Oh, interesting. I've never heard a protestant say they were orthodox before when I was a protestant. Though I have heard them try to claim they were apostolic before, which is weird. So I don't doubt it.
@ well it’s that he’s calling his interpretation of scripture/theology as being the correct understanding aka orthodox not saying he’s right just that’s how he understands it
@@proxile_ I would say the beliefs that Jesus is real, He died for our sins, he rose again the third day, we believe in a God that can hear our prayers and cares about us, that God is all just powerful knowing loving and present, That the bible is the word of God and that we need to spread his word are all traditional Beliefs
@@DanicusRex-m1m yeah many don’t use the proper terminology but when you get a Protestant that’s trying to sound more theologically intellectual they will say things like we preach traditional Christianity(Protestant orthodoxy), or we belong to the one universal faith in Christ(Catholic without being directly in church communion with others)
Protestants call their religion Orthodox sometimes. It's because they believe their Church is the Original Church. However, our Eastern Orthodox Church will always remain as the true Orthodox Church. Also, please stop advertising like that on your videos.
Yeah it made me excited for a split second, I thought maybe he’d spoken with someone that made him consider orthodoxy. Regardless I am grateful to cliffe and glad to see he has taken off since I was watching his stuff for years until I finally found holy orthodoxy
He meant orthodox with the lowercase o. He is not an Eastern Orthodox, nor is he an Oriental Orthodox. He follows western theology with a low-church approach. He follows a more non-denominational route - not to be confused with the hyper charismatics (less scripture focused version of Pentecostals) who are known as non-denominational Christians. Instead, he simply focuses on faith and logic based on history, evidence, openness to the Holy Spirit and commitment to scripture.
I call it step-1 Christianity. Like, you've found the Door, you've stepped one foot through the Door, but there's still a potential for the Door to hit you on the behind! Orthodox Christianity is the only way to get beyond step-1 (which is no mean feat to make it your first step, but I'd prefer to find the fullness of faith, not the minimal amount necessary if you know what I mean).
I am Orthodox, but I don't think the orthodox he meant is the Orthodox Church, but orthodoxy as the right belief since he adheres to the mainstream view.
Remember your faith in Christ saves you, not works and not your denomination. Christ doesn't want division in the church follow the Bible and NOTHING else, not a man, not a church only the savior. A lot of Protestants and Orthodox will hear "I never knew you" on that day, Christ saves alone, go to him.
Dawg, He's non-denom. Luther at least taught that the the body and blood were physically present in the Eucharist, The church needs to be run by bishops, baptism saves, and liturgy.
@@---zc4qtsearch for an orthodox church near you and attend a divine liturgy, priests are usually happy to discuss things with you afterwards, God bless
Sure but should they? It’s wrong and disrespectful or worse is a fumbling attempt to assign legitimacy fraudulently. Orthodoxy doesn’t mean old or first, it means Right and True. You may or may not agree that the Orthodox Church is Right or True but it maintains an epistemological rationale to make the claim that no other faith Tradition can.
@SaltShack yes, the orthodox church claims to be the only true one, but as for us Protestants it does not have a true "denomination", since salvation is only by grace through faith (Sola Fide), the word orthodox is used in the sense of conservative or traditional indeed
@@GiovanniMachado-g5b A “true denomination” is any Church that believes in Sola Fide? Faith in what or who? Jesus? Which Jesus? The Gnostic Jesus, Arius’ Jesus, Nestorius’ Jesus, the Roman Catholic Jesus, Muhammad’s Jesus, Joseph Smith’s Jesus or Joel Osteen’s Jesus? Sola Fide is a doctrine put forward by an individual in the the 16th century based on Scripture, Theology, Doctrine and Dogma established 1,500 years prior but does so without claiming validity of any of it except some of the canon of Scripture. That is cumbersome logic at best as it requires one to believe that the Apostles, The Apostolic Fathers, the Church Fathers, the Saints and Martyrs were all inspired by the Holy Spirit only and exclusively in their efforts to Write, Transcribe, Translate, Curate and Select Scripture but lacking any inspiration whatsoever in every other facet of their respective ministries. Possible? Sure. Likely? Not really. Contrary to,Scripture itself? Resoundingly yes. Melanchthon knew this and that is why he attempted so vigorously to obtain approval from Patriarch Jeremiah of Constantinople himself when it never came he and Luther and essentially every other denomination of Protestantism were free to explore every manner of heresy just like the popes who proceeded them who also claimed individual authority at the expense of the Holy Spirit. Make no mistake every heresy ever uttered was accompanied by Bible quotes. Without the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Biblical principles of enduring consensus that Scripture defines as pleasing to the Holy Spirit heresy is likely unavoidable.
