Sony Addresses Day 1 PC Releases Going Forward...

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Earlier today was the first time Sony / PlayStation have addressed their PC Gaming strategy in a little while and it was probably necessary given rumours have suggested they might start releasing everything day 1 on Steam.
    They're in an interesting position as it's obvious they want the PC sales, but they know if they go all in on PC it might cause a lot of PS5 owners to slowly move over to PC as their main platform (this is the main reason there will still be a lag on Steam releases, not the crap about them wanting to turn PC players into consoles players).
    Personally, I feel their hand will be forced over the next few years and they'll go all in on PC to get the short term rewards, but will need a new strategy if they're going to ensure the PlayStation brand stays just as relevant as it is now long term. With how long games are taking to make, they really don't have enough studios to sustain more than 1 game per studio, per console, publishers like Square Enix are now turning down their exclusivity deals and so they may need to re-think what the value of a console actually is.
    Interesting times, for now I'm guessing we'll start to see Sony games on Steam around a year after release rather than the 2-4 year gaps we've seen so far.


  • @elpolodiablo5486
    @elpolodiablo5486 4 місяці тому +15

    I loved Ghost of Tsushima on PC but I will never buy a PS5 just to play it's sequel.

    • @pse2020
      @pse2020 4 місяці тому +7

      U might not but there might be some folks out there who might.

    • @nervosadustbolt9642
      @nervosadustbolt9642 4 місяці тому +2

      @@pse2020 Short term gains.

    • @Ionic0
      @Ionic0 4 місяці тому +2

      @pse2020 sure there's always going to be people that are impatient. Or maybe even some are reviewers. But most PC gamers are just not going to be able to justify buying another $500 box to play a single game. Why Sony doesn't realize this makes no sense to me. They need to stop messing around and take the releases more seriously.

    • @pse2020
      @pse2020 4 місяці тому

      @@Ionic0 these gamers will have or have kids that will want a ps5... Also sony just showed their succes with the ps5 and their plan seems to have worked so far.

    • @Ionic0
      @Ionic0 4 місяці тому

      @pse2020 sure some gamers do, but I'm willing to bet most of the PC community does not have children. Who's to say they can't just buy a gaming PC for their kids too, fortnite, Roblox etc is enough for kids. Sorry but this is not going to work. Sony already kind of tried this already and it didn't really shift units like they expected. Half the audience is still on PlayStation 4 for crying out loud

  • @grayfox6518
    @grayfox6518 4 місяці тому +8

    When 90% of Sony's lineup is propaganda, "remasters", or censored releases, and gamers don't buy them, that cuts into their profits and leaves less room for actual exclusive releases (though I doubt they were going to release anything worth our money). Hence, where we are now and Playstation owners and their contempt for Sony.

  • @BibekGhosh88
    @BibekGhosh88 4 місяці тому +2

    The problem is this is coming from a journalist, no official statement from the actual executives

  • @klasyk1532
    @klasyk1532 4 місяці тому +6

    Pc gamers are 2nd class citizens to Ps......PS is a console company 1st and foremost, so it makes sense for them to cater to their base!

    • @Iluvantir
      @Iluvantir 4 місяці тому +5

      Do you know why Sony are porting their "exclusives" to us "2nd Class Citizens"? Cos you "1st Class" ones didn't get them the profits they were needing. Any company wanting to keep existing goes where the money is... and the money is with the PC Gamers. There's more of us than all console gamers combined (PS, X-Box, Nintendo, etc - combined!); we're never going to bend over the way console players (especially PS ones!) seem to do on the regular, but we have the money Sony wants. We're not going to be buying their sub-par consoles anytime soon, and they know it, but they can still get BOAT LOADS of money from us - more than they could ever dream off by sticking with their stable of ponies (you, matey)
      They DO want to control us like they do you - buuut, that won't work. Go check out what happened with "Games for Windows Live", sometimes. PC Gamers made Microsoft - a company that is about, what, 10 times the size and power of Sony? - bend the knee and stop their bullshit. You think your precious Sony is going to last as long? (pitying smile) It took less than 3 days for us to make Sony fold like a damp tissue paper over PSN requirement for Helldivers 2. Not a total victory, as they've still delisted nations from buying it... but all that means is that they're cutting their own client source off at the knees. That hurts them, not us. And by also delisting nations who could then buy Ghost of Tsushima, it's encouraging piracy in those same 180 nations for that game. If someone lives in a delisted nation, they'll likely pirate it. And Sony won't have "lost" money as they couldn't have GAINED it in the first place by their own decisions.
      Sony needs to completely re-evaluate how it's going to act going forward. They want our money, they give us what we want and how we want it. I'm not going to get PSN any time soon (ever) because unlike all other accounts for games that I have, I don't think any deserve having my passport information, bio-metric ID, and a face-scan to play is worth any game. Certainly not padding their PSN numbers. But I'll happily buy their shit... if it's worth it. Few games are, though.
      So no: they're not catering to you at all. They've got you by the titties and are squeezing you for every red-cent, and you're daft enough to cough when they demand it. 1) paid for a sub-par games machine, 2) paid for the game, 3) pay for internet access... and then 4) pay again to access your game online if it's an online one?? You tapped in the head or something? And you do all this for your precious company... and they'll still pass on your "exclusives" to others. Hell, you've lost a few Game Dev companies who are no longer going to be exclusive with any console, because YOU WEREN'T buying enough of their games to make it worth it! Full Multiplat is coming for Day and Date for everything. Cos the money isn't with you few... but with us "many 2nd Class" gamers... That's got to be the funniest thing you said, mate. Second class? My monitor is worth more than your PS5 alone, never mind the rig I've got attached to it. (pats you on the head) off you go, Pony. Go play more...

    • @klasyk1532
      @klasyk1532 4 місяці тому +5

      @@Iluvantir you sound mad?🤔....Just accept it..your a 2nd class citizen to PS and you will happily give them your money when tour able to play their games,, which will be at Sony behest!!
      I been hearing about "The downfall of Sony" for years, how the HAVE TO go day and date across the board. Yet they just told you with their report yesterday this generation is their most profitable. 🤷‍♂️

    • @pravnav
      @pravnav 4 місяці тому

      @@klasyk1532 I don't give sony my money at all. I happily and proudly pirate all their games :)

    • @rileyvanhellsing7751
      @rileyvanhellsing7751 4 місяці тому

      You say cater to their base.... except what they are doing is trying to turn pc players into their base by bait and switch tactics. And I hate to say this... but we "second class citizens" are not as easy to control as console peasants. Unlike console, we don't deal with walled gardens. Any company that attempts it goes under. Only reason Epic Game Store hasn't is because they are using their Fortnite and Unreal Engine money to keep it afloat.

    • @klasyk1532
      @klasyk1532 4 місяці тому

      @@rileyvanhellsing7751 ok what ever ya say 🤷‍♂️.....might wanna talk to the ones who where thinking about buying a console and then bought a Ps5 for Ragnorok after playing GoW on PC. It worked then and it will in the future..there's always a few

  • @rayman321
    @rayman321 4 місяці тому +1

    What are you talking about? Have you played Returnal?

  • @roberttko24
    @roberttko24 4 місяці тому +1

    It's obvious that the playstation is first class that matters the most.

  • @joecoastie99
    @joecoastie99 4 місяці тому +1

    After the debacle with helldivers2 I probably won’t buy anything from Sony ever again. I was considering Ghosts to Tsushima but not anymore.

  • @PixelMurder
    @PixelMurder 4 місяці тому +3

    The exclusive game, which could bring me back to any console, is practically impossible to make. A closed system, no real modding, no self-defense against the developer's bullshit with tools and hacks, no competition between stores, practically mandatory monthly fees on top of full price games, just one somehow decent exclusive game per year at best... Nope. No way. It's typical anyway, their predatory life service slop will be day one, but Stellar Blade not. Anyway, I'm old enough to be able to wait.

  • @steef4000000
    @steef4000000 4 місяці тому

    the problem with PSN account linking is that in certain countries you cant access the PSN. so how big of a dick move do you wanna pull when you say that it isn't necessary to link and let players buy and play for a few months and then say now we mandate a account link and if your country cant access our network then screw you at you cant play anymore go ask for your money back.
    hope somebody from Sony in management sees this comment.
    but for now i have lost any loyalty and all respect for them.

