Nice. Let's see if I can tell all the memes here... 0:03 Thornification meme for all operators 0:06 OD-8/OD-EX-8 Map Saga Spam 0:09 Tomimi Rocket Launcher during The Great Chief Returns. 0:12 Emperor's Blade on current event on Global. Forcefully retreats operators on black cloud 0:15 Junkyard Skill Crew? 0:19 Zumama / Eunectes' mechanophilia(?) for Lancet-2. Can't blame her. Set Lancet-2 as assistant for months now. Also Cardigan petting Thrm-X. 0:22 Crown Slayer Bullying V2 0:25 Mansfield Break event boss bug that lets him moonwalk to infinity by pushing him at the right frames. Ambriel showing the True GLOBAL range. 0:27 Conviction OPM meme with buff team. 0:29 Flagbearer Vanguards VS Merchant Specialists ft. high cost executor Operators 0:33 Light memes? Liskarm with her electricity, Nearl the 'Radiant Light' and Miss Suzuran ' is OUR LIGHT' 0:37 Ceylon Usage on Annihilation 5 map 0:41 Civilian Rescue and Mega Drone on Annihilation 6 Map 0:46 Lava to Purgatory Upgrade (Real cute btw) 0:49 Scene's robots revealing Stalker operators and Firewatch. Sad no Heavyrain here. 0:52 Operator vehicle usage on RIIC 0:55 Dreaded CC#3 with those damn Sarkaz Flagbearers lol.
THIS is how you use the in-game models for original videos without making it look cringey. I don't mind the long schedule if it means seeing more masterpieces like this.
Great attention to detail that Specter's eyes glowed red instead of panic, also aside from EB 1 shotting everyone globally, I feel like having the operators be the Ursus students reference the Ursus event...
I like just how much details you use to portray gameplay mechanics and memes . Like Blaze surviving the artillery because of her defibrillator and Specter being unharmed by the Sarkaz casters. Invisibility/camouflage operators being revealed by Scene's camera bot. Saga + Warfarin sp on kill. Conviction epic buff army. Ambriel snipes Michael Jackson. Emperor's Weeb uses his Thanos snap. On the other side, you also portray and make memes and jokes not related to gameplay mechanics at all. Thornification, Tomimi's rocket launcher, "productive" gang, Eunecte's "sisterly" love for Lancet 2, different "levels" of light operators, arknights racing. And all of it is so gorgeously animated.
IM speed 0:02 : you thought it was Various operators 0:03 : But it was me "THORN" 0:09 : Tomini E3 be like 0:14 : IM about to commit warcrime on EB after this at WD8 0:22 : Bullying the bosses 0:27 : Conviction ONEPUNNNNNNCCHHHHHHHHHH 0:28 : Printing DP... 0:30 : Printing DP but Faster... 0:31 : "YOU KILLING US HERE DOC!" 0:33 : what a nice battery charger 0:34 : woaaaaah Radiant Knight light 0:35 : Suzuran our Light...."MY EYEEEEEEEEEES" 0:39 : Ceylon playing water with help of our FastestSquirellintheworld 0:41 : everyone : "Not so fast!" 0:43 : Tactical Nuke incoming* 0:45 : Just Lava being Chunibyou 0:49 : Just scene doing Papparazi to the Stealth ops 0:51 : Acidrop : Skateboarding is nice Amiya : Scooter is better Croissant : Excuse me coming through ByeSon : HOUGHHHHHHH SEEEEGGGGGGGSSS HUAAAAAAAAA SEGGGGGGGGSSSSS OREWA SEGGUSU WO SURUNJANE OREWA OREJINSHI SHINNO SEGGGUSU NINARUNDA SEGGGGGSSSS SEGGGGGGS! 0:55 : Just some water animal doing some clean up with Sarkaz* Meanwhile Skadi (0:57) : "I wonder what happen when i poke this guy" 0:58 : "To be Continued"