Misleading title but much respect to Cliffe and I hope and pray that he does actually find himself in the midst of Christ through Orthodox Christianity ☦
He is not talking about orthodox christianity as a denomination how can someone not understand what he really means with orthodox after watching this.. he follows jesus christ and believes the bible is the word of god and nothing else on top of it. He places his trust on jesus christ not your easter orthodox denomination...
Protestants call their religion Orthodox sometimes. It's because they believe their Church is the Original Church. However, our Eastern Orthodox Church will always remain as the true Orthodox Church.
@@silloweet the icons displayed on the video are 100% authentic Ortodoxe , please go yourself to church on Sunday and join our service, you will see the same stile
Why do us as Christians care what denomination we are? We are men and women of christ, nothing comes before that, and most certainly when it comes to what traditions to follow
It isn't really Orthodox from you to clickbait like this for views and money man. Act like a Christian when you spread Christian news. Like this channel so don't mess it up.
At 0:50 The word Jünger in the subtitles is here translated with younger ones. It actually means disciple. So: Heavy hearted Jesus left his disciples on earth.
Guys the Main figure is jesus, either if you are a orthodox, protestant or smth else. Dont forget that. We all follow jesus teachings and believe every word in the scripture. If someone ask me what I am, I will say i‘m a follower of jesus christ, based on the bible, thats it. God bless the world, jesus we love you and we need you ❤
when Cliffe Knechtle says Orthodox chrisitanity, he doesn't mean what you think it means, he means the traditional christianity that remained without the heretics like Gnosticis, Arians, Docistist, etc. Cliff as a baptist denies essentials of traditional christianity like that we consume the true body and flash of Christ, that baptism does something, instead of being just a symbol, saints can be prayed to and that the mass is truly a sacrifice
Dictionary meaning of orthodox: "following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice" or "of the ordinary or usual type; normal". Cliff didn't mean Eastern or Greek Orthodoxy or part of that church
Ortodox belonged to catholic latin church for centuries both are tinitary ,catholic church gave the jerusalem tomb to orthodox to care of it , thats why orthodox have 90% of rye same traditions , Protestants don believe in the trinity father, son and holy spirit , protestants even use the bible made by catholic church ... Protestans have no discipline or head thats why otrhodox reject protestants , every protestant pastor say different stuff about the same psalm because they dont have a formal study of the bible as orthodox and catholic have ... Catholic chirch and Orthodox have a communion ...
I genuinely can’t tell if the OP is unfamiliar with Protestant Christians calling themselves lowercase “orthodox” or if this is clickbait for Eastern (capital-O) Orthodox Christians.
Orthodox Christianity is NOT non-denominational, it’s pre-denominational. That pastor is not orthodox and his beliefs are not orthodox. He seems like a good man. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a heretic. He is.
There is a difference between Eastern Orthodoxy and Orthodox Christianity. Eastern Orthodox is a denomination, while Orthodox Christianity is just Standard Traditional Chalcedonian Christianity. He doesn’t even teach at an Eastern Orthodox Church, nor is he an Eastern Orthodox priest. Orthodox just means: “right way”. Examples of Orthodox Christianity: Catholicism Eastern Orthodoxy Presbyterianism Lutheranism Anglicanism Examples of Unorthodox christianity: Liberal Methodism Universalism Arianism Universal Unitarianism Nestorianism
Amuzant. E practic un joc de cuvinte. Biserica ortodoxă, ca să fie mai cu moț față de cea catolică, a luat termenul grecesc "ortodox" și consideră că are drept de copyright. Cliff se referă la credința biblică curată. :)
Might not be related, but i keep falling into lust and dont know what to do. Voices keep saying "hide from God" and "don't ask for forgiveness. God won't forgive" you" i am scared and dont know what to do
Voices have no power over you. Some days are better than others. 🤷 Cold water on your face or cold shower helps switch out of pervasive thoughts. Pray and definitely seek council if it’s overwhelming. ❤❤❤
I think I read somewhere that some SDA believe ( or USED TO) that Jesus Michael the arch-angel. Saying that Jesus is "begotten" sounds way too much like the error of Mormonism.
