The fact that I'm Arab and thought I understand every word I read in Quran, then I watch ustadh Nouman's khutbas and realize how the words of Allah are much greater than I thought even though Arabic is my mother tongue, and how this man is granted this ability and how much aajr he gets by this. Masha Allah, may Allah grant you and us Jannah ♥
Many things have happened to me this year; I lost three loved ones and my heart literally hurts. I am grateful for the bad, bc it taught me sabr and importance of prayer. Before I didn’t pray, but He guided me to Him. My heart still hurts, but prayer brings me ease and reminds me there will be ease after this difficulty💕 Anyone in similar situation, please put all trust in Allah even if you were not religious before. He is most forgiving
My father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and passed away a month ago. I feel so empty, and I can't seem to regain my footing in college. Inshallah may Allah help us all.
@@tastemymeme5728 your father would be happy with you making efforts in studies.get motivated and study hard for you dad, for yourself and for Muslims all around the world because with our success as individuals we will be helping the Ummah. Allah puts mercy on your father.
If you do Qur'an recitation from Fajr till ishraq with humility and hope for forgiveness of Allah, then, any worldly problems of yours will be solved, removed from you. You will be successful in whatever business you are in.
Brothers and sisters please make dua for my cousin, he is dealing with the biggest hardship in whole entire life, wallahi I will make dua for you too, Jazzakhallahkhar!😊
Do you even realise how different you are from a number of scholars out there??? Indeed he has put u in good and removed you from the bad as well, by guiding u and helping us through you. SubhanAllah.
Wallah me too. There is a Hadith that talks about scholars claiming themselves Ulamas, and Allah will blow their mountains of hasanates because they did it for fame, judging other Muslims and being arrogant, but this Ali Nouman, may Allah bless him and grant him Jannah as I’m learning a lot from him, salam aalikom brothers
Sir Nouman Ali Khan is a great teacher... He explains things so beautifully.. Indeed there is Allah's swt barakah in his teaching...May Allah swt give him good of this world and good in the hereafter and save from the torment of the hellfire
I cried so much...right know I don’t know how to handle with the situation I’m in...I’m so emotional....although I know Allah will show me the way I’m sad.......thank u so much for this khutba...and to everyone who reads please keep me in ur duas....
My brothers and sisters in Islam, please pray for me so that Allah (swt) the most merciful and most beneficent give me a righteous spouse who will be the coolness of my heart and eyes and will always have a soft heart for me.
Some times in our life we go through a difficult situation and we do not know the way out. I was in a great grif . I was crying when I found this video. It changed my perspective and gave me hope that no matter what happend in my life further on my Allah is with me. He will respond me when I call upon him(Allah) May Allah bless you and grant you all the happiness of the world Ameen JazakAllah Khair
Love to see how Ustaz just holding Quran through the lecture, placing it near the chest/heart, at one point in our life, Quran is only the source of strength during overwhelming situations etc. May Allah bless us all, amin.
If I didn't find you Nauman during this Ramazan , I would never have understood the beauty of the Quran as you teach us ! you are so precious ! may you have a long life & send the message to the whole of the youth of the muslims & may the elderly teachers learn more from you ! You are the best thing that happened to muslims at this time !!!
oh dear Nouman i'm hearing u after 2 wks bcs my dad passed away nd now i have to b d coolness of my mother nd im facing greater challenges frm most immdt family concerning innovation nd d word i confirmed to evry1 dont worry Allah is with me nd my life MASHA ALLAH THABARAKALLAH i try to govern by many many duas.Insha Allah.
One of my biggest role models .may allah give you power and wisdom to make you one of ouli l albab inshallah keep up with the good work we love thanks a lot
Bismillaah- assalaamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabaraakatu, Akhuya, and thank you, from this cancer, stroke-survivor faqir, for taking the time to share this hikmah wa 'ilm! Allaahu Akbar!