  • @Saith516
    @Saith516 4 місяці тому +4

    What exclusives? All these woke mid-at-best exclusives? They're supposed to make me wanna buy a Ps5?

  • @tog2842
    @tog2842 4 місяці тому

    Just give PC GT7 and we will forgive all!

  • @cleverja
    @cleverja 4 місяці тому

    PC much better to play than PS5, especially Steam Big Picture mode with controller.

  • @demiandevile2731
    @demiandevile2731 4 місяці тому +1

    And their let a lot of money on the line if they refuse to use the release hype on PC. I love Spier-Man, God of War and Ghost of Tsushima, I like a few more like Horizon Zero Dawn. But I never ever would buy a PlayStation to play God of War Ragnarök or 3 or 4 or whatever comes in the future. And the opposite happens of what they would like to see, I know Ghost of Tsushima is a great game and I will have many hours fun with it, but I also know the narrative of Horizon Forbidden West and it's much less appealing than the first game so I will wait till a big discount before I buy it (if I buy it), same for Ragnarök and double for Spider-Man 2. The Hype makes people stupid and they buy what they don't know, but years later you can be well informed (without getting too hard spoiled) and make a much more rational decision - and that is the pint Sony game sell on PC but not near as they would be with a day on date release.

  • @EvenstarGW
    @EvenstarGW 4 місяці тому +1

    I don't want your inferior piece of crap hardware. I don't want your data-breach-waiting-to-happen service. But that's fine. Seems you don't want my money. And when eventually your game does come to PC, I'll wait until it's the price of a sandwich. Not paying full price for outdated games, thank you very much.

  • @daviddesrosiers1946
    @daviddesrosiers1946 4 місяці тому

    There's no game that will get me to buy a plastic box.

  • @fearalice
    @fearalice 4 місяці тому +2

    I've been turned off of playstation for years since they insist on exclusivity, then years later release it on PC for full new game price. I may be the minority here, but when i see a game on PS exclusive it does not entice me to buy a 600 dollar console for one game, it just makes me dislike Sony for giving gamers the finger. "F--k you, pay me" is a weird business model.

    • @SentientIronHeart
      @SentientIronHeart 4 місяці тому

      Its been years they are doing this, it works and this is nor a weird model. I find it weird that you thing this is weird.

  • @dammyoyesanya4656
    @dammyoyesanya4656 4 місяці тому +3

    Hermen and Jim mentioned this same strategy two years ago as well. So nothing changed. They said live service will be day and date and single player will come later. That’s what it was when you said you forgot to mention something or something that you missed

  • @RichardPhillips1066
    @RichardPhillips1066 4 місяці тому +3

    I bought a ps4 for BB , but had to quit, I couldn't take the 1080p 30fps , my pc was 1440p 144
    Hz...the ps4 looked awful

    • @KratosisGod
      @KratosisGod 4 місяці тому +1

      People can defend it all they want but 30 fps is crap I will take 1080p over 1440p if I can get a game to run at atleast 60.

  • @nimarus3118
    @nimarus3118 3 місяці тому +1

    If I play a singleplayer game on PC, I'm not going to drop the money to buy a PS5 just to play it's sequel. I'd rather wait 4-5 years to see if they ever port it to PC. If they never do, I'll buy a PS5 when they are outdated and get it, and the game, used for as cheap as possible. I refuse to let a corporation manipulate me into buying their product on a platform I don't want.

  • @ismailfleming6411
    @ismailfleming6411 4 місяці тому +1

    You didn’t listen to Jim Ryan. He said multiplayer And games as a service ( Gas ) games will come to pc day and date. Nothing has changed they sell a PlayStation. They are not failing hence why Xbox does.

  • @kyriosmalaka2312
    @kyriosmalaka2312 4 місяці тому +1

    I haven't bought a Sony game since Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper and Jak and Daxter were on regular rotation on the PS2. When the action platformers were replaced with movie games and superheroes, that completely killed my interest.

