Elaborate and thought-provoking democratic processes, pursued some three decades ago, by the Rwandese political and traditional leaders, as well as the clergy, civil society, and the private sector, that, eventually, paid-off in making Rwanda, today, an enviable democratic model in Africa! Indeed, as the maxim says, and i quote, "Where there is a will, there is a way." In a broader sense, a lesson learnt from the Rwandese story, teaches us that, when we collectively make-up our minds, and unanimously set-out to pursue a task, no matter the teething challenges and difficulties that we may encounter along the way, we shall prevail upon at the end of the day, when imbued with a positive mindset, and a rigorous sense of purpose, as our guiding principle and motivation. Kudos to the Rwandese people and their respective authorities!
Elaborate and thought-provoking democratic processes, pursued some three decades ago, by the Rwandese political and traditional leaders, as well as the clergy, civil society, and the private sector, that, eventually, paid-off in making Rwanda, today, an enviable democratic model in Africa!
Indeed, as the maxim says, and i quote, "Where there is a will, there is a way."
In a broader sense, a lesson learnt from the Rwandese story, teaches us that, when we collectively make-up our minds, and unanimously set-out to pursue a task, no matter the teething challenges and difficulties that we may encounter along the way, we shall prevail upon at the end of the day, when imbued with a positive mindset, and a rigorous sense of purpose, as our guiding principle and motivation.
Kudos to the Rwandese people and their respective authorities!