Batocera Full Installation to Portable USB and Hard Drive

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @nickmandis6513
    @nickmandis6513 Рік тому +7

    You always explain things nice and clear. Great video.

  • @idiotsavant9490
    @idiotsavant9490 9 днів тому +1

    Way better then chase brogan that guy doesn't really go into detail, and by time im done watching i wasted 30 minutes this helped me more then anything thank you soo much 🎉 😁

  • @ryancox4689
    @ryancox4689 Рік тому +5

    I love Batocera for retro gaming up to Wii U.

  • @tonyk.8580
    @tonyk.8580 7 місяців тому +3

    Really well done sir, easiest emulation guide and software I've found so far. Thanks.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  7 місяців тому +1

      Glad you enjoyed it.

  • @baranjen
    @baranjen 8 місяців тому

    Absolutely brilliant video. Thank you for all your effort.

  • @Rick_Todd
    @Rick_Todd Рік тому

    Nice one. I learned a couple of new things from you. Cheers.

  • @nicolas.adenis-lamarre
    @nicolas.adenis-lamarre Рік тому +2

    thanks a lot for this nice video about batocera.

  • @NikolaSRB87
    @NikolaSRB87 3 місяці тому +1

    The video is really great, you explained a lot of things very well. I have one question, since I'm relatively new to this. Is it enough to connect only an external SSD without flash memory to the computer, so that I can install and run Batocera, or do I have to use both USB and SSD together? That confuses me a bit.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  3 місяці тому

      You only need one drive for Batocera. If you're going to use an SSD flash the Batocera image to that and just plug it in and boot from it.

    • @NikolaSRB87
      @NikolaSRB87 3 місяці тому

      @@BytesNBits OK. Thank you for your help.

  • @lvc1fer69
    @lvc1fer69 3 місяці тому

    12:03 Which architecture should I choose if I want to use Batocera USB drive between my Windows PC and Steam Deck?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  3 місяці тому

      I think the Steam Deck is either X86 or X64 - you'll need to check. Either of those will also work with your Windows PC.

  • @LinuxKnuckleHead
    @LinuxKnuckleHead Рік тому +7

    Just a little tip for anyone using a USB drive and want to put it on a hard drive it's very easy to do with Gparted in any linux distro. Just copy the 2 partitions making the BATOCERA partition the first partition and extending the share partition to it's fullest if you want it to populate the whole drive. Then there are easy steps documented on the Batocera how to make that drive a dual boot with your main OS. This method works great if you already have a collection and you don't want to start over from scratch setting up the whole thing.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Рік тому +2

      That's a great tip. Thanks.

    • @izzymoney85
      @izzymoney85 8 місяців тому +1

      Bro can u make a tutorial on this please and thank you 😅

    • @digitalspaceman
      @digitalspaceman 6 місяців тому

      Thanks that what I wanted to do , also wanted to know if batocera has any default games on it or I can fill it up with more free games ?

  • @onebigbadgamer
    @onebigbadgamer 7 місяців тому

    Another great video tutorial helped me create portable USB installation drive for my retro gaming pc system with over 100,000+ games. Thanks @BytesNBits

  • @johanfredriksvendsen8482
    @johanfredriksvendsen8482 6 місяців тому +2

    Very tidy introduction. I am having an issue getting it to install. The system keeps freezing almost immediately when starting up. Usually between the two Batocera spash screens furthest I have gotten was opening the settings menu and moving down the menu a few clicks. I have tried on two different USB sticks (one very cheap and one expensive but old). I have in the past been able to run Ubuntu and a couple other OSs off them without issues like this. Is Batocera particularly demanding of read/write speeds to the point it freezes the system before I can install the ISO onto the SSD or might there be some other reason for my issue?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  6 місяців тому

      You do need to have a reasonable USB stick for it to run smoothly, but I'm not sure if a slow drive would cause it to crash. It might be the drives have some errors on them. If you can try another drive that should answer the drive question.

  • @StaySmartReviews
    @StaySmartReviews 10 місяців тому

    Hi I'm super happy that I managed to easily install Batocera to my external HD thanks to this guide.. .Super simple and clear for a noob like me. My question is how can I transfer my files from my internal HD to to the external HD where Batocera has been installed. I have all the bios there. Thank you

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      Great. Glad it worked. You should be able to boot up normally onto your internal drive. If your external drive is still attached it should appear as an extra drive. Just copy the files over as normal. It may appear as more than one drive so make sure you use the right one. It should be fairly obvious from the folder you see. Good luck!