Okay, let's see what we got here. gonna explain stuff since I'm bored and maybe, JUST maybe if there's someone who did'nt know the reference (yeah I know majority of you already know it) 0:02 Thornification meme 0:04 Saga solo against those mf small pieces of shit I forgot what's it called 0:09 The Intro for Gavial the Great Chief Event. Tomimi really shot Rhodes Island V-22 with RPG 0:13 Emperor Blade Dominion, no need for explanation I guess 0:16 Vulcan, Ceobe and Vermeil Base skill are specialized for Gold, not EXP 0:19 "Doctor, why was my application to room with Lancet-2 rejected? Because she's a robot? You're mistaken. The two of us are sisters now. She's my big sister, and I'm her little sister." - Eunectes. bruh 0:20 "Is that you, Cardigan? Hey, don't touch the equipment!" -Steward 0:22 SkullShatterer Bulli 0:24 pushed with Angelina S3 -1 weight + S2 Nightmare. Damn, not gonna end well for her 0:25 Warden moonwalk glitch. dude can get out of the map and the only way to kill him is with Ambrield S2 0:27 Conviction with the Buff Squad VS Mephisto 0:30 the Flag Bearer duo (idk the proper explanation in this scene besides that the Merchant Archetype Specialist draining all the DP) 0:33 Liskarm Arts 0:34 Nearl Arts "She is known to radiate light when she uses her Arts. Through her power, Nearl can heal allies and inspire them to keep battling." 0:35 SUZURAN IS OUR LIGHT 0:37 Ceylon talent is increase healing in stage with water tiles (pls buff her HG) 0:41 I hate those hostage 0:43 I EVEN HATE THAT DRONE (Blaze is melee, Rosmontis can't attack drone due to her traits, Provence only attack the enemy with 80% health below with her skill) 0:47 Lava Purgatory "Hey, what's the big idea? Who let you come in without knock-Oh, it's you, Doctor. Why am I wearing this? Well... I'm hitting the training grounds to test my limits once more. Wanna come watch, Doctor?" 0:49 Scene S2 reveal all hidden enemy... and her teammates too in this case 0:51 Aciddrip "This skateboard here is a piece of registered equipment, yeah. If you have any problems, just give me a holler." 0:52 Amiya 2nd test skin series 0:54 Croissant Summer Skin from Gavial the Great Chief Event 0:55 In Code of Brawl, Bison really chase the Penguin Logistic who left him with a freaking bicycle. never skip a leg huh? 0:56 Just another day in Rhodes Island mission, nothing bad happens. hopefully, no one pokes a Sarkaz Sentinel while we are at it... 0:57 fuu... 1:01 Specter S2 save her. nice
0:03 女装ソーンズ…海外で流行っている女性オペレーターの肌を褐色にして顔をソーンズと入れ替えるコラ。
