How We Teach Kids To Be Centrists

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Unscripted, as usual. This is something I've thought for a really long time. Hope you're all well and I'll see you soon.
    MLK Jr's words about the 'white moderate':
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  • @raspberryitalia3464
    @raspberryitalia3464 3 роки тому +67

    "Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man.
    I take a step forward in the name of peace. He takes a step back.
    "Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man.

  • @814912
    @814912 3 роки тому +50

    I agree with this so much, especially the part at the beginning. One of the most traumatic things I ever went through in primary school was because I tried to stand up for my friend who was being bullied. The girl who was doing the bullying basically lied and falsely told another girl that I'd bitten her, and I had to go to see the deputy head. (I was in floods of tears by this point - I was eight, had never been in that kind of trouble before, and was absolutely terrified). The first thing he did was made me tell him my side of the story, and when I told him I hadn't bitten that girl or anything she'd been accusing of, I'd just been trying to stop her bullying my friend, he just said, "Well, you shouldn't have got involved with someone else's argument, that's the first problem", like it was just as bad as what I'd been accused of. He didn't bring in my friend to ask for her side of the story. He didn't bring the bully in again. He just shouted at me for hours while I cried uncontrollably, and then told my teacher, in front of the whole class, that he was convinced I was guilty. It should also be noted that A. the bully was well known for pinching, shoving and hitting other kids, which the teacher just always told us to just ignore when we complained, and B. while the deputy head told me I'd be getting some sort of pretty severe punishment, NOTHING happened about it after that day. The whole thing was never even mentioned again, I was never officially punished, and my parents were never told - either because the teachers just lost interest, or because there was no proof.
    Ugh... it was all YEARS ago, but thinking about the whole thing still makes my blood boil. There are honestly SO many things wrong with the way my school handled the situation, I don't even know which part is the worst. And we were all eight-year-olds, with no knowledge of how life was supposed to work or how to stand up for ourselves, against bullies or teachers. All I learned was that that's what sticking up for your friends leads to - I was made to feel like I'd brought the trouble on myself, like I deserved it because I'd got involved in someone else's fight.

    • @Louisyed
      @Louisyed 3 роки тому +5

      One memory I have that stands out from primary school was punching a girl who had been bullying me for months, because I just lost control. My teacher said she understood why I did it but it wasn't ok for me to do it. I remember it because it's the only time I can remember it being acknowledged that the way she was treating me wasn't ok and reacting didn't make me a bad person.

    • @butterflypooo
      @butterflypooo 3 роки тому +3

      I agree that is far more traumatic than the actual bullying. It teaches us that it is dangerous to not speak up, to not tell the truth, to not do the right thing bc we will be equated with the bully and be left all alone to manage while the bully collects more points from these cowards.
      I really can’t stand people enabling aggressors and YOU are not an aggressor for speaking up, you are a champion of human rights and truth seeker and warrior.
      I hope that with time, you can unlearn and grow beyond this trauma. Get it out of your system. I’m still working on it but I think trusting my gut (no matter how much others shame me to do otherwise) is the ticket here.
      Sending positive vibes and support ❤️❤️❤️

    • @swagmund_freud6669
      @swagmund_freud6669 3 роки тому

      This is one of my biggest disgusts with school. Punishments are undefined, inconsistent and not democratic. There is no representation. It is micro fascism.

  • @jash1966
    @jash1966 3 роки тому +26

    as someone who was repeatedly teased and left out of things throughout my childhood, this completely resonated with me - I felt like nobody cared about me enough to speak up because I didn’t understand how my ‘friends’ could claim they cared about me/our relationship yet silently watch while I was being bullied

    • @Louisyed
      @Louisyed 3 роки тому +3

      Same experience. One girl in my friendship group bullied me and the group was obsessed with being fair. I also felt like no one cared to stand up for me, it was saying it was ok for her to behave like that.

    • @brucebartup6161
      @brucebartup6161 3 роки тому +2

      @@Louisyed Great point. There's out of group bullying and internal bullying teasingm, coercion, manipulation, lies and.withdrawal of support In adult IPV Intimate Partner Violence there is a catnegory reciprocal violence. There is also the idea of pecking order and enforcing hierarchies for the good of the group..
      What I'm saying is that society has approaches to violence broadly which when carriweed thojugh to children are unhelpfully violence positive.
      Bdeuingb as weakrer male i was once biullirdd at infant school, mostly teased agfttrr that. THe bully I had in ,my teens I stood up to - and was immediately knocked 20' backwarsds. Decades later I discovered that the one guy in class big enough to cointendwith the biuly hadit iout with him. Really stood up for me. But not told me,. MY best friend at school similarly told me decades latreet that he was immensely proud of me. Ar rthe tiime he said nothing for intrellly to our group of palas nd wkithhin the pupoil body as a woile he wass beong was being subjecct vt tol uintetnal grouup violsnce/teasing etc as a racial minority
      Bul;lyly victims i think don''t stand up for thrmsselves when tyhhy know they will
      Doon't sand up for others for fear of getting the violrence them selves
      does html sene in yiur ternms? in yiur expreinxce
      typois die ti advances parkknssnism

    • @brucebartup6161
      @brucebartup6161 3 роки тому +1

      @@Louisyed 2nd attempt.althoug nobody old you that they were standing up or you doesn't mean that they weren't. They may just not havew truted yoiu to uzss hat iinformation in a way that would bounce back on them.
      In my boyworld case I might have aid to anyone teasing me "I'll get X. YZ on you, You knoowwhat happoendeed to A BCwho bullied me? well just watch out then
      in your "girlworld* vcase I've no ide hpw iit wpould play out,.. But I can easilty imagine mmssny vague reasons why they igt not want to tell you..
      To me girlworld sounds horrrific, simply horrific. No wondr y contemporary girls used to pick n and tease me. I was safe. And hey nedd somewhere to pu their freustrations hurt fear etc.
      glad to have been of service

  • @thatoneinternetgirl7965
    @thatoneinternetgirl7965 3 роки тому +14

    “Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than ‘politics.’ They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.”
    -Naomi Shulman

    • @dontomslee3456
      @dontomslee3456 3 роки тому

      Ohh are we then "part of the problem"?😂

    • @razi_man
      @razi_man 3 роки тому

      @@dontomslee3456 Injusice should never be tolerated, that is the point.

  • @butterflypooo
    @butterflypooo 3 роки тому +8

    When I was a kid, I remember being told (and being really angry about it) this, “It takes two” when adults heard about someone being bullied.
    My brother (who is nothing at all like your angel of a brother; actually terrifying and dangerous) would physically harm me and my sister ... over the slightest things like us saying “hi” to him the wrong way, and our parents said, “It takes two” and even when we were really young, we would argue with them about that, but it was also a message from school and so many other parts of life.
    I’m thinking a lot about unconditional love lately and TRULY supporting those who need it, to REALLY be there for someone who you care about and show that via actions... but I’ve heard people misinterpret “unconditional love” as loving every single human equally, no matter who they are or what they did. To me, that is not unconditional love at all but a huge lie and very similar to this centrism bullshit fake peace that you are talking about. Really? You love the rapist in prison as much as you love their victims? That’s just being in denial and NOT supporting survivors. Sheesh.

  • @mossex4447
    @mossex4447 3 роки тому +10

    "Too often in the society we live in, it's seen as more noble to reach out and defend enemies than it is to defend the people they've hurt." That and the MLK quote reeeeeallly resonated with me. The most concise lefty video I've seen in a while. Great work!

  • @jameskinch4889
    @jameskinch4889 3 роки тому +15

    Good to see you back, hope you are well! I have a permanent chip in one of my teeth for getting into a argument/fight in school where I got angry at a bunch of guys making jokes about Auschwitz after a history lesson. I got a chipped tooth and nothing was done by the school but to make us all civil with each other again, making it seem like I did something wrong with how I acted. Interesting points you make, thanks for talking about this.

    • @mister2628
      @mister2628 3 роки тому

      Then everybody clapped...

    • @razi_man
      @razi_man 3 роки тому

      @@mister2628 Need your delirious pills, Kyle?

  • @dunnejos8423
    @dunnejos8423 3 роки тому +50

    And THAT is exactly it. When you take the center on an issue like homophobia or racism you are complicit in the harm that happens to us. Centrists are the ultimate pick-me's.

    • @Celrador
      @Celrador 3 роки тому +3

      Argument to moderation is a powerful fallacy.

    • @namesake7210
      @namesake7210 3 роки тому +1

      I think you're confusing multiple concepts. Centrism is just politics inside the overton window. Centrists do take a side on political issues . Unless you're talking about political nihilists, centrists do have political opinions. No one takes an absolute center stance on political issues. It just means on some issues you agree with the left and some times they agree with the right

    • @Celrador
      @Celrador 3 роки тому +1

      @@namesake7210 No. Centrism isn't just everything inside the overton window, it is really about being at the center of said window.
      Yes, there are people whose opinions just result in being centrist, but more often than not I have already had experiences with people who basically were spineless and had no convictions and just chose the middle ground to feel or appear enlightened, which can also be the result of insecurity. (There is a difference between being able to understand other positions and incorporating those in your own worldview and just taking the middle ground position because you don't know any better.) And atleast a good amount of time this leads to undesirable outcomes like not standing up against homophobia or the likes, which I would argue is also based on similar cognitive processes as the not standing up against bullies mentioned at the start of this video. It's just being overly "adaptable", in the same vein as someone experiencing racism being used in a casual manner and just adopting it, thinking that it makes them more accepted within a group. It's just blind herd behaviour in order to not be excluded and ostracized.
      There also are the cold calculating centrists taking centrist positions because it maximizes their chances of success. (Going into a similar direction as the ones afraid of being ostracized.)

    • @dunnejos8423
      @dunnejos8423 3 роки тому +2

      @@namesake7210 I know the difference between a literal definition and it's cultural use.
      Centrists of our day exist in a window that's shifted center right at least in the US, therefore they tend not to care about, or tend not to take sides on minority issues, or have any contraversial or progressive policies for fear of public ostricization or loss of monitizable gains.
      I don't need you to "Well actually" me.

  • @toribarron534
    @toribarron534 3 роки тому +25

    This is wonderfully explained and such a topic that all of us need to discuss... especially in America

  • @tomdg13
    @tomdg13 3 роки тому +13

    Awesome again. I think there's a laziness in the centrism you describe too, because actually evaluating the two sides takes effort - like identifying the oppressor in the playground.

  • @misssammypie123
    @misssammypie123 3 роки тому +11

    I’ve been watching claudi for years now and she never ceases to make me realise the rational things and see both sides of a situation- and so well spoken and proper too! We need more people like you and if honestly think you’d make a great politician because you really are here for EVERYONE and cover all basis of everyone’s needs and everything wrong with society today,, thank you for your amazing content 🥰✨

  • @nightowl8477
    @nightowl8477 3 роки тому +5

    Sure, a happy medium isn't always appropriate. Extremism is often necessary, it's just about the form of extremism you take. I've been having a pretty rough time starting uni. A friend of mine from college offered me a room next to her's in a flat share of four, which was very, very nice of her. Given that she had a severely high risk mum, she asked the two other of our flat mates not to have flat parties. Well, they did. Every night, bringing 10+ people over without asking or telling either of us, dealing drugs on the side. Likewise, they refused to clean the communal area (I make my meals in my bedroom now), and repeatedly insulted me in particular, bringing up my OCD and telling the two or us to move out so that two of their friends could move in.
    Well the nice girl, after having a few panic attacks, cancelled her contract and moved out. I didn't want to be forced out myself so I told my landlord and we came to an agreement whereby I clean on Tuesdays and Thursdays and they clean on Mondays and Fridays. As though we were equally at fault. As though I too had broken the law, the tenancy contract, and human dignity.
    It's very frustrating for a victim to be treated in the same manner as the abuser, and this is a very mild example. That nice girl didn't have a _disagreement_ with our flatmates, she was bullied out of her home. Utterly pathetic. Although, this is the same company who had the police arrest two young black man under Article 5. God, I hate authority. But I hate even more that I have time have faith in authority in order to function, when it's the same establishment that backstab you. Again, the example I used is just a microcosm, a centrist approach can result in much worse circumstances.

    • @nightowl8477
      @nightowl8477 3 роки тому

      When I was very angry, I considered going to the police. But would it be any different? Can't help but think of Yaz with the car dispute in The Woman Who Fell to Earth, and Chris's glorious centrist new era of Doctor Who. I think everyone takes the centrist approach these days, they have historically.

    • @Ben-vf5gk
      @Ben-vf5gk 3 роки тому

      @@nightowl8477 Sorry to hear that mate, tho I know mr saying that doesn't help

  • @dovaknoland5971
    @dovaknoland5971 3 роки тому +8

    YO this video needs so many more views! I never understood why retaliation is treated the same as the aggression that caused it in the first place.

    • @dovaknoland5971
      @dovaknoland5971 3 роки тому +5

      It should be everyone's goal to find who caused the trouble, not the middle ground between the aggressor and the victim who retaliates.

  • @testosteronic
    @testosteronic 3 роки тому +13

    Not watched most of the video yet, the title reminded me of when recently the BBC came out with their whole "our employees aren't allowed to 'take sides' on the 'trans issue'" thing, my mum wanted to find a different place to get news (yay mum's a proper ally!) so I suggested a couple of left wing news sources, (our family is all left wing and we often complain at BBC news already) and she said "but I want something neutral so I can get both sides". I said that all news sources have a political stance and if they're 'neutral' they are basically upholding the status quo. She did see my point, but still wanted something that had multiple political points of view, which I understand bc you don't want to get stuck in an echo chamber, but I can't think of anywhere that actually does that, I think you have to look at different sources for to get that range. This is kind of a ramble.

  • @Artemisdianaxxx
    @Artemisdianaxxx 3 роки тому +15

    It’s sad to hear about how you were treated by Ben when it comes to time team. Deliberately choosing feminists for the team but not wanting them to talk about feminism is not it.

  • @Danawinter26
    @Danawinter26 3 роки тому +4

    The politics in Merlin are so baffeling to me. Like, it almost seems like Merlin is trying so hard to stick by Arthur because it is his "destiny" that he gets dragged along to the anti-magic side that Arthur grew up with, instead of showing Arthur the good parts of the pro-magic side. The way that he tries to murder Morgana multiple times but never follows through with it - which I guess could almost be read as a metaphore for centrists being so busy finding the middle ground that they never having a constant opinion on anything . The way that he tells Arthur that magic can have no place to kill Mordred, as if telling Arthur that magic is okay wouldn't have saved so many of his fellow-sorcerers lives. The way Gaius refuses to help Morgana with her magic and just gives her potions that don't work, and stands by Uther despite everything he's done. And then they try to paint Morgana as the problem, but at least she stands for something.
    I think what is especially interesting that Morgana was depicted as such a villain in the later seasons of this show, since in the original text she never was. In the earliest depictions she was a magical being who was benevolant to Camelot, and even as she turned darker in later retellings of Arthurian lore, she was more ambiguous and had both dark and light in her, and was rarely a pure villain. It's fascinating to me that modern politics and culture have turned the general view on her into a much more villainous character than she orignally was.
    Anyway, in case it wasn't clear, I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on bbc merlin haha

  • @jlgirlxox
    @jlgirlxox 3 роки тому +4

    You're so right in how this mindset is used to teach kids how to make friends as well, it encourages the idea that this is how you "make" and "keep" friends, by keeping the peace within this social circle/community you've been placed in, so you shouldn't make any waves and risk getting people upset.
    It has me thinking of my younger sister and her group of high school friends. We're from a moderately conservative town and she's friends with a lot of guys who think "triggering" people's anger is the height of humour, and being overly invested in social justice is "cringe." (Not to mention those who "jokingly" support trump even though we're in Canada). It looks to me that she's so tolerant of those shitty attitudes because she wants to keep her friends, to the point that she will join in on the "joking" even though I know from our conversations it's not something she ideologically agrees with. It's gotten to the point where she's now putting up with a lot of, frankly, abusive bullshit from one particular friend I had been the most weary of. But like you said, she seems to have internalized the idea that it's more "noble" to try and be friendly with everyone, and that she has some kind of duty to this guy.
    I hope now that she is going to uni in a new city, (and is even taking a social studies program!) that this will help better inform her and she can eventually drop some of those toxic friends, but it does still worry me all the same.

    • @jlgirlxox
      @jlgirlxox 3 роки тому +2

      Also - I would LOVE to see your take on the themes of centrism in Merlin!

  • @sianchild
    @sianchild 3 роки тому +8

    I had a Nigel Farage advert at the start of this video and now I feel queasy

  • @fourcatsandagarden
    @fourcatsandagarden 3 роки тому +1

    Being nice without being good is very endemic to my upbringing in the American midwest. I can't speak for being raised in other regions of the US or other parts of the world, but I've found that people regard the midwest as being more racist in many ways than the deep south because people from the midwest will be very nice and polite at all times, and not raise their voices and all that, but when you really listen to them and watch them, they're deeply racist. But they'll never believe that because they're just so gosh darn nice. It felt like I hit a ton of bricks when I realized it about 10 years ago when I was fresh out of high school. My entire schooling we'd been taught 'we were the union! we defeated slavery! see how good we are!' but we were never taught about the quiet ways we harmed people. I even apparently got lucky in being taught that the only state that ever elected the open KKK to office was Indiana (a midwest state), since almost no one else I've known from the midwest seems to have learned that in pre-college schooling.
    And here we are again today, watching midwestern moderates who lost blame progressives who won for their loss, rather than accepting that people want representatives that take action, because those moderate ultimately don't want to put in the work or pursue change. It's just so not nice to rock that boat. (Also it's work. And they're lazy AF.)

  • @itsmelindseyg
    @itsmelindseyg 3 роки тому +2

    I was bullied for years. Literally 9 to around 13, 14. I think being bullied can change your beliefs to be more left or right

  • @josephmellor7641
    @josephmellor7641 3 роки тому +2

    A lot of this discussion reminds me of MLK Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", specifically MLK's criticism of the white moderate and his discussion of negative peace (absence of tension) as opposed to positive peace (presence of justice).
    Edit: Posted this just before you got to that part of the video. Whoops.

  • @S-ToFu
    @S-ToFu 3 роки тому +3

    you have to teach kids to think for themselves, not present them with this choice between soft right and far right

  • @meltyblend
    @meltyblend 3 роки тому +6

    The handling of Morgana in the final seasons of Merlin is such goddamn nonsense. Centrism sucks.

    • @sharkboy85
      @sharkboy85 3 роки тому +1

      Go with Mists of Avalon if you want Morgana minus the character assassination.

    • @meltyblend
      @meltyblend 3 роки тому

      @@sharkboy85 I read that book 20 years ago. It was very good. It’s still stupid that a show coming out in the 20-teens backslid from a book that was written in the 1980s.

  • @aminabirdi2269
    @aminabirdi2269 3 роки тому +2

    I’m so glad that my parents and most primary school teachers taught me to stand up for people.

  • @faithmacdonald50
    @faithmacdonald50 3 роки тому +2

    This was such a great summary of many things I have been feeling and thinking for awhile. Loved it so much! Also, I would love to hear your thoughts on this in relation to Merlin, which I've always felt had such potential to be one of those rare young adult programs that could say meaningful things about justice, equality, social movements, etc. but then just...didn't do that. Morgana and Merlin were both kind of ruined in my opinion, one by being turned into a villain with no real care for human life or her people, which just isn't in character and the latter by compromising all wants and desires as a marginalized person to the ruling elite for table scraps, which is just awful. I wish we had gotten something more like different opinions on types of direct action or on the merits of integration vs isolation from them rather than what we got. Also, the genocides Uther commits just being totally glossed over and not treated as such always kind of galled me.

  • @azureknight777
    @azureknight777 3 роки тому

    ...and it's very gratifying and validating to see someone who is self described as not politics student. Looking at politics "from a human level" is the only kind of politics that is really worth a damn. It reminds me that all someone really needs is understand these things, is a keen sense of honesty and willingness to think, and that it's not about ivory towers or pretentious theorizing. I wish there were more people like yourself. Thank you.

  • @houseboundhuman
    @houseboundhuman 3 роки тому +2

    You put into words what I've been thinking and feeling about centrists recently! so thank you for that❤

  • @Eniphesoj90
    @Eniphesoj90 3 роки тому

    Believe me, this was SO articulate!
    I have always felt this way in different situations in my life, but you put words on it in a way that I couldn't. You often hear how young people are very much on the left and then as they grow up and get a job, they become more "realistic" and want to vote more towards the centre. And for me, the opposite happened. When I was younger, I was always told all extremes were wrong, so I would be towards the centre. And over the years, I started to vote more and more towards the left (I am Dutch, I went to not really knowing what my political opinions were towards voting the GroenLinks, the green party, towards voting Bij1, the "radical left").
    And it is my own life experiences that have much to do with it. When I was younger, I used to get bullied a lot by my younger sister. Not to say she is a fascist or anything, but as you say, it's these kind of life experience where you see this happening. My parents weren't concerned about who was right and who was wrong. They were concerned about not having to deal with us fighting. So even if my sister would call me fat, ugly, stupid, slutty and whatever, they would still tell me to shut up if I would get angry. My anger towards her was disturbing and annoying.
    But what was really a turning point was when I got raped when I was in my early 20s. The guy was someone who lived in the same student dorm as I. I remember seeking help from different people and all with very little result. I contacted the association who provided the housing and at first they understood I felt unsafe. But then they asked this guy to come over for a talk in their office and he said it was a misunderstanding and at the end I was asked to resolve the issue with him and talk it over and apologise to one another. I didn't do that. Eventually I moved, broke off all contact with all our mutual friends and reported him to the police. Which also didn't help.
    That REALLY changed my political views and made me more drawn towards the more radical left. I first got interested in feminism, but I learnt there were also many other issues in society I hadn't been so aware of, such as racism. So yeah, that is how I stopped being a centrist.

  • @azureknight777
    @azureknight777 3 роки тому

    I absolutely love this video. I honestly think it's the best take I've heard on the subject, possibly ever. Just plain and straight forward using a real world example that everyone can relate to, and I absolutely agree that it a situation that breeds this kind of response. In fact when I've seen these kind of arguments in the adult world I have argued it is a kindergarten answer to a grown up problem, or that it's like treating a civil rights issue like a squabble at thanksgiving dinner over who got the bigger leg of turkey.

  • @aadilamoolla4068
    @aadilamoolla4068 3 роки тому +1

    A friend to all is a friend to none.

  • @darasimpson1539
    @darasimpson1539 3 роки тому +1

    Claudia this whole video is IT. You have just summed it up so well. Also fair play for being honest about your experience on Time Team, that takes fierce courage 🙌🙌x

  • @caesaraugustus9148
    @caesaraugustus9148 3 роки тому +1

    Very interesting take. In fact when I think back to school, every instance I can remember of bullying or fights or tension was always dealt with, "ok guys, apologise and drop it," without any consideration as to whether an injustice was done to either student.
    And even thinking of politics, which I think you explain very well; everywhere there is the sentiment of, "just keep the status quo, stop rocking the boat." It's a real problem that it's normalized to sit on the fence.

  • @andrewcleary9952
    @andrewcleary9952 3 роки тому +1

    It's utterly ridiculous that people are expected to academically study politics to comment on it. The people who _create_ political systems are at best, schoolteachers and doctors, and at worst, generals and billionaire capitalists. Creating a political system just _happens_ it's just part of history, but if you're _criticising_ political systems you better have four relevant degrees under your belt or you're just a whiner.

  • @johnny_guitar97
    @johnny_guitar97 3 роки тому

    Regarding your first point, since I haven’t watched the whole video yet, pay attention to how this can (and does) harm the children . Helping others in general and a supporting the weak/bullied ? Sure. But never discourage young people to abandon their struggle and advice them to blame the sole society. We need to teach our kids to be strong and deal with their problems. And being strong also means being unselfishly supportive to people around. But I’ll tell you one thing: I would never want kids to completely stop fighting and doing stupid things. It’s what makes us humans. I don’t think education should serve as a mean of dealing with what some consider wrong in society. It’s arbitral and pointless. The main issue is that modern children (born in 97 so partially I relate but it’s not as bad as with younger zoomers) lack authorities. Their parents don’t care about them even if they think they want what’s best for them. The young has no one to look up to which results in them following the worst kind of people - the celebrities (via social media ofc).

  • @ItHadToBeSaid
    @ItHadToBeSaid 3 роки тому

    I liked your video at first but then you brought out Letter from a Birmingham Jail and now I love it!

  • @AndersWatches
    @AndersWatches 3 роки тому

    That 2+2 analogy is perfect!

  • @retsoptihs0
    @retsoptihs0 Рік тому

    Hmm being older I had a rather different experience at school. Physical fights were absolutely not tolerated at all. But we were able to get away with things (skipping classes, not wearing the proper uniform, being able to leave the school premises during lunch and even morning break, etc) that I doubt they can get away with now. Not much of a chance that the bully would have been seen as the same as the victim. And no, lol. No hugging it out.
    I'm a moderate politically because I think it's the rational position to take. The civil service work for a government whether it's red or blue and many will tell you that there's little difference between the two. And it is only two choices, given the way our system works. The Lib Dems will never be restored to their former greatness as the Liberal Party because they lost the middle ground a long time ago. Tony Blair claimed it for Labour in the 90s and the Lib Dems ended up going to the left of Labour, alienating their core support (like me) and gaining new support from the left, which they quickly lost when they ended up joining a coalition with the Conservatives in 2010. If they hadn't taken that leap in the first place, they wouldn't have lost so much support over it. They were supposed to be moderate (although Charles Kennedy perhaps wasn't too moderate with his drinking...).
    Of course, I would not be moderate/centrist between any of our modern day politicians and say Hitler or Stalin. But our politics has never been extreme and that's a good thing in my opinion. Oswald Mosley and his blackshirts failed, because he simply did not know how to communicate towards his followers, i.e. the "thick" demographic.
    More recently, Nick Griffin was embarrassed on Question Time - the result being that his BNP is nothing but an irrelevance nowadays. I don't even know (or care to know) if it still exists. But getting him on there rather than silencing him was the smartest thing the BBC has ever done because it just showed him for what he was - a racist promoting thuggery, division and hatred. He had nothing to back up his arguments. But it just shows that extremist views, either right or left, have never really taken hold here on a major scale. I'm quite proud of that, given what it's done to certain other countries around the world and especially in Europe.
    That's why I'm against cancel culture and curtailing freedom of speech as these are values we've held dear in western culture for a long time. And it means you actually get to hear different opinions, rather than cower in fear of them. Bad ideas can be brought out into the open, discussed and dismissed if necessary. I don't think in the history of English Common Law that speech (i.e. gender pronouns) has been proscribed upon us, yet some people would wish for that when we've had a lot of knife crime, acid attacks, terrorist attacks at pop concerts and the horrific ordeal victims of sexual assault still have to go through to have a chance of putting their attacker behind bars.
    It isn't that I wouldn't be polite and use the pronouns that someone prefers but that could get out of hand. I generally refer to someone by their name anyway as it's more personable IMO. But anyway, the reasons above are why I'm always going to be a moderate/centrist. Politics for me is circular, not linear in nature. There is no left and right as such - the further way from the centre you go, the more you'll find that the far left and the far right are two sides of the same coin rather than being the polar opposites they'd have us believe.

  • @namesake7210
    @namesake7210 3 роки тому +6

    I think you're confused about multiple concepts. Centrism is just politics inside the overton window. Centrists do take a side on political issues . Unless you're talking about political nihilists, centrists do have political opinions. No one takes an absolute center stance on political issues. It just means on some issues you agree with the left and some times they agree with the right. Centrists are people who criticize both right wing and left wing opinions

    • @moneytincorporation
      @moneytincorporation 3 роки тому +1

      I am interested though, what left wing views are worth criticising?

    • @olafmuffin
      @olafmuffin 3 роки тому

      Totally agree!

  • @JiixBooks
    @JiixBooks 3 роки тому +2

    I compleeetly agree nothing really to add from my part great video

  • @JamMastaJeremy
    @JamMastaJeremy 3 роки тому

    Great video, I love how in depth you went with this!

  • @mahavishnustravinskij
    @mahavishnustravinskij 3 роки тому +1

    I am all over your content, especially these new videos, thank you so much for making more progressive content, it's so very needed.

  • @jeanlucharry
    @jeanlucharry 3 роки тому +1

    Another very good and well thought out video, this is definitely a topic I think should be spoken about more
    also unlreated but you are so pretty ♥️

  • @slomas8863
    @slomas8863 3 роки тому +1

    @Claudia Boleyn
    Are u aware that youtube are trolling u/us recommending Jordan 'B' Peterson vids!

  • @Louisyed
    @Louisyed 3 роки тому

    I honestly find the belief that you should be everyone's friend infuriating. That's what led to my friends not interfering when I was being bullied. You cannot stand up for people who are vulnerable whilst trying to "be everybody's friend". When people are racist or homophobic or transphobic etc. that's not ok. Sure being friendly to them in a way may help to change their ideas but we shouldn't go so far as to say that their view is equally valid.

  • @miketomlin6040
    @miketomlin6040 3 роки тому

    It's confusing. In the 70's the Liberals were Centrists, then New Labour- Blair, etc were Centrists. In the USA Bernie Sanders is a Centrist, but the Media call him the Left, as other than the Greens, they do not have a Left.

  • @EarthtoRosita
    @EarthtoRosita 3 роки тому

    3:11 i was never a kid that really followed rules or had parents tell me how to behave. there was this one girl who was the biggest bully and usually she did the bullying in the classroom so our teachers put her in her place. there was this one day tho we were just finishing up lunch - we were at high school at that point. she picked on one of my best friends and it made my blood boil so i went after her and confronted her. gave her a slap and she started hair pulling and so i did too hahaha
    eventually the fight was pulled apart by older peers and a teacher but she settled down a little. she was still a bully but no place near as aggressive haha and also she never fucked with my friends again
    12:11 i would say im more center-left and i absolutely have every intention of educating the far right on why they are wrong about socialism, racism, sexism, transgender, veganism and sexuality. im not looking for unity either, im looking to put everybody STRAIGHT!
    12:52 this in my eyes is not the essence of centrism. this is sheer complicity. centrism to me is the tone you present your arguments with. like "i understand your concerns with socialism, but here is why you are wrong and why socialism works for everybody" or "i know that you like to eat animal flesh, but here is why it is wrong and you should progress to not doing so". the stance has to be firm and no weakness should be shown. you have to think like a business person with the far right; they are after all, easily sold lies that get marketed to their greediest desires.
    13:04 you sure about that? i think anybody whos still racist in 2020 is pretty fucking low IQ 😂
    okay well i think that i understand your point but youve also helped me figure out a few things for myself too. so thank you

    • @EarthtoRosita
      @EarthtoRosita 3 роки тому

      haha im actually inspired now to make a video of political spectrums and how theyre expressions of feminine and masculine :D

  • @autolycuse2554
    @autolycuse2554 3 роки тому

    Yes to everything in this video!

  • @trashpanda8925
    @trashpanda8925 3 роки тому

    nice video! now i have to rethink everything i know

  • @berliner0
    @berliner0 3 роки тому


  • @tobiharris1974
    @tobiharris1974 3 роки тому +1

    Agree 100%

  • @azureknight777
    @azureknight777 3 роки тому

    Around 10:52, you used an example of the one side that says 2+2 = 4, and the other side says 2+2 = 6.
    I think that analogy could be a little more pointed and illuminating. Given that what you're juxtaposing here is the so-called "centre" saying 4 versus the far right saying 6, the goal of the far right isn't to make it 6.
    The goal of the far right is to flaunt their power over the people saying '4'. The point is to display their own power over reason itself, and to put their power, their misdirected grievances, their hatred, displays of dominance at the centre of the attention. To show that might makes right and f___ you.
    They are not stupid, as you say. The hypocrisy and absurdity are not a side effect. They are the point.
    Whether the compromise is set at 5, or 4.999, or 4.0001, (in terms of whether someone deserves humanity) they have effectively accomplished what they intended to do.

  • @TrickyD
    @TrickyD 3 роки тому

    Interesting theory, but I don't think Centrism or any other -ism is the root problem of humanity.
    I believe that the rootproblem of humanity is that we are herdanimals.
    The main difference between a herdanimal and a solitary animal is that the solitary animal's survival is dependant on the fact that he interprets reality as accurate as possible while group animals are able to survive in a shared reality (belief) that could be completely inaccurate.
    So it doesn't matter how smart, or right you are as an individual, if the majority is too stupid to acknowledge the truth it doesn't matter.

  • @marmadukescarlet7791
    @marmadukescarlet7791 3 роки тому

    Are you the other, other Boleyn girl? Great video.

  • @LinnaAP
    @LinnaAP 3 роки тому

    I'm pretty sure this is the main conflict between the main character and her love interest in children of blood and bone (by the end of the book, so spoilers, sorry)... and it's a very nuanced and interesting discussion indeed.

  • @cestmegnifique
    @cestmegnifique 3 роки тому

    Hi I miss your videos, I've sent this to all of my closest friends and family. Hope you're ok. 🙂

  • @KristopherBel
    @KristopherBel 3 роки тому

    So much Claudia lately yay!! Take care of yourself though,

  • @patrickwhite8144
    @patrickwhite8144 3 роки тому +1

    I think it's interesting that one of the features of Borderline Personality Disorder -- which Claudia has been diagnosed with -- is a tendency to have a "black-and-white" thinking style as Claudia is, in effect, advocating for exactly this type of thinking style in this video.

  • @kaitlynarsenault3156
    @kaitlynarsenault3156 3 роки тому +1

    I absolutely loved this video, Claudia - you made some really good and insightful points that I've never really thought of before!

  • @Marianne_000
    @Marianne_000 3 роки тому

    You should start a podcast 😛

  • @Eibarwoman
    @Eibarwoman 3 роки тому

    Another cute dress and another video I agree with.

  • @vainpiers
    @vainpiers 3 роки тому


  • @bobnotbobff
    @bobnotbobff 3 роки тому

    I wish antifa called themselves anti facists they may not be able to call anti facists terrorist

  • @bobnotbobff
    @bobnotbobff 3 роки тому

    Centrist might aswell be apolitical

    • @americanliberal09
      @americanliberal09 3 роки тому

      Apolitical has absolutely nothing to do with centrism, because apolitical is something that anybody can do.

  • @luijoc
    @luijoc 3 роки тому

    Great content! Please keep it up. Suscribed!!

  • @omnishambles4477
    @omnishambles4477 3 роки тому +1

    Anti-Centrist Aktion, down with moderates, no compromise no peace.
    Seriously though, centrism isn't one ideology and just because we don't fully agree with the left or the right doesn't mean that we don't get involved in individual issues. This attack on "centrism" from the left is dumb. Implying that centrists don't stand for anything is just silly, in general centrists are liberal and democratic, which it might surprise you to learn is a set of beliefs, just not far left or far right. Centrists aren't anti-change and don't just magically decide every answer lies somewhere between left and right, centrism =/= neutrality. Also most people are centrist to some degree, if you ever want to make real social change then you need to bring centrists along with you, not attack them. And I personally do put down the right for misusing the word socialism, just as the left misuses the word fascist.
    Stop being red ants vs black ants.

  • @seamusdoherty
    @seamusdoherty 4 місяці тому

    OK so train kids to be far left, got it.

  • @wadnold123
    @wadnold123 3 роки тому

    Joe Biden is a lot better than Donald Trump, However I think Biden is definitely a centrist and everything you’re talking about is going to be the future for us.

  • @ben3223
    @ben3223 3 роки тому +1

    I don't think that Britain has a huge amount of centrists in the way in which you described as much as it is a lack of teaching responsibility, strength in the individual and holding yourself and others to high morality. This is not a political issue though, politics can not rid racism or xenophobia nor can it enforce virtue or righteousness, this is then a cultural issue which can not be so easily changed I suggest philosophy (religion also works).
    You seem to think that politics and opinions are shifting to the "Right" (right and left is bad way of describing political opinions), nonetheless we only have a prospective of our own life time but historically speaking we as in Britain and the west have moved slowly but surely to the "Left" I see no reason for this trend to stop now.

  • @JohnBrockman
    @JohnBrockman 3 роки тому

    Oh, look, you quoted King yourself. xD

  • @u-x3982
    @u-x3982 3 роки тому

    U seriously talking about what everyone knows loiololol

    • @u-x3982
      @u-x3982 3 роки тому

      Also some teachers and parents make kids who did bad things apologize to others