I was asking God fo wisdom when i stumbled acro mark 6:2 it was saying how jesus was called a very hisgh wisdom nd he was teacging and mind i didnt know wisdom was i just thought it was to help in lofe but its not its for taching makuing good decions by the holy spirit and i asked God alot becuase i was blaspheming and i couldnt get out but thank only God for helping me by the holy spirit and now i just sometimes i live by holy sirt i mean sometimes i disobey god like right now i accdentally while i was typing ui did but i corrected it was God had su[posed it for
This was kind of funny - obviously the Orthodox author of this video has no clue about Protestant terminology. The term “orthodox” is used widely among Protestants to mean that they generally hold to “normal” Christian doctrine as it has been passed along from generation to generation in the West. Seventh day Adventists would not be considered orthodox in that sense.
"why is there many different type of christian?" Because there are different types of religious leaders that were able to make their personal beliefs of christianity heard and accepted. Although the difference may be slight they reflect a bias. Mormonism was invented by a deluded and self centered con man. Just as catholics claim there is a Trinity and jews don't accept Jesus as the son of god.
There's nothing orthodox about the 5 solas. Not being mean but the 5 solas aren't founding beliefs or even agreed upon by the myriad of protestant denominations
God loves you, whoever you are, and shows that his love is unconditional towards the world and benevolent by sending his son (Jesus Christ) to die as a sacrifice for all our sins, who also rose from the dead because he is holy and lives forever, He did it for us, he said that if you believe in him, in his son, you get eternal life that cannot be lost, free, believe today and be saved forever from eternal damnation, believe today and get eternal life: Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that BELIEVETH in me, though he were dead, yet shall he LIVE: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me SHALL NEVER DIE. BELIEVEST thou this? (Capital Letters added) John 11:25-26 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that HEARETH my word, and BELIEVETH on him that sent me, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, and shall NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; but is passed from death unto life. (Capital Letters added) John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that BELIEVETH ON ME HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. (Capital Letters added) John 6:47 Do you believe it? YEAH. What do you get? 🎁🎁 ETERNAL LIFE!!, YOU SHALL NEVER DIE 🎁🎁 🎉 🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!! 🎉🎉
just how jesus christ and his father were reunited together so this means we shall be untied with our father in heaven jesus christ for he is God and the One true God think of it like this say how jesus was he had a surname and his was God he would pass it down just how th spirit in us is with us and guuides us to ertenal heaven(life) by saying that god is king but wait so are they all God yes they are think of it like this how is a manager without its boss the company the goverment that he rules if he didnt he would be put in jail say we had no ruler for that manage to take place then it would all fall apart but not for the afather for he is the divine that created us in the image of God so that whole buisness comes to a halt to be put place as a name called the company all thanlks to the holy spirit and credit to him and glort to GOD~
Deceptive and misleading video. He means orthodox in the sense of Biblical Christianity (ie, believing only the words of the APOSTLES). Cliffe is a pastor of Grace Community Church, very much not affliated with Eastern Orthodoxy. Is this sort of deception how the Christ-replacing religion of Eastern Orthodoxy makes proselytes?
"I Believe In Orthodox Christianity " And I believe that there has never been any credible evidence to show that Jesus was divine or the son of god. Unless you have some? That would be amazing if you did. Thanks and good luck.
Orthodox = Traditional Traditional means how the apostles did it as only they are directly taught by Jesus. Everything that happened after is just added tradition
I suggest everyone read the book of Revelation. Jesus literally gave us 7 Churches we all spiritually belong to. We all find ourselves in at least one of them.
I think it's important to remember, that we Protestants May disagree with Orthodox and some doctrines or traditions, that doesn't mean that we are not Christian. I don't hold the view that you guys are not our brothers and sisters. And while we may disagree on some doctrine we can all agree in the trinity and that one day God's perfect church will be in heaven. Of course they were always be bad apples everywhere we go, but continue to pray for each other
Early church fathers would disagree with him , Martin Luther would agree with him though he is more Protestant than Orthodox even if he thinks otherwise
So for everyone who is getting confused he is meaning orthodox as in traditional not like Eastern Orthodox or Catholics would use the term
but he's clearly not traditional on anything
Oh, interesting. I've never heard a protestant say they were orthodox before when I was a protestant. Though I have heard them try to claim they were apostolic before, which is weird. So I don't doubt it.
