“Two kinds of people those who are “righteous” and just are kind to their animals, and those who are “wicked” and are cruel to creatures under their care. “
Lady, way are you pretending not to know what’s going on here? Are you going to let that male just get more frustrated by the minute and abuse the two smaller ones because of his harmonies? Separate them and get him neutered or get him an appropriate aged mate. This is ABUSE!
Animals not perverted, the woman sitting there pushing Sovanny away when she leaps on her for safety. Same ol abuse just covered up. You’re just too clever.
Has nothing to do with harmonies, she provokes every situation. He stopped attacking sovanny than she yells at him and stands both face to face and tells sovanny to hug sovanny who keeps pulling her hand away and the woman does not stop until he goes into attack mode again
yet again someone judges animals by human standards this animal is showing all the signs of FLS. thet are locked in that damn or then put back in their cages. They get virtually no sunlight or significant exercise. THEY HAVE NO MENTAL OR EMOTIONAL STIMULATION! Whether or not you like it, we are all primates and I doubt we could cope with what these little guys are going through. Don't project. Save your ire for the horrible monetizers who kidnap and I'll treat these animals. They are the true animals in this little video... @mariahelenafagundes5132
They don't have any equipment or toys to occupy themselves with. Do they get a nourishing meal? The woman has favourites. No wonder Sovanny is going mental 😮😮
É um pecado o que essa mulher faz com estes macacos. No começo eles ficavam dopados diante das câmeras, dormindo sentados , porque eram obrigados a ficar ali maltratados, com fome diante da comida, e ela brigando o tempo todo com eles. Agora instiga eles para brigar. Estão passando fome, olha a magreza destes macacos, Sovanny nem força tem pra enfrentar Sovan. Creio q se continuar assim, Sovanny não vai viver por muito tempo. Se fosse aqui no Brasil ela e seus ajudantes passaria cinco anos na prisão por maus tratos com os animais e perderia o direito sobre os animais. Espero em Deus, justiça em favor destes animais.
Hai ragione questi ho visto dei video fanno schifo , nn so pensare cosa faranno lontane dalle telecamere a questi poveri animali ,in Italia nn si possono neanche tenere le scimmie, ma se maltratti animali sono guai, questi governi orientali rappresentano e sono quello che gli orientali sono: freddi distaccati e insensibili, ,e' pieno il loro paese di queste situazioni ma pare che sia permesso tutto evidentemente.....
Всё это Вы для чего написали я на Вашем языке не понимаю, если только поняла на испанском что ли. Пишите на русском у Вас ведь есть переводчик если он читать умеет то и переводить может.А всякую тарабаршину Я не понимаю.
They have beds and toys. Watch all the videos, not one or two. She’s been on UA-cam for a long time and has older monkeys as well. She doesn’t just toss them when they are no longer babies.
This lady should be confined to the forest with monkeys for life. She acts like she doesn't see some of the naughty things the boy is doing.She just don't CARE.
Oh poor vanny poor vanny she is a damn greedy bratty there's no poor vanny she neede😊d to be beat like van was then maby she would have not turned in to the spoiled greedy brstt she is
Esses pobres macaquinhos são lindos e precisam viver a vida deles no seu habitat natural, ela não pode ficar com essa quantidade de animais para cuidar,devolva os a natureza deles e cuide de você mesma,vocês todos merecem ser felizes😊 🎉
@Santa , yo veo esos videos de KAKA , y jamas grita ,por la razón, de que esta muy bien alimentada y tratada y hay personas muy malas ,que dicen que le quitaron las cuerdas vocales , por el simple hecho de que no grita
oh, there is stimulation in the room.....sexual stimulation. These monkeys are NOT children....they are wild animals and are doing just what their instincts tell them to do.....these animals should not be locked up...they should be out in the wild.
Что вы их жалеете? Посмотрите видио ,как они в природе живут,как они дерутся,голодные. За кусок еды порвать готовы. Не дай Бог их иметь в доме. Дай им волю,они такой хаос наведут.
Что вы сидите смотрите на то, как старший просто разрывает младших, он реально кусает их.это не игра. Зачем вы издеваетесь над животными. Выведите на волю, пусть бегают. Что за тюрьма, безобразие. Неужели у вас нет закона о защите животных.
You know it’s his mating time. They are too old for you to play house with. Turn them out to the forest. AND STOP HOLDING THAT STUPID YOUNG ONE ALL THE TIME😡😡😡
I agree with that they are wild animals monkeys not pets and he is getting agressive and even harder to handle to be with his own kind back in the forest and they both should be returned to the forest
Phải đó,🌻 nên cho chúng về với thiên nhiên của chúng, chứ có tiền, đâu mờ xuể,cho nó ăn thì keo kiệt có quả trứng chẳng dính răng , đã vậy còn mò như ma 🌚 mò
No, you can't be serious. Denying nature is the worst kind of abuse. Release these animals to the bush. If you keep them they will turn on you and injure you badly. In 2009 there was a lady who wa got her face mauled by a chimpanzee pet.
He’s not trying to mate with her. He’s establishing dominance. That’s what they do in the wild. It’s not sex people. But he is is bad as hell and she should not let him attack the smaller ones.
Почему ты их держишь постоянно в пустой комнате без игрушек, ы не выходишь с ними на улицу,это про то издевательство над животными,зачем ты их брмла,ты хочешь к ним притронутся они вжимаются в зе лю,ты их бьешь,отвези их пожалуйста в лес,не мучий ты их,сколько можно им страдать не будь жестокой
Макашата боятся похитителей, которые их украли у матери. в глазах испуг. они по природе своей должен держаться за маму. Совсем ещё малы.По этому дайте ему хотя бы мягкую игрушку обнять. Очень жалко малыша. Он попал не в добрые руки. Он сам себя успокаивает из-за стресса, связанного с жизнью в качестве домашнего животного. Он потерял свою мать и круглосуточную любовь, комфорт и физическое внимание, которые она могла бы ему уделять. Вот почему два мальчика также цепляются друг за друга.
She knows exactly what sovan is doing but it brings in money so would him actually mating and producing a baby. Come on this is the ringmaster of abusers
Put sovanny sovan old video of their babyhood by the name baby sovan. I remember your old videos were very cute, sovanny was bful child. In wild they get discipline by monkey mom Here u discipline them
It time that sovan goes to the forest he wants to mate and sovanny is the only one around his age please please let him go he a male and he stronger than you think and will start attacking to get to sovanny where is peta or animal walfare to hey need to step to get sovan into the the forest so he can have a mate
These animals live there entire lives in a family Troop they live by a strict hierarchy which these video monkeys have no understanding of, so to dump any video monkey back in a Forest without a Troop to protect them, the vital skills needed to survive or know the rules are very quickly killed or starve. Also monkeys don't become sexually mature until at least 4yrs old, he is not even a juvenile yet he's still a baby. If Sovan had been left where he belonged wild and free, his life expectancy would of been anything upwards of 30 yrs, video monkeys life span is less than 6 to 18 months, where is it right in the 21st Century we allow this to continue these video channels and the use and abuse of any animal on media platforms need to be banned and we are the only ones who can demand the suffering stops.
@@dotty4654 I agree with you however they may have Many monkeys that can have different ages that nobody awre of and that why sovan goes after sovanny what u tube needs to do is stop paying for the vedeos that are abusive and shows torture and needs to have peta or animal walfare step in and take these babies away and arrest the human for the abusive and torture and neglect they put on these babies I agree they should stop
Не можешь с тремя справиться это что за хозяйка ты для чего взяла их устраивать бои без правил .Они уже при тебе чуть не делают тебе новых макашат, как будешь справляться.
That’s something I keep saying . One of these days these people who are abusing these monkeys are going to get a monkey and they are going to meet their match. God will not forget about anything they’ve done. I wish these monkeys knew how to throw some solid punches. They’re getting big so she shouldn’t have them much longer ? I hope 🤞🏼
Liberen estos animales Ya están en edad de reproducirse que sea libres Que sean felices que disfruten la naturaleza que lleven su vida como tienen que ser su camino. Animales salvajes encerrados quitándoles el derecho a la libertad . Manejando tristeza y estrés.
Sovan is about three or better. His hormones are raging within his adolescent body and Sovanny is about two, perhaps a little more. They both need to have babies.
원숭이는 조금 크면 정글로 가야하는데 집에서 키운 원숭이들이 적응을 제대로 멋하고 한동안 힘드니 일정나아가 되가전 미리 미리 야외로 데리고가서풀어주고 놀게하여서 적응이돠도록 원숭이가 커갈수록 다루기 힘든놈은 미리 미리 야생에서 살수있도록 자주 야외로 나가풀어주고 놀면서 적응시켜서 자연에 보낼수밖에
What in God's name is wrong with some people. Why would anyone put clothes on monkeys and treat them like humans. They belong in the forest. It's their nature.
похитительница держит их в клетке. Посмотрите,все окна и двери закрыты. Им не разрешант гулять во дворе. похитительница , как надзиратель. Макашат очень жаль.
They are all matured to live in zoo u must call the concern authority to take to zoo because to possess animal by individuals is illegal according to animal protection....
Gadaj babo gadaj, jak grochem o ścianę. To tylko głupie,dzikie małpy. Treserka się nie udała. Po co to brałaś do domu z dzikiej przyrody. Musi być naturalna selekcja, człowiek burzy porządek.
Lady pls leave this animals alone, let them go to the forest, where they belong... They will hurt you seriously one day .. they dont have the same brain with you, so stop wasting your time on them
Porqué eres tan absurda ??? Quítales ése chaleco estorboso que no los deja ni jugar, y si ellos te dejan tanto dinero porqué no les das mejor calidad de vida??? porqué no les adaptas cuerdas para que se puedan trepar y no estar como gendarme sólo vigilando o mejor aún ellos ya pueden subsistir en su hábitat déjalos libres están en tiempo de aparearce y eso es normal no siempre los tendrás bajo tu gusto de ¡¡¡ Déjala no hagas eso!!! Sé conciente
“Two kinds of people
those who are “righteous” and just are kind to their animals, and those who are “wicked” and are cruel to creatures under their care. “
Chính xác ❤️🌻
Is doing what is natural. !!!! They have instincts that should be satisfied but keeps locked in a room
Lady, way are you pretending not to know what’s going on here? Are you going to let that male just get more frustrated by the minute and abuse the two smaller ones because of his harmonies? Separate them and get him neutered or get him an appropriate aged mate. This is ABUSE!
Esse bicho tarado tem que ficar na floresta.
Animals not perverted, the woman sitting there pushing Sovanny away when she leaps on her for safety. Same ol abuse just covered up. You’re just too clever.
Has nothing to do with harmonies, she provokes every situation. He stopped attacking sovanny than she yells at him and stands both face to face and tells sovanny to hug sovanny who keeps pulling her hand away and the woman does not stop until he goes into attack mode again
yet again someone judges animals by human standards
this animal is showing all the signs of FLS. thet are locked in that damn or then put back in their cages. They get virtually no sunlight or significant exercise. THEY HAVE NO MENTAL OR EMOTIONAL STIMULATION! Whether or not you like it,
we are all primates and I doubt we could cope with what these little guys are going through. Don't project. Save your ire for the horrible monetizers who kidnap and I'll treat these animals. They are the true animals in this little video...
Uiuuuu 😂
They don't have any equipment or toys to occupy themselves with. Do they get a nourishing meal? The woman has favourites. No wonder Sovanny is going mental 😮😮
É um pecado o que essa mulher faz com estes macacos.
No começo eles ficavam dopados diante das câmeras, dormindo sentados , porque eram obrigados a ficar ali maltratados, com fome diante da comida, e ela brigando o tempo todo com eles.
Agora instiga eles para brigar.
Estão passando fome, olha a magreza destes macacos, Sovanny nem força tem pra enfrentar Sovan.
Creio q se continuar assim, Sovanny não vai viver por muito tempo.
Se fosse aqui no Brasil ela e seus ajudantes passaria cinco anos na prisão por maus tratos com os animais e perderia o direito sobre os animais.
Espero em Deus, justiça em favor destes animais.
Lis veo jugando no peleando
Hai ragione questi ho visto dei video fanno schifo , nn so pensare cosa faranno lontane dalle telecamere a questi poveri animali ,in Italia nn si possono neanche tenere le scimmie, ma se maltratti animali sono guai, questi governi orientali rappresentano e sono quello che gli orientali sono: freddi distaccati e insensibili, ,e' pieno il loro paese di queste situazioni ma pare che sia permesso tutto evidentemente.....
Всё это Вы для чего написали я на Вашем языке не понимаю, если только поняла на испанском что ли. Пишите на русском у Вас ведь есть переводчик если он читать умеет то и переводить может.А всякую тарабаршину Я не понимаю.
Ваши бои без правил смотреть тошно, где у Вас общество по защите животных и куда они смотрят.
Parole di giustizia le tue .
Speriamo DIO le ascolti!
Where are the beds and toys for them to play with, looks like the are locked up in a room with nothing to do. They need more than that.
Тюрьма с гормонами
That’s why they fight, they have absolutely nothing to play with. So they fight one another.
А где 4 макака?
They have beds and toys. Watch all the videos, not one or two. She’s been on UA-cam for a long time and has older monkeys as well. She doesn’t just toss them when they are no longer babies.
This lady should be confined to the forest with monkeys for life. She acts like she doesn't see some of the naughty things the boy is doing.She just don't CARE.
Szegény kis Sovanny még mindig sovány, kicsi és fejletlen.
Oh poor vanny poor vanny she is a damn greedy bratty there's no poor vanny she neede😊d to be beat like van was then maby she would have not turned in to the spoiled greedy brstt she is
đói làm sao mờ mập nổi
The baby monkey is the only one trying to help the girl. Poor thing is trying to hide behind the woman and she's basically making them fight.
Esses pobres macaquinhos são lindos e precisam viver a vida deles no seu habitat natural, ela não pode ficar com essa quantidade de animais para cuidar,devolva os a natureza deles e cuide de você mesma,vocês todos merecem ser felizes😊 🎉
Les recomiendo monki kaka para que vean cómo tratan a esa monita la tratan como a un humano y le dan mucho cariño
Coincido!! Kaka y su familia son un amor... también a monki BIBI ❤
@Santa , yo veo esos videos de KAKA , y jamas grita ,por la razón, de que esta muy bien alimentada y tratada y hay personas muy malas ,que dicen que le quitaron las cuerdas vocales , por el simple hecho de que no grita
Есть ещё PUPU и PUKA,очаровательные ,умные и очень воспитанные обезьянки...
This woman is beyond sick.
Она садистка
There is no stimulation in this room,no toys no nurturing
oh, there is stimulation in the room.....sexual stimulation. These monkeys are NOT children....they are wild animals and are doing just what their instincts tell them to do.....these animals should not be locked up...they should be out in the wild.
No le encuentro ninguna gracia tener a esos animales y humanizarlos, deben estar en su hábitat no van a dejar de ser amimales
Why is she just looking at them. This is so rough to the other monkeys. She is very incapable to take of too many of them.
Какие бои самец на самку прыгает. Ему хочется но не может памперс мешает. Больные людишки.
Нелепо смотрится большая обезьяна в памперсе
There not pets there wild animals that shud be in the wild living with their families not in a house dressed up like dolly's ridiculous and cruel 😡😡😡😡
This is heartbreaking! Cruelty to animals!
. This woman treats these little monkeys badly and stupidly. What he does to them is animal cruelty.
Esta mulher tem que ser Denunciada.
Was wirst Du dann anklicken? Kindesmissbrauch? (...)
Lá na Indonésia isso é comum eles ser criados assim
I like the small one it's just as rough as the big ones 😂😂
Молодцы девчонки, наподдали этому молодому насильнику . 😅
Time for him to go to vet and be fixed...
He is not even sexually mature yet 😂 And it has NOTHING to do with sex either. That's only in your dirty mind
AGREE 110%
They look silly in those,clothes
They're ready to mate. They're already teens in monkey years.
Что вы их жалеете? Посмотрите
видио ,как они в природе живут,как они дерутся,голодные.
За кусок еды порвать готовы.
Не дай Бог их иметь в доме. Дай им волю,они такой хаос наведут.
I think that woman enjoying it else she would stop it
Что вы сидите смотрите на то, как старший просто разрывает младших, он реально кусает их.это не игра. Зачем вы издеваетесь над животными. Выведите на волю, пусть бегают. Что за тюрьма, безобразие. Неужели у вас нет закона о защите животных.
Der Staat müsste es verbieten! Dann wäre es strafbar.
You know it’s his mating time. They are too old for you to play house with. Turn them out to the forest. AND STOP HOLDING THAT STUPID YOUNG ONE ALL THE TIME😡😡😡
I agree with that they are wild animals monkeys not pets and he is getting agressive and even harder to handle to be with his own kind back in the forest and they both should be returned to the forest
Phải đó,🌻 nên cho chúng về với thiên nhiên của chúng, chứ có tiền, đâu mờ xuể,cho nó ăn thì keo kiệt có quả trứng chẳng dính răng , đã vậy còn mò như ma 🌚 mò
This lady never ever smiles, always yelling at them.
And so it begins puberty is about to hit get him fixed quick
No, you can't be serious. Denying nature is the worst kind of abuse. Release these animals to the bush. If you keep them they will turn on you and injure you badly. In 2009 there was a lady who wa got her face mauled by a chimpanzee pet.
Que tristeza por maltratar a es pobrecitos le dan dinero Ojalá alguien hiciera justicia metan presa por muchos años
Забавные обезьянки, интересно за ними наблюдать. Это еще маленькие, они еще будут расти?
Sovan is far too intelligent to waste his days locked in a room with the likes of these people.
Sovan 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🐴🐴
It’s time to get rid of the male period. Too aggressive!
Diese Frau braucht dringend Hilfe
It is time to leave Sovan in the wild. Poor Sovanny. She doesn't get help from Mom also.
All of them need to go yo the forest!!!!
Out of control, the older ones need to go to the wild
I dnt like how this lady dose with the monkeys not a good baby'setter 🐒
Esta mujer es una sadica disfruta viendo esto.
Bad! You don't know how to handle those monkeys! Crazy woman!
Just sits there
Quem dá dinheiro a esta mulher para tratar mal os animais,um tratava ela mal quanto agora 3 só a cara vê-se logo o que é.pobres animais
Totally agree with you.
Ho già fatto la segnalazione
@@francesca5409 Ändern wird sich nichts
He’s not trying to mate with her. He’s establishing dominance. That’s what they do in the wild. It’s not sex people. But he is is bad as hell and she should not let him attack the smaller ones.
Они должны жить на воле,там они живут в свое удовольствие Зачем им помперсы)))
Они как утки,пожрут и сразу срать😮😮😮
Потомучто лёгкие деньги на них делают
Это легкие деньги? Не дай Бог никому!@@ritakodzhakova6905
I hope they escape. This is no life.
Почему ты их держишь постоянно в пустой комнате без игрушек, ы не выходишь с ними на улицу,это про то издевательство над животными,зачем ты их брмла,ты хочешь к ним притронутся они вжимаются в зе лю,ты их бьешь,отвези их пожалуйста в лес,не мучий ты их,сколько можно им страдать не будь жестокой
Макашата боятся похитителей, которые их украли у матери. в глазах испуг. они по природе своей должен держаться за маму. Совсем ещё малы.По этому дайте ему хотя бы мягкую игрушку обнять. Очень жалко малыша. Он попал не в добрые руки.
Он сам себя успокаивает из-за стресса, связанного с жизнью в качестве домашнего животного. Он потерял свою мать и круглосуточную любовь, комфорт и физическое внимание, которые она могла бы ему уделять. Вот почему два мальчика также цепляются друг за друга.
Stop it woman !!!! You let them be aggressive with each other’s
What's wrong with that woman just sitting there doing nothing demon 😈
Ngồi chơi mà kiếm được tiền. Đó là nghệ thuật
She knows exactly what sovan is doing but it brings in money so would him actually mating and producing a baby. Come on this is the ringmaster of abusers
This is bullshit. It's nothing sexual. It is dominance behavior
@@monikaluck4030 really no its not dominance you obviously know nothing about mating rituals of monkeys
Put sovanny sovan old video of their babyhood by the name baby sovan. I remember your old videos were very cute, sovanny was bful child. In wild they get discipline by monkey mom
Here u discipline them
Poor sovanicuty
Pobrecita Sovanny 😢
Not poor Sovanny 🙄👎
I like the way the small kid is fighting the big one to defend his sister
These are not children.
Esta es una tantas que torturan esos pobres animalitos.😢😢
Yup definitely an abuser here 😢 👩
Sad 😢
이여자는. 애들싸움을 하게하고 악을쓰고 이데로. 두고봐야하나요 때리고 밥도 주지않고 정부에서. 가만두지마세요 애들이 불쌍합니딘 싸우고 하는데 구경하고 있어요 여진 옆으로 다가올때는 악을쓰고 불쌍합니다 원숭이들이 먹지못해서 뼈만있어요
Fun and run play nice
Да им тоже хочется имтемни отнашения, незнаю. Они голодни. Вы так денги Зарабаьивайти. Толка овощи дейети, яйца. Незнаю нормално их не кормити
It time that sovan goes to the forest he wants to mate and sovanny is the only one around his age please please let him go he a male and he stronger than you think and will start attacking to get to sovanny where is peta or animal walfare to hey need to step to get sovan into the the forest so he can have a mate
These animals live there entire lives in a family Troop they live by a strict hierarchy which these video monkeys have no understanding of, so to dump any video monkey back in a Forest without a Troop to protect them, the vital skills needed to survive or know the rules are very quickly killed or starve.
Also monkeys don't become sexually mature until at least 4yrs old, he is not even a juvenile yet he's still a baby.
If Sovan had been left where he belonged wild and free, his life expectancy would of been anything upwards of 30 yrs, video monkeys life span is less than 6 to 18 months, where is it right in the 21st Century we allow this to continue these video channels and the use and abuse of any animal on media platforms need to be banned and we are the only ones who can demand the suffering stops.
Soon or later she will damp them to the forst
@@dotty4654 I agree with you however they may have Many monkeys that can have different ages that nobody awre of and that why sovan goes after sovanny what u tube needs to do is stop paying for the vedeos that are abusive and shows torture and needs to have peta or animal walfare step in and take these babies away and arrest the human for the abusive and torture and neglect they put on these babies I agree they should stop
Not true, these people started all this from the start in my opinion
Încă nu am văzut asa ceva pe iutub chear dacă este animal
Why are you doing this to that poor little baby and you are being so very mean to it.
Не можешь с тремя справиться это что за хозяйка ты для чего взяла их устраивать бои без правил .Они уже при тебе чуть не делают тебе новых макашат, как будешь справляться.
А вы что вдруг так озаботились. Вам интереснее смотреть когда они вокруг тарелки кружком сидят.
Я вообще то не Вам писала, то и нечего приплясывать .Смотрю слишком умная.Будешь ещё раз отвечать на мои комментарии отправлю сама догадается куда .
@@СолисяЯрметова Мне показалось что вы более-менее адекватная. Но я ошиблась, так бывает. Вам туда👉🤯🏥.
Вы когда домашние дела делаете только с обез.как не хорошо
That’s something I keep saying . One of these days these people who are abusing these monkeys are going to get a monkey and they are going to meet their match. God will not forget about anything they’ve done. I wish these monkeys knew how to throw some solid punches. They’re getting big so she shouldn’t have them much longer ? I hope 🤞🏼
He’s trying to make the next baby you’ll torture
No. You should research monkey behavior
@@monikaluck4030 And you should research “a joke”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You are Wright 🤣🤣
No entiendo está mujer por qué no deja ésos animales donde deben estar
💰 Same with all the monkey videos.
Liberen estos animales
Ya están en edad de reproducirse que sea libres
Que sean felices que disfruten la naturaleza que lleven su vida como tienen que ser su camino.
Animales salvajes encerrados quitándoles el derecho a la libertad .
Manejando tristeza y estrés.
Sovan is about three or better. His hormones are raging within his adolescent body and Sovanny is about two, perhaps a little more. They both need to have babies.
원숭이는 조금 크면 정글로 가야하는데 집에서 키운 원숭이들이 적응을 제대로 멋하고 한동안 힘드니 일정나아가 되가전 미리 미리 야외로 데리고가서풀어주고 놀게하여서 적응이돠도록 원숭이가 커갈수록 다루기 힘든놈은 미리 미리 야생에서 살수있도록 자주 야외로 나가풀어주고 놀면서 적응시켜서 자연에 보낼수밖에
Ensina eles a serem carinho. Você seta e fica instigando eles a morderem sovan e sovany jula é muito birrenta.
Son muy mal educados agresivos y sumamente peligrosos y la señora permite estos actis de violencia.
Those floors Are looking shiny and good. I clean for a living. They are so cute I love looking at these little guys and girls.
Its not so much mating but dominant they are building a pecking order
What in God's name is wrong with some people. Why would anyone put clothes on monkeys and treat them like humans. They belong in the forest. It's their nature.
separate these two now. He doesn't need to be around little girls.
Макашата её боятся. в глазах испуг.
похитительница держит их в клетке. Посмотрите,все окна и двери закрыты. Им не разрешант гулять во дворе. похитительница , как надзиратель. Макашат очень жаль.
Большой созрел для продолжения своего рода. Агресивный. В лес пора. Иначе маленькие от него пострадают😢😢😢😢😢
Они хотят в свою природную среду обитания, а не быть рабами в заточении😲😡😱🙉🙈😠
They are all matured to live in zoo u must call the concern authority to take to zoo because to possess animal by individuals is illegal according to animal protection....
They Are soo stress and nervous to stay all time in room. It s cause they can t make some baby. Them their relation chip.
Gadaj babo gadaj, jak grochem o ścianę. To tylko głupie,dzikie małpy. Treserka się nie udała. Po co to brałaś do domu z dzikiej przyrody. Musi być naturalna selekcja, człowiek burzy porządek.
They need freedom...take to them to the forest....gradually..... they have normal behavior for monkeys....
Нужен закон о защите диких животных, зачем отнимают их у родителей,все чтобы зарабатывать лайки,а о животных живущих в неволе никто не противится
Наряжают их как елку, а держат голодными.Зачем брать,ради денег?
Здесь на сьемку она надела подгузники, а в своих клетках они голые и безобразничают как хотят
Diese armen Tiere. Was wird ihnen angetan.
El mono terminará apareandose con la mujer, pues ya está listo!! 😮😮😮
Está. Benção é minha amem 🙏🙏❤ Amém gratidão 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lady pls leave this animals alone, let them go to the forest, where they belong... They will hurt you seriously one day .. they dont have the same brain with you, so stop wasting your time on them
이여자는 밥도 주지 아않고 하는데 3마리나 키울까요 음식 줄때 못봤어요 불쌍한 애들 하루종실 먹었도 배가 고플텐데 밥많이 주고 사랑으로 키우세요 사람도 배가 고프고 하는데 과일. 많이 사서 주세요 바바나 포도 싸잖아요
Porqué eres tan absurda ??? Quítales ése chaleco estorboso que no los deja ni jugar, y si ellos te dejan tanto dinero porqué no les das mejor calidad de vida??? porqué no les adaptas cuerdas para que se puedan trepar y no estar como gendarme sólo vigilando o mejor aún ellos ya pueden subsistir en su hábitat déjalos libres están en tiempo de aparearce y eso es normal no siempre los tendrás bajo tu gusto de ¡¡¡ Déjala no hagas eso!!! Sé conciente
Por favor señora no la tenga sin pampers
(“Незаконно удерживаемые заключенные
В спортзал их надо,чтобы сбросить свою энергию.
Monkey prison .....
There not playing. There so abused and they start fighting each other. The owner just sit there and watch.
Ужасная хозяйка!
А некоторые тут жалеют её! Такие же жестокие, как и она!
Avec 2 c'était compliqué alors 3 ingérable.
Doamna ,dar chiar nu puteti sa i despartiti?Ii puneti pe cei mici in alta parte!
Почему у этой садистки не отобрали. макашат, она же их не кормит, Большенький макашонок, тащит маленького макашонка, от боли скулит, бедные, макашата.