightmares about trying to put my teeth back in 😭😭😭 I was one of the lucky ones
YES! I agree. I would starve myself and I did sports so I would black out. I also would chew and spit out food if I ate it from middle school until about 11th grade. I would see it if she had binge eating disorder MAYBE but not anorexic at all.
As an anorexia surviver, this is so frustrating to me. The pain I caused my family. The fact I had a hard time even gaining ANY weight through my pregnancies and after. Ugh
I have so much guilt about everything that I put my parents and siblings through. I couldn’t see it then but I can now. Mental illnesses can have such a huge effect on entire families. 😔🤍
@@piperjaycie this is so true 😔 but I'm proud of you and sending you love 💜
Imagine that.
I’m sorry glad your doing alright now 💕💕
Yeah, anorexia is pretty a lifetime struggle ... it's not just a one time battle.
I feel you so much, because I was pregnant three times and of the 9 months I was sooo anxious when getting on the balance ... last pregnancy I even had a terrible liver disease that could have caused my baby's death but when I eventually gave birth I couldn't help myself but saying "wow, this time I even lost weight".
This disease is fucked up. Nothing to be proud or funny of .... I'm not triggered because I'm aware of all this and it's not a tabou anymore, I think it's better to speak freely of all this, so relieving. BUT, I found it so inappropriate.
Anyway, thank you so much for this testimony because before this day, I thought I was the only mother that struggled with anorexia during her pregnancy. I would have prefered you never experienced that, but I feel less alone and less ashamed like "I must be a terrible person for being like this". At least mother nature is an amazing machine, our babies are healthy despite this.
It’s even more layers of infuriating because the idea that restrictive eating disorders are not exclusive to thin people (just like addictive eating disorders are not exclusive to overweight people btw) is a really complex and important discussion to have and it literally could not have found a worse messenger.
"Oh my god, I am anorexic because I've only had 5000 calories a day, instead of 10000. It is really seeerious and I want to be validaated by my ED. My ED is sooo bad I make Eugenia look like Kim K. West." Tess inside her head.
I don't doubt thats actually what she's thinking
I used to struggle with anorexia in highschool. At this time I'm 5'6 and 115 lbs. I usually eat less than 1000 calories per day because My depression also does not help. Its litterally hard for me to eat more than that. I force myself to. This bch got me fucked up. I'm sorry
@@ha.6215 I hope you're getting the support and help you need. x
That day she posted about only eating half of banana she probably consumed upwards of 80,000 calories the rest of the week. She also probably didn't post about what she had for dinner which I'm sure was a massive amount of food.
@@theewildrose Right like she always says "this is the first thing I've had all day" and it's like so? You can continue to eat afterwards... and you'll probably binge because you didn't eat all day
"Healthy at every size" you would never say that to someone who's a grown adult and 50 lbs, why would you say that to someone who's 500 lbs?
That’s not what health at every size means
@@HalBoswell then I'm confused cause that's how it was being used. Genuinely asking, what is it supposed to mean?
@@comedyblastYT it means when you’re naturally skinny or fat and it’s not because of eating habits
@@chrisj8244 Nobody is "naturally fat".
@@Maeddey by ‘naturally fat’ I mean having a bigger bone structure
Wait, wait. Apart of her being fat or not. Anorexia is not body positive, because anorexic person does NOT accept his/hers body. So is Tess lying now (because she is not anorexic and she loves her big body and is not afraid to gain weight) or was she lying before (declaring, that she loves her body and is 'body positive' whatever it means today)?
The answer is yes lol
Shhhhh youre trying to ask an illogical person to be logical
She's lying both times. If she could buy a topmodel figure the way she bought her hair, make-up and botox, she would do it in a second. She does not love her "big body". She loves food and money, and she doesn't love hard work. So she's making it work with what she's got.
Besides that, there's also a 0.1% chance an actual licensed physician diagnosed her with anorexia.
So basically, whatever Tess says is probably a lie in some way.