0:05 OD-8,OD-EX-8 少数編成…この2人で後半のラッシュを含めクリアできる。
0:09 トミミとロケットランチャー…「帰還!密林の長」の開幕でドクターとガヴィル達が乗っている航空機を撃墜した。
0:12 国土によって消されるウルサス学生団…国土(黒いモヤ)の中にいるオペレーターは確定死してしまう。なお発動者である皇帝の利刃の役職は"ウルサス帝国"の皇帝近衛兵である。
0:15 ヴァルカン・ケオベ・ヴァーミルの純金製造組…この3人を組み合わせることで効率が最大90%となり、体力消費も同じであるため管理が楽。
0:19 ユーネクテス×Lancet-2とカーディ×THRM-EX…喋って可愛い医療用UGVに興味をもって勝手に姉妹と思っているユーネクテス(ユーネクテスはLancet-2が発電所にいると製造効率が上がる)と、イケボ(cv:緑川光)と共に爆発する自爆ロボと触れた機材を破壊するカーディを止めようとするスチュアート(スチュアートの基地配属ボイス参照)
0:22 みんな大好き(オモチャ)クラウンスレイヤー vol.2
0:24 MB-8ボス ジェッセルトン・ウィリアムズの吹っ飛ばしバグ…条件を満たした状態で押し飛ばすことで壁や高台を突き抜け無限に吹っ飛んでいくバグ。第2形態になってからはアンブリエルのみが攻撃可能。
0:27 バフを重ねた"断罪"…バフを盛りに盛ったコンビクションのS1"断罪"もといガチャ。メフィスト(守備力300 体力28000)に対して28149ダメージを与える動画がbilibiliにある。
0:29 旗持ち先鋒とコスト喰らいの皆さん…旗持ち先鋒のエリジウムとテンニンカによる圧倒的コスト回収組と配置中コストを消費するウユウとジェイ。さらに再配置を頻繁にしてコストを消費する高速再配置の皆さん。
0:33 ロドスの光 3段活用… - スズランは我らの光であり - (最後フランカは顔を覆っているが、サングラスを掛けているアッシュは手振りをしている。)
0:37 水浸しで喜ぶセイロン様…セイロンの素質は水地形で攻撃力が上がるのだが、未だにグローバル版ではイベント「青く燃ゆる心」以外で水地形は実装されていない。ところでショウの足元にある矢について何か知ってますかシュヴァルツさん。
0:42 逃げるウルサス民間人とそれを狙う帝国砲撃指揮機…ウルサス民間人は生存させる必要があるため守ってあげないといけないが、帝国砲撃指揮機は高火力の範囲攻撃を行うため戦線が崩壊しやすい。またロスモンティスとプロヴァンスは狙撃であるが対空攻撃ができない&ド下手なので攻撃を許してダウンしている。ただブレイズは回復&不死身の素質があるため耐えている。
0:46 お気に入りの衣装を着てポーズをとるラヴァ…本人は濁しているも洪炉示歳(エンシェントフォージ)の舞台衣装を大変気に入っている模様。なおその衣装を受け取ったあと自室で色々なポーズをキメている姿をニェンに目撃されている。(画中人 WR-ST-1参照)
0:49 シーンお嬢様とレンズによって看破されるステルス組…シーンの素質によりレンズの付近のステルスを看破することができる
0:52 ロドス乗り物組…バイソン君×自転車のコーデ等はないが、イベント「喧騒の掟」でペンギン急便の皆に置いていかれたバイソン君は自転車で追いかけることを余儀なくされた。(喧騒の掟 CB-4 7 : 59 .P.M. 参照)
0:55 待機状態のサルカズ呪術師を叩き起すスカジ…アクナイ屈指の強さを誇るサルカズ呪術師だが臨戦態勢にならないと攻撃をしてこない。臨戦態勢にするには攻撃をする、そしてスカジが攻撃したサルカズ歩哨にダメージを与える必要がある。スカジ曰く「チーム戦はわりと得意」らしい。
1:01 戦場に立ち続けるアビサルの2人…スペクターはS2の不死身、スカジは自前の耐久と火力でサルカズ呪術師のラッシュを当たり前のように捌いている。
0:52 ※イベント「喧騒の掟」ではチャリに乗ってマフィアの追手(車中)から逃げるバイソンくんが目撃されておりそれが直接的な元ネタと思われる
@@unana_sishennights_main ご教示ありがとうございます!確認&修正させていただきました!
DAIRIN has come again to bestow us with his mad editing skills
Nice. Let's see if I can tell all the memes here...
0:03 Thornification meme for all operators
0:06 OD-8/OD-EX-8 Map Saga Spam
0:09 Tomimi Rocket Launcher during The Great Chief Returns.
0:12 Emperor's Blade on current event on Global. Forcefully retreats operators on black cloud
0:15 Junkyard Skill Crew?
0:19 Zumama / Eunectes' mechanophilia(?) for Lancet-2. Can't blame her. Set Lancet-2 as assistant for months now. Also Cardigan petting Thrm-X.
0:22 Crown Slayer Bullying V2
0:25 Mansfield Break event boss bug that lets him moonwalk to infinity by pushing him at the right frames. Ambriel showing the True GLOBAL range.
0:27 Conviction OPM meme with buff team.
0:29 Flagbearer Vanguards VS Merchant Specialists ft. high cost executor Operators
0:33 Light memes? Liskarm with her electricity, Nearl the 'Radiant Light' and Miss Suzuran ' is OUR LIGHT'
0:37 Ceylon Usage on Annihilation 5 map
0:41 Civilian Rescue and Mega Drone on Annihilation 6 Map
0:46 Lava to Purgatory Upgrade (Real cute btw)
0:49 Scene's robots revealing Stalker operators and Firewatch. Sad no Heavyrain here.
0:52 Operator vehicle usage on RIIC
0:55 Dreaded CC#3 with those damn Sarkaz Flagbearers lol.
Yep you got them all.
1:00 Specter surviving an entire wave was truly accurate
@@BlackBaron1945 She's the only one not afraid cuz she can't die lol.
0:54 Bison super speed bicycle in Code of Brawl
0:49 April and Heavyrain are using Camouflage so it doesn't count as Invisible
He just make another masterpiece with his edit skill
We have been blessed with another masterpiece
神 ソーンズコラが本物にw
性格とかが綺麗に出てますし、音ハメなども好きです 最高
The emperor blade part is so painfully relatable right now
THIS is how you use the in-game models for original videos without making it look cringey.
I don't mind the long schedule if it means seeing more masterpieces like this.
0:45 Lava without mask can't be that cute :3
What a meme-tastic video! Your animations never fail to make me smile
Thats Pun-ny of you to comment that :)
Great attention to detail that Specter's eyes glowed red instead of panic, also aside from EB 1 shotting everyone globally, I feel like having the operators be the Ursus students reference the Ursus event...
It really puts a smile on my face everytime this channel uploads
I can't believe it's even more jam-packed with references than the first one! Absolutely stellar stellar job on this one!!!
Production quality is so high even compared to HG themselves. This is just all-around outstanding! GO DAIRIN
When the world has needed him the most, the great one has RETURNED!
0:35 我らの光!
I like just how much details you use to portray gameplay mechanics and memes . Like Blaze surviving the artillery because of her defibrillator and Specter being unharmed by the Sarkaz casters. Invisibility/camouflage operators being revealed by Scene's camera bot. Saga + Warfarin sp on kill. Conviction epic buff army. Ambriel snipes Michael Jackson. Emperor's Weeb uses his Thanos snap.
On the other side, you also portray and make memes and jokes not related to gameplay mechanics at all. Thornification, Tomimi's rocket launcher, "productive" gang, Eunecte's "sisterly" love for Lancet 2, different "levels" of light operators, arknights racing.
And all of it is so gorgeously animated.
wow this is by far one of the best Arknights video! It got all the inside jokes and stuff that makes the game special
Skadi At The End With Her Empty Brain Moment 😂
You make god tier clean work holy moly you're a beast!
Gotta love how he makes everything to the beat, it makes it so clean and nice!
Thank u for anotha great video to watch time and time again~
Awesome use of the chibis! This is edited incredibly well.
The Emperors blade seeing the newer generation: I'm going to pretend I never saw that.
dairin come, made masterpiece, left for another 4 months. absolute chad
nice to see thorns, thorns, thorns, thorns, and even thorns getting representation
There id a LOT of inside Joke here and i am loving it, Keep up the good work
I loved this. The music, editing and Bison pedaling for dear life on his bicycle lol.
[0:11] this gives me ptsd everytime i see this.
Pursuer technically is probably one of the oldest Royal Guards out there.
Bison running in the 90s with a his bike make my day.
IM speed
0:02 : you thought it was Various operators
0:03 : But it was me "THORN"
0:09 : Tomini E3 be like
0:14 : IM about to commit warcrime on EB after this at WD8
0:22 : Bullying the bosses
0:28 : Printing DP...
0:30 : Printing DP but Faster...
0:33 : what a nice battery charger
0:34 : woaaaaah Radiant Knight light
0:35 : Suzuran our Light...."MY EYEEEEEEEEEES"
0:39 : Ceylon playing water with help of our FastestSquirellintheworld
0:41 : everyone : "Not so fast!"
0:43 : Tactical Nuke incoming*
0:45 : Just Lava being Chunibyou
0:49 : Just scene doing Papparazi to the Stealth ops
0:51 :
Acidrop : Skateboarding is nice
Amiya : Scooter is better
Croissant : Excuse me coming through
0:55 : Just some water animal doing some clean up with Sarkaz*
Meanwhile Skadi (0:57) :
"I wonder what happen when i poke this guy"
0:58 : "To be Continued"
As always these are amazing. So many good jokes and references to the story in a single minute
Wah, such an underrated channel and content, also great video man, keep your work
That ending awakened my CC#3 PTSD
Man how good can you get with those editing skills. Every video is always worth the wait whenever it’s GFL or Arknights.