  • @pmac206
    @pmac206 4 місяці тому +1

    As a PlayStation gamer, I’ve never been against games going day and date. I’ve never really bought that PC is a threat to the console market . then I never expected Xbox’s sales to collapse the way it did . So who really knows

  • @buddyhall5330
    @buddyhall5330 4 місяці тому +1

    Funny how yall jeep saying EVEN Starfield. The player count fell off just as fast as Halo, Redfall, Forza & Hifi Rush

  • @xain86k70
    @xain86k70 4 місяці тому +2

    lol console gamers do not convert to PC.

    • @Teo_live
      @Teo_live 4 місяці тому

      I converted to PC gaming. I was a hardcore console gamer up to my early adult years, but eventually grew out of consoles.

    • @jpthedrummer4258
      @jpthedrummer4258 3 місяці тому

      I see you’re a deftones fan as well. Hats off to you good sir!

  • @Kamehaiku
    @Kamehaiku 4 місяці тому +1

    I was PC in the 90s and early 2000s. I recently got back into gaming and got a series x and ps5 at launch (msrp luckily). It wasn't fulfilling. I tried my friends PC and saved up and built my own decent gaming rig over this past holiday season. I feel like a kid again. 😊

  • @RonP556
    @RonP556 4 місяці тому +2

    Been a gamer for about 40 years going back to an old Kenbak and a Tandy computer. I've owned a few an Atari to Coleco up to Xbox360 and the first PlayStation... not one time have I ever played a game on a computer and thought I will buy the console to play the next game in a series. Something will come out that has my attention and truthfully, I would have forgotten about any sequels to the PC port of any game, even those I enjoyed. I have an incredibly large collection of games, I simply will never have the time to play all of them... I just finished fallout 4 and I purchased that when it came out about 9 or 8 years ago.. I forgot it even existed until the TV series came out, Other games took my attention away at the time as often happens. Not buying a console just to play the next part of a game they often ruin or change the mechanics entirely anyway.

    • @kyriosmalaka2312
      @kyriosmalaka2312 4 місяці тому +1

      I stopped paying a premium for a backlog. Now I only buy a game at full price if I'm going to play it immediately. There's no sense paying for $60 Yakuza: Like a Dragon only to play it when it's available for around $5. Fallout 4 was $4.99 when the show released. I'm definitely not both buying a console and paying a premium for a sequel.

    @EXODUS_FPS 4 місяці тому +1

    Nintendo does not have to come to Steam. We already play their games on the Steam deck.

  • @mjohnsen8606
    @mjohnsen8606 4 місяці тому +1

    I will never play TLOU 2 or 3 on a PS5, on a PC, on a boat, or on a goat.

    • @jpthedrummer4258
      @jpthedrummer4258 3 місяці тому

      Wear a coat then you can gloat while drinking a root beer float.

  • @Eagles30
    @Eagles30 4 місяці тому +1

    Got my pc and 4090 just in time

  • @davidhujik3422
    @davidhujik3422 4 місяці тому +4

    I love how everyone says why would I buy a PS5 for these mid woke games? But love them when they hit PC lmao

    • @Iluvantir
      @Iluvantir 4 місяці тому +1

      1) buy a $500 console with limited graphics and framerate to play one $60-$70 game (woke or not)... or 2) wait for said $60-$70 game to be ported to PC where it'll take advantage of far more power, better graphics, better framerate (way easier on the eyes!)... and cost LESS than the original (Ghost of Tsushima on PC includes the DLC and costs at least $10 less than the original base game on PS4!)
      Yeah, option 2 is best. I'm going to wait for anything that is at least half-way interesting to be released on PC, thanks. Marvel's Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Ghost of Tsushima were worth my time to wait for; especially as PSN is not needed for the real parts of GoT (who gives a crap about the multiplayer, really?). Spider-Man 2, though? Not worth it - far too much woke bullshit, and depowering Spider-Man to pass the baton to Miles at the end? "Why do they need me when you are Spider-Man?" type crap? Nope.
      So: yes, I'll wait for SOME PC ports. Will never pay for a shitty console. I'll pass on anything demanding me to hand over personal data to a company that gets hacked as much as Sony (I'm never getting PSN - Sony is like a $5 whore with their panties already down waiting for any passing hacker - don't want to be part of their "next exciting data breach event" just to play a game!). Also, I would NEVER give personal details to play a f'ing GAME in the first place! Most I've every given to play any game is an email address to set up an account! What the hell does Sony need with bio-metric ID and a face pic for me to get PSN? Seriously? FFS. I'll also hard-pass on anything that's disrespectful to the source material - like Spider-Man 2.
      Maybe don't build strawman arguments when making your statements, sonny. Just because one person "may" say what you just inferred does not mean all PC gamers say or believe such.