I am going through so much stress in my life I'm so drained 😐 don't have the patience to listen to long lecture but may Allah reward you for your video
read Qur'an daily understand it and implement what you read; you need to understand insh Allah this world is a testing ground not to have fun and relax. Allah stated exactly why we are here in surah 67. It's reported the ones who suffered the most are the prophets.
This popped up in my recommendations and Subhanallah i have been very very sick with an infection and my baby is four weeks old. I need this duaa in my life right now because of the physical and emotional pain a went and am going through. May Allah reward you
16:00 to 19:00 :'( Oh my Gracious Lord SWT and oh my blessed Nabi SAWS Only He SWT is Worthy of this praise and only he SAWS is one worthy of delivering this praise. SubhanAllah such is the perfection of My Lord. Wallahi getting to see this moment alone would be worth all the hardships. May Allah grant me His Mercy.
Amazing explanation of an Amazing dua. Just think about it. Our prophet didn't pray to remove his difficulties. Difficulties or hardships are a test from Allah. Its a blessing. Those who pass the test gets higher up. Also, the examination cannot be removed, so there is no point in making dua to remove the difficulty. I have always thought about it - Difficulties can never be created or destroyed, they can only be converted from one form to another. Because they are test questions from Allah. We cannot escape from it. If we try, we end up in another question of the same difficult level. Better to face it and pass it. This dua makes it easy.
Allah is the most merciful and loves for us to ask of him. My understanding is the prophet sws did pray for calamities to end. This dua is especially asking to be taken out of a tough situation and in a state of truth. It's not healthy to think that we shouldn't pray to be taken out of calamities, rather we should and using this dua, we can do that in the best way, and Allah knows best.
Monzer Hijazi Jazak Allah Hairan. imho, we should also remember that our ultimate goal is to get to Allah, to get closer to him. Our experiences good or bad should bring us closer to Allah. We are on seertol mustakeem. Every experience is temporary. There is ease and unease and ease and unease. If we don't pray to Allah to remove our unease then also it goes away after sometime. For eg. for a person who doesn't believe, he never prays. But we ask Allah for his Rahma and for difficulties to end inorder to experience that Rahma. Inorder to get more closer to Allah , to experience Him. Our end has to be better than the beginning. Our aim is not to get out of difficulties but to get closer to Allah. The Aim is tawhid.
Our prophet may not have asked for a trial to be removed but he did ask to overcome it. And prayed against evil too. I think Allah wants us to succeed with Allahs help.
The Prophet s.a.w is The Greatest Mankind I've ever come across and anyone Teaching of Him s.a.w no matter how little or more just becomes great, Jazakalahu khair Ustadh Norman and may Allah increase you in whole goodness and your loved ones too. indeed Islam is Truth.May Allah forgive the Muslims and give hidaya to the non Muslims.
I never get bored of your lectures . You taught us the actual and real Islam. Now a common man can relate to Quran and Islam . May Allah reward you for it.
Salam Alaykum Brother Khan, Alhamdullahi Rabbi Alamin, thanks so much for sharing. We often forgot that Allah says in the Noble Quran : We ( Allah) created mankind and jinns to worship Him( Allah). This khutabah serves as a reminder that we will all pass through tests, challenges and problems whether we are Muslims or not. May Allah SWT accept our prayers as acts of Ibadah( worship). May Allah SWT bless you and your family in this world and hereafter. Jazakallahu Khairan
AlhamduliAllah. I pray that Allah blesses you bayinnah and Nouman Ali Khan; the amount of information I gain from this channel and from Nouman is just amazing. Always speaks straight to my heart.
May Allah help us in all our troubles and our adverse situations, and enter us into his blessings and good situations and take us out of our problems. Ameen.
jazakallah.. usthad...the exit dua first and then the enter dua..Indeed Quran is just awesome.. and jazakallah for making us imp of fajr...
How wonderful. It was the lecture I needed to hear to not be scared of the situation I am in right now. Alhumdulillah. Allah shows way when we want it.
