Since my board isn't mounted and the wall outlet is on the wall by the built in storage, half of it is blocked by the smart board. Then on the other side, my desk and filing cabinet will be blocking the other half! I am thinking of storing center related items in the storage that is still accessible, but I am still thinking on it :)
It looks great! 18 year teacher here: kindergarten students come in not knowing anything about routine and supplies. I would definitely spend a lot of time going over supply cart and where to turn in work. ❤️BTW: do you have an assistant?
I hope to be where you are one day!! I am all about routines and organization, so I am so excited to teach them that. WIsh me luck lol! And my school will have one aid for three teachers.
Your classroom is coming along so good . I am just wondering do your students have lockers/ cubbies in the hallway for their backpacks , jackets , and lunchboxes ?
28th year teacher here, the room is looking nice. Good luck for this upcoming school year.
Thank you so very much! Good luck to you too!
Looking incredible! It's gonna be a great first year!!!
Thank you!!!
Love it so far!!!!❤❤
Thank you!!
What is your plan for the built in storage? Curious why you wouldn't use that for storing student supplies vs. the rolling cart?
Since my board isn't mounted and the wall outlet is on the wall by the built in storage, half of it is blocked by the smart board. Then on the other side, my desk and filing cabinet will be blocking the other half! I am thinking of storing center related items in the storage that is still accessible, but I am still thinking on it :)
It looks great! 18 year teacher here: kindergarten students come in not knowing anything about routine and supplies. I would definitely spend a lot of time going over supply cart and where to turn in work. ❤️BTW: do you have an assistant?
I hope to be where you are one day!! I am all about routines and organization, so I am so excited to teach them that. WIsh me luck lol! And my school will have one aid for three teachers.
Your classroom is coming along so good . I am just wondering do your students have lockers/ cubbies in the hallway for their backpacks , jackets , and lunchboxes ?
Thank you! Yes, each kinder classroom has hooks out in the hallway for their backpacks and other things to go on!
Looking great. What is
the metal thing above the sink?