@ well it’s that he’s calling his interpretation of scripture/theology as being the correct understanding aka orthodox not saying he’s right just that’s how he understands it
@@proxile_ I would say the beliefs that Jesus is real, He died for our sins, he rose again the third day, we believe in a God that can hear our prayers and cares about us, that God is all just powerful knowing loving and present, That the bible is the word of God and that we need to spread his word are all traditional Beliefs
@@DanicusRex-m1m yeah many don’t use the proper terminology but when you get a Protestant that’s trying to sound more theologically intellectual they will say things like we preach traditional Christianity(Protestant orthodoxy), or we belong to the one universal faith in Christ(Catholic without being directly in church communion with others)
Protestants call their religion Orthodox sometimes. It's because they believe their Church is the Original Church. However, our Eastern Orthodox Church will always remain as the true Orthodox Church. Also, please stop advertising like that on your videos.
and the Oriental Orthodox are the fake orthodox, am I right? lemme know
I'm catholic, i agree with you. This videos title is both deceptive and just poorly thought out.
Very misleading. Its like when oneness Pentecostals call themselves Apostolic 🤦🏻♂️
Yeah it made me excited for a split second, I thought maybe he’d spoken with someone that made him consider orthodoxy. Regardless I am grateful to cliffe and glad to see he has taken off since I was watching his stuff for years until I finally found holy orthodoxy
EVERYONE thinks and proclaims that THEY are orthodox!!!!!!!
He meant orthodox with the lowercase o. He is not an Eastern Orthodox, nor is he an Oriental Orthodox. He follows western theology with a low-church approach. He follows a more non-denominational route - not to be confused with the hyper charismatics (less scripture focused version of Pentecostals) who are known as non-denominational Christians. Instead, he simply focuses on faith and logic based on history, evidence, openness to the Holy Spirit and commitment to scripture.
I call it step-1 Christianity. Like, you've found the Door, you've stepped one foot through the Door, but there's still a potential for the Door to hit you on the behind! Orthodox Christianity is the only way to get beyond step-1 (which is no mean feat to make it your first step, but I'd prefer to find the fullness of faith, not the minimal amount necessary if you know what I mean).
@@ChristAliveForevermore well Holy Eastern Orthodoxy technically doesn’t believe someone is even Christian until they’re a catechumen
@@Jorbinocus That's news to me, since that is also false.
@@Jorbinocuswell thats heretical
@@JoanneArc-or9sr heretical to who? Protestants? The ones who follow Martin Luther?
He means “orthodox” with a lowercase “o”
Basically anyone can call themselves “orthodox” if they think they’re correct
I am Orthodox, but I don't think the orthodox he meant is the Orthodox Church, but orthodoxy as the right belief since he adheres to the mainstream view.
Remember your faith in Christ saves you, not works and not your denomination. Christ doesn't want division in the church follow the Bible and NOTHING else, not a man, not a church only the savior.
A lot of Protestants and Orthodox will hear "I never knew you" on that day, Christ saves alone, go to him.
He’s not Orthodox he doesn’t know what that term means unfortunately.. he means he believes in what Luther and the reformers taught.
Dawg, He's non-denom. Luther at least taught that the the body and blood were physically present in the Eucharist, The church needs to be run by bishops, baptism saves, and liturgy.
I wish I could find a Greek Orthodox pastor- to ask a few questions about the Bible.
@@---zc4qtUA-cam is your friend in the mean time
@@---zc4qtsearch for an orthodox church near you and attend a divine liturgy, priests are usually happy to discuss things with you afterwards, God bless
@@---zc4qtyou could also email them in advance if their info is online, just so they know you would like to speak to them about the Orthodox faith
Orthodox because he believes in the Nicene Creed not because he's Eastern Orthodox
Yap yap yap
so he is a Trinitarian of the false creeds
@@LazarOrthodox04Come off it, dude.
Guys he is protestant, he believes in the protestant reformation and in the 5 Solas, but protestants sometimes call their religiom orthodox.
