The Force is not fire. It cannot be passed from one user’s lit torch to another’s and another’s until an entire hemisphere is illuminated with a blaze of a million lights. When all carry a flame, no matter how dim or guttering it may be, they soon conclude they are the brightest stars, around which all others must orbit. Infighting follows, and Jedi victory becomes inevitable. No, the Force is venom. If it is poured into many cups, it loses its potency until it becomes so diluted it is merely an irritant. Yet pour those cups back into a single vessel and you will have the power to stop a Krayt dragon’s heart. - Bane of the Sith
Ah, yeah, dessan. The only sith to oppose cheat god mode, because the script was designed for you to lose. Took my ass as a kid few good hours to realize that lol
The dark side is like poison, pour it into too many cups and it loses its potency until it becomes nothing more than a minor irritant, however pour all those cups back into one pitcher and you have enough to stop a kryt dragon's heart. Darth bane explains the philosophy of the rule of two
@@Otterbean4013 The Marxist vision can never truly exist simply because of an undeniable truth that shapes this world every single day, and that is that the strong will always stand above the weak.
@@Otterbean4013 So, you want to live in a world where their are a few haves but mostly have-nots and you mathematically would be far more likely a have-not with no hope?
do u know how many times have i entered this tomb i have activated the red engine and I have mastered that tomb take my dik LoRd baras the FATTEST SITH LORD OF ALL TIME WOW GREAT ACHIEVEMENT
"Once we were mighty Jedi of the Republic, brothers in the Force. But the Great Schism between the dark side and the light turned Jedi against Jedi. Our ancestors were defeated, driven off… cast out!" - Marka Ragnos
@@theblade1251 it's fantasy and i don't need a gaggle of corporate careerists to tell me what are the integral aspects of something dear to me. I just take what I want from the EU and continue as if that was always the story, with a few omissions here and there, but for the most part as is. Disney's universe, if you could call it that, isn't even something I've exposed myself to so I need not omit it. In my mind it just never happened. Canon is what you want it to be. RIP Luke, the Jedi Praxeum, et al., you were always the greatest iteration of SW's legacy.
@@theblade1251 It's starting to look like they're going to recanonize KOTOR and SWTOR due to their popularity, which will bring much of the older EU back in as canon.
@@nessanderson6460 If they will make it cannon they should just separate it from the Sky walker saga. It should be in its own universe instead of just being another prequel
"The weak will always be victims. That is the way of the universe. The strong take what they want,and the weak suffer at their hands.That is their fate; It is inevitable. Only the strong survive,because only the strong deserve to." Darth Bane
"Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken." That is the one and only reality of the sith
I know Paplatine's theme came before but, lore-wise, couldn't be Palpatine's theme a sped up Sith theme? I mean, Palpatine was the last Lord Sith, so it makes sense for his theme to close the cicle (not counting Expanded Universe Siths, for sure.)
"A day, a year, a millennium, it matters not, I hold the patience of stone, and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant, let your death be the same." -Emperor Vitiate
"Do you know the ways of the force? Do you understand the true nature of the dark side?" "No," she admitted, never dropping her gaze from his own. "But you can teach me. I'm young....I will learn."
"A God has no need for family." "The Sith Empire will burn brightly, like a supernova, dwarfing the complacent Republic. We shall hold the entire galaxy in our grasp." "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing." "The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead." "Is it not a measure of our success that we can award worlds as if they were mere business contracts?" "Terror rises off Nute Gunray and Rune Haako like steam. I intimidate them without saying a word. It is clear the minute I arrive on Naboo. Is it my ritual tattoos, my silence, my eyes? All I have to do is look in their direction and they scurry away ... So I look in their direction often." "A bold claim, but you are not Sith. You wear the trappings of the Sith, you fight like the Sith, but this can be imitated, however. You lack a vital quality found in all Sith. Sith have no fear, and I sense much fear in you." "You were weak when I found you. You should never have survived my training. But now your anger has become your strength. At last, the dark side is your ally. Rise, my apprentice." "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen." "If you bring down a giant, you're a hero. If you kill something weak-even if it has to die-then you endure contempt. Being willing to be despised to serve the common good…that's the mark of a true Sith." "I have been through death and conquered it. I have returned with my power multiplied. The dark side of the Force lives and manifests itself through me! I reach into the dark side now and send ripples through it to all who serve it-know that I live!"