    • @StaySmartReviews
      @StaySmartReviews 10 місяців тому

      @@BytesNBits Thank you for your reply. In the external HD I only have 3 folders (Boot, EFI, tools) and a conf file named batocera-boot.conf
      Where should I paste the Bios and all the other files? just in the main folder or inside some other? Thank yuo so much

  • @scbeach1
    @scbeach1 5 місяців тому

    Very clear explain things 👍🏻thank you I'll get it soon on my old dell micro pc

  • @frankiuvara8838
    @frankiuvara8838 10 місяців тому

    great video only thing is to backtrack and you notice when you put the snes files they were zip files

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому +1

      If you check the docs you'll find a list of compatible file types for each emulator. Some can handle zips some can't.

  • @raymundjaud411
    @raymundjaud411 22 дні тому

    Very great and detailed tutorial you have there, I'm new here in batocera can i ask why i cant find the shared folder on bota cera after searching? Still stuck here. After configuring batocera i want to install roms i restart my computer, switch it on windows 10 and search for the shared folder but i cant find it.😅

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  21 день тому +1

      The batocera drive is formatted for Linux so you won't be able to read it directly. You'll need to copy the files to a usb drive then reboot to Batocera and copy them into the rom folders. Or if you have another computer on your network you can use the samba network share from that computer.

  • @MysteriousRJC
    @MysteriousRJC Рік тому

    Thank you for your video. I just wanted to ask one clarification question to make sure I understood correctly… And I’ll post it in the form of a scenario.
    I have an HPI Spectre X360 laptop from 2015 or 2016. It’s not overly powerful, but it’s a decent laptop that can run some games. Are you saying that I could buy a SSD card and a USB adapter, install batocera on it along with games, then simply plug that into the USB port, on the HPI, boot it up And it would run the batocera environment like a retro PC?
    And if I shut it down and unplugged that drive and then rebooted, my Windows operating system, and everything would come up perfectly fine just as it was without any modification? And there’s no risk of damage to the hardware or installed software on the internal drive?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Рік тому +1

      Yes. The batocera usb drive is a self contained operating system. Even take it with you to another computer and play the games there!

    • @MysteriousRJC
      @MysteriousRJC Рік тому

      @@BytesNBits awesome!

  • @Ulfurond
    @Ulfurond 10 місяців тому +1

    So I’m trying to install on hard drive it says it does it instantly so obviously not any ideas? I’m on Atom 32bit so selecting x86

    • @fonzitheman
      @fonzitheman 10 місяців тому

      On the Batocera downloads areas scroll right down to the bottom and try the atom/low PC version.
      This is an older version so wont have as many emulators supported with less options too.
      Think its version 5.25
      How are you flashing it, externally via usb connection?
      If etcher fails try pi imager or rufus.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому +1

      @fonzitheman Thanks for your help.
      @ccasling4 Hope you get it working.

    • @Ulfurond
      @Ulfurond 10 місяців тому

      @@fonzithemanunfortunately for me I’m using the atom version and Rufus to flash it. I guess I’ll have to flash it direct to the hdd

  • @keithwray9546
    @keithwray9546 7 місяців тому +1

    I have a hp elite that's running batocera. I want to add games. I have downloaded roms to my pc and trying to put them on a flash drive using etcher. 1st problem, I have a message pop up saying missing partition, I have no idea what that means. 2nd problem, when I put the flash drive into hp elite, the flash drive doesn't appear. I don't know if I have downloaded the roms incorrectly or its something else I'm missing. Any suggestions would be great?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  6 місяців тому +2

      It sounds like you haven't formatted the flash drive correctly. I'm not sure why you're using Etcher to copy the files.
      Try formatting the drive as normal in your PC. Then simply copy and paste the ROM files onto it. Make sure you put each system into a separate folder so they don;t get mixed up. Then try that in the Batocera PC. Hope this helps.

    • @keithwray9546
      @keithwray9546 6 місяців тому

      @@BytesNBits thanks, it helped. I'm a total noob with all of this lol

  • @MorningOwl-l1m
    @MorningOwl-l1m 21 день тому

    Didn't you extract the batocera zip file before you creat bootable with balenaetcher?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  20 днів тому

      Etcher and a few of the others can cope with archive files.