The biggest red flag is how she’s ‘body positive’ when anorexia is kinds the opposite
She skipped one meal and worked out to lose weight once and someone told her “you deserve recovery”
😂😂😂 I'm dead
Hey Tess, not eating your third McDonald’s meal as a snack isn’t anorexic
To be fair if you usually eat 10+ McDonald's meals that is actually a very large cut and it probably feels like starving yourself, that said i still think it's a pr stunt
@@bell1990 that doesn’t count as anorexia , if anything that’s binge eating
@@Bonnie-lo3zh Reality can be whatever Tess Holliday wants
Binge eating is apart of anorexia b/p subtype but yeah she’s not anorexic
I’m not a anorexia survivor but I am a bulimia survivor and to see this woman straight up lying to others about her being anorexic is disgusting. It pains me to see how someone can be that cruel to fake a eating disorder
Yeah my grandma passed I went without eating for like a week I was subsisting off of vodka and water and I dropped like 20 lbs. Now if someone actually had an eating disorder they're going for a lot longer without food their weight is going to melt off like ice cream in the Florida Sun. She's full of shit
Way to go it's so hard to be in recovery be proud! I've dealt with a ED and it was harder to deal with than dealing with my drug addiction. ❤️
@@allthetrees I’m glad you recovered! I hope you’re doing well!
So glad you’ve recovered! Proud of you. It isn’t easy. I am a recovered anorexic but I had deeper anxiety issues that caused it. Anyone out there struggling, it IS possible for complete recovery.❤️
Because she has a personality disorder more than an eating disorder and being public with it and using it to snow others is straight manipulation.
Crazy intelligent ✅
Unabashedly real ✅
Extremely hilarious✅
Insanely gorgeous ✅
YOU are literality the whole package. Just found your channel. Love you already
My husband saw this story on the morning news and couldn’t wait to tell me... he was like “I bet you can’t wait until that buff woman on UA-cam makes a video about it”
Lol, I love this!!!
on a sidenote: my friend is in recovery of anorexia and today I got her to order pizza with me for the first time in over a year. I'm proud of her.
Now I'm proud of her too! I hope she's doing well!
I'm proud of her too ! Hope she will have a good recovery !
We are all proud of her a hope she gets better soon
I’m proud of her I still can’t eat regular pizza without crying I’m also in recovery from an Ed
When I told my husband about Tess‘ claims, he made fun of it and said, she probably really believes she starves herself when she doesn’t eat every 20 minutes. I was amused at first, but then I realized that this could actually be accurate. I do have three obese friends. And each of them has deluded themselves that they are on a crash diet after skipping only one proper meal. I don’t know anymore if Tess really believes her lies or if she lies on purpose for fame and money.
I had a bigger friend like that too
Ur not really friends with ur so called obese friends I hope they stop talking to u
OMG my cousin is a bigger girl and does that, too. Where it she hasn't eaten a few hours she's"starving herself"
I'm not obese but I am overweight and I can deff say that even tho I eat all the time I get concerned I'm "starving myself" because I'm not eating the amount a healthy person should when really I'm just a binge eater which could be from my own mental issues with wanting to eat more or because I used to actually starve myself kinda when I was younger so I'm like, I'm eating to much I'm eating to little blah blah blah just stressing myself to the point I give up trying to do anything and just feed the earges
I think this is all about insuline they should check in their body.
What about lying about her weight while claiming she is ok with being overweight? She looks way heavier than the 350 pounds listed on line.
she's gained weight since that point but currently that's her official weight
I want anyone who is suffering from an ED to know, please don't let this trigger you. She is doing this for attention. You are valid, you are loved, and you are incredibly strong. You can do it and you will make it out of this. If I can beat it, you can. Please don't give up on yourself. ❤
thank you so much 🥺
Thank you ❤️
It's wonderful of you to be supportive of people who have suffered with EDs...I just found Michelle and I adore her and all the wonderful people who follow her!!!❤❤
Thank you! I was afraid to watch this but I trust Michelle after having been watching her content for over a year. It’s oddly comforting to see everyone commenting who also suffers from EDs. Thank you for your reassurance.
Thank you. Tess has really upset me, and it hasn't been good for my *actual* restrictive eating (which is *on me* yes, but gawd Tess Holliday is really upsetting *actual* anorexics)...
As someone who was classified as an extreme anorexic with a BMI of 14.3, and had been threatened to have a feeding tube inserted if I didn’t start eating, this kind of feels like when you get hit in the ankles with a shopping cart
_right I've been 83 pounds my whole life.. Tess sounds like a very horrible disgusting person_
Hope you’re doing better now. ♥️
Hope you are better and healthier now ❤️
But obese people can become anorexic qs it's a mental illness, not weight? So I don't know why you don't just criticize tess for misrepresenting it grossly.
