nct when it comes to their siblings | nct and their family dynamics (part 2)

  • Опубліковано 25 лис 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @cherryverse
    @cherryverse  3 роки тому +4087

    I added a little segment between jeno and his mom because i didn't get to add that in part 1 😅 hope it didn't bother you guys that much 💚

    • @user-pi6sg5rs6m
      @user-pi6sg5rs6m 3 роки тому +13

      I'm 30 minute late 🧍🏻‍♀️

    • @foreignswaggers
      @foreignswaggers 3 роки тому +30

      Nahh that’s fine we don’t mind at all, well at least Ik I don’t mind 😅😌👌

    • @romarreynon2005
      @romarreynon2005 3 роки тому +8

      Can I ask if you are Filipino or not

    • @m3lancholi
      @m3lancholi 3 роки тому +5

      @@user-pi6sg5rs6m I'm 1 hour late

    • @muskankataria3373
      @muskankataria3373 3 роки тому +5

      Where is the part 1 🙄
      Btw I really like ur videos ❤️

  • @jenohasjam6900
    @jenohasjam6900 3 роки тому +3392

    jenos ancestors watching him blame his bloodline :(

    • @anamkhan9039
      @anamkhan9039 3 роки тому +127

      Skskdksk lol I suddenly remembered that ancestor meme

    • @crazyswine2004
      @crazyswine2004 3 роки тому +142

      😂nojam blood ✨ FLEX ✨

    • @shruti.s1072
      @shruti.s1072 3 роки тому +15


    • @be_mysunrise
      @be_mysunrise 3 роки тому +14

      I laughed way harder than I should after reading this comment

    • @shahril2712
      @shahril2712 3 роки тому +1


  • @sreyanair8176
    @sreyanair8176 3 роки тому +12272

    Sibling relationships be like
    Expectations: Doyoung and Gongmyung
    Reality: Ten and Tern

    • @zkoaiu
      @zkoaiu 3 роки тому +319

      I read that as exam term ans i was so confused and then realised you put tern-

    • @ryeofoatmeal
      @ryeofoatmeal 3 роки тому +413

      nah the reality is actually like jeno imo. he has the most 'normal' siblings relationship like all of us. i think jeno just shy that he didn't have the 'fun' like doyoung & ten or other families have (if you know what I'm saying 😅)

    • @corinmiyuki4078
      @corinmiyuki4078 3 роки тому +6

      So true 😆

    • @Namydiary
      @Namydiary 3 роки тому +74

      But ten&tern's sibling relationship is a sibling goals tho, me and my bro can't relate

    • @lovexalie
      @lovexalie 3 роки тому +27

      15:03 can someone tell me where i can find that clip HAHAHAHHA

  • @kaykay7791
    @kaykay7791 3 роки тому +4574

    jeno casually blaming his humor on his entire family has to be the funniest thing

  • @samhitav863
    @samhitav863 3 роки тому +4174

    Chenle finding out gong myung is dy's brother has the same energy as Lucas finding out who nana is 😭✋

  • @justanothernctfan6819
    @justanothernctfan6819 3 роки тому +10290

    I’m sorry, but ten kicking his sister in the face is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while

    • @axfbd
      @axfbd 3 роки тому +466

      at the same time, i also feel bad for tern😩

    • @kimtah8246
      @kimtah8246 3 роки тому +469

      That's the most relatable thing between siblings specially when we are young😂😂

    • @uttara8812
      @uttara8812 3 роки тому +30

      @@clownzen3972 I saw it. Also I am your 12 subscriber and shared it with my group of friends. You really made a good quick history of HAECHAN and DAEGAL 🤣🤣🤚

    • @davonyasiffrin476
      @davonyasiffrin476 3 роки тому +88

      Im surprised she laughed if I did that to my sister id have to try to shut her up so I don’t get in trouble

    • @aastha1753
      @aastha1753 3 роки тому +19

      😂😂😂i feel bad for her but I can't stop laughing 😂😂💀

  • @thatmanismygurljohnsuh8667
    @thatmanismygurljohnsuh8667 3 роки тому +3434

    Ten be like " I have a sister ??"
    ( this is just a joke typical love - hate sibling relationship)

    • @jaeminscoffee4284
      @jaeminscoffee4284 3 роки тому +61


    • @thatmanismygurljohnsuh8667
      @thatmanismygurljohnsuh8667 3 роки тому +12

      @@jaeminscoffee4284 I know it does 😉

    • @shimm.
      @shimm. 3 роки тому +28

      I couldn't agree more. That's me and my sister. We always said to each other 'you're the adopted daughter'. Hahaa. I love her infinitely.