Very peaceful. Being Sith is also about inner calmness. Even Vador would meditate. Inner peace and keeping the rage inside to unleash it on the battlefield.
"Beings die in war. That is the price that must be paid... The Jedi understand the Force only partially. Some of them are even powerful in its use. But they fail to comprehend the fundamental nature of the Force, that it is conflict. That a light side and a dark side exist is proof of this... Because the survivors of the conflict come to understand the Force more deeply. Their understanding evolves. That is purpose enough... Conflict drives a more perfect understanding of the Force... The Jedi do not understand this. They use the Force to repress themselves and others, to enforce their version of tolerance and harmony. They are fools... I am a Sith warrior." - Darth Malgus
i would like a tvshow in the old republic as well. Maybe the new triology from Rin Johnson, which should be far away from the skywalkers, could be in that era
“Turns back to Anakin” Palpatine- are you going to kill me? Anakin - I’d certainly like to Palpatine- I know you would. I can feeeeeelll your anger. It gives you focccus, makes you stronger.
"This is an important time for you, Lord Vader," Palpatine was saying. "You are finally free to make full use of your powers. It can all be yours, my young apprentice, anything you wish. You need only have the determination to take it, at whatever cost to those who stand in your way."
It's unfortunate that there should only be two Sith, because although the quality of Sith would evolve over time, quantity is just as important since 2 Sith cannot take on 10,000 Jedi, it's like the battle of 300 Spartans vs 10,000 Persians, Spartans of course lost.
@@dcmuggamuga407 you miss the point of there being JUST two the code is what allowed the sith to master their darkness sew seeds to make their power absolute Darth Bane said it best "The Force is not fire. It cannot be passed from one user’s lit torch to another’s and another’s until an entire hemisphere is illuminated with a blaze of a million lights. When all carry a flame, no matter how dim or guttering it may be, they soon conclude they are the brightest stars, around which all others must orbit. Infighting follows, and Jedi victory becomes inevitable. No, the Force is venom. If it is poured into many cups, it loses its potency until it becomes so diluted it is merely an irritant. Yet pour those cups back into a single vessel and you will have the power to stop a Krayt dragon’s heart"
@@reiiz9942 I agree, Moraband sounds kind of dumb. They are the same planet tho. Moraband is just the modern name for it. Idk why they would rename a planet, especially one that's been abandoned for thousands of years but whatever.
'Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.'
With the last of the Jedi gone out from the ashes of an empire broken by rebellion and false hope reborn the new sith order waiting for the perfect time to strike. MAY THE FORCE SERVE US
”Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion I gain Strength. Through Strength I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me” - The Code of the Sith, by Sorzus Syn “Nwûl tash. Dzwol shâsotkun. Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk. Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan. Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha. Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak. Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.” - Qotsisajak (“Way of the Sith doctrine.”)
@anythingnew Honestly I feel like the Rey Palpatine theory is actually one of the drastic twists that could have made the Sequels good. I also think based off of hints in TFA that it was probably what JJ Abrams was going for. Too bad Rian Johnson threw out his script. I have my issues with JJ, but at least if Rian followed his script the Sequels would have been consistent.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life ... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful . . . the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. (smiles) Plagueis never saw it coming. It's ironic he could save others from death
look at the a tall this dark tyrant has to make himself...and still he can`t darken out the light! shines right over him! And his cronies, they lost their faces! cause all of the light they receive, is the refelction of the stolen illumination they can see from their masters back!....he redistributes unwanted light!...he is weak, compared to the light. That is why he sends out chains toward the viewer, to bind them before they can see behind his back!... cause he knows he is weak and wants to hide it. I fucking love this image!
My life spans millennia. Legions have risen to test me… My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium-it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same.
And so, with no more worlds left to conquer. Darth Zulain, The Dark Lord of the Sith had The New Sith Empire under his name. While the Jedi hold the Tombs...