@@derpyliciousmiku no one said you cant be obese and have anorexia but ok
What seems sadder to me is that Tess is a genuinely beautiful woman, (look at that gorgeous face!) and she could've made her brand about that, "Beauty at every size" not "Health at every size". But she chose to brand herself as this messiah for people with BED, becoming their Savior and enabler. As a fat woman myself, I genuinely would look up to someone who was happy with the way they looked no matter their size, but the moment they start calling themselves healthy when they're actually obese, it turns me off.
This is a great point thank you for sharing!
There's a phenomena in the body positivity cult that if you try to lose weight to become more healthy, you're completely dragged and insulted for being "fake" like bruh it's not healthy and slamming people for trying to be more healthy is the dumbest shit i've seen, on g.
Ayo, that's what it should be. Everyone is beautiful, not everyone is healthy. It's really delusional when someone overweight makes the case that they are healthy and fine, because anyone that's been in that position knows that is a lie and it just so painful to see them stick next to that claim. Not only that, but it's spreading misinformation and bigger people that maybe would have lost the weight now think it's ok to stay like that!
@@Apaxetic no, not everyone is beautiful, ugly people exists, and is not a crime being ugly.
Wasted potential
As someone who is actively struggling from anorexia, this is just insulting.
Perfect example of the "self-righteous" narcissism that's all over social media. She's using an eating disorder for online clout and validation, yet she has no idea the hell people with actual eating disorders go through daily.
She's not really hungry, she's "thirsty" for attention.
@@kathleensolomon9041 Good one lol! 😂
FIIIIIIINALLY, someone is bluntly calling this bullshit out. Thank you, you have done a great service to the human race :)
Really? You think that she served the "human race?" Are you serious? She made a cheeky youtube video. It's nothing.
@@TheVeek192 It's a lot, she makes many videos debunking nonsense and it helps people not to succumb ridiculous cancel culture mentality which actually helps people. :)
@@TheVeek192Go eat another lunch, you're in the wrong chanell. Go Michelle!!!❤
this feels like when megan trainor said she tried to be anorexic for a couple of hours but couldn’t
I had forgotten about this lmaoooo
WHAT? 😂😭
@@Bonnie-lo3zh A few hours??! Lmaoo
She did what?!
I'm a recovering anorexic, this disease has caused me so much pain and it's almost killed me several times. People like this who pretend to have it disgust me because they will never know the feeling of insane gnawing hunger after not eating for days, seeing the scale go lower and lower yet it's never low enough, passing out randomly during the day and pretending your perfectly fine. This disease ruined my health and the fact she'd say this shit about having makes me physically ill.
"I have an eating disorder"
Oh, I am so glad you are finally realizing this, and now you can work to loosi...
" I have anorexia!"
That's, that's not, ok I give up...
Agree 💯
My disordered teenage self would definitely be triggered in the literal sense. My body dysmorphia would just see her and hear “anorexia” and the dots it would connect would be “shes anorexic and fat, you’re anorexic and fat” even though I was clearly underweight.
I hope your okay now
THIS!!! I'm triggered now and I've been in this struggle since I was a teenager.
@@phoebejanemiller1671 same. I'm really struggling after this shit.
THIS!!! I’ve been “recovered” for about 3 years and of course I still struggle with the control and dysmorphia and had I heard Tess spew this shit a decade ago I would be in such a spiral. She is absolute trash, seeking attention using a disorder that is essentially a long drawn out de*th for so many of us. My god, the fact that she has ‘fans’ that stand up for her... I have no faith in humanity
Okay conspiracy theory here. Tess is planning some major weight loss and reconstruction surgeries and is setting the stage for her drastic weight loss transformation. 🧐
Don't mind me and my tin foil hat
She wants to loose weight but is using anorexia as a cover so she isnt attacked for it
@@Misty_Haze i don't understand why people are saying this, I thought she was claiming that she was recovering
No, I was thinking the same. She's getting a gastric bypass or something and she's setting the stage to justify her weightloss with her "anorexia".
Giiiirrrlll!!! Totally makes sense!!!!
When tess holiday says “F your beauty standards,” she means “F thin being a beauty standard but all the other ones are fine”
YES! I've been waiting for this. Her doing this is so offensive to people like me who have actually dealt with ANA. I truly believe she did this to justify criticizing people for commenting on her weight/health, and that's disgusting.