    • @at__w
      @at__w 3 роки тому +6

      Your pfp is legit so perfect

    • @thatmanismygurljohnsuh8667
      @thatmanismygurljohnsuh8667 3 роки тому +12

      @@at__w" now I know " in doyoung's voice~~~

  • @ShShanthusha
    @ShShanthusha 3 роки тому +6294

    **There are 2 types of siblings**
    *Supportive siblings: doyoung and his brother*
    *Normal siblings: Ten and his sister*

  • @hyyxxz
    @hyyxxz 3 роки тому +3383

    doyoung can roast his BIOLOGICAL OLDER BROTHER but not haechan lmao

    • @winnie347
      @winnie347 3 роки тому +236

      Donghyuck roasts Dongyoung who roasts Donghyun
      Karma is real

    • @princessjoyhernandez6054
      @princessjoyhernandez6054 2 роки тому +106

      Doyoung isn't scared of Gongmyung since he's too kind to retaliate unlike Haechan who can make Doyoung cry cuz he just manages to roast Doyoung's whole being

    • @oo-pi2dq
      @oo-pi2dq 2 роки тому +4

      Haechan is younger

    • @oo-pi2dq
      @oo-pi2dq 2 роки тому +2

      He never mess with younger ones

    • @oo-pi2dq
      @oo-pi2dq 2 роки тому +5

      Sensible Doyoung 🥺♥️

  • @niyaha.5573
    @niyaha.5573 3 роки тому +4800

    I love ten just flat out acts like his sister doesn’t exist and says he doesn’t have one. SIBLING GOALS 😭💀

  • @missingdokyungsoo6768
    @missingdokyungsoo6768 3 роки тому +2993

    ok but dy and gm's relationship is so chaotic but cute at the same time

  • @apadogwaenchana9036
    @apadogwaenchana9036 3 роки тому +6240

    Nothing is more iconic than this intro

    • @Yuki_ni
      @Yuki_ni 3 роки тому +31


    • @shambhavideshpande8046
      @shambhavideshpande8046 3 роки тому +82

      I live for this intro

    • @iamsopure9483
      @iamsopure9483 3 роки тому +22

      We have the same pfp 😶🤪

    • @soobae__
      @soobae__ 3 роки тому +55

      I start dancing as soon as it starts 😂💀
      And I also mimic Jungwoo's

    • @vaa1385
      @vaa1385 3 роки тому +19

      even i forgot abt how the og sounds like

  • @Yucherry07
    @Yucherry07 3 роки тому +2921

    Jungwoo doesn't want to introduce johnny to his sister
    And then we have Ty's sister who only took pics of johnny

  • @MOONlight-sl7il
    @MOONlight-sl7il 3 роки тому +1648

    it's so funny everytime nct127 is one of the nominees for a certain award and gongmyung will be the one to announce it then we already know who will win 🤣🤣🤣

  • @violetskies9533
    @violetskies9533 3 роки тому +8112

    Renjun: “Jeno only plays games”
    Jeno: “my mom might watch this”
    Renjun: “Jeno only looks at books” 😂

    • @no-itsbecky
      @no-itsbecky 3 роки тому +600

      i love the contrast between renjun's and haechan's answers to jeno's mom watching their content 😩 rj is all like "don't scold him he behaves" and hc "please do it so we can laugh". two types of friends i guess 😂😂

    • @sttaysmoa8998
      @sttaysmoa8998 2 роки тому +32

      That 1 best friend that gots you covered

  • @anamkhan9039
    @anamkhan9039 3 роки тому +2727

    Little Jeno crying because his mom said she's leaving had me in tears for real

    • @TheJanavar
      @TheJanavar 3 роки тому +60

      Yaahh...If I was his mom I won't make him scared and cry jzt for the sake of money...I am not hating on his mom...just saying

    • @whotfisna2719
      @whotfisna2719 3 роки тому +114

      @@TheJanavar it was the sake of his career tho , It's because of those he's sucsessful yk .

