Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: His new MLB COVID-19 Study and the Dilemma of the Lockdown

  • Опубліковано 10 тра 2020
  • Recorded on May 8, 2020
    Dr. Jay Bhattacharaya from Stanford Medicine makes his third appearance on Uncommon Knowledge in eight weeks, this time to discuss a new COVID-19 survey of Major League Baseball employees he co-authored. The survey tested more than 5,600 employees across all 26 Major League Baseball clubs across the country. The results are yet another data set showing how COVID-19 spreads across geographical and economic lines. Dr. Bhattacharya also discusses the very real health risks associated with a prolonged lockdown and answers some of the questions raised by his last survey of Santa Clara County.
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  • @SmoothCriminalTigran
    @SmoothCriminalTigran 4 роки тому +537

    Dr. Bhattacharaya should be all over national media, yet they seem completely disinterested in anything that's not fear-mongering.

  • @hariseldon3786
    @hariseldon3786 4 роки тому +435

    I'm a microbiologist in another country with access to our officials concerning Covid (keeping most of the details confidential). I contacted Jay. The guy we are seeing here is 'the real deal'; professional and very nice (especially as Jay's email folder must be bulging). So thank you Jay for your advice and help (and thank you Hoover Institution) - your work is heard and does help others. Cheers and I owe you a beer ;-)

  • @timmyj2366
    @timmyj2366 4 роки тому +770

    Reasonable, fact based, apolitical, and informative. You’ll never get something like this from the main stream. Never.

  • @kytaem
    @kytaem 4 роки тому +138

    How I wish Dr Battacharya had been chief medical advisor to our govt in this crisis

  • @thestilllife9600
    @thestilllife9600 4 роки тому +143

    I think in order to move forward we must accept the risks. The truth is majority of cases are asymptomatic or show little to moderate symptoms that require no hospitalization. The elderly in particular those at risk in nursing homes/long term care facilities (a population that holds a significant number of fatalities) should quarantine. Those with significant comorbities or immunodeficiency, should move forward with caution (wear masks, social distancing). Everyone else, move on with common sense measures (wash your hands duh). And lastly, the children aren’t the vectors we thought & they certainly not being affected as bad as the elderly. Open the schools & catch these kids up. With 31 million unemployed, small businesses are drowning, the food chain supply disrupted. There was more than than one risk here & how politicians were so myopic assessing the one risk. We deserve at least transparency & allowed informed consent on what our risks are & the freedom to decide what is best for us. Those in charge & the media are making the cure worst than the disease. Ted talk over.

  • @Marimilitarybrat
    @Marimilitarybrat 4 роки тому +139

    As a nurse, I have some thoughts about the long-term care and assisted living facilities and increasing the safety of the residents. Historically, these facilities are understaffed.. It is not uncommon for the residents to be on 15 to 20 medications. Each facility could use a Pharm.D./pharmacist with a doctorate in pharmacology, to manage their medication profiles and delete unnecessary meds and medication combinations. The pharmaceutical companies Will suffer terribly from loss of insurance reimbursement but the patient will benefit and it will take much less time to stuff 15 to 20 pills into a precious older patient with dysphasia. The staffing structure should be revised completely then change from double occupancy to single occupancy in each patient room. Don't ask the administrators what to improve, ask the nurses at the bedside and the personal care techs.

    • @annbrucepineda8093
      @annbrucepineda8093 4 роки тому +11

      Marimilitarybrat Thank you for your courage & service.

    • @Jasonxxx-uv4be
      @Jasonxxx-uv4be 4 роки тому +10

      Thanks for sharing these insights.

  • @gbuz5789
    @gbuz5789 4 роки тому +342

    This stuff is actually easy. It is the politicians that have their own agendas that mess it up.

  • @PaulPhoenix2010
    @PaulPhoenix2010 4 роки тому +32

    "No matter what choices you make you are going to be on the hook" Undiluted truth. I wouldn't want to be in charge of any government or institution at this point in history, not for a million dollars. I am blown away by how informative, factual and calm this interview is.

  • @peterbenjaminmusic
    @peterbenjaminmusic 4 роки тому +269

    I've been relying on The Hoover Inst. and Stanford generally to keep me up-to-date and balanced on all things pandemic (and polemic, perhaps). Specifically, it seems the antibody and serology tests are crucial to understanding the best science-based policy prescriptions without all the noise from media sources that aren't quite as interested in the actual science. Thanks Hoover and Stanford....

    • @johnnyweeden1645
      @johnnyweeden1645 4 роки тому +49

      The media is not interested in science at all!! They are obsessed with DRAMA and CHAOS, and misleading the American Citizens!!!!

  • @CampLJNC
    @CampLJNC 4 роки тому +56

    Dr. B, thanks for speaking truth even when it’s uncomfortable .

  • @libertyresearch-iu4fy
    @libertyresearch-iu4fy 4 роки тому +15

    Even if the lock-down achieved the goal, so what? We started this travesty based upon MILLIONS of potential deaths, and, it turns out, that was NEVER going to happen.

  • @veaterecosan5636
    @veaterecosan5636 4 роки тому +142

    "Stay in doors" is exactly the wrong advice then?

  • @reginaldgraves1684
    @reginaldgraves1684 4 роки тому +219

    Never in the field of human endeavour have so many been so scared for so long of so little.

  • @amritawhitman8112
    @amritawhitman8112 4 роки тому +308

    Thank you Dr. Bhattacharya for saying it: "The lock downs are not a mechanism for disease eradication. It will only delay when the disease happens. You pay the cost now or you pay the cost later."

  • @vahidfaezian
    @vahidfaezian 4 роки тому +91

    Have been waiting for this one for a long time. How can't you not love both these guys by now?

    • @lc4413
      @lc4413 4 роки тому +3

      I agree :)

    • @psalm1197
      @psalm1197 4 роки тому +4

      Vahid Faezian I recommend you watch Computing Forever interview with dr Cahill, from two days ago, on YT. highly enlightening and in agreement with this Dr. Jay

  • @hbendzulla8213
    @hbendzulla8213 4 роки тому +33

    Peter and Jay I loved you discussing a serious health problem. No blame games but what could be done to help. Congratulations.

  • @irvingmusicguy
    @irvingmusicguy 4 роки тому +120

    Yet another great interview by Peter. Dr B is very easy to understand.

  • @ronm6359
    @ronm6359 4 роки тому +71

    Great program! Thank you so much for truth, data and analysis based on data. I agree with Jay, that shutdown vs open is a lives vs lives question. I learned yesterday that on average, 150,000 new cases of cancer are detected every month in the US. So approximately 300,000 new cases of cancer have NOT been diagnosed during the two month shutdown. How many of these cases will ultimately result in a death due to delayed cancer detection?

  • @dennisgoebel3615
    @dennisgoebel3615 4 роки тому +12

    Here is an idea for a study...
    Test 20000 folks who have never been vaccinated previously with the flu vaccine and have no symptoms.
    And compare that to 20000 folks who have been flu vaccinated and who have no symptoms as well. Use identical test methods
    Include people from all states

  • @asdf09er
    @asdf09er 4 роки тому +139

    Peter does a great job of pretending he doesn’t understand these concepts. Makes for great questions.

  • @316minister
    @316minister 4 роки тому +10

    Let us all hope that these wonderfully informative videos remain available.

  • @quantumac
    @quantumac 4 роки тому +19

    This was a very illuminating discussion, a refreshing departure from how mainstream news has dealt with this pandemic. Thank you!

  • @richardlefaive1944
    @richardlefaive1944 4 роки тому +51

    Higher infection rates in the poor speaks to important role of public transit in disease spread. I would even say KEY role. It is the main reason NYC is such an outlier.

  • @spudbono5747
    @spudbono5747 4 роки тому +34

    He is to be trusted. Only a man of immense knowledge and integrity will correct the interviewer when misquoting Wimpy. "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".

  • @colinmcmullin1154
    @colinmcmullin1154 4 роки тому +11

    Jay and Peter are some of the only people whose words I trust in this whole debacle-thank you

  • @lindad5380
    @lindad5380 4 роки тому +12

    This has been the most balanced and informative interview that I have seen regarding Covid. I appreciate the thoroughness of the questions and the level of respect given to all involved authorities. Thank you for this refreshing perspective.

  • @lc4413
    @lc4413 4 роки тому +26

    Thank you both for another interesting and science based interview. I keep on following. Greetings from Berlin, Germany.

  • @deneeravid1067
    @deneeravid1067 4 роки тому +47

    why not outdoor events maybe you can have half capacity at stadiums

  • @jn3750
    @jn3750 4 роки тому +84

    Peter, interview Prof. Knut Wittnowski, a man with many interesting insights.

  • @ohplezz
    @ohplezz 4 роки тому +67

    Just like to thank the doctor for his sensible approach to the virus. All to often doctors in the media seem to be basing their opinions on something other than the data. God bless.

  • @Germanicus_Daimetor
    @Germanicus_Daimetor 4 роки тому +6

    Huge thank you 🙏🏻 too Dr. Jay and Peter! Please continue to spread this knowledge! The world needs to be informed, this is TRUE journalism! The research, the facts, the expert knowledge! A million thanks!!!

  • @SBH779
    @SBH779 4 роки тому +15

    been following Dr jay bhattacharya’s tests. great info..

  • @fastluxstyle
    @fastluxstyle 4 роки тому +11

    This is the best interview I’ve seen. Bravo. All government officials at all levels need to hear this.

  • @ghostbeetle2950
    @ghostbeetle2950 4 роки тому +9

    Thank you, appreciate the light being shed here! Love Uncommon Knowledge!

  • @raymorris952
    @raymorris952 4 роки тому +47

    I keep looking around me for the pandemic! I can't bloody find it! A lot of my friends and family unwell over Xmas with some cold thing, was that Kung flu?

  • @gregvisioninfosoft
    @gregvisioninfosoft 4 роки тому +6

    I wonder if Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has any statistics on what percentage of covid19 survivors who are NOT healthy, but who have permanent damage to lungs, and/or who may need a respirator for the rest of their life to survive. We all understand what 'death' is and thanks to Dr Jays work, we have a good number for this. But what about those who survived, but who are permanently harmed? I am curious to know these statistics. Thanks.

  • @danielwarton5343
    @danielwarton5343 4 роки тому +67

    The only question I wish Peter had asked is wether the MLB shouldn’t play in front of crowds during a bad flu season.

  • @stevenpeavler959
    @stevenpeavler959 4 роки тому +8

    Thank you for your work, Dr Jay.

  • @williamreymond2669
    @williamreymond2669 4 роки тому +46

    Imagine you are on a great big jet airliner - full of fuel - and you have some sick people on board and the pilots will not land the jetliner until everyone on the plane is well an d free of the disease. At some point before long the plane is going to run out of fuel and crash in a more or less controlled manner. That results of that crash, I would argue, would be worse for *all* aboard than the risk of a normal landing would be for the sick passengers and well passengers together. Probably not too great for the people on the ground 'impacted' by the jetliner - granted it will be out of fuel when it crashes.

  • @essm4179
    @essm4179 4 роки тому +16

    Excellent discussion & research once again! Great & courageous work Dr. Jay Bhattacharaya & Peter Robinson. Proud of you guys!

  • @eworks9828
    @eworks9828 4 роки тому +25

    Great talk guys, Dr. Keep up the good work.

  • @Pacdoc-oz
    @Pacdoc-oz 4 роки тому +43

    Thank you again Peter for an informative review of our current state of affairs.
    NO current effective and safe vaccine for ANY RNA virus so no option relying on a vaccine soon is credible.
    Will you ask Thomas Sowell for his recommendations as to where to go from here economy wise?

  • @Chasrunyon
    @Chasrunyon 4 роки тому +27

    Robinson the best interviewer

  • @trwashere5906
    @trwashere5906 4 роки тому +10

    The world should watch this.

  • @davidhalldurham
    @davidhalldurham 4 роки тому +15

    Thank you so much for this follow-up. PLEASE continue. These two gentlemen are just about the only sources of information I trust.

  • @acarburak8834
    @acarburak8834 4 роки тому +7

    Thanks for Dr. Bhattacharya's work and the interview. But I see a contradiction between what he says (a flu-like mortality rate) and his pessimistic tone in general. I get that he's specifically pessimistic about the current infection rate, yet it's nothing much to worry about on the whole as he's talking about a flu-like mortality rate.

  • @5p1tf1r31
    @5p1tf1r31 4 роки тому +9

    Anti bodies indicate the person has had it but are no longer susceptible? What about natural human immunity? Isolation creates a potential future of forever outbreaks. Herd immunity by mixing is the way to go.

  • @elizabethuys-meintjes1553
    @elizabethuys-meintjes1553 4 роки тому +11

    Thx dr jay,the voice of reason!

  • @kondition-kode-nine
    @kondition-kode-nine 4 роки тому +19

    Do these tests check positive for previous influenza vaccines, including H1N1?

  • @silkhead44
    @silkhead44 4 роки тому +32

    get Dr. Judy Mikovits on the show

  • @eisa03
    @eisa03 4 роки тому +20

    Swedish diet may have helped them. They traditionally eat a lot of FISH. Vitamin D3 seems to assist in preventing catching the CCP Flu.

  • @joechiara
    @joechiara 4 роки тому +3

    These discussions are a great service.... thank you Mr. Robinson, Dr. Bhattacharya, and Stanford U

  • @KM-po5kk
    @KM-po5kk 4 роки тому +11

    Finally, someone who tells it exactly like it is. No sugary coating, no false hope, just saying how either way will cause massive human calamity. Finally someone who admits the collapse of the economy will take a huge toll on human health. That’s what Democrat governors don’t seem to care about nor the media.

  • @holaramirez
    @holaramirez 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you Hoover Institute for such complete, accurate and scientific report. Please keep them coming!

  • @rickster561
    @rickster561 4 роки тому +11

    Excellent and informative if somewhat depressing. Thank you

  • @kristinamurray9076
    @kristinamurray9076 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Mr. Robinson for hosting another very enlightening session with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. Excellent questions!! You two have great chemistry. You should do many more of these interviews on several other subjects. Real news is sorely lacking and you brilliant minds fill the void effortlessly with great humor and candor. Love it!!!

  • @bobwells1517
    @bobwells1517 4 роки тому +4

    Great questions from Mr. Robinson, even better answers and information from Dr. Bhattacharya. Thank you both!

  • @davidervin7345
    @davidervin7345 4 роки тому +43

    You bit the arm off of a bear? Now THAT'S uncommon. But really, I think the nation is devolving into two tribes on this and if you aren't in their tribe you belong in jail (or worse). Each side has their own science and their own ends. And some of the ends are completely unrelated to the problem. My only hope is that the majority of the country will seek real science and choose their ends within the confines of the problem at hand. Thanks VERY much for being an uncommon voice of reason. And thanks even more so for Dr Bhattacharaya and others like him.

  • @maschwab63
    @maschwab63 4 роки тому +3

    I had a really bad case of Bronchitis from early November, worst right after Thanksgiving, and lingered a bit past Christmas 2019. Would be interested in getting an antibody test to see if that virus was around that early. Springfield Clinic in Springfield IL.

  • @jimbob2810
    @jimbob2810 4 роки тому +25

    Peter Robinson does well to defer to Dr. Jay's superior knowledge. And, yes, Dr. Jay correctly quotes Wimpy's "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".

  • @sandymazza2254
    @sandymazza2254 4 роки тому +3

    So happy to hear your update - thank you very much. I am very concerned about the draconian measures taken in Contra Costa County and contacted the health department, the state reps and ultimately the DA about what I, as a Registered Nirse, consider bad health edicts. The only official response was from the DA. He told me the courts will be opened on May 26 and I can file against the Health Dept pro se. His office has been ordered to prosecute violators.

  • @jameswatson5501
    @jameswatson5501 4 роки тому +9

    What about treatment options. I've been seeing reading reports that the virus inhibits blood from carrying oxygen. Very little mention of this.

  • @debrab4729
    @debrab4729 4 роки тому +1

    So glad to get this update. Thanks Again Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

  • @davidsheedy7238
    @davidsheedy7238 4 роки тому +17

    Thank you gentlemen. Very much appreciated for your even keeled, informative discussion.
    Conclusions: case mortality equivalent of the flu; lockdown effectiveness is arguably overstated compared to the will of citizens to follow guidelines eg. Sweden; vaccines complex to develop; lift lockdown safely with data and attention and resources to the most vulnerable, eg. add financial, PPE, Human Resources to nursing homes; use of therapeutics and effectiveness not yet conclusive, but some positive indications to reduce symptoms; very long way to go for herd immunity in the US... Sweden likely almost has it by having chosen public guidelines and staying open; optimal policy reopens based on data, recognizing it will spread, and that there is a projected mortality from shutting down (eg. suicide / death of despair of 75,000 and starvation of impoverished potentially in the millions). To do: understand clinical test results of therapeutics and increased, ongoing and frequent serological testing to develop anonymous national and regional antibody surveillance that optimizes public benefit and individuals DNA privacy and security.

  • @gillianmason4198
    @gillianmason4198 4 роки тому +9

    It is quite depressing to hear this discussion but equally enlightening to know there are no answers at the moment. It would appear to me we must live our lives as best we can with a certain amount of necessary restrictions.

  • @newsoftheday420
    @newsoftheday420 4 роки тому +5

    Fantastic interview as always, Dr Jay is an absolute star.

  • @harrycox6303
    @harrycox6303 4 роки тому +3

    Dr. Bhattacharya is great. This was a great interview.

  • @kevinxxx1387
    @kevinxxx1387 4 роки тому +3

    God bless you, and God bless Dr. Bhattacharaya.

  • @DBS6567
    @DBS6567 4 роки тому +4

    well done to both of you, great interview, helpful as alway Dr Bhattacharya. need more like you two.

  • @Mr.E.Shoppa
    @Mr.E.Shoppa 4 роки тому +7

    Excellent discussion. Thank you.

  • @pweb4941
    @pweb4941 4 роки тому +7

    Its clear now that a TARGETED APPROACH is best. High density populations are much more susceptible but also will inevitably catch it and "burn through" the fuel much more quickly and thus burn out. On the other hand - areas with much less dense population have a chance to avoid massive out breaks- with careful rules that we all know about. IMO a careful opening up is the only way out.
    Sure there will be another second wave in places like NYC but it wont be ANYWHERE NEAR as bad for a couple of reasons. 1. 25-30% of the fuel is already burnt (Have antibodies) 2. People are much more cautious now and are taking the virus much more seriously than they were 6-8 weeks ago.

  • @johnl4885
    @johnl4885 4 роки тому +1

    Some of the statistics presented paint a clearer picture of what rationally needs to be done - the bottom line of there not being any good options seems like a fair assessment. Protecting the vulnerable, learning what works for getting people safely, as reason dictates, back to work, school, and on with their lives is critical information. I am impressed by a professional who admits limitations in knowledge, what's known and what's not known. And clearly outlining the risks in a complex balancing problem, and for offering suggestions for practical studies that are still needed. Thank you for making this video.

  • @rayc8948
    @rayc8948 4 роки тому +24

    Great watching something so informative and interesting from the other side of the world (New Zealand). Love this, as mainstream media just doesn’t objectively cover Covid-19 from all the different angles.

    • @TrailTribune
      @TrailTribune 4 роки тому +6

      Ray C Because the lamestream media has to sensationalize everything in order to maximize ad revenue while following a corporate-directed partisan narrative!

  • @alwadud0196
    @alwadud0196 4 роки тому +3

    Excellent debate, and very important discussion. Thank you. Please keep keeping us informed, appreciated.

  • @johncasagranda
    @johncasagranda 4 роки тому +45

    16:36 - Herd immunity and virus run its course/virus due.

  • @canesser1
    @canesser1 4 роки тому +2

    Incredible interview by two exceptional men. Thank you for all that you do.

  • @sunving
    @sunving 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you Dr Bhattacharya! There is no safe options !

  • @paulalovell1
    @paulalovell1 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for these interviews.

  • @midnighfairy
    @midnighfairy 4 роки тому +20

    Yes new york, italy and seattle have thousands chinese workers that came back from lunar year celebration

    • @lme9743
      @lme9743 4 роки тому +1

      midnighfairy I wonder if that data is being studied. It would be interesting to see what happened to those who traveled post lunar celebrations. How many of the traveled have Covid or became ill or hospitalized?

    • @rachanaraizada
      @rachanaraizada 4 роки тому +3

      That's nonsense. I live in Lombardy. The greatest chaos occurred in ill prepared hospitals and care homes in Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona. Flights from China were stopped in January and they tested and quarantined everyone who returned from China in January and early February (more Italians than Chinese actually). All of that turned up a big zero. There are few Chinese workers in factories, only in a couple of small towns. Most Chinese here are entrepreneurs who run small businesses and are permanently settled here. They don't travel back. A lot of Italians in high end design, fashion etc travel to China frequently because their paychecks are quite dependent on the Chinese market.

  • @geoffsimpkins7650
    @geoffsimpkins7650 4 роки тому +9

    So grateful for honest discussion. As for testing universally, no thanks. I’ll be avoiding those places that require it.

  • @M.-.D
    @M.-.D 4 роки тому +5

    Fantastic interview and great news!

  • @joshtaylor26
    @joshtaylor26 4 роки тому +6

    Thank you for providing good information, something that is increasingly rare in today's world.

  • @saldito
    @saldito 4 роки тому

    It would be amazing if you could have Jay and Carl T. Bergstrom to discuss the studies and methodologies. Thanks for this interview!

  • @mikewilliams4947
    @mikewilliams4947 4 роки тому +3

    What a fab piece guys thank you very much.

  • @tadmarshall2739
    @tadmarshall2739 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you, Peter and Jay, this was the best one yet! One possible correction: I have read that the RT-PCR test is actually testing for fragments of viral RNA, and that these can exist even after a person has recovered from an infection. This means that a positive result does not necessarily indicate that the subject “currently has the disease”. Jay, did I get that right?

    • @annbrucepineda8093
      @annbrucepineda8093 4 роки тому +1

      Tad Marshall Is it possible to test positive for covid19 if I had the flu shot last October?

  • @bhaveshpatel9626
    @bhaveshpatel9626 4 роки тому +4

    Great interview. Thx !

  • @silkhead44
    @silkhead44 4 роки тому +7

    could there be a social economic component to the MLB organization compared to the residents of Santa Clara?

  • @connormacloud2325
    @connormacloud2325 4 роки тому +1

    Keep it coming please! Thank you Dr and Thank you for doing this

  • @ORagnar
    @ORagnar 4 роки тому +3

    It would be nice to see some randomized tests in the locations where the baseball teams are as a point of comparison.

  • @chelihawk
    @chelihawk 4 роки тому +2

    Great, honest videos. Thank you, this is what people really need. Media will do anything to promote this crisis because this is the only way they will get people to watch them. I would love to see a test to see how many essential services workers have the antibodies present. These are people who have been exposed since the onset.

  • @tammyrobinson1613
    @tammyrobinson1613 4 роки тому +2

    Awesome interview. Thank you so much for bringing up the issues on the other side of this, the deaths, mentally health, and other physical health issues happening because of the lockdown
    I list a friend to suicide last month. My daughter works in mental health and is in an emotional health crisis herself because she deals with suicide calls and deaths as well as home violence all day since this started.

  • @harrimikk7081
    @harrimikk7081 4 роки тому +3

    Great talk! Where could I find the study conducted in Island Dr. Bhattacharaya is talking about (minute 26)?

  • @hoang-yentran5511
    @hoang-yentran5511 4 роки тому +2

    Very interesting discussion!
    Thank you 🙏 Thank you to your hard work and many thanks to your knowledge.

  • @MostCommentsAreFake-ud8by
    @MostCommentsAreFake-ud8by 4 роки тому +3

    There are 30 countries we have data for. Surely the best practice can be discerned from all those countries.

  • @jackspratny99
    @jackspratny99 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you for doing this. And Peter/ Jay: " Fill in blank Governor name , Tear down this lockdown !"

  • @RickK-px2zo
    @RickK-px2zo 4 роки тому +3

    This is exactly what politicians require. Clear analysis of the data. The various effects of the lockdown on societies. And how to make a risk assessment. Your characterization of each side showed an unbiased, realistic look at the people and not the politics. Rare these days. Thanks so much for sharing your work.

  • @Tealeafsong
    @Tealeafsong 4 роки тому

    Once again: Thank you both!

  • @brianjoyce9742
    @brianjoyce9742 4 роки тому +2

    This type of conversation derives more info than any out there. These fellows are trying to get and give good information that is available. The Darkhorse site does the same in a different manner. This is the stuff society needs. I find many cant/won't take the time to investigate this way. Please try people because it gives us our best chance. Thank you Peter and Dr Jay

  • @deneicy
    @deneicy 4 роки тому +4

    What’s the best TEST stock to invest in? This sounds like a gold mine! Sincere question

  • @meschoooter6027
    @meschoooter6027 4 роки тому +1

    Trying to understand: People should self-isolate if they feel they are at risk. We do not have to mandatorily shut everything down.