Same, that shit pissed me off so fucking much
I jumped for joy just a little when I saw the headlines....only because I knew Michelle would take her down. I relished this video coming out with glee, Michelle is just about my favorite person on youtube. Keeps it REAL
she honestly needs karma
Exactly! I immediately messaged Michelle the second the headlines dropped because I knew she'd get on it. Yes..obese people can have a subset of anorexia, but when they have it for the period of time that Tess is claiming to..they don't walk around at her weight because they've lost it consistently over the years. If she said she's just developed it I would be a LITTLE more understanding, but she's claiming that she's just NOW for the FIRST TIME in her life acknowledging her ED and fueling her body regularly..and that's simply not logical. You don't become super morbidly obese by not feeding yourself regularly. It's just literally IMPOSSIBLE. She needs to stop clinging to all of these different groups and just be in the one that she belongs to..the BED group, because I don't see anyone getting to her weight unless they have a serious binging/overeating problem. You're not really supposed to question a person's disorders, but this is a major exception for me because it's just so laughable. It'd be like me saying that I have heterochromia even though my eyes are the same color. I simply don't fit the requirements. 🤷🏻♀️
I have a neighbor who has been recovering from that disorder and this is just so insulting to everyone who actually suffers from it. Tess is disgusting.
We people with eating disorders don’t like to brag about it. We’re ashamed and embarrassed. It’s like if an alcoholic constantly posted about how much alcohol they drink. We don’t Stan for Demi or Tess. Ugh 🤦♀️
Spot on
What there were few ppl on UA-cam that brag how little they eat an on show intervention they had a couple of anorexic ppl they also did that . Maybe u didn’t
As someone who deals w anorexia and has had “Ana buddies”, trust me. People do brag about it. It’s not the same alcoholism, bc alcoholism is way more stigmatized where as anorexia has been considered “trendy” in the past.
Sending love to all of you who are struggling. It’s a hard fight but we all believe in you! 💕
This is so stupid. Some people with EDs do talk about it, just like some people with addictions talk about it. You're just shaming people for coming forward. Bot everyone with an ED is ashamed and embarrassed because- surprise - we are all different people
I love the news segment saying she's known for 'her bright red hair!' It's an effing dye job...she's known for being gargantuan, let's be honest here.
@@Raya-ir4tm Sure, but they could have said 'She's known for her plus-size activism' or something fluffy but still basically true.
Had an ED as a teen.... Being a 300lbs plus " anorexic" is not it.. Now if she said Binge Eating Disorder, i would believe that.
I think tess wants to lose weight but knows that the body positive community would be angry if she does so now she can use this anorexia "diagnostic" to say it's the reason why she lost weight
I actually never taught about this... Anyways we'll see
My thoughts exactly! Just admit that being obese is killing you. Ugh!
I thought the same. She'll get burned at the stake. It's like the Kardashians. They make their money from being fake and plastic. They will go broke if they actually admit they're all surgically altered and enhanced and filtered and photoshopped 😭🤣
Just wait till she pulls a rebel Wilson or an Adele.
Actually funny enough she's claiming that the weight started coming off after recovery. This was a way for her to lose weight without being criticized for it though.... Astounding levels of narcissism.. she made a post on one of her social media accounts about how now that she's actually nourishing and feeding her body that the weight just came off magically. LMAO I swear to fucking God...
I've been diagnosed with atypical anorexia, and also have some issues with binging, and am just over the line of obese according to bmi. At my heaviest I was 235, and by starving myself, I dropped about 60 lbs in about 2-3 months. The praise from people was addictive. I knew it wasn't healthy, but it didn't matter. It worked. And people congratulated me, and told me how good I looked, and asked how I did it, and I would just say "diet and exercise" with a smile, because you can't tell people you are barely eating and are a nervous wreck. I hated food, hated eating, would find excuses to skip meals at work, and benefitted from having a schedule where no one was around to see me eat (or not eat). When I talked with doctors about my concerns about my relationship with food, it was actually ignored because I was still considered overweight. It wasn't until last year that I had a doctor take me seriously, diagnose me, and get me referred to a nutritionist who specializes in eating disorders. Now I'm in recovery and doing much better. I eat regular meals mostly and don't break down thinking about exercise and fitness. I don't think Tess has anorexia, her constant videos showing her eating don't really mesh with that mentality. She might have another eating disorder, but I don't think it's that one. If she was eating as little as she says on a regular basis, it would be apparent, and quickly. I don't like her coopting the LGBT community for her promotional benefit, like being obese is part of being LGBT or discriminated against in the same way. It's just annoying to see her excuses.
