It took me a while to realize my insert clip had to be the same resolution as my tracked clip. This video is definitely a must have and is greatly appreciated. I would love to see some in-depth tutorials on using the mesh warp for things like adding tattoos, scars, ect.
i dont mean to be so offtopic but does any of you know a trick to get back into an instagram account? I was stupid lost the account password. I appreciate any help you can give me.
@Coleman Hugh Thanks for your reply. I got to the site on google and Im waiting for the hacking stuff atm. I see it takes quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
This video is an absolute lifesaver! So simple, to the point and covers some of the mistakes I have been making and scratching my head about! really appreciate this!!!👏
I'm glad it helped. We've changed the behavior in the newer updates so that the first layer is selected by default. Feedback on users' expectations and experiences is really important.
You're a life saver! It seems somewhat counter intuitive to make my tracked clip to match the host clips resolution, but by gum if it didn't work. I can stop banging my head against the wall and move on now.
I'm glad you got it working. It does get easier. If you haven't seen it, we have a free series that may be of interest :
my buddie turned me on to Mocha, Having an issue where the insert clip isn't connecting to the tracked footage. I've tried the pre comp but to no avail. I'm determined! Thanks for making such a detailed video, with breakdowns, and explanations.
When you're having trouble with something like that, the best place to go is to the forums or our Discord channel. It's easier to look at your shot and diagnose problems there :
Hi Ben, In the phone example (tracking drift, at 3:56), an easier solution (I think): You just need (in After Effects) to copy the anchor point coordinates of the main video and paste them into the (anchor point of the) layer of the picture to be applied. Then magic...
Mistake #6 was torturing me during the whole afternoon. I forgot to match the resolutions. I knew about this solution but I haven't tracked any footage for ages... :D Thanks for sharing this tip. :)
That's really great to hear. This is the video I wanted to have when I was starting in Mocha because I made these mistakes too! If you haven't seen it, we have a full (and free) Mocha Essentials course to get you started :
Hey Boris, so i have edited a clip where i track something on my face and tracked my eyes and changed colors. And the tracking looks perfect in the preview but when i render my footage it gets all wonky and kind of glitchy. It's not the same result as in my preview and i can't really seem to find an answer myself?
OK, that's a weird issue. Could you post it in the forums with an example of what your seeing. It'll be easier to see what the problem is. Thanks
What do you do if you tracked the whole thing and didn't align the surface? When I try to do this after the fact, the surface moves a lot. Can you keyframe the surface? Or can you export just the x spline data and not worry about the surface?
You can align the surface whenever you want to; before the tracking, after the tracking, it doesn't matter. If your surface is still moving around a lot, it means that the tracking data you have isn't completely accurate or stable. You can use the AdjustTrack module to fix things, but the better option is to change where you're tracking and/or some of the tracking parameters. If there is a lot of motion blur, try taking the Min % of Pixels Used param *down* a little. If there is a lot of rotation, then set the Angle parameter *up* a bit. The shape you are tracking will probably need to be adjusted too. Seemingly small changes here can be the difference between a rock solid track and one you have to keep tweaking! If you post on the forums ( someone can help identify problems with your specific shot.
That message is shown when you have the viewer set to show the rendered Remove frames. At the top left of the viewer there is a dropdown menu, set that to Input and you'll see your original media. To remove the object, check that your background is bigger than the foreground you're trying to remove. Hit the render cog at the bottom of the viewer and it will process the frame out. If you have further problems please hit us up at the forums and show your setup :
im getting a problem with corner pin data , my when i paste the attributes in after effects the corner pin resizes the picture or the effect i am trying to apply , can anyone help me out please
This is probably an effect order thing in After Effects. Try to rearrange the filters on the layer you have applied Corner Pin to and make sure you only have one corner pin effect applied at an one time. If you're still having problems, please join us on the forums and paste a few screenshots or a video of what's happening. It'll be easier to understand the issue then.
Is there a cheat sheet of what tracking to use? I want add some animated birds into the far distance on a mountain, the camera is also moving away from the mountain. Do I use a transform track? Or camera solve?
Some of our other videos talk more about this, for example : In your situation, if the birds will be in the distance then camera solving is overkill. Just use transform track with position, scale and rotation. That will be quicker and the result will work well.
Hello ben, I have this weird problem, even when following your checklist. I made a nice tracking in mocha and looks great, but when I apply the tracking data to the clip, the corner points are some 20 pixels off the place the show inside mocha. I tried everything but can´t make them coincide. what can I make to fix this ?
Hi Leopoldo, sorry for the late reply. I didn't see your question. Corner points being off like this is usually because of a mismatch resolution between the clip you tracked and the clip you are applying it to. If they are the same resolution, are they the same pixel aspect ratio? This isn't usually an issue any more but worth checking. Another thing to check is motion blur. If you have motion blur turned on, you may have to adjust the Shutter Phase in the Composition Settings. Let me know if that helps. -Ben
what does this mean: One or more layers were not tracked properly. Try increasing the minimum percentage of pixels used. It happens a number of times but not always - thanks for the help
It means that there's a bad track happening. If you have multiple layers, you could be inadvertently blocking the bottom layer with the layers on top. Try searching for Mocha Track Mattes here or in the documentation for more information. If you only have one layer it means that you need to find a better place to track. You could try to increase the Minimum Percentage of Pixels Used, which is a setting when you are in the Classic workspace, but it would be more effective to find a better coplanar surface to track. Hope that helps!
What do I do if the track snaps onto a different object during my video? My experience with the manual stuff is extremely wonky, and I usually completely give up if the track gives me an error message for being terminated, or it snaps onto something else.
If it snaps onto a different object, then go back to a frame where everything is good and adjust some things. This could be just the shape you're tracking, the tracking parameters, or even add a track matte if something like a reflection is throwing the track off. We actually have a whole free series that is dedicated to taking you through this and helping you get the best tracks with Mocha : Don't give up. Most shots can be tracked with a bit of nudging. Let us know how you get on.
Does your shot look correct in Mocha? What does the Surface look like? This problem is often caused by bad tracking data that tries to move your shape in a way that isn't physically possible. Could you show us a bit more on the Boris FX forums please?
Why don't my surface or grid follow along with the points I tracked? The tracking looks great, but when I turn on the grid and surface, they aren't tracking at all.
If you're tracking is good and you have the tracked layer selected, then your Surface and Grid will follow normally. If you have keyframed your shape then that doesn't affect the track data. From your description it sounds like something I have never seen before. If you're still having trouble then please join us on our forums or Discord channel so you can show a screen grab of what's actually happening. Thanks. and
what does it mean when there's missing keyframes? i've applied the tracking data to the clip, but there are only keyframes for like 3 random clusters of the clip. this shouldn't be so. did something go wrong inside of boris?
That shouldn't be happening if you have tracked the clip all the way through. First ideas are to make sure you're running the latest version of the software. Also check that your composition and tracked clip framerates are the same. If you're still having problems, could you go to the forums and start a thread. It would be useful to post screenshots or share your project to help diagnose what's going on (no media required) :
I can't copy my tracking data from Mocha to a Layer... it only copies the first keyframe. Is there a way to not separate dimensions of the scale? Seems like this is the problem.. or I don't know what's happening
Do you have any time-stretching on the layer or have you trimmed the layer? Are you copying the keyframes or using the Mocha plug-in to apply it to the correct layer? The second way is the best way to do it. The scaling dimensions will remain linked too. Could you post this in the forums with some more details about what you're doing, or even better a short screen recording :
My problem is that when I apply tracking data to a pre-comp, it doesn't just move the precomp over a bit, it literally crops the whole thing, scales it unproportionably, and I can do nothing about it
How does your surface look in Mocha? If your surface looks correct and is tracking the movement correctly then there is another issue. If it's not scaling proportionately, check that the pre-comp matches the main comp's resolution and framerate. Then check that the clip you're trying to insert fills the pre-comp, even though it may look weird in there. If you're still having issues then head over to the forums ( ) or contact if you have a Support contract, then open a case there ( )
Have you moved the Surface (blue button at the top of the viewer) over to your sign? Here's how we can use the Surface : If this isn't your problem, could you please post on our forums with a few screenshots of what is happening please :
That's a new one for me. Just to double-check, are you using the plugin to generate and apply the data, or using a copy/paste method? The apply method is more robust. For more timely support, I would recommend posting in the Mocha forums with some detail and screenshots of your setup in Mocha and AE. That will help to troubleshoot where the issue is. Here's a link :
sometimes a pop-up screen appears when I enter the software "the host is not set to full resolution. Tracking at reduced resolution can be faster but is less accurate. Do you wish to continue tracking at proxy resolution?" I don't know what to do? thank you
This means that your viewer is set to 1/2 or 1/4 resolution in After Effects. If you continue, then you will only be tracking fewer pixels in proxy rather than your full resolution shot. If you are working with large resolution footage (eg. 4k, 8k etc.) then you will often get a good track, faster. If your tracking looks bad, turn the viewer in AE back to Full and reopen Mocha.
Are you using the Mocha AE plugin that has been with After Effects for a few versions? If you are using an older version of After Effects and Mocha AE, then you have to copy and paste the data. See this older video on how to do that :
Sounds like your text is a Guide Layer if it is not showing up on renders. It's impossible to search/link properly in the AE User Guide so here's another link :
it's great video but i have message when i open mocha (confirm proxy tracking ) and when i remove object from scene every thing get into black i don't know why ^^
Your Viewer in After Effects is set to 1/2 or 1/4 resolution. Set that to Full and reopen Mocha. You won't see the proxy tracking message again. The remove object issue is probably too big for a UA-cam comment. Hit up the forums ( and ask there. Please include a few screenshots so we can see what your Remove parameters and Mocha Preferences are.
If it's tracking fine when you playback in Mocha, it could easily be something like a mismatch in framerate between the clip and the composition, or if you have added a speed change without precomposing the layer. If it is not that, give the forum a try ( ). You can post screenshots and projects there, which you can't with a UA-cam comment.
@@BorisFXco Yes, the tracking works perfectly, it's just out of place, i think it's not about the clips specs, they're from the same render, but thx!! I'll give the forum a try, some prints should help
@@elloello_erm yeah, in a not Very practical way hahahahah: applied manually corner pin to the video i was trying to insert on the screen (lets call It video1) and positioned it on the right place of the first frame, then tracked my screen footage in mocha. Finally I exported the track data to a null object and linked "video1" to the null
Hi, I'm having trouble applying the surface correctly, I think. The track is not steady, and I have tried just about everything I know to fix it, but it still won't work. Are you able to provide any examples of how to apply the surface to track a screen replacement, including the perspective changing?
Hi Greg, if your track isn't steady then the best thing to do is re-track it. Change up where you're tracking if you can, if there are reflections then use track mattes so there aren't tracked, and consider changing up the minimum % pixels used control to be a bit higher. Check these out to start with : Lots more here :,category:Getting%20Started&search=
First time doing this in Mocha Followed all steps and while the Data is applied properly, my layer that i want to be tracked disappears when applying Export
Hi, is the layer you are applying the data to, the same size as the comp and the tracked layer? If this is not the first time you have applied data to that layer, you may have two copies of the Corner Pin effect on the layer. If that's not it either, head over to the Mocha forums : You can upload screenshots or your project file to make it easier to diagnose the problem.
There are protections against this. If you crash inside Mocha, you can usually recover with the Mocha auto-save. If you crash within After Effects, the After Effects auto-save will contain the Mocha plug-in data too. At any point when working in Mocha, you can export out a backup copy of the project in case of disaster. If the crash is big enough and there is no save data to go back to, then unfortunately you'll have to re-track.
@@BorisFXco sorry for delay. the protections didn’t work, neither mochaae plugin, nor ae recovered lost data. however, i found elsewhere that i can find mochaae backups, change extension, and load it into the plugin, and this worked.
My AE is crashing when I open mocha. I am using AE 2017 14.0.1. As soon as I apply the Mocha effect and click on mocha icon my AE crashes 😓. Please help me
Are you using Mocha AE or Mocha Pro? If Mocha Pro, which version? Either way starting with a uninstall/reinstall of both Mocha and After Effects would be a great place to start. If you're still crashing, then please post this on the Boris FX forum ( with your crash log. That will help to diagnose the issue.
Your layer is disappearing? If you are pasting the data then you must be at the start frame of the clip. Pasted keyframes start from your current frame. If you apply the data from the plugin, it will automatically apply it in the correct place.
I paid for Adobe after effects, and P Pro a week ago..... I still cant get any video to track how I want..I'm very disappointed. My mocha tracking data does not transfer and track the null object no matter what I do.
Have you set up the Surface properly in Mocha and created the track data in the plug-in area back in AE/Premiere? Take 10 minutes to watch Mary's intro video here : We also have a Getting Started series if you're still having issues or want to learn more :,product:Mocha&search=
Are you using the standalone version or the plugin version? The plug-in version reads the frames from the host, so if your host can play it back, Mocha can too. Time ramping or other time-based effects can throw this off, so either track prior or precomp/nest your footage. If you are using the standalone version then check out page 322 onwards in the User Guide for supported file formats.
@@rraghuvanshi The latest update (2020.5) uses GStreamer rather than Quicktime to import a larger number of file formats. Check the manual with the pages above for more info.
To apply Mocha to a clip with time remapping, you have to pre-compose the layer with Move All Attributes. You can then put Mocha Pro onto the precomp and it will open properly.
It was a excellent idea to create this video. Very useful! However, i've still have a big problem with Mocha in Ae. When you apply the tracking to a layer, nothing happens. I used to work with Mocha but this the first time I see that. Yet, the tracking is done. I have my animated nulls on my footage but it's impossible to apply my tracking data. It's a bug or Im' getting crazy ? Please any help ?
If you have checked the normal things like selecting the target layer before hitting apply, then you're best bet is to post in the BorisFX forums ( If you can let us know your system specs and upload the project (without media) even better.
Sometimes Mocha has issues. It wouldn't track the last frame of my PNG sequence!!!#!!%. Ended up just duplicating the last PNG file to brute force it. Having to do dumb workarounds like this in AE makes me crazy.
These are not "Mocha Problems" as the title suggests, but rather "Operator Error" issues... I am looking for a video that addresses problems that MOCHA is having with tracking... NOT the user. I need a "TROUBLESHOOTING VIDEO" about how to solve Mocha's issues when tracking.
We find that the most common problems people find with Mocha are actually operator error, which is why we collected the top ones into this video. We also have a big training series to give techniques for getting the best tracks possible : Exercise 07 is called "When It All Goes Wrong". If we find actual problems in our software, we try to fix them ASAP. If you're having problems with a shot, the best place to go is the forums ( ). If you're having issues with things like licensing or launching Mocha, then please contact Support ( )
Really useful tips, thanks. However, I can't overstate how annoying the background music is in this video! Far too loud, and the over-aggressive ducking with the voiceover is distracting as hell! Needs to be half as loud, and just leave it at the same level throughout.
It took me a while to realize my insert clip had to be the same resolution as my tracked clip. This video is definitely a must have and is greatly appreciated. I would love to see some in-depth tutorials on using the mesh warp for things like adding tattoos, scars, ect.
Great. It is something that trips up lots of people. Good idea for a future tutorial, I will add it to my list.
i dont mean to be so offtopic but does any of you know a trick to get back into an instagram account?
I was stupid lost the account password. I appreciate any help you can give me.
@Myles Maddux instablaster =)
@Coleman Hugh Thanks for your reply. I got to the site on google and Im waiting for the hacking stuff atm.
I see it takes quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
@Coleman Hugh it worked and I finally got access to my account again. I am so happy!
Thanks so much, you saved my ass!
This video is an absolute lifesaver! So simple, to the point and covers some of the mistakes I have been making and scratching my head about! really appreciate this!!!👏
Great to hear! Glad that it still helps out.
actually solved every single problem with my track, house and my wife returned to me after watching this vid! Thanks!
We aim to please!
Very helpful. Clicking the icon next to the layer was the biggest hurdle for me.
I'm glad it helped. We've changed the behavior in the newer updates so that the first layer is selected by default. Feedback on users' expectations and experiences is really important.
You're a life saver! It seems somewhat counter intuitive to make my tracked clip to match the host clips resolution, but by gum if it didn't work. I can stop banging my head against the wall and move on now.
That's great that this tutorial helped out. It's why we do them and to hear it works makes me happy.
Ben Brownlee is a master!
You're too kind! You're not wrong, you're just too kind :P
@@benbrownlee2732 Next time, I'll be more brutal! ;o)
after two whole days, I have completed the track. thank you
I'm glad you got it working. It does get easier. If you haven't seen it, we have a free series that may be of interest :
This was incredibly helpful. Thank you!
my buddie turned me on to Mocha, Having an issue where the insert clip isn't connecting to the tracked footage. I've tried the pre comp but to no avail. I'm determined! Thanks for making such a detailed video, with breakdowns, and explanations.
When you're having trouble with something like that, the best place to go is to the forums or our Discord channel. It's easier to look at your shot and diagnose problems there :
Hi Ben,
In the phone example (tracking drift, at 3:56), an easier solution (I think):
You just need (in After Effects) to copy the anchor point coordinates of the main video and paste them into the (anchor point of the) layer of the picture to be applied. Then magic...
Mistake #6 was torturing me during the whole afternoon. I forgot to match the resolutions. I knew about this solution but I haven't tracked any footage for ages... :D Thanks for sharing this tip. :)
You are the person we created this tutorial for. I'm really glad you got it sorted. Thanks for leaving a comment.
Saved my morning. Thank you.
That's great to hear. Glad we could stop the frustration!
Thanks Ben! Great video , very helpful. I'm just starting out using Mocha and this helped clarify things A LOT for me :)
That's really great to hear. This is the video I wanted to have when I was starting in Mocha because I made these mistakes too! If you haven't seen it, we have a full (and free) Mocha Essentials course to get you started :
@@BorisFXco Will check it out! Thanks again! You're a life saver!
1:50 Nice tips, I don't know I can do stabilization using Mocha before
Excellent. Glad you learned something from it. Thanks.
Great! Nailed it. So helpful.
Thanks. Really appreciate it. Glad it helps.
Thank you so much for this! 🔥
My pleasure!
I have been struggling for 2 hours. thx
Really glad it was helpful.
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! You saved the day!! Love this presentation and tips.
You're welcome! Glad it helped you out.
oh my word thank you so much, was fed up till i saw this. Many thanks!
Glad it helped.
Can you guys make a tutorial for removing tracking dots on a face?
GHHHAAAAD! This is what i needed! Long live, good sir!
Glad you liked it and hope it helped.
Very helpful video. Thanks!
so concise!
Thanks. Hope it helped you out.
Great I have learnt lot and still I have done all the mistake while tracking but this video made me to realise my mistake thanks Boris fx :)
Fantastic. Glad it helped you!
Perfect thank you 👊🏾
thanks, that helps a lot
Really glad it helped. Thanks for leaving a comment.
Just what I needed! Thank You!
Great! I am glad you found it useful.
thank you, this really helped!
Excellent. Really glad you found it useful.
thanks for making this video!
Glad it was helpful! Thanks!
Thankyou soooooooooooooo much..
I was so much in need for this video..
Specially the last two mistakes..
#Thanks a lot
Thank you so much. I am glad this was helpful for you.
4:07 solved my problem. Thanks ❤️
Yeah, that one trips up a lot of people the first time. Glad this video could help!
Super!!! it's what I need😀
Glad we could help. It's always good to hear a success story.
This is a really helpful video. Thanks for this!
You're very welcome! Thank you.
Thanks, the cog was my issue
You're not the first person to be caught by that! Glad you figured it out.
Hey Boris, so i have edited a clip where i track something on my face and tracked my eyes and changed colors. And the tracking looks perfect in the preview but when i render my footage it
gets all wonky and kind of glitchy. It's not the same result as in my preview and i can't really seem to find an answer myself?
OK, that's a weird issue. Could you post it in the forums with an example of what your seeing. It'll be easier to see what the problem is. Thanks
solved my problem , thanks
We need more what not to do videos like this.
Thanks for the comment. We'll definitely do more of these.
What do you do if you tracked the whole thing and didn't align the surface? When I try to do this after the fact, the surface moves a lot. Can you keyframe the surface? Or can you export just the x spline data and not worry about the surface?
You can align the surface whenever you want to; before the tracking, after the tracking, it doesn't matter. If your surface is still moving around a lot, it means that the tracking data you have isn't completely accurate or stable. You can use the AdjustTrack module to fix things, but the better option is to change where you're tracking and/or some of the tracking parameters. If there is a lot of motion blur, try taking the Min % of Pixels Used param *down* a little. If there is a lot of rotation, then set the Angle parameter *up* a bit.
The shape you are tracking will probably need to be adjusted too. Seemingly small changes here can be the difference between a rock solid track and one you have to keep tweaking! If you post on the forums ( someone can help identify problems with your specific shot.
The resolution thing was really tricky... I watched tons of tutorials to finally figure out that this was the issue...
It can trip up a lot of people. Hope this vid helps out with other gotchas in the future.
This is very helpful! One question, what if I have to rotate my original video? I shot it vertically. Do I need to rotate the insert clip as well?
Yes. As long as the insert is the same framesize as the video it will work.
@@BorisFXco Thank you!
I'm stuck on the first step... When moving the timeline, the mocha values don't change, now what?
Hello, please make sure that you clicked on "Create Track Data" button and chose the layer that was tracked
Hi, I get this message and it does not remove the object "Frame 524 not rendered in Clip “Remove input”.
That message is shown when you have the viewer set to show the rendered Remove frames. At the top left of the viewer there is a dropdown menu, set that to Input and you'll see your original media.
To remove the object, check that your background is bigger than the foreground you're trying to remove. Hit the render cog at the bottom of the viewer and it will process the frame out.
If you have further problems please hit us up at the forums and show your setup :
Muito obrigado por compartilhar seu conhecimento. Me ajudou.
Excellent. Glad it helped you!
But how do I track in between an occlusion?
Take a look at this from the Mocha Essentials course :
im getting a problem with corner pin data , my when i paste the attributes in after effects the corner pin resizes the picture or the effect i am trying to apply , can anyone help me out please
This is probably an effect order thing in After Effects. Try to rearrange the filters on the layer you have applied Corner Pin to and make sure you only have one corner pin effect applied at an one time.
If you're still having problems, please join us on the forums and paste a few screenshots or a video of what's happening. It'll be easier to understand the issue then.
Is there a cheat sheet of what tracking to use? I want add some animated birds into the far distance on a mountain, the camera is also moving away from the mountain. Do I use a transform track? Or camera solve?
Some of our other videos talk more about this, for example :
In your situation, if the birds will be in the distance then camera solving is overkill. Just use transform track with position, scale and rotation. That will be quicker and the result will work well.
@@BorisFXco Thank you! Great tutorial series btw.
Hello ben, I have this weird problem, even when following your checklist. I made a nice tracking in mocha and looks great, but when I apply the tracking data to the clip, the corner points are some 20 pixels off the place the show inside mocha. I tried everything but can´t make them coincide. what can I make to fix this ?
Hi Leopoldo, sorry for the late reply. I didn't see your question.
Corner points being off like this is usually because of a mismatch resolution between the clip you tracked and the clip you are applying it to. If they are the same resolution, are they the same pixel aspect ratio? This isn't usually an issue any more but worth checking.
Another thing to check is motion blur. If you have motion blur turned on, you may have to adjust the Shutter Phase in the Composition Settings.
Let me know if that helps. -Ben
what does this mean:
One or more layers were not tracked properly.
Try increasing the minimum percentage of pixels used.
It happens a number of times but not always - thanks for the help
It means that there's a bad track happening. If you have multiple layers, you could be inadvertently blocking the bottom layer with the layers on top. Try searching for Mocha Track Mattes here or in the documentation for more information. If you only have one layer it means that you need to find a better place to track. You could try to increase the Minimum Percentage of Pixels Used, which is a setting when you are in the Classic workspace, but it would be more effective to find a better coplanar surface to track.
Hope that helps!
What do I do if the track snaps onto a different object during my video? My experience with the manual stuff is extremely wonky, and I usually completely give up if the track gives me an error message for being terminated, or it snaps onto something else.
If it snaps onto a different object, then go back to a frame where everything is good and adjust some things. This could be just the shape you're tracking, the tracking parameters, or even add a track matte if something like a reflection is throwing the track off. We actually have a whole free series that is dedicated to taking you through this and helping you get the best tracks with Mocha : Don't give up. Most shots can be tracked with a bit of nudging.
Let us know how you get on.
After I create track data and apply export - my shape becomes invincible. I can see only a couple of points where that shate should be (
Does your shot look correct in Mocha? What does the Surface look like? This problem is often caused by bad tracking data that tries to move your shape in a way that isn't physically possible. Could you show us a bit more on the Boris FX forums please?
Why don't my surface or grid follow along with the points I tracked? The tracking looks great, but when I turn on the grid and surface, they aren't tracking at all.
If you're tracking is good and you have the tracked layer selected, then your Surface and Grid will follow normally. If you have keyframed your shape then that doesn't affect the track data.
From your description it sounds like something I have never seen before. If you're still having trouble then please join us on our forums or Discord channel so you can show a screen grab of what's actually happening. Thanks. and
I want to make a video like AronAnimals.
Please tell me how.
Currently I am using Mocha Pro.
You can judge the trace and my level in my video.
Those videos are great. I'll see what I can do!
what does it mean when there's missing keyframes? i've applied the tracking data to the clip, but there are only keyframes for like 3 random clusters of the clip. this shouldn't be so. did something go wrong inside of boris?
That shouldn't be happening if you have tracked the clip all the way through. First ideas are to make sure you're running the latest version of the software. Also check that your composition and tracked clip framerates are the same. If you're still having problems, could you go to the forums and start a thread. It would be useful to post screenshots or share your project to help diagnose what's going on (no media required) :
I can't copy my tracking data from Mocha to a Layer... it only copies the first keyframe.
Is there a way to not separate dimensions of the scale? Seems like this is the problem.. or I don't know what's happening
Do you have any time-stretching on the layer or have you trimmed the layer? Are you copying the keyframes or using the Mocha plug-in to apply it to the correct layer? The second way is the best way to do it. The scaling dimensions will remain linked too. Could you post this in the forums with some more details about what you're doing, or even better a short screen recording :
My problem is that when I apply tracking data to a pre-comp, it doesn't just move the precomp over a bit, it literally crops the whole thing, scales it unproportionably, and I can do nothing about it
How does your surface look in Mocha? If your surface looks correct and is tracking the movement correctly then there is another issue. If it's not scaling proportionately, check that the pre-comp matches the main comp's resolution and framerate. Then check that the clip you're trying to insert fills the pre-comp, even though it may look weird in there.
If you're still having issues then head over to the forums ( ) or contact if you have a Support contract, then open a case there ( )
I have a problem. Not my logo stuck to the sign. Stuck somewhere else? Why?
Have you moved the Surface (blue button at the top of the viewer) over to your sign? Here's how we can use the Surface :
If this isn't your problem, could you please post on our forums with a few screenshots of what is happening please :
@@BorisFXco thank you so much. i will watch this video.
when im copying the data to a null iget only a keyframe at the bigining and the and - the null dont move in mocha i see al the frames..(number 9)
That's a new one for me. Just to double-check, are you using the plugin to generate and apply the data, or using a copy/paste method? The apply method is more robust.
For more timely support, I would recommend posting in the Mocha forums with some detail and screenshots of your setup in Mocha and AE. That will help to troubleshoot where the issue is. Here's a link :
Nice!!!!! Thx :)
Glad it was helpful to you.
sometimes a pop-up screen appears when I enter the software "the host is not set to full resolution. Tracking at reduced resolution can be faster but is less accurate. Do you wish to continue tracking at proxy resolution?" I don't know what to do? thank you
This means that your viewer is set to 1/2 or 1/4 resolution in After Effects. If you continue, then you will only be tracking fewer pixels in proxy rather than your full resolution shot. If you are working with large resolution footage (eg. 4k, 8k etc.) then you will often get a good track, faster. If your tracking looks bad, turn the viewer in AE back to Full and reopen Mocha.
What if when I save and exit Mocha AE doesn't have any of the options you show? There is no Apply export, not create track data buttons, nothing.
Are you using the Mocha AE plugin that has been with After Effects for a few versions? If you are using an older version of After Effects and Mocha AE, then you have to copy and paste the data. See this older video on how to do that :
I applied tracking data to a text layer, but in render only clip is visible not the text
Sounds like your text is a Guide Layer if it is not showing up on renders. It's impossible to search/link properly in the AE User Guide so here's another link :
@@BorisFXco thanks , I precomposed the text layer and video and it worked for now😋
it's great video but i have message when i open mocha (confirm proxy tracking ) and when i remove object from scene every thing get into black i don't know why ^^
Your Viewer in After Effects is set to 1/2 or 1/4 resolution. Set that to Full and reopen Mocha. You won't see the proxy tracking message again.
The remove object issue is probably too big for a UA-cam comment. Hit up the forums ( and ask there. Please include a few screenshots so we can see what your Remove parameters and Mocha Preferences are.
Super Thx :)
Thank you too!
My both clips are in the same resolution, but i still get the tracking drift. What can It be?
If it's tracking fine when you playback in Mocha, it could easily be something like a mismatch in framerate between the clip and the composition, or if you have added a speed change without precomposing the layer. If it is not that, give the forum a try ( ). You can post screenshots and projects there, which you can't with a UA-cam comment.
@@BorisFXco Yes, the tracking works perfectly, it's just out of place, i think it's not about the clips specs, they're from the same render, but thx!! I'll give the forum a try, some prints should help
@@elloello_erm yeah, in a not Very practical way hahahahah: applied manually corner pin to the video i was trying to insert on the screen (lets call It video1) and positioned it on the right place of the first frame, then tracked my screen footage in mocha. Finally I exported the track data to a null object and linked "video1" to the null
@@elloello_erm yeah i think we might be missing a detail
Hi, I'm having trouble applying the surface correctly, I think. The track is not steady, and I have tried just about everything I know to fix it, but it still won't work. Are you able to provide any examples of how to apply the surface to track a screen replacement, including the perspective changing?
Hi Greg, if your track isn't steady then the best thing to do is re-track it. Change up where you're tracking if you can, if there are reflections then use track mattes so there aren't tracked, and consider changing up the minimum % pixels used control to be a bit higher.
Check these out to start with :
Lots more here :,category:Getting%20Started&search=
First time doing this in Mocha Followed all steps and while the Data is applied properly, my layer that i want to be tracked disappears when applying Export
Hi, is the layer you are applying the data to, the same size as the comp and the tracked layer? If this is not the first time you have applied data to that layer, you may have two copies of the Corner Pin effect on the layer. If that's not it either, head over to the Mocha forums : You can upload screenshots or your project file to make it easier to diagnose the problem.
how about an ae crash and losing all the tracking data?
There are protections against this. If you crash inside Mocha, you can usually recover with the Mocha auto-save. If you crash within After Effects, the After Effects auto-save will contain the Mocha plug-in data too. At any point when working in Mocha, you can export out a backup copy of the project in case of disaster. If the crash is big enough and there is no save data to go back to, then unfortunately you'll have to re-track.
@@BorisFXco sorry for delay. the protections didn’t work, neither mochaae plugin, nor ae recovered lost data. however, i found elsewhere that i can find mochaae backups, change extension, and load it into the plugin, and this worked.
My AE is crashing when I open mocha. I am using AE 2017 14.0.1. As soon as I apply the Mocha effect and click on mocha icon my AE crashes 😓. Please help me
Are you using Mocha AE or Mocha Pro? If Mocha Pro, which version? Either way starting with a uninstall/reinstall of both Mocha and After Effects would be a great place to start. If you're still crashing, then please post this on the Boris FX forum ( with your crash log. That will help to diagnose the issue.
@@BorisFXco sir I installed well. Mocha got open. But when I import video it shows IPC protocol error. What should I do now
Hello!, I have an other problem: when I paste de tracking data in My correct layer, it desapeare, how can I fix it?
Your layer is disappearing? If you are pasting the data then you must be at the start frame of the clip. Pasted keyframes start from your current frame. If you apply the data from the plugin, it will automatically apply it in the correct place.
@@BorisFXco thanks
5. problem is the best problem
I paid for Adobe after effects, and P Pro a week ago..... I still cant get any video to track how I want..I'm very disappointed. My mocha tracking data does not transfer and track the null object no matter what I do.
Have you set up the Surface properly in Mocha and created the track data in the plug-in area back in AE/Premiere?
Take 10 minutes to watch Mary's intro video here :
We also have a Getting Started series if you're still having issues or want to learn more :,product:Mocha&search=
thats none of my problem my i will register and it says every clip unsupported
Are you using the standalone version or the plugin version? The plug-in version reads the frames from the host, so if your host can play it back, Mocha can too. Time ramping or other time-based effects can throw this off, so either track prior or precomp/nest your footage. If you are using the standalone version then check out page 322 onwards in the User Guide for supported file formats.
@@BorisFXco I HAVE STANDALONE version
@@rraghuvanshi The latest update (2020.5) uses GStreamer rather than Quicktime to import a larger number of file formats. Check the manual with the pages above for more info.
Mocha will open a clip, but if I reverse the clip in PP and send it to AE, then Mocha gives me a "bad argument" error.
To apply Mocha to a clip with time remapping, you have to pre-compose the layer with Move All Attributes. You can then put Mocha Pro onto the precomp and it will open properly.
It was a excellent idea to create this video. Very useful! However, i've still have a big problem with Mocha in Ae. When you apply the tracking to a layer, nothing happens. I used to work with Mocha but this the first time I see that. Yet, the tracking is done. I have my animated nulls on my footage but it's impossible to apply my tracking data. It's a bug or Im' getting crazy ? Please any help ?
If you have checked the normal things like selecting the target layer before hitting apply, then you're best bet is to post in the BorisFX forums ( If you can let us know your system specs and upload the project (without media) even better.
Sometimes Mocha has issues. It wouldn't track the last frame of my PNG sequence!!!#!!%. Ended up just duplicating the last PNG file to brute force it. Having to do dumb workarounds like this in AE makes me crazy.
That doesn't sound great. Did you report this on the forums?
I'll take a look into it for you.
You forgot to mention the seventh mistake: me
That one is coming up in the next video :P
These are not "Mocha Problems" as the title suggests, but rather "Operator Error" issues... I am looking for a video that addresses problems that MOCHA is having with tracking... NOT the user. I need a "TROUBLESHOOTING VIDEO" about how to solve Mocha's issues when tracking.
We find that the most common problems people find with Mocha are actually operator error, which is why we collected the top ones into this video. We also have a big training series to give techniques for getting the best tracks possible : Exercise 07 is called "When It All Goes Wrong". If we find actual problems in our software, we try to fix them ASAP.
If you're having problems with a shot, the best place to go is the forums ( ). If you're having issues with things like licensing or launching Mocha, then please contact Support ( )
Really useful tips, thanks. However, I can't overstate how annoying the background music is in this video! Far too loud, and the over-aggressive ducking with the voiceover is distracting as hell! Needs to be half as loud, and just leave it at the same level throughout.
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you found the tips useful.
If only there is a way to force new users to watch this video
We just hope people find their way here when they need the help :) Thanks for watching.
Yep, that's a biggie!