Sure but should they? It’s wrong and disrespectful or worse is a fumbling attempt to assign legitimacy fraudulently. Orthodoxy doesn’t mean old or first, it means Right and True. You may or may not agree that the Orthodox Church is Right or True but it maintains an epistemological rationale to make the claim that no other faith Tradition can.
@SaltShack yes, the orthodox church claims to be the only true one, but as for us Protestants it does not have a true "denomination", since salvation is only by grace through faith (Sola Fide), the word orthodox is used in the sense of conservative or traditional indeed
@ Where does the idea of “Sola Fide” come from?
@@GiovanniMachado-g5b A “true denomination” is any Church that believes in Sola Fide? Faith in what or who? Jesus? Which Jesus? The Gnostic Jesus, Arius’ Jesus, Nestorius’ Jesus, the Roman Catholic Jesus, Muhammad’s Jesus, Joseph Smith’s Jesus or Joel Osteen’s Jesus?
Sola Fide is a doctrine put forward by an individual in the the 16th century based on Scripture, Theology, Doctrine and Dogma established 1,500 years prior but does so without claiming validity of any of it except some of the canon of Scripture. That is cumbersome logic at best as it requires one to believe that the Apostles, The Apostolic Fathers, the Church Fathers, the Saints and Martyrs were all inspired by the Holy Spirit only and exclusively in their efforts to Write, Transcribe, Translate, Curate and Select Scripture but lacking any inspiration whatsoever in every other facet of their respective ministries. Possible? Sure. Likely? Not really. Contrary to,Scripture itself? Resoundingly yes.
Melanchthon knew this and that is why he attempted so vigorously to obtain approval from Patriarch Jeremiah of Constantinople himself when it never came he and Luther and essentially every other denomination of Protestantism were free to explore every manner of heresy just like the popes who proceeded them who also claimed individual authority at the expense of the Holy Spirit. Make no mistake every heresy ever uttered was accompanied by Bible quotes. Without the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Biblical principles of enduring consensus that Scripture defines as pleasing to the Holy Spirit heresy is likely unavoidable.
@@SaltShack Romans 1:17, Ephesians 2:8, Romans 3:28 for example
*I'm Macedonian Orthodox Christian* ☦️ 🇲🇰 ❤️
May Christ save you cause you are not Macedonian but a Slav brainwashed by Tito to believe you have anything to do with Hellenen Alexander the great.
Why then you cant read the epistles Paul sent to Thessalonians ,in the language he write them?
Why 2000 years now the orthodox church of Thessaloniki has not even one bishop of your ethnicity?
Misleading title but much respect to Cliffe and I hope and pray that he does actually find himself in the midst of Christ through Orthodox Christianity ☦
He is not talking about orthodox christianity as a denomination how can someone not understand what he really means with orthodox after watching this.. he follows jesus christ and believes the bible is the word of god and nothing else on top of it. He places his trust on jesus christ not your easter orthodox denomination...
He's not an orthodox christian though?
Protestants call their religion Orthodox sometimes. It's because they believe their Church is the Original Church. However, our Eastern Orthodox Church will always remain as the true Orthodox Church.
The guy follow the Easter Ortodoxe Church , the icons are confirming 100% his affirmation.
@@OrthodoxCretan not true at all. he's using the denotation of orthodox
@@silloweet the icons displayed on the video are 100% authentic Ortodoxe , please go yourself to church on Sunday and join our service, you will see the same stile
Why do us as Christians care what denomination we are? We are men and women of christ, nothing comes before that, and most certainly when it comes to what traditions to follow
It isn't really Orthodox from you to clickbait like this for views and money man. Act like a Christian when you spread Christian news. Like this channel so don't mess it up.
Yap yap yap
At 0:50 The word Jünger in the subtitles is here translated with younger ones. It actually means disciple.
So: Heavy hearted Jesus left his disciples on earth.
Christians do not have to adhere to the Jewish dietary laws. Christ has fulfilled the Law of Moses!
I don't think he means eastern Orthodox Christianity
Guys the Main figure is jesus, either if you are a orthodox, protestant or smth else.
Dont forget that.
We all follow jesus teachings and believe every word in the scripture.
If someone ask me what I am, I will say i‘m a follower of jesus christ, based on the bible, thats it.