  • @eyecpossibilities
    @eyecpossibilities 10 місяців тому

    Hi, thanks for this tutorial. I was wondering if it's possible to have 2 batocera versions on 1 drive (ssd 1t), like for pc/laptop and android tv box so you can boot on either? Do you need to make multiple partitions for that or?
    Thanks in advance.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому +1

      I don't think so. I think multiple boot only works for one system. But do check as I've not looked into it.

  • @bens4446
    @bens4446 22 дні тому

    I've run Batocera from usb on my desktop for a long time without a problem. However, when I run the rpi zero 2w version on my zero 2w, it runs fine but I am unable to access the file manager via F1 or any other method in order to add games. The little "F1 File" button doesn't even appear at the bottom of the main screen. I've tried adding new games directly to the zero's sd card by plugging into another computer, but access to the "SHARE" partition of the sd card where I need to put them is denied. Looks like a few others on the internet are running into a similar issue with no solution. I guess I'll have to switch to retropie for the zero.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  22 дні тому +1

      I haven't tried Batocera on the RPi for a while, but it used to be fine. I'll have to do some tests.

    • @bens4446
      @bens4446 17 днів тому

      @@BytesNBits So, turns out there is no F1 option for the rpi zero 2 version of Batocera. But I was able to add games via network share (as you have explained, thanks). Far larger games (>200MB), the transfer can take a hot minute. So far, it's handling games up to PS1 fine at 1GHz connected to a PC monitor via HDMI. Batocera has an overclocking option in the settings but it is apparently fixed at 1GHz for the rpi zero 2 version, with no way to change it--unless perhaps Bits n Bytes makes a video.

  • @nickwest932
    @nickwest932 11 місяців тому +1

    Every time I try to install Batocera on an internal HDD, it gets stuck in a infinite boot cycle after the install. I can't figure out what to do to fix it. I tried reformatting to every type of format available and use x86_64. Any help would be appreciated. The PC is a Dell Optiplex 3040 sff w/ an i5 processor.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому

      That's a strange one. It sounds like the hard drive isn't getting formatted correctly or the computer isn't trying to boot from it. Try to jump into the bios as it tries to reboot and make sure the hard drive is recognised and is set as the boot drive. I hope this helps.

    • @nickwest932
      @nickwest932 11 місяців тому

      There is no boot order in the bios. It automatically boots from the HDD if there is an OS on it, if not USB. I wiped the HDD from the bios and formatted through Batocera. I have done this 5 times now. Very strange.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому

      @@nickwest932 Does batocera recognise the disk and complete the formatting. If that goes OK it should then be able to create the boot drive. Can you pop the HDD into another Pc and try to set it up there, then move it back? Not sure what else to try.

    • @fonzitheman
      @fonzitheman 11 місяців тому

      Try this, go into your PC bios setting and make sure fast boot is disabled.
      See if that works.

    • @nickwest932
      @nickwest932 11 місяців тому

      I already did that. Real head scratcher.
      No way to hook up to another PC. All I have is a laptop. I was pressed for time, so I am using a low profile USB and just plugged into the back to keep it out of the way.

  • @LeSwipzGaming
    @LeSwipzGaming 3 місяці тому +1

    I think I wiped my actual mini PC cause now it only boots into Batocera 😅 don’t have an option to boot into windows, is there a fix to this?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  3 місяці тому +1

      Yes. Installing Batocera onto your internal drive will completely wipe it and replace it with Batocera. If you want to go back to Windows it's going to be a fresh install.

    • @muaythai5733
      @muaythai5733 3 місяці тому

      @@BytesNBitsSo when i flash my SSD with windows 11 from my mini pc into Batocera it will delete windows 11 completely? Does my mini pc work right after that because the flashing will delete all the drivers too?
      Please help me out to understand

  • @JordTheeNord
    @JordTheeNord 10 місяців тому

    Question can you just go straight to installing on a hard drive? During that section you showed how to change it to a hard driver after it was already installed on your usb and wanted to double check that I can skip that

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому +1

      Yes. You should be able to flash directly to the hard drive.

    • @JordTheeNord
      @JordTheeNord 10 місяців тому

      @@BytesNBits Thanks for the reply! Great vid man!

  • @MasterShake300
    @MasterShake300 Місяць тому

    Hi. Great video! I might have access to a fully loaded PC Batocera hard drive (games and all). I also have my dad's old mac mini. Is there a way to clone that PC hard drive directly to the Mac? Or is that not possible? Thank you for your time.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Місяць тому +1

      If the Mac is Intel based you should be able to just attach the hard drive with a USB adapter and then boot from it. Batocera won't work on non Intel Macs.