    • @unknown_mystery1374
      @unknown_mystery1374 3 роки тому +9

      Wasn’t it for a commercial tho, not actually his mom..?

    • @anamkhan9039
      @anamkhan9039 3 роки тому +87

      @@unknown_mystery1374 @Sara Rafiq No, in that commercial he had to act as if he's crying but he couldn't cry at that moment so his real mom told him "she's leaving( the set)" and that made him cry for real cause he was scared 😭😭 in the end she did it all for him so it's okay 🥺

    • @whotfisna2719
      @whotfisna2719 3 роки тому +62

      @@unknown_mystery1374 no it's actually the script that Jeno should cry but as he is a kid and that his mom wanted him to cry ( for the advertisment ) so she said she's leaving which made him cry. Surprisingly he's a momma's boy & the fact that she's leaving him with a lot of new people made him cry which came out well as an act tho he was crying irl !

  • @maincharacterrenjun
    @maincharacterrenjun 3 роки тому +1996


    • @Ca-yr2rz
      @Ca-yr2rz 3 роки тому +76

      Yeah, they're so cute!!

    • @jacintamarypaul
      @jacintamarypaul 3 роки тому +80

      They’re all so pretty too

    • @sarah_12725
      @sarah_12725 3 роки тому +10

      whays her insta do u know??

    • @lovexalie
      @lovexalie 3 роки тому +4

      okay but can someone tell me where i can find the video of the clip in 15:03

    • @maincharacterrenjun
      @maincharacterrenjun 3 роки тому +1

      @@lovexalie that’s from a live! i think it’s already reposted in their vlive channel but i’m not too sure

  • @ilovewayvtwice7430
    @ilovewayvtwice7430 3 роки тому +974

    ten kick his sister is totally legendary

  • @foreignswaggers
    @foreignswaggers 3 роки тому +997

    I feel so bad for laughing when Ten was doing cartwheels and accidentally hit his sister’s face 😂

  • @ameenashirin.m2184
    @ameenashirin.m2184 3 роки тому +2330

    Taeil's plan : If Yuta dates his sister then he will get Winwin

  • @minnieegg363
    @minnieegg363 3 роки тому +1070

    i sometimes forget they have their own siblings, because NCT themselves are such a family.

  • @chittaphonleechaiyapornkul7538
    @chittaphonleechaiyapornkul7538 3 роки тому +1137

    Doyoung is the brother I want but the brother I got is Ten

  • @ryeofoatmeal
    @ryeofoatmeal 3 роки тому +433

    gongmyung: i hope nct will be popular in future
    also doyoung: are you using my popularity

  • @anamkhan9039
    @anamkhan9039 3 роки тому +493

    Not at jeno roasting his family on national television 😭... He says he's not funny yet I find him the one of the most funniest.... I guess his humour is my type

    • @Ca-yr2rz
      @Ca-yr2rz 3 роки тому +50

      Yeah, him owning the not funny guy role makes him so funny

    • @idkme6508
      @idkme6508 3 роки тому +7


    • @starrywinkos
      @starrywinkos 3 роки тому +12

      Ikr I also found jeno very funny

    • @stelladasilvasantos1746
      @stelladasilvasantos1746 3 роки тому +26

      saaaaame I still don't understand why everyone says he isn't funny bc to me he's the funniest along with renjun I guess my humor sucks then 😂😂

    • @daph.amouslastwords2483
      @daph.amouslastwords2483 3 роки тому +10

      Jeno's rumor is also my type lol those tiny acts he does in cergain situations tho

  • @syaa6657
    @syaa6657 3 роки тому +525

    1:05 Doyoung third-wheeling is the funniest thing that ever happen 😭

  • @sshinjm
    @sshinjm 3 роки тому +464

    I thought that boy cartwheeling and hitting his sister is from a meme but IT'S ACTUALLY TEN?! Lmao

    • @nthapa2640
      @nthapa2640 3 роки тому +50

      Lmao. Nct is everywhere

    • @e_shima
      @e_shima 3 роки тому +19

      It deserves to go viral cause it's iconic lol

  • @acaterpillargivingbirth
    @acaterpillargivingbirth 3 роки тому +944

    Doyoung with Resonance is as annoying as Haechan with Doyoung.

    • @bubblysoda8149
      @bubblysoda8149 3 роки тому +22

      This comment 🤣🤣

    • @jellenkiim
      @jellenkiim 3 роки тому +15


    • @e_shima
      @e_shima 3 роки тому +3


    • @lost-soul7years
      @lost-soul7years 3 роки тому +10

      Like doyoung wasn't already enough u gotta do him like that too 🤣😂😂😂😭😂😂😂✊

  • @jem7575
    @jem7575 3 роки тому +315

    Ten and Tern act like they don't have siblings but do care for each other the most in their own language

  • @memescrayfish9632
    @memescrayfish9632 3 роки тому +216

    “Oh NCT is coming? Then let Gongmyung announce it” Istg Gongmyung is literally everywhere when NCT attend Award Shows😂😂

  • @fullsunny2530
    @fullsunny2530 3 роки тому +329

    Yanyang: Is it hard to choose because you don't want any of us or because there's too many good options?
    Winwin: I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU!!

  • @iamacaratstayingonapurpleg6059
    @iamacaratstayingonapurpleg6059 3 роки тому +254

    I've never seen a male idol getting as many calls from a sister as Jeno! I mean, she could simply text him thinking he'd have schedule but she always makes sure to call and listen to his voice. Though we don't know what exactly the conversation is, it's still sweet.
    And Ten is actually in between the normal and emotional type of siblings. Cuz normal siblings don't even care to have pictures of their siblings in their mobile which everyone would see. So they're in between mostly because they're separated so far and so long. It's natural that families get more bonded when they're distant.

  • @amolawy2565
    @amolawy2565 3 роки тому +291

    Last time I was this fast jeno was still shorter than mork

  • @kuropingguo
    @kuropingguo 3 роки тому +507

    Fun fact: Ten and Tern are about the same height and has the same shoe size so they can share their clothes and shoes.
    So the question is, is Ten smol or is Tern a tall gal

    • @doyiten0127
      @doyiten0127 3 роки тому +153

      Ten is smol for a guy and Tern is tall for a girl. Sometimes it looks like she’s even bigger than him. I wish I was as tall as her 🥲❤️

    • @kuropingguo
      @kuropingguo 3 роки тому +58

      @@doyiten0127 omg yes. She’s a basketball player as well, she’s cool 💕

    • @thelordnaevis4946
      @thelordnaevis4946 3 роки тому +5

      5’5-5’7 is smol for a guy and tall for a girl

  • @msb5775
    @msb5775 2 роки тому +139

    The fact that Jeno’s sister has coincidentally called him multiple times while on Vlive must mean that they call very frequently

  • @ryeofoatmeal
    @ryeofoatmeal 3 роки тому +155

    doyoung is so lucky to have his brother in the industry. he seems to look up to his brother so much either during happy and sad times. I think that's why doyoung is strong mentally

  • @Mchan126
    @Mchan126 3 роки тому +325

    Doyoung’s older brother and his wife are so cute 🥺

    • @fanny_leo
      @fanny_leo 3 роки тому +59

      It was just a Show so they werent a real couple. I actually forgot the Name of the Show because I watched it years ago 🌱 but if you want to watch It, I can search up the Name

    • @kinosuki6618
      @kinosuki6618 3 роки тому +44

      Isn't the show We Got Married?

    • @fanny_leo
      @fanny_leo 3 роки тому +6

      @@kinosuki6618 yeeee ! I think that was the name

    • @Mchan126
      @Mchan126 3 роки тому +14

      @@fanny_leo oh really? I had no idea this whole time 😭

    • @Ssasa9281
      @Ssasa9281 3 роки тому +8

      The show name is We Got Married.

  • @ripseramarak2185
    @ripseramarak2185 3 роки тому +162

    Jeno roasting his entire family for nt being funny actually funny 😁

  • @arpitasharma5942
    @arpitasharma5942 3 роки тому +121

    Nothing is as funny as renjun saying " jeno always looks at book at dorm"

  • @priyathakur098
    @priyathakur098 3 роки тому +92

    It's funny how ten pretend that he doesn't have a sister but loves her so much and also the only birthday date he remembered was his sister 😂😂😂
    He said that he was not good at remembering dates but only date he remembered his sister's birthday date

  • @seaandsky259
    @seaandsky259 3 роки тому +92

    Jeno: everyone thinks they have awks sibling rs, but his sister calls him constantly lmao

  • @ryeofoatmeal
    @ryeofoatmeal 3 роки тому +207

    JENO IS SO MEE. I also someone who difficult to express their love lol. jaemin who is a single child couldn't understand the real relationship of siblings. not everyone can have banter like doyoung and his brother. some of us don't even talk or barely talk. jeno probably shy when he talks about his family and not having the 'fun' like anyone else... i love haechan relationship and his family, especially with his mother. jaehyun and winwin said the way they talk on the phone is like calling friends 🤣

    • @rrrrddd2687
      @rrrrddd2687 3 роки тому +6

      definitely yes! i wonder how haechan's mom look like🤔😁

  • @LeeDoBoBeeDo
    @LeeDoBoBeeDo 2 роки тому +43

    Gongmyung walking through the halls:

  • @noodlesandsprite7052
    @noodlesandsprite7052 3 роки тому +74

    Taeyong: thankfully my sister is already married 😅

  • @elfinneocity590
    @elfinneocity590 3 роки тому +411

    MC/DJ asked question: who member would you like to introduce to your sister?
    NEOS (who have an older/younger sister): What the language they use? I don't understand.

  • @pauline5715
    @pauline5715 3 роки тому +83

    The relationship between Ten and his sister is just too adorable. I can actually relate bc my sis and I also have that kind of relationship lol

  • @youhooman8167
    @youhooman8167 3 роки тому +357

    Pliss renjun doesn't want to introduce haechan to his sister because he want to keep haechan for himself😚✌️✨

  • @thatclairosong4161
    @thatclairosong4161 3 роки тому +83

    the fact that I'm the same towards my siblings just like Ten

  • @debangshipal3459
    @debangshipal3459 3 роки тому +78

    Do young and gong myun... The best kids any parent could have... Both successful and shinning!!!

  • @amberslostchest3683
    @amberslostchest3683 3 роки тому +56

    Whenever they say anything about Thier family members it's gold

  • @lulu-mi8hb
    @lulu-mi8hb 3 роки тому +136

    The "sister-question" always give me cringe, cuz i know i will never are going to introduce my brother or sister to my friends, and my friends will kill me if i date with their brothers or sisters 😂

    • @jacintamarypaul
      @jacintamarypaul 3 роки тому +3


    • @daph.amouslastwords2483
      @daph.amouslastwords2483 3 роки тому +10

      Oh right lol never thought of that idea. Now I get it why they act like that because all in my head was their relationship as co-members, not actual friends lmao

    • @G63045
      @G63045 3 роки тому +4

      Yeah bcz we Know our Friends true face and it makes us cringe to imagine them marrying our siblings

    • @produsultana
      @produsultana 3 роки тому +4

      @@G63045 true, like I have 3 besties and one of them is smitten over my eldest brother and ask me about him often till the fact she says herself ''Hey, i m your sister in law'' but who will tell her that my brother looks at them as lil sisters.... plus, I literally push them away to stop embarassing me..

    • @zzzonline
      @zzzonline 8 місяців тому

      even I thought it was always weird. Like I can't imagine setting up my siblings (i don't have any but still) with people I work with is kinda strange.