God bless the world, jesus we love you and we need you ❤
when Cliffe Knechtle says Orthodox chrisitanity, he doesn't mean what you think it means, he means the traditional christianity that remained without the heretics like Gnosticis, Arians, Docistist, etc. Cliff as a baptist denies essentials of traditional christianity like that we consume the true body and flash of Christ, that baptism does something, instead of being just a symbol, saints can be prayed to and that the mass is truly a sacrifice
Dictionary meaning of orthodox: "following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice" or "of the ordinary or usual type; normal". Cliff didn't mean Eastern or Greek Orthodoxy or part of that church
Stay in truth. Stay away from the deceivers.
Ortodox belonged to catholic latin church for centuries both are tinitary ,catholic church gave the jerusalem tomb to orthodox to care of it , thats why orthodox have 90% of rye same traditions ,
Protestants don believe in the trinity father, son and holy spirit , protestants even use the bible made by catholic church ...
Protestans have no discipline or head thats why otrhodox reject protestants , every protestant pastor say different stuff about the same psalm because they dont have a formal study of the bible as orthodox and catholic have ...
Catholic chirch and Orthodox have a communion ...
I genuinely can’t tell if the OP is unfamiliar with Protestant Christians calling themselves lowercase “orthodox” or if this is clickbait for Eastern (capital-O) Orthodox Christians.
Does anyone have a link or an exact search keyword to the picture of Jesus in the thumbnail (the one on the left of Cliffe)?
Orthodox Christianity is NOT non-denominational, it’s pre-denominational.
That pastor is not orthodox and his beliefs are not orthodox. He seems like a good man. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a heretic. He is.
He's talking about orthodoxy as in "correct belief", not Eastern Orthodoxy.
There is a difference between Eastern Orthodoxy and Orthodox Christianity. Eastern Orthodox is a denomination, while Orthodox Christianity is just Standard Traditional Chalcedonian Christianity. He doesn’t even teach at an Eastern Orthodox Church, nor is he an Eastern Orthodox priest. Orthodox just means: “right way”.
Examples of Orthodox Christianity:
Eastern Orthodoxy
Examples of Unorthodox christianity:
Liberal Methodism
Universal Unitarianism
If they promote vegetarianism they are lost.
why do people on tiktok insist on making inaccurate slop like this
Amuzant. E practic un joc de cuvinte. Biserica ortodoxă, ca să fie mai cu moț față de cea catolică, a luat termenul grecesc "ortodox" și consideră că are drept de copyright. Cliff se referă la credința biblică curată. :)
Might not be related, but i keep falling into lust and dont know what to do. Voices keep saying "hide from God" and "don't ask for forgiveness. God won't forgive" you" i am scared and dont know what to do
Keep fighting. "He will not leave you, nor forsake you."
Voices have no power over you.
Some days are better than others. 🤷
Cold water on your face or cold shower helps switch out of pervasive thoughts.
Pray and definitely seek council if it’s overwhelming. ❤❤❤
SDA is heresy, Protestantism is heresy Orthodoxy is neither
I think I read somewhere that some SDA believe ( or USED TO) that Jesus Michael the arch-angel.
Saying that Jesus is "begotten" sounds way too much like the error of Mormonism.
Do you want a medal or something?
Have you ever read John 3:16? Saying Jesus is begotten of the Father is basic Christianity.
I was asking God fo wisdom when i stumbled acro mark 6:2 it was saying how jesus was called a very hisgh wisdom nd he was teacging and mind i didnt know wisdom was i just thought it was to help in lofe but its not its for taching makuing good decions by the holy spirit and i asked God alot becuase i was blaspheming and i couldnt get out but thank only God for helping me by the holy spirit and now i just sometimes i live by holy sirt i mean sometimes i disobey god like right now i accdentally while i was typing ui did but i corrected it was God had su[posed it for
All this slop just to promote a merch store. Is this building the kingdom?
Cliff is not an Orthodox Christian, is an evangelical.
?? He doesnt mean Eastern orthodox bro
Orthodox Christianity is not the same as orthodox catholicism.
This was kind of funny - obviously the Orthodox author of this video has no clue about Protestant terminology. The term “orthodox” is used widely among Protestants to mean that they generally hold to “normal” Christian doctrine as it has been passed along from generation to generation in the West. Seventh day Adventists would not be considered orthodox in that sense.
So you believe man over Him?