There is no peace, there is anger There is no fear, there is power There is no death, there is immortality There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side. I am the heart of darkness I know no fear But rather I instil it in my enemies I am the destroyer of worlds I know the power of the Dark Side I am the fire of hate. All the universe bows before me I pledge myself to the darkness For I have found true life In the death of the light. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Those who use the dark side are also obliged to serve it. Understanding this means understanding the basic philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must desire it and always strive for it. You have to seek power more intensely than anyone else, without hesitation and without hesitation. The force will change you. She will transform you. Some fear this change. Jedi techniques are focused on fighting and mastering this transformation. Therefore, those who serve the Light are limited in what they can achieve. True power can only come to those who accept the transformation. There can be no compromise. Grace, compassion, loyalty: all of these things only prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Those who follow the dark side have to put aside such illusions. Whoever does not do this, whoever wants to take the path of moderation, will fail, drawn in by his own weakness. Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of keeping it. It is the nature of the dark side to encourage rivalry and argument. This is the Sith's greatest strength: the weak are weeded out of the Order in this way. But this rivalry can also be our greatest weakness. The strong must be careful not to be overwhelmed by the ambition of those below them when working together. Any master who teaches more than one student is a fool. In time, these disciples will join forces and overwhelm the Master. It is inevitable. An irrevocable law. Therefore, each master can only have one true disciple. This is also the reason why there can only be one Dark Lord. The Sith must be ruled by a single leader: the embodiment of the strength and power of the dark side. When the leader becomes weak, someone else has to rise to overthrow him. The strong rule; the weak are destined to serve. It has to be like that. My time here is over. Take what I have taught you and make good use of it.
By expelling one's darkness into the world, you bring yourself into alignment with it's Light. By Banishing the light from your heart, you allow the world's Darkness to flow thru you. ... ...Great job asshats.
peace is a lie there is only passion through passion i gain strength through strength i gain power through power i gain victory through victory my chains are broken the force shall set me free -the sith creed
"He was a diligent and brave Jedi. Rarely lost a battle, but even he was corrupted. The sith have a pathway to many abilities that seek to tempt noble Jedi into it's ranks. Vader was nearly defeated on the day he was created. He only survived the fire because the flames that consumed his body were not nearly as bright as the ones that burned within him."
@@zillafire101 How do your mean? I guess my question would be, "In what way are they grey?" If by grey we mean a mixture of the principles of both the light and the dark, then I do not see how it is possible to be grey and yet refuse the dark side. It may be that they reject the domination or total hegemony of the dark side, since would want to incorporate light side principles as well, but that would not mean they are free from the dark side as such. And the dark side is not given to share power with its opposite. Slowly but surely, it will come to dominate one's destiny. Or do you have another sense of what it means to be grey?
@David Alvarez Well, for one, Jenassarai use some dark side techniques in combat, but no where else, and two, Grey is used by the Jedi to designate orders that don't follow Jedi Orthodoxy.
You seen the movie, Haha. That's was the best line. You see the detail in the temple. That was pretty sweet. What did the chanting say at the end, I couldn't make it out, I swore I heard something?
@@bugr33d0_hunter8 I cant really remember, i dont wanna spoil it anyways lol. But it was amazing tho when i found out who rey's parents where i was freaking out haha
"Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion I gain Strength. Through Strength I gain Power. Through Power I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me."
Cake is a lie, there is only pie, Through pie I gain fat, Through fat I gain weight, Through weight I gain width, Through width my belt is broken, The pie shall set me free
The dark side is not what makes you evil, hell its not even being a Sith. It’s what you use your power for. Lord Revan was perhaps the only one that wielded the dark side and understood that.
"When an organism is threatened, it will defend itself. That's only because its death will end its power. If a being is not threatened, it will seek to develop, to advance, to grow, to gain power. This is not greed. This is GROWTH." Quote from the youtube video "The Will to Power"
C Sounds like it. Seems to be the natural feeling most people got got after watching that shit, I know I did. Fuck Disney and anything Star wars related they try to force on us from now on. They are not cannon and I will never see them as cannon. Kotor, Swtor, republic commando, the original 6 movies, EU( parts of it), that's my cannon, that is true Star wars through and through, and that's where it will remain.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
I have broken the spine of the galaxy. Nearly 100 years ago the Yuuzhan Vong invaded plunging the galaxy into deep chaos..Bleeding it and weakening it. Patient in the force, I waited as the galaxy grew darker. Darth Krayt
I would write more of what he recorded in his holocron but I think we all know he was just a pretender. All the Sith before him were true Sith. Caedus once Jacen Solo apprentice and nephew to Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker was just a distraction so Krayt could build his Sith in secret and cloud Luke Skywalker's mind as well as his Jedi Order
The Force is not a shield to protect the useless, but is, in reality, a weapon to empower the worthy.
- Lord Desann
The Force is not fire. It cannot be passed from one user’s lit torch to another’s and another’s until an entire hemisphere is illuminated with a blaze of a million lights. When all carry a flame, no matter how dim or guttering it may be, they soon conclude they are the brightest stars, around which all others must orbit. Infighting follows, and Jedi victory becomes inevitable.