Ustad Nouman explains very sincerely and feels all of them,I can feel that.If an imam exercises the things that he thought in his khutbah than his khutbah can reach the heart of the listeners.Thanks a lot
an seen this this after 4 years but what a pleasure to find this man he really changed me i,m going through hard ships but evrytime i listen i feel relief May ALLAH reward u
What an amazing khudbah even our all life enter is first and exit is second cajiip, if you got to your house first you enter and exit nxt, coffe shop,,market, grave and ressurection nxt amazing jasaklah khayr sheikh for this lesson aamin
The coolest n most influential scholar of times.. I pray from the core of my heart that may Allah please with u Ustad. Such an amazing role he is playing for Muslim youth.. Its amazing..
I’ve been feeling so sad because of personal reasons and I feel like everybody around me is going into haram including my family I refuse to ever become like that and want to always keep my faith but it’s so hard to acknowledge that even the closest people are going into those ways and following the wrong path thank you for your lectures they’ve always helped me❤️
great khutbah again SubhanAllah eye opening we hv been oblivious all our lives May Allah guide the Ummah to Path of Light and May bless Ustadh Nauman Ali Khan and his generations here and in the hereafter. Ameen love this man
May Allah swt bless u brother, thanks for all these videos u have no clue how much this is helping us…. Alhamdulillah may Allah swt grant u a healthy long life ameen
Thankyou so much for sharing this, for sharing all of your videos. It’s incredible how much I learned this week from like 5 video’s of yours. Not only did I learn from islam, but also how to remain strong, have sabr and have faith in Allah’s plan. Alhamdoulilah. May God guide every single soul on this earth. Again thankyou so much, jazaa’ka lah ou ghair.
mashallah, ALLAH swt has memorized me these verses from the Quran and was looking out for its tafseer, so nicely explained,mashallah. May ALLAH swt bless brother Nouman Ali Khan and his family
masha allah sometime i just want to cry, Allah swt has blessed us with such a thing as quran and the wisdom in its just so incredible. Thankyou Allah. may allah bless u guys al the work and al the effort you put in to #I LOVE BAYYINAH
Thank you. This khutbah is so moving and remind me for not giving up. Yes.. La tahzan, innallaha ma'ana.. May Allah bless you and Bayyinah team, thank you so much.
I am sorry if this offends anyone. He is Mashallah the best Pakistani Or American of Pakistan origin that I have ever come across with. May Allah swt grant him the best here and hereafter. 🤣
What an explanation!...Ma sha Allah... pls do listen last few minutes over and much guidance there.. may Allah open our hearts to guidance. Ameen
SubhanAllah, MaşaAllah,,,, what a great reminder !!! Alhamdulillah, jazakumullahu khairan for All who has their part of effort ... may Allahu subhanehu wa taala forgv us , let us enter in the sidq and lead us always truth HIS path ... jazakallahu khairan ustaz...
Through Bayyinah Institute on UA-cam, I have been able to learn so much about the deen. Thank you so much for your excellent channel and modern approach. Alhamdulillah. The world needs this message to be heard and here it is on UA-cam in accessible tasfir.
This video couldnt have come at a better time. Ive been so depresed for the last 4 months and I still am. I cry in darkness and everytime im in salah tears just flow, yet I get back up like nothing wrong and smile behind all the pain. Oh allah please help me allah these everytime I make dua I feel like they’re not getting answered and I lose hope thinking ‘what’s the point now’ nothing seems to get better no sign of help. Eveything seems to get worse it’s one problem after another. Oh allah please help me only you know how I’m feeling and what I’m going through. I can’t take this any longer I feel like giving up on eveything and myself. I can’t bare this pain anymore.. 😢 ya allah please help me I cried every day every night for 4 months hoping begging and praying things get better but nothing seems to be working. Oh allah why are you not listening I am desperate for your help please help me. This is like torture I can’t take this pain anymore.. 😢😢😢😢😢 I felt at my lowest point, ya allah you took away something and your testing me with something that you know will make me beg and fall on my knees. I have never felt this low before, so far to a breaking point. I really dont know what to do anymore, where to go, who to talk to. Just feel so alone and I know allah is listening but nothing is happening..