  • @meridastar1453
    @meridastar1453 3 роки тому +69

    Doyoung's inner haechan shows up when talking about his brother. #Siblinggoals
    And ten on the other hand refuses to acknowledge his sister lol

  • @msb5775
    @msb5775 2 роки тому +20

    Doyoung accusing his brother of being a clout chaser capitalizing off of NCT’s popularity is so funny given his brother is super famous and doesn’t need to do that 😂

  • @iminoutterspace986
    @iminoutterspace986 3 роки тому +55

    Jeno:The reason why I'm not funny because of them
    The rest of dream:*laughs anyway*

  • @lollipanda8052
    @lollipanda8052 3 роки тому +41

    After seeing Doyong’s brother now I’m stanning 24 men😂

  • @nadawirabrata9981
    @nadawirabrata9981 3 роки тому +68

    Me and my bro now : Doyoung and Gongmyung
    Me and my bro childhood : Ten and his sister

  • @jazzybeardancer
    @jazzybeardancer 3 роки тому +43

    NCT: we’re more than members we’re brothers
    Also NCT: I’m not letting you date or get into my family lol

  • @aurora_youtube
    @aurora_youtube 3 роки тому +45

    us wanting to date atleast one of the neos,
    jungwoo when ask if he wants to introduce his sister to them: "my sister? to these people...?" *traumatized*

  • @shine-uy5fq
    @shine-uy5fq 3 роки тому +36

    it'll be hilarious if NCT were to perform "Resonance" by chanting "GONGMYEONG! GONGMYEONG!". instead of "Resonance" HAHAHAHHAA

  • @puipuii9199
    @puipuii9199 3 роки тому +27

    Haechan is so funny when he lean back knowing it him who renjun would choose😂😂😂

  • @msb5775
    @msb5775 3 роки тому +24

    11:27 lol anyone with a sibling recognizes that moment of “parents aren’t here, sibling is distracted, need to force them to pay attention so we get to our destination”

  • @sandrashaine1688
    @sandrashaine1688 3 роки тому +27

    You know neos gonna win an award when Gongmyung is the MC

  • @enluviezen9343
    @enluviezen9343 3 роки тому +20

    Jeno's mom after watching his son roast their bloodline: No more beef seaweed soup for you (his favorite)

  • @missbelletrist
    @missbelletrist 3 роки тому +11

    the way renjun defended jeno and said he reads books because jeno's mom might be watching lol friendship goals

  • @Ssasa9281
    @Ssasa9281 3 роки тому +12

    I like both Doyoung and GongMyung.. their siblings goal is wonderful. Teasing and supporting each other means they love their siblings so much.

  • @uni5255
    @uni5255 3 роки тому +17

    You know what Ten taking pictures while his mom is scolding tern is so relatable tho 🤣🤣 ( me and my brother are like them actually we love each other but you know that siblings love)😂

  • @tonina4807
    @tonina4807 3 роки тому +18

    Not Nicki singing “Yes I do the cooking, Yes I do the cleaning” On Taeyong’s 😂😭😭 Cherryverse

  • @najihahzahidah802
    @najihahzahidah802 3 роки тому +22

    9:41 Jeno "bye bye" is really cute 🥺

  • @phoopwint5139
    @phoopwint5139 3 роки тому +53

    I thought Johnny won't appear here because he is the only child, and at jungwoo's part, I found him lol.

  • @etherealavyanna4064
    @etherealavyanna4064 3 роки тому +11

    There’s this thing when you see GongMyung presenting an award he’s either gonna announce NCT as the awardee

  • @JAclever-pw6nd
    @JAclever-pw6nd 3 роки тому +7

    Jeno sitting with the only child squad Johnny Jaehyun and Renjun being asked about siblings

  • @farihaaziz605
    @farihaaziz605 3 роки тому +23

    The moment doyoung said resonance and gongmyung.
    Me: pause the video, open Google translate and typing the same thing. AND IT'S TRUEEEE!!!!

  • @alphazunitee
    @alphazunitee 3 роки тому +19

    "for some reason, Doyoung just loves to embarrass his older bro"
    me with my bro: "isn't this how you show ur sibling that u care about them?"

  • @nikyu.106
    @nikyu.106 3 роки тому +8

    7:00 "now I know doyoung meme" would have fit perfectly there

  • @oh.1980
    @oh.1980 3 роки тому +10


  • @khanhngoc5398
    @khanhngoc5398 3 роки тому +16

    gongmyung and doyoung is so precious

  • @ella5276
    @ella5276 3 роки тому +10

    At 11:29 Tern be like:- You dare touch my brother imma throw you into Han River!
    She's one strong little sister for sure!