    • @Gruntvc
      @Gruntvc 4 місяці тому +2

      And then you find out pc gaming is just as infested by politics, greed, and broken releases like console games.
      Fan boys are cringe regardless of the platform.

    • @davidhujik3422
      @davidhujik3422 4 місяці тому

      @@Gruntvc oh yes! Some times even worse

    • @theduck2970
      @theduck2970 4 місяці тому

      @@Gruntvc Like what? Provide examples of politics and greed etc. Because the majority of controversies tend to be multiplatform issues, not PC specifically.

    • @theduck2970
      @theduck2970 4 місяці тому

      @@davidhujik3422 Even worse? How so?

  • @MaTtRoSiTy
    @MaTtRoSiTy 4 місяці тому

    Obviously making a PSN account mandatory is annoying but making it an up front requirement is obviously not on the same level as the rug pull they did with Helldivers 2. However it is most definitely an anti consumer move, as a PC only gamer if I really want to play a PSN game I guess I will have to sign up for a PSN account but I will never use it beyond having to log in to play a game I own and I will never buy a console. It is just an irritating barrier to playing a game and the only thing Sony have going for them here is that they do release some admittedly very good games... but that still wont make me buy a console!

  • @owlsandwolves
    @owlsandwolves 3 місяці тому

    Reason Why I would never game on PC, First: No physical copy, Second: No exclusive Triple A Game, if you disagree then tell me a Game that Exclusive to Us who have a Threadripper, A game for PC THREADRIPPER ONLY.

  • @warp00009
    @warp00009 4 місяці тому

    Making "good games" that people want to play is hard, and despite the technology improvements in the development tools doesn't seem to be getting any easier for any of the companies. Maybe that'll change in a few years when AI's can throw together new games in a couple of weeks, instead of the years it takes now with human developers. SONY's nuts if they think most of us PC gamers are ever going to waste our money on their "instantly obsolete" console hardware. Both Xbox and Play Station would be better off to evolve their limited consoles into full fledged PC's - that'd probably serve their desire to sell hardware better.

  • @17th_Colossus
    @17th_Colossus 4 місяці тому

    They're trying to double-dip. I've bought games on PS4 and then later when they came out for PC, I bought them again for better fps/graphics etc. Rockstar has done this with great success, (unfortunately for the consumer) and now Sony wants in on that action.

  • @SoloEcho
    @SoloEcho 4 місяці тому

    I'm just not buying games as a gamer because all these games are just trash woke women simping garbage. So I wouldn't be surprised if they release exclusive titles to PC cause they were expecting money from none existing gamers.

  • @anonvoila4883
    @anonvoila4883 4 місяці тому

    Wtf, you want us to drop our 30/40/50 90s for a shit box? You know what? I'll jump on the many MMOs that are only on pc. Good luck with that, Sony

  • @Rawry92
    @Rawry92 4 місяці тому

    Console? Overpriced 30fps hardware. My old pc from ps3 days still gets more fps in modern games.
    What a joke.

  • @hermitcard4494
    @hermitcard4494 3 місяці тому

    Awesome. Thank you Sony for keep encouraging me to save for a gaming pc, or a SteamDeck.

  • @philscott3759
    @philscott3759 4 місяці тому

    Sony aren't a company worth any of my support. Take your DEI bs and do one. Cheers.

  • @herosupport1606
    @herosupport1606 4 місяці тому

    lol they need to sell games do they then why restrict more than half the world on steam then.

  • @pse2020
    @pse2020 4 місяці тому +2

    their financial spread sheet is looking freaken insane... ps5 era has catched up to the entire ps4 generation and this is only half way... so yeah what ever they are doing its working for them. I have enjoyed most of their exclusives this gen aswell so i dont know what people are talking about.