I had been waking up for tahajjud n fajr regularly for last 5 minths n then suddenly I dunno wat happened... my 7 alarms don't wake me up I had been repeatedly reciting isteghfar thisreally helped
The amount of influence this man has had on the ummah with the permission of Allah, I swear. Ustadh, you have made a huge impact on my life
True ❤
Soooo true
Mine too!
The fact that I'm Arab and thought I understand every word I read in Quran, then I watch ustadh Nouman's khutbas and realize how the words of Allah are much greater than I thought even though Arabic is my mother tongue, and how this man is granted this ability and how much aajr he gets by this. Masha Allah, may Allah grant you and us Jannah ♥
It’s not just Arabic. It’s kalimullah (Allahs Speech)!!! You need divine gift to have this level of understanding.
True we ask Allah to gave us this treasure and open us the door the understand quran@@thedreamville
Quran at Fajr & Tahajjd (Night Prayer) will make us successful In Sha Allah
+Ayesha Kaif
I am a living proof of that , Subhana Allah !!! Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar
aww thanks for the information
can i know your story?? I'm sure we can all benefit!
8th Leads to so many ways to understand.What I felt was enter me to Jannah. InshaAllah will learn more about it.What a prayer!
Many things have happened to me this year; I lost three loved ones and my heart literally hurts. I am grateful for the bad, bc it taught me sabr and importance of prayer. Before I didn’t pray, but He guided me to Him. My heart still hurts, but prayer brings me ease and reminds me there will be ease after this difficulty💕 Anyone in similar situation, please put all trust in Allah even if you were not religious before. He is most forgiving
Allah is the most merciful don't forget that and we all have to go one day.
Thank you amina. I am glad I saw your comment.
My father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and passed away a month ago. I feel so empty, and I can't seem to regain my footing in college. Inshallah may Allah help us all.
@@tastemymeme5728 your father would be happy with you making efforts in studies.get motivated and study hard for you dad, for yourself and for Muslims all around the world because with our success as individuals we will be helping the Ummah.
Allah puts mercy on your father.
I commend your bravery sister.
May Allah preserve nouman ali khan..ameen
+Ayesha Kaif ameen
May Allah grant me my family, ustadh nouman and his family and all muslims success in this life, in the grave and on the day of judgement.
+uzair shahid
Ameen :)
+uzair shahid Amin
If you do Qur'an recitation from Fajr till ishraq with humility and hope for forgiveness of Allah, then, any worldly problems of yours will be solved, removed from you. You will be successful in whatever business you are in.
Thank you.
hopefully not any haram business ;p
Thank you
thank you may Allah bless you and remove your worries.
I am listening to this while I am going through such a hardship in my life..May Allah grant all of us ease
Ameen thumma Ameen
وَقُلْ رَبِّ أَدْخِلْنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَأَخْرِجْنِي مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَاجْعَلْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ سُلْطَانًا نَصِيرًا
Waqul rabbi adkhilnee mudkhala sidqin waakhrijnee mukhraja sidqin waijAAal lee min ladunka sultanan naseeran 17:80
وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا
Waqul jaa alhaqqu wazahaqa albatilu inna albatila kana zahooqan 17:81
jazakAllah :)
Jazaki Allahu khairan
Waa iyaki.
jazak Allah
Brothers and sisters please make dua for my cousin, he is dealing with the biggest hardship in whole entire life, wallahi I will make dua for you too, Jazzakhallahkhar!😊
How is your cousin doing?
Keep fath in ALLAH
May Allah had already made it easy on your cousin and all of us also ..aameen
InshaAllah your cousin will get through
Allah know best
Do you even realise how different you are from a number of scholars out there???
Indeed he has put u in good and removed you from the bad as well, by guiding u and helping us through you.