Lowercase orthodox guys not true Orthodoxy
why is there many different type of christian? do they all have the same bible/ bybel
"why is there many different type of christian?" Because there are different types of religious leaders that were able to make their personal beliefs of christianity heard and accepted. Although the difference may be slight they reflect a bias. Mormonism was invented by a deluded and self centered con man. Just as catholics claim there is a Trinity and jews don't accept Jesus as the son of god.
Did Cliff mean orthodox Christianity (classic 5 Solas) or Eastern Orthodox Christianity?
Orthodox can mean traditional so he probably meant traditional Christian
There's nothing orthodox about the 5 solas. Not being mean but the 5 solas aren't founding beliefs or even agreed upon by the myriad of protestant denominations
@@joshua-l6m nicene?
@@tuscanymappingofficial he’s certainly not traditionally Christian considering his branch of Christianity is a man made heresy 😂
@@Jorbinocus Pride kicked the devil out of heaven, stop acting like the devil, he is a loser.
God loves you, whoever you are, and shows that his love is unconditional towards the world and benevolent by sending his son (Jesus Christ) to die as a sacrifice for all our sins, who also rose from the dead because he is holy and lives forever, He did it for us, he said that if you believe in him, in his son, you get eternal life that cannot be lost, free, believe today and be saved forever from eternal damnation, believe today and get eternal life:
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that BELIEVETH in me, though he were dead, yet shall he LIVE: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me SHALL NEVER DIE. BELIEVEST thou this? (Capital Letters added)
John 11:25-26
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that HEARETH my word, and BELIEVETH on him that sent me, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, and shall NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; but is passed from death unto life. (Capital Letters added)
John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that BELIEVETH ON ME HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. (Capital Letters added)
John 6:47
Do you believe it?
What do you get?
just how jesus christ and his father were reunited together so this means we shall be untied with our father in heaven jesus christ for he is God and the One true God think of it like this say how jesus was he had a surname and his was God he would pass it down just how th spirit in us is with us and guuides us to ertenal heaven(life) by saying that god is king but wait so are they all God yes they are think of it like this how is a manager without its boss the company the goverment that he rules if he didnt he would be put in jail say we had no ruler for that manage to take place then it would all fall apart but not for the afather for he is the divine that created us in the image of God so that whole buisness comes to a halt to be put place as a name called the company all thanlks to the holy spirit and credit to him and glort to GOD~
Deceptive and misleading video. He means orthodox in the sense of Biblical Christianity (ie, believing only the words of the APOSTLES). Cliffe is a pastor of Grace Community Church, very much not affliated with Eastern Orthodoxy. Is this sort of deception how the Christ-replacing religion of Eastern Orthodoxy makes proselytes?
I thought ☦️
Cliffe is a Trinitarian of the false creeds
Can you stop showing the father!
What's up with vegetarianism
"I Believe In Orthodox Christianity " And I believe that there has never been any credible evidence to show that Jesus was divine or the son of god. Unless you have some? That would be amazing if you did. Thanks and good luck.
Hes not an orthodox christian
Video is wrong
Orthodox = Traditional
Traditional means how the apostles did it as only they are directly taught by Jesus. Everything that happened after is just added tradition
Yet EVERYONE thinks that THEY have the right view of the Bible.
Added innovations of western society is what happened after, not Eastern Traditions
I suggest everyone read the book of Revelation. Jesus literally gave us 7 Churches we all spiritually belong to. We all find ourselves in at least one of them.
This Cliffe teaches so many false doctrines it is sad people actually trust him as a preacher of Christ
oh man dont start advertising those tee shirts as well
This is deceptive. He isn't Orthodox.
I think it's important to remember, that we Protestants May disagree with Orthodox and some doctrines or traditions, that doesn't mean that we are not Christian.
I don't hold the view that you guys are not our brothers and sisters.
And while we may disagree on some doctrine we can all agree in the trinity and that one day God's perfect church will be in heaven.
Of course they were always be bad apples everywhere we go, but continue to pray for each other
these tradcon maga types glazing christian and islamic apologetics is so embarrassing
I agree. Theyre making Christianity an aesthetic
Обмана.Не верује у Православну Цркву.
Early church fathers would disagree with him , Martin Luther would agree with him though he is more Protestant than Orthodox even if he thinks otherwise
Not noun 😂 pronoun ppl calm down
Actually he is unorthodox/prot. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk