Here is another version of this song with the symphonic orchestra of the Slovenian National Radio Television Broadcasting public institution (RTV Slovenija):
@@mateuszkowalski4066 She didn't. It was a show for the release of the music video in RTV SLO - TV SLO 1 and then in the Eurovision Song Contest official channel in UA-cam
Raiven is pure art 👏👏 👏. She gives me goosebumps every time she performs this song on stage. I'm so glad she will finally participate in Eurovision.
To je bil top nastop na šovu. Dejansko sta izboljšala res solidno pesem, ki bi takrat morala zmagat. It wasn't even a competition!
Vrhunski glas ima! 🏆
She will shine even in Malmö 😍
Senhores# vamos a votar# Raiven# Eslovenia! Postei!
Amazing voice, noro dobr komad....go Raiven
Here is another version of this song with the symphonic orchestra of the Slovenian National Radio Television Broadcasting public institution (RTV Slovenija):
Weird she didn't sing "Crno bel" too...
Did she sing veronika?
Yes, she is the singer of the Veronika song, that will be featured on Eurovision 2024.
@@malibumbar96 i meant, did she sing veronika live on misija malmo
@@mateuszkowalski4066 She didn't. It was a show for the release of the music video in RTV SLO - TV SLO 1 and then in the Eurovision Song Contest official channel in UA-cam
Uh 100x boljši zvok kot na Emi
Napreduje, ampak mal ji vseen še zmeri manjka. Grimase med petjem kažejo, da se preveč napenja.
@@Xgenerati si pevec ?😂