Wallah me too. There is a Hadith that talks about scholars claiming themselves Ulamas, and Allah will blow their mountains of hasanates because they did it for fame, judging other Muslims and being arrogant, but this Ali Nouman, may Allah bless him and grant him Jannah as I’m learning a lot from him, salam aalikom brothers
Sir Nouman Ali Khan is a great teacher... He explains things so beautifully.. Indeed there is Allah's swt barakah in his teaching...May Allah swt give him good of this world and good in the hereafter and save from the torment of the hellfire
I cried so much...right know I don’t know how to handle with the situation I’m in...I’m so emotional....although I know Allah will show me the way I’m sad.......thank u so much for this khutba...and to everyone who reads please keep me in ur duas....
I hope your situation has been rectified inShaaAllah. Don't give up, and remember that after every hardship comes ease. Ameen.x
My brothers and sisters in Islam, please pray for me so that Allah (swt) the most merciful and most beneficent give me a righteous spouse who will be the coolness of my heart and eyes and will always have a soft heart for me.
Some times in our life we go through a difficult situation and we do not know the way out. I was in a great grif . I was crying when I found this video. It changed my perspective and gave me hope that no matter what happend in my life further on my Allah is with me. He will respond me when I call upon him(Allah)
May Allah bless you and grant you all the happiness of the world Ameen
JazakAllah Khair
Jazakallahu khairan Bayyinah team for uploading this khutbah. And Jazakallahu khairan Ustad Nouman for this great khutbah.
+Lampu Islam yea. i agree. they must upload every khutbah of bro nak.
please terjemahin @lampu islam
Good khutba. This last. Dua is really important for every one seeking safe landing in this trouble time.
Love to see how Ustaz just holding Quran through the lecture, placing it near the chest/heart, at one point in our life, Quran is only the source of strength during overwhelming situations etc. May Allah bless us all, amin.
If I didn't find you Nauman during this Ramazan , I would never have understood the beauty of the Quran as you teach us ! you are so precious ! may you have a long life & send the message to the whole of the youth of the muslims & may the elderly teachers learn more from you ! You are the best thing that happened to muslims at this time !!!
How can someone be this WONDERFUL!!!
ur every word is heart touching
Alhumdulillah to know uh🤗😌
SubhanAllah what a beautiful explanation. I usually struggle with long lectures but this flew by. alhumdulillah...
The man who changed my life absolutely
Subhan Allah all of his Dawah will forever be informative !
لم أكن أتبين مدى عمق وجمال هذه الآية قبل هذه الخطبة الجميلة .. جزاك الله خير الجزاء
Best thing that happened in last couple of century is You. A gift to humanity by Almighty
oh dear Nouman i'm hearing u after 2 wks bcs my dad passed away nd now i have to b d coolness of my mother nd im facing greater challenges frm most immdt family concerning innovation nd d word i confirmed to evry1 dont worry Allah is with me nd my life MASHA ALLAH THABARAKALLAH i try to govern by many many duas.Insha Allah.
Meeza Sally May Allah give him Jannah
Yaa Allah, Alhamdulillah for your Deen, Your Book, Your Prophets. And Alhamdulillah for Ustadz Nouman Ali Khan and this channel.
Allhumdulilah. A beautiful kutbha, may Allah give us all Muslims ability to read the Quran at fazor. Ameen
One of my biggest role models .may allah give you power and wisdom to make you one of ouli l albab inshallah keep up with the good work we love thanks a lot
Bismillaah- assalaamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabaraakatu, Akhuya, and thank you, from this cancer, stroke-survivor faqir, for taking the time to share this hikmah wa 'ilm! Allaahu Akbar!
I am going through so much stress in my life I'm so drained 😐 don't have the patience to listen to long lecture but may Allah reward you for your video
Allah is with the try to be patient sister...Harships don't last forever...they 're trials...May Allah ease your pain sister...
read Qur'an daily understand it and implement what you read; you need to understand insh Allah this world is a testing ground not to have fun and relax.