    • @MasterShake300
      @MasterShake300 Місяць тому

      @BytesNBits awesome! Yeah it's an i5 intel thank you!

  • @TrexCharlieX
    @TrexCharlieX 11 місяців тому

    Anyway to make the print in the file manager in batocera bigger? Like magnifier?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому

      I'm not sure. There may be an option in the video settings to reduce the screen resolution which will make the text bigger but it won't look as good. But just guessing here.

  • @evidence62er
    @evidence62er 10 місяців тому

    I’m having a hard time mapping my arcade joysticks. Can’t pull up the settings menu to start the mapping process

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      If you've got a keyboard attached you can use that to navigate.

  • @jasonthrush4598
    @jasonthrush4598 10 місяців тому

    I take it, i can have this on a usb. Next question is. I have a gamesir controller for my phone. That has type C port. Is there anyway from my phone that I boot from the usb? So my phone will boot into Batocera ?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      I don't think so. Although your phone may be able to read data from the usb drive it won't be able to boot from it. You can install something like Launchbox on your phone and get it to run the games from the USb drive.

  • @ura617
    @ura617 11 місяців тому

    hey so im using a 32gb usb drive to run the batocera and trying to use the internal 256gb ssd for storage. I am having problem with switching the storage setting to it as i am seeing "NO-NAME - 222.8G" after i select this and restart the system. my rom storage is still only at 22gb.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому

      have a look at this to see if it gives you any tips.

    @DJEDDIELOCO68 10 місяців тому

    Hi I have a controler with the A B X Y L1 L 2 can u tell me how to set it up cause I went to controllers mapping and it doesn't have any letters if can help ......thank u

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому +1

      To skip buttons you don't have just hold down any button and it will skip to the next one.

  • @aborakan.waleed
    @aborakan.waleed 10 місяців тому

    There is no version 37, only version 38, and when you decompress, an erro message appears in the middle of the decompression, and then it completes, I converted several times, so what is the solution?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      There should be a previous versions download section on the Batocera site. Try that if you want V37.

  • @johnbehiri3604
    @johnbehiri3604 29 днів тому

    I’m wondering if I made a mistake purchasing this. I was under the impression I could just plug the usb into the usb port of my tv; however, the directions and just about all the comments here only talk about computer connections and the like.
    So can I play this on my tv?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  28 днів тому

      No. You need to plug this into an Intel powered computer or laptop, or you can run it on something like a Raspberry Pi. You can then plug that into your TV.

    • @ArcadeGamesArcadenGames
      @ArcadeGamesArcadenGames 23 дні тому


    @FREEZERQC 8 місяців тому

    What is the difference with batocera and emuelec it feel like the same as with kinhank android box

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  8 місяців тому

      At the end of the day they all do the same thing with basically the same set of emulators. It sort of comes down to personal preference and whether your setup supports the software.

  • @Rosshobson
    @Rosshobson 10 місяців тому

    I’ve bought a Beelink SER 7 mini pc. I’d rather buy a pre loaded hard drive set up with batocea than go through downloading and setting up. But I’m not opposed to doing it myself by following instructions. Either way, if I’m running batocera off a external hard drive, if I want to play off the Hard Drive, do u need to go into the start up settings each time and set the batocera drive to boot at start?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому +1

      Yes. If the Batocera drive is not the primary boot drive you'll need to go into the bios boot menu and boot from the external drive.

    • @Rosshobson
      @Rosshobson 10 місяців тому

      @@BytesNBits Thanks. I picked up a Northern Irish Accent from your videos. Where are you from? I’m Banbridge. Is there any recommendations of where to acquire a hard drive - from a trusted source?

    • @KevsBatoceraBuilds
      @KevsBatoceraBuilds 10 місяців тому +1

      If you don’t want to go into the bios every time you can change your boot order so it loads batocera from your external drive by default.

  • @gunman684
    @gunman684 Рік тому

    Hey mate! Great video but I'm struggling with the bios files I was able to find a site that has all versions so grabbed the latest one and dragged and dropped. But I the PS2 emulator is still not working.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Рік тому

      You'll need to check that the PS2 BIOS file is named correctly and in the right folder. Have a look in the Batocera help pages to get the exact file it needs.