No, the Force is venom. If it is poured into many cups, it loses its potency until it becomes so diluted it is merely an irritant. Yet pour those cups back into a single vessel and you will have the power to stop a Krayt dragon’s heart. - Bane of the Sith
Ah, yeah, dessan. The only sith to oppose cheat god mode, because the script was designed for you to lose. Took my ass as a kid few good hours to realize that lol
Nietzsche be like
The dark side is like poison, pour it into too many cups and it loses its potency until it becomes nothing more than a minor irritant, however pour all those cups back into one pitcher and you have enough to stop a kryt dragon's heart.
Darth bane explains the philosophy of the rule of two
@@D00RYAdude same! I was so confused why I couldn’t beat him!
Henceforth you shall be known as Darth.....
...Dark Lord of the Sith
H0wlrunn3r exactly man. This is the vibe
Read this in JKF's voice
Hencefohth, you shall be known as Dahth…Vadah.*
If all are equal, none are strong.
Marxists want everyone equally weak because they envy the strong. Rather than improve themselves, they want to tear down the strong.
@@Otterbean4013 The Marxist vision can never truly exist simply because of an undeniable truth that shapes this world every single day, and that is that the strong will always stand above the weak.
"Equality is a lie to satisfy the weak" Darth Bane
I made an essay about darth bane path of destruction got B2 or B-
@@Otterbean4013 So, you want to live in a world where their are a few haves but mostly have-nots and you mathematically would be far more likely a have-not with no hope?
To set foot in the tomb of Naga Sadow is to breathe in death itself.
Darth Baras
“Equality is a myth to protect the weak. some of us are strong in the Force, others are not. Only a fool believes otherwise.”
@@---jx4vh Darth Fatty
@@aryansingh2459 true. I don't understand why they did this to a Darth.
do u know how many times have i entered this tomb i have activated the red engine and I have mastered that tomb take my dik LoRd baras the FATTEST SITH LORD OF ALL TIME WOW GREAT ACHIEVEMENT
"Once we were mighty Jedi of the Republic, brothers in the Force. But the Great Schism between the dark side and the light turned Jedi against Jedi. Our ancestors were defeated, driven off… cast out!"
- Marka Ragnos
*Exar Kun, because of you, the Sith will never die. You have earned the right to bear the mark of Dark Lord of the Sith*
@Wilfri Castillo not in canon though
@@theblade1251 it's fantasy and i don't need a gaggle of corporate careerists to tell me what are the integral aspects of something dear to me. I just take what I want from the EU and continue as if that was always the story, with a few omissions here and there, but for the most part as is. Disney's universe, if you could call it that, isn't even something I've exposed myself to so I need not omit it. In my mind it just never happened. Canon is what you want it to be.
RIP Luke, the Jedi Praxeum, et al., you were always the greatest iteration of SW's legacy.
@@theblade1251 It's starting to look like they're going to recanonize KOTOR and SWTOR due to their popularity, which will bring much of the older EU back in as canon.
@@nessanderson6460 even then Disney and lucasfilm will still find a way to fuck this up
@@nessanderson6460 If they will make it cannon they should just separate it from the Sky walker saga. It should be in its own universe instead of just being another prequel
The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities... some consider to be, unnatural
Is it possible to learn this power?
Not from a Jedi (slow turn of the head)
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not.
shut up and give me the doritos bob
@@briansmith2739 It's an old Sith Legend...
"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally." - Darth Maul
"How could you turn your back on the Jedi?"
"It was easy. The Jedi squandered their power. I did not."
*“Anger lead to hate, and hate leads to power, tap into that power.”*-Darth Tyranus
“Words. Go on to your higher plane, teacher. The galaxy is mine now.” - Exar Kun
@@ethan23871 LOL
Female darth? Kkkkkkkk
"The weak will always be victims. That is the way of the universe. The strong take what they want,and the weak suffer at their hands.That is their fate;
It is inevitable.
Only the strong survive,because only the strong deserve to." Darth Bane
"Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken."
That is the one and only reality of the sith
The Jedi are blind, the Sith are doomed
Underrated comment
@@buzzlightyear3657 Facts. This is profound. It's also why I choose the third option...
_Oya Manda_
influence gain: Darth Traya
Damn kid.
and those that are grey can not, nor will they ever do anything about it
a slowed down version of palpatines theme
They are different.