Allah stated exactly why we are here in surah 67. It's reported the ones who suffered the most are the prophets.
Please keep my family in your duas, I am waiting for Allah to send us relief
This popped up in my recommendations and Subhanallah i have been very very sick with an infection and my baby is four weeks old. I need this duaa in my life right now because of the physical and emotional pain a went and am going through. May Allah reward you
May Allah accept our fasts and grants us jannah 😇
Jazak Allah Khair. May Allah make us and our children from the people of Quraan.
16:00 to 19:00 :'(
Oh my Gracious Lord SWT and oh my blessed Nabi SAWS
Only He SWT is Worthy of this praise and only he SAWS is one worthy of delivering this praise.
SubhanAllah such is the perfection of My Lord. Wallahi getting to see this moment alone would be worth all the hardships.
May Allah grant me His Mercy.
These guys are doing an awesome job. Their speech saved me by the mercy of AL Rehman. Thanks a lot.
Amazing explanation of an Amazing dua. Just think about it. Our prophet didn't pray to remove his difficulties. Difficulties or hardships are a test from Allah. Its a blessing. Those who pass the test gets higher up. Also, the examination cannot be removed, so there is no point in making dua to remove the difficulty. I have always thought about it - Difficulties can never be created or destroyed, they can only be converted from one form to another. Because they are test questions from Allah. We cannot escape from it. If we try, we end up in another question of the same difficult level. Better to face it and pass it. This dua makes it easy.
Allah is the most merciful and loves for us to ask of him. My understanding is the prophet sws did pray for calamities to end. This dua is especially asking to be taken out of a tough situation and in a state of truth. It's not healthy to think that we shouldn't pray to be taken out of calamities, rather we should and using this dua, we can do that in the best way, and Allah knows best.
Monzer Hijazi Jazak Allah Hairan. imho, we should also remember that our ultimate goal is to get to Allah, to get closer to him. Our experiences good or bad should bring us closer to Allah. We are on seertol mustakeem. Every experience is temporary. There is ease and unease and ease and unease. If we don't pray to Allah to remove our unease then also it goes away after sometime. For eg. for a person who doesn't believe, he never prays. But we ask Allah for his Rahma and for difficulties to end inorder to experience that Rahma. Inorder to get more closer to Allah , to experience Him. Our end has to be better than the beginning. Our aim is not to get out of difficulties but to get closer to Allah. The Aim is tawhid.
Our prophet may not have asked for a trial to be removed but he did ask to overcome it. And prayed against evil too. I think Allah wants us to succeed with Allahs help.
I have noticed without knowledge reciting quran at fajru, makes my day easy. By watching this video l learned about it and made my faith stronger
The Prophet s.a.w is The Greatest Mankind I've ever come across and anyone Teaching of Him s.a.w no matter how little or more just becomes great, Jazakalahu khair Ustadh Norman and may Allah increase you in whole goodness and your loved ones too. indeed Islam is Truth.May Allah forgive the Muslims and give hidaya to the non Muslims.
I never get bored of your lectures . You taught us the actual and real Islam. Now a common man can relate to Quran and Islam . May Allah reward you for it.
Subhanallah..what an explanation..this man is a blessing for the entire Ummah 😀
Yes indeed we do!!!!!!!!!!
Allah Tabarak taala is our witness!
Jazak Allah Khair taqabbal Allah
Salam Alaykum Brother Khan, Alhamdullahi Rabbi Alamin, thanks so much for sharing. We often forgot that Allah says in the Noble Quran : We ( Allah) created mankind and jinns to worship Him( Allah). This khutabah serves as a reminder that we will all pass through tests, challenges and problems whether we are Muslims or not. May Allah SWT accept our prayers as acts of Ibadah( worship). May Allah SWT bless you and your family in this world and hereafter. Jazakallahu Khairan
Allah is the great helper, supporter and Healer. Alhamdulillah
AlhamduliAllah. I pray that Allah blesses you bayinnah and Nouman Ali Khan; the amount of information I gain from this channel and from Nouman is just amazing. Always speaks straight to my heart.
I needed this, jazaakallahu khayran...may Allah grant you, your family and all muslims jannah
May Allah help us in all our troubles and our adverse situations, and enter us into his blessings and good situations and take us out of our problems. Ameen.
The therapy i needed. :'(
Jazak Allahu Khair.
I am watching this video right the time when I need it badly to hold in prayers..
jazakallah.. usthad...the exit dua first and then the enter dua..Indeed Quran is just awesome.. and jazakallah for making us imp of fajr...
I've been listening to your khutbah everyday after fajr prayer and reading Quran. Thank you, you are really helping us learn more
I am really grateful and thankful to Allah for opening this window for me for greater and better understanding of Allah's words. Alhamdulillah .
How wonderful. It was the lecture I needed to hear to not be scared of the situation I am in right now. Alhumdulillah. Allah shows way when we want it.
Ustad Nouman explains very sincerely and feels all of them,I can feel that.If an imam exercises the things that he thought in his khutbah than his khutbah can reach the heart of the listeners.Thanks a lot
an seen this this after 4 years but what a pleasure to find this man he really changed me i,m going through hard ships but evrytime i listen i feel relief May ALLAH reward u
What an amazing khudbah even our all life enter is first and exit is second cajiip, if you got to your house first you enter and exit nxt, coffe shop,,market, grave and ressurection nxt amazing jasaklah khayr sheikh for this lesson aamin
Alhumdolillah...may Allah strengthen us and beautify our lives through the Qur'an.
I am speechless, SubhanALLAH. May ALLAH accept our duas.
May Allah give Estaz Nouman Ali Khan many years so we can watch his khutbahs with our childrens. God bless you Sir w Assalam w 3aleykum w ra7matAllah
Masha Allah the more i hear tefsir of the Quran from brother NAK, the more i love to read it. Jazaka Allah Kheiren.
The coolest n most influential scholar of times.. I pray from the core of my heart that may Allah please with u Ustad. Such an amazing role he is playing for Muslim youth.. Its amazing..
jazakom allah khayrr ustad NAK for this Amazing lecture barak Allah fikom 🤲🤲
Just knowing him ❤ he is such a great teacher !
May Allah SWT bless you all immensely! And continue to bring us all closer to Allah! Ameen ya Rabb🌹❤️
Ma sha Allah
he is so clear about understanding the Quran.
I’ve been feeling so sad because of personal reasons and I feel like everybody around me is going into haram including my family I refuse to ever become like that and want to always keep my faith but it’s so hard to acknowledge that even the closest people are going into those ways and following the wrong path thank you for your lectures they’ve always helped me❤️
Allah tests harder those whom he loves the most. Maybe we can't see it now. But one day it will feel like an honor.
great khutbah again SubhanAllah eye opening we hv been oblivious all our lives May Allah guide the Ummah to Path of Light and May bless Ustadh Nauman Ali Khan and his generations here and in the hereafter. Ameen love this man
May Allah swt bless u brother, thanks for all these videos u have no clue how much this is helping us…. Alhamdulillah may Allah swt grant u a healthy long life ameen
May Allah bless Ustad Nouman Ali Khan. 😊
The whole world is now in a hardship situation.
Thank you for the inspiring lecture Ustadh Nouman.
Barakallahu fikum
Alhamdulilah, im not feeling well earlier and watching this helping me go through the pain .
Thankyou so much for sharing this, for sharing all of your videos. It’s incredible how much I learned this week from like 5 video’s of yours.
Not only did I learn from islam, but also how to remain strong, have sabr and have faith in Allah’s plan. Alhamdoulilah. May God guide every single soul on this earth.
Again thankyou so much, jazaa’ka lah ou ghair.
mashallah, ALLAH swt has memorized me these verses from the Quran and was looking out for its tafseer, so nicely explained,mashallah. May ALLAH swt bless brother Nouman Ali Khan and his family
Character, truthfulness and integrity not compromised. ...
masha allah sometime i just want to cry, Allah swt has blessed us with such a thing as quran and the wisdom in its just so incredible. Thankyou Allah.
may allah bless u guys al the work and al the effort you put in to #I LOVE BAYYINAH
Thank you. This khutbah is so moving and remind me for not giving up. Yes.. La tahzan, innallaha ma'ana.. May Allah bless you and Bayyinah team, thank you so much.
I am sorry if this offends anyone. He is Mashallah the best Pakistani Or American of Pakistan origin that I have ever come across with.
May Allah swt grant him the best here and hereafter. 🤣
What an explanation!...Ma sha Allah... pls do listen last few minutes over and much guidance there.. may Allah open our hearts to guidance. Ameen
allahu protect noaman his family and all Muslims. allahu help your Deen thousands like noaman and make me one of them ameen
Jazak Allah Nauman Ali khan May Allah grant you peace of heart with us all and give you strength to spread positivity and hope Ameeen
I really got the true understanding of this beautiful dua.jzakallah hu khairun kaseera
Your lecture pour my heart with joy. Thank you so much brother Noman.
you bring me so close to my creator ,jazakallah
Mashallah this is very inspiring! Alhamdulillah
SubhanAllah, MaşaAllah,,,, what a great reminder !!! Alhamdulillah, jazakumullahu khairan for All who has their part of effort ... may Allahu subhanehu wa taala forgv us , let us enter in the sidq and lead us always truth HIS path ... jazakallahu khairan ustaz...
MA what a beautiful khutbah, just needed this, what good timing....Jazakallah.
Through Bayyinah Institute on UA-cam, I have been able to learn so much about the deen.
Thank you so much for your excellent channel and modern approach.
The world needs this message to be heard and here it is on UA-cam in accessible tasfir.
thank you brother, may Allah reward you and your family
This man is amazing may Allah bless him
Listenig him is reminder of our self the deen we should follow alhumdullilah
Thanx brother Nouman Your lectures are Beneficial may Allah reward you abundantly.
This video couldnt have come at a better time. Ive been so depresed for the last 4 months and I still am. I cry in darkness and everytime im in salah tears just flow, yet I get back up like nothing wrong and smile behind all the pain. Oh allah please help me allah these everytime I make dua I feel like they’re not getting answered and I lose hope thinking ‘what’s the point now’ nothing seems to get better no sign of help. Eveything seems to get worse it’s one problem after another. Oh allah please help me only you know how I’m feeling and what I’m going through. I can’t take this any longer I feel like giving up on eveything and myself. I can’t bare this pain anymore.. 😢 ya allah please help me I cried every day every night for 4 months hoping begging and praying things get better but nothing seems to be working. Oh allah why are you not listening I am desperate for your help please help me. This is like torture I can’t take this pain anymore.. 😢😢😢😢😢 I felt at my lowest point, ya allah you took away something and your testing me with something that you know will make me beg and fall on my knees. I have never felt this low before, so far to a breaking point. I really dont know what to do anymore, where to go, who to talk to. Just feel so alone and I know allah is listening but nothing is happening..
Lots of duas for you. Will pray for you in my namaz InshaAllah
how r u know?
This is exactly what I needed 😊
This is such a good Kutbuh
Thank you brother May Allah bless you with long life. Your lectures lift my spirit up thanks
You have given such a beautiful meaning to the why of solat fajr. Jazakallahu Khairan
JazakAllah Nouman Ali Khan and the Bayyinah team
Assalamu alaikom
So beautiful lesson! May Allah put us all in better place!
This speech motivated me and made me more positive
I had been waking up for tahajjud n fajr regularly for last 5 minths n then suddenly I dunno wat happened... my 7 alarms don't wake me up I had been repeatedly reciting isteghfar thisreally helped