If you are looking at paying for Zygor or RestedXp to level in Burning Crusade Classic, you should also check out WoW-Pro Guides. For retail players, Azeroth Auto Pilot is another great free alternative!
I watched this out of interest as I have been paying for Zygors for years but I don’t think it would work for me as it looks like there is just quest guides whereas Zygors has daily quests, how to get rare items, exploration, how to find all the flyers and so much more. So, although I would love to go with free addons only I guess it is decent value for money.
I have already installed tomtom, questie and wow pro guides but the tomtom arrow doesn't come out automatically. I need to set it manually. Is there any setting I need to do?
OK I tried this method at another computer, doesn't work on classic era/hc BUT..... On my main pc it does. So there must be another addon that allows it to function perfect on the classic. When I sort it out I'll report here.
I have, I really like Azeroth Auto Pilot! It is great for retail, but hasn't been updated for Burning Crusade Classic yet, so WoW-Pro Guides is the best option in TBC right now.
Happy it helped, you can also check out Guidelime and Guidelime TUG as well. It is also free, and people really like that as well! I really want to do a video testing paid guides vs some of the free options in speed. Think it would be really interesting.
I prefer to use quewtie. Open your world map and just look for the exclamation points which mark all of the quests on the world map that are around your level. Then just go to them. Most quests lead you from one zone into the next anyways so you never have to wonder looking for quests to pick up.
Questie just shows available quests. It does not min-max routes to go for maximum xp gain. You totally missed the point. Questie is also atrocious in WOTLK, so many missing and malfunctioning quests.
No such thing as "I can't afford zygor." $9.99 is nothing a month. Unfortunately, Zygor is almost equivalent to a wow subscription. Did they work hard on making the addon work? Yes. Is it worth 9.99 a month? No. Should there be a forever price tag with free updates and then renewal every year? Yes. I find it ridiculous that a guide like Zygor charges monthly. However, you can always cancel once you're done questing. Too bad many people use it for dailies and other events. It's a steep price monthly but still doable.
and all addons that you have to pay for are illegal becuse they are breaking Blizzards ToS about addons they have to be free of charge i hope BLizzard will do somthing about all those addons but that will pro not happen.
Interesting right. The terms of service say that access to addons should be "free of charge" but charging for the data in the addon has become a grey area. Addons like Zygor have been charging for the guided routes for years. I personally dislike addons that charge so I made this to give players a free alternative to try.
Yeah zygor has been around since like 09 but back it it was a one time fee like Rested Xp guides is now. I dont know when they changed to a sub based price..
If you are looking at paying for Zygor or RestedXp to level in Burning Crusade Classic, you should also check out WoW-Pro Guides. For retail players, Azeroth Auto Pilot is another great free alternative!
thank you for this, paying a monthly subscription for a fucking levelling guide is INSANE
great guide, sometimes hint that if you cant see guide list click the button wow pro guides in the options and it shows up
I watched this out of interest as I have been paying for Zygors for years but I don’t think it would work for me as it looks like there is just quest guides whereas Zygors has daily quests, how to get rare items, exploration, how to find all the flyers and so much more. So, although I would love to go with free addons only I guess it is decent value for money.
not all heroes wear capes, and u sir really are !
Haha thanks!
I almost pay for Zygor, u saved me haha ty
Thank you for this. I can't afford Zygor anymore and this is excellent!
Are you coming back?
Absolutely Love Wow-pro guides unfortunately there's no support for Classic era/vanilla :(
works just fine for classic era/vanilla
"Great video, thank you for the explanation. You saved me the monthly subscription fee I usually pay."
Just saw this video after seeing the price of Zygor (which wow lol). Does this work with wotlk
This addon will work for TWW?
This isn't available for classic in 2022.
it is
How do you change the font / window size so you can see it better since it's to small for my eyes?
I have already installed tomtom, questie and wow pro guides but the tomtom arrow doesn't come out automatically.
I need to set it manually.
Is there any setting I need to do?
That should be all you need... I'll double check my settings and make sure that is true.