@@anonymouseagle2576 An altered version but still Palpy's
I know Paplatine's theme came before but, lore-wise, couldn't be Palpatine's theme a sped up Sith theme? I mean, Palpatine was the last Lord Sith, so it makes sense for his theme to close the cicle (not counting Expanded Universe Siths, for sure.)
"A day, a year, a millennium, it matters not, I hold the patience of stone, and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant, let your death be the same."
-Emperor Vitiate
"Do you know the ways of the force? Do you understand the true nature of the dark side?"
"No," she admitted, never dropping her gaze from his own. "But you can teach me. I'm young....I will learn."
Darth Zanna(Rain) and Darth Bane( Des)
“Words. Go on to your higher plane, teacher. The galaxy is mine now.” - Exar Kun
"A God has no need for family."
"The Sith Empire will burn brightly, like a supernova, dwarfing the complacent Republic. We shall hold the entire galaxy in our grasp."
"And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing."
"The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead."
"Is it not a measure of our success that we can award worlds as if they were mere business contracts?"
"Terror rises off Nute Gunray and Rune Haako like steam. I intimidate them without saying a word. It is clear the minute I arrive on Naboo. Is it my ritual tattoos, my silence, my eyes? All I have to do is look in their direction and they scurry away ... So I look in their direction often."
"A bold claim, but you are not Sith. You wear the trappings of the Sith, you fight like the Sith, but this can be imitated, however. You lack a vital quality found in all Sith. Sith have no fear, and I sense much fear in you."
"You were weak when I found you. You should never have survived my training. But now your anger has become your strength. At last, the dark side is your ally. Rise, my apprentice."
"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."
"If you bring down a giant, you're a hero. If you kill something weak-even if it has to die-then you endure contempt. Being willing to be despised to serve the common good…that's the mark of a true Sith."
"I have been through death and conquered it. I have returned with my power multiplied. The dark side of the Force lives and manifests itself through me! I reach into the dark side now and send ripples through it to all who serve it-know that I live!"
I think it's Vitiate.
Lord Voldemort Darth Caedus, Jacen Solo when recruiting his student.
The third one is a quote from Darth Sion...or from Darth Traya...I am not sure right now.
Das Institut Darth Sion. Remember, he was obsessed with death and dying and all.
Das Institut it’s Sion, when you encounter him at the Sith Academy on Korriban
Very peaceful. Being Sith is also about inner calmness. Even Vador would meditate. Inner peace and keeping the rage inside to unleash it on the battlefield.
Joe Benz how do you actually spell Vader’s name wrong lmaooo
@@strykerhero994 Fr
I listened to this piece.
Now I'm the Senate.
@Wolf Alpha 900 It's treason then.
"Beings die in war. That is the price that must be paid... The Jedi understand the Force only partially. Some of them are even powerful in its use. But they fail to comprehend the fundamental nature of the Force, that it is conflict. That a light side and a dark side exist is proof of this... Because the survivors of the conflict come to understand the Force more deeply. Their understanding evolves. That is purpose enough... Conflict drives a more perfect understanding of the Force... The Jedi do not understand this. They use the Force to repress themselves and others, to enforce their version of tolerance and harmony. They are fools... I am a Sith warrior." - Darth Malgus
Book of the Sith?
@@iwantddie Nope. It's a quote from Darth Malgus in the Old Republic novel "Deceived"
We need a game/movie/tvshow about this time period of star wars...
We already have a game. Multiple actually.
The Old Republic
Knights of the Old Republic (1-2)
There are more I think.
Hey if they make Snoke an ancient Sith then we may get some Old Republic Era stuff.
i would like a tvshow in the old republic as well. Maybe the new triology from Rin Johnson, which should be far away from the skywalkers, could be in that era
Paul Hinz no never let rian Johnson tough the old republic he would destroy it
@@soldier_6641 I think he's talking about the Ancient Sith Empire era, with Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh
"You were deceived. And now, your Republic shall fall."
“Remember, the first and only reality of the Sith: There can only be two. And you are no longer my apprentice.”
This theme always made me feel like the Sith were powerful, and that they were always in control of the dark backgrounds of the Clone Wars.
“Turns back to Anakin”
Palpatine- are you going to kill me?
Anakin - I’d certainly like to
Palpatine- I know you would. I can feeeeeelll your anger. It gives you focccus, makes you stronger.
"This is an important time for you, Lord Vader," Palpatine was saying. "You are finally free to make full use of your powers. It can all be yours, my young apprentice, anything you wish. You need only have the determination to take it, at whatever cost to those who stand in your way."
"All life is sex, and all sex is competition"
- Robert California
''Two there should be. No more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it''
Darth Bane
Darth Revan the greatest strength of the Dark Side; it culls the weak and the strong rule
Issei Hyoudou you sleep to this..?
Issei Hyoudou You...are sith.
@Issei Hyoudou
Sith dreams my friend!
You to do this ?
oh, wait, you was kidding, right?
"Remember, the first and only reality of the Sith: There can only be two, and you are no longer my apprentice. You have been replaced!"
jhughes22891 Sidious to Maul
jhughes22891 “My life ends only when my rage has been vented, when my need for vengeance is satisfied. It will be a long life.-Darth Maul
It's unfortunate that there should only be two Sith, because although the quality of Sith would evolve over time, quantity is just as important since 2 Sith cannot take on 10,000 Jedi, it's like the battle of 300 Spartans vs 10,000 Persians, Spartans of course lost.
@@dcmuggamuga407 you miss the point of there being JUST two
the code is what allowed the sith to master their darkness
sew seeds to make their power absolute
Darth Bane said it best
"The Force is not fire. It cannot be passed from one user’s lit torch to another’s and another’s until an entire hemisphere is illuminated with a blaze of a million lights. When all carry a flame, no matter how dim or guttering it may be, they soon conclude they are the brightest stars, around which all others must orbit. Infighting follows, and Jedi victory becomes inevitable.
No, the Force is venom. If it is poured into many cups, it loses its potency until it becomes so diluted it is merely an irritant. Yet pour those cups back into a single vessel and you will have the power to stop a Krayt dragon’s heart"
Korriban is my city
Lightsaber is my language
@Edin Yes, but have you never heard the meme: "England is my city?"
Too bad korriban is no longer canon
Now its called morriband which is suck
Korriban sounds more sinister than a morriband
@@reiiz9942 I agree, Moraband sounds kind of dumb. They are the same planet tho. Moraband is just the modern name for it. Idk why they would rename a planet, especially one that's been abandoned for thousands of years but whatever.
True power comes from passion, ambition, hatred, anger, and knowledge
i cant even express enough how much the theme fits the scenenee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is that?
@@Cupcake69-h7vASOIAF lore that is the Bloodstone Emperor usurped an empiere with blood magic rumored to have started the long night
"This *Sith* Music is the best!"
Obi - Wan Kenobi : *Hello There*
"These new Sith do not follow the Rule of Two. They seem to follow the Rule of However Many They Need."
As long as the dark places of this world flows through the cracks of my flesh, I cannot be killed. - Darth Sion: Lord of Pain
'Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.'
"Is it possible to learn this power?"
@@menslady125eif2590 Not as a Jedi
The sith control everything you just don’t know it
- count dooku
"The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural"
i just noticed someone already did it
With the last of the Jedi gone out from the ashes of an empire broken by rebellion and false hope reborn the new sith order waiting for the perfect time to strike. MAY THE FORCE SERVE US
Never has Sith been so beautiful.
Through my knowledge you will learn a power greater than that of any living Jedi.
”Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me”
- The Code of the Sith, by Sorzus Syn
“Nwûl tash.
Dzwol shâsotkun.
Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.
Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.
Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.
Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.
Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.”
- Qotsisajak (“Way of the Sith doctrine.”)
Sith Lord: Yyyyeeesss I see their every intent .We shall take over the planets and rule the galaxy until every single Jedi is inilated.
66 dislikes
"Ironic, isn't it?"
Imagine landing on korriban and hearing this music creepy shit.
anythingnew I want that to happen that will make my day..year.. I would LOVE THAT
@anythingnew Honestly I feel like the Rey Palpatine theory is actually one of the drastic twists that could have made the Sequels good. I also think based off of hints in TFA that it was probably what JJ Abrams was going for. Too bad Rian Johnson threw out his script. I have my issues with JJ, but at least if Rian followed his script the Sequels would have been consistent.
I'd just smile and start up a campfire.
The Dark Side is strong in this music! I feel its power! >:D
That is a picture of first bloodstone emperor of Yi Ti from a song of ice and fire.
You win a cookie! 🍪
Naga sadow
The pic does have a very similar look to the ancient Sith though
Naga Sadow... IS MY JAM.... LOVE Sith Sorcerers/Alchemists... who needs a damn glowstick anyway...