  • @LordConk69
    @LordConk69 2 місяці тому

    My xbox controller says connected when I plug it in but when I go to button mapping and reach the screen to push a button to start mapping it doesn't register and nothing loads only my keyboard shows for mapping when pressing a button, is there any fix for this or would I have to buy a different controller? it works through windows but not batocera

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  2 місяці тому

      Xbox controllers should be fine. Try plugging it into a different usb port. Is it wired or wireless.

  • @umutkayacan7659
    @umutkayacan7659 Рік тому +1


  • @-Jamie
    @-Jamie 4 місяці тому

    Is it possible to install an older version of batocera this way or will it add the latest version?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  4 місяці тому

      You'll need to download the older version as an image file directly from the batocera website. Then install that one.

    • @-Jamie
      @-Jamie 4 місяці тому

      @@BytesNBits I did that it installed the latest version when I installed new disk

  • @nzonkagaming
    @nzonkagaming 10 місяців тому

    Hello @Bytes N Bits. I was wondering if you could help me with something. Currently, I am using Batocera version 37 and wanted to upgrade to version 38. When I upgraded to the latest version, I started to notice a performance issue where my games run slow and laggy. I have the correct Bios files. Can you help me with this?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      The update option in the menu system should be fine. If you find it's giving you problems you can run the update manually. Have a look through the wiki pages -

    • @davefarley4318
      @davefarley4318 8 місяців тому +2

      I am not a fan of getting all the new updates. I find it best. Once you have your system just how you want it. Turn off wifi. .If it is not broken, then do not fix it.

  • @SonOfSparda501
    @SonOfSparda501 Місяць тому

    So...I am trying to install this on to the hard drive through the USB while following the methods from this video. Am I doing something wrong?
    It goes through too quick and says that it's finished and when I restart my not really used computer, it goes back to the previous OS it had on it.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Місяць тому

      Depending on how you've got your computer hard drive set up it might be unable to detect the correct partitions to install itself onto - just guessing here. The install process is usually fairly straight forward.

    • @SonOfSparda501
      @SonOfSparda501 Місяць тому

      @@BytesNBits Woah, I just came back to this and saw that you responded! Lol. Do you have any tips on how I should change the partition?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Місяць тому

      @@SonOfSparda501 I use a package called Minitool Partition Wizard. This lets you clean all the partitions from a drive and then reformat it correctly. Have a look at this video -

  • @stevie-b
    @stevie-b 11 місяців тому

    If I use install on a new disk would I then have two hard drive with batocera on and would I loose al my games?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому +1

      You'd just need to copy your games and bios files over to the new hard drive. Ant themes etc. would need to be reinstalled as well.

    • @stevie-b
      @stevie-b 11 місяців тому

      ​@@BytesNBitsthank you

  • @boballen2350
    @boballen2350 10 місяців тому

    So I'm a Linux newbie. I've installed Batocera on a 256Gb USB stick and which is being booted up on a Windows 10 Pro 64-bit PC. I'm trying to use the Batocera file manager, the icons appear correct, but the font size is extremely tiny. Internet searches state "open the batocera.conf file (located in /share/system) and remove the “#” in front of the line: “#global.dpi=96”, then save and reboot" Which is fine, but I can't find the "batocera.conf file". Do I need to plug the USB stick into a Linux system to find the file? Any help appreciated. TIA

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      The share folder should be visible on your PC. Make sure you have hidden files turned on.

    • @boballen2350
      @boballen2350 10 місяців тому

      Hi, thanks for this, I've tried it, but cannot find the 'conf' file or the share folder on either the USB stick with Batocera on (or more unlikely, ( my PC). I've had an epiphany thought, I'll install a Linux distro either as a dual boot or to another USB stick to boot from; hopefully I'll be able to see the file then. Thanks any way.

  • @mukeshtrika29f
    @mukeshtrika29f 3 місяці тому

    I have batocera in my 8GB pendrive and i navigate it on new disk of 64gb pendrive after that can I add games in my 64gb pendrive

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  3 місяці тому

      Glad to hear you've got it working.

  • @TheManiac85
    @TheManiac85 4 місяці тому

    I just want to boot from 16gb usb stick but with games on SSD with my normal OS ( no extra partitions). Is this possible?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  4 місяці тому +1

      You can boot Batocera directly from the USB. That's the way it's been designed. This will leave your main OS untouched. You should then be able to access your hard drive to get the games.