Excellent video!! I am a guide freak (and collector) Back in the day I believe wow pro was paid, so never looked at that again. Howeer gonna try this.
dang where was this when i just leveled 3 toons to 50 to get to shadowlands
Right, I have been working my alts through Shadowlands now that I have flying and love using Azeroth Auto Pilot!
OK I tried this method at another computer, doesn't work on classic era/hc
On my main pc it does. So there must be another addon that allows it to function perfect on the classic. When I sort it out I'll report here.
Awesome, looking forward to hearing what you find out!
@@ArcaneIntellect Ack! It gets better, only works on one toon????
Very helpful information. Thank you!
You are welcome!
Is there a guide for HC Classic?
hc is not an expansion, so any classic guide will work. just dont corpse walk.
this is working well 1-70?
is there a dk guide on this?
SHame these don't work on Gummy's Felmyst TBC server. Would be awesome!
Have you tried Azeroth Auto Pilot? If not give it a try
I have, I really like Azeroth Auto Pilot! It is great for retail, but hasn't been updated for Burning Crusade Classic yet, so WoW-Pro Guides is the best option in TBC right now.
thanks for the vid. was considering paid addon but fk that. i just wanted to know what quests to take and this does just that.
Happy it helped, you can also check out Guidelime and Guidelime TUG as well. It is also free, and people really like that as well! I really want to do a video testing paid guides vs some of the free options in speed. Think it would be really interesting.
restedxp is free right?🤔because I never paid for that addon🤔
I prefer to use quewtie. Open your world map and just look for the exclamation points which mark all of the quests on the world map that are around your level. Then just go to them. Most quests lead you from one zone into the next anyways so you never have to wonder looking for quests to pick up.
Questie has proven te be absolutely terrible for Wrath, so many quests are missing from the map. Not recommended at all.
Questie just shows available quests. It does not min-max routes to go for maximum xp gain. You totally missed the point. Questie is also atrocious in WOTLK, so many missing and malfunctioning quests.
i actually want an addon to help me do the achievement for the nightborns, these addons help on that or what?
Zygor does
For retail doesn't Azeroth Auto Pilot do the same thing?
Sure does! I like it better than WowPro in retail but WowPro is the best free option in TBC.
thanks mate, good info for me, didnt know about wow-pro guides, very helpfull.
i dont find questie annywere
Hmm, weird. Maybe double-check that you are trying to install it for Classic and not retail. There is no version of Questie for Shadowlands.
Simply wow! the best addon to farm!
What about Guidelime!
Guidelime is another great option!
great video saved me from spending 10 bucks a month
Thank you for saving me 30 dollars
Glad it helped!
is this paid?
Nope! Questie, TomTom, and Wow-Pro are all free. You can also look at Guidelime and Guidelime TUG for another free alternative to Wow-Pro as well.
Does it work for wotlk?
@@llenn6284 Yep, the Guidelime TUG addon has a guides from level 1 - 80
@llenn6284 video says "free addons"
No such thing as "I can't afford zygor." $9.99 is nothing a month. Unfortunately, Zygor is almost equivalent to a wow subscription. Did they work hard on making the addon work? Yes. Is it worth 9.99 a month? No. Should there be a forever price tag with free updates and then renewal every year? Yes. I find it ridiculous that a guide like Zygor charges monthly. However, you can always cancel once you're done questing. Too bad many people use it for dailies and other events. It's a steep price monthly but still doable.
All good points! I this it would be good to see the monthly subscription model of Zygor go away.
and all addons that you have to pay for are illegal becuse they are breaking Blizzards ToS about addons they have to be free of charge i hope BLizzard will do somthing about all those addons but that will pro not happen.
*slams on breaks* hold up … people are paying for Addons?? Since when ?
Interesting right. The terms of service say that access to addons should be "free of charge" but charging for the data in the addon has become a grey area. Addons like Zygor have been charging for the guided routes for years. I personally dislike addons that charge so I made this to give players a free alternative to try.
Yeah zygor has been around since like 09 but back it it was a one time fee like Rested Xp guides is now. I dont know when they changed to a sub based price..
@@ArcaneIntellect Believe it's they charge you for the guide, and not the addon.
That's how they get away with it legally
dont get wow-pro for tbc classic, it'll make you rub way out of the way for some and waste alot of time