I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. Stay strong, take care ❤
I'm happy you're getting better! When you struggle with your weight skipping meals can feel so easy, even when you know it's not healthy. I know the feeling. "Luckily" I'm Hypoglycemic, so when I don't eat I can faint, so thinking about being such an inconvenience helps me get myself to eat. You're doing so much better!
I'm so sorry you had to go through that best of luck!
All the best to you
omg i wish you all the best and i really believe in you, have a great life🤍
My sister was chubby all her childhood. She started anorexia in her teens and was dead of complications of anorexia at age 30. She had a huge ball shape due to liver failure . Her thigh was only 8 inches in circumference. She was 5 ft 6 inches and weighed #70 at her death. Tess doesn't have anorexia. I am greatly offended by her statements.
Im sorry for your loss
Sorry for your loss. I as well having known people that had anorexia. Tess disgusts me.
I'm sorry for your loss. This whole situation is probably a huge trigger :(
So sorry for your family's loss, so heartbreaking.
I'm so sorry...
I used to be anorexic for years. It was never that I thought I was fat or scared of food. I also never took laxatives or tried to lose weight. The problem was that I felt completely unworthy of food because I felt unworthy of nourishment and felt that I deserved to feel hungry at all times.
Puh, that sucks. So you mainly had the depression part. Hope you are better now.
Sometimes when I remember how hard was my life with anorexia, and how much people compliment me and how nobody know what was happening, I cry. Because this hurts and Tess doesn't care about none of this.
Yes I never had a bad anorexia but I just had some symptomes but I never felt happy when someone complimented me. I was always scared that people will ask me how do you do it or are you eating.
It’s sad but she really doesn’t care because all this vile crap she’s spewing makes her money
Lift heavy and love yourself 💪😤 just pick a style, school of fitness that.fits your goals. I prefer aesthetics so I do mainly bodybuilding and some powerlifting. And want to learn how to shuffle for cardio hehe.
It's like she had a school presentation (acting like she has anorexia) but forgot to do her homework about the illness and now she's just winging it.
Kiana Docherty brought up the idea of:
a teenage girl with anorexia nervosa sees tess say that shes been & is in recovery from anorexia...disordered thoughts kick in & the young woman thinks to herself “this is what recovery looks like,” making her fear treatment all the more
Just thought id leave that here, it stayed with me.
Wow. That's really fucked up. This woman shouldn't be considered a role model.
Loved her video - and she is speaking from personal experience, having been obese herself.
Thiiiiiiiis. I remember seeing a video of a woman struggling through recovery and when they showed her 2 years in, she wasn't obese but a bit overweight, like a size 12UK, and it immediately made me terrified of recovery because in refused to look like that again. I literally said I would rather die than risk gaining all the weight back.
@@painoftheheart12 A size 12 is overweight?
@@iaminconstantpain9524 I believe a size 12 in the UK is different than it is in America. (That is, if you’re American.)
“I’m questionening everything because I treat everyone equally” THISSS
Me, an anorexic: Scared of bread
Tess, a liar: Pizza, cake, McDonald's ❤️
You can make it out keep holding on and fuck this dictator who keeps hijacking people in this world who actually suffer
this is so trueee, and she even films herself eating, it's so frustrating
I can’t eat king cake or cheesecake bc then I’ll cry. Eating disorders suck and aren’t something to take lightly I don’t know why people can’t grip that.
As a side note, I like your profile picture
@Dr Leslie McDreamy Me too, babe. Let's fight this together
The 14 dislikes are from all of Tess' working brain cells.
Thats an overestimation of her working brain cells
she has that many working brain cells ??
Well that's 13 1/2 more than I thought she had!!
Best comment.
Me, a diagnosed anorexic: having imposter syndrome 24/7
Tess, a liar: eats mcdonalds and openly displays her body and is proud of being obese
that's what im saying if a key feature of anorexia is a fear of fat, and Tess is proud of having so much fat, how does it add up?
@@britney8884 yo. Fat ppl can have it and pretend to live their fat. That’s what I did when I lost 40kg then I gained again and pretended I love it but I was still struggling w anorexia
@@ninameneao2378 ya but im saying something doesn't add up. If she is struggling with anorexia and truly does hate her body and has a fear of being fat, then her entire online presence is a lie. It would also completely contradict the career she's built off of loving herself for being fat. I'm not saying fat people can't have anorexia I'm saying if she does, then some things don't add up and would actually be a lie, like her online presence.
