This series follows Akihito Narihisago, a detective who is in prison for murdering a serial killer who killed his daughter. Narihisago uses a machine to enter the "id wells" of serial killers to solve cases. Narihisago's persona while in an id well is Sakaido, a brilliant detective. The series explores the complex relationships between Narihisago, his wife, and his daughter, as well as his grudge against serial killers.
Might as well spoil it/explain it for me so i can watch this anime
This series follows Akihito Narihisago, a detective who is in prison for murdering a serial killer who killed his daughter.
Narihisago uses a machine to enter the "id wells" of serial killers to solve cases.
Narihisago's persona while in an id well is Sakaido, a brilliant detective.
The series explores the complex relationships between Narihisago, his wife, and his daughter, as well as his grudge against serial killers.
Bro you gonna love this anime for sure, this anime have only 11 episode I guess
He dives criminal minds for evidence until some memories makes him hurt boo-boo then he makes the killer boom boom 😮😅
@@lord_aizen333Damm dude I saw what you did there. who let him cook??
Boom boom part was satisfying
“ID invalid” i believe it was called or was it invaded?
Ye I'd invaded
Anime name please
Id:invaded pls go and watch this anime
@@Firenicewolf117 Id: Invaded