  • @seannyandme
    @seannyandme 4 місяці тому +9

    Consoles are for kids. PCs are for adults.

    • @TremelJackson
      @TremelJackson 4 місяці тому +4

      Hate to break it to you but kids play roblox on pc as well

    • @blackrahk2037
      @blackrahk2037 4 місяці тому +1

      Playing in a dark corner somewhere on a tiny monitor while the adults use the living room is pretty childish to me. I play on my couch on 65 inches in front of everyone. Also you playing the same games genius....

    • @seannyandme
      @seannyandme 4 місяці тому

      @@blackrahk2037 My PC is in the biggest room of my house. Just so you know, you can connect any TV to a PC if all you want are more inches (GPUs have both DP and HDMI). To me size is not a problem. I prefer having more fps and a smooth gaming experience. 60 fps feels sluggish to me and the games I play. Even 120 fps isn't enough sometimes. And no, I do not play the same games children play. I play adult games. I'll admit some kids play those too, but imo they shouldn't until they reach a certain age.

    • @seannyandme
      @seannyandme 4 місяці тому +3

      @@blackrahk2037 I now just enjoy playing at more than 60 fps, which feels pretty laggy in comparison. Also, you can connect any TV (or multiple TVs) to any PC if your concern is size. I prefer more fps. Also the possibility to replace and update parts as I see fit is wonderful, and I also love liquid cooling - none of which are tasks for kids. This was my argument, I wasn't trying to offend anyone, lol.
      I enjoyed consoles when I was kid. As soon as I could manage and I learned I became a PC gamer because it's such a smoother and better experience.
      Also, I don't play games that are appropiate for children. I admit some might play them, but imo they should reach age before doing so. These are the main reasons for my original post.

    • @Teo_live
      @Teo_live 4 місяці тому +6

      Yeah I grew out of consoles since the PS2. Consoles are great for children and casuals, but the PC-master-race just wins for everything else hands down. Less censorship, more versatility, more power, more mods, far greater game selection, more use case, etc.

  • @OriginsDragon
    @OriginsDragon 4 місяці тому +1

    Well said. No way I am going to buy Playstation console just to play their single players games. So far their games are old ip. Xbox has more games than sony.

    • @reelroyalevizion800
      @reelroyalevizion800 4 місяці тому +1


    • @pmac206
      @pmac206 4 місяці тому +2

      There’s no way that dying platform has more games. PlayStation gets more indie drops than all of Xbox’s releases combined

    • @Gruntvc
      @Gruntvc 4 місяці тому +1

      Xbox has more games, you counting Game Pass? Game Pass kills game sales.

  • @frogmastiff8198
    @frogmastiff8198 4 місяці тому

    all games should try to reach as many players as possible and the consumer can choose their platform of choice, pro consumer better reach

  • @KratosisGod
    @KratosisGod 4 місяці тому

    As someone who has never owned a console buying a whole new device just so I can play 4-5 exclusive titles is simply put not worth it and if something is available on PC I'll always prefer playing it on that platform.

    • @SentientIronHeart
      @SentientIronHeart 4 місяці тому

      Its not just the exclusives, playstation is much more. Maby do some research

  • @warrensmith7690
    @warrensmith7690 4 місяці тому +2

    "Play the single player sequels on a playstation console" ... ok but where are those games? Seriously There have so far come maybe one exclusive game each second year I might want to play, and then I hear it will come to PC eventually... so I can wait, *and* I can wait for a sale.

    • @esteldan
      @esteldan  4 місяці тому

      And the sequels they've been releasing are just "more of the same" with little innovation.
      I don't buy their reasoning, it's about fear of losing their current customer base and has nothing to do with converting PC players.

  • @rayman321
    @rayman321 4 місяці тому

    Why would anyone go from a very simple console with the best games to the mess that is PC and pay way more to have a terrible experience and a huge loud box in your living room?

  • @Re-PhantomZero
    @Re-PhantomZero 4 місяці тому

    Don't care about kuSony they have nothing i want, everything they have is lame. Well maybe rise of the Ronin is the only one.