Extremely good work here. The HD textures and animation skills is something to be jealous about. Keep it up with this amazing content 💜
Beautiful Thornification! Awesome video as always!
Bison and his EX riding skill with his bicycle xD
Omg, it got a second part😍 And again it‘s amazing.
I already loved the first part so badly and was hoping for more parts
Great work ^^
When we needed the most, DAIRIN will be here.
This is amazing! Glad to see you back!
>leave for a few months
>drop an absolute fucking banger
>leave again
don't change
Damn Dairin upload, arknuts eatin' good today fellas
So glad that you are back
That Mansfield prison boss shuffle is just *chef's kiss*
I admire that you put on the legendary thorns edit meme, my respect to you man
いろいろネタが入ってて面白かったけど照れるラヴァが可愛すぎた( * ॑꒳ ॑*)
the legend has come back
that was really well made!
Yoo let's gooo new video from DAIRIN
the amount of times i re-watched this is un healthy but i still dont wanna stop
Okay, let's see what we got here. gonna explain stuff since I'm bored and maybe, JUST maybe if there's someone who did'nt know the reference (yeah I know majority of you already know it)
0:02 Thornification meme
0:04 Saga solo against those mf small pieces of shit I forgot what's it called
0:09 The Intro for Gavial the Great Chief Event. Tomimi really shot Rhodes Island V-22 with RPG
0:13 Emperor Blade Dominion, no need for explanation I guess
0:16 Vulcan, Ceobe and Vermeil Base skill are specialized for Gold, not EXP
0:19 "Doctor, why was my application to room with Lancet-2 rejected? Because she's a robot? You're mistaken. The two of us are sisters now. She's my big sister, and I'm her little sister." - Eunectes. bruh
0:20 "Is that you, Cardigan? Hey, don't touch the equipment!" -Steward
0:22 SkullShatterer Bulli
0:24 pushed with Angelina S3 -1 weight + S2 Nightmare. Damn, not gonna end well for her
0:25 Warden moonwalk glitch. dude can get out of the map and the only way to kill him is with Ambrield S2
0:27 Conviction with the Buff Squad VS Mephisto
0:30 the Flag Bearer duo (idk the proper explanation in this scene besides that the Merchant Archetype Specialist draining all the DP)
0:33 Liskarm Arts
0:34 Nearl Arts "She is known to radiate light when she uses her Arts. Through her power, Nearl can heal allies and inspire them to keep battling."
0:37 Ceylon talent is increase healing in stage with water tiles (pls buff her HG)
0:41 I hate those hostage
0:43 I EVEN HATE THAT DRONE (Blaze is melee, Rosmontis can't attack drone due to her traits, Provence only attack the enemy with 80% health below with her skill)
0:47 Lava Purgatory "Hey, what's the big idea? Who let you come in without knock-Oh, it's you, Doctor. Why am I wearing this? Well... I'm hitting the training grounds to test my limits once more. Wanna come watch, Doctor?"
0:49 Scene S2 reveal all hidden enemy... and her teammates too in this case
0:51 Aciddrip "This skateboard here is a piece of registered equipment, yeah. If you have any problems, just give me a holler."
0:52 Amiya 2nd test skin series
0:54 Croissant Summer Skin from Gavial the Great Chief Event
0:55 In Code of Brawl, Bison really chase the Penguin Logistic who left him with a freaking bicycle. never skip a leg huh?
0:56 Just another day in Rhodes Island mission, nothing bad happens. hopefully, no one pokes a Sarkaz Sentinel while we are at it...
0:57 fuu...
1:01 Specter S2 save her. nice
Wow this is so good. I can't imagine all the effort you put into this. Definitely worth my like and subscribe !
Crownslayer bullying never stops.
Finally new video! Love your content!
Dairin returns with another masterpiece!
This is incredibly adorable and funny at the same time