Why separate the people from TPLF. We didn't see any demonstration against TPLF. Who leads Tigray is the decision of the people of Tigray. What is going on in Tigray is power. struggle. One thing that can't be denied is TPLF is very popular organization with many followers.
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መደብና ብቀጥታ ብ መንገዲ ሳትላይት ዓዲ ስለዝኣቱ ን ዕብየትን ቀጻልነትን መድያ TEFETAWI ኣበርኩቶ ክትገብሩ ትደልዩ👇🏿here
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Ema is one of the best politician 100%✓✓✓
Ama jegna👏👏👏
Seltene seltene intay INA knbleka bwikka aitgemito please ashahat sebat eyom ziketatelu zelowu
ጽቡቅ ኣገላልጻ ኤማ ንፉዕ
You are right .
AMA jegna 💙🌿
Well come 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙👍👍🙏
እቲ ባይቶ ብሩህ መጻኢ ብሉኡ
ቀዋሚ ድዩ
ኩሉ ክቕየር ኣለዎ
ኤማ ብጣዕሚ ኑፉዕ እዩ
ጸገማት በዝሑ, መን ኢዩ ኢቲ ቅኑዕ?
Why separate the people from TPLF. We didn't see any demonstration against TPLF. Who leads Tigray is the decision of the people of Tigray. What is going on in Tigray is power. struggle. One thing that can't be denied is TPLF is very popular organization with many followers.
ሰልጠነ ኣብ ሞንጎ ሞጎተ እንዶ ሕደግ ደር
ጽቡክ ኣገላሊጻ ናይ ቲግራይ ኣብ ጎኒ ደብረጸን አንተ ዘይ ኮይኖም ተጋሩ ኒማዋአሎም ኪተፉኡ አዮም ደብሪጽ በአል መትከል አዩ ቪቮ ደብሪጽ በልዎ አንበር በአል ገታቸው ጻድካን አንተ አልኩም ጊን ህላውነት ትግራይ ክበጽዋ ቢሃኪ ህ ው ሃ ት ጀግኑ አኦይም አዚ ፓርቲ ዚሃየለ አዩ ኣክብዎ ኒብለኩም ተጋሩ
Seltene wela kulom ab tdf asilom ente neberu nmntay dya hiwehat tikitsil zela ab merihnet so he is right.
The term in Italian is "prolisso" it means someone who doesn't manage to keep a logic in his speech
Like total follia
ፀማም ሓደ ደርፉ፡ አዚ ሰብ ኩሩብ ነገራት አስፊሑ ክርኢ ዘይክአል። ሕውሓት ክብል መረት ዓሪቡዎ
ኣነ ኣንጻር ዉፉይ ስለ ዚጉስጉስ አየ ዚጽኦ ኒ አማ አንበር
ሓቒ ዝዛረብ ኣይፍቶን እዩ
ኣነስ ስነኣምራዊ ኤማ ክሪኦ ከለኹ ስቅ ኢለ ሳሓቅ ይመዉት 😂😂😂 ኮሜድያን
ሰልጠነ ፖለቲካ ኣይንታይካን ኢያ ሱቕ ኢልካ ሕቶኻ ሓቲትካ ኤማ ክምልስ ሕደጎ ዋእ መዳኸሚ ኣይትኹን
Yrhasena teshamo quxri 2 😀
ናባካ ክንዛረብ ዘገድደና ነግር እተሎ ሰባት ምኑቓት ትፈቱ ኣቶ ሰልጠነ ኣይተባእስ።
ሃሳቡ ኩሉ ኣንጻር ዉፉይ ኣካርጽበሎ
Emu xbuk alo bruh mexae nexru alo ms begd nhamedu tradadiau yserh alo
yenas kaa axar berged nhamed ykeyd alo slez yenas tedrbyu alo.
Hwehat and hgdef are the same Emma let them go
Wow Mr. Amanuael very sorry ?what happen ? you are becoming out of the game
I think you belongs and supports to toxic leadership of the area.
(Yewuhat )eti zehashe rebha nay hezbi tegray zewukel yu selezenebere