I agree with Joe that 15-17 year old's aren't very mature, but it's common fucking sense that throwing huge rocks at cars could cause some kind of accident. Sounds like it was less about mischief and more about intention to cause harm
IdeaBox I think I read an article that said the heaviest rock police retrieved from the overpass was nearly 20 pounds. These kids knew what they were doing.
William mohamad Come on 12-14 year olds also understand what the fuck they’re doing. If you live in America,12-14 year olds would be in 7-10th grade. Edited my grammar cause it bothered me.
My mom saw a group of teens throwing a Wal-Mart kart over a highway over pass called 911 & the dispatcher asked her " did they ruin or hit your car? Mom said "no" dispatcher " well, it's not an emergency then" what the actual fuck? -____-
Tiff didn't mention they went to McDonald's to eat after that incident! POS deserve to be trialed as adults. By that age you know what could hurt someone esp if you see car swirling from the rocks.
i feel like as taika is doing the stupid shi bart will either be watching and cracking up, or... he can hardly contain himself and he has to join in on the activity
@Nina May Yeah that's true but I'm pretty sure it's her job to at least keep JK on track, time wise, and some of their personal stories can go on for a long time
The fact that someone who supported a family died for the entertainment of some psycho teens is so infuriating. They are doing this so early in life, imagine what they would've done in the future. This kind of people, torture pets for fun, beat up smaller kids because why not, gang up on a homeless man and try to kill him because no one will miss him. We really don't need people like them, the streets are overflowing with these kind of people. Sometimes we need to kill off psychos in the making. For me taking away life for the laughs no matter how young you are, make you lose the right to live.
I'd bet these asshole kids were raised by trump supporters. they're probably racists, homophobes, rapists, and other kinds of things. they are human deplorable trailer trash that needs to be eradicated from society.
I remember when I was a kid me and my friends find broken spark plugs and made "Ninja Rocks" and threw them into car wind shields. But that was when I was immature, now I upgrade to razor blade covered potatoes for maximum damage.
omg Geos last joke with her tongue was hilarious it got me i was like Geo breathe! And then she did that and i started to laugh as hard as her!!!!!!!!!
This happened 10 minutes from my home and I was so sickened by it because I take that route home every day from college. Also this town was about an hour and a half north from Detroit, Clio is such a quiet town and that's why it was such a shock
I live in the Detroit metro area and this was on the news, but this did not happen in the Detroit Metro area, it happened in the Flint metro area about 1 hour and 15 minutes north. It is like saying that this happened in San Francisco, but it actually happened in Sacramento. Anyways there also reports that one of the teems also threw a tire. Kind of scary that the incident could also occur here, considering that most freeways in the Detroit suburbs are 70 mph (55 mph closer to downtown Detroit), that there are tons of overpasses, and a metro population of 4.3 million (close to San-Francisco-Oakland-Hayward combined metro population).
TheNakedRamen my brain is so dumb sometimes. Instead of thinking of two eight year olds throwing burritos, I thought of a kid and a burrito (as the friend) throwing rocks.
One of these kids, Trevor, went to our school (Byron) for like a day then lost it and went back to his old school (Clio) right before he was caught. So yeah, I went to school with a murderer for a day. Edit: It wasn't near Detroit, closer to Flint.
This happened to my mum when I was 15. The rock was the same size and struck just beside the windshield. Any more to the left and she would’ve died, the kids got charged with destruction of property they got off too easy
I will never forget I was in high school senior year when I went to my friend’s house who lives in the country next to an overpass. One day we decided to take his family’s gator vehicle to drive around on the country roads. We then came to the overpass, I never been on an overpass before so we stopped and looked around. Another friend and I mostly wanted to get semis to honk or wave to people to get them to honk, too. Then my friend whose house we were visiting had the “genius” idea to pretend to throw rocks over the overpass. This was essentially him crouching down behind the cement and then jumping up in a surprise pose or throwing motion. My other friend and I kept telling him to stop and that it was stupid, especially when cars started to switch lanes to avoid him. I was getting really pissed off so I said let’s go back to his house now. As we were getting ready to go back to his house a freaking cop pulls up on the country road. The cop said people called about kids throwing rocks on the overpass. My friend tries to explain that he was just “pretending” to throw rocks which sounded so completely stupid that I wasn’t surprised the cop didn’t believe a drop of it. Thankfully his house was nearby so we asked the cop to follow us to the house and his mom kind of vouched for all of us and the cop took our names but nothing came out of it so it turned OK. But I’ll never forget how embarrassed and angry I I was at my friend and the look on the cop’s face when he said he was just “pretending”. The boys in my town at that age were dumb AF, country boredom leads to nothing good.
I used to have a friend who would throw highlighters and pens off of the bus, and he got all excited when one of the highlighters splattered over someone's entire windshield and they couldn't see
Its really is sad. Those teens that thought it was innocent fun not so innocent when the outcome is a dead victim and just like that their life is probably wasted in prison. The one teen that threw the actual boulder will probably get life sentence and the other maybe 50 years. Its really is sad, teens that was looking forward to graduating and going to college and starting their own life its all down the drain.
This reminds me of the man that that was throwing rocks on to the interstate here in Austin. He got arrested last year and was charged with 4 counts of aggravated assault. One of the people that got injured suffered permanent brain damage. I used to be so scared of passing bridges on my way to school.
'I love you mom, dad... not so much' 😂😂💀💀 same joe same
Same though 😂
These teens are going to provide THE BEST ANAL! MAN I hope they record that shit for PornHub
scott lee what
IIsYouAndYouIsMe same
"They should get stoned, and I'm not talkin' 'bout marijuana." -Joe 2K17
As punishment The Rock should throw them over the overpass
1074XACTIVIS nice 1
Before I noticed "The Rock" was capitalized I pictured an actual rock with arms throwing a kid off
Even tiff won’t let tiff speak 😂😂😂😂
I agree with Joe that 15-17 year old's aren't very mature, but it's common fucking sense that throwing huge rocks at cars could cause some kind of accident. Sounds like it was less about mischief and more about intention to cause harm
Ashbee Gaming yeah i agree, but its hard to tell i mean they could of used much bigger rocks, only one of them was big.
IdeaBox I think I read an article that said the heaviest rock police retrieved from the overpass was nearly 20 pounds. These kids knew what they were doing.
If they were 12-14 id understand but 15-17 is too old like you have common sense at that point
William mohamad
Come on 12-14 year olds also understand what the fuck they’re doing. If you live in America,12-14 year olds would be in 7-10th grade.
Edited my grammar cause it bothered me.
IdeaBox they threw a fucking tire
Bart ~ "it's like the human version of joe's shirt" 😂😂😂
That part cracked me up 😂
My mom saw a group of teens throwing a Wal-Mart kart over a highway over pass called 911 & the dispatcher asked her " did they ruin or hit your car? Mom said "no" dispatcher " well, it's not an emergency then" what the actual fuck? -____-
Erika meza it isn’t an emergency so they don’t need to come out
Erika meza What the fuck?!! That's like reporting that someone is outside shooting and them saying it's not an emergency if no one is hit.
Wtf where is this
Not So Much so fucked..😐
Jon Snow [Aegon Targaryen] washington -___-
Tiff didn't mention they went to McDonald's to eat after that incident! POS deserve to be trialed as adults. By that age you know what could hurt someone esp if you see car swirling from the rocks.
Are we sure *McDonald's burgers* didn't *influence* their bad behavior??? (Mainstream media logic lol)
Fucking Joe 😂 so brutally hilariously honest
KasheMoneyRemix I wish everyone was like that
I lost him at the child soldiers reference though. Most child soldiers are force into it. Nobody force these kids to throw rocks.
lmao that ending tho
geo: you’re normal dude
David: oh ok
Bart: what about me?
*cricket noise*
AND DAMN, everyone is looking great in this video. 😩
i'm still not over the fact that josh genuinely thought halloween was 11/31
"I love you, mom. Dad, not so much"
"I love you mom; dad, not so much" ----> The laws of emotion. Lmao, that's some real shit right there.
“ i love you mom! dad, not so much.” AWH JOJO HOW HURT IS YOU?
Slutty Icon Well his dad did walk out on him and never came back.
I fucking love David's laugh, that shit is contagious. Lol, so is Casey's laugh too
Jk.....I love you mom. Dad not so much. LMAO
All I heard this episode was CASEY goin: "FUCKK EMM"
i feel like as taika is doing the stupid shi bart will either be watching and cracking up, or... he can hardly contain himself and he has to join in on the activity
Poor Tiff, she looks so done with the interruptions
Fyhb x he's a troll for sure!😂😂
she's a beta
@Nina May Yeah that's true but I'm pretty sure it's her job to at least keep JK on track, time wise, and some of their personal stories can go on for a long time
foreshadow to tiff dropping the hosting for someone else!
maybe julia again? its been a while since...
Maybe they should change the hosts every once in a while..and maybe make her do something else
I'm a little upset they cut off the David's laughing part because when your lonely with no friends you just want someone to laugh with
damn that was depressing to read :(
The fact that someone who supported a family died for the entertainment of some psycho teens is so infuriating. They are doing this so early in life, imagine what they would've done in the future. This kind of people, torture pets for fun, beat up smaller kids because why not, gang up on a homeless man and try to kill him because no one will miss him. We really don't need people like them, the streets are overflowing with these kind of people. Sometimes we need to kill off psychos in the making. For me taking away life for the laughs no matter how young you are, make you lose the right to live.
I'd bet these asshole kids were raised by trump supporters. they're probably racists, homophobes, rapists, and other kinds of things. they are human deplorable trailer trash that needs to be eradicated from society.
I remember when I was a kid me and my friends find broken spark plugs and made "Ninja Rocks" and threw them into car wind shields. But that was when I was immature,
now I upgrade to razor blade covered potatoes for maximum damage.
But ... you never murdered someone...
Geo: you're normal dude
David: oh okay
Bart: what about me?
Everyone else: Silent stares
omg Geos last joke with her tongue was hilarious it got me i was like Geo breathe! And then she did that and i started to laugh as hard as her!!!!!!!!!
I love geo’s and David laughs 😂😂😂😂😂
dude the last 10 seconds 😂😂😂😂😂😭 I FUCKING CAN'T WITH JOE 😭💀
Josh always fucking up games hahah
shit got pretty real towards the end lol
This happened insanely close to home and pisses me off so much.
Emily Klee Same here
Geo: *Almost cries*
Me: “CRY CRY CRY!!!”
" i love u mom, dad........ Not so much" ahahahaha
Jesus Christ.. Joe at the end had me dying!! 😂😂😂
This happened 10 minutes from my home and I was so sickened by it because I take that route home every day from college. Also this town was about an hour and a half north from Detroit, Clio is such a quiet town and that's why it was such a shock
i'm from Detroit and im glad i came out smart
Kaleb Her FACTS
Staying home sick, listen to JKN, and laugh/coughing. Just what I NEEDED.
Joe killed me in this episode lol and bart always mentioning the 405 freeway
Nah I was a boy with empathy lol. Don't know what Bart's on about.
Nepali picture
Thomas Logan Bart just thinks every kid is as stupid as he was (is).
Pretty sure he was just stereotyping if it wasn't obvious enough.
I love David. His laugh is so contagious
Dayum seems like Joe has some daddy issues
I think Joe mentioned that his dad walked out on him and his family so understandably he probably does have daddy issues
Bobby Lee destroyed him for that so yeah he *does* *cue sad violin lol
Didn't his dad kinda tried to force Joe into becoming a musician too?? 0.0!!
His dad walked out on him when he was 14.
Its been obvious for years now that Joe has daddy issues
I love david so much 😭💜
Casey:.....running through a field of wheat with my friends...
"... submitted by Phillip De Franco!"
great video today guys keep the funny vids coming
My question is how did david come up with the tomato can analogy so quickly lmao
I live in the Detroit metro area and this was on the news, but this did not happen in the Detroit Metro area, it happened in the Flint metro area about 1 hour and 15 minutes north. It is like saying that this happened in San Francisco, but it actually happened in Sacramento. Anyways there also reports that one of the teems also threw a tire.
Kind of scary that the incident could also occur here, considering that most freeways in the Detroit suburbs are 70 mph (55 mph closer to downtown Detroit), that there are tons of overpasses, and a metro population of 4.3 million (close to San-Francisco-Oakland-Hayward combined metro population).
John Nguyen They mentioned the tire.
John Nguyen I think it was on I75 so the speed limit was at least 75.
the tiff ignoring herself bit had me dying and the zoom on her face
Joe had me dying at the end😂😂
I remember a friend did this when we were like 8, but it was with a taco bell burrito.
He did the right thing! Taco Bell ain't *real Mexican food* it's trash lol
TheNakedRamen my brain is so dumb sometimes. Instead of thinking of two eight year olds throwing burritos, I thought of a kid and a burrito (as the friend) throwing rocks.
One of these kids, Trevor, went to our school (Byron) for like a day then lost it and went back to his old school (Clio) right before he was caught. So yeah, I went to school with a murderer for a day.
Edit: It wasn't near Detroit, closer to Flint.
Garfoon which one was trevor
I was crying when bart David and joe were talking about throwing things on the roof
New editor??? Welcome to the fam~
My head hurts from laughing so much omg
Geos laugh at 3:40 kills me 😂😂
Yeah Tiffany! Let Tiffany talk!!
Lol “i love you mom, dad not so much”
Geo has been laughing at literally everything
Joe " I love you mom, Dad... not so much" lol
writing the last two pages of my paper while watching this and the other latest uploads
That ending 😂
aw. i just imagined little joe getting abused by his father. :c
Drew N What about Bart?!
I'm laughing too much 😂
This happened to my mum when I was 15. The rock was the same size and struck just beside the windshield. Any more to the left and she would’ve died, the kids got charged with destruction of property they got off too easy
Dude. Joe is so me 😂
We have the same history regarding our parents. And I always say shit like that 😂
I bet a whole bunch of birds were just going " food day y'all " any time they started throwing fruits .
Just looping the feast house
This video made me laugh soooo hard 😂😂😂 it's one of my favs this year! Love you guys sooo much ♡
Lmfao fucking Joe man 😂😂😂😂
I love Tiff's top. :3 everyone looks so good here.
Joe at the end tho 😂👌
I like it when they go off topic
hahaha ''love u mum but dad not so much'' hahaha
ahahahaha can you imagine driving down the street in your van and a boulder just destroys you passenger ahahaha
over here in brazil people throw rocks at cars and then try to steal their shit when they crash.
In Flint about 2 hours away from Detroit
I used to throw those little popper firework things at cars 😂
This video had me fucking dying in laughter. Joe is so fucking funny.
Josh "11/31" 😂😂😂
I use to throw lemons and rocks at my neighbors roof looool regrets 😂
Casey's "FUCK EM" kills me every time
Need to get David on just kidding party lol
Hey Tiffney! Let Tiffney speak!!! >=O lol =P
I will never forget I was in high school senior year when I went to my friend’s house who lives in the country next to an overpass. One day we decided to take his family’s gator vehicle to drive around on the country roads. We then came to the overpass, I never been on an overpass before so we stopped and looked around. Another friend and I mostly wanted to get semis to honk or wave to people to get them to honk, too. Then my friend whose house we were visiting had the “genius” idea to pretend to throw rocks over the overpass. This was essentially him crouching down behind the cement and then jumping up in a surprise pose or throwing motion. My other friend and I kept telling him to stop and that it was stupid, especially when cars started to switch lanes to avoid him. I was getting really pissed off so I said let’s go back to his house now. As we were getting ready to go back to his house a freaking cop pulls up on the country road. The cop said people called about kids throwing rocks on the overpass. My friend tries to explain that he was just “pretending” to throw rocks which sounded so completely stupid that I wasn’t surprised the cop didn’t believe a drop of it. Thankfully his house was nearby so we asked the cop to follow us to the house and his mom kind of vouched for all of us and the cop took our names but nothing came out of it so it turned OK. But I’ll never forget how embarrassed and angry I I was at my friend and the look on the cop’s face when he said he was just “pretending”. The boys in my town at that age were dumb AF, country boredom leads to nothing good.
6:24 Joe's reaction XD
I used to throw onions and tomatoes out of my friends windows in to other houses below us lololol
they were chilling at mcdonald's right after they committed this crime...
I love you mom, dad not so much lmfao Joe nuh easy enuh
I used to have a friend who would throw highlighters and pens off of the bus, and he got all excited when one of the highlighters splattered over someone's entire windshield and they couldn't see
Joe why are you so funny 😂
4:11 I used to play rock war with my siblings
GEO LOOKS GREAT but when does she not 😍
The title underplays the situation massively
Its really is sad. Those teens that thought it was innocent fun not so innocent when the outcome is a dead victim and just like that their life is probably wasted in prison. The one teen that threw the actual boulder will probably get life sentence and the other maybe 50 years. Its really is sad, teens that was looking forward to graduating and going to college and starting their own life its all down the drain.
This reminds me of the man that that was throwing rocks on to the interstate here in Austin. He got arrested last year and was charged with 4 counts of aggravated assault. One of the people that got injured suffered permanent brain damage. I used to be so scared of passing bridges on my way to school.
it's so obvious how much tiff hates doing jk news now lmaooo
that ending such a cliff hanger llol
"I love you mom. Dad, not so much." ME
Truuu Jo 😭❤ preach man