  • @mairaa1504
    @mairaa1504 3 роки тому +12

    the ‘who would you introduce your sister to’ question always makes me cringe 💀

  • @biancaisabellemondejar1836
    @biancaisabellemondejar1836 3 роки тому +19

    Those monotonous kekekekkekeke will haunt me forever

  • @maimunahalias4253
    @maimunahalias4253 3 роки тому +7

    11:39 I could almost hear Ten replying "why not" exactly like the meme.

  • @amberslostchest3683
    @amberslostchest3683 3 роки тому +8

    The kim brothers moments give me life

  • @luhanswifeuexo-l6731
    @luhanswifeuexo-l6731 3 роки тому +6

    "To these people..??" Remains iconic😆

  • @spacebunny2922
    @spacebunny2922 3 роки тому +8

    All of NCT teasing training, Doyoung uses it on🤣

  • @Ca-yr2rz
    @Ca-yr2rz 3 роки тому +5

    This series is sooo cute!! The families are always so supportive, like gongmyung and hendery's sisters promoting 127 and wayv, ten's mom making bracelets for wayv 🥺 i'm glad they can rely on them

  • @sylve2474
    @sylve2474 3 роки тому +15

    8:53 Jeno's talking about himself and yet I feel like I'm being called out

  • @asahisanerojakdla6466
    @asahisanerojakdla6466 3 роки тому +12

    13:32 I’m still dying at this Juyeon fancam. Out of nowhere wild Johnny appeared 😂

  • @nenilee589
    @nenilee589 3 роки тому +19

    Plot twist: Taeil wanted Yuta for himself not for his sister lol

  • @multistanthings279
    @multistanthings279 3 роки тому +8

    Doyoung being that sibling who makes us think if they are praising us or dissing us😅😅
    Their relationship is so adorable 🥰

  • @you_know_me8218
    @you_know_me8218 2 роки тому +4

    Ten and his sister Tern are the siblings Jaemin grew up imaging 😂😂

  • @clairebear9570
    @clairebear9570 3 роки тому +13

    Hendery also has a cute relationship with his sisters

    • @doyiten0127
      @doyiten0127 3 роки тому +1

      Yessss and they’re so prettyyy omg

  • @missingdokyungsoo6768
    @missingdokyungsoo6768 3 роки тому +10


  • @yunjeans
    @yunjeans 3 роки тому +9

    The last time I was this early Mark was still contemplating the possibilities of all those possibilities being possible

  • @DaeDreaming
    @DaeDreaming 3 роки тому +6

    Ten at 11:33 is 100% me. Everytime my sister gets in trouble for doing the same stupid thing. When talking doesn't work you just replay the incident or them getting in trouble to save time.

  • @coolgirl312
    @coolgirl312 3 роки тому +5

    Lol I love Doyoung and Gongmyung's relationship with each other, just like brothers. Love that for all those times Doyoung teased Gongmyung, karama was birthed in the form of Haechan and the rest of NCT. xD

  • @skyy2856
    @skyy2856 3 роки тому +43

    Ten kick his sister will forever be iconic

  • @msb5775
    @msb5775 2 роки тому +5

    Doyoung third wheeling his brother and his brother’s wife is the same energy as me going to talk to my mom when she’s watching tv, you’re not gonna get any attention 😂

  • @istarkyi
    @istarkyi 2 роки тому +2


  • @d1nne937
    @d1nne937 3 роки тому +9

    just doyoung third wheeling 💀

  • @you_know_me8218
    @you_know_me8218 2 роки тому +5

    Okay, whenever I will see Gong Myung presenting awards, i’ll automatically assume that NCT won even if they are not in that category/were nominated

  • @nikohley
    @nikohley 3 роки тому +13

    I enjoyed so much that i didn't even realize it's already nearly finished, as expected of your editing skills *clap* *clap*. Pero bitin mare HAHAHAHHAHSSH

  • @lyra-07
    @lyra-07 3 роки тому +2

    "This is a pic of my parents... and nothing special" LMFAOO