"Ha! You may use the dark side, but you... You are not sith."
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life ... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful . . . the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. (smiles) Plagueis never saw it coming. It's ironic he could save others from death
You forgot the rest. It's ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself.
@@Otterbean4013 ironic, you correct him but the line starts with "ironic" alone.
I want someone to suck my ironic
But not himself
The bad guys always have the best shit and POWER. UNNNNLIMITED POOOOWEEERR!! ⚡️⚡️
Good & Evil are two sides of the same person. You. The side that wins is the side you choose to feed.
Thank you for extending it! :D
Again, i feel the power of the dark side.
Feel the power of the dark side
look at the a tall this dark tyrant has to make himself...and still he can`t darken out the light! shines right over him! And his cronies, they lost their faces! cause all of the light they receive, is the refelction of the stolen illumination they can see from their masters back!....he redistributes unwanted light!...he is weak, compared to the light. That is why he sends out chains toward the viewer, to bind them before they can see behind his back!... cause he knows he is weak and wants to hide it. I fucking love this image!
If I be a force user, I’d be a Grey Jedi but mediate with this fire music playing 🔥
I have killed many Jedi in my time, they are nothing.
Good Gooooooooooood you have done well
.....And now...Finally.... We have returned....
Who is that in the photo. Man looks like the ultimate menace who could actually have a chance against full power anakin
I believe that's Naga Sadow.
My life spans millennia. Legions have risen to test me… My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium-it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same.
And so, with no more worlds left to conquer. Darth Zulain, The Dark Lord of the Sith had The New Sith Empire under his name. While the Jedi hold the Tombs...
Wow you put 30 seconds of audio on loop for 10 minutes. Most impressive
There is no peace, there is anger
There is no fear, there is power
There is no death, there is immortality
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.
I am the heart of darkness
I know no fear
But rather I instil it in my enemies
I am the destroyer of worlds
I know the power of the Dark Side
I am the fire of hate.
All the universe bows before me
I pledge myself to the darkness
For I have found true life
In the death of the light.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
FEEL THE POWER OF FIRE ! Wait.. Wrong Universe.
I enjoyed the video! Keep it up!
I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith.
Those who use the dark side are also obliged to serve it. Understanding this means understanding the basic philosophy of the Sith.
The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must desire it and always strive for it. You have to seek power more intensely than anyone else, without hesitation and without hesitation.
The force will change you. She will transform you. Some fear this change. Jedi techniques are focused on fighting and mastering this transformation. Therefore, those who serve the Light are limited in what they can achieve.
True power can only come to those who accept the transformation. There can be no compromise. Grace, compassion, loyalty: all of these things only prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Those who follow the dark side have to put aside such illusions. Whoever does not do this, whoever wants to take the path of moderation, will fail, drawn in by his own weakness.
Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of keeping it. It is the nature of the dark side to encourage rivalry and argument. This is the Sith's greatest strength: the weak are weeded out of the Order in this way. But this rivalry can also be our greatest weakness. The strong must be careful not to be overwhelmed by the ambition of those below them when working together. Any master who teaches more than one student is a fool. In time, these disciples will join forces and overwhelm the Master. It is inevitable. An irrevocable law. Therefore, each master can only have one true disciple.
This is also the reason why there can only be one Dark Lord. The Sith must be ruled by a single leader: the embodiment of the strength and power of the dark side. When the leader becomes weak, someone else has to rise to overthrow him. The strong rule; the weak are destined to serve. It has to be like that.
My time here is over. Take what I have taught you and make good use of it.
By expelling one's darkness into the world, you bring yourself into alignment with it's Light.
By Banishing the light from your heart, you allow the world's Darkness to flow thru you.
...Great job asshats.
Give into the dark side
I get more chills and I feel a sense of power when I listen to the Sith themes or music. I like the Jedi theme, but the Sith make me feel powerful.
peace is a lie there is only passion
through passion i gain strength
through strength i gain power
through power i gain victory
through victory my chains are broken
the force shall set me free
-the sith creed
"He was a diligent and brave Jedi. Rarely lost a battle, but even he was corrupted. The sith have a pathway to many abilities that seek to tempt noble Jedi into it's ranks. Vader was nearly defeated on the day he was created. He only survived the fire because the flames that consumed his body were not nearly as bright as the ones that burned within him."
The Jedi are Blind,
The Sith are doomed,
The Gray are Complacent.
Only the Dark Jedi retain both Power over others and control over themselves.
You delude yourself, just as they do
The grey jedi are just potential dark siders that haven't realized what they are doing yet.
@@David_Alvarez77 Jenssarai, Imperial Knights and others are Grey but refuse the Dark Side
@@zillafire101 How do your mean? I guess my question would be, "In what way are they grey?" If by grey we mean a mixture of the principles of both the light and the dark, then I do not see how it is possible to be grey and yet refuse the dark side. It may be that they reject the domination or total hegemony of the dark side, since would want to incorporate light side principles as well, but that would not mean they are free from the dark side as such. And the dark side is not given to share power with its opposite. Slowly but surely, it will come to dominate one's destiny. Or do you have another sense of what it means to be grey?
@David Alvarez Well, for one, Jenassarai use some dark side techniques in combat, but no where else, and two, Grey is used by the Jedi to designate orders that don't follow Jedi Orthodoxy.
My God! This is the most evil tune ive ever heard!
FILIPBG100 welcome to the dark side we have cookies
try Beethoven or Mussorgsky
Ivan Rys Which of theyr songs exactly?
Try Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain
Also, Rachmaninov's The Isle of the Dead
obviously haven't heard much of the alternative metal scene
I have to admit, that sith is creepy and devious as hell.
"i have been every voice"
"You have ever heard!"
"inside your head"
You seen the movie, Haha. That's was the best line. You see the detail in the temple. That was pretty sweet. What did the chanting say at the end, I couldn't make it out, I swore I heard something?
@@bugr33d0_hunter8 I cant really remember, i dont wanna spoil it anyways lol. But it was amazing tho when i found out who rey's parents where i was freaking out haha
Fuck that movie they made palaptine usless
"Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me."
Cake is a lie, there is only pie,
Through pie I gain fat,
Through fat I gain weight,
Through weight I gain width,
Through width my belt is broken,
The pie shall set me free
I swear, I hear at least one Digederoo in there.
It’s so evil I wanna cry tears of joy
Through the dark side my spirit is free. Through anger my power is collected. Through darkness, the force is my light.
I remember using this for my first Wattpad book cover lol. Good times... good... times.
Peace... is a lie...
There is only passion...
And in passion, we gain strength...
In strength, we gain power...
In power, we gain victory...
Have not played this and it looks good :D! Thanks for sharing man and hope you have a wonderful day/night! :p
DemonzZ thanks man! I hope you do too!
Ah yes, finally some calm sounds to have afternoon nap to
The dark side is not what makes you evil, hell its not even being a Sith. It’s what you use your power for. Lord Revan was perhaps the only one that wielded the dark side and understood that.
Traya understood this on a FAR greater scale than Revan ever did, even Revan tapped into the Dark Side's more..... volatile nature.
The 6 dislikes are jedis
"When an organism is threatened, it will defend itself. That's only because its death will end its power. If a being is not threatened, it will seek to develop, to advance, to grow, to gain power. This is not greed. This is GROWTH."
Quote from the youtube video "The Will to Power"
Meanwhile, at EA offices...
Also, 10:24 RIP headphone users.
more like RIP star wars. This series is going to die.
You just watched TLJ didn't you?
C Sounds like it.
Seems to be the natural feeling most people got got after watching that shit, I know I did.
Fuck Disney and anything Star wars related they try to force on us from now on. They are not cannon and I will never see them as cannon.
Kotor, Swtor, republic commando, the original 6 movies, EU( parts of it), that's my cannon, that is true Star wars through and through, and that's where it will remain.
You got that right my ears are dying
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
all hail the memory of marka ragnos! His legacy will live for centuries among the sith people and their rulers!
Far above, far below. We don’t know where we’ll fall. Far above, far below. What once was great is rendered small.
I have broken the spine of the galaxy. Nearly 100 years ago the Yuuzhan Vong invaded plunging the galaxy into deep chaos..Bleeding it and weakening it. Patient in the force, I waited as the galaxy grew darker. Darth Krayt
I would write more of what he recorded in his holocron but I think we all know he was just a pretender. All the Sith before him were true Sith. Caedus once Jacen Solo apprentice and nephew to Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker was just a distraction so Krayt could build his Sith in secret and cloud Luke Skywalker's mind as well as his Jedi Order
I can listen to this all day.
Fear is the path to the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering
Only a sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.
Sith have no fear. Yet i sense much fear in you.