Yeah that’s what sets me off. She literally posts pictures of herself in bikinis? And she makes money from people watching her eat? Meanwhile I would get physically hit if I ate chips or cereal…
Edit to clarify I’m no longer in that situation and it was years ago, stay safe ladies
Living with an ED is different for everyone, but personally, I strongly relate to feeling imposter syndrome. Because I was never as severely anorexic as shown in pictures, though I have been below 18 BMI, I didn't feel comfortable talking about my own problems with food restriction and exercise, until I was forced to. It was only after I was getting treatment for depression and dropped more than 5 kg in a month that I was able to be honest with my psychiatrist about my current and past actions. I was literally weighing everything I ate to calorie count to ensure I was eating less than 1500 calories a day, but I still didn't "feel like" I was an anorexic. Now, I am more able to see how ridiculous that probably appears, but back then, I 100% did not believe I had a problem.
Tess takes things that are pure and turns them sour.
Body positivity is about accepting yourself and loving yourself despite your appearance, including disability, gender identity, and weight. You can love yourself and know that you need to learn how to look after your body better. It’s not about loving yourself for being fat, it’s about loving yourself enough to acknowledge you need to change and learn how to. The same goes for very under weight people. The cognitive dissonance is real.
Irony that "obesity" doesn't trigger demonetizing but "anorexia" does. 🙄🙄
This really frustrates me….. being a former competitive figure skater, I have been very close to people with Ed. We lost girls to Ana. It is a brutal, lonely life. Ana has the highest death rate out of ANY psych issue. It kills people and destroys families. People flippantly claiming they’re Ana are insensitive.
i’m anorexic and reading this just made me want to starve until i die so i can be a good anorexic for u
Specifically, diabulimia is the most deadly psychiatric disorder, but anorexia causes more deaths because there are just more people who are not diabetic than people who are. I'm not in any way trying to contradict you I'm just trying to spread awareness because so few people know what diabolimia is and I have a friend who suffers from it and I just I don't know if he's going to live very long.
I've been recovered from anorexia for about 2 years now, but when Tess announced this bs my brain immediately gave me the "SEE THATS WHAT YOU LOOKED LIKE" speech. Scary shit, man.
Exactly. This is damaging af for people who actually go through those thoughts. It's like wait, I'm labeled as the same thing as her?? I must look like that, I need to not eat or purge etc.
Just discovered this channel and I love it and you!! You deserve way more of a following. Calling out her toxicity and a message of cut the crap. You're such a queen
"Do You Look Like You Are Malnourished?"- Dr Nowzaradan
I wish These two would meet that would be legendary
I love this comment on so many different levels. As someone who has battled anorexia nervosa since I hit puberty, as someone who is tired of people's shit, and as someone who loves Dr. Now more than what may be an appropriate level for a television personality, and so many more.
I would pay whatever price to see those two interact.
Love him!
@Buttered Toast I was so ready to fight this comment at first until I read the whole thing 😭
Literally when this anorexia news came out, I turned to my fiance and said.."Man..I can't wait to hear what Michelle says about this next week." I CALLED IT. lmao.
What the hell is going on with this woman??? How a person can be this desperate to be oppressed 🙄🙄
OMG this is very true. Why does she want to be oppressed? Does she get like a "high" off of doing this?
Lol she wants to be part of the LGBTQ community, the ED community, if I didn't know any better next she's gonna come out as a woman of Color
@@melissac.5595 bc most of her content is a pity party and ad posts about how proud of herself she is
@@GameOn71213 Who is the next group that she will follow? Hispanics? Is she going to claim shes oppressed like Hispanics are? Idk man I am so so over her BS.
@@ssonjax8831 yeah i know. I just cannot believe the way she mocks Anorexia. It is such a terrible condition to live with and it really does not seem she is living terribly
I used to be anorexic and it still affects me today, I was buying pants like two weeks ago and almost started crying when I realized I wasn’t a size 0 anymore. In middle school I would gag myself so I could throw up after meals when my parents made me eat. I used to cry at dinner because the thought of getting bigger was so terrifying. That woman isn’t anorexic she’s attention seeking and I bet her next move will be to get so big she’s disabled and then start speaking for disabled people.