HOW TO GET OUT OF A FUNK | reset for health, happiness, & productivity | feat MERIT beauty products!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @aslianatrudeau
    @aslianatrudeau Рік тому +1

    aw man the editing is getting so good!! i am in love with your videos! 🤩🤩

  • @cadenkunkle9495
    @cadenkunkle9495 Рік тому +1

    This is just such a positive idea for a video, so much do life is pushing yourself out of a funk or a bad place and moving on, love this

    • @juliaschulz
      @juliaschulz  Рік тому +1

      THANKS CADEN!! yes, its super helpful for me to remember it really comes in waves like that!

  • @LivingtheSaphway
    @LivingtheSaphway Рік тому

    just subscribed 😀I love getting out of a Funk and for me spending time with God honestly has to be consistent or I fall into a deep funk often. With God it happens less. Loved this video KEEP IT UP!

    • @juliaschulz
      @juliaschulz  Рік тому

      this made my heart so happy🥹🫶THANK YOU!!

  • @joaovermelho0084
    @joaovermelho0084 Рік тому +2