  • @michaelbarriga6874
    @michaelbarriga6874 11 місяців тому

    i have a 320gb internal but it say i dont have enough memory to even download themes or games

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому

      Make sure Batocera is running from the hard drive. If you're booting off a USB stick it won't use the hard drive.

  • @thesoulmindspirit
    @thesoulmindspirit 7 місяців тому

    can i install this to a very large external drive say like 20tb

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  7 місяців тому

      I'm not sure what the max size of hard drive the version of Linux Batocera runs on supports. In principle yes.

  • @377peeps
    @377peeps Місяць тому

    How do I boot up on my iMac?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Місяць тому

      I'm hoping there is some key combination you use to get to a boot menu. I'm not a Mac person so you'll need to have a look around for booting from a USB stick.

  • @gamingbro9019
    @gamingbro9019 6 місяців тому

    Can i just plug into my tv and play
    Like retro small gaming system

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  6 місяців тому

      You need to attach the hard drive to some sort of computer, e.g. Raspberry Pi. But you can then connect that to your TV for a game system.

  • @allanabarcamora3436
    @allanabarcamora3436 8 місяців тому

    Hi. My external ssd remains with the light on after I shut down my pc. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  8 місяців тому

      Does it run from a separate power supply? Somehow the power to it seems to be staying on. Check the USB port you've got it plugged into powers off at shutdown.

  • @MrAxelStone
    @MrAxelStone 4 місяці тому

    New to Batocera for my CounterCade. Flashed Batocera to a 256GB thumb drive and once done its showing I have 521MB free of 1.86GB. Is there a way to use the 233GB of unallocated drive space? Trying to add 45GB of FBNeo roms but cant.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  4 місяці тому

      Batocera will auto expand the partition to fill the drive when it first boots up. If you've just flashed the drive it will only have created a partition big enough to hold the software. It does this so that the system will fit on smaller drives. Just do the first boot and then it should be fine.

  • @Manu.91
    @Manu.91 11 місяців тому

    Hey i got after reboot to Batcera a error "Server Terminated with error (1). Closing log files ... X server failed to start! Log file is: /var/log/Xorg.0.log"
    Im searching so long and dont find anything ... Im totaly new with Batocera pls help me :/

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому

      I've not seen that before. Make sure you've used the correct Batocera download for your device. Try reflashing your USB drive, and/or using a different one.

  • @psy9342
    @psy9342 10 місяців тому

    i did everything but i got stuck on the splash screen of batocera. i flashed and tried over three times, went through so many forums but i couldnt find any solution. My laptop (ROG Strix G15) specs are Ryzen 7, rtx 3050, win 11, and 16gb ram. i even turned off my safe boot and fast boot option in the bios Settings. Kindly help!

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      I'm not sure what the issue could be. The boot drive should be able to get you to a working pc. It's probably some driver incompatibility with your hardware.

    • @KevsBatoceraBuilds
      @KevsBatoceraBuilds 10 місяців тому

      This happens to me when the drive or sd-cards are corrupt. Did you try a different flash drive ?

  • @ura617
    @ura617 11 місяців тому

    can the roms be in different location like the internal harddrive itself?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому +1

      Yes. Look in the System Settings - Storage Device to set it up.

    • @AnthonyReagan07
      @AnthonyReagan07 10 місяців тому

      I put batocera on a flash drive. Which is a 64g. However it only says I have like 8gb of space total so I can't put too many games on there. Do you know how to fix this??

  • @Kingeseryt8105
    @Kingeseryt8105 9 місяців тому

    Ok so I'm gonna get straight to the point in currently using batocera V38 and loving it but for some reason windows games at least those that work I can't seem to get a fps counter going and also temps ,when I turn on DXVK hud and DXvk feature on I get a black screen , using a HP office PC as batocera console
    Cpu-I5 -4570
    GPU - Intel HD 4600 graphics (onboard graphics)
    Ram-8gb DDR3 1600mhz
    Storage - 500gb HDD
    Plz any advice would help

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  9 місяців тому

      To be honest I haven't used the DOS or Windows side of Batocera so I'm not able to make any suggestions.

  • @MyChannel-vm6dw
    @MyChannel-vm6dw 7 місяців тому

    Is there an ANDROID batocera image for phones?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  7 місяців тому

      No. This needs a PC or other Linux capable device to work.

  • @PedjaJovanovski
    @PedjaJovanovski 4 місяці тому

    would i need a good graphic card to play xbox 360 ps3 games?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  4 місяці тому

      I use a Core i7 and Nvidia GTX1650 graphics card and they work fine at native resolution emulation. So probably use this as a base level.

    • @PedjaJovanovski
      @PedjaJovanovski 4 місяці тому


  • @YoshiIsCool1
    @YoshiIsCool1 Місяць тому


  • @kevinwanner78
    @kevinwanner78 4 місяці тому

    I downloaded batocera to my 2.5 ssd but it will not load

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  3 місяці тому

      Did you flash the image directly to the SSD? You could try booting from a USB stick and getting it to transfer the system to the SSD.

  • @johnmiceter
    @johnmiceter 2 місяці тому

    Hi, im new to PC'S and thinking about buying a mini pc called a minisforum um790 just for emulation. I recently heard about Batocera from watching review videos about mini pcs and wondering does anyone know a really easy set-up video to install it step by step and if I need to do anything. I was thinking about using a 2tb usb portable hard ride and install it on this. Would this be big enough or would I need something else?
    The mini pc comes with 32gb of ram and a 1tb ssd but didn't really want to install it straight on there or would it be better to do this if I'm only using the mini pc for emulators? But if I did do this, can I store the roms on the portable hard drive or does everything have to be on one drive? I want to play, ps2, Gamecube, switch, dreamcast, Wii so not sure how big roms are for these systems and how much space I need? I don't really want to play all those old systems, so is there a way to delete all those other systems I dont want? Just the easiest possible thing so I can understand it would be great and really appreciate it, thanks.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  2 місяці тому +1

      Your easiest setup would be to install Batocera on the portable 2TB drive and run everything from there. That will give you lots of space for games. Any systems you don't want to use just don't load games for them. The emulators don't take up much space so just leave them installed but not used. Have fun!

    • @johnmiceter
      @johnmiceter 2 місяці тому

      @@BytesNBits is there a way to delete them off the menu so I don't see them at all and if so, can you show me how to do it?

  • @theelz1482
    @theelz1482 6 місяців тому

    I find batocera on Pi 4 very unreliable, sometimes it recognises controllers, sometimes it wont recognise any (so you cant set them up even) and I have all my roms on an external drive, sometimes it recognises them, but usually it doesnt. I have spent hours trying to just overcome these basic things, including fresh installs. Recalbox i find way more reliable, but I would like to try all the options to see what I prefer.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  6 місяців тому +1

      I'll have to admin I tend to use RetroPie on my Raspberry Pis.

    • @theelz1482
      @theelz1482 5 місяців тому

      @@BytesNBits yeah, I think im going to give that one a try again.

  • @DaniThePoser
    @DaniThePoser 3 місяці тому

    hello can i downlode it on windows?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  3 місяці тому

      You can do all of the setup on Windows. This will create a bootable USB drive. Just plug that into your PC and boot from USB to turn it into a retro gaming system. Take out the USB, reboot and you're back to Windows.
      ****** DO NOT transfer the Batocera to your hard drive. It will overwrite Windows and you will be very sad!!

    • @jacquiwade177
      @jacquiwade177 2 місяці тому

      If you'd like to install Batocera and have a working version of Windows, you'll need to create another partition on the hard drive.

  • @angelfernandogoku5224
    @angelfernandogoku5224 10 місяців тому

    I got a Black screen helppppp! Im using a laptop

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      Do you get the boot up display or just black right from the start.

    @DJEDDIELOCO68 10 місяців тому

    Can u make a,video how to set up controller mapping on a joyskick controller

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  10 місяців тому

      It should be the same as a gamepad. Any buttons you don't have just hold down any button until it skips that setting.

      @DJEDDIELOCO68 10 місяців тому

      @BytesNBits I try it like 3 times and it still don't work how they setup it up was,bad

  • @sureetkumar6580
    @sureetkumar6580 11 місяців тому

    i get a black screen after the last splash, anyone else has this issue

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  11 місяців тому

      That seems odd that you get the splash screens but menu. Does your monitor loose signal or does it just show a black screen? Is this the first boot? The first thing I'd try is to reflash the usb drive. If it was working and now is not what was the last thing you did to make it not work? Try to remove that. Hope this helps.

    • @sureetkumar6580
      @sureetkumar6580 11 місяців тому

      I am assuming it is a display error. when I tried ctrl+alt+f3, i see the terminal window. from google and reddit, i tried xandr -s 800x640 -r 60, to force the resolution, yet no fix@@BytesNBits

    • @octavianbaca
      @octavianbaca 11 місяців тому

      Sorry in advance for long comment.
      I'm experiencing a similar issue. I bought a brand new external SSD and went through the etching process. Restarted PC and made SSD priority on boot. I saw the Batocera set up and then the splash screen and then it went black. I left it on for 5 minutes and nothing. No sound no sound or anything. I saw on some forums that it could be a display issue, but I'm connecting it to my laptop so there is only one display. Would you happen to have any suggestions? @@BytesNBits

    • @sgg-f6l
      @sgg-f6l 10 місяців тому

      @@octavianbaca I had the same issue.
      this has helped: in the batocera-boot.conf,
      delete the "#" in front of the line ""nvidia-prime=true" and in front of the line "nvidia-driver=true".
      you can access the conf file by pressing f1 in the batocera main screen, then go to the batocera drive, in the root folder.

  • @bertosudu9506
    @bertosudu9506 10 місяців тому +1


  • @fixall4ever
    @fixall4ever 4 місяці тому

    if i want to install on usb stick and plug to tv directly what option do i choose to install. tks

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  4 місяці тому

      Batocera needs to be installed onto some sort of computer. You could install it onto a raspberry pi and then plug that into your TV. But you won't be able to just use a usb drive as you won't be able to install the software onto your TV, or get it to boot from the usb drive.

    • @fixall4ever
      @fixall4ever 4 місяці тому

      ​@@BytesNBits tks for replying, what i ment is i want to install this on my NUC. if i follow this guide ( ) will this give me an image then install on my NUC and i have a fully batocera working with all roms

  • @elbarto6944
    @elbarto6944 9 місяців тому

    It doesn't work on new 2024 laptops

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  9 місяців тому

      Thanks for the heads up.

  • @Idkfa231
    @Idkfa231 6 місяців тому

    bro thank you for your ip address.
    note: this is a joke. your ip address appears at 06:35

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  6 місяців тому

      Thanks for the heads up on that. Luckily that's my internal network IP address so not an issue.

  • @fatbelly2438
    @fatbelly2438 Рік тому

    you sound like you where born in portadown co armagh

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Рік тому

      OOH! So close! 20 miles out. Banbridge.

  • @robertgonzalez9116
    @robertgonzalez9116 8 днів тому

    you have ZERO information about connecting to existing roms.

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  8 днів тому

      Yes. This is a full, clean, installation video.

  • @Sajjadmurad-y5r
    @Sajjadmurad-y5r 8 місяців тому +2

    you did not talk about how to install it as a main system! u talk too much, u know

  • @iEatAnimalz
    @iEatAnimalz Рік тому

    Would an external ssd have a significant difference vs external hdd for a batocera build?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  Рік тому +1

      From a gaming point of view probably not. I guess boot times would be much better and initial game load times would technically be faster, but as the files are generally quite small maybe not very noticeable. Most of the games are loaded into RAM so once the game starts there would be no real difference. For some CD based consoles video playback might be better, but just guessing.

    • @fonzitheman
      @fonzitheman Рік тому +2

      I believe BNB is correct.
      Using an SSD would give you slightly quicker boot times and perhaps loading large CD/DVD A based games
      But from what Ive read theres no advantage in actually running games whether you're using usb2.0,usb3.0,HDD or SSD.
      Only perhaps just maybe for ps3 and 360 if your set up can run those anyway)
      But Im guessing.
      Having said that I wouldnt recommend usb2.0 at all, to slow to flash and to slow transferring files across.
      So yeah, HDD's still can give you large storage capacity for cheaper price.
      Having said that (again lol) I used to use an internal 2TB HDD but a little while ago swapped it out for a 4TB SSD ,you can never have to much storage space 😁

    • @iEatAnimalz
      @iEatAnimalz Рік тому

      @@fonzitheman @BytesNBits
      Thank you both for the helpful responses 🤟

  • @technostartups
    @technostartups 5 місяців тому

    can i install on my same hdd on new partition

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  5 місяців тому

      You need to be able to boot from the new partition. If you can get that set up then yes.

  • @ChrisGhostStickHead
    @ChrisGhostStickHead 2 місяці тому

    can i update kodi to the latest version in batocera?

    • @BytesNBits
      @BytesNBits  2 місяці тому

      Sorry, I